
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm
=== ericm is now known as ericm-Zzz
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm-afk
=== ericm-afk is now known as ericm
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
brendandall of a sudden i'm having problems with my pandaboard. keep getting dropped to a busybox saying it can't find root device14:14
ogra_when did that start ? did you change anything in your boot configuration ?14:14
=== chuck__ is now known as zul
shadeslayerlilstevie: any progress on the B70 and B80? :)15:59
brendandogra_ - sorry for the way late reply. i'm using the released desktop image, started around Oneiric release time16:40
brendandogra_ - i'll have to try with a Natty image and see if it's specific to the Oneiric image16:41
brendandogra_ - i just hope my hardware isn't borked16:41
GrueMasterbrendand: have you looked at the SD card on a different system to see if the root partition is still there and the uuid matches with the one in boot.script?16:43
brendandGrueMaster - /dev/mmcblk0p2 shows up fine on my laptop16:44
GrueMasterbrendand: Make sure the uuid matches.  What does it say when it dumps you to busybox?16:45
ogra_check the uuid and compare to the one in boot.script, as GrueMaster said16:46
loologra_: around?23:32

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