
wgranttumbleweed: Not quite. Things were different in those days.01:32
wgranttumbleweed: Security updates ere done by handing a source to the security team, who uploaded it to a dak instance, built everything there, then uploaded source+binaries to LP. So most secuirity uploads from back then probably have oddly named changes files :/01:33
brodertumbleweed: requestbackport is looking awesome. i just ran through all the list of pending-but-approved backports and it came up with the right information for all of them03:17
broderremaining issues: (a) it looks like it's including reverse-suggests. i don't expect people to test recommends or suggests, so those should be ignorable03:18
broder(b) now that we have the checklist, the only other testing that needs to be documented is b/i/r for the package itself...which we could probably do by adding entries to the checklist itself03:19
broderand then we can probably drop the "Testing performed" section entirely03:19
brodertumbleweed: hmm, possibly (c) if the user specifies a non-existent source package, check to see if it's a binary package name before bailing (and adjust appropriately)03:25
tumbleweedwgrant: suprised I haven't run into more of them, then. I'm scraping all upload history, for udd.debian.org08:03
wgranttumbleweed: Interesting. Perhaps they sometimes were _source.changes despite containing binaries.08:12
tumbleweedoh, I just checked my logs. Yes, there were many08:14
tumbleweedthe practice seems to have started around dapper08:14
tumbleweedLaney: um, that's a problem, I guess we need to survive without them08:15
tumbleweedoh, right, we are. nm08:15
tumbleweedbroder: I didn't filter suggests, enhances, etc, because I thought they were worth mentioning. Should I mention them, but not as checklist items, or add a sentance to the instructions saying they can be ignored?08:29
tumbleweedI can't see enough information in the LP API, to locate the source package that built a binary, but we can ask apt08:38
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tumbleweedbroder: how's that? (r1223)09:23
l3onHi all... I'm trying to use requestsync but I've some problem :/11:12
tumbleweedLaney: what is it?11:12
tumbleweederr l3on11:12
l3onPlease edit the report and give an explanation.11:12
l3onNot saving the report file will abort the request.11:12
tumbleweedLaney, broder: happy with requestbackport ?11:12
l3onwhat is a report exactly?11:12
l3onI mean.. which kind of info I've to report there ? And, is there an example somewhere?11:13
tumbleweedl3on: requestsync is going to file a bug report. The report is the bug report that it'll file11:13
tumbleweedl3on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess11:13
l3onI'm reading it..11:14
l3onWhat I understand is:11:14
l3on1. You can use LP web iterface or reqeustsync11:14
l3onif you want use requestsync use command in this way:11:14
l3on blabla blalba blala11:14
l3onSo.. what's wrong? :)11:14
tumbleweedare you saying you can't read the wiki page because it's too long?11:15
l3ontumbleweed, maybe11:15
tumbleweedLaney: that may still be necessary on lucid...11:15
Laneytumbleweed: haven't tried it, sorry11:16
tumbleweedLaney: why do you think I'm prodding you :)11:16
tumbleweedl3on: "Content of a sync request" answers the first question you asked11:17
tumbleweedhow about you tell us what you are trying to file a sync request for?11:17
l3onand thanks for input :)11:18
tumbleweedso, we currently have an ubuntu-delta for apt-cacher11:18
l3onwhat do you mean with ubuntu-delta ?11:18
tumbleweedwe've changed it in Ubuntu11:19
tumbleweedthe current version is 1.6.12ubuntu1. The "ubuntu" means it's been modified11:19
l3onI know the basic tumbleweed :)11:19
tumbleweedThe last upload was a merge, so the current state of the delta should be summarised in the changelog https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-cacher/1.6.12ubuntu111:19
l3onChanges are now in debian11:20
tumbleweedfantastic, thesn please file a sync request and say so :)11:20
tumbleweedrequestsync --lp apt-cacher11:20
l3onbut I'm not sure about a file "apt-cacher2" that's in 1.6.12-1ubuntu1 but not in new version 1.7.111:20
tumbleweedlooks like apt-cacher2 moved to apt-cacher, and doesn't include the changes we have to apt-cacher211:27
l3ontumbleweed, mmm11:33
l3onI see a NEWS somewhere...11:33
l3online 8911:34
l3ontumbleweed, in debian changelog I can read:11:40
l3on* Add changelog and NEWS.Debian to installer_files_regexp11:41
tumbleweedah, right, yes, I think that covers it11:44
l3onOk I proceed :)11:44
l3ontumbleweed, maype there's a lack on debug symbol package11:50
tumbleweedah, yes. You'll need to do a merge. And please pass that patch to the debian maintainer11:52
tumbleweedpackage_files_regexp includes ddeb11:52
l3onyes you're right11:52
l3onyep :)11:53
brodertumbleweed: sorry, we hit my too-tired-to-be-useful point about 2 hours ago. i'll take another look after catching some shuteye12:00
tumbleweedbroder: err yes, why are you awake?12:01
brodernot really sure :)12:01
l3ontumbleweed, thanks for help... sync reported :)12:01
tumbleweedl3on: seeing as I've already reviewed it, I'll sponsor it12:02
l3onthanks again :D12:02
l3onbug 88944812:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 889448 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "Sync apt-cacher 1.7.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88944812:02
tumbleweedthere are a fair number of open bugs for it in LP. Do you think any of them are fixed by the new version?12:03
l3onlet me see12:04
l3ontumbleweed, this 83987 is fixed in debian12:07
l3onbug 8398712:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 83987 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher doesn't know about Translation-[lang].bz2 files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8398712:07
l3ontumbleweed, this bug 219095 is fixed12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219095 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher: keep getting 400 No Request Recieved" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21909512:09
tumbleweedneither of those were explicitly closed in the debian changelog (only the debian versions of the bugs)12:10
tumbleweedCan you make a comment in the sync request bug, with the list of bugs to close, when it's synced?12:10
l3onof course!12:10
tumbleweedgreat, then we can close them, then12:11
l3ontumbleweed, It's right:12:12
l3onAccording to debian bug system, these bug could be closed because fixed in debian:12:12
l3on * https://launchpad.net/bugs/8398712:12
l3on * https://launchpad.net/bugs/21909512:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 83987 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher doesn't know about Translation-[lang].bz2 files" [Medium,Confirmed]12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219095 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "apt-cacher: keep getting 400 No Request Recieved" [Low,Confirmed]12:12
l3onor more info is needed ?12:13
tumbleweedsounds fine12:14
l3oncomment filed :)12:16
tumbleweedthanks. Hopefully I'll remember to close them when the sync is processed.12:18
l3onthere's another bug :P12:18
l3onbug 36629312:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 366293 in apt-cacher (Ubuntu) "Non-existent i18n files lead to needless server failover" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36629312:19
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l3onSomeone knows why "LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-as-needed" should be important in debian/rules? :)16:29
jtaylorit shouldn't16:30
jtayloryou only need that in very rare cases16:30
l3onI'm trying merge gnome-phone-manager16:30
l3onand it does it16:30
jtaylorits better to fix the build to work with as-needed16:31
l3onIt's the only change, others are now in Debian, and I don't know if I've to request a sync or not16:31
jtaylordoes it build in ubuntu?16:31
l3onthis is the build without any changes:16:31
l3onof course!16:31
jtaylorand are all plugins fully linked?16:31
jtayloraka does it run16:32
l3onLet me try :)16:32
jtaylordo a build without that flag and check dpkg-shlibdeps16:33
l3onThe build I showed you is without that flag16:33
jtaylorseems fine then16:34
jtaylorto be sure check ldd -r of all shared libraries16:34
jtaylorif thats ok it can be synced16:34
l3onI can't install it damn it16:35
l3onbecause I'm on oneric right now16:36
l3onjtaylor, some suggestions ? :)16:37
jtaylorwhy can't you install it in oneiric?16:39
l3ondepends on16:39
l3on gnome-phone-manager depends on libebook1.2-12 (>= 3.2.1); however:16:39
l3on  Version of libebook1.2-12 on system is 3.2.0-0ubuntu1.16:39
l3on gnome-phone-manager depends on libedataserver1.2-15 (>= 3.2.1); however:16:39
l3on  Version of libedataserver1.2-15 on system is 3.2.0-0ubuntu1.16:39
jtaylordid youbuild it for oneiric?16:39
l3onno precise16:40
jtaylorif it isn't installable in precise - no sync16:40
jtaylorto test you can build in oneiric16:40
jtaylorso far I know there are no toolchain differences that are relevant16:40
tumbleweedbut ifyou are going to be doing any reasonable amounts of work on Ubuntu, you probably want to set up local chroots / pbuilder, so that you can test things like that16:41
l3ontumbleweed, I know ... I'll do it :)16:41
l3onjtaylor, bug 88956317:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 889563 in gnome-phone-manager (Ubuntu) "Sync gnome-phone-manager 0.68-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88956317:21
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l3onHi all, I'm receving this error during merge cdebootstrap21:43
l3on error: ignoring return value of 'fgets', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Werror=unused-result]21:44
l3onAnd in debian/rules I have:21:44
l3onCFLAGS_DEB = -Wall -W -Werror -ggdb21:44
l3onWhat's the best way to fix it?21:44
l3onremove -Werror or control fgets return value ?21:44
tumbleweedwell, it's a bug. It should be fixed upstream by checking the return value, and appropriately handling error situations21:46
l3ontumbleweed, and for now what you suggest to do ?21:47
tumbleweedif it doesn't look particularly dangerous, then -Wno-error=unused-result may be the easiest solution for Ubuntu21:47
l3onok, i'll try :)21:47
l3ontumbleweed, take a look at this:21:48
l3onCFLAGS_DEB = -Wall -W -Werror -ggdb21:48
l3onCFLAGS_STATIC = -Wall -W -Werror21:48
l3onCFLAGS_UDEB = -Wall -W -Werror21:48
l3onI've just to edit CFLAGS_DEB ?21:48
tumbleweedI assume those apply to the three binary packages it builds21:48
tumbleweedso probably all of them21:48
l3onok, thanks.. I'll try :)21:49
tumbleweedyou probably want to add support for precise while you're there21:50
tumbleweeddid you notice bug 884185?21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884185 in cdebootstrap (Ubuntu) "Please merge cdebootstrap 0.5.8 (universe) from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88418521:51
l3onI knwo and I did :)21:51
l3onoh wow! But it's not reported in m.u.com/universe !21:51
l3onwell :)21:51
tumbleweedthat was two weeks ago21:52
tumbleweeddupondje: still working on it?21:52
tumbleweedthe previous uploader is considered responsible for merging into the next release, and it's a good idea to ask before starting a merge. But if you don't, the worst you can do is waste your time21:53
tumbleweed*before starting someone else's merge21:53
tumbleweedbtw, if you are looking for packages that are most in need of merging: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/oldmerges/ and http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/bugs/rcbugs/precise/21:55
l3ontumbleweed, thanks! :)21:55
l3ontumbleweed, well... learn me to use that websites :)21:57
l3onops.. s/learn/teach/ :)21:58
tumbleweedwhich one?21:58
l3onThe oldmerges are merges older than 90 days, it's clear :)21:59
l3onso I can take one of these without carry about last uploader21:59
l3onbut.. second one?21:59
tumbleweedright, of course some of the onse at the top of oldmerges are rather hard / not actually mergeable21:59
tumbleweedbut many others are just neglected22:00
tumbleweedThe rcbugs page lists packages that have had RC (release critical) bugs fixed in Debian, but we haven't got those fixed versions yet22:00
l3onand I can take it without contact old uploader ?22:01
tumbleweedthe bug fixed may not affect Ubuntu, but they're a good way to find easy improvements for ubuntu22:01
l3onwell cdeboostrab now builds :)22:02
tumbleweedcontacting the old uploader is never a bad idea, but nothing requires you to22:02
tumbleweedyou can also look a tthe upload history, to get afeeling for how much someone cares about a package22:02
dupondjehi !22:03
dupondjestarted with cdebootstap, but did some bugreporting in debian first22:04
dupondjeto get it fixed there22:04
dupondjel3on: its indeed build with -Wno-error atm22:06
dupondjethats quite fine, but they should fix it upstream also, anyway :)22:06
dupondjealso add Precise to dists22:07
dupondjeand your fine22:07
dupondjefeel free to upload the merge22:07
l3onOk :)22:07
l3onI edited how tumbleweed suggested22:07
l3onand it builds22:07
dupondjewell its currently also build with additional options for those build errors22:08
l3onI've to contact upstream ?22:08
dupondjeyou could, I already asked them to add oneiric & precise22:10
dupondjenot the build errors yes22:10
dupondjeAlso you need to check if NO_PKG_MANGLE is still needed22:10
tumbleweedl3on: we like to push everything upstream whenever possible. Maintaining deltas (differences) in Ubuntu is painful (it requires merging, and we can't keep up with all the merges)22:10
l3ondupondje, how can I do it ?22:11
l3ontumbleweed, thanks :)22:11
dupondjel3on: well there is where I got stuck ... :D22:12
l3onhere the buildlog: http://debomatic.debian.net/oneiric/pool/cdebootstrap_0.5.8ubuntu1/cdebootstrap_0.5.8ubuntu1.buildlog22:12
tumbleweedl3on: you should be building for precise, not oneiric22:12
tumbleweedalso, that's the failed build22:12
l3ongosh.. sorry, wrong url22:12
tumbleweedso, you want to know if NO_PKG_MANGLE is still needed22:15
tumbleweedif you read the ubuntu changelog, you can see why it was added22:15
l3onI would know what is NO_PKG_MANGLE and I'm googling it :)22:15
tumbleweedhrm, don't know if that's well documented anywhere22:16
tumbleweedwe have a package called pkgbinarymangler, that we install in our build chroots (although debomatic doesn't appear to have it. DktrKranz?)22:16
tumbleweedit allows us to mangle the packages a little during the build, for the things that we do differently to debian22:17
dupondjeits for translations I think22:17
dupondjebut not totally sure22:17
tumbleweede.g. it sets the maintainer to "Ubuntu Developers", removes translations, yes, optimises PNGs, removes changelogs https://launchpad.net/pkgbinarymangler22:18
l3onand how you know if we need it ?22:19
tumbleweedoh, sorry debomatic does have it. I missed that22:19
tumbleweedwell, cdebootstrap is a bit odd. You'll notice the debs it builds contain debs22:19
tumbleweedDktrKranz: unping, nm22:19
l3onyep, it's right I've debs inside deb22:21
tumbleweedthe changelog entry that added NO_PKG_MANGLE says:22:21
tumbleweedhelper/Makefile.am, helper/Makefile.in: Set NO_PKG_MANGLE while building nested packages so that pkgstriptranslations doesn't kick in.22:22
tumbleweedI don't think anything would have changed there, that's still a potential problem22:22
tumbleweedyou can, of course, forward that patch to Debian too, it will do nothing in Debian, and make Ubuntu's life easier22:23
dupondjethat has been forwared to debian22:23
dupondjeand rejected btw22:23
dupondjeso :)22:23
tumbleweedright, debian bug 48689922:25
ubottuDebian bug 486899 in cdebootstrap "cdebootstrap: Please set NO_PKG_MANGLE while building nested package" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/48689922:25
l3onwell tumbleweed, if I understood.. NO_PKG_MANGLE should allow us to not have nested packeges22:34
l3onbut... using it I've still debs inside debs22:35
l3onThat's new contents:22:35
tumbleweedl3on: the problem is that debian package building is modified by the presense of pkgbinarymangler. But this can be disabled by exporting NO_PKG_MANGLE22:36
tumbleweedwe don't want those modifications on the nested packages22:36
l3onthis is the patch :22:36
tumbleweedthat looks right22:36
l3onok :)22:36
l3oni'll debdiff and upload the bug :)22:36
l3onthanks (again!) :)22:37
l3onok, done bug 88418522:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884185 in cdebootstrap (Ubuntu) "Please merge cdebootstrap 0.5.8 (universe) from debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88418522:42
l3onthanks tumbleweed dupondje :)22:42
dupondje+    - Patch 002-Fix-netsted-packages.patch setting NO_PKG_MANGLE while building22:48
l3ondupondje, mmm... is it important ? :/22:54
l3onI need to redebuild ?!22:54
dupondjeand I see the series seems adjusted in the code22:56
dupondjeand there is also a patch included ...22:56
l3ondouble type, patch name heading with 0002_...22:56
l3onok.. maybe it's time to go bed :)22:58
l3ondupondje, suggestions ? :)22:59
l3onwell I've to go.. bye bye and thanks for all :)23:15
l3onsee you :)23:15
brodertumbleweed: ok, actually taking a look at the requestbackport changes. i would like the installability checkbox to be per-binary package, to make it explicit that people test all of them23:50
broder(i screwed that up once in the past)23:50

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