
jo-erlendis it possible to undo a revert?05:31
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jelmerjo-erlend: sortof - revert will create backup files for all the files it reverts13:14
jo-erlendoh, ok. That's good to know.13:16
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pooliehi all20:16
jelmer_'morning poolie20:16
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pooliehi there20:18
pooliei might have a go at memory usage during checkout :)20:18
pooliesee how high the fruit actually is20:18
pooliejelmer, my branch to actually delete buildd from the tree failed ec2 for some mysterious reason20:19
poolieso i'll try to work that out too20:19
jelmerpoolie: cool20:19
jelmerpoolie: oh? any test in particular that failed?20:20
poolieoh it just didn't find the buildd library from the package20:21
pooliei'm sure it was installed20:22
jelmerpoolie: is it a debian package?20:22
jelmerpoolie: did you update the ec2 image?20:22
poolieno, but i ran it with my patch to the ec2 tool that makes it do an update first20:22
jelmerneat, I didn't realize it could do that now :-)20:23
poolievote up https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/ec2-update/+merge/81946 :)20:23
poolieas i say on the mp it seems unnecessary to wait for a new ami to be built etc20:24
jelmeryeah, that's really useful20:25
jelmerupdating the AMI image was a bit of a traumatic experience20:26
poolieso, seriously, say so if you think it's a good idea :)20:26
pooliestevenk was concerned i guess that it might be more fragile20:26
jelmerpoolie: the bzr-beta-ppa is obsolete and no longer updated as far as I know20:29
jelmerpoolie: and the branch doesn't actually seem to remove henninge from the list of image owners20:29
jelmerother than that, it seems reasonable to me20:30
pooliei should remove the beta ppa20:30
* jelmer comments on the MP20:30
pooliei should probably actually change the image-building so that that the ppas are still present20:30
poolieit raced with steven removing henninge20:30
jelmerah, ok20:34
pooliejelmer, i wonder if we should revert grid's patch, re bug 88987220:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 889872 in Bazaar "not a valid key error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88987220:45
jelmerpoolie: me too - perhaps we should, we can always land it again once that issue is fixed20:46
poolieGRiD, don't suppose you're here?20:46
jelmerpoolie: heh, nice to see a recipe for launchpad-buildd :)20:54
pooliemm dogfood20:55
maxbjelmer: Why do you say that? (about beta ppa)21:24
maxboh, you mean in that specific context, yup, agreed21:25
jelmermaxb: Yeah, I'm talking about ppa:bzr-beta-ppa/ppa21:26
poolieyep, got it21:26
maxbActually, does Launchpad development actually require ppa:bzr/ppa any more?21:26
pooliewe could delete the team, but istr we thought we'd keep the ppas there as an archive21:26
maxbNot that it'll harm anything21:26
poolieit needs _a_ bzr obviously21:27
pooliei think running from ppa:bzr is likely to be close to what's deployed and also likely to be more consistent across distroseries than just using the os version21:27
maxbBut only good enough to get the source in the first place, I assume, since there's also a bzr in buildout21:28
poolierocketfuel-setup adds the bzr ppa so i'm being consistent with that21:28
GRiDpoolie, yes sure revert it for now21:28
maxbStill, probably better to leave the bzr ppa in there so people can benefit from latest-stable bzr speed fixes, etc.21:28
pooliemaxb, in the specific case of ec2test it needs bzr to fetch the lp tree before it can run buildout :)21:28
pooliethough for that i guess any old version would do21:28
GRiDjelmer, maybe you can help me reproduce 889872 tomorrow (mon)?21:30
GRiDor even better, help me craft a test case to reproduce :)21:30
jelmerGRiD: I'm not very familiar  with that bit of the code so I'm not sure if I can be of much help. I have the issue in a pdb session though, if that helps.21:31
jelmerGRiD: it might be that the issues can be reproduced by forcibly repacking a bzr repository21:31
GRiDok np. i won't have a chance to take a serious look until tomorrow, so i'll try that first21:32
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peitschiemornin all :)23:12
pooliehi there23:12

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