
jonocjohnston, sorry I didnt see an email re. this chan00:44
cjohnstonI just resent it to jono at u . c00:45
jonothanks cjohnston00:46
jonoI have a nightmare inbox, will get to it soon00:47
jonocjohnston, will post to the design team about this now00:47
cjohnstonthats all it was about :-)00:47
cjohnstonthanks jono00:47
jonothanks, cjohnston!00:48
jonomail sent00:49
jonoI also changed the topic for their internal channel ;-)00:50
jonohey sladen!00:50
cjohnstonits sladen !00:50
cjohnstonthat was quick00:50
jonosladen is everywhere00:50
jonoparticularly Best Buy ;-)00:50
sladenthe less said the better00:55
sladenwhat exciting things have I missed so far/00:56
cjohnstonwe were all waiting for you sladen00:56
jonosladen, :-)01:13
wendarsladen: welcome01:40
* wendar realizes that she didn't pass the channel name on to the Canonical designers, and wonders if anyone else did before 1 hour ago01:41
sladenwendar: prompting is always useful01:53
AlanBellsladen \o/09:12
doctormo-otherHey AlanBell09:30
doctormo-otherAnd peterm-ubuntu09:30
doctormo-otherKnow any javascript gurus?09:30
AlanBellI dabble09:31
AlanBellgoing to have to dabble a bit more to get etherpad lite going for UDS-Q09:31
peterm-ubuntudoctormo-other, what are you looking for?09:31
doctormo-otherpeterm-ubuntu: People with a bit of time and some javascript hacking experence09:43
doctormo-otherAlanBell: Coincidentally with etherpad. What's the lite version?09:43
AlanBella rewrite in node.js10:04
doctormo-otherAlanBell: I'm rewriting ace2 and replacing the editor with svg-editor, but it's complex and I could do with some help.10:08
AlanBellwhat is ace2?10:24
doctormo-otherAlanBell: The editor used in etherpad,10:26
doctormo-otherIt's a javascript construction which allows one to edit; it creates multiple iframe constructs and manages the calls between the editor and the sync javascript.10:27
AlanBelloh ok10:28
AlanBellso you want real time co-editing of arbitary svg objects10:29
doctormo-otherAlanBell: Well that'd be nice. We only really need wire frames and maybe stroke color to be controlled by the highlight color.10:31
doctormo-otherIn terms of the sync, svg is only text to be shoveled in.10:31
AlanBellwell, it is continuously valid xml to shovel in10:32
doctormo-otherAh even better :-D10:33
doctormo-otherI'm still going through the code to get an idea where the graft needs to take place.10:33
doctormo-otherThis is the svg editor: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/branches/2.5.1/editor/svg-editor.html10:34
sladendoctormo-other: wow11:13
AlanBelldoctormo-other: this is a really really interesting area12:08
AlanBellI have been pondering in the past how to do realtime co-editing of ODF documents between different office suites12:08
AlanBellwhich is basically passing fragments of XML about12:09
AlanBellI was thinking some kind of protocol that passed an internally valid (tags closed) chunck of XML and an xpath statement of where to insert it, or an xpath location for a node to delete12:10
mhall119AlanBell: you just need an XML diff tool, really15:24
mhall119which isn't as easy as it sounds15:25
mhall119if you had that, then you could plug it into bzr or whatever15:25
AlanBellit needs to not diff the whole thing all the time15:25
AlanBelland bzr isn't realtime15:26
mhall119I suppose it could be though...15:26
mhall119doctormo-other: if you can make this work, it's going to get massive use I bet15:27
mhall119doctormo-other: are you looking at the java-based etherpad, or node.js based lite version?15:28
wendardoctormo-other: oh, I looked at GtkAtlantic, you're right the user experience did make me want to cry :(20:06
wendardoctormo-other: Not sure about about the client-server aspects, it might make the user journey more complex to sketch out20:07
wendarwhatever we can get people excited about20:46
wendarI just ran across a little game we might be able to revamp in a week20:47
wendarI suppose it's silly, but when I was a kid my first "big" programming project was writing a Mastermind game in Forth with my dad20:49
wendarso, I have an irrational fondness for this kind of guessing game20:49
wendarfunny, it even got wikipedia notice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulls_and_cows20:51
doctormo-otherwendar: Sounds good.22:11
doctormo-othermhall119: I'm betting it might. XML diff is not too hard, it's just a process that requires structural coherence mathematics.22:12
doctormo-otherBut with the svg stuff we have a much more well defined set of events to update the system with.22:13
doctormo-otherWhen a shape is added, we're adding a node (possibly even a group). When a shape is transformed, we're changing the transform attributes.22:14
mhall119doctormo-other: yeah, that might be easier, especially if you limit what can be done22:19
doctormo-othercjohnston, mhall119: Is the Ubuntu website using the lite version or the java version? I've currently set up the java version here at home.22:35
cjohnstonI may be missing something.22:38
mhall119doctormo-other: I think we're still using the original java one23:17
mhall119cjohnston: etherpad23:17
mhall119doctormo-other: AlanBell would be the one to ask though23:18
cjohnstonfor now etherpad23:18
cjohnstonwe will be switching to lite this cycle im told23:18
AlanBelljava at the moment, yes23:18
AlanBellbut that is a bit of a dead end23:18
* cjohnston personally would love to figure out a way where when its a pad for uds it has a UDS greeting, otherwise, a regular greeting23:19
AlanBellyeah, we can get that in23:19

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