
micahgchrisccoulson: any chance of a fix before EOD tomorrow for the upgrade issue?00:37
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chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i really should start packing for berlin17:09
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skomorokhthe ppas have me confused... is there a stable ppa for 11.10 with xulrunner?18:16
micahgskomorokh: no18:22
micahgxulrunner is no longer supported in Ubuntu18:22
skomorokhgot that part, didn't understand that it meant there wouldn't be anything in the ppa either18:24
micahgwe're not encouraging its use anymore, Debian has xulrunner built in the iceweasel package in unstable (8.0 ATM) and you could probably throw that in a PPA, but no guarantee that it'll build18:28
skomorokhis mozilla deprecating it?18:29
micahgnot inherently18:31
micahgwe just can't support it18:31
skomorokhwell that makes for an awkward transition to... whatever those of us who develop against it are going to do wrt packaging going forward. have you heard of any plans or groups organising?18:33
micahgnope, I know that Conkeror got their app working with Firefox directly18:35
skomorokhwhee. um, is that libmozjs package sticking around do you think?18:36
micahgyeah, we build that from its own source now18:37
micahgthe current one is based on Firefox 4's spidermonkey18:38
skomorokhat least they distribute 64bit binaries now.18:39
chrisccoulsonthe "we just can't support it" is more like "we don't want to support it, when we could be spending our time on more productive things" :-)18:44
chrisccoulsonspending more than half of my time maintaining something that's used by probably less than 1% of our users isn't fun ;)18:44
skomorokhwell, it's pretty silly to only provide security patches alongside api changes18:44
micahgchrisccoulson: I meant can't as in we don't have a team of people dedicated to porting the apps to the new APIs every 6 weeks as a security update18:45
skomorokhsort of discourages developing any sort of non-toy software against it.18:46
chrisccoulsonwe don't want a team of people doing that, even if they were available :)18:46
skomorokhso presumably when the reality of this 6 wk lifecycle starts to hit home around ff 12 or 15 and there is some kind of LTS (well, not even... 6-8 months) version, you'll not mind packaging that?18:48
chrisccoulsonhah - the first respondent to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+question/178255 clearly didn't read the question :-)18:49
chrisccoulsonQ: "When will they be published?", A: "What is the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a"18:50
micahgskomorokh: there will be an ESR for Firefox that we'll package for the LTS releases only, but we're not going to be packaging xulrunner anymore18:58
micahgESR= Extended Support Release18:58
skomorokhmicahg: even if there's a xulrunner ESR?19:06
micahgskomorokh: yes, we have limited resources (Firefox and Xulrunner have the same base)19:07
micahgthe ESR packages will be in a PPA only, not in the distro proper19:08
skomorokhfor firefox?19:08
micahgyes, for Firefox only and only for LTS releases19:09
micahg*supported LTS releases19:10
skomorokhcool, thanks for the clarification.19:13
skomorokhand for packaging any of it :)19:13
micahgbut, it won't be xulrunner that you can build apps of off, unless it's like conkeror that can run off of firefox19:15
skomorokhthe ESR one won't?19:19
skomorokhbut... isn't that what xulrunner is, a thing that runs an app with xul & misc other moz apis?19:20
skomorokhwhat kind of xulrunner-esr would that even be :S19:20
micahgwell, it would be a stable branch for 36/42 weeks, but we don't have the resources to maintain it, so, I'd suggest trying the Debian packages or the upstream binaries, see https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=groups2&passive=1209600&continue=http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.planning/browse_thread/thread/c77e35586cc8ebfa&followup=http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.planning/browse_thread/thread/c77e35586cc8ebfa19:24
micahg for one thread from mozilla.dev.planning discussing xulrunner19:24
micahgskomorokh: it's a shame, it was an awesome platform19:26
skomorokhit's not like it doesn't exist anymore... it has just become slightly disorganised, no?19:27
micahgwell, I suggest reading the thread to see Mozilla's view on it19:27
micahgit's hard to summarize in a few lines19:28
* micahg hopes he got the right thread19:28
skomorokhya, i will... just hard to believe that it's completely past tense as a platform19:28
micahgthis link might be better: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.planning/browse_thread/thread/c77e35586cc8ebfa/d550942989a45578?q=xulrunner&lnk=ol&19:29
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh, how come csb isn't in http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/file/fc6b1f33a497/browser/locales/all-locales ?22:11
chrisccoulson(it's in shipped-locales though)22:11
chrisccoulsonis that intentional?22:11
bhearsumprobably an oversight22:12
chrisccoulsonah, ok22:12
bhearsumi don't think all-locales gets consumed by anything on mozilla-beta22:12
bhearsumand our l10n guy is throttled with Fennec Native UI stuff :(22:12
chrisccoulsonah, perhaps i should stop using it for pulling translations :)22:12
chrisccoulsoni'm looking forward to running the fennec native UI!22:13
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MangoBoyIs there a other plugin for divx streams then gecko mediaplayer. mplayer cant fastforward and cuts of and stops if stream breaks..23:14
MangoBoyIt cuts of and stops and dropps what is already buffered  if stream breaks instead of try to buffer more23:18

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