
jedijfin 11 they weny syslog dep'd messages'01:16
jedijfnight typing01:16
rmg51morning JonathanD10:40
rmg51seems my touchpad is not working this morning :P10:41
JonathanDGood. I never did like touchpads.10:43
rmg51strange, it won't move the pointer, but if I touch it after turning the backlight off it brings the screen back on10:51
InHisNamermg51: you have an HP touchPad ?13:43
rmg51the touchpad on my laptop14:07
calvinthis joe pa thing is pissing me off14:38
calvinwhat do you think of it?14:38
=== calvin is now known as MobileTurkey
teddy-dbearI think I want to stay as far away as I can =-O14:41
ChinnoDogWhat is the joe pa thing?15:27
rmg51ChinnoDog: ^15:41
ChinnoDogk. I read it all15:48
waltmanbeloved octogenerian football coach covering up sordid pedophile scandal16:05
MobileTurkeywell thats that.16:12
MobileTurkeyhe didnt cover it up!16:12
MobileTurkeyhe /reported it/16:12
MobileTurkeythe president should be fired not him16:13
waltmanSo explain to me why he didn't bring McQueary with him to the meeting with the AD. If, as the claim, there was some miscommunication about what exactly has happened, why didn't they speak to the one person who'd witnessed it?16:13
waltmanPaterno was supposedly the most powerful person on campus. It boggles the mind that he didn't know what was going on.16:16
MobileTurkeyWhy did the guy who saw it not go to the police?16:34
MobileTurkeyeveryone is saying paterno should have gone. Paterno only had a second hand account of something he had no evidence of.16:35
waltmanRight, why did McQueary only call his FATHER, and then not tell JoePa until the following day?16:51
waltmanInstead of, I don't know, trying to stop it himself? He's a former football player himself. He could probably take Sandusky.16:52
waltmanThere's more to this story.16:52
waltmanMaybe McQueary blackmailed Paterno to get an assistent coach job. Who knows?16:53
MobileTurkeyeither way paterno didnt do anything wrong17:00
MobileTurkeyhe didnt do what all that he could, but he very well did the bare minimum17:00
waltmanI don't know, I think it's quite likely he was involved in a coverup to protect his longtime friend and the program.17:06
waltmanHe certainly never followed up with the AD.17:07
ChinnoDogsup MobileTurkey18:06
MobileTurkeyI just wrote an english paper about religious wars and I am pretty sure the FEDs are going to see it because I emailed it to myself. contains the words "bomb AK47 terrorist barak obama, white house"21:17
MobileTurkeyshit >.>21:17
waltmanThey just saw that irc post, too :)21:18
EvilResistanceMobileTurkey:  i once had the feds be curious about something i stated that included some of those words21:19
EvilResistanceexcept that when they read the paper...21:19
EvilResistancethey realized it was a theoretical analysis of how a russian invasion would begin21:19
EvilResistanceemailed only to myself :P21:19
waltmanMobileTurkey: at times like these, scp is your friend :)21:19
EvilResistancefrom one computer i own to another21:19
waltmanso is gpg21:20
JonathanDMet 2 possible venue-people last night.21:24
MobileTurkeyEvilResistance: me as well21:24
JonathanDwaltman: whats new?21:25
MobileTurkeyI actually like of wanted to make them see it21:25
MobileTurkey"islam bombs terrorist AK-47 washington DC president barak obama jihad muslim attack train building21:25
MobileTurkeyHEY FEDS STOP READING MY EMAIL! bunch of commies.21:25
EvilResistanceyou're starting to make me concerned21:25
waltmanJonathanD: York, Jersey, England.21:25
MobileTurkeywe'll see, we'll see.21:25
* EvilResistance has contacts in the federal government21:25
EvilResistancei dont want to have to use them21:25
JonathanDwaltman: I shall take your word for it.21:25
MobileTurkeywaltman: don't forget hampshire21:25
MobileTurkeyEvilResistance: :p21:26
MobileTurkeyi read all about *your* guys on reddit21:26
MobileTurkey<disclaimer> anyone who says that is an idiot</disclaimer>21:26
EvilResistanceMobileTurkey:  did i meniton i work for PEMA?21:26
EvilResistanceand my contacts are at FEMA?21:27
EvilResistancewhich have contacts at DHS?21:27
MobileTurkeyINGSOC? :P21:28
MobileTurkeyI feel like all these rage comics are just self glorifying bastards.21:29
MobileTurkeyIts not funny, thats the problem21:29
MobileTurkeynone of the comics are remotely funny21:30

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