
superm1antnash_: yeah you should be able to fine06:21
sidewalkhow do i change resolution in mythbuntu from the default to something else?15:01
goibhniuHi, I just asked a question on #mythtv-users, but it might be more relevant here ...15:54
goibhniuwhen I run mythfilldatabase as the mythtv user it updates correctly and "Backend Status" in MythWeb reports it as successful, but when I let it run itself I get "mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data into the Guide for  1 of 1 sources. This can indicate a potential grabber failure." and I'm not sure how to debug this15:54
goibhniuI can't see any mention of mythfilldatabase in cron etc.15:54
goibhniuthe output when I run it looks identical to the log in mythbackend.log15:54
goibhniuI guess i could just run mythfilldatabase in a cron job .. but I must surely have something misconfigured15:55
tgm4883goibhniu, mythfilldatabase doesn't run via cron, the backend spawns i17:41
goibhniuthanks .. someone on #mythtv-users suggested to avoid trying to get the guide from both EIT and XMLTV, so I can try that17:43
goibhniuI guess I have to wait until it gets run again to find out17:43
tgm4883goibhniu, you're getting something like this  Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2011-11-12 03:00:39 and ended on 2011-11-12 03:00:39. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any new data into the Guide for 3 of 3 sources. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.17:44
tgm4883I get that too, but I still get data. Been too busy to look into it17:44
goibhniuoh .. well .. the number of days of listings goes down every day17:44
tgm4883hmm, yours sounds different then17:45
tgm4883I have 15 days guide data17:45
tgm4883SD only17:45
goibhniuah ok17:46
goibhniudoes anyone happen to be using MythExport? .. I'm not sure if the ffmpeg parameters are just out of date17:48
tgm4883rhpot1991, ^17:48
goibhniuwith the default H264 profiles it fails saying it can't find a slowfirstpass profile17:49
goibhniuwith the older ones it says e.g. the -ab parameter is wrong .. it should be 192k but it actually is 192kb .. and it doesn't like that "b"17:50
* goibhniu might be using the wrong ffmpeg?17:50
tgm4883goibhniu, I don't use mythexport, but rhpot1991 developed it so he should know17:50
goibhniucool, thanks17:50
goibhniuI need to go do some shopping now, I'll check back later17:51
goibhniuI assume I can come up with some ffmpeg incantation that will do the job17:51
rhpot1991goibhniu: what version of mythbuntu/ubuntu?18:56
rhpot1991goibhniu: incase I'm not here when you get back, the easiest way to test is to go grab the ffmpeg line from the config in /usr/share/mythexport19:00
rhpot1991run it by hand and replace the input/output file names, etc19:00
rhpot1991you can see what its yelling about then, correct then update your config19:00
rhpot1991if its one of the configs that came packaged or from my website let me know and I'll update it19:01
goibhniuhi rhpot1991, I'm running mythbuntu 11.10, I've tried both the two configs that come with MythExport and the other two from your website21:03
goibhniuI'm not familiar with ffmpeg profiles, but both of the H264 configs fail with: "File for preset 'slowfirstpass' not found"21:03
goibhniuI gather it should find something in "/usr/share/ffmpeg/"21:05
goibhniue.g. `ffmpeg -i /myth/recordings/1003_20111110193000.mpg -y -pass 1 -an -vcodec libx264 -vpre slowfirstpass -vpre ipod320 -b 1500kb -bt 1000kb -threads 0 -s 480x320 -aspect 16:9 -f ipod /myth/videos/out.mp4`21:05
goibhniu`ls /usr/share/ffmpeg/` looks like this: http://sprunge.us/HdDT21:14
Zinn[sprunge.us] N/A21:14
goibhniuhmm .. on a different (Mint) box there are some extra entries: http://sprunge.us/dBBj21:16
Zinn[sprunge.us] N/A21:16
TandyUK2does anyone know of a good media file pack, which includes (maybe the same movie), but in umpteen different codecs/containers so i could try playinng them all and work out what a device really supports21:23
TandyUK2the manual states "normal xvid" is supported, but none of my xvid files will play21:23
patdk-lapI have been pretty happy with the wd live+21:25
patdk-laplatest firmware added flac support, and better subtitles21:26
TandyUK2this is a samsung freesat hd+ box21:26
TandyUK2another thng is it supports usb flash drives, but not usb hard disks21:26
TandyUK2just refused to detect a pluggedi n hdd21:26
TandyUK2my 32gb usb pen however works perfectly21:27
TandyUK2just seems theyre trying to annoy anyone trying use use it to play media21:27
TandyUK2also. it will work as a 'dlna type client' with windows media player, but NOT dlna21:27
* goibhniu seems to have WebM exporting working with MythExport22:27

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