
pleia2akgraner: doing the release today?16:00
akgranerI can...16:01
pleia2I'm on call (read: only one holding down the fort at work) through monday, so my time is limited now16:02
akgranerok on it...16:05
akgranerpleia2, so everything is ready just work in progress needs to be removed and the regular publishing needs to happen right?16:30
akgranerI just looked over the wiki just making sure I am not missing anything16:30
pleia2just need in this issue and dev team meetings16:32
pleia2I finished the rest16:32
akgraneryep  - doing that now16:38
akgranergot it :-)16:39
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:17:37
pleia2thanks akgraner :) phew, that one was a tough one to get out the door, glad to have it behind us!17:42
akgranerme too - sorry the travel time home took longer than I expected17:43
akgranerI'll have the wiki and googledoc updated as soon as I finish the forums and fridge post17:43
akgranerworking on Fridge post now and Issue 240 will be a wrap :-)17:51
zkriesseakgraner: M'lady how are you! How have things been going?17:53
zkriesseand you too pleia2 :)17:53
akgranergood but busy...can we catch up later - still working on the fridge post17:55
zkriesseWell I wasn't asking for a discussion over coffee and cake :P Just shouting out to the two superwomen of Ubuntu :P17:56
zkriesseAnd if I can help lemme know17:56
zkriesseI got time17:56
pleia2I took care of the google doc already (since I wanted it ready to start adding stuff)18:03
akgranerpleia2, :-) thanks!  I'll fix the wiki in just a minute - fridge post is up and I remembered the title this week :-)18:07
akgranerwiki updated and 241 created :-)18:12
zkriesse-breaks out the ice cream-18:18
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pleia2akgraner: with nhandler unavailable lately, do you want to add me (lyz@princessleia.com) as a calendar admin too so I can approve/move things?21:04
akgranerpleia2, just cc'd you and the editors list on an email I sent to ubuntu-devel asking teams to review their meetings21:04
akgranerDOH  - I thought you were  -- let me fix that now21:04
akgranersorry about that21:05
pleia2and do you have the password to the editor accout?21:05
akgranerin the past we've had issues when the time changes so I wanted to remind the teams to double check21:05
* pleia2 nods21:05
pleia2good idea :)21:05
akgranerI think so - /me double checks21:05
akgranerpleia2, nope I don't have it21:07
pleia2hmm, maybe nhandler does?21:07
akgranerwhich email address do you want added to the fridge calendar21:08
akgranerdone :-)21:09
akgraneryou can create manage and share21:09
pleia2thanks :)21:10
akgranerpleia2, the editor .ubuntu.com forwards to the gmail one21:12
akgranerdo you have that pw21:12
pleia2the ubuntu address would have been set up by IS, the only password that exists should be the gmail one21:13
philipballewakgraner, pleia2 good newsletter!21:13
pleia2philipballew: thanks for your help :)21:14
akgranerhmmm let me look again21:14
* akgraner digs through my emails 21:14
akgranerthank philipballew for all your help!21:14
philipballewanytime. pleia221:14
philipballewakgraner, i will be looking for loco news this week21:14
akgranerphilipballew, thanks!21:16
akgranerpleia2, I found where it was set up - I think if we request a new pw it will go to my gmail account - want me to forward you the verification email21:16
philipballewits not hard :) i dont want to see you and pleia2 having to do it all21:17
akgranerphilipballew, and we really appreciate that - thanks a million21:17
philipballewanytime. I see the newsletter as one of my projects I can do and do well21:19
akgranerI've got the forward verification to...I'll send them to you as well, but I'll email nhandler_ too I think knowing him he has the pw somewhere :-) b/c he is just organized that way21:19

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