
cjwoe.  re-keying is a pita05:16
valoriewhat do you have to re-key, cj?05:20
* bkerensa pokes valorie and other WA folks05:20
* bkerensa waves05:20
* valorie pokes bkerensa back05:20
bkerensaHow goes the weather for my neighbors to the north?05:20
valoriewe had a spate of hail earlier!05:21
valorieby the time I went to look it was all melted though05:21
valorienow sort of cold and damp out05:21
valoriehow about Portland?05:21
valorieand has the mayor started moving Occupy P. out, yet?05:22
bkerensaWell weather.com said it was 46 today but it felt like mid 30's and was foggy on my part of the city in the afternoon05:22
bkerensavery cold atm05:22
bkerensaheater is running at overclocked rate :P05:22
valoriefurnace is running here as well05:23
bkerensaI think it will be a cold winter05:24
bkerensaLucky I will be in California for Christmas05:24
valoriewe've had a couple of hard freezes, but it's not quite that cold tonight05:24
valorieI like a cold winter, as long as it's not 3 feet of snow05:24
valoriethat's a bit overkill05:24
bkerensaOh it hasnt snowed that much in the years I have been here05:25
bkerensajust a few inches05:25
bkerensaI fear Ice more than I do snow05:25
valoriehow many years have you lived there?05:25
* bkerensa takes Public Transit so walking on frozen sidewalks is much like ice skating05:25
bkerensavalorie: Almost three now05:25
valoriethere was a pretty bad storm 2 or 3 years ago05:25
bkerensait was only a foot or so05:25
valorieit was hell here05:26
bkerensaI was on the bus at the time and they had to kick everyone off and people left their cars on the freeway05:26
valoriefortunately I have a subaru05:26
valoriethat's the one05:26
bkerensaI have seen worse snow in the Sierra Nevedas05:26
bkerensalike near Truckee05:26
valoriemy daughter almost died from a kidney infection05:26
bkerensaSnow that would put the fear in people :P05:26
valorieshe couldn't get to the hospital so I had to drive up to north seattle and take her05:26
bkerensaBodie, CA gets pretty intense snow too.... Thats where the Marines do their Winter Warfare Training05:27
valorieshe was hospitalized over Xmas that year05:27
bkerensathats not good05:27
valoriewell, I was able to get her there05:27
valorieso it ended up good05:27
valorieshe's alive05:28
bkerensavalorie: You live in Seattle too right or a suburb?05:29
* bkerensa wants to make a trip up there sometime before the spring05:29
valoriean hour south-east05:29
bkerensaMy two friends that were in Seattle both left :P05:29
valorieright outside of the little village of Black Diamond05:30
bkerensajust Finn now05:30
valorieit's a fun city05:30
* bkerensa would mostly just be coming up to see Finn and maybe attend a WA LoCo event05:31
bkerensaGotta be a month or two after Christmas because my California trip is going to be spendy05:32
* bkerensa is unsure how some Ubuntu Members can afford to travel so much05:32
bkerensaseems like everyone except for me is going to every event regardless of its location05:32
valoriewell, I only go to UDS if I'm sponsored05:34
valoriesame with the KDE events05:34
valoriethat's how I can afford Switzerland and German05:35
bkerensahmm :)05:37
bkerensalucky you05:37
* bkerensa will apply for UDS next year if it is in country05:37
* bkerensa doesnt much want to go to Europe05:37
valorieI so much want to go to europe again05:39
bkerensavalorie: My friday evening - http://i.imgur.com/CVceT.png06:28
valorieI built tomahawk and some of its components06:30
valorieafter spending the day shepherding my dad to the doctor and back06:30
valoriethank goodness we went out for pizza!06:30
bkerensaa tomahawk like a axe or?06:38
valoriesee gettomahawk.com06:38
valorieit's a way to share your music and playlists legally06:39
valorieI wanted the latest, though06:40
bkerensashare music legally?06:53
bkerensadid I miss a legal ruling of some sort? :P06:53
bkerensavalorie: You can share music with people over the internet? Like stream or actually send mp3s?06:56
valoriejust stream06:59
bkerensavalorie: How do you find people to share with?07:00
* bkerensa is install now07:00
valorievalorie.zimmerman@gmail.com - add me07:00
valoriethe guys in the chan are good about sharing as well07:00
bkerensavalorie: ok added you07:07
valoriedo you have a gmail or jabber?07:14
valorieI'll add you back07:14
valorietwitter thing isn't working for me right now07:16
bkerensavalorie: bkerensa@gmail.com07:17
bkerensavalorie: It said you added me07:20
bkerensadid you get my request07:20
* bkerensa is trying to figure this out... it looks and sounds cool but no idea how it works :P07:20
valorieI think the only thing we have to do is add one another07:20
* valorie is listening to a podcast right now on amarok07:21
valorieso I'm no fun07:21
valoriealthough when you see my collection, you can play anything I have as long as I'm online07:21
bkerensaoh cool07:21
bkerensavalorie: wow someone in #tomahawk added me :D this is fun07:24
valorieyep, it seems new and different to me07:27
bkerensavalorie: Seems like Napster remixed to me07:29
valorieultimately, if you have a wide enough network, you should be able to hear just about anything07:33
bkerensavalorie: Only well people are online though?08:00
bkerensaThey need some kind of central list system to find people08:00
valorieI think they feel that once it gets popular, people will just friend their friends08:37
valoriealso the good thing is that lots of linux people leave their computers on all the time08:37
valorieyou could find people on their forums, but they are full of spam08:38
bkerensavalorie: Do you have any copies of old speaker proposals?18:44
* bkerensa is wanting to practice writing one on FOSS Evangelism and needs a guide18:44
valoriebkerensa: I've never written a speaker proposal22:18
valoriebut I sure need to start22:18

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