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mahmohfyi: ARM Team meeting was supposed to be one hour earlier, time change messed things up16:13
ogra_what means eralier ? its 15:00 UTC time didnt change, your country did ;)16:16
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
SwitchDKHi pedro_17:02
pedro_ok lets start with the BugSquad Monthly meeting!17:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov 10 17:03:17 2011 UTC.  The chair is pedro_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:03
pedro_As always the agenda is available at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting17:04
pedro_lets review the action items from previous meeting17:04
pedro_bdmurray to create spec for UDS P regarding mentorship program: DONE17:04
pedro_spec is there ^17:04
pedro_and you can read the notes from the discussion on the notes section17:04
pedro_we discussed the mentoring program during UDS17:05
pedro_and as you can see there there's a few actions that we need to do17:05
pedro_so first point, the bugsquad-mentorship group alpha is going to be closed17:06
pedro_we haven't seen a lot of work on that team (almost nothing) so we prefer to close it and start doing other tasks in order to grab more contributors17:07
pedro_some ideas that were raised in order to have more people contributing to our team:17:07
pedro_create videos with easy tasks like: how to confirm a bug17:07
pedro_bdmurray, is going to start to create some of those videos but we also need your help17:08
pedro_so please keep tune for the call for help on that subject17:08
SwitchDKI would be happy to help with "verifying" whether it works for new BugSquad members (being rather new myself)17:09
pedro_other idea that was raised : Start doing workshops on parts of the bug triaging process17:09
pedro_with things like: how to search for duplicates, send bugs upstream ,etc ,etc17:10
pedro_of course we're going to need some teachers to help ;-)17:10
pedro_SwitchDK, that'd be great, thanks :-)17:10
pedro_and we have some actions to everybody on the BugSquad17:11
pedro_We noticed that new contributors tend to ask questions in private , that's ok but we'd like to encourage those to also do it on the public IRC Channel17:11
pedro_there's nothing wrong on asking in #ubuntu-bugs, in fact that's the perfect place for questions related to bugs17:12
pedro_and remember that there's no dumb questions :-)17:13
SwitchDKShould we update the wiki pages to reflect all mentoring is done through the IRC Channel?17:14
SwitchDKand there is no official mentor/mentee structure?17:14
pedro_SwitchDK, yes, that's something we need to update17:14
SwitchDKi can do that17:14
pedro_SwitchDK, that'd be amazing! thanks for helping17:14
SwitchDKyou are welcome17:14
SwitchDKwhen should it be done by?17:15
pedro_We also need to start collecting 'easy tasks' for beginners so that's something we are going to start asking on the mailing list17:15
pedro_SwitchDK, no rush, by the end of the weekend i think is fine17:16
SwitchDKpedro_, ok no problem, i will get it sorted17:16
pedro_i guess that's more or less everything from the blueprint17:16
hggdhpedro_: popey also offered to create/help create short videos17:16
pedro_notes are there in the blueprint itself and in etherpad17:16
popeyI did!17:17
pedro_hggdh, \o/! awesome the more contributors the better :-)17:17
pedro_popey, thank you so much :-)17:17
hggdhpedro_: and super-popey knows :-)17:17
pedro_oh yeah17:17
popeyjust ping me with what you need, sorry, only popped in because of nickname hilight17:17
pedro_hggdh, anything else from your side re the blueprint?17:17
hggdhpedro_: no. I am to send a note to all regarding the mentorship closure, and this was it, mostly (given popey coming up)17:18
pedro_there was also a discussion of the Community team regarding Bugs but i wasn't able to attend17:18
hggdh(and all you already highlighted)17:18
pedro_hggdh, were you there?17:18
hggdhI was there, yes17:18
pedro_hggdh, any highlights to share?17:19
hggdhwe hammered a bit more on the difference between a bug and an user's problem17:19
hggdhthe biggest point is users usually do not have bugs, but problems/issues17:19
hggdhso sites like askubuntu, answers, fora, etc should be the first access17:20
hggdhand we would then (magically) promote some to bugs17:20
hggdhadditionally -- I proposed harvesting the bugs with workarounds, and publishing them on askubuntu (or somewhere else)17:21
hggdhI think I also got this action, somewhere17:21
hggdhthe whole thing is to make it easier for causual users to find answers for their issues17:21
pedro_https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-bug-involvement <- that's the blueprint hggdh is talking about17:22
hggdhhell. s/causual/casual/17:22
pedro_hggdh, thanks !17:22
pedro_ok anybody else, any highlight from UDS you'd like to share?17:22
hggdhyw. We will need to formalise a bit on how we mine workarounds, and translation17:23
pedro_one of the things that are going to land soon and it looks amazing is the new testing tracker17:23
pedro_i know some of you guys also contribute to the testing team so if you're interesting have a look to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-iso-tracker17:24
pedro_it looks really great17:24
SwitchDKhggdh, could you please let me know before you sent an email to the ML about mentorship closure. It would be great that you in the same email could mention that the wiki has been updated17:24
pedro_like no more creating of multiple accounts, you'll be able to login with your lp id *sweet*17:24
hggdhSwitchDK: certainly17:25
hggdhand being able to look at previous results17:25
SwitchDKis the testing tracker only for QA teams?17:26
SwitchDKi don't know what a testing tracker is, sorry for my ignorance17:26
pedro_and its going to warn you with an email when a rebuild is going on, so you don't waste time testing something17:26
hggdhthe testing tracker is, pretty much, a point where the formal tests are described/worked on; anybody can participate. Proposing new tests is still to be discussed, but I would expect something like emailing the ubuntu-qa ML, and working out gain/pain, and feasibility17:28
pedro_http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ <- testing tracker17:28
SwitchDKah, thanks pedro_ (the penny finally dropped)17:28
hggdh(the old one, the new one is still being built)17:28
pedro_Anything else ? any other highlight?17:29
pedro_or questions?17:29
hggdhone more17:29
hggdher, \o17:29
* pedro_ pass the mic to hggdh17:29
hggdhthanks. I was gladly surprised on the community bugs session -- much more people than I expected, and most really interested. So, here goes a thank you for all that participated17:30
pedro_oh yes! there was a lot of people participating even remotely so thanks a lot :-)17:31
pedro_ok if there's no other comments/questions i think that's all for today17:31
* hggdh is done17:31
pedro_remember to stay tune for the call for help on videos/workshops17:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov 10 17:32:19 2011 UTC.17:32
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-10-17.03.moin.txt17:32
pedro_thanks all for participating!17:32
hggdhthank you pedro_17:32
SwitchDKthanks all17:32
marcusping highvoltage17:48
marcusis this the channel for the Ubuntu EMEA membership applicants meeting?17:54
highvoltagehi marcus , yes18:01
marcusah, ok ;)18:01
marcusi will be away at 20:30 utc. hope that fits.18:13
marcusah sorry, away till 20:30 not at18:34
highvoltageGood afternoon19:55
highvoltage(slash evening)19:55
mariotgood evening everyone!19:55
* stgraber waves19:56
stefano-palazzoEvening everyone :)19:57
OliEvening stefano19:57
* george_e waves too.19:57
marcoceppistefano-palazzo Oli rawr rawr rawr!19:58
highvoltageright, 2 minutes before we start, do we quorum for application reviews?19:58
* marcoceppi cheers19:58
* george_e cheers19:58
jrgiffordYAY GO Oli and stefano-palazzo!!!19:58
jrgiffordand Cheesehead!!19:58
htorqueditto: \o/ for oli and stefano ;-)19:59
jrgifford(i'm not too late am I?)19:59
highvoltageczajkowski: are you present?19:59
stefano-palazzojrgifford, you're right on time, I triple checked (:19:59
jrgiffordstefano-palazzo: YAY. :D19:59
highvoltagen0rman: ready?19:59
mariotready when you are20:00
n0rmanhighvoltage: ready20:00
highvoltageok, we're just waiting for one more person20:00
highvoltagepleia2: unless you have an hour to spare?20:01
highvoltageanyone want to chair or should I?20:03
czajkowskican you please20:03
highvoltageWelcome to this month's EMEA Regional Board Meeting.20:03
highvoltageCandidates will be able to present themselves one by one in order of the agenda on the wiki page.20:03
highvoltageOnly board members can vote.20:03
highvoltageIf you'd like to show your support for an applicant, please wait until it is their turn.20:03
highvoltageCandidates should prepare an introduction of 1-5 sentences and also have a prepared wiki page for their application.20:03
highvoltageIaian Farell emailed earlier to notify me that he won't be able to make it for this meeting, we'll review his application next month.20:04
czajkowskimariot: you're up first20:04
mariotHello World!20:04
highvoltagehi mariot, please tell us a little about yourself20:04
mariotI'm Mariot Tsitoara, the owner of Malagasy Translators Team20:04
mariotI'18 and I'm from Madagascar20:05
mariotI study computer science and I come from Madagascar.20:05
mariotI'm so happy to be there!20:06
highvoltagehave you done any work besides which is listed on your wiki page that you'd like to share with us?20:06
highvoltageWould you like to tell us about it?20:07
czajkowskimariot: is there anyone who can vouch for your work here today ?20:07
mariotI'm a bureau member of our Linux Club and I support Ubuntu in there20:08
* highvoltage has no further questions20:08
mariotThank you!20:08
czajkowskimariot: anyone here to vouch for your work ?20:09
highvoltageare we ready to vote? stgraber, czajkowski, n0rman: do you have any quesitons?20:09
mariotNone of my friends could be here tonight20:09
czajkowskihighvoltage: yup20:09
stgraberhighvoltage: yep20:09
stgraberas in, ready to vote :)20:09
highvoltagesorry I still need to get the hang of the new bot, so I'll manually make notes one last time20:09
highvoltageVOTE: mariot for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:10
czajkowski-1 mariot perhaps if you have more detail on your wiki page please come back but at present it's hard to judge.20:10
highvoltage+0 [ good translation work but I'd like to see more contributions or more translation co-ordination ]20:11
stgraber+0 [ Good activity on translations and answers but would like to see more documented contributions on the wiki page ]20:11
n0rman-1 same as czajkowski i think mariot needs to write more about all of his work20:11
highvoltageResult: -220:12
highvoltagemariot: sorry you didn't get it this time, you have what it takes, but we'd like to see a bit more from you20:12
mariotOk, I'll contribute more. Thanks for all!20:12
czajkowskimariot: thank you20:12
marcoceppiBest of luck mariot!20:12
highvoltagemariot: we'd like to see you apply again, feel free to contact us if you need some help or advice20:13
czajkowskiplease get some people to leave comments on your wiki page and come back20:13
highvoltageis toddy present?20:13
toddyThat's me. Hi erverybody.20:13
czajkowskitoddy: hi there20:13
toddyhi czajkowski20:13
highvoltagetoddy: hi! please tell us a bit about yourself20:14
toddyyes. tank you, highvoltage20:14
toddyMy name is Torsten and I am 34 years old. I use Ubuntu since 2006.20:15
toddyMy most avitivities for Ubuntu I make as a project leader of ubuntuusers.de.20:15
toddyIn addition, I participate actively in the German LoCo team at Linuxdays and other events.20:15
toddyIn this year I organzie the ubucon - the german conference of Ubuntu users.20:15
toddyMore about me you find on my page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TorstenFranz20:16
highvoltageAny questions for toddy?20:16
czajkowskitoddy: nice wiki page very detailed20:16
toddythank you, czajkowski20:16
czajkowskiyou've clearly been active, tell me what you love about Ubuntu and the community?20:16
stefano-palazzoI'd like to take this chance to thank you, toddy, for running a fantastic project. The site is a great showcase for what the ubuntu community is all about.20:16
toddythank you, stefano-palazzo20:17
n0rmannice testimonials too :)20:17
toddyUbuntu in not only a operation system fpr me, czajkowski - it is a life style. and this way of live I love20:17
czajkowskitoddy: :) ok20:18
czajkowskiI've no further questions20:18
highvoltageVOTE: toddy for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:18
highvoltage+1 [ great local Ubuntu advocacy and LoCo team involvement ]20:18
czajkowski+1 great work keep it up20:19
highvoltageResult: +420:19
czajkowskiwelcome toddy20:19
toddythank you.20:19
highvoltagetoddy: congratulations and welcome!20:19
n0rmanwelcome toddy  :)20:20
highvoltagemarcus notified us earlier that he can only be here from 20:30, so we'll move on for now.20:20
highvoltageCheesehead: are you present?20:20
CheeseheadHello. My name is Ian Weisser. I live in North America. I'm 41 years old, a non-IT professional. I have three lovely children, I own a violin store, and I teach an officership class at the local university to army cadets twice a week.20:20
CheeseheadI have been quite active in Brainstorm for three years. The wiki page says a lot about my contributions to the Bug Squad, Brainstorm, the LoCo, and the Leadership Team.20:20
marcusi am here ;)20:20
* Cheesehead stops 20:20
highvoltagethanks for the well-prepared intro, it saves some time :)20:21
Cheeseheadhighvoltage: Since marcus is here, would you like him first?20:21
marcusfor me it's ok. just go ahead ;)20:21
czajkowskilets carry on Cheesehead and we can go back to mariot20:22
* Cheesehead continues intro20:22
CheeseheadI have an awful sense of humor, and I say things like "I invited all my enemies, why didn't they show up to the membership meeting?" One of the things I love most about the Ubuntu community is their tolerance for my rather absurdist sense of humor.20:22
CheeseheadI brought a few friends today, DarwinSurvivor (Brainstorm), bigbash (LoCo), and jrgifford (Leadership Team)...(er, sorry if I missed someone - those names all scroll by so fast!)20:22
jrgiffordYAY Cheesehead! He's been awesome in #ubuntu-leadership20:22
highvoltageAny questions for cheesehead? If there's none we'll continue with voting.20:22
bigbashJust like to chime in and say Cheesehead has been very active and helpful to all in #ubuntu-us-wi20:23
bigbashespecially me20:23
* Cheesehead blushes20:23
czajkowskiCheesehead: how do you feel about loco teams and how they help promote ubuntu20:23
DarwinSurvivoro/ will vouch for Cheesehead's amazing work on brainstorm, both with the site and new reviewers/mods20:23
czajkowskiI see you're involved with your loco team20:23
highvoltageVOTE: Cheesehead for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:24
h00kHi from Wisconsin, I'm the LoCo contact.20:24
stgraber+1 [ thanks so much for the help with Brainstorm ! ]20:24
highvoltage+1 [ work on brainstorm and loco team involvement ]20:24
highvoltageResult: +420:25
highvoltageCheesehead: congratulations and welcome!20:25
CheeseheadThanks everybody!20:25
* h00k high-fives Cheesehead 20:25
highvoltageOli: your turn :)20:25
* DarwinSurvivor congrats Cheesehead!20:25
czajkowskihighvoltage: marcus ?20:25
marcoceppiOli WOOOOOO!20:25
jrgiffordcongrats Cheesehead!!20:25
george_eYeah Oli!!! Wooooooooooooooo!20:25
marcusjup, i am here20:25
jrgiffordHurray for Oli!!20:25
jrgiffordhe's awesome. :P20:26
marcusshould i give a short introduction, too?20:26
marcoceppiOh, it's marcus's turn20:26
highvoltagemarcus: after Oli20:26
* george_e sits back down.20:26
* marcoceppi retracts woooooooooo20:26
* george_e stands back up.20:26
* marcoceppi reretracts woooooooooo20:26
* jrgifford remained standing20:26
OliHi all, I'm Oli - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Oli - I'm a 27 year old web developer from Norfolk, UK and I'm an Ask Ubuntu moderator.20:26
czajkowskiOli: nice testimoals20:26
OliI've been using Ubuntu somewhere between three and five years and I've been trying to help others with it for almost as long.20:27
OliThe vast majority of my contribution to date has been over the last year on Ask Ubuntu where I've been trying to help as many people as possible My wiki page has some aggregate statistics. As I've mentioned, I now also help out there by moderating the site and dealing with our community's issues alongside marcoceppi and stefano-palazzo.20:27
OliAnd although it's probably not pertinent to the process, I have a cold. That is all.20:27
OliThanks czajkowski.20:27
highvoltageOli: your page says you're often an outspoken frustrated ubuntu user. If you could change any one thing in Ubuntu by just snapping your fingers and making it so, what would that be?20:27
czajkowskiOli: what would you like to achieve in the Ubuntu community ?20:28
Olihighvoltage: That I wouldn't have to wrestle with various "shells" (Unity/fallback/etc) just to make things how I like. Current configuration (or lack thereof) in Unity is killing me.20:29
jrgiffordOli: hence why you hang out in #ubuntu-power-users a lot? :P20:29
stefano-palazzoOli has been outstanding on Ask Ubuntu, his stats are just immense.20:29
Oliczajkowski: I'd like to carve out a proper place for our users on Ask Ubuntu, working with the other moderators and other communities. I think we have a real asset sitting there where people can get help - if they know about it.20:30
highvoltagegreat. any other questions for Oli?20:30
czajkowskiOli: so how can we better achieve that ? what can we do encouarge that ?20:30
Oliczajkowski: Well we're quite new so continuing what we're doing to see if it works. Promoting through locos. We just made it onto the official support page so we're in exciting times :)20:31
czajkowskiOli: ok20:31
* marcoceppi +1 of Oli20:32
* jrgifford echos marcoceppi.20:32
* marcoceppi s/of/for/20:32
* george_e agrees.20:32
czajkowskiI've no further questions20:32
OliAs you can see, we have a great community :)20:32
highvoltageok, it is timeVOTE: Oli for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:32
czajkowski+1 keep up the great work20:32
highvoltage+1 [ great work and testimonials for work done on askubuntu.com an loud cheerleaders ]20:32
jrgiffordOli: as they can't see, you secretly blackmailed us to show up here. ;D (jk)20:32
highvoltageResult: +420:33
highvoltageOli: congratulations and welcome!20:33
OliThank you!20:33
jrgiffordYAY CONGRATS Oli!!20:33
htorquecheerleading ftw! \o/20:33
stefano-palazzofantastic :)20:33
highvoltagemarcus: ready?20:33
marcusas always ;)20:33
marcusmy name is marcus moeller. i am the loco contact of the swiss loco team, and have done some heavy work in this team this year.20:33
marcusbesides that i have organized a lot of ubuntu related events, like the global jam (with unity bug squashing), several ubuntu hours on different topics and so on.20:34
marcusi have started to note down my activities on my wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarcusMoeller20:34
marcuswe have also set up a local (german-speaking) community on http://ubunteros.ch where i am very active, too20:35
highvoltagemarcus: what did you have to do for the re-approval of your loco team? how was the process?20:36
marcuswe have collected all our event notes and added pictures20:36
highvoltagemarcus: also, do you have anyone from the loco team who could vouch for you? I notice you don't have any testimonials on your wiki page.20:36
marcuswe try to keep that always up to date20:36
czajkowskimarcus: well http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-swiss-users/events  isn't where your events are created20:37
czajkowskiwhere do you get people invovlved?20:37
highvoltagemarcus: are these meetings like "ubuntu hour" meetings? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/Meetings20:37
marcusyes, we got regular meetings on different topics20:38
czajkowskimarcus: anyone from your loco to support your application ?20:38
marcusi think WaVer could support me, or ddeimeke, or anyone else form the loco20:39
highvoltageany further questions?20:39
stgraberI can definitely confirm that marcus is active on the swiss loco mailing list and did a very good job at updating our wiki, cleaning up the contact list there and managing the marketing/media part of the loco20:40
highvoltageVOTE: marcus for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:40
highvoltage+1 [ loco team activities and general ubuntu advocacy ]20:40
highvoltageResult: +420:41
highvoltagemarcus: congratulations and welcome!20:41
highvoltageare you ready?20:41
* marcoceppi additional pelvis-thrust and +1 for stefano-palazzo20:41
stefano-palazzoI am :)20:41
OliWooooooo! Go stefano-palazzo!!!!20:41
stefano-palazzoHi. I'm Stefano, also one of the elected community moderators at AskUbuntu.com. I first got involved with Ubuntu, about 5 years ago by doing a bit of IRC support, and found my place in the community about 15 months ago, when Ask Ubuntu went public.20:41
OliHe brings all his milkshake to the yard.20:42
stefano-palazzoYou might have seen the Ask Ubuntu Lens, which I started when lenses were introduced, the Ask Ubuntu Classroom, and - hopefully - one of my answers in a google search. :)20:42
jrgiffordGo stefano-palazzo!!!!20:42
george_eIf Guido van Rossum hadn't invented Python, Stefano would have.20:42
jrgiffordgeorge_e: heh, nice20:42
czajkowskiwow what a wiki page20:42
george_eStefano is AWESOME!20:42
stefano-palazzothank you all, you're too kind20:43
czajkowskistefano-palazzo: so I see jcastro suggested you get more involved in other areas of the Ubuntu community such as a loco or other areas, have you done so ?20:43
stefano-palazzoI have gotten involed with the DX team a bit, particularly when lenses were introduced,20:44
george_eHe wrote a lens for Ask Ubuntu.20:44
highvoltageready to vote?20:44
czajkowskistefano-palazzo: so how will ubuntu membership help you in the community ?20:44
czajkowskiare you looking to get further involved?20:45
stefano-palazzoI am, yes20:45
stefano-palazzoWe're starting to think more concretely about ways to better integrate AU into the ubuntu ecosystem, the moderators job will be, I think, to be the bridge between the community at large and AU20:45
czajkowskiok thanks for answering20:46
jrgifford+1 to that one stefano-palazzo.20:46
stefano-palazzo(as well as helping the various councils and organisations comunnicate with stack exchange)20:46
highvoltageVOTE: stefano-palazzo for membership +1 / +0 / -1 (only board members can vote):20:46
czajkowskiok I've no further questions20:46
highvoltage+1 [ great askubuntu work and contributions to Unity ]20:47
czajkowski+1 but keep up the work in the greater ubuntu community as well :)20:47
highvoltageResult: +420:48
highvoltagestefano-palazzo: congratulations and welcome!20:48
stefano-palazzothank you very much :)20:48
jrgiffordstefano-palazzo: congrats! :D20:48
htorquewoohoo! \o/20:48
OliCongratulations stefano-palazzo!!!120:48
stefano-palazzoczajkowski, I will20:48
highvoltageSeems like EgyParadox isn't present20:48
highvoltageWhich concludes our business for today :)20:49
mariotCongratulations everyone!20:49
highvoltagethank you everyone for attending, we managed to avoid having a backlog for next month20:49
n0rmanmariot: hope to see you in next meeting :)20:49
highvoltagealso special thanks to n0rman who lent a hand from the Americas board20:49
czajkowskihighvoltage: thanks for chairing20:49
czajkowskin0rman: thank you20:49
CheeseheadThanks, EMEA board!20:49
czajkowskiright now to run20:49
czajkowskithanks folks20:50
mariotn0rman: thanks! See ou there!20:50
highvoltageEnd of meeting, have a great day everyone.20:50
OliThanks all!20:50
n0rmanhighvoltage: czajkowski :)20:50
stefano-palazzothanks everyone20:50
george_eQuestion... what happened to the voting bot?20:50
jrgiffordgeorge_e: it b0rked itself I assume?20:51
george_eJust wondering.20:51
mariotegyparadox: sorry but the meeting is over20:51
EgyParadoxI added my name after the announcement20:51
highvoltagegeorge_e: there's a new meeting bot, which works, I just need to learn how to drive it. I'll make a point of doing that for the next meeting I chair :)20:51
mariotegyparadox: yes, we were waiting for you20:52
george_ehighvoltage: Ah, I see.20:52
highvoltageEgyParadox: ah, you missed it by just a few minutes. Our next meeting is on 6 December at 20:00 UTC20:52
mariotegyparadox: iainfarrel didn't come neither20:52
leoggn0rman, \o/20:56
EgyParadoxThe new date was today?20:57
n0rmanEgyParadox: yes :)20:58
n0rmanleogg: o/20:58
EgyParadoxI didnt receive an email20:58
EgyParadoxI just seen it now20:59
highvoltageOli: btw, what's your full name?20:59
EgyParadoxI apologize for not attending21:11
n0rmanEgyParadox: next meeting is on 6 December at 20 UTC21:17

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