
_jamis there a native way to seek kontact's calendar with google calendar?00:00
_jamok. wait. what. kmail is moving email between folders. at least two emails keep getting moved from the inbox to a subfolder, for no apparent reason00:02
_jamI notice these two because I've left them unread to return to for later00:02
_jamwhy would this possibly be happening00:03
=== quartz is now known as Guest46011
SnowhogKontact and Kmail 4.7.3. Everything works just fine. But, when composing a new email, typing in the To field no longer looks in my Contacts, instead, it is looking at recent addresses only. If I click on the Select button I can choose from my Contacts. Why aren't my Contacts being looked at when typing in a recipient? It used to.00:16
Daskreech_jam: There is a googledata plugin00:25
QuintasanSnowhog: That's probably a bug in KDE, I suggest you check if it was reported already, if not then please report it at http://bugs.kde.org00:30
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:31
_jamDaskreech: it doesn't show up on the plugins list under calendar, though I do have akonadi-kde-resource-googledata installed00:42
ScottyKHow long do you think it will be until 4.7.3 will be in the official repos?00:46
DaskreechScottyK: Depends on what you mean by official I guess00:50
ScottyKdaskreech - I was looking at the news page on kubuntu.org00:50
DaskreechScottyK: Probably a month or more00:50
Daskreechhttp://www.my-guides.net/en/content/view/178/26/ <-- _jam old article but should still work00:52
_jamDaskreech: thanks! will check this out00:53
ScottyKDaskreech - Thanks..00:56
DaskreechScottyK: they have 4 repos that it goes through so might take a while before they publicly announce it00:57
BarkingFishAnyone still alive in here at this ungodly hour of the morning? :)01:09
szalwrong question & you know it ;)01:10
BarkingFishI need to see someone's help if there is.  I just got an email through confirming my subscription to a course to learn Korean - and I just realised something.01:10
BarkingFishI have no idea how the myxzptlk to get my PC (localised in English (British)) to type in Korean with an English Keyboard.01:10
BarkingFishAnyone got any ideas on how I can sort this please?01:10
BarkingFishI need to be able basically to form Hangul, which is multisyllabic characters built into blocks :)01:11
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BarkingFishszal: you ok?01:12
szalI'm kind-of used to Konvi crashin already, but never had it crash while typing as of yet..01:12
Guest44914Hello! I've a problem. The starter [Alt] + [F2] doesn't start any more. How to reactivate it again?01:12
szalGuest44914: tried to restart KDE?01:13
BarkingFishszal: that'd be krunner, wouldn't it?01:13
Guest44914szal: I logged on and of again.01:13
Guest44914szal: I ment, I logged off and on again.01:13
BarkingFishso anyone else got thoughts on my typing thingy? :)01:14
szalBarkingFish: afaics, a Korean kb layout would do, plus a font that contains Hangul..  no idea about whether some other additional software is necessary, only I've read that you don't need a special input editor for Korean as for Chinese and Japanese, because the characters are assembled from a limited base set, and character assembly follows strict rules01:15
BarkingFishszal: it follows very strict rules, each character/syllable is no more than 2 lines high, and is basically 1 to 2 chars wide, it's assembled in a set order too01:16
szalthough right now is about the worst time for asking Asia-related stuff, because most Asians won't be on now; you might have better luck in 10–12 hours01:17
axel_szal: A restart didn't do it either.01:20
axel_szal: How is this programm, plugin, ... called? So I can google it.01:22
axel_szal: Thanks.01:23
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Stronzeim having an issue with kubuntu opening ALL folders into movie player.01:48
Stronzeconnection test01:51
Stronzecan anyone help me with that? only thing im finind is a ubuntu 10.10 solution to right click and open as and save as but right click in kubuntu doesnt give that option01:55
Stronzeanyone know how to solve kubuntu-desktop from opening folders into movie player without the ability to right click and open with option?02:01
Stronzeoookay now my apps in task bar where  switch between apps has gone REALLY thin02:04
DaskreechStronze: sup?02:07
StronzeStronze> can anyone help me with that? only thing im finind is a ubuntu 10.10 solution to right click and open as and save as but right click in kubuntu doesnt give that option02:08
DaskreechStronze: you are getting folders not opening in Dolphin?02:08
Stronzeim using kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu02:09
DaskreechStronze: ok nautilus then?02:09
jmichaelxthen you should be using dolphin as your file manager02:09
Stronzeyes dolphin02:10
Stronzenever noticed that before02:10
jmichaelxin other words... dolphin is KDE's default file manager (what i meant to say)02:10
DaskreechStronze: Might help if you explained what the setup is02:11
Daskreechare you in KDE or using Gnome with plasma desktop laid over it?02:11
Stronzei just switched from ubuntu 11.10 to kubuntu using the GUI02:11
Stronzebeen avoiding a fresh install02:12
DaskreechStronze: as in you logged in to Kubuntu from the KDM?02:12
Stronzekdm? im just a normal user of linux, i only play with it when it breaks02:12
DaskreechStronze: ha ha the login screen :)02:13
Stronzelol yes, i select kubuntu in login02:13
jmichaelxStronze: now we KNOW you are pulling our legs!!! Linus is ALWAYS broken!!02:13
jmichaelx(just kidding)02:13
DaskreechStronze: Great. ok press alt+F2 and type associations02:14
DaskreechShould open File associations02:14
Corigo11.10 with KDE 4.7.2 when I launch gparted it shows a progress icon like it is launching, but then no UI appears02:15
DaskreechClick on the arrow next to Inode and click on directory02:15
DaskreechWhat's the Application Preference Order?02:15
Daskreech!info kdm02:16
ubottukdm (source: kde-workspace): KDE Display Manager for X11. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 858 kB, installed size 2964 kB02:16
DaskreechCorigo: try partitionmanager02:17
Daskreech!info partitionmanager02:18
ubottupartitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): A partition management utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 270 kB, installed size 1048 kB02:18
DaskreechStronze: or let me know if you get stucjk02:18
Daskreechjmichaelx: Linus might be constantly broken too02:18
jmichaelxDaskreech: well i had not considered that, but now that you mention it...02:19
jmichaelxperpetual kernel hacking could have that effect on even the best among us02:21
Daskreechmore so dealing with kernel hackers perpetually02:21
jmichaelxespecially that02:21
bartman2589Hi everyone, someone in here the other day mentioned that 11.10 was up to version 4.7.4 of KDE, can someone point me to a ppa or repository for it?02:22
bartman2589guess not huh02:26
vehemothbartman2589: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.7_Release_Schedule02:29
vehemoth4.7.4 seems planned for december02:29
vehemothcan you point me to something saying it's released02:30
Daskreechbartman2589: A little hard since it doesn't exist02:31
Belial`yeah, 4.7.4 won't be out until next month.02:31
Daskreech4.7.4 that is. I think last I heard 11.10 exists02:31
Belial`the current version in the official 11.10 repos is 4.7.2 and the ppa has 4.7.302:32
bartman2589ok, I'm on 4.7.3 from the ppa right now02:32
Belial`you're up to date then.02:32
bartman2589ok, thanks, just wanted to make sure02:32
bartman2589dumb question, I'm planning on putting together a new system in the next month or so built around a Phenom II 1055T (maybe even something a little bigger yet even if funds permit), and was wondering if it's worth it to move to 64 bit Kubuntu, I know there are several big problems still with 64 bit versions of linux (largely due to lack of applications for 64 bit), or not02:35
StronzeStronze> can anyone help me with that? only thing im finind is a ubuntu 10.10 solution to right click and open as and save as but right click in kubuntu doesnt give that option02:36
bartman2589that didn't quite come out right, but I think you probably understand what I meant02:36
Belial`if you're 4gb+ then yeah, might as well move to 64bit.02:36
Belial`it's also proven faster in benchmarks vs. 32bit.02:37
bartman2589just a bit concerned about the problems I've heard with getting things like Flash and even some sound hardware working under 64bit02:37
Belial`i'm using 64bit flash 11 right now and haven't had one problem.02:38
phunyguyflash has a native 64 bit version now, as well as a third party ppa for install/updates02:38
phunyguynot to mention flash will be going away soon in favor of HTML502:38
phunyguyopen standards ftw02:38
bartman2589yeah I know they finally released a 64 bit version (god knows it took them long enough), but I've heard it's still kind of buggy02:38
phunyguyhaven't had any issues with it02:38
phunyguycertainly performs better than gnash02:39
Belial`performs real good here.02:39
Belial`as a matter of fact, it's even better than before.02:39
bartman2589right now I use Adobe's Flashplugin from medibuntu02:39
Belial`i use to have issues with fullscreen flash videos all the time02:39
Belial`haven't had one problem since 11.02:40
bartman2589ok, thanks02:40
phunyguyyeah I had bad performance issues with older flash / gnash02:42
phunyguyvideos were really choppy and it crashed all the time02:43
Belial`i never tried gnash02:43
bartman2589ATI catalyst drivers working ok for most people so far on 64 bit?  The new board I'm going to get has onboard ATI graphics and I want to kind of use that board as a 'stepping stone' until I can buy a better one and a dedicated videocard (the motherboard is free with the cpu purchase so I can't complain too much)02:43
Belial`yeah, i haven't heard anything good about it performance wise, so i never bothered.02:43
Belial`i haven't used the catalyst driver in some years.02:44
Belial`it was so so about two, three years ago.02:44
bartman2589I'm just trying to 'get my ducks all in a row' before I do build that new system, If I'm going to have problems with video drivers I'll probably opt for a different board (choice of 4 different ones available free with cpu), but the one I'm looking at is the only one that has shared memory higher than 256Mb with the onboard video02:46
Belial`i'm on an i3 with integrated intel video and kwin runs great.02:47
Belial`i also have a geforce gt420 with 1gb ram, but optimus doesn't work in linux.02:48
Belial`so i'm stuck using the intel driver for now.02:48
bartman2589what's 'Optimus'?02:48
Belial`switchable graphics02:48
bartman2589oh, ok02:49
Belial`whenever an app is hardware accelerated, (flash, games, etc) it kicks on the dedicated card.02:49
Belial`otherwise it uses the integrated solution.02:49
bartman2589ah, nice feature from the sounds of it, if it works02:49
Belial`works great in windows.02:49
Belial`but i haven't really played any games recently.02:50
bartman2589but why not just use the 'dedicated' card all the time?02:50
Belial`well, some higher end laptops can switch off the integrated card in the bios.02:50
Belial`mine doesn't.02:50
DaskreechStronze: aare you back?02:51
Belial`i'm stuck using both if i'm in windows.02:51
Belial`bartman2589: but the whole point of optimus is having performance with battery life.02:51
bartman2589Ok, I've run into a few systems that didn't like to turn off the onboard graphics, had to disable in device manager in windows02:51
Belial`when you don't need the extra power the gpu provides, it shuts down and uses the intel graphics.02:52
Belial`which saves battery.02:52
StronzeDaskreech, been here the whole time02:52
bartman2589ok, makes sense, I don't own a laptop so not a big deal for me02:52
Belial`i'm stuck with just my laptop for now.02:52
DaskreechStronze: You timed out about a minute after I gave a solution last time :)02:52
StronzeDaskreech, thats my luck :/02:53
Belial`i was thinking about building a phenom system.02:53
DaskreechStronze: Ok press alt+F2 and type associations02:53
DaskreechShould open File associations02:53
bartman2589I don't really have a need for a laptop yet so I stick with desktop systems02:53
Belial`but i priced a core i5 quad core system for around the same price.02:53
DaskreechClick on the arrow next to Inode and click on directory02:53
DaskreechWhat's the Application Preference Order?02:53
bartman2589I'm lucky enough to have a Microcenter store only a few miles away, kind of like a walk in version of Tigerdirect or NewEgg, pricing is even competitive or im many cases cheaper than Tigerdirect or NewEgg02:54
bartman2589like with the Phenom II I'm looking at, it's $149.99 with choice of 4 different motherboards free with purchase, but it's in store purchase only02:55
jmichaelxbartman2589:  were the one telling me about this the other night? (like in the detroit area?)02:55
bartman2589or I can get $40 off a different motherboard02:56
StronzeDaskreech, not seeing inode. its listing file associations(configure file associations), association (class) attachment(class), personinvolvement (class) association member (property, attachment (property)02:56
bartman2589finally got 11.10 installed and running!!!02:56
bartman2589had to turn off acpi though via kernel switch02:56
bartman2589and had to switch to a different run level and install nvidia-173 package to work with my video card02:57
bartman2589once I did that it booted right into KDE and worked02:58
jmichaelxbartman2589: glad you finally got that figured out02:58
CorigoDaskreech: Partition manager only sees 1 of my 3 drives and I see no way to mark for RAID02:58
jmichaelxstraightened out802:58
bartman2589I learned a lot yesterday talking with everyone, my deepest thanks to all who tried to help me02:58
jmichaelxi have also dealt with machines that just seemed to want to defy all attempts at getting them to work in linux02:59
jmichaelxsome turn out to run just fine, once you finally learn which hoops you initially need to jump through03:00
bartman2589the jumping through hoops was what was driving me nuts :)03:00
bartman2589<--- is not a circus animal03:01
jmichaelxlol, i hear ya03:01
Stronzebartman2589, i hear it pays great in peanuts tho03:01
bartman2589but yeah, all seems well with it now, even managed to update to kde 4.7.3 without any problems and unlike the problems I had with network manager the other day that all works the way one would expect it to now03:02
jmichaelxawesome... so you were able to nuke that unwanted network device entry?03:02
DaskreechStronze: What comes up for File associations?03:04
bartman2589sort of, did a clean install of 11.10 from bootable flash drive, and it never showed up in 11.10 like it did in 10.10 and 11.04.  unlike in those versions the connection showed up in network manager itself just fine so I was able to edit it and didn't need to add a new one manually03:04
StronzeDaskreech, KDE control module.03:05
DaskreechCorigo: what version of partition manager?03:06
bartman2589had to use 'nomodeset' and 'acpi=off' switches to start installer though, once I did that the text based installer worked just fine03:06
corigo11.10 with KDE 4.7.2 gparted prompts for password, opens a task tab, shows spinning icon, but never displays a UI window03:07
StronzeDaskreech, there is an inode subsection03:07
DaskreechStronze: Hmm I get http://wstaw.org/m/2011/11/12/plasma-desktops26305.jpg03:07
DaskreechStronze: with a little arrow beside it?03:07
phunyguycorigo: open a konsole, and run gparted from there.  See what the error is.  My guess is a GTK theme display issue03:08
bartman2589have you considered trying the standalone gparted disk to do your partitioning for the moment?03:08
bartman2589you can get the iso and other files for the live gparted disc here: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/index.php03:09
StronzeDaskreech, thats exactly it and i found directory all by myself and it has all those with movie player included. i assume delete movie player?03:09
DaskreechStronze: That's what you are seeing?03:09
DaskreechStronze: Right put in Dolphin03:09
StronzeDaskreech, its already there03:09
DaskreechYou can just put in dolphin and push it up to the top of the priority list03:10
Daskreechcorigo: run it from the command line. It is probably a theme issue03:10
StronzeDaskreech,  it goes dolphin, gwenview,  file manger03:11
StronzeDaskreech,  no konquer like your image03:11
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DaskreechStronze: That's good enough03:11
DaskreechClick Apply03:11
bartman2589dumb question since I'm kind of new to irc chatting, but is the text I see highlighted (addressed to me) in orange a private message?  I'm using the windows version of quassel right now still from my windows machine until I get a bunch of things transferred to my Kubuntu box03:11
StronzeDaskreech,  i assumed so but figure di better list whats showing incase you spotted something needing fix03:11
StronzeDaskreech,  Configuration file "/home/stronze/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" not writable.03:12
StronzePlease contact your system administrator.03:12
bartman2589like the message from Stronze replying to my comment about not being a circus animal, that was highlighted in orange03:12
DaskreechStronze: can you tell me what the persmissions there  are ?03:13
Stronzebartman2589, its not private but highlighted since it has your name03:13
bartman2589Ok, thanks03:13
bartman2589again, learning something new, goes with my saying "If you don't learn at least one new thing every day you're doing something wrong"03:14
corigoMaybe a restart was required after install. Running from command line launched the UI after a restart03:14
StronzeDaskreech, when i click edit, it says owner read write but group and others says read only03:15
DaskreechStronze: and you are the owner?03:15
Daskreech!tab | bartman258903:15
ubottubartman2589: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:15
StronzeDaskreech, yeps and only user03:15
DaskreechStronze: >_>03:16
DaskreechStronze: umm. close file associations and reopen03:17
StronzeDaskreech, seems file associations has locked up03:19
corigoNope, very strange. Launches fine from the command line, but from the Launcher it fails every time03:23
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
DaskreechBah netdied03:27
Daskreechwhat was the last thing that I said?03:27
kamilnadeemHi Everyone.03:28
bartman2589[22:27:48] <Daskreech> Bah netdied03:28
Daskreechbartman2589: Very Cute :)03:28
kamilnadeemHi Daskreech03:29
corigoany suggested tutorials on setting up a RAID5 array in Kubuntu?03:29
bartman2589before that it was: [22:17:16] <Daskreech> Stronze: umm. close file associations and reopen03:29
kamilnadeemguys, I have created a new Blog about Linux and FOSS: http://mknadeem.blogspot.com/ .03:30
kamilnadeemPlease check it and share if you find it interesting or informative.03:30
kamilnadeemAlso The First post introduces non FOSS people to our very own Ubuntu .03:30
StronzeDaskreech,  did i ping out?03:32
DaskreechDOn't know I timed out as well03:33
Daskreechkamilnadeem: Hello03:33
kamilnadeemHi Daskreech03:33
Daskreechkamilnadeem: how are you?03:33
StronzeDaskreech, we was at im the one and only user03:34
DaskreechStronze: what was the last thing you saw from me?03:34
kamilnadeemgreat , and you?03:34
DaskreechStronze: Ah and File associations was frozen? Is it still like that?03:34
StronzeDaskreech, no i was able to close it.. <Stronze> Daskreech, i got it to close and i tried moving and redeleting buts not letting me make changes and giving same dialog box03:35
DaskreechStronze: strange. Ok give me moment03:35
DaskreechStronze: what's in that file?03:36
Daskreechkamilnadeem: I'm fine :)03:37
StronzeDaskreech,  you mean the association order?03:37
corigoI guess I'll restart and see if my RAID array is still there...03:37
DaskreechStronze: no in the ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list03:38
Daskreechcorigo: Cross your toes03:38
Daskreechkamilnadeem: Good to hear :)03:38
kamilnadeemSorry for posting about my blog here guys, I forgot that these are support channels, I have just been reprimanded on the main ubuntu channel . My mistake03:38
Daskreechkamilnadeem: Yep bad place for it. Try an offtopic chan03:39
kamilnadeemyes Daskreech , doing just that , this moment03:39
DaskreechStronze: I would guess it's not empty?03:40
StronzeDaskreech,  http://pastebin.com/PTuvh9z003:43
corigoHmm. at reboot (after BIOS to point at right boot drive) the UI drops away before login and I'm at a (initramfs) command line screen03:43
DaskreechStronze: try mv ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list.two03:45
saravanaguys im going to install kubuntu 11.04.but which is the best 32 or 64 bit03:45
Daskreechsaravana: how much memory do you have?03:45
corigostuck at BusyBox v1.18.4 (Ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2) built-in shell (ash)03:46
saravana500 gb03:46
StronzeDaskreech,  copy paste whole thing you typedf?03:46
StronzeDaskreech, typed*03:46
DaskreechStronze: yes03:46
Daskreechsaravana: that's hard drive. How much RAM do youhave?03:47
saravana4 gb03:47
corigoMaybe I should start over with Nexenta and ZFS. Anyone know if there is KDE support for Nexenta?03:48
saravanaDaskreech: 4 gb RAM03:48
Daskreechsaravana: 64 GB03:49
Daskreechsaravana: 64 Bit I mean03:49
saravanaDaskreech: ya thanks dude03:50
saravanaDaskreech: how can i install without losin my data03:50
Daskreechsaravana: I don't know what your current setup is03:51
saravanaDaskreech: now im usin 11.04 beta03:51
saravanakubuntu Daskreech03:51
Daskreechsaravana: do you have a /home partition ?03:51
saravanaya i hav Daskreech03:52
Daskreechsaravana: Then just don't delete it03:52
DaskreechStronze: Hi03:53
StronzeDaskreech, i think i might have pinged out03:53
saravanaDaskreech:  i hav to delete only the root03:53
saravanaDaskreech:  isnt it03:53
Daskreechsaravana: When you are installing do a custom partitioning and tell it delete / but do not format /home03:53
DaskreechStronze: You did03:53
StronzeDaskreech, when wifi slows, i dont know i lost connection03:54
DaskreechHappens to me as well03:54
Hacker|laptopIs it possible for flash to run doubles on top of itself?03:54
saravanaDaskreech:  then what about root03:54
StronzeDaskreech,  Stronze> Daskreech, with the MV, invalid protocol. without, no file exist03:55
DaskreechStronze: with the MV invalid protocol? What is giving you that error?03:55
StronzeDaskreech, is it possible to sudo edit the file?03:55
StronzeDaskreech, i copy pasted into dolphine03:56
DaskreechStronze: oh ha03:56
DaskreechStronze: press F4 and you will get a black window at the bottom of dolphin03:56
Daskreechpaste it in there03:56
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
saravanaDaskreech:  what about root03:58
vehemotherror while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:58
vehemothany ideas? I have libopenal1 installed03:58
Daskreechsaravana: the only thnig you might need from root is /etc you can back that up if you like03:59
Daskreechsaravana: Welcome back03:59
StronzeDaskreech, ug..i copy pasted into dolphin03:59
DaskreechStronze: That's fine. Press F4 and you will get a terminal within dolphin04:00
StronzeDaskreech, would it be easier to sudo edit that file in terminal?04:00
Daskreechpaste it in there04:00
saravanaDaskreech:  whats the use of etc04:00
Daskreechsaravana: it's the configuration files for anything that will affect the entire computer. Such as networking or the RAID arrangement or databases and so on04:01
StronzeDaskreech,  okay the orginal disappeared and now mimeapps.list.two is showing04:02
saravanawhen i install 11.10 it will install its own etc know04:02
DaskreechStronze: oktry the file applications again04:02
Daskreechsaravana: yes it will04:03
saravanaDaskreech: k then i will format the root and delete the home04:04
StronzeDaskreech,  problem sovled. when i went to remove mplayer, it was already gone04:04
Daskreechsaravana: and not delete the home04:04
DaskreechStronze: :-D04:05
saravanaDaskreech: oh k04:05
Daskreechsaravana: home is where all yourdata is04:05
StronzeDaskreech, thanks bud, ill put you in for an MRE04:05
DaskreechStronze: Sorry it took so long04:05
StronzeDaskreech,  its the lil things that seem complicated :/04:05
DaskreechStronze: never seen that file not be writeable before04:06
saravanaDaskreech: ok then anything wwhich i should do while installing04:06
StronzeDaskreech, just dont look inside my computer, you might find more things that your never seen :/04:06
StronzeDaskreech,  meaning OS04:07
Daskreechsaravana: yes when it asks to install you will come to a section asking about partitioning04:07
bartman2589oh, and here I thought maybe there was a 'Dust Bunny' Family Reunion taking place in there ;)04:07
DaskreechStronze: choose custom partitioning then where it says /home make sure that says do not format (it's not checked)04:08
DaskreechStronze: Whoops that' was for saravana ^^^04:08
StronzeDaskreech, yeah i was wondering about that04:08
DaskreechStronze: I'm sure. Linux is fun like that almost everyone has some little tweak that makes the OS their own04:08
saravanaDaskreech: k04:08
saravanaDaskreech: then wat to do04:09
bartman2589hmmmm, haven't had an MRE since I was on active duty for Dessert Shield/Storm04:09
StronzeDaskreech, i dont tweek mine. im just a glorified windows user compared yall04:09
Stronzebartman2589, they have gotten better since then04:09
bartman2589Me too Stronze, but I've been a Windows user since the 3.0 days04:10
Daskreechsaravana: as long as /home isn't set to be formatted then you should be ok04:10
bartman2589so I've heard04:10
bartman2589about the MRE's I mean04:10
Stronzebartman2589,  except the scambled eggs, what ever idiot thought that up as an mre better not ever cross my path04:10
DaskreechStronze: you are looking at linux you are already a windows user covered in glory :)04:10
bartman2589no more dehydrated pork patties?04:10
Stronzebartman2589, i been using ubuntu since 200704:11
Stronzebartman2589, if it works, i dont mess with it and just use it04:11
saravanaDaskreech: now can i start installing04:11
Daskreechsaravana: if you like. are you using the lIve CD/04:11
bartman2589I started using pc's in 1985ish when my dad bought my sister and I a PCjr04:11
StronzeDaskreech, i cant even used windows no more. i get disgusted at load times and always asking where the F*** is everything and why wont this work and etc04:12
bartman2589I didn't start seriously using linux until 2009, played around with it a bit a few years before that though04:12
saravanaim gonna install using pendrive04:12
Stronzebartman2589,  i grew up around computers since my old man always had them but i only got on em and played games. i used windows 9504:13
saravanaDaskreech: is that ok04:13
bartman2589I'm still stuck with XP, takes a long time to load sometimes compared to my linux machine, I do have a legit copy of Win7 i could install on my machine that's using XP right now but Win7 doesn't support the graphics card that's in that machine04:13
Daskreechsaravana: If it's the live environment you can log in here to ask questions04:14
Stronzebartman2589, vista was the last straw04:14
Stronzebartman2589, i was in my first deployment and XP got so boggy that i couldnt play movies without closing anything and everything. so bought this laptop and vista pissed me off so bad that i installed ubuntu the moment i got back to germany04:15
Stronzebartman2589, hell i was trying to figure out fedora on the old laptop that i bought an install cd from a hoji shop04:16
bartman2589I actually sort of like Win7 aside from a few things, one is UAC, and there's a feature where it copies your files as you access them to a 'secure location' to try to prevent virus infection, problem is it doesn't always copy them back to where they originally were when you're done accessing them04:16
saravanaDaskreech: can i install using pendrive04:16
Daskreechsaravana: Yes04:16
bartman2589I did, saravana04:17
bartman2589but I couldn't use unetbootin under windows to make my install usb flashdrive, kept getting 'Boot Error' messages04:17
saravanathanks dude for helpin me now im going to installl 11.1004:17
Stronzebartman2589,  i have zero interest in ever using windows. only reason i still have vista on this one is for updating my gps and lil odds and ends that requires windows04:18
bartman2589had to use Universal USB Installer from PendriveLinux04:18
bartman2589I use Windows mainly because some programs I want to learn to use like Poser and 3DS Max and a few others won't run under WINE yet04:18
Stronzei even cancled netflix cuz i couldnt stream from linux and was tired of streaming from the xbox04:18
bartman2589but even under Linux I use a few Windows apps like Imgburn and Infrarecorder because I've never had any luck getting K3b to work right04:19
bartman2589K3b is my coaster maker for if I ever have company04:20
Daskreechyeah I tend to keep a really really light windows install in Vbox for things that need Windows but that means I haven't opened it for over a year at this point04:20
bartman2589I'm on OEM versions of XP, don't think I could run them on Virtualbox because of the licensing, not sure though04:21
Stronzei dont have a windows disk to install into virtual box04:21
Stronzei dont want to pirate one either. im that disgusted with windows software....thats sad when someone wont even steal your produvt04:21
bartman2589the computer I'm on right now is an old compaq, and the one I just installed 11.10 on is an old gateway system04:21
Stronzemy old HP can handle 9.10 but i never went further since its was a backup computer and i have this one...even tho its falling apart04:23
jmichaelxbartman2589: why would you not be able to run your OEM windows in virtualbox?04:23
vehemothI seemed to have solved my problem by using a symbolic link from libopenal.so.0 to libopenal.so.104:24
Stronzeusb keyboard, battery wont charge and some hardware in the laptop fails and says check cable. never again do i touch the isnide of a computer04:24
jmichaelxStronze: it may actually be that a cable is loose or disconnected inside your laptop :(04:25
Stronzejmichaelx i looked and the battery stopped working04:25
bartman2589my oem XP's are each preactivated XP pro discs, they check to see if they're being installed on a Compaq/HP or on a Gateway04:25
bartman2589I don't know if the system information is made available to them through virtualbox04:26
jmichaelxi need to take a sony vaio apart this weekend in order to reconnected the keyboard cable... you have to take the WHOLE bloody thing aprt04:26
bartman2589just haven't tried04:26
bartman2589weird, most of the time with laptops there's a panel up near the hinges that pops off so you can get to some screws and then the keyboard just tips up and out04:27
Stronzethe back story: brother knocked glass of sweet ice tea into laptop. keyboard stop working. took apart and tried to save keyboard by cleaning connections. wouldnt boot saing that hardware failed and check cable. i took apart again trying to find loose wires. didnt work so i put it up and ordered a new kayboard.when it arrived i took apart and installed new keyboard.04:28
jmichaelxbartman2589: i see.... i have installed dell OEM disks in virtualbox several times without issue... and as i understand it, you are not even violating your license, if the virtual installation is on the same machine for which it was licensed04:28
Stronzecomputer stated workign on its own but battery wouldnt charge04:28
Stronzeand the new keyboard rarely works since it was right type but wrong cable plug in and i had to bend in half and force sideways to plug in which i assume has damaged the the cable so i dont touch the inside of the computer04:29
bartman2589jmichaelx, ok, I didn't know that, but to be honest neither system is really powerful enough to run XP very well in a virtual machine, both old 32 bit processor systems04:29
bartman2589so I dual boot04:29
jmichaelxbartman2589: yea, your performance will be much better if it's not running as a VM04:30
bartman2589very true, if it were say a 6 core Phenom II or FX6100 then that would be a different matter, would still run ok for the most part I think, but on an old P4 2.8ghz or a P4 2.2ghz I don't think it would work so well04:32
jmichaelxit's a rare occasion that i use windows... wheni do, it is usually to see how a webpage renders in ie, as compared to other browsers04:32
jmichaelxbartman2589: i used to run XP SP3 on a 1.6GHz celeron laptop, with 1GB RAM.... it was no rocket, but was quite usuable04:33
bartman2589that being the case you might want to look at an article I recently found on Webupd8, microsoft has released virtual machines for IE 7,8 & 9 for exactly the purpose of testing web pages04:34
bartman2589I'll see if I can find the link04:34
jmichaelxbartman2589: i used to run XP SP3 in virtualbox**04:35
Stronzewell bye everyone, time for a coffin nail and play some eternal lands. thanks Daskreech, your awesome04:35
jmichaelxi still have that VM, but have since moved it to another machine04:35
DaskreechStronze: I'm trying to get back into that. really liked that game04:35
bartman2589jmichaelx, here's the link to the article I mentioned: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/test-websites-in-internet-explorer-9-8.html04:36
StronzeDaskreech, i been playing for 4-5 months, its pretty good in my opinion04:36
jmichaelxty bartman258904:36
bartman2589webupd8 has a lot of information for linux users even if most of it is geared towards gnome desktop users04:36
StronzeDaskreech, i have the same username there so hit me up if you need anything04:37
bartman2589never heard of eternal lands04:38
corigoWhat is a good notepad editor?04:38
Stronzebartman - 3d game that runs native on linux04:38
Stronzeor at least ubuntu04:38
bartman2589simple one is kwrite, not many features, simple straight forward text only editor04:38
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bartman2589corigo, or you could use something like leafpad which is admittedly a gtk app but it's pretty much a clone of windows notepad04:40
Stronzebartman2589, ever play runescape?04:40
bartman2589no, used to play WoW, DDO, and Runes of Magic though04:40
Stronzebah i refuse to play for online gaming on my laptop.04:41
bartman2589DDO is free to play now, and Runes of Magic is too04:41
Stronzei played a graphic and text web browser game for like 11 years but it closed down due to some drama and i migrated to eternal lands04:42
corigonot the one I was trying to rememeber04:42
bartman2589like Ultima?04:42
Stronzenever heard of ultima04:42
jmichaelxthis whole deal with ghost entries in the taskbar is really getting old04:42
bartman2589corigo, kate is a more complex editor than leafpad or kwrite, but if you're working with multiple documents it's really nice since you can have all of them open at once in a single window and just switch back and forth by choosing them on the left side list in kate04:44
jmichaelxif they do release 4.7.8 with this bug still present, and think i am finally going to part ways with KDE04:44
bartman2589Ultima Online, was kind of a predecessor to Runescape I think04:44
bartman2589it was really popular for several years04:44
jmichaelxs/and think i/i think/04:45
Daskreechcorigo: kate?04:45
DaskreechIt's the advanced version of kwrite04:45
bartman2589it's got a graphics window and a text window too04:45
bartman2589ultima online I mean04:45
Daskreechjmichaelx: sucks eh. are you running 4.7.3 ?04:45
jmichaelxDaskreech: yep... seems worse than in 4.7.204:46
bartman2589Kate also support rich text editing I think, doesn't it?04:46
Stronzebartman - i played runescape ack in like 2000 or before for a short time but got tired of the community. seems to childish04:46
Daskreechjmichaelx: 4.7.3 fixed it for me (so far)04:46
bartman2589yeah, kind of why I left WoW, couldn't get any of my guildmates to help me with quests and got sick of getting gangked by bored lvl 70+ Horde04:47
jmichaelxDaskreech: glad to hear it. for me, 4.7.3 actually caused this problem to appear on one machine i have, that up until that point had seemed to be immune04:47
Stronzebartman2589, i play only free games. wasnt interested in playing enternal lands but it ran native on linux so i tried it and it grew on me. i prefer graphic and text browser games with a good community. but after the game i played closed, i was looking for a new home04:49
bartman25894.7.3 is working great for me so far, though I did have to disable desktop effects, made it kind of sluggish with them on and I can't stand all the transparency anyway, I usually do much the same on any Windows install I use too, you'd be surprised how much it speeds up things like window switching and other things04:49
bartman2589I pretty much only play free games too when I do play them, but mostly I spend my time in Second Life just hanging out and chatting with friends I've made there04:50
Stronzenever cared to try second life. i like rpg's04:51
Stronzeeer mmorpg04:51
jmichaelxgeeks and their friday nights.... sigh04:51
bartman2589second life is sort of like an mmorpg without the rpg part, or a chat client with a fully immersive 3d environment04:52
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:52
Stronzei figured it was like that04:52
jmichaelxthe police have arrived04:52
bartman2589so I see, getting kind of panicky aren't they?04:53
Stronzelaters everyone04:54
bartman2589have fun04:55
StronzeDaskreech, same name in EL, need help, just ask. bartman2589 if you try it, hit me up and ill help04:55
DaskreechStronze: cool04:55
corigowoo hoo got RAID 5 volume setup and mounted, set permissions now another reboot04:56
LINKSWORD2Greetings, all. :)04:57
LINKSWORD2OK, interesting....05:00
corigohi linksword205:01
LINKSWORD2My computer does NOT like Kubuntu 11.10. I've had to uninstall 11.10 and start over with a previous Kubuntu version several times.05:02
LINKSWORD2Now I'm being prompted to upgrade again to 11.10, and I want those prompts to stop.05:02
SnowhogLINKSWORD2: Change Software Sources > Updates > Release upgrade to Never.05:07
corigoLinksword2: Applications -> Settings -> System Settings -> Application & System Notifications -> Other Notifications -> Upgrade Information05:08
LINKSWORD2I've found a possibly better option.05:16
LINKSWORD2I've set Kubuntu's software upgrade options to LTS releases only.05:16
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saravanahi guys just now i finished installing kubuntu 11.1006:32
saravanawhat are the sofwares i should install06:33
Daskreechsaravana: Depends on what you want?06:34
saravanaDaskreech:  i need skype06:35
saravanahow to install it06:35
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga06:36
saravanadoes it available in soft package06:36
saravanai downloaded skype but it is not installing .06:38
saravananow downloadin dependencies06:40
saravanaDaskreech: i hav installed skype06:53
Daskreechsaravana: Great06:53
saravanaDaskreech: can u suggest me some intrest software of kubuntu06:55
Daskreechsaravana: What are your interests?06:55
saravanawallpapers songs themes whatever things makes my system looks cool Daskreech06:56
DaskreechSongs I don't know if they are still in the repos06:57
Daskreech!info wallpaper06:58
ubottuwallpaper (source: wallpaper): Find images which can be used as wallpapers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 52 kB06:58
Daskreech!info kde-wallpapers06:58
ubottukde-wallpapers (source: kde-wallpapers): set of wallpapers for the Plasma workspace. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.1-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 45016 kB, installed size 47132 kB06:58
DaskreechI actually don't know if that's the same as kdewallpapers06:58
Daskreech!info kdewallpapers06:58
ubottukdewallpapers (source: kdeartwork): wallpapers released with KDE Plasma Workspaces. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 91243 kB, installed size 93208 kB06:58
DaskreechProbably not06:59
saravanaDaskreech: thats fine06:59
Daskreech!info tropic-wallpapers06:59
ubottutropic-wallpapers (source: tropic-look): Tropic look - Wallpapers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 733 kB, installed size 792 kB06:59
saravanaDaskreech:  where is tropic wall07:00
Daskreechsaravana: In the package manager07:00
phoenix_firebrdI want you to vote for kde https://verein.ing-diba.de/sonstiges/10115/kde-ev07:01
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: You should probablymention that you can vote three times07:01
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: we should add this to the channel topic07:02
DaskreechNo we should not07:02
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: its very sad that the ranking has dropped to 103307:02
DaskreechI know it was 1088 earlier07:02
DaskreechI've been trying to get the votes to 500007:02
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: thank you07:03
DaskreechThat would place us over 500 which is comfortable07:03
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: as a tip if you have a hotmail account you can make 3 aliases which give you 9 more votes :-D07:03
saravanaDaskreech: there is no tropic look in package manager07:04
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: i thought of that , but i was afraid that they may disqualify kde because of that07:04
Daskreechsaravana: tropic-wallpaper is the name of the package07:04
saravanaya its not there dude07:05
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: India?07:05
saravanayup phoenix_firebrd07:06
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: Thought of that but not sure why that would be held against them07:06
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: Tamildnadu?07:06
Daskreechsaravana: you have universe enabled?07:06
saravanaDaskreech: no07:07
Daskreechsaravana: thats' whre it is07:07
saravanaphoenix_firebrd:  yes07:07
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: The companies like google use to do ban account who do these type of things07:07
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: they have a lot of ban stuff up front07:08
DaskreechYou can't use mangled aliases07:08
saravanaphoenix_firebrd:  u r from07:08
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: same07:08
Daskreechyou can't use blacklisted domains07:08
saravanaphoenix_firebrd: chennai07:08
DaskreechYou can't use throwaway accounts07:09
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: yes07:09
saravanaphoenix_firebrd: studying?07:09
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: i have 6 email accounts, so if you feel its ok to vote with that, then its 18 more votes from me07:09
DaskreechHaving said that you can use different real accounts 3 times each07:09
saravanaDaskreech:  how to enable it07:09
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: working, Embedded systems programmer07:10
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: I think it would be ok they just want to be able to reach you when it's done07:10
saravanaphoenix_firebrd: tamil theriyuma??????????? :-)07:10
Daskreechsaravana: in apper click settings and see if universe is checked. If it is then click apply07:11
phoenix_firebrdsaravana: enna kelvi ithu ?07:11
saravanaphoenix_firebrd: chumma07:12
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: i certainly can say that , the bank did find a good way of advertising07:12
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: i have an idea07:12
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: 1000000 euro  :)07:12
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: Its an International firm right so..07:13
Daskreechphoenix_firebrd: pluss they get millions of e-mails07:13
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: I will mail all the popular linux websites to post a message or an article regarding this voting. Let them give back something to kde07:14
phoenix_firebrdDaskreech: The bank will be spam marking , he he he07:15
saravanaDaskreech: there is no setting option and there are two things in the name of apper common apper and worksapce apper07:15
Daskreechsaravana: Bah sorry Muon07:16
saravanaDaskreech: in muon there is no apperence setting07:19
saravanaDaskreech:  where it is07:21
saravanaDaskreech: ????07:21
bartman2589dumb question time again, is there a shell pipe utility that I can use to send the output from one command to the clipboard?  I know I can send to another program easily enough like 'ls /etc/bin | less' if I wanted to have the display pause after each screenfull of data, but is there a utility that I can do something like 'ls /etc/bin | clipboard' for example with that would copy the output to the clipboard?07:22
fayazbartman2589: this should get you started: "qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents hello"07:36
bartman2589I have a quick question about using fstab to mount hard drives at boot, I'm wondering how I can add a mount location that contains a space in the name to fstab, if I use the method needed to cd to it by putting a \ before the space character mount complains that the line has an error in it08:21
bartman2589the volume label on the drive in question has a space in it, and if I comment out the line in fstab and click on the drive in dolphin it mounts at '/media/1Tb Windows' (with a space between '1Tb' & 'Windows') without a problem, but if I try to make fstab mount it at the same location it complains08:26
bartman2589I've tried enclosing the path in both single quotes and double quotes but neither works, only thing I haven't really tried is enclosing the mountpoint name itself in quotes08:28
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saravanahi guys i need to install adobe flash player for kubuntu 11.1009:19
saravanahow toinstall flas player09:21
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saravananeed adobe flash player for google chrome and firefox09:35
saravanahow to install09:35
saravanahelp me out09:37
vehemothmuon package manager09:37
vehemothsaravana: type in flash09:38
vehemothor flashplugin if you want more precise results09:38
saravanavehemoth: when i try to install plugin09:41
saravanaan error shown09:41
saravanavehemoth: Another application seems to be using the package system at this time. You must close all other package managers before you will be able to install or remove any packages.09:41
vehemothare you installing updates?09:42
vehemothdid you kill any application that was installing software or updates?09:43
saravanavehemoth: think so yes09:43
vehemothmake sure no updaters or software installers are running09:44
vehemoththen type into terminal09:44
vehemothsudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:44
vehemothit should give some output, if it's short paste back here09:45
saravanavehemoth: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:47
vehemothtry running sudo dpkg --configure -a then09:49
saravanavehemoth:i did it many commands came09:52
vehemothsaravana: can you explain further?09:52
vehemothdid it have a lot of output?09:52
vehemothif it didn't seem to have any sort of error message, go back into muon and try installing flash again09:53
saravanathere is no error mes and aa09:53
saravanabut i have installed adobe plugin which is available in muon09:54
saravanavehemoth: but it is not workin for web browsers09:56
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vehemothwhich one did you install?10:07
vehemothI have both flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader installed10:08
vehemothsaravana: which one did you install?10:12
vehemothI have both flashplugin-installer and flashplugin-downloader installed10:12
saravanavehemoth: installer10:13
vehemothI'd install downloader as well and see if that works if installer didn't10:13
saravanavehemoth:  hey dude my muon is not respondind10:13
saravanavehemoth: it is not installing and removing10:14
vehemothI mark for installation10:14
vehemothand then apply changes10:14
saravanavehemoth: what to do now muon is not workin properly10:15
vehemothwhat do you mean it's not working10:15
vehemothwhat did you do?10:16
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vehemothso long as it's not currently installing or removing10:16
saravanavehemoth: ya10:16
vehemothyou should be able to exit it but I can't garuntee anything10:16
vehemothand then install it using apt-get10:17
saravanaits not even gettin closed10:17
saravanais there any thing like system restore10:17
vehemothwhat's system restore?10:17
saravanalike the one in win xp10:17
vehemothsudo apt-get install flashplugin-downloader10:18
Shaan7saravana: muon software center or muon package manager?10:18
Shaan7saravana: oor maybe just reboot10:18
saravanaShaan7: software manager10:19
saravanaShaan7:  sorry10:19
saravanaShaan7: software center10:19
vehemothwow, there's a muon software center10:19
Shaan7saravana: hmm then if a reboot doesnt help, use the package manager and see if it works10:20
saravanaShaan7: ya i will try now10:20
mirrakorwhom do I have to bribe to get a package into the ubuntu repositories?10:26
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ubuntuun saludo12:03
ubuntusi estoy modo live de ubuntu y quiero instalar algo cual es el password de root?12:04
g0thI cannot click on anything on the kde panel.12:04
ubuntucomo si estuviera probando ubuntu12:04
g0thit is non responsive12:05
g0thand the first desktop is supposed to have a background slideshow but it is just black12:05
g0thalso I should have 6 horizontal desktops but it seems it is 6 desktops in 2 rows (instead of 1)12:06
g0thwhat's going on?12:06
g0thAlso: whenever I try to upload something with firefox the upload window never finnishes loading12:06
g0thI have to use chromium for that12:06
g0thmy system seems to behave very strange, any help?12:07
saravanawhich adobe flash player will suit all the browsers12:07
g0thmaybe I should ask in #ubuntu (more people around there)?12:08
g0thor is this a #kde issue?12:08
g0thhello? ....12:09
g0thI cannot click on anything on the kde panel. it is non responsive  and the first desktop is supposed to have a background slideshow but it is just black  also I should have 6 horizontal desktops but it seems it is 6 desktops in 2 rows (instead of 1).   Also: whenever I try to upload something with firefox the upload window never finnishes loading, so I have to use chromium for that. What's going on??12:11
g0thhow do I make my system not "fucked up"12:12
g0thwhat's causing this?12:12
g0ththe most urgent issue is the non responsive kde panel12:12
TheLastProjectI unfortunately do not know what to do, but I would recommend not re-posting your question every 2 minutes or using the #ubuntu channel, as your question is about KDE, which has nothing to do with the default installation. If there's someone who knows the answer he will most likely help you soon enough.12:15
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TheLastProjectIs it possible to auto-hide the taskbar when a certain application is in focus or only on a certain desktop (as in, only on Desktop 2 but not on Desktop 1)?12:40
Martthi everybody12:41
phoenix_firebrdMartt: hi12:41
MarttI got some problem with Kubuntu: can someone help me?12:42
phoenix_firebrdMartt: what is the problem>12:42
MarttI have a mp3 player (samsung yp t9j) and amarok does not recognise it12:44
phoenix_firebrdMartt: let me check12:45
Marttthanks a lot12:45
phoenix_firebrdMartt: can you check if the plugin "MTP Collection" is enabled in Amarok12:46
Marttwhere am I supposed to check? I never used amarok to syncronize an mp3 reader12:48
phoenix_firebrdMartt: goto setting menu and select configure amarok12:48
phoenix_firebrdMartt: on the left side panel select plugins12:49
phoenix_firebrdMartt: on the right side panel , can you see the "MTP Collection" selected?12:50
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Martt "MTP Collection" is selected12:50
Marttbut there is no  MTP device plugin12:50
phoenix_firebrdMartt: you are in the settings dialog right?12:51
phoenix_firebrdMartt: inside plugins ?12:51
Marttyes, sure12:52
phoenix_firebrdMartt: thats strange12:52
MarttHave I got someting to install with Muon?12:53
phoenix_firebrdMartt: did you remove anything related to amarok?12:54
MarttI have got Kubuntu 11.1012:54
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok wait12:55
nodragoni still use 11.0412:57
nodragoncould you tell me what are the differences?12:58
phoenix_firebrdMartt: open muon12:58
Marttnodragon: just a second12:58
Marttphoenix_firebrd: opened it12:59
phoenix_firebrdMartt: check if libmtp is installed12:59
Marttit looks like such lib is not installed13:01
phoenix_firebrdMartt: libmtp9?13:01
Marttphoenix_firebrd: no13:02
Marttit is not installed13:02
phoenix_firebrdMartt: is it available for installation?13:03
Marttbut I cannot see such lib neither in the downloading section13:03
Marttso I cannot install it13:03
phoenix_firebrdMartt: are you using the software center or the muon?13:04
MarttI am on Kubuntu13:05
Marttis it possible to check using the Konsole ?13:05
phoenix_firebrdMartt: just to confirm, is this the one you are using http://jontheechidna.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/viewimprovements.png?13:06
phoenix_firebrdMartt: http://jontheechidna.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/viewimprovements.png13:06
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ?13:07
Marttops... I think I am using Muon Software centre13:08
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok, open muon13:08
Marttok I have just checked13:09
Marttlibmtp is installed13:09
Marttbut mtp-tools is not installed13:09
phoenix_firebrdMartt: install mtp-tools13:09
phoenix_firebrdMartt: installed?13:12
Marttnot yet13:13
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok13:13
Marttit looks like the installation is blocked at 66%13:13
MarttI don't know why it is taking so much time13:14
phoenix_firebrdMartt: is your internet connect good?13:15
Martthere it is: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/560/14348695.png/13:16
phoenix_firebrdMartt: did the status  increase from 66%13:17
phoenix_firebrdMartt: it seems that you have a pending installation issue13:18
Marttit says it is configurating flashplayer13:19
Marttjust finished :D13:19
phoenix_firebrdMartt: installed?13:20
phoenix_firebrdMartt: unplug your mp3 player, restart amarok, plug your mp3 player and see if it is detected13:21
Marttkubuntu detected it but amarok did not13:23
phoenix_firebrdMartt: can you post a snap?13:25
phoenix_firebrdMartt: some image showing your detected13:26
phoenix_firebrdMartt: some image showing your device detected13:26
Marttjust a second13:26
Martthere it is13:28
phoenix_firebrdMartt: was it detected like this before?13:30
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok13:30
phoenix_firebrdMartt: wait13:31
phoenix_firebrdMartt: connect you mp3 player, open terminal , run the command "mtp-detect" and paste the output here using paste.kde.org13:38
phoenix_firebrdMartt: nice wallpaer, where did you get it?13:39
Martti can't remeber13:39
Marttif you want it i'm gonna give it to you13:40
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok13:40
Martthowever, my output:13:40
phoenix_firebrdMartt:  this shows that kubuntu detects fine13:42
Marttbut amarok does not13:42
phoenix_firebrdMartt: can you paste a snap of the plugins settings13:43
Martthere it is: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/249/schermata2c.png/13:45
phoenix_firebrdMartt: so the mtp plugin is present13:47
Marttso.. why amarok does not detect it?13:48
phoenix_firebrdMartt: checking13:48
JoeSomebodyhi, i was looking for a "getting started in kubuntu" pdf, is there one , or something downloadable somewhere?13:53
CenbeTrying to set up networking manually (by populating /etc/network/interfaces), but resolvconf always wants to remove my DNS settings at startup. How can I fix it?13:58
CenbeI do have the dns-* entries in /etc/network/interfaces.13:58
CenbeAnd I commented out the start and stop lines in /etc/init for NetworkManager.14:01
phoenix_firebrdMartt: can you paste the output of the command "mtp-albums" using paste.kde.org14:04
phoenix_firebrdMartt: is your mp3 player empty?14:08
phoenix_firebrdMartt: ok14:10
phoenix_firebrdMartt: i have tried all i know, for you to know even my 5800 is not getting detected14:14
Martti have to use seven...14:14
phoenix_firebrdMartt: wait here someone with better expertise than me can help you14:15
phoenix_firebrdMartt: if you can check back tomorrow, i may possibly try something in the mean time14:15
Marttthanks a lot14:16
phoenix_firebrdMartt: yw14:16
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BluesKajHi folks14:35
sabahi all14:36
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Guest44132when I try to install wine it apt tells me it needs to get 180 megs from repo14:37
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Guest44132is it correct behaviour ?14:37
Guest44132why does it needs  libqt4-designer:i386 for wine ?14:38
BluesKajGuest44132, , perhaps the #wine chat can answer your query14:39
Guest44132BluesKaj: did apt asked for 180 megs from repos when you installed wine ?14:40
Guest44132bcz I dont remember wine requiring some packages to install from the repos14:41
BluesKaji don't use wine , but that sounds reasonable , Guest44132 .it needs few libs that's for sure14:41
Guest44132apparently #wine is invite only channel14:42
BluesKajtry #winehq14:42
Guest44132right, it is #winehq14:42
Guest44132some thing odd is happening here with my fresh kubuntu install. a lot of packets are being dropped14:53
Guest44132broadcom wireless card14:53
new2netI tried to install Flash through the Software Center but it has been stuck "in progress" for about 10 minutes. How can I terminate the transaction (install) safely?15:07
James147new2net: there is no "safe" way to stop it... you can only kill it and then clean up after (which normally isnt to hard)15:18
BluesKajnew2net, canonical has aproblems today , I had the same issue15:20
BluesKajnew2net, canonical partner repos seem to be choked today15:21
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_jamkmail won't send email. it just goes to my local outbox and sits there. no errors or anything16:28
Snowhog_jam: Have you checked your Accounts > Sending settings?16:33
_jamyea, they look right16:34
_jamand if they weren't, you'd think an error would be thrown. invalid authentication, bad host, something16:34
_jambut there are no errors. it just sits there16:34
_jamI just upgraded to 11.10 yesterday afternoon and noticed that an email I sent yesterday was still in the outbox16:35
Snowhog_jam: What is set under Common Options?16:36
_jamconfirm before send is not checked; send messages in outbox folder on manual checks, default send method is send now; default domain is sen (the hostname of my laptop)16:37
_jamSnowhog: I've also right clicked on outbox and told it to send queued messages...nothing16:37
_jamIt is kind of frustrating, as at least if there was an error, I could look that up and deal with it16:37
Snowhog_jam: The single difference in your Common Options vs what I have is Send messages in outbox folder Never Automatically.16:39
_jamyea, i had it like that. i changed it hoping it might fix something16:39
Snowhog_jam: You are receiving emails okay?16:39
kamilnadeemHi everyone16:40
Snowhog_jam: This single message was present before you upgraded? Have you tried sending a new message to yourself?16:40
_jamSnowhog: the message was not present before I upgraded. however, i have since deleted it from the outbox and tried sending other messages (to myself and others) without success16:41
_jamSnowhog: well, doesn't seem like I am alone http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186338416:45
Snowhog_jam: Well, one troubleshooting approach would be to create a new Sending entry with all the required settings, then delete the existing one. Close Kontact/Kmail and relaunch and test again.16:46
BluesKajSnowhog, _jam , there's a bug in kmail pim transfer in 11.10 , I cans' tell you the problem , but I know there's abug report on launchpad with work around I believe16:48
_jamI knew there was one about migrating email, didn't know it extended to sending email16:48
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BluesKajjam  , then you already know more than i do ..i don't use kmail/kontact personally so ....16:49
kamilnadeemSorry my connection dropped.16:50
BluesKajsorry ?16:50
_jamit seems like most people are advising to nuke everything in kmail and start over....16:51
_jamoi, that is a lot of work16:51
BluesKaj well gotta go16:51
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do16:51
_jamalright, thanks16:52
kamilnadeem_Sorry My Internet connection is giving me a hard time :(16:55
kamilnadeem_so is there any solution to the prob I mentioned ?16:55
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kamilnadeem_A friend of mine is having a problem , this is what he asked me "Was there something done to linux kernel that it does not recognize PS3EYE as audio input? I tested it on Fedora 16 and Ubuntu 11.10. It worked without any problem in old releases of Ubuntu.Video is still working without problem."? , sadly it is above my knowledge level. It would be great if you guys can provide some help.16:59
_jamok, now the question is how to purge all kmail settings17:05
_jamrm -r .kde/share/apps/kmail* .kde/share/config/kmail* has not worked17:05
_jammany settings were purged, not all17:06
_jamugh, and you STILL can't click on links in away messages in kopete17:12
_jamwhy is that feature not implemented...seriously. there's been a RFE on that for forever17:12
phunyguyok this is really aggravating.   I replaced the NIC in this PC, changed out the switch, rebooted the router, changed out the network cable, yet still browsing is this big ordeal that only works half the time./17:18
phunyguyI think it is only related to web browsing, torrents still cruise right along.  DNS lookups seem to be the issue.17:18
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rotsycan anyone direct me to any link that shows how to change theme on kubuntu?17:58
rotsyseen DarthFrog17:59
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killownkde effects doesn't work when xinerama is enabled?18:11
[VK]Can anybody tell me how to play a mp3?18:20
[VK]I always get "The following plugin is required:18:21
[VK]MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)18:21
[VK]Do you want to search for this now?"18:21
bartman2589Hi everyone, need some help trying to figure out why my soundcard isn't being 'claimed', it shows up as 'unassigned class' when I run 'sudo lspci -v'18:23
bartman2589it's a soundblaster audigy2 value sb040018:24
iazerothbartman just type "audigy 2 kubuntu"  to google18:29
iazeroththere are a lot of solutions18:29
iazerothfor example18:31
bartman2589well I know that under earlier releases 'no audio' was usually cause by improper initialization of the card, fix involved using one of the alsa mixers to enable some settings, but that was only valid if the card was being claimed by the system18:32
iazerothfound solution for gnome ( give me some more time )18:36
bartman2589might have the solution, I missed installing the alsa firmware package when I uninstalled pulseaudio and installed alsa, I'll know once I reboot.  Also, I installed Nautilus so I could use some of the nautilus scripts for when I needed to do some things that I can't find equivalent dolphin actions for, but now every time I reboot nautilus is launching itself18:38
iazerothhm i have found a solution but in russian langugage18:38
iazerothif you can translate it with google translate for example18:38
iazerothcan give you a link18:38
bartman2589sure, worth a shot18:40
iazerothhope it will help18:41
bartman2589no such luck, that's the solution I mentioned basically for when the card is actually claimed, my problem is the card isn't being claimed by the system so no drivers are being loaded for it18:44
bartman2589as a result none of the mixers see the card18:44
iazerothhere is drivers for audigy 218:51
iazerothand i didnt found any for linux18:51
bartman2589onboard gets found if I enable it along with the audigy2 card though, but only the onboard is being claimed, here's the output from 'sudo lspci -v': http://paste.ubuntu.com/73653418:52
bartman2589if you look at item 03:01.0 that's the soundcard that's not working18:52
ScottyKIs there a way to prevent the screen saver from kicking only while Dragon Player is playing video?18:53
niyubiwhen i use xmodmap -e "keycode 118 = Control_R NoSymbol Control_R" the control key is not set. keycode 118 is Insert. Can anybody help me?19:34
[VK]I have a question: Is it possible to import a Visual C++ Project in Codeblocks?19:42
[VK]Well not directly a kubuntu question but maybe someone of you knows the answear19:43
jmichaelxok, what is the freaking deal that kubuntu oneiric does not respect phonon settings?19:52
bartman2589Not sure about Codeblocks but I think you can import it into Monodevelop, can't say for certain though19:52
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sluckxzjust deleted dpkg lock file.  haha this could be fun.20:04
sluckxzakonadi errors now.  bummer.20:18
[VK]anybody knows how to install the complete OpenGL library with all the extrafiles20:21
[VK]like glfw.h etc20:22
burfltesting (sry, technical difficulties here)20:23
burflokay, does anybody know of a good (or at least known) reason why the kubuntu installer would hang on the page where you choose whether or not to install Flash, MP3, etc?20:23
burfli've tried several times with every combination of options and even gone out for food to be sure it was actually hung up20:24
jmichaelxburfl: you might want to try just skipping that part, and installing those things after the OS is installed20:25
burfli'd love to, how do i "just skip it"?  i already tried running it with those things unchecked20:26
jmichaelxok, i thought the issue had to do with selecting those things20:26
burflif it helps, i'm running the amd64 installer with a phenom II x6.. i mean i definitely don't want the i386, right? lol20:26
jmichaelxwell, if i had that CPU, i would certainly want 64 bit20:27
burflare there known problems with the 64 bit installer?20:27
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jmichaelxburfl: you would have to look through the kubuntu site for mention of known issues... i don't know of one like you describe, but it sure is not impossible20:30
burflyeah, do you know if the universal usb tool from PenDrive Linux could be the issue?  that's what i used to write the iso20:30
burflis there a preferred way to do it with kubuntu?20:31
jmichaelxburfl: kubuntu has its own bootable USB creation tool20:32
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do20:32
jmichaelxburfl: that might be worth trying20:32
Guest52105un canal en español??'20:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:33
lelloIt's all right. I have an upgrade problem to 11.1020:34
lelloSystem tries to fetch non existant file and aborts:20:36
lelloFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-installer_11.1.102.55ubuntu0.11.10.1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:36
lelloFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-downloader_11.1.102.55ubuntu0.11.10.1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:36
lelloAnyone? Please, I couldn't find any report on this20:38
bartman2589lello, try adding the medibuntu repository, you can get the official adobe flashplugin that way20:39
bartman2589also gives you access to adobe reader and a bunch of the restricted packages like the ones you need to play dvd's and recode videos20:40
lelloOk bartman2589, I'll try. Thanks20:42
jedixanyone have amarok setup to share a mysql database?20:43
bartman2589I will warn you though that konqueror and kaffeine for some reason won't recognize that you have flash installed with the official plugin, possibly a handful of other programs as well, but firefox and rekonq seem to find it ok20:43
Serendippojedix, i did, long ago, with 1.4.x20:44
jedixSerendippo: that's the only instructions I can find!20:44
jedixit's retarded.20:44
Serendippodidn't v 2.x disable the mysql option?20:44
jedixSerendippo: no20:44
bartman2589anyone know if there's a shutdown log file created by default on 11.10?  My machine has suddenly started hanging on shutdown20:44
Serendippohm, i think they might have in the earlier versions20:45
Serendippobut it's some time ago I've fiddled with that20:45
jedixthis sucks.20:48
jedixamarok used to be so good.20:48
Serendippoyeah, i much prefered the fluent spread-sheet style layout from 1.420:48
jedixwhat do you use now?20:49
Serendippowell ... foobar on windows ... :|20:49
Serendippohaven't done much in linux lately, since i took up gaming.20:49
Serendippomaybe foobar through wine is an option?20:50
Serendippoi love how fast it is, even with huge music collections20:50
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lelloHey bartman2589, I found I already have the Medibuntu repository in my sources. It is for Natty, though. You think I should try to put in the Oniric repository? I think it will mean some work, I couldn't find it21:00
bartman2589you're running Oneiric then right?21:00
lelloNo, I am running Natty and  am trying to upgrade21:01
bartman2589I'm assuming you're trying to upgrade by changing all of your existing repos to point to oneiric, did you try just doing 'sudo do-release-upgrade' from a console? might save you a lot of trouble21:03
lelloNo, I accepted the kind offer from Kpackage kit or whatever to upgrade. In previous upgrades it worked well...21:05
lelloThe thing is that the upgrade routine is looking for files (two, in fact) thar are not there.21:06
bartman2589ah, well if you can uninstall your existing flashplugin package I would then I would do the upgrade and then change medibuntu to point to the oneiric packages21:06
sluckxzmy dist upgrade just hung up with moun or whatever its called21:06
lelloUninstall. Well, it's just a file or two, I suppose. I'll try right away, thanks21:08
bartman2589just figured if there's no serious dependency issues on those two files then you can uninstall them and maybe reinstall after the upgrade is finished, you'll need to go through all your old repos and change them to point to oneiric packages though since the upgrade usually disables all but official repos21:11
sercan_Does anyone know turkish21:11
bartman2589but there's a nice handy program from the folks at webupd8 that can help you re-enable your repos after the upgrade, it can even fetch any missing gpg keys and let you change the release information for the old repos so that they point to the new oneiric packages if available, it's called Y-PPA Manager, you'll need to add the webupd8 ppa after the upgrade in order to get it though21:13
BluesKaj!tk | sercan_21:18
lelloSorry bartman, I am not very proficient with IRC! I'll have to log out of #kubuntu. I'll try your hints, thanks a lot21:18
BluesKajis it tu ty ?21:18
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:19
BluesKaj!tr | sercan_21:19
ubottusercan_: please see above21:19
sercan_hank you for forwarding21:20
sercan_but there are very few people21:21
sercan_also could not solve the problem related to the messaging software21:22
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Mnmenthcan someone help me in regards to netbooks using kubuntu21:27
BluesKajMnmenth, ask you question . if someone knows they will answer21:28
danielohello everyone21:28
MnmenthBluesKaj: Thanks21:28
danieloI get problem with kde 4.7.321:29
MnmenthI want to change my desktop on the netbook back to regular21:29
danieloI have actualize it21:29
Mnmenthits all weird on the netbook21:29
danieloand network manager dosent work21:29
danieloplease help21:29
[VK]Hey, can somebody please tell me how I can copy a file to usr/local/lib21:30
Mnmenth[VK]: cant you copy and paste?21:30
[VK]it says Access denied or something like this21:30
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Mnmenth[VK]: where is the file you are trying to move/copy?21:31
danielohey, can anyone help me. After update to kde 4.7.3 my network manager dosent work for wirless21:31
danieloplease help21:31
BluesKajMnmenth,  system settings>workspace behaviour>workspace>workspace type , choose desktop21:31
danieloplease help21:31
[VK]and I want to copy it to usr/local/lib21:32
[VK]it's antTweakBar.so21:33
BluesKaj[VK], alt+f2 kdesudo /usr/local/lib then paste the file21:33
sluckxzsweet kde 4.7.3.  im gonna try it out.21:35
danieloReally I do not see any diference21:36
[VK]still access denied21:36
danielobut my network manager dosent work :(21:36
sluckxzbummer danielo21:37
sluckxzim hardwired.21:37
danielo??? I dont get it????21:38
danielowhat do You mean?? bummer21:38
sluckxzmeans that sucks,  sorry.21:38
BluesKaj[VK], open the source file using the same method21:40
danieloit dosent help :(21:41
[VK]doesn't work21:42
BluesKaj!doesn't work21:43
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:43
[VK]well it says Accsess denied21:45
[VK]I ahve looked around and found something like sudo cp21:45
[VK]if I do this it says file not found21:45
danieloMy network manager dosent work after updating to kde 4.7.3>21:45
danieloI have network connection, but I cant choose wlan0 or eth0 networks.21:45
[VK]or cannot create regular file21:46
sluckxzdanielo: what does iwconfig say?21:46
sluckxz[VK]: what are you trying todo?21:46
danielooot@danielos-linux:/home/danielo# iwconfig21:46
danielolo        no wireless extensions.21:46
danieloeth0      no wireless extensions.21:46
danielowlan0     IEEE 802.11abgn  ESSID:"darkstar"21:46
danielo          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: 00:26:F2:60:29:7421:46
danielo          Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm21:46
danielo          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off21:46
danielo          Encryption key:off21:46
danielo          Power Management:off21:46
danielo          Link Quality=68/70  Signal level=-42 dBm21:46
danielo          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:021:46
danielo          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:66   Missed beacon:021:47
[VK]I managed to compile the file and have a antTweakBar.so21:47
[VK]now I need to:21:47
[VK]Your program will be dynamically linked to libAntTweakBar.so on Linux or libAntTweakBar.dylib on OSX. To run your program, these files must have been copied to your shared libraries directory (usually /usr/local/lib/), or their path must have been added to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OSX.21:47
[VK]so copying it to usr/loca/lib doesn't work21:48
[VK]damn -.-21:48
[VK]forgot a / before usr21:48
[VK]anyway thanks for the help :)21:49
kaddiany news on when the msn-kopete issue will be fixed?21:50
danieloI've checked that once more and my wifi connections works fine at root user21:50
BluesKajdanielo, run sudo dhclient wlan0 for wireless connection, and sudo dhclient eth0 for wired/ethernet21:52
delightIcons that I create with the menu-editor ain't showing up anymore in the application-menu ... does anybody else experience the same in oneiric ?21:57
danieloDELIGHT I got the same problem, I can add my own apps to menu21:58
delightcan or can't ?21:58
danieloI cant add21:58
delightno problem21:58
danieloI use playonlinux, and any of application dosent show in kmenu21:59
delightmaybe its a known problem ... I'll check on launchpad ... lets see if i can find something ... I think the problem is that the editor is not creating the correct categories anymore21:59
delightin the .desktop files21:59
delighti see22:00
delight:-/ I'm still fiddling to see what the problem is ... so i guess it might be known but no workaround yet ...22:00
delightdanielo: if you go into the settings of the menu editor and click on show hidding entries ... your entries should appear ... @least in the menu editor22:06
delightdanielo: still searching/fiddling22:06
danieloI done this allready22:07
danielobut still nothing22:07
=== amd is now known as kruckss
danieloDELIGHT>> is it working for You now???22:08
delightdanielo: no :-/22:08
danieloI got those entries in kmenu editor, but when I click on kmenu I dont see them22:09
delightyes same here !22:09
delightso i guess its not only on my box ... is a box with the latest kubuntu/kde22:09
danielotry install it http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=14609822:10
danieloit is something like lancelot22:10
danieloin that i can see my Playonlinux menu apps22:10
delightthnx ...22:12
sluckxzall right 4.7.3 here i come! yeayea.22:21
sluckxzi just found out about ppa-purge pretty happy about that.22:27
BluesKajsluckxz, you can also edit the ppas out od /etc/apt22:28
sluckxzand then what, apt-get upgrade all? to return to stock?22:28
* BluesKaj tries control the fat phingers22:29
sluckxzi find with apt i get in trouble loading up tons of stuff and would like a way back to stock.22:29
BluesKajapt-get update works22:29
BluesKajsluckxz, apt-only gives you what is needed for the apps you install including libs, they are all necessary22:31
sluckxzi understand that.  apt get update isnt going to revert my changes22:31
BluesKajrun apt-get autoremove and autoclean22:32
BluesKajif you decide to remove apps and you don't want conf files left behing for future iunstall of the same app , then purge them22:33
BluesKajfuture install22:33
sluckxzgood info thanks BluesKaj,  might need it soon too.22:34
[VK]_Does anyone know what this means?22:44
[VK]_-Wl,-Bstatic -lAntTweakBar -lglfw \22:44
[VK]_-Wl,-Bdynamic -lGL -lGLU -lGLEW -lX11 -lXrandr22:44
[VK]_/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXrandr22:44
[VK]_collect2: ld returned 1 exit status22:44
[VK]_especially what is lXrandr22:44
Daskreechrotation and screen direction library for X22:48
[VK]_and why can't it find it in ld?22:50
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
kfedHello evryone. My Kubuntu installation was hanging for about 5 minutes - mouse cursor would move (stuck as text cursor icon), but nothing else would respond - so I did Alt+SysRq+REISUB to reboot it. Sometime in that process the image on the screen changed to random lines/colours. Now I cannot boot into Kubuntu or Windows. All I get is random colours on screen partway through boot process. In Kubuntu this is after the boot splash scree22:59
kfedI have gotten to boot to Kubuntu console, but if I startx the random colours start22:59
kfedhello anyone?23:04
ikoniayes ?23:06
kfedi wrote out problem above ^^23:07
ikoniakfed: well, if you can't boot windows or ubuntu graphically, it sounds like you may have a hardware issue23:07
kfedThat is what I was thinking, but is there any way to check?23:09
ikoniathink it through logically23:09
AusmosisHi!... Can someone advise how you enable bitmap fonts in 11.10 ?? dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig doesn't let me enable them.23:09
ikoniayou have two different operating systems, that won't display graphics.....what does that say23:09
kfedis it possible to boot to minimal graphical environment that does not use video card?23:15
ikoniakfed: as soon as you get any display on screen...you are using a graphics card23:16
ikoniakfed: and to be honest, what does that matter, it's not working in BOTH OS's23:16
kfedikonia: is text display using graphics card? because there are bugs in GRUB screen that were not there before but not at console23:21
ikoniakfed: anything that is displayed on a screen, is using the graphics card23:22
sluckxzkfed did you try the install disk?  i agree with ikonia sounds like hardware failure.23:23
Daskreechkfed: can You start X by itself?23:25
DaskreechAusmosis: try alt+F2 -> fonts23:26
kfedDaskreech: How do I do that? startx? That doesn't work.23:26
Daskreechkfed: type X23:26
kfedDaskreech: Nope.23:26
Daskreechkfed: whats it do?23:27
kfedDaskreech: pink, white, & black checkerboard, flickering23:27
kfedDaskreech: there is some text output before that23:28
Daskreechkfed: What kind of video card do you have?23:28
kfedDaskreech: nVidia GeForce 8400M G, 128MB23:28
Daskreechkfed: you can alt+ctrl+F1 to get back to the terminal23:28
Daskreechkfed: check to see if its worked it's way out of the slot or if the chipset fan has stopped23:28
Daskreech sounds like a contact or a heat issue23:28
kfedDaskreech: No I can't23:28
kfedDaskreech: I will open it up later on, but I need to get screwdrivers and static bracelet thing23:29
Daskreechkfed: sure23:29
AusmosisDaskreech: Thanks but that still doesnt allow me to enable bitmap fonts :(23:29
DaskreechAusmosis: what does the fontconfig reconfigure give you?23:31
lsvdoes anyone knows how to stop an X-session?23:32
sluckxzkfed: does it look like this? http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=9087523:34
lsvthis is what I want to kill:  root      8501   885  0 16:51 tty8     00:00:03 /usr/bin/X :2 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:2 -nolisten tcp vt8 -novtswitch23:34
Daskreechlsv: logout ?23:34
AusmosisDaskreech: basically it just goes through the process of cleaning up and Updating of the fonts. It doesn't go through the set of questions that allows me to enable bitmap fonts. In the past you could do that.23:34
DaskreechAusmosis: try dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config ?23:36
lsvDaskreech: this is what happend.  I was on my regular account, then I switch to the Guest account.  After I was done using the Guest account I logout and returned to my usual account.  But when I do a "Ctrl + Alt + F8" I get the login screen.23:36
Daskreechlsv: how about alt+ctrl+F7 ?23:37
kfedsluckxz: Not those specifically, but that general sort of thing. Block patterns in random colours.23:37
lsvDaskreech: That's where my normal account is.23:38
AusmosisDaskreech: Nope no go. I tried that and still doesn't work :)23:38
Daskreechlsv: ah well try sudo kill 850123:38
DaskreechAusmosis: boo  :)23:38
sluckxzlsv pkill ?23:38
kfedsluckxz: Reading that thread, pretty sure my card is of the type mentioned, but I just recall now that motherboard was replaced under warranty. Presumably same kind as original, but not certain without opening it up and having a look23:39
lsvI did that the first time and I just restarted.  You see the 2 "/usr/bin/X :2 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:2" it used to be a :123:39
sluckxzyea sorry man.  i would try opening it up though23:39
DaskreechAusmosis: do you have a /etc/fonts ?23:39
Ausmosislol... Yep. Oh well maybe they took the feature away. I've moved away from Gnome and only recently started using KDE but the method shuold still be the same.23:39
Daskreechlsv: Yes it's on the second display23:39
Ausmosisyep I have /etc/fonts23:40
DaskreechAusmosis: conf.d ?23:40
lsvDaskreech: I just restarted23:41
AusmosisThis is what you could do in the past http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-artwiz-fonts-in-ubuntu.html23:42
lsvI think I need to stop lightdm...23:42
lsvOh well, it's not that important. Thanks :D23:45
Daskreechlsv: service ldm stop23:48
Daskreechif you used ldm to login though that might kill X23:48
lsvDaskreech: is there any way to stop just one?23:55

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