
YoBoYgood morning06:31
CheeseheadThe EMEA Membership board is meeting at 2000 UTC today (five hours from now) in #ubuntu-meeting. Anyone who wants to support (or oppsose) my Ubuntu Membership application is welcome!15:09
jrgiffordCheesehead: i'll be there.15:14
jrgiffordto support you of course. :P15:14
Cheeseheadjrgifford: Thank you!16:53
akgranerok so I thought about all the confusion this team name was causing18:37
akgranerso here's an idea18:37
akgranersince anyone can start a project let's just make this a project the L.E.A.D. Project - Leadership Education Appreciation Development Project18:38
akgranerthis way we're a project, we aren't a competing team and we cover all the basis concerning leadership etc and we have at least 2 CC members working with the project18:39
akgranerThink about it - and let's get this name thing fixed then go from there - the mission statement is "to be a resource to help mentor leaders within the Ubuntu community" and we can define some more concise goals  thoughts18:41
akgranerI didn't mean "is" as I decided  - I meant is as in what I am thinking aloud...but you all let me know what you think - I'd like to get this taken care of as soon as possible18:42
akgranerthe Vancouver team now has the LoCo leadership handbook - they'll get in mallard and gets some version control in place then once it's formatted we will review it and send it to the LC, CC and Jono.18:43
akgranerUbuntu Community Appreciation Day is gaining traction so that's a good think  - also if you tweet or dent a thank you please tag it with #thxubuntu18:44
akgranerin one of the sessions at UDS I believe someone is going to start tracking that hashtag18:45
bkerensaakgraner: You forgot one thing in News :P18:58
akgranerWhat was that?18:59
akgranerwe have next week to cover it again :-)  but was there something else?18:59
bkerensaResults from RMB19:00
akgranerwhen did it go out19:00
bkerensaUhh I think yesterday or the day before19:00
bkerensaidk I saw you got cc'ed19:00
akgranerif after the 6th then it's in the next issue19:00
bkerensawell Ubuntu News got cc'ed19:00
bkerensaoh :P19:00
bkerensaakgraner: Any plans for us to print the manual were working on19:01
bkerensaperhaps even a limited amount?19:01
akgranerbkerensa, we need to get it tweaked first and vancouver certainly knows what they are doing there19:01
akgranerit will be in a format that can be printed easily enough if someone wants to cover the cost19:01
akgranerbut let's get it in the right format then go from there19:02
akgranerI've already been asked when it will be ready to translate19:02
akgranerso one step at a time19:03
bkerensaakgraner: But its not even complete yet atleast it wasnt when I checked it last week?19:03
akgraner:-) but it is exciting19:03
akgranerbkerensa, there is no way we can include everything19:03
bkerensaakgraner: True19:03
akgranerit was meant to be an overview that teams can tweak19:03
akgranerif we make it too big then people with limited bandwidth can't downlaod it19:04
akgranerso I kept in a manageable size19:04
bkerensaYeah :D19:05
akgraneronce Randall reviews it - he'll let us know what he thinks still needs some work then we can collaborate with him to get the rest of it worked out19:05
bkerensawell looks like work on 12.04 documentation is going to get underway soon19:05
akgranerwe're already working on edition 7 so I am sure the docs stuff is being worked on too19:06
akgranerbkerensa, I'll get you some interview questions next week19:20
akgranerI'm setting up a new website and trying to get ustream to work right now and well ustream is NOT playing nice19:21
akgranerwell flash is not playing nice I should say19:21
SilverLionhey there19:22
akgranerhey  :-) I am going to scream I need to be able to check one little box so I can record and for some reason I can19:24
akgranercan't even19:24
akgranerso not in a good mood19:24
* bkerensa is setting up his CRM which SugarCRM sponsored19:26
CheeseheadThanks again tho everyone who showed up for my Ubuntu membership application!20:29
DarwinSurvivorno problem Cheesehead, congratulations again on getting in20:30
jrgiffordcongrats Cheesehead!!20:34
pleia2congrats Cheesehead :)21:01
philipballewCheesehead, congrats21:29
philipballewhow's ubuntu leadership team doing this week Cheesehead21:32
akgranerok so I think we need to re-name it to be a project21:35
akgranerLEAD - Leadership Education Appreciation Development or something like that21:36
akgranerthat way no one confuses us with teams and we become a true resource project21:36
akgranerthat was the biggest issue people had at UDS with us being a team - so in my mind it's an easy fix21:37
akgranerbut you all think about it21:37
philipballewwe could put it up to a vote21:37
akgranerand think of a better acronym too :-)21:37
akgranerwell the name will have to change21:38
akgranerno question about that21:38
* philipballew agrees with akgraner 21:38
akgranerbut if we call it a project we'll get more support in the long run as well21:38
akgranerlet's shot for getting that done by the end of next week - so we can move past this and get on to other things21:39
akgranershoot even21:39
philipballewIf i am going to be giving leadership advise here I am going to need to be able to say its name and feel good about it21:39
philipballewi can email the list21:39
akgranerI'll email the list and summarize the concerns etc21:39
akgranerjust give me a day to get it all together21:39
philipballewI can do it today if you are busy easily21:40
akgranerphilipballew, can you compose it in a googledoc - I just want to make sure everything that needs to get mentioned does21:40
akgranerwould you mind letting me read through it and add to it (if necessary)21:41
akgraneryou can send it - there are just some wording that needs to be included21:41
philipballewI can do that if you would like. That would not be a problem. what exactly would you like in there?21:41
philipballewthats not in the channel log here?21:42
akgranerWon't know until I see your draft :-)  Take a stab - I probably won't have to change anything but want to make sure we cover all our bases in order to get maximum support from other teams etc21:45
philipballewalright. I will do it in about 30 minutes probably. if not, then this evening21:46
akgranerThank you soooo much!21:46
philipballewits my pleasure21:48

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