
Azelphuranyone got any opinions on this? http://www.boffer.co.uk/00:02
Azelphuron the surface of it it doesn't look too bad for a £100 tablet o.O00:03
ubuntubhoyresistive screen, it will drive hyou nuts00:05
ali1234Processor: ZiiLABS ZMS-08 HD Media-Rich Applications Processor what?00:09
ali1234Operating System: Android 2.1 fail00:09
Azelphurrighto, fail it is then :P00:09
ali1234Screen Resolution: 480 x 800 pixels Oh dear, my phone has more pixels than that00:10
Azelphurtbh I should be trying to get my laptop back off this company that's had it in for repair for the past 3 months -.-00:10
ali1234still i suppose it's not bad for £10000:10
Azelphurdoesn't look great shopping around you can get a refurb nook color for £11000:10
Azelphurand it's cm supported with better specs :D00:10
ali1234tablets are a bit rubbish anyway00:11
Azelphurmy netbook can be a tablet, if I ever see it again xD00:11
ubuntubhoytablets are fine, as long as you remember they aint PC's00:15
ali1234"tablets are fine as long as you remember they don't really do anything useful"00:16
ali1234"tablets are fine as long as you remember they are not PCs or netbooks or a kindle or a TV or a phone"00:17
ubuntubhoythey work ok as Kindles00:17
ali1234they work OK as any of those things, except maybe the phone part00:18
ubuntubhoyand the PC part00:18
=== RhysMorgan is now known as Ababcus
AlanBellmorning all07:35
MartijnVdS\o AlanBell07:39
gordonjcpwoo, time to leave08:03
daubersSo Reading now has a hackspace with a space \o/08:12
daubers(even if the space is in Woodley)08:13
dgjonesMorning all08:27
* TheOpenSourcerer wonders if AlanBell is wake yet...08:41
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
popey07:35:43 < AlanBell> morning all08:41
TheOpenSourcererThanks popey08:41
TheOpenSourcererThat was before I had booted up :-)08:41
* AlanBell returns with coffee08:42
TheOpenSourcererMade the first coffee/tea at 06:15 though :-(08:42
TheOpenSourcererMorning AlanBell08:42
popeyi was dreaming at 06:1508:42
TheOpenSourcererDid you see my message last night about that little chilli I gave you?08:42
* popey makes more coffee08:42
MartijnVdScoffee? heathen!08:43
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: I did, I will be very careful of it08:43
AlanBellI was a bit scared to begin wiht08:43
* TheOpenSourcerer is already on 3rd cup08:43
* MartijnVdS has very black tea08:43
TheOpenSourcererIt was probably, the hottest one I have *ever* had.08:43
AlanBellwhat does it take to get a chilli measured?08:46
MartijnVdSa scoville scale?08:46
popeya chromatograph?08:47
TheOpenSourcererhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-performance_liquid_chromatography "This article may be too technical for most readers to understand." :-)08:48
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: get one of these rigs and you are there! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hplc.JPG08:48
AlanBellI think perhaps I will stick to the Bombay Torpedos to add to my scrambled eggs :)08:49
TheOpenSourcererThe Dorset Naga is claimed to be in this range (855,000–1,463,700)08:49
popeyi had scrambled egg this morning08:49
popeywith salmon08:49
MartijnVdSpopey: Canonical pays well, then?08:50
dauberspopey: Why did you ruin perfectly good eggs?08:50
popeyit was discounted salmon in the co-op ☺08:50
popeymade a sarnie for wifey and brekkie for me08:50
popeysalmon in eggs is nyommy08:50
AlanBellyou can get scrambled eggs with salmon in the Popham Little Chef08:51
TheOpenSourcererThe *Bangalore* Torpedo is probably in the 30 - 50,000 category ;-)08:52
* AlanBell wonders if ☺☺☺☺ is a bug in the font08:52
MartijnVdSMY EYES08:52
popeya bug?08:53
MartijnVdSpopey: Ubuntu Mono + multiple adjacent smiley faces = merged smiley faces08:54
AlanBellthe ☺ glyph is wider than the monospaced space it should be sat in08:54
popeyi am on the mac atm08:54
AlanBellhowever I am not sure I want that bug fixed08:54
popeywill switch in 5 mins08:54
Laneyit is because it falls back to another font09:06
Laneywhich is wider09:06
AlanBellgood point Laney, thanks09:08
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 862401 in Ubuntu Font Family "Mono: please add left/right arrows" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:09
AlanBellooh, nottingham happiness tonight09:18
TheOpenSourcererAnyone know a good "cisco engineer"?09:18
TheOpenSourcererfor hire/rent?09:19
dwatkinsTheOpenSourcerer: You mean someone with a CCNA?09:19
* daubers used to be cisco qualified09:19
LaneyAlanBell: you coming?09:19
AlanBellLaney: sadly not, bit far for me09:20
AlanBelltonytiger: o/09:21
daubersAnybody know where I can get printed mifare cards for a reasonable price?09:22
AlanBellanyone from the Southampton area here?09:23
* popey points AlanBell at tonytiger 09:27
bigcalmHe's grrrrrrreat?09:28
AlanBellhe is :)09:28
bigcalmThis is true09:28
* bigcalm tares himself away from uupc to make some coffee09:29
bigcalmOh, good morning peeps :)09:29
* BigRedS ponders making a packaging-related joke at bigcalm 09:37
BigRedSgood morning!09:37
bigcalmBigRedS: you've lost me already. Obviously I need that coffee that is still brewing09:41
bigcalmAnd hi :)09:41
BigRedShaha! G'morning!09:43
BigRedSTare weight is the bit of net weight that is packaging09:43
BigRedSI think09:43
BigRedScontrived, perhaps. pedantic, definitely09:43
bigcalmI should open my calendar more often. Just noticed that my car's MOT expires at the end of the month :(09:45
AlanBellmine expires on saturday09:47
AlanBellmight go sit in the MOT place with my laptop this afternoon09:47
BigRedSOh. My insurance probably expires soon.09:47
BigRedSLast year I went to the bikelive show on this bike, and that's in a couple of weeks09:47
daubersBigRedS: I went to that last year!09:48
daubersBigRedS: Not going this year though :(09:48
BigRedSdaubers: I'm still a maybe for this year09:49
BigRedSthe only day I can go is the mondau, but technically I'm working until 6am that day...09:50
Laneyman, sometimes aptitude can be quite dense09:50
* AlanBell wonders if TheOpenSourcerer wants a nice tasty chicken09:50
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:51
TheOpenSourcererIs it dead?09:52
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: no, but it will be09:53
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: We are away all this weekend.09:53
TheOpenSourcerer"Youth Hostelling for 36 adults & kids"09:54
AlanBelltake them a chicken :)09:54
AlanBellhey kids, this is how you pluck a chicken09:54
bigcalmAlanBell: has it stopped pooping eggs?09:54
AlanBellbigcalm: it is a boy :(09:55
AlanBellboys are noisy and useless09:55
TheOpenSourcererNow where have I heard that before???09:56
BigRedSMy mother says things like that :(09:56
popeywe often have boys vs girls at home09:56
popeygiven there's 3 of each09:56
BigRedSThen she acquired stepdaughters and changed her mind :)09:56
popeyMe, Sam & Salem (cat) are the 'cool boys' and Clare, Sophie and Pringle (cat) are the 'smelly girls'09:56
popeyblimey asus transformer is only 434 quid with the keyboard09:57
TheOpenSourcerer"*only* £434" Spoken like someone who is more used to paying overblown Apple prices ;-)10:00
BigRedStook me a few seconds to realise he wasn't talking about a power supply10:00
brobostigon!info udisks-deamon10:01
lubotu3`Package udisks-deamon does not exist in natty10:01
BigRedSbrobostigon: !info udisks-daemon ?10:04
BigRedS!info udisks-daemon10:04
lubotu3`Package udisks-daemon does not exist in natty10:04
AlanBellpopey: are they available to buy yet?10:04
popeyAlanBell: which?10:04
popeythe transformer is, the newer 'transformer prime' isnt10:04
brobostigon!info udisks10:05
lubotu3`udisks (source: udisks): storage media interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2-4ubuntu2 (natty), package size 209 kB, installed size 1056 kB10:05
KrisDouglasI <3 my Transformer10:05
MartijnVdSRobots in disguise?10:05
KrisDouglasquite so MartijnVdS10:06
TheOpenSourcererEbuyer have the Transformer for £419.9310:07
TheOpenSourcerer(Not the quad core)10:07
KrisDouglasI paid 429 for my Transformer TF10110:08
KrisDouglas@ PCW10:08
popeywhat gives with the circles on keys?10:10
KrisDouglaswhat do you mean?10:11
ubuntubhoyis anyone having issues with Wine in precise ?10:11
popeyon 1, 6 and up and down10:11
popeythey have circles on them10:11
JamesTaitTippity-top-tastic Thursday, everyone! ;)10:11
KrisDouglasNot a clue :)10:11
DJonesMaybe its Google Plus ready :)10:12
KrisDouglaspopey, the function key combined with one of those buttons does nothing different than their original function10:12
KrisDouglas(excluding pgup and pgdown ofc)10:12
* Laney joins in with the quiz10:19
bigcalmNobody picked my obscure answer for the Dr. Who question10:20
Laneys390! mipsel!10:20
popeyoooo local shop has a transformer10:25
Laneythis quiz amuses me10:26
Laneyiain approves10:26
popeywhat quiz?10:26
Laneyon the uupc10:27
popeyoh :D10:27
popeywondered what you were whittering on about then :D10:27
Laneygutsy gibbon10:27
Dave2I'd given almost a full list for the Ubuntu codenames and had just forgotten Breezy :(10:28
popeywish I'd had that question10:28
Laneydo we have the full lists?10:28
popeyi would have said edgy10:28
Laneyseeing what people said would be QI10:28
Dave2I put edgy.10:28
Laneynein, the answers people gave10:28
Dave2But then I put everything except Breezy.10:28
popeyi bet intrepid wasnt a popular one people said10:29
Dave2I definitely put down intrepid, for obvious reasons.10:29
Laneyi remember it for its lovely t-shirt10:29
popeyi prefer the bird one10:31
popeyi have a few of them10:31
KrisDouglasMy girlfriend always wears the Hardy t-shirt :)10:31
Laneymine got shredded by the washing machine10:32
Dave2Could've been dapper.10:32
Laneybut then the missus repaired it by doing a fabric graft10:32
Dave2(Did they do dapper t-shirts?)10:32
Laneywhich means it is now disturbingly tight10:32
KrisDouglasLaney, lol. It was disturbingly tight on me anyway. Like a swimsuit 8-) Hence girlfriend use10:33
KrisDouglasI could write a manpage on how to obliterate an IRC channel. Did everyone die?10:40
ubuntubhoy10:30 - Tea break10:40
kirrus10:45 Talk about junk break10:44
ubuntubhoyclose, 10:45 - nip out for a piss and a fag skive10:51
czajkowskidirecthex: I love how your blog feed is down for one of the feeds I've to watch!10:53
czajkowskiat work10:53
czajkowskidirecthex: I work at h-online.com10:54
czajkowskiyour blog is under one of the feeds we watch10:54
popeyis it filed under 'epic mono troll' ?10:55
directhexi suspect that's from chats on twitter with codepope10:55
czajkowskipopey: I'm shocked yours isnt10:55
czajkowskiI may need to fix that10:55
popeyi wouldn't bother10:56
popeyi dont blog interesting stuff tbh10:56
popeythat might change in the future10:56
czajkowskiso in todays feeds so far all I can see is linux mint bumping ubuntu off the top spot11:00
czajkowskiand fedora 16 still11:01
bigcalmThe WC is getting out of hand :)11:04
czajkowskihttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/8879705/The-voice-behind-Siri-breaks-his-silence.html  found this one interesting11:05
davmor2morning all czajkowski prod11:09
daubersidenti.ca must be playing in the big leagues now! I've just had my first spam follower11:09
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 11:10
* davmor2 prods czajkowski repeatedly in the same spot11:11
czajkowskidavmor2: look you did that last week and I had a brusise on my arm11:12
czajkowskithough to be fair you really freaked some folks up by walking up to me and ppking my arm11:12
czajkowskivery odd looks indeed11:12
davmor2czajkowski: hehehe11:12
davmor2czajkowski: I'd say you bruised me when you hit me with the noise you're knuckles made but errmmm you didn't sorry :)11:13
davmor2czajkowski: well you know these things happen11:29
davmor2gord: you about dude?11:29
* Dave2 raises an eyebrow.11:29
LantiziaUbuntu LPIC Exam 199 - anyone know if it is still going or not?12:31
popeyAlanBell: now I'm working from home I'm thinking of looking for a wokspace outside home so I can get a day away from the house. interested in looking for one?13:14
AlanBellfunnily enough I was going to suggest something of the kind, like the wolves crowd are doing13:15
TheOpenSourcererBizarre. I also was pondering the same.13:18
KrisDouglasI couldn't work from home, 2meg broadband vs 44meg broadband.13:18
TheOpenSourcererI would actually quite like a proper "office"13:18
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: AlanBell popey http://coworkingspace.info/13:19
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: AlanBell popey http://wiki.coworking.info/w/page/16583718/CoworkingSurrey13:21
TheOpenSourcererHa - I know the first name on that list!13:21
TheOpenSourcererThe Maltings has some (AIUI) low-cost rooms for this.13:22
TheOpenSourcererRoger Goscomb offered us use of some of their space in Frensham if we needed it...13:22
popeyare you guys in FSB?13:25
TheOpenSourcererSCC though13:25
popeyFSB let you use Regus communal areas for nothing13:26
TheOpenSourcererNot quite what I had in mind.13:26
popeyuseful for adhoc stuff13:27
TheOpenSourcererThen so is Starbuck ;-)13:27
popeyfree tea/coffee at Regus :D13:27
popeyunlike Starbucks13:27
bigcalmpopey: I have suggested the workplace day davmor2 and I will be attended next week13:28
bigcalmApart from myself, it appears to be mostly Canonical people anyway13:29
popeybit far for us ☺13:29
bigcalmPfft :P13:29
bigcalmOnly 150 miles13:30
davmor2popey: shame on you where's your dedication dude 3 hours of train rides is a light commute for you dude ;)13:31
popeywho was it here who has a transformer?13:31
popeykirrus: ?13:31
popeyah, KrisDouglas13:31
popeyKrisDouglas: whats the first 3 digits of the serial number on yours?13:31
KrisDouglaspopey, the transformer?13:32
popeynot the keyboard, the device itself13:32
KrisDouglassadly it's an unrootable B70 class13:32
* kirrus waves hello, bye bye, and goes back to lurking13:32
popeyand how long ago did you get it13:32
popeyB60 is the rootable one isnt it?13:32
KrisDouglasSome B70's are13:32
KrisDouglasyou see mine is KAS2113:33
KrisDouglassome of them (CAS14) use the old SBK to encrypt the bootloader13:33
KrisDouglassorry nvflash, not bootloader13:33
KrisDouglasI am just past the bracket for a rootable one and I bought this about 3 months back13:34
KrisDouglasI would give a much loved body part for a rootable one :)13:34
KrisDouglasI will just patiently wait for them to leak the new SBK however.13:35
czajkowskiI should start to take bets on snow and my flight home for xmas!13:36
ubuntubhoyis anyone else having trouble with Wine 1.3 in either 11.10 or 12.04 ?13:37
bigcalmWhatever ships with 11.10 broke SQLyog for me :(13:37
bigcalmMight get around to pinning an old version13:38
KrisDouglasubuntubhoy, It seems to be working well for me, better than the previous person to be honest. What problem are you experiencing?13:38
davmor2czajkowski: just book the train and ferry and save the heart ache13:40
awilkinsBuffet restaurant lunches : an exercise in gluttony AND disappointment13:52
popeyI don't miss thursday at my last place of work13:54
popey"Disappointing curry day"13:54
bigcalmIt's Thursday?13:54
bigcalmGah, I'm missing another day13:54
awilkinsIt is.13:54
ubuntubhoyKrisDouglas, cant get kindle to install, or previous install to start13:54
bigcalmpopey: got a moment to test something for me please? :)13:55
KrisDouglasubuntubhoy, do you run any other apps under wine?14:03
czajkowskiyay for 4 day weeks :)14:03
KrisDouglasif you don't we could try resetting the bottle14:04
KrisDouglassorry about the delayed response14:04
ubuntubhoyno, nothing else14:04
KrisDouglasRighto, open winetricks14:05
KrisDouglasselect use default prefix, and then delete all data and applications14:06
KrisDouglasthen close and try re-installing14:06
ubuntubhoyno joy - same result14:08
KrisDouglaslet me try, one sec14:10
KrisDouglasI presume it has worked before, I'm sure i know someone else who uses it14:11
ubuntubhoyiirc it wont work with the latest Kindle app14:12
ubuntubhoythats an older one I have used a load of times before14:12
davmor2ubuntubhoy: if it is that you just want to  read your kindle books you can install chromium and the kindle web app and read it from the browser14:12
KrisDouglasYeah, the installer doesn't even load from the one that's on the amazon website14:12
KrisDouglasdavmor2, smart arse :)14:13
ubuntubhoydavmor2, not keen on the web app14:13
ubuntubhoyand cabalt is it, is a little cluttered14:13
davmor2ubuntubhoy: No it's the official Amazon Kindle chrome application14:14
ubuntubhoynot cabalt, calibre14:15
ubuntubhoynice app, but too cluttered14:15
KrisDouglasubuntubhoy, I can't even get the installer you linked to load ;)14:15
ubuntubhoydavmor2, using it on a touchscreen14:15
KrisDouglasubuntubhoy, buy a kindle? :)14:15
ubuntubhoyKrisDouglas, worse than me then14:15
KrisDouglasYeah, everything else works14:16
ubuntubhoycheers anyway14:16
ubuntubhoywill see if I can find a wine 1.3 thats a little older somewhere14:16
ubuntubhoythink its wine rather than Ubuntu14:16
KrisDouglasmight be something I'm missing but i'm certain I have windows installer setup14:16
KrisDouglasif I had more time I would try running it from the command line and seeing what messages it was dumping14:17
ubuntubhoydont fret on it, was just checking if it was me or not14:17
KrisDouglaspossibly, I am on the PPA latest version, so you and I may be experiencing similar issues14:17
ubuntubhoyyeah, if your 1.3 you should be ppa14:17
ubuntubhoy1.2 is the standard repo version14:18
ubuntubhoybut it wont work with 1.214:18
ubuntubhoythat said its not working with 1.4 now either14:18
bastubisI just read that Adobe are abandoning AIR for Linux so does this mean users won't be able to run Acroread any moer?15:00
AlanBellthat is unrelated15:01
bastubisIt doesn't run on AIR?15:01
AlanBellnot to my knowledge, but I could be wrong15:05
AlanBellthought it was just a native application15:05
AlanBellBBC iPlayer is an air thing15:05
brobostigoni agree with alanbell, acrobat doesnt use air on linux,15:05
ali1234acroread is ancient15:09
Dave2Does anyone actually use acroread on Linux though?15:09
bastubisYes, voluntary sector organisations15:09
bastubisit's crucial for them15:09
bastubisall their funding applications have to be made on interactive pdf forms15:10
bastubisevince effs them up15:10
bastubisit's a deal breaker for them15:10
AlanBellok, interesting15:10
bastubisif they can't use acroread they'll have to stop using linux15:10
ali1234have you reported it as a bug?15:10
bastubisit's not a bug15:10
AlanBellis there a bug against evince for this?15:10
ali1234yes it is15:10
bastubisoh, sorry - evince lol15:11
ali1234with examples would be helpful too... are the forms publicly available?15:12
AlanBellI installed acroread once on ubuntu and it is horrible and slow, so I use evince, never had any issue with it , but I don't come across interactive PDF files15:12
ali1234they've always been a problem15:12
bastubisthey're unuseable15:13
bastubisyou can fill in a pdf and print it (sort of, though this isn't very good either)15:13
bastubisbut if you try to save them, they corrupt15:13
lubotu3`Gnome bug 480668 in PDF "save user input in pdf fillable forms" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]15:14
bastubisand people running Windows can't open the file15:14
bastubisI couldn't open it again on Ubuntu either15:14
bastubisI just install acroread for them - as far as I know it runs on AIR15:15
bastubisI use it myself for funding applications15:15
AlanBelleither way, the current version of acroread will still work15:15
AlanBelldon't know if they are ever going to release any updates to it15:15
bastubisyes, but eventually it'll become incompatible with current systems15:15
bastubisthey said they're not going to develop it anymore15:16
AlanBellno, not really15:16
bastubisso it'll stay in the partner repos?15:16
AlanBelldon't see why not15:16
AlanBellmight not go into new partner repos, but you should be able to grab the .deb file from the older ones if it doesn't15:17
AlanBelland file bugs against evince if there are forms it doesn't work with15:17
brobostigonok, in debian sid, under non-free repo, acroread has no depend on adobe air. so can be installed and ran without adobe air. conclusive.15:18
bastubisapparently americans also use it for their tax forms: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/51823015:18
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 518230 in evince (Ubuntu) "Some PDF forms don't save entered information" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:18
bastubisah, that's a relief then15:18
TwinkletoesTroubles with vim syntax, I'm trying to sort a range of lines. I've marked a and b (and verified using :marks), and am using the command:  ma,mbsort    but I'm getting an error "E488 Trailing Characters".15:18
bastubisEvince pretty much doesn't work with *any* forms - I can't file a bug every time lol15:19
AlanBell"Running the original pdf through either pdfopt or pdfedit's delinearize15:19
AlanBellfunction creates a form that can be correctly saved, at least in this15:19
ali1234you don't need to15:19
bastubisyeah but a bunch of VCS organisations aren't going to do that15:20
AlanBellno, but it is an interesting suggestion which indicates that the problem might be solveable15:20
AlanBellsounds to me like the source forms don't conform to the standard15:21
bastubisyes, looks that way15:21
AlanBellbut acrobat is incorrectly working fine with them15:21
bastubisbut you can't control what the US tax office - or UK funders - do with their forms15:21
AlanBellso evince needs to reproduce the bug in acrobat that make it work fine15:21
bastubisit has to work with whatever messed up rubbish such agencies choose to foist on us15:21
ali1234the bug is probably in the standard15:22
AlanBelleither way, report bugs give them an example of a form that doesn't work15:22
bastubisI think they'd want to kill me after a couple of weeks lol15:23
bastubisvery few forms *do* work15:23
bastubisIn fact, I never met any one form that did15:23
* AlanBell has never come across any forms15:23
popeyi have15:23
popeyHMRC have some15:23
popeyi usually print them15:23
bastubisMy accountant copes with the tax, but she uses Windows15:24
bastubisgod popey - try filling in a funder form with a biro lol15:24
AlanBellI think I may have come across an HMRC form that I had to fill out on screen and then print and sign15:24
bastubisthey're 20 pages or worse15:24
bastubisFunders send you massive, bureaucratic forms 20-40 pages long15:25
bastubiswhen printed, they're about 3 inches thick15:25
AlanBellthere was no saving of it and it seemed to work fine in evince, don't think I have ever saved a form15:25
bastubisYou have to fill in mountains of detailed crap15:25
bastubisand then email the result15:25
bastubisIt usually takes several days to fill them in, and you need to save constantly or you lose your wwork15:25
bastubisthen you have to print two copies, email one and mail one, with one for your files15:26
bastubisso you know what you said to them15:26
DJonesWhen I'm forward buying foreign currency, the bank faxes a document to confirm, which I can then either fax or post back to them, or scan & email.  Why don't they just email it to me in the first place15:26
bastubisIt's so complicated that if it doesn't save properly, you've lost days of work15:26
DJonesAt no point does anybody have to sign what they send through, I literaly just send exactly what they send me, back unchanged15:27
bastubisI have the same problem with my bank, have to print it out, sign it, scan it, email it back15:27
=== EgbertPopplewick is now known as Hornet
KrisDouglasFax to email :)15:55
KrisDouglasI think i have a virus, I keep killing ubuntu UK16:24
DJonesProbably so many people were at UDS recently, they're still writing up their notes from then & deciding who's going to do what16:26
Myrtti i think i locked myself out :-(16:30
KrisDouglasDJones, maybe.16:32
KrisDouglasMyrtti, of Ubuntu or your house?16:32
KrisDouglasI can probably solve the former but the latter is a touchy subject :)16:32
Myrttimy aoartment16:32
KrisDouglaswell it's not all bad news, how much battery do you have remaining?16:33
Myrttilatter is a touchy subject for a Finnish Tarzan16:33
Myrttienough to go to my sisters by bus, was going anyway but may have forgotten to pack my keys16:34
Myrttiamong other things16:35
KrisDouglaswell you don't have to commit suicide just yet if you still have battery16:35
KrisDouglasnow is your chance to use the power of google to become a locksmith16:35
Myrttihaha no16:36
Myrttitwo Abloy executive standard locks16:36
Myrtticant pick them16:36
MyrttiIll just return with a spare key, my sister has one16:37
Myrttiif I werent going to hers, I'd call the maintenance guys, they have a master key16:38
Myrttialso bill 30-60e for it16:39
bigcalmSo glad I didn't bother adding 1-2 day shipping onto my Amazon order and went with the free 3-5 day option. Email from Amazon saying the item I ordered last night has just been shipped this afternoon16:41
bigcalmMust be a slow day for them16:41
gord<3 amazon prime16:42
bigcalmI don't order enough to be able to make use of prime16:42
bigcalmgord: are you joining us for the work place day next week?16:43
gordshould do, weather permitting - if its freezing cold and pouring down, maybe not ;)16:43
bigcalmAh, sweet16:44
bigcalmYou can offset davmor2's crazyness ;)16:44
bigcalmI think mrevell is joining us as well16:44
bigcalmThat's 4, any more?16:44
* bigcalm pokes aquarius16:44
mrevellbigcalm, I aim to. drussell may want to as well.16:45
bigcalmmrevell: yay. Though I'm not sure if I've seen drussell talk before16:45
mrevellThere are some other people knocking around our area from Canonical who I might prod.16:45
bigcalmYeah, I'm feeling a little out of place not working for Canonical :P16:46
* aquarius is poked16:46
aquariuswhat about?16:46
bigcalmaquarius: work place day at the Lighthouse next Thursday16:46
aquariusah, right. Don't know at the moment16:47
bigcalmWhich isn't a flat out 'no', good enough for now :)16:47
davmor2bigcalm: I'm not cra-tic-zy16:50
bigcalmdavmor2: keep telling yourself that. Shall we call you Darling?16:51
davmor2bigcalm: I'm more worried about you calling me darling :/16:56
ali1234is anyone going to the happy hour?17:00
ali1234it's tonight right?17:00
bigcalmNot in my location17:01
ali1234popey: are you really "might be attending"?17:01
ali1234isn't it a bit far from you?17:01
popey17:00:51 < ali1234> it's tonight right?17:01
popey17:00:56 < popey> yes17:01
bigcalmHe's a bugger for that17:01
ali1234popey: yeah but... on the page it says you "might be attending"17:01
popeyoh i see17:02
bigcalmBest to check what popey is actually answering to :P17:02
* popey fix0r3s that17:02
ali1234that page is really hard to find btw17:02
popeyyes, it is17:02
popeywell, i went loco.ubuntu.com -> click europe -> click uk -> click event17:03
Laneywhat page?17:03
ali1234i have to find it by going to the uuk mailing list and finding the post where it is linked17:03
popeyi tried to argue that it should be /teamname/eventname/ or /teamname/yy/mm/dd/event or something17:03
ali1234if i go to the happy hour main page, it isn't linked17:03
popeybut the loco directory guys are somewhat resistant to removing those numbers in the middle17:03
ali1234http://ubuntu-uk.org/happy-hour/ <- this one17:03
ali1234that one is easy to find17:04
ali1234but it doesn't link to the event pages17:04
popeywell thats silly17:04
popeythe ones above link right17:04
ali1234the ones above?17:04
drussellmrevell: :oD hehe yeah I'm hoping to also...17:04
ali1234the thing is if you google "ubuntu happy hour" you get that listing page i just linked, and you can't get from there to the individual event pages17:04
ali1234also did you know that the "ubuntu-uk" in the event url is meaningless? only the number does anything, you can put any valid loco or possibly any string in place of "ubuntu-uk" and you still get the event, eg http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/balhbalh/1373/detail/17:05
ali1234i found this because i was trying to find it starting at the 1277 (everyone knows 1277 right) by incrementing the number17:06
popeythats probably why they dont want the url monkeyed with17:06
ali1234and i got all other loco events17:06
aquariuspopey, did you ever experiment with software audio transcription for uupc?17:07
ali1234so anyone from IRC going to this thing? or is it all mailing list people?17:07
aquariusspecifically: if you did, what did you use? :)17:07
Laneyi am going17:07
Laneyas is moodoo17:07
ali1234k. i'll see you there then :)17:08
Laneyi should find my uds badge so that i look cool17:10
ali1234i should shave so i don't look like a hobo17:10
popeyaquarius: software to aid people doing transcriptions?17:11
popeyaquarius: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PodcastTranscription17:11
aquariusno. speech recognition software to *do* the transcription :)17:11
aquariuscool, just wondered :)17:13
MartijnVdSSiri, transcribe the podcast for me17:18
popeyi had a chat with siri earlier17:19
MartijnVdSpopey: And?17:19
popeythe way he says "okay" is quite odd17:19
popeyit kinda tails off17:19
MartijnVdSmust be something 'merkin17:20
* MartijnVdS runs off to see how his standard lap looks in the dark17:22
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
kaushalCan someone please guide me about http://iwatch.sourceforge.net/index.html17:40
kaushalI have installed and its up and running in daemon mode17:41
kaushalI have tested it by editing /etc/motd file17:41
kaushali did not get a email alert after editing it17:41
kaushalAm i missing something17:41
bigcalmkaushal: can you send email from that machine?17:43
kaushalbigcalm: yes17:45
=== AndroBug is now known as DaveBugs
DaveBugsAnyone heading to the Nottingham Happy Hour tonight?17:46
popeyi suspect some are, yes ☺17:49
DaveBugsPopey: Does that include you now? :-)17:53
DaveBugsI mean, too bad.17:54
* TheOpenSourcerer wants to go out for a beer this evening but it's Parent's evening at the school. :-(17:55
popeyheh, i had my parents evening last night17:57
TheOpenSourcererAll good?17:58
TheOpenSourcererMy wife was out last night with her mates.17:58
TheOpenSourcererWe are both out tomorrow - so no pub for me :-(17:59
popeyyeah, all good17:59
TheOpenSourcerertea time :-)18:00
=== darael is now known as Darael
* bigcalm wonders where his Hayley is18:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: stuck in traffic18:03
MartijnVdSBuying you an early christmas present18:03
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I'll go with the latter please18:05
DaveBugsAt The Roundhouse... Rather early.18:40
ali1234i'm just setting off18:40
ali123456testing irc works on my phone18:41
AlanBellali123456: it does \o/18:46
DaveBugsali123456: see you in a bit18:46
shaunooauth can die in fire :(18:47
MartijnVdSshauno: what alternative do you propose18:48
shaunoa thousand papercuts might be a suitable alternate death.  fire seems simpler though18:48
MartijnVdSno I mean alternative to oauth18:59
shaunoI'm trying to do a single-user command-line app to a web service.  a simple shared secret would suffice19:03
DaveBugsC'mon, it's 19:02... Where is everyone?19:03
DaveBugsIt's not very Ubuntu-y here at the moment.19:07
DaveBugsJust me and my beer.19:08
* gordonjcp is about to go out for a drive19:08
MartijnVdSDaveBugs: you have great ideas19:09
DaveBugsYes, yes I do.19:10
gordonjcpnot for me right now19:10
shaunoI rarely get any more entertaining than this, unfortunately19:11
shaunothere's something about waking up at 4:30am which inflicts all the personality of a zombie :(19:11
DaveBugsshauno: try beer.19:11
shaunothat'd currently lead to a grape vs grain conflict19:11
mgdmgordonjcp: anywhere fun?19:11
bigcalmDo zombies like beer?19:11
DaveBugsshauno: ouch, you don't want that.19:12
MartijnVdSI have some beer my brothers made19:12
shaunobigcalm: I hope so, because it's about all ireland has when The Day comes19:12
Daraelbigcalm: They like that Welsh beverage, at least.19:12
DaveBugsWhy didn't I bring a USB cable :-(19:12
shaunoMartijnVdS: by 'my brothers', I'm chosing to believe you keep a small commune of trappist monks imprisoned in your basement for this very purpose :)19:13
MartijnVdSshauno: You may choose to believe that :)19:14
MartijnVdSshauno: Except I don't have the basement19:14
Daraelshauno: Bear in mind that he /would/ deny it.19:14
shaunointeresting.  I've never tried keeping monks anywhere else19:14
MartijnVdSDarael: I would?19:14
MartijnVdSDarael: I need my dungeons for other things19:15
shaunoof course.  a dutchman with belgian beer?  the scandal would reach the tabloids19:15
DaraelMartijnVdS: Most people would.  They wouldn't want anyone stealing the monks.19:15
DaraelThat, too.19:15
MartijnVdSshauno: there's an official Trappist brewery near Tilburg in the Netherlands19:15
shaunoheh, good save19:15
MartijnVdSshauno: they were in the news yesterday, they need to get more tanks because of increased demand19:16
MartijnVdSshauno: http://www.latrappe.nl19:16
shaunosurely there's cheaper methods of crowd control.  tanks seem a tad OTT for monks19:17
MartijnVdSshauno: it's _beer_ we're talking about19:17
MartijnVdSshauno: isn't that also what the London riots were about earlier?>19:17
shaunono idea, I didn't think to ask19:17
gordonjcpmgdm: nah, just dropping off and picking up bits of junk19:18
mgdmgordonjcp: ah19:18
shaunoI haven't lived in the UK for a *long* time.  ever since I discovered KFC were the only people willing to even offer me an interview19:18
MartijnVdSshauno: Why's that?19:19
MartijnVdSshauno: criminal record?19:19
shaunobecause I lived in a blackhole that was built around ironworks and shipbuilding.  neither of which are exactly growth industries anymore19:19
gordonjcpshauno: where do you live now?19:20
MartijnVdSa cardboard box?19:20
shaunocurrently, ireland19:20
shaunoI tried the states but they're a bit .. I'm not sure of a polite way to describe it19:21
mgdmA bit too much like the US?19:21
shaunopolarizing, I guess.  it's either really works for you, or it really doesn't19:21
shaunoI have to say ireland's working out a charm, however.  they're similar enough to $HOME to be comfortable, but different enough to be worth the move19:23
shaunoDaveBugs: that's a perfect analogy.  the US is marmite.19:24
gordi don't have a drivers licence, if i tried to live in the states i'd die of starvation within weeks.19:24
MartijnVdSgord: nah in big cities you don't need a car unless you live in the 'burbs19:24
gordonjcpgord: I do have a driving licence, but if I tried to live in the states I'd die of boredom on their roads19:24
shaunoI don't either.  Cycling in michigan winters is a very peculiar skill19:24
gordonjcpmiles and miles and miles of perfectly straight road, with a 55mph speed limit, and cars that can't actually stop or go round corners and struggle to manage the speed limit anyway19:25
* czajkowski hugs gord 19:25
popeyI had a nice hire car at UDS19:25
popeyscared sladen a bit with it :D19:25
czajkowskiyou did indeed19:25
smittixdoes anyone know how to change the window font size in 11.10? gnome tweak tool doesnt seem to want to change that.19:25
smittixevery other font it changes fine.19:25
MartijnVdSpopey: one of those monster SUVs?19:26
smittixpopey: sladen as in paul sladen?19:26
shaunoI bought a 1974 mini.  which was all very well, but I had to actively search for roads with enough corners to make it worth it.  luckily michigan is blessed with a couple of coastlines19:26
czajkowskismittix: aye19:26
smittixheh went to school with him.19:26
* MartijnVdS sticks to his Smart19:26
* smittix has a Zafira19:26
gordonjcpI need to decide whether I'm keeping or selling the Citroën19:27
shaunoI want another mini here, but they've so many guards that I've a feeling I'll need a license this time19:27
gordonjcpI haven't driven it this year19:27
MartijnVdSgord: Citroen what?19:27
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: CX 22TRS19:27
MartijnVdStab error :)19:27
czajkowskismittix: really, he's a really good guy19:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: ah oldie?19:27
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I've got an '81 CX Reflex stored in my mate's yard, too19:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I have a '02 ForTwo19:27
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I have a Mercedes van for work, so I tend to not use the car so much19:28
smittixczajkowski: aye, nice bloke indeed.19:28
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: don't know if you were at Oggcamp but that's what I went there in19:28
shaunogordonjcp: that sounds like the best way to do it.  that way, you can get the silly impractical car that's actually fun19:28
gordonjcpdiesel for half the trip was, uh, sponsored by my fuel card19:29
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I wasn't, but I'll try to be at a future Oggcamp if there is one19:29
popeysmittix: yes19:29
DaveBugsI wanted a For Four, but them they stooped making them.19:29
popeyI got a Chevy Impala I think it was19:30
DaveBugsSomeone is here!!19:30
MartijnVdSDaveBugs: they may have stooped as well ;)19:30
gordonjcpDaveBugs: I quite liked the sound of the Brabus Smart Fortwo19:30
DaveBugsBloody stockinette19:30
gordonjcpDaveBugs: with the custom-made V6 engine made of two normal Smart engines welded together19:30
shaunoI drove the missus' chevvy for a while.  absolutely terrifying19:31
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: scary19:31
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: one Smart engine in a Smart is scary enough already19:31
shaunoI've only driven on the interstate once.  I've only fallen asleep on the interstate once.  and I've only woken up on the interstate once.  cruise control is *not* a feature, it's a WONTFIX.19:32
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: ye19:32
smittixSurprised sladen doesn't lurk in here.19:32
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: bet it sounds amazing19:32
popeyhe does sometimes19:32
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: it's a normal "cheap end of the spectrum" model19:33
smittixSmall world19:33
gordonjcpright all you south of england people19:33
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I'm always surprised at how large it is on the inside19:33
smittixDoes he still have long hair? Haven't seen him in ages.19:33
gordonjcpwhat would be the pros and cons of travelling to France via Folkestone or Dover?19:33
popeysmittix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxZplO4XPpE19:34
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: Felixstowe/Harwich <-> Hook of Holland19:34
smittixpopey: LOL19:34
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: that's less handy for going to Switzerland19:34
smittixHe hasn't changed19:34
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: Though car + train + tunnel is cheaper (because you pay for the car, not for separate passengers, as on a boat)19:35
shaunoI really should try to see more of holland sometime.  iceland is currently top of my hitlist tho19:35
shaunopopey: what on earth was that? it set irssi's text entry to inverse video19:35
MartijnVdSshauno: it's a smiley face. you might need to fix your utf8s19:35
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: ah, good point, I was only looking at ferries19:36
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: also, you might need to adjust your headlights on this side of the water19:36
shaunotmux appears to be turning utf8 into breakfast cereal.  everything else in the chain appears to be well-behaved19:36
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: (so we don't get blinded by them)19:36
smittixpopey: ?19:36
popeytmux huh.. byobu is switching from GNU Screen to tmux19:37
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: there's a button for that19:37
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: only for up/down, not for left/right19:37
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: at least on the cars I've seen19:37
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: nope, it's got left-right too19:37
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: ooh shiny19:37
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: it's a nice bit of design19:38
shaunotmux is actively maintained and has a much smaller memory footprint.  past that, I bear no allegiances19:38
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I may be picking up an old VW T4, and I know I can get LHD headlamps for that quite cheaply19:38
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I'm going to have to ask around on how it works on my Smart19:39
shaunoamazon sent me an invitiation to a 'trial' of amazon prime, then don't let me sign up for it because I'm not in .co.uk.  fail.19:40
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: oh wow, the eurotunnel is like half the price19:40
gordonjcpnow I just need 500 quid's worth of diesel19:40
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: maybe it's cheaper in France?19:40
shaunooh, completely random.  I had a job interview today.  they specified linux experience.  the complete extent of the linux-relevant questions, were "what does the kernel do"19:41
shaunothis made me a sad puppy.  I like it when the interview is a challenge between my experience vs the interviewer's experience.  not high-level dross19:42
shaunoI really need to figure out when it's acceptable to ask the interviewer to stop pussy-footing around and raise the bar19:46
smittixHeh Kevin Mitnick has just emailed me and confirms he uses Ubuntu19:46
smittixhow awesome is that.19:47
MartijnVdS^ for all you people who live on the internets19:50
=== stefano_ is now known as stefano-palazzo
shaunoI don't .. dmanit .. I do, don't I19:51
MartijnVdSshauno: just click the link19:51
shaunoI had to turn it off.  It was spoiling my musics.19:52
mgdmThe guy on the bass looks like Sheldon out of Big Bang Theory20:00
mgdmI might be wrong, but I could've sworn that a while back, I could do `apt-get install name-of-a-local-package-file.deb` and it would install the .deb file I pointed it at, but get it to resolve the dependencies using the normal way20:22
mgdmIs this something that was ever possible?20:23
MartijnVdSdpkg -i + apt-get -f install works for me most of the time20:23
mgdmHmmm. Maybe it's a yum thing :)20:23
MartijnVdSand there's gdebi20:23
popeyyay gdebi20:23
MartijnVdSpopey: scary man20:24
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
shaunoI've never used apt like that.  apt doesn't install packages, it just finds them for dpkg20:30
mgdmThere is a package manager somewhere that can do that - I suspect it's either yum or perhaps up2date20:30
shaunoyum I'm unfamiliar with; I haven't used RH since it came bundled with Unleashed books20:32
shaunoor the other way around; I haven't touched an rpm-based system since debian 2.2r220:34
smittixI like it how i can do yum install nautilus-* and it will install everything. can you do that with apt?20:37
Azelphursmittix: yes20:37
smittixsame way? apt-get install nautilus-*20:38
shaunoNote, selecting tortoisehg-nautilus for regex ‘nautilus-*’20:39
Olismittix: I'm not sure I'd recommend blindly installing things - not all packages are awesome.20:45
AlanBellteam meeting in 10 minutes or so20:46
AlanBellDaveBug: Laney: are you in a pub?20:46
daubersThat was good timing then20:46
daubersAlso, evening :)20:46
AlanBellokies, everyone got beer/wine/coffee/tea ready for a meeting in #ubuntu-uk-meeting very shortly?21:02
* bigcalm nips to the loo21:03
AlanBellanyone want to go to a happy hour in early December?21:32
christelnot the 3rd mind, as that's the freenode staff christmas do21:43
christelalso, sorry, i was scrolled up so i missed the topic change!21:43
AlanBellChristmas meal -> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/22:22
ubuntubhoyall alone :-(22:23
ubuntubhoynot very festive22:23
AlanBellthats me22:24
ubuntubhoyremember to take a mirror, just in case you get lonely22:24
AlanBellwon't help, it is in total darkness22:24
funkyHatIt sounds rather interesting22:24
ubuntubhoythats easy then, take a dinner party recording and join in22:25
matttdans le noir?  odd :/22:28
daftykinsmeals served by blind staff22:31
daftykinsdon't wear anything you like...22:31
bigcalmAlanBell: I want to register for the event though I don't know at this point if Hayley can come or not22:31
bigcalmShould I put it down as 0 or 1 guest?22:31
AlanBellbigcalm: sure, you can change your number of guests so don't worry too much22:31
bigcalmdaftykins: that's a little mean22:32
AlanBellI hope she can come, it will be fun!22:32
bigcalmThat's what I'm thinking :D22:32
AlanBelldaftykins: the blind staff won't have a problem, you will though22:32
bigcalmThere we go22:32
matttheh, it's like irc ... but in person22:32
mattti still think it's odd ;D22:32
daftykinsAlanBell: :D22:32
daftykinsindeed, i can't get to London!22:32
daftykinsfail at the first hurdle22:32
AlanBellmattt: well normal wouldn't really be "us" would it!22:33
matttAlanBell: freaks!22:33
bigcalmAlanBell: so far it's just you and me. How romantic ;)22:35
AlanBellbigcalm: you all look the same in the dark :)22:40
ubuntubhoybut do they feel the same ??22:40
AlanBellmooooving on22:40
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daftykinsmost restaurants are practically pitch black already with the fashionable dim lighting ;)22:44
daftykinsone of our fave local pubs actually cranks the music up and the lights down at a set time of evening :S quite daft it is22:45
AlanBellthere is quite a lot of difference between low light and no light22:45
daftykinswell yes but what i'm doing here is called making conversation branching from a topic, rather than being specifically to do with it22:45
AlanBellI find your expectation of social skills . . . disturbing22:46
daftykinsnot sure i follow22:47
daftykinsi found your comment rude so carried on ^_^22:47
AlanBellchristmas meal mail sent :)22:47
AlanBellno intention to be rude, sorry if I was22:48
daftykinsthat's ok22:48
* mattt gets his python on22:54
bigcalmAlanBell: It's the beginning of November and you've signed off your email with 'Happy Christmas'. I find this strangely disturbing22:54
AlanBelltweeted, and G+ed it22:57
DaveBugAlanBell: We /were/ in a pub... but I'm at home now23:24
AlanBellhow did it go?23:24
matttAlanBell: : what's your twitter?23:30
matttwas really hoping it was @alanbell :/23:34
AlanBellsadly I didn't get there in time for that23:35
* bigcalm engages sleep mode23:45

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