
AlanBellonboard scanning mode works08:01
AlanBell^^ typed with onboard scanning mode and pressed enter at end of the line08:01
=== API is now known as apinheiro
PendulumAlanBell: back when you were checking such things did you ever get Simon Listens working on Ubuntu?12:57
AlanBellyes I did and it is great12:58
AlanBellI don't know if the issue with getting it packaged in debian was ever resolved12:59
Pendulumthe Kubuntu folks are checking into that IIRC12:59
AlanBellgreat, it is a Qt application so would fit better in Kubuntu13:00
AlanBellalthough most of the time you don't need the user interface13:00
PendulumI've just hit the point where I'm going to have to use voice recognition more (even onscreen keyboards are becoming problematic) and to upgrade my Mac software to something that would work on this machine now is $18013:02
Pendulumso I might as well try Simon Listens before paying money for the solution that I know "just works"13:04
AlanBellit is voice control rather than voice recognition13:11
Pendulumokay, that's what I thought13:16
Pendulumbut maybe it'll at least help some13:16
Pendulum(plus I really should test it since I'm in their target market ;-) )13:16
PendulumI hate all voice control and voice recognition programs anyway13:16
freglPendulum: feedback about simon would be very appreciated by the author. and initially the UI is beyond horrible :p14:46
fregland hopefully kubuntu people will package it indeed14:46
apinheirofregl, about that, there are some distro planning to include simon at some moment?15:01
freglapinheiro: kubuntu will package it. I'm not aware of any others. but it should be possible to get distros to pick it up I guess.15:14
apinheirofregl, well, I don't know too much about kubuntu, how they usually release? they are synched with "normal" ubuntu releases? they made a release X weeks after the "normal" release?15:15
freglthey release in sync. that doesn't prevent anyone from adding a package though. I don't think simon is going to be shipped on any cd by default though.15:17
Pendulumapinheiro: if it gets packaged for kubuntu, it should end up in the normal repos for Ubuntu as well15:39
apinheirofregl, Pendulum ok thanks15:39
freglthat would be horrible if they maintained everything twice in different repos15:43
freglPendulum: I didn't test, but the simon author has a ppa:grasch-simon-listens/simon16:01
Pendulumfregl: I'll check it out later16:02
freglit's natty only for now I think16:05
AlanBelldebian bug 59651116:22
ubot2Debian bug 596511 in wnpp "RFP: simon -- Open source speech recognition" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59651116:22
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/ UK LoCo team christmas meal at Dans Le Noir :)22:49
valoriecool, AlanBell23:48
AlanBellit should be good, it is rather expensive though, hope that doesn't put off too many people23:54

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