
Kilosmorning all09:59
Kilosjust made it09:59
Kiloslo magespawn 10:00
Kilosis jy al terug nuvolari ?10:01
Kiloslo bakuman 10:05
bakumanlies! im not here10:06
Kilosxchat never lies10:06
bakumanhi Oom Kilos 10:06
Kilosunless you like superfly and inetpro and a pc is online from another place as well10:07
bakumani still dont know how to change tabs with the keyboard10:07
Kilosdid you ask google10:07
KilosMaaz, google how to change tabs with the keyboard on ubuntu10:08
MaazKilos: "KeyboardShortcuts - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts :: "AppleKeyboard - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard :: "KeyTouch - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyTouch :: "Add Keyboard Input Language to Ubuntu - How-To Geek" http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17508/add-keyboard-input-language-to-ubuntu/ :: "Keybo10:08
Kilosbakuman, ^^10:10
bakumani meant in xchat :)10:14
Kilosi got a list of xchat commands somewhere10:14
KilosMaaz, google xchat commands10:14
MaazKilos: "Toxin: XChat Help Commands" http://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_help_commands :: "Toxin: XChat User Commands" http://toxin.jottit.com/xchat_user_commands :: "XCHAT FAQ" http://xchat.org/faq/ :: "X-Chat 2 Perl Interface" http://xchat.org/docs/xchat2-perl.html :: "XChat User Commands How-To — Fedora Unity Project" http://fedoraunity.org/Members/Southern_Gentleman/xchat-shortcuts :: "XChatData | Using / Command Line Options" http://xchatda10:14
nuvolariKilos: hallo oom11:08
nuvolariek is nou terug :P11:08
nuvolarioom sal nie raai nie11:08
nuvolarimy kar het my 'n sixpack bier gekos11:08
Kilosha ha ha dis goed11:09
Kilossimple fout dan11:09
nuvolaridaar is so 'n doppie aan die agterkant van die starter11:09
nuvolarien dié word met 2 skroefies vesgehou11:09
nuvolarien die een skroefie was weg11:09
nuvolarinou binne die doppie is daar 'n c washer11:09
nuvolariwat ook missing was11:09
nuvolariso... nou is my kar weer hunky dory11:10
nuvolarikyk die weer uit, maar ek moet op 'n stadium die kar was11:10
Kilosek bly vir jou seun11:10
nuvolaridankie oom :P11:10
nuvolaridis 'n verligting11:10
nuvolariwant anders sou dit my 'n arm en 'n been gekos het11:10
Kilosja ek dink daai ding11:10
nuvolarien toe ter viering daarvan het ek gaan kiekies neem :P11:11
nuvolariwant ek wou laas, maar was te bang dat waar ek parkeer, die kar nie gaan vat nie11:11
nuvolaridit sou problematies wees11:11
Kiloswaar kan ek n prentjie van n swart roos kry seun11:11
nuvolarijoh, whokom swart oom?11:11
Kilosha ha11:11
Kilosek soek een.11:12
nuvolari'n mens kan een probeer edit om swart te lyk11:12
nuvolariof op google. Hoe een soek oom11:12
Kiloshet gehoor van een nou die dag maar miskien was dit in n droom11:12
nuvolarikant aansig, bo aansig of isometries :P11:12
Kilosseker bo11:12
Kilosmaar moenie oor 250k wees nie11:13
nuvolariwil oom die roos (o) sien, of @>-'-,- 11:13
Kiloskan jy dit vir my pos asb11:14
Kilosons het wit en gellerig en pink en rooi ek dink11:15
Kilosjy sal beter slaap vanaand nou dat die golfie reg is ne11:16
nuvolariek't een gekry oom ,maar is nie 'n hoe kwaliteit een nie oom11:16
nuvolarija nee verseker :P en ek kan bietjie later slaap :P11:17
Kilosdit bly in die kop die worry dat dit nie volgende keer gaan start nie11:17
nuvolarioom kan mos wget? http://lordofdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/blackroses.jpg11:17
nuvolariof moet ek vir oom mail?11:17
Kilospos maar dankie seun11:17
Kilosjy ken seker my addy ne11:17
Kilosek sal wget11:18
nuvolarioi, klaar gepos ook11:19
nuvolariek gaan net gou kiekies kyk wat ek laat print het11:19
nuvolarihet hulle nog nie mooi onder oë gehad nie11:19
Kilosreg so dankie11:19
Kiloslater all12:11
Kiloshiya superfly and all others16:41
Kiloslo magespawn nlsthzn nuvolari 16:41
superflyhi Kilos16:41
Kilosvodacom very sick here. took about an hour just to connect16:41
nlsthznhi Kilos , superfly and all :)16:41
Kilosmaybe they dont like ,peeps mailing their CEO16:42
superflyheya nlsthzn16:42
KilosMaaz, coffee on16:42
* Maaz puts the kettle on16:42
KilosMaaz, tea for nlsthzn 16:43
MaazCome on Neelsie bring your cup with the tea bag in16:43
nlsthznThanks Maaz , uncle Kilos :)16:43
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:46
Kiloswe Maaz dankie man16:47
KilosMaaz, dankie man16:47
MaazGroot plesier my vriend16:47
magespawnhi kilos16:48
magespawnMaaz do you have a cold coke?16:49
Maazmagespawn: I already know stuff about do you16:49
magespawnof course Maaz16:49
magespawnha thats stumped him16:49
magespawnMaaz I know all sorts of things16:51
Maazmagespawn: *blink*16:51
magespawnMaaz, cold coke for magespawn16:52
Maazmagespawn: *blink*16:52
nlsthznMaaz: coke please16:52
Maaznlsthzn: Go get it yourself!16:52
magespawnobviously only does hot beverages16:52
Kiloscheky bot hey16:52
Kiloscheeky too16:53
magespawnMaaz, Coca Cola for magespawn16:53
Maazmagespawn: Excuse me?16:53
magespawnobviously only does hot beverages lol16:53
KilosMaaz, coke please16:54
MaazLook in the fridge Kilos Do you expect me to do everything for you16:54
magespawnhas anybody tried to flirt with the bot?16:56
Kilosi dunno16:56
magespawnwell lets see16:56
Kilosbut lotsa people dont realise he is a bot when they first come on here16:56
Kilosi was one of them16:56
magespawnMaaz, you get my bits all turned into bytes16:57
Maazmagespawn: Sorry...16:57
magespawnMaaz, do not be sorry it is a natural effect of all that computing power16:58
Maazmagespawn: Got it16:58
magespawnMaaz, how many cores are you running?16:58
Maazmagespawn: If you say so16:58
magespawni think "does not compute" is a fair assessment17:00
Kilosha ha17:00
Kiloshe is actually kinda doff17:00
Kiloscant accept typos even17:01
magespawnit has just taken me 20 min to switch off a windows laptop from time of click to actual power off17:02
Kilosi gotta go eat17:02
magespawni am of home later all17:03
Kilosnight all sleep tight18:30
Kilossee ya morrow some time18:30

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