
filo1234oh is gone :( pm-powersave maybe was his goal00:09
Squidyhello.. I'm trying to install ubuntu server 10.04 using preseed methods.. however, when the installer is installing the base system.. it stops with an error message about kernel override 'linux-server' not present...  Do you know how to fix that?00:32
=== dork is now known as keyboardkey
=== keyboardkey is now known as dork
=== jason is now known as jasef
scubes13I inherited an ubuntu fiesty server…. I am trying to download the linux-headers for 2.6.22-16-server but us.archive.ubuntu.com fiesty seems to be no more… is there somewhere else I may get those updates?04:47
dorkscubes13: that's some old shit04:49
* scubes13 nods :(04:49
qman__very, very old04:54
qman__you're honestly better off installing a new one and migrating the services04:54
qman__that's like, three distribution upgrades from lucid, and six from oneric04:54
qman__and no, you won't find feisty or gutsy repos online04:55
scubes13they're running a much older civicrm install on the same box with custom db.. guess I will just have to dupe the server and see if I can migrate04:55
qman__only way to upgrade it at this point is to find the alternate CDs and upgrade from them04:56
scubes13ok, thanks dork  ad qman__04:56
qman__those versions are nearly 3 years past EOL at this point04:57
qman__which is why you should always use LTS for this sort of thing04:58
qman__hardy's still in support for a little while, and the upgrade path should be available for a while longer04:58
scubes13yah, will be attempting to move the civicrm install and db to a 10.04 box04:59
scubes13and will then have to deal with upgrading those apps04:59
* scubes13 sigh04:59
=== SJrX is now known as SJr
=== Laughing_God is now known as lolx
KartagisI am trying to start dovecot, no ssl is mentioned in the conf file, and yet the startup error says I do. what to do?09:28
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
KartagisI am trying to start dovecot, no ssl is mentioned in the conf file, and yet the startup error says I do. what to do?09:45
Randolphhi all10:02
linociscohi  we have TP-link wifi CPE and we are offering internet through WiFi . Some paid users are illegally sharing wifi link with home routers. We can't see that sharing from wifi console if they are sharing again with WiFi router in the each home.12:05
RoyKlinocisco: no, you can't12:06
RoyKlinocisco: because it's NATed12:06
RoyKsome ISPs here (in Norway) used to have that sort of rubbish policy 'only one user per internet connection', but they have eventually given up12:07
RoyKnow they're trying to move people over to 'wireless broadband' as in 3G or 4G where they charge per download amount12:08
* RoyK has a 60Gbps fiber link at home and shares it with some neighbors without anyone complaining12:09
air_RoyK: yay12:25
* RoyK corrects that to a 60Mbps link :P12:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #889464 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88946412:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #889149 in openvpn (main) "Ubuntu refuses to restart or shutdown if OpenVPN is running." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88914913:17
mah454How can understand what user's is online in LDAP ?13:31
^^robertjhowdy all, is there a way to see what options were compiled into the packaged kernel I'm running?13:57
RoyK^^robertj: /boot/config-`uname -r`13:59
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "^robertj:" is not a valid command.13:59
^^robertjRoyK, bah, I forgot I'm _not_ running a packaged kernel :( this is a xen vm instance on linode14:01
RoyK^^robertj: check if there's a /proc/config.gz14:01
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "^robertj:" is not a valid command.14:01
* RoyK slaps uvirtbot 14:01
^^robertjRoyK, that works great ,thx14:02
=== ^^robertj is now known as robertj
RoyKnot your fault - it's just that stupid bot thinks ^ is a command key, which it shouldn't be so long as nicks can start with that character14:02
uvirtbotnouitfvf: Error: "^help" is not a valid command.14:02
uvirtbotRoyK: Error: "guide" is not a valid command.14:03
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/14:03
uvirtbotnouitfvf: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.14:03
jehoshua02I'm using a variable in a grep statement that contains asterisks. These asterisks expand to the names of files in the current directory, hindering the grep statement from working like I want. Any ideas?15:52
RoyKor '*'15:52
RoyKjehoshua02: it's the shell doing the expansion, not grep15:53
jehoshua02RoyK: I know.15:53
RoyKso escape the *15:53
RoyKeither \* or perhaps double - \\* if single doesn't work15:54
RoyKor triple - \\\\*15:54
jehoshua02RoyK: That would be fine, but the content I'm grepping is automatically generated. I'm not editing it by hand.15:54
RoyKjehoshua02: then use sed or awk or something :)15:55
RoyKjehoshua02: it'd be easier to help you if you could pastebin the code you're having problems with15:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:55
jehoshua02RoyK: here ya go: https://gist.github.com/136072916:02
jehoshua02To make things more complicated, I put a variable in the SEARCH... let me update it for that too.16:03
jehoshua02Any ideas? https://gist.github.com/136072916:07
RoyKjehoshua02: erm - I don't quite get it16:25
Randolphis there a command line to see only a zombie process ?16:25
RoyKRandolph: ps axf|grep Z is a nice start :)16:26
RoyKand some awk magick to search only column $3 should do it16:27
leniosps -el | grep 'Z'16:27
RandolphRoyK, thank it is OK, I am stupid, it was so simple ...16:28
RoyKjehoshua02: as for that script, I think I would have chosen to write it in something else - shell scripting is very basic...16:31
Randolphso the process was zmlogger on my ubuntu server 10.0416:31
RoyKRandolph: imho zimbra should always run on a dedicated server or vm16:32
RandolphRoyK, that's the case16:32
RoyKthat's the official zimbra recommendation as well...16:32
RoyKah - ok16:32
RandolphI know it16:32
RoyKwhich zimbra version?16:33
jehoshua02RoyK: hmm... the eventual goal is to pipe the filtered output to another cli utility.16:33
RandolphRoyK, sorry 7.0.316:33
* RoyK is still on zimbra 6 on hardy...16:33
RoyKjehoshua02: use perl :)16:33
RandolphRoyK, sorry16:33
RoyKor python or php or - whatever :)16:34
RandolphRoyK, i made à mistake with my keyboard, it is 7.1.316:34
jehoshua02RoyK: python and php are installed. I know PHP well enough I should be able to come up with something, although I've never used it for anything other than web development.16:34
jehoshua02I give it a whirl.16:35
RandolphRoyK, I have made some updates and I have done a reboot my server (my own server not a production server, I am not crazy ;)  )16:35
RandolphRoyK, after reboot the zmlogger was in a zombie state16:36
RoyKjehoshua02: oh16:38
RoyKRandolph: sure it wasn't initialising something?16:38
RandolphRoyK, I do not think so because it was late after restarting16:39
jehoshua02RoyK: I was also trying to avoid strange workarounds in this bash script that I'm putting together for use on various machines.16:39
RoyKjehoshua02: do you have test file for me - lines.txt?16:43
RandolphRoyK, look at this , just before zmloggerctl restart : 1986 ?        Z      0:00  \_ [zmlogger] <defunct>16:43
jehoshua02well, strange as in requiring too many utilities outside of bash.16:43
RoyKRandolph: dunno - ask on #zimbra - it may even be ok16:43
jehoshua02Yeah, both files should be there: https://gist.github.com/136072916:43
RandolphRoyK, OK sorry, but it was not really a question16:44
RoyKjehoshua02: cat $FILE | grep -i -v "$SEARCH" - or grep -iv "$SEARCH" $FILE16:45
RoyKremember those double quotes16:45
jehoshua02RoyK: I've been playing around with the quotes...16:46
RoyKjehoshua02: also, if you want a direct grep without wildchars, try fgrep16:46
RoyKfastgrep - doesn't allow wildchars16:46
RoyKwell, doesn't use them anyway16:47
jehoshua02good to know.16:47
RoyKgrep won't expand *, it'll treat it as part of a grep regexp16:47
RoyKfgrep won't16:47
jehoshua02just reallized my test file should have said line to match the SEARCH.16:50
jehoshua02I fixed it.16:50
jehoshua02Trying it again.16:50
jehoshua02Nice. fgrep seemed to do the trick.16:55
RoyKhm... I'm on a rather BAD link now, and so far I've only used virt-manager to manage my VMs - how can manage these from the console?17:06
JanCRoyK: there is virsh17:16
RoyKJanC: thanks17:17
JanCit's sort of a shell for libvirt management17:17
RoyKyeah, can see that :)17:17
JanCthere are also some virt-* tools for image management etc.17:18
JanCRoyK: libvirt also has Python bindings, so you can script things yourself if needed17:19
RoyKseems python is about to take over whatever world perl used to dominate only a few years ago...17:20
JanCwell, Python has been around for quite some time really  ;)17:24
JanCand there are also ocaml & rub bindings17:25
RoyKJanC: sure, but it hasn't really gained dominance before, say, the last 5 years or so?17:25
RoyKscipy+numpy is really neat, though17:25
JanCdepends on your fields of interest, I guess17:26
JanCPython has always been huge in the graphics community17:26
JanCe.g. I think all the font editors (both commercial and open source) have supported Python scripting for years17:27
RoyK"Python 2.0 was released on 16 October 2000" <-- there wasn't much before that, was there?17:28
JanC(partially because Python's inventor's brother is a typographer and typography software developer :P )17:28
JanCRoyK: Just van Rossum is Guido van Rossum's brother... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_van_Rossum17:31
JanCand they wrote some of the most popular add-ons for font design using python, and extensible with python (he probably used it because his brother designed it, but his use probably also influenced Guido for some language design decisions)17:35
JanCPython is also quite common in the 3D world17:35
RoyKsome scientists at work have started to replace IDL and MATLAB with scipy - a bit more open and a wee bit cheaper :P17:36
JanCyeah, they have being around in that area for quite some time too17:36
JanCalthough I think Perl was used in that area as well?17:37
RoyKyeah, but according to the people I've talked to at work, the progress is still high, in such that they can't use the lucid packages17:37
RoyKmaybe - but perl deserves the name "pathologically eclectic rubbish lister" (although I have to confess I like it a bit)17:37
JanCthere is actually a company building IDEs & libraries for scientists based on SciPy17:38
JanCand most of that is open source and in ubuntu17:38
RoyKerm - what's the name of that IDE again?17:38
JanCbut as you say, they might be lacking the latest versiosn in the oficial repositories17:38
JanCthe company is named Enthought17:39
RoyKspyder is the one I'm thinking of17:40
RoyKJanC: strange - couldn't find it in the list here http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors17:41
JanCwell, I'm not sure it's really a different editor17:42
JanCbut they bundle up a lot of stuff + provide some of their own libraries17:43
e-DIO-ttira leva18:05
e-DIO-twrong ch18:05
jehoshua02RoyK: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878600/how-to-create-cronjob-using-bash/8106460#810646018:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #889620 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88962021:41
swharpertrying to configure a raid a fresh server install22:03
swharperhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/3136063/ubuntuinstall.jpg   <---current partition table22:03
swharperthis hangs at boot though22:03
swharperi have 9 drives22:03
swharper8 are for the raid, one for the OS22:04
swharperscsi23 is the usb disk with the server installer22:05
twbI bought a UPS and hooked it up to nut 2.4 (lucid); on Friday after I went home, it's status changed from OL to OL CAL.  What does the CAL mean?  Google is unhelpful.22:10
twbSecondly, it sat at 86±2% charge for a week, and when CAL came up, it dropped to 58%-ish -- if its on mains why isn't it charging to 100% ?22:11
patdk-lapbad batteries?22:12
patdk-lapcal probably means it's in calibration mode22:12
twbIt's a new ups :-/22:12
patdk-lapbut I could never find crap that nut supported so gave up on using nut22:12
twbAh *calibration*22:13
twbpatdk-lap: what do you use instead, wishful thinking? :P22:13
swharperanyhow know anything about raid configuration22:23
twbswharper: mdadm?22:24
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:24
matrix3000swharper, what are you trying to do with raid?22:24
swharperwell im trying to set it up during the install22:24
swharperhere is the current config (all drives below scsi9 are configured identically22:25
swharperim trying to partition these drives and still install the OS22:25
swharperbut when I do, it hangs during boot22:25
matrix3000where does it hang at boot?22:26
swharpershit…VDI check i believe22:27
swharperif tahts the correct acronym22:27
swharperi want the OS installed on SCSI222:28
swharperor 4, doesnt really matter22:28
matrix3000take that flash drive out22:29
matrix3000unplug it for the time being22:29
matrix3000what kind of raid are you trying to do?22:29
matrix3000RAID 1 with a RAID 5?22:29
swharperraid 622:31
swharperits just a media share22:31
swharperthe flash is the install .img22:32
matrix3000well SCSI2 and SCI4 are difference sizes than the others so im assuming that isn't raid22:32
matrix3000you want to use SCSI2 for your grub right22:33
swharperscsi 2 & 4 arent raid22:33
matrix3000you need to mark that as ext4 /22:33
swharperthey're ext422:33
matrix3000ok sweet22:33
matrix3000so SCSI2 needs ext 4 with a mount point /22:33
swharperscsi9,10…etc are raid22:33
swharperok, yeah…it had a mount point before but when i installed it its now gone22:33
swharperill try redoing it22:33
matrix3000and then mount point your RAID6 for /home or something22:33
matrix3000if you want the os on the SCSI2 your /boot needs to be on it i believe22:34
matrix3000that or /22:34
swharperi have it paritioned automatically now22:35
swharperwhich sets the mount point at /22:35
swharperwhat should the raid be set at22:36
swharperdo not use?22:36
patdk-laptwb, normally I use two things, if apc, I just use the apc software22:45
patdk-lapif tripplite, I'll just use some scripts I wrote22:45
matrix3000swharper: i put swap on all the drives22:49
swharperits goin....22:49
swharperactually i bet it freezes at "starting up the partitioner"22:50
swharperright now sitting at 50%22:50
erichammondOpinions on the simplest/cleanest way to send an email message from the command line on a fresh Ubuntu server?  Installing postfix and feeding the message to /usr/sbin/sendmail seems heavy, though it does take only a couple lines which is important for this demo.22:53
swharperyeah i think its freezing at the partitioning22:54
swharperi dont get this22:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #889641 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88964123:01
pmatulis!ssmtp | erichammond23:01
pmatulis!find ssmtp23:01
ubottuFound: ssmtp23:01
pmatuliswhatever, erichammond ⤴23:01
patdk-lapheh, any nullmailer would work23:08
patdk-lapthey all have different features depending on if you need sasl auth, spooling, ...23:08
erichammondpmatulis: Thanks.  At first glance it looks like ssmtp requires a hardcoded upstream SMTP server.23:19
erichammondI'm hoping to be able to provide a generic example where somebody could run a script on a fresh Ubuntu instance on EC2 to send an email to themselves with the only parameter being their email address.23:20
patdk-laperichammond, ya, they all will require a smtp relay host, unless you run a full blown email server23:23
swharperwait….actually it may be building the array23:26
swharperthe lights are flickering23:26
swharperhow long, roughly, would it take to create this partition?23:26
swharper6tb raid 623:26
erichammondpatdk-lap: Thanks.23:28
patdk-lapswharper, how large are the drives? how many drives?23:32
patdk-lapand what speed cpu?23:32
swharper7 drives 1.5tb eacvh23:35
swharperer 6 drives rather23:36
powellAmet etiam feugiat quis primis litora23:41
* powell ! unknown port23:41
patdk-lappowell, probably a good 12hours or more23:41
powellon linux ?23:42
patdk-lapon anything23:42
patdk-lapyou have to read and write out all 7*1.5tb of data23:42

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