
stochasticHey everyone, who in here is currently running a firewire audio device?05:10
ailostochastic, I have one05:27
ailofocusrite sapphire pro 4005:27
ailoWorks fantastic on Oneiric with a -lowlatency kernel05:28
ailoI had to recompile my own. Going to see if I can put it up on my PPA later05:28
stochasticailo, it's been a while since I've had a working firewire-enabled computer and I'm trying to get my presonus firepod working on my new laptop05:33
stochasticwhat steps are needed to get things rolling out the gate?05:33
stochastic11.10 install - fresh05:33
ailostochastic, Since 11.04 firewire cards work out of the box05:33
ailoYou only need to be a member of audio group in order to run jack05:34
stochasticokay, well I get nothing but crashes over here05:34
ailoOne thing I had to do to get mine working was having to have the card on while I stuck in the cord05:34
stochasticis jack set to 'realtime'?05:34
ailoJust use standard jack settings05:35
stochasticI always boot up with the device on and plugged in05:35
ailoNow, mine is behaving differently for some reason, so I can get it working by first injecting the cord, and then turning the device on05:35
stochastichey what do you know, unchecking 'realtime' in jack set it up fine, now to run some audio tests05:36
ailoOk, then you were not a member of audio group?05:37
stochasticyes, I was a member of the audio group05:39
stochasticI did remember that step in earlier config tests05:39
ailostochastic, Did you logout login? Cause, that would be the only thing I can think of why realtime would not work.05:41
ailostochastic, Here's why your device works out of the box "/lib/udev/rules.d/60-ffado.rules"05:42
ailoSo, you don't need to set any rights for the firewire device itself05:42
ailoHowever, in order to get jack to run it in realtime, you need to be in audio group05:42
ailoIf you want to double check, just run jack as root05:42
ailostochastic, So, in short, to get a firewire device working, generally the only thing you need to consider is being a member of audio group05:44
stochasticailo, well I have the card hooked up, trying to record into an ardour session but the track won't record (nor will the ardour transport start - or the jack transport for that matter) any suggestions?   I also see no levels in the ardour track inputs.05:48
ailostochastic, I would double check with the onboard card, and if all else fails, try the firewire device with OSX or Windows05:55
ailoI mean, double check that everything works fine with alsa, and the onboard card05:55
ailoDon't have any specific knowledge about your device05:56
ailoI would also make sure it works in realtime, which is kind of essential I believe in order to get any kind of good performance05:57
ailostochastic, Good luck. Gotta go now :)05:58
intenzodoes anyone here know it its possible to start a capture at a specific smpte time in dvgrab?06:56
holsteinanything is possible, but i would probably try and 'do it in post'06:57
intenzodo it in post?06:58
holsteingrab, edit afterward06:58
intenzowell i got 4000 dv tapes to copy so i realy need to automate06:58
holsteinwhats the issue?06:59
holsteinyou'll need to set the grab times per tape then06:59
intenzotheres 2min of colorbars and black picture in the beginning of every tape07:00
holsteini still think any editing would be easier than anything during capture07:00
intenzofor some reason i can set the end time but not the start time07:01
intenzojust thought that was wierd and was afriad i had missed something in dvgrab07:01
holsteinnot sure07:01
holsteinim not sure who's maintaining that package07:01
intenzodo you know any alternatives to dvgrab?07:02
holsteinnot sure who would know either07:02
holsteinnot a lot of video folks here unfortunately07:02
holsteinand what i do , i just edit07:02
intenzothink I'll have a look on the dvgrab code to see if I can do something clever07:07
holsteinintenzo: good luck07:08
holsteinintenzo: feel free to comment on the mailing list07:09
holsteini see some video chatter there sometimes07:09
holsteinVERY rare in this channel though...07:09
intenzowell it was a long shot, but thought that some here would have some knowlige about it07:10
intenzoi'll get back if i find a good solution07:11
intenzoholstein: I solved it14:31
intenzoa fried made a custom build of dvgrab ;)14:31
intenzoit adds a startcapture option14:31
holsteinintenzo: w0w14:46
holsteinsometimes i tell people the software is open, and they technically can make it do anything14:46
holsteinrarely does someone actually do it though :)14:47
intenzohes f_ing great14:47
intenzoalso, it was a rather easy patch so all other functionality is there and should work as espected14:49

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