[02:50] 4 of us here at the ubuntu hour [02:51] :) [02:53] * broder waves [02:58] hi all! [03:26] Hi [03:29] hello dedalux [03:29] http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6330024405/ from tonight :) [03:30] picked up the thunderbird sickers at uds [03:30] stickers [03:30] Nice spread! [18:32] http://www.theverge.com/2011/11/10/2552190/senate-defeats-bill-that-would-have-overturned-net-neutrality-rules yay! [18:33] dystopian nightmare where the "real" internet is a darknet averted slightly! [18:33] BotenAnna: I'm also happy about the "anti-bullying unless you think you should be able to bully" law in Michigan. [18:33] haha yeah that was really freaking dumb [18:35] and mississippi of all places, in the midst of a heated election where conservative candidates resoundingly won their seats, resoundingly defeated a proposition that a legal person is defined at conception [18:35] BotenAnna: that's great. can I claim a fetus as a tax deduction then? [18:35] well not now youcan't! [18:36] Communists! [18:36] filthy satan liberals say that a baby has to be "born" :rolls eyes: [18:37] I liked the part where it would make IVF murder. [18:37] in all fairness, for the horrific things that would cause, there could be some really fun trolling [18:37] 20.25 year olds demanding alcohol and the like [18:37] 17.25 year olds voting. [18:37] exactly [18:43] i would have voted for perot [19:09] Anyone in Bay Area feel like being part of a zombie comic book photoshoot on Sat? [19:09] We have a makeup artist already, and the rest of the cast [19:10] Meeting at salon in WC, then to Oakland, and then Lake Merrit [19:11] How did my server not have ntpd installed? Fixing now. [19:15] Well, 150 seconds isn't bad. [20:29] MarkDude: didn't know lake merrit was on the plan. [20:30] What IS the plan!? [20:31] Well those getting makeup meet up in WC [20:31] At Belle's studio [20:31] Stacy and Lyz are getting regular makeup done at 10-11 [20:32] then we are having maybe 3 zombies done [20:32] I'm bringing an extra zombie. [20:32] Just in case. [20:32] No Nixie for this shoot [20:32] Cool [20:32] Yeah, Nixie is a busy chick. [20:32] She is closing her salon until 1pm [20:32] there is another Lyz? [20:32] Ooops, yes, not the Princess [20:37] Although pleia2 would make for awesome zombie.... Idk that is a project that you would be interested in :D [20:38] dragon, maybe Sam wants to be standby zombie? [20:38] Stacy already asked a few people in local bands to join [20:38] Not sure on responses yet [20:39] not really my scene :) (even if I did have the time, which I don't) [20:39] am finally home this weekend (for once!), and I'm on call [20:41] MarkDude: that's be a good idea. [20:41] And that's the extra zombie I was referring to. :P [20:41] But makeup. How'd that work? [20:41] I can't really be there before 1:30pm. [20:46] lovely, someone's using the xmpp gateway [20:49] Cougarswiss: Welcome to Ubuntu California LoCo. [20:50] Thank you dragon. [20:50] Faqtotum: easier than setting up an IRC client, I'd say. [20:51] i typically use pidgin for xmpp, so it's the same to me [20:53] I wonder if this works: http://www.eagull.net/embed/ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic%irc.freenode.net@irc.talkr.im [20:53] Not on my network. My company restricts outgoing non-standard ports. [20:53] And this uses 8080. [20:57] i get a blank page [20:58] To start with? [20:58] no, after speaking a nick [20:59] i said "ubuntu" and the speech recognition rendered it as "ubaldo" [20:59] okay, so irc.talkr.im doesn't like clients authenticated by SASL-Anon. [20:59] hahah [20:59] I hope you're pronouncing all the U's the same way. [21:00] and yeah, need to tweak this a bit more before it starts to support IRC. [21:00] That'd be like creating mibbit, then. [21:01] mibbit is banned on freenode after severe abuses, mostly by one very bored british teenager [21:11] lol. I knew it was banned, but didn't know that it was one kid's job. [21:11] Mibbit was certainly doing it wrong. [21:16] he wasn't an official reason, but it was a widely believed rumor at the time, for good reason [21:18] Yeah. They should just have made the IP addresses available. [21:20] Oh, talkr.im is doing it wrong too. [21:20] So one talkr.im user can spam and get the gateway blocked. [21:20] But not as wrong as mibbit. Gotta admin. [21:20] s/in/it/ [21:33] mibbit always showed the ip address and still does [21:34] talkr.im is already banned in a number of channels [21:35] No surprise. [21:35] and if mibbit showed IP, why did it go down? [21:37] appeared punitive to me [21:37] by default it showed the IP in a /whois, the ircd had to be patched for it to show as a proper hostname, either way it was very easy to just block mibbit because of all the abuse [21:38] we haven't blocked it entirely on another network I help manage, but it certainly is widely abused there too so we have to keep a close eye on it [21:40] more and more networks are blocking mibbit now [21:40] but that's much more recent [21:41] we blocked them before freenode, but then loosened our policy [21:41] our network only has about 3k users though [21:50] it's unfortunate because mibbit is pretty useful [21:50] i run a small irc server mainly for friends so i don't have more than one serious abuse attempt in history, and none with mibbit [21:50] but i see how it becomes A Problem when you're bigger =\ [21:52] freenode is big. [21:53] lilo got a lot of flack, but i never did get how he managed to manage it all [21:56] ah, makes sense. [22:13] dragon, You cant be earlier than 12:00? [22:14] We have plenty of people without makeup meeting at Lake Merit - her shop is closing for this, and will re-open at 1 pm [22:14] MarkDude: gotta be elsewhere 10am-noon. [22:14] I'd have to cancel that. [22:15] k [22:15] Well depends on if stacy can find another zombie [22:15] we have more townsfolk then zombies now [22:16] like a horde of 2 zombies is NOT a horde, at least 3 is [22:16] yep. [22:16] could you invite Cougarswiss (Sam) to the event btw? [22:18] Wait, what's going on? [22:18] Cougarswiss: talking about the upcoming photoshoot. [22:19] Okay. [22:27] 21:53 < Faqtotum> lilo got a lot of flack, but i never did get how he managed to manage it all [22:27] i cant speak for any specific drama here [22:28] but i can say this: having been in charge of things wherein it is smaller but very drama-y, I have a decent amount of respect for people who do their best to corral large oss groups because they are also very drama-y [22:30] and with oss it's even worse than just a group of friends, as they're often more sophisticated in using technical measures to poorly advocate for what they want and you have to deal with THAT too :( [22:31] Interesting. [22:32] for any familiar with the bear gryllis meme "welp, i am mad about punctuation before my name in an irc chatroom, better drink my own pi--i mean ddos" [22:55] BotenAnna: very very true [23:55] ahahahahahaha, best daily wtf in a while http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Truth-Enough.aspx