tomasparks | hello everyone | 06:02 |
sagaci | head_victim: ping | 06:17 |
head_victim | tomasparks: gday | 06:36 |
head_victim | sagaci: pong | 06:36 |
sagaci | head_victim: changed the event on l.u.c for the meeting, it had it as 00:00-21:00 | 06:37 |
sagaci | changed to 20:00-21:00 | 06:37 |
head_victim | Ah ok, we've been trying to get the ical feed to work and we may have confused it a bit | 06:37 |
head_victim | The meeting is showing as 4pm tomorrow for me :/ | 06:38 |
sagaci | jaddi has it as gmt+10 | 06:38 |
head_victim | Yeah we'd tried to set the team to +10 as well but then that put everything else out, reverting to utc for team default hasn't fixed much either. | 06:39 |
head_victim | There are a couple of bugs open for it | 06:39 |
head_victim | Basically their ical implementation is broken I think | 06:39 |
sagaci | so your ical is then adding gmt+10 to the time, maybe? | 06:42 |
head_victim | Nah it's the actual ical coming from the site | 06:42 |
head_victim | Click on the ical feed and open it with your favourite text editor and you'll see | 06:42 |
head_victim | There was a time when it all worked great and I never had to worry. It's gone back to being a mess | 06:43 |
sagaci | head_victim: | 08:27 |
ikt | meeting tonight? | 08:28 |
head_victim | sagaci: nice | 08:28 |
head_victim | ikt: yes | 08:28 |
sagaci | winning | 08:28 |
ikt | 9pm aest, so in 2.5 hours? | 08:30 |
sagaci | 1.5 hours | 08:30 |
sagaci | 8pm aest, 9pm aedst | 08:31 |
ikt | oh yeah | 08:31 |
head_victim | Just dented/tweeted again | 08:35 |
tomasparks | ping! pong! | 08:57 |
ikt | pong | 09:03 |
ikt | tower burger from ze kfc's | 09:03 |
head_victim | Hmm I haven't had dinner yet, you may have just inspired me. | 09:04 |
gggs | ikt: Isn't that like a normal fillet burger with a hash brown? | 09:07 |
tomasparks | 2 hours to my closest KFC :( | 09:11 |
head_victim | There's one at the end of my street. | 09:14 |
tomasparks | I have Domino's Pizza at the end of my street in warwick, when I am in QLD | 09:17 |
head_victim | Ah nice, I was married out there. | 09:18 |
tomasparks | did anyone have a strom this afternoon? | 09:20 |
mrshr3d | had a bit of the rain smell in the air this arvo, but no rain or storm | 09:21 |
tomasparks | I had hail stones rain and lightning in Lightning ridge, nsw | 09:21 |
mrshr3d | in Algester, QLD here | 09:23 |
ikt | gggs: yeah and some special sawce | 09:23 |
gggs | ikt: I think I've had one of those, the hash brown gets mushy :( | 09:31 |
ikt | :S | 09:38 |
ikt | i keep buying strips and not eating them | 09:38 |
ikt | rah | 09:38 |
ikt | might just re-heat at midnight | 09:38 |
ikt | | 09:49 |
ikt | someone had to do it | 09:49 |
gggs | ikt: 'picodollars', I like it, metrification of currency | 09:51 |
ikt | i'm still trying to figure out what it means | 09:53 |
gggs | I'm not sure what the product they're selling is about | 09:55 |
gggs | sagaci: I think you need an IRC bouncer :) | 09:55 |
sagaci | mostly signing in from different devices | 09:59 |
jaddi27 | is everyone here? i will start in a minute | 10:00 |
head_victim | It is that time isn't it | 10:01 |
jaddi27 | #startmeeting Ubuntu-AU Nov 2011 Team Meeting | 10:01 |
meetingology | Meeting started Sun Nov 13 10:01:32 2011 UTC. The chair is jaddi27. Information about MeetBot at | 10:01 |
meetingology | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 10:01 |
jaddi27 | #chair sagaci head_victim | 10:01 |
meetingology | Current chairs: head_victim jaddi27 sagaci | 10:01 |
head_victim | Evening all | 10:01 |
fabricator4 | Evening all | 10:01 |
vadi2 | Hello | 10:02 |
head_victim | Hah, great minds think alike | 10:02 |
jaddi27 | Welcome everybody to the November 2011 IRC Team Meeting | 10:02 |
Svo1 | hi! | 10:02 |
sagaci | good evening | 10:02 |
fabricator4 | :-) | 10:02 |
mrshr3d | evening | 10:02 |
jaddi27 | Please say hello, if you haven't already done so, to register your attendance | 10:02 |
grizzlysmit | hello | 10:02 |
head_victim | (If you want your attendance noted) :) | 10:02 |
Red_ | hi | 10:03 |
tomasparks | hi | 10:03 |
fabricator4 | Bit crowded in here... | 10:03 |
jaddi27 | Good to see a few extra faces in here tonight | 10:03 |
head_victim | Always a good sign | 10:03 |
jaddi27 | Well, on to the first topic of tonight | 10:03 |
sagaci | agenda: | 10:04 |
sagaci | | 10:04 |
jaddi27 | oops, thanks sagaci. | 10:04 |
jaddi27 | #topic Brisbane InstallFest - Jared Norris (head_victim) | 10:04 |
head_victim | | 10:04 |
ikt | and I'm late :x | 10:05 |
head_victim | I've done a little work to the wiki page and just wanted to put it out there for others to collaborate with | 10:05 |
head_victim | ikt: someone has to be | 10:05 |
ikt | :D | 10:05 |
sagaci | ikt: better 2 minutes late than 5 hours early | 10:05 |
head_victim | Or 20 hours late as my google calendar shows | 10:06 |
head_victim | So back on topic, basically our main needs for the Brisbane installation festival is to get volunteers and get marketing material made up | 10:06 |
sagaci | head_victim: how are you going to advertise this, apart from ML and social media... ie. to attract new linux/ubuntu users | 10:06 |
head_victim | sagaci: the goal is to get a floyer done up to post on other forums, uni noticeboards, I'm going to approach the local radio station and try and work out something with some schools if I can. | 10:07 |
Svo1 | I just had a thought - I work for a PR company. I might be able to ask my colleagues for low-cost marketing avenues. | 10:07 |
sagaci | ah yep | 10:07 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, I can put something out to the UQ Computing Society members | 10:08 |
head_victim | jaddi27: sweet | 10:08 |
head_victim | I've tried going through HUMBUG previously and not had any feedback or attendees at all | 10:09 |
head_victim | wb sagaci | 10:09 |
jaddi27 | sagaci, finally decided on a computer? | 10:09 |
fabricator4 | Or a yo-yo :-D | 10:09 |
sagaci | Super+ | 10:10 |
sagaci | Super+Windowskey just let me fly through my windows but killed chatzilla | 10:10 |
sagaci | radio stations sound like a good idea | 10:10 |
head_victim | sagaci: I have heard an IT segment before so want to contact them about some airtime or at least a quick plug | 10:11 |
head_victim | Basically, it's time to start doing things is all I wanted to say. That and the wiki page needs some volunteering registration :) | 10:12 |
head_victim | If anyone is good with flyers we could really do with that to help promote the event. Most of the team's materials are on the wiki | 10:12 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, | 10:12 |
sagaci | worthy for l.u.c event link and blog post.. yeah? | 10:12 |
head_victim | Svo1: if you get any good feedback please let us know about the low cost marketing | 10:12 |
head_victim | sagaci: already on loco.u.c ;) | 10:13 |
Svo1 | Sure. I'll find out early this week. | 10:13 |
head_victim | sagaci: yeah but I actually wanted them to talk about it on the program | 10:13 |
sagaci | encourage proper pronunciation | 10:14 |
head_victim | sagaci: is there "proper" pronunciation? | 10:14 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, that might have been meant for me. That was just something that I have heard Spencer Howson/Kelly Higgens-Divine mention a few times, so that might be something to do in addition to the radio talk | 10:15 |
sagaci | well oo boon too is better than oo ban tue | 10:15 |
fabricator4 | or ah-bun-too | 10:15 |
head_victim | Ok, unless anyone else ahs anything to add it might be time for next topic? | 10:16 |
jaddi27 | Ok. Next topic coming up | 10:17 |
jaddi27 | #topic Social Networking Update - Joel Addison (jaddi27) | 10:17 |
jaddi27 | I just wanted to let everyone know that since the last meeting, I have set up a Facebook page and a Google+ page | 10:18 |
jaddi27 | | 10:18 |
jaddi27 | | 10:18 |
ikt | ah nice | 10:18 |
jaddi27 | At the moment it is not possible to share admin of a google+ page, so I am the only one that can access it. | 10:19 |
jaddi27 | If anyone has anything that they would like added to it, or the Facebook page, let me know and I will put it up | 10:19 |
fabricator4 | Maybe put some info on the Installfest? | 10:20 |
jaddi27 | I plan on mirroring the ubuntuau twitter/ feeds on both Facebook and Google+, so as many people as possible can access it | 10:20 |
head_victim | An the topic of social media, if anyone has content for identica/twitter (same posts) please let me know | 10:20 |
jaddi27 | fabricator4, Yes, I am happy to do that. If someone would like to write up something I can put it on (head_victim might have a better description than I do) | 10:21 |
jaddi27 | The facebook group also still exists, so general discussion can still occur, as well as easy sharing of events to people on Facebook | 10:22 |
head_victim | Just trying to get a few things in place (like flyers and more of an idea what we plan to do on the day) before posting too far and wide | 10:22 |
jaddi27 | | 10:22 |
head_victim | jaddi27: so is the page and the group separate? | 10:22 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, That is fine | 10:22 |
jaddi27 | Yes, the group and page are separate | 10:22 |
jaddi27 | The page will work in a similar manner to twitter/google+, while the group is better for discussions | 10:23 |
head_victim | Ah ok, I have no idea how FB works so I'll trust that it's all good :) | 10:24 |
jaddi27 | Any further comments/questions regarding social networking? | 10:25 |
jaddi27 | Ok. Moving on to the next topic | 10:25 |
jaddi27 | #topic Increasing #ubuntu-au users - IKT | 10:26 |
ikt | o hai | 10:26 |
ikt | I've been talking to a few people on the ubuntu forums | 10:26 |
ikt | irc still seems to be quite difficult to get into | 10:26 |
ikt | at the moment I'm kind of stumped on how we can make it even easier | 10:26 |
head_victim | I've tried to make sure everytime we post something about IRC that I post a webchat link as well to make that easier. Does that help? | 10:27 |
ikt | Not sure tbh, the issues have mainly be to get into the channel | 10:27 |
ikt | just to chat | 10:27 |
jaddi27 | I think that making a good video tutorial on how to set it up and use IRC would be good | 10:27 |
ikt | yes definitely | 10:28 |
head_victim | Well anyone running ubuntu can go to the wiki irc page and click and link and it just works | 10:28 |
tomasparks | I just keep forgetting to join the IRC | 10:28 |
head_victim | I don't know how easier we can make it | 10:28 |
ikt | besides the link, is there any way to further incentise(sp) being in #ubuntu-au? | 10:28 |
ikt | the main reason being that activity breeds activity | 10:29 |
head_victim | Last time we spoke on the topic of irc merging this and the OT channel came up. It was fairly strong support to keep them separate, should we revisit this idea? | 10:29 |
jaddi27 | I think for some people it could be that it looks 'old' and that is confusing, compared to say Skype while looks more modern | 10:29 |
ikt | true | 10:29 |
tomasparks | should the meeting be voiped? | 10:30 |
ikt | head_victim: yeah I'm interested is there any way to get activity stats on the channels? | 10:30 |
sagaci | ikt: download the logs | 10:30 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, I still like having the separate channels. Based on activity, most people go to this one anyway, so I don't think people are getting confused | 10:30 |
head_victim | tomasparks: the problem is using an open service that can cater to group calls 20 or so people at once | 10:30 |
jaddi27 | sagaci, there are no logs for #ubuntu-au-chat | 10:30 |
head_victim | I thought a mumble or ventrilo type service might be useful but that's far more complicated than irc to get into | 10:30 |
sagaci | sorry, just meant for #ubuntu-au | 10:31 |
jaddi27 | Welcome bejames. The meeting is currently on if you would like to join in | 10:31 |
jaddi27 | I think voip might be a bit hard for meetings, as we can have a lot of people sometimes | 10:31 |
tomasparks | good point head_victim | 10:32 |
ikt | sagaci: I was thinking more like this: | 10:32 |
vadi2 | Firefox also has some IRC addons. Promoting their use on wiki pages might make things more easy on people | 10:32 |
sagaci | ikt: the ubuntu-uk team have something similar | 10:33 |
jaddi27 | What if some people made themselves available through some sort of voip service to walk people through getting onto IRC (and other issues) | 10:33 |
ikt | Not sure about the voip service but I've got a screencast on my list of thigns to do | 10:34 |
tomasparks | there is a ubuntu screencasting group | 10:35 |
jaddi27 | We did discuss setting up a live streaming account for Ubuntu-AU | 10:35 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, did you set up an account in the end? | 10:35 |
head_victim | jaddi27: the accoutns exist on ustream and youtube | 10:35 |
head_victim | ") | 10:35 |
tomasparks | | 10:36 |
head_victim | Anyone with content to add just needs to let me know so I can add them to the group or upload it on their behalf | 10:36 |
jaddi27 | That is good. ikt, tomasparks - the ustream account could be used to do a screencast of irc, and then it could be uploaded to youtube for future reference | 10:36 |
ikt | yeah | 10:37 |
sagaci | head_victim: *cough* | 10:37 |
tomasparks | it been done | 10:37 |
ikt | needs to be australianised :P | 10:38 |
sagaci | #idea offer some kind of VOIP support available via forums (sticky thread in -au forum?) | 10:39 |
ikt | sounds good | 10:39 |
head_victim | sagaci: nice work, is that AU specific? | 10:39 |
sagaci | maybe an hour every month or 2 weeks | 10:40 |
sagaci | as a helpdesk kinda thing | 10:40 |
sagaci | head_victim: nope | 10:40 |
head_victim | sagaci: you created? | 10:40 |
sagaci | yep, sagaci username wasn't available | 10:40 |
head_victim | Cool, well with your permission I'll work out how to put it in the team's channel | 10:41 |
sagaci | all done on ubuntu 11.10 since the recordmydesktop graphics glitch was fixed in oneiric | 10:41 |
sagaci | I want to do a beginner's fixing bugs but haven't found a small enough bug in a small enough package to reproduce it, unfortunately | 10:42 |
head_victim | Nice work | 10:42 |
jaddi27 | sagaci, Good work | 10:42 |
head_victim | #action head_victim to upload sagaci 's screencasts to the team channel | 10:42 |
meetingology | ACTION: head_victim to upload sagaci 's screencasts to the team channel | 10:42 |
sagaci | not authoritative on the subject, moreso wanted to prove to myself that I knew what I was talking about | 10:42 |
sagaci | my home dir has something like up to out-52.ogv due to all the outtakes | 10:43 |
sagaci | it's no different from following the raw packaging guide, except it's in video format with a couple of tips for common errors | 10:44 |
head_victim | Anyone want to take ownership of a voip or irc screencast? | 10:44 |
sagaci | irc is pretty open | 10:46 |
sagaci | client-dependent | 10:47 |
sagaci | unless you did freenode webchat | 10:47 |
head_victim | I'd use default ubuntu stuff | 10:47 |
sagaci | although that's not a long-term solution | 10:47 |
head_victim | or the freenode option would also work | 10:47 |
ikt | I'll try and do one with all 3 clients in it | 10:47 |
sagaci | empathy? | 10:47 |
jaddi27 | empathy, or xchat? | 10:47 |
ikt | both | 10:47 |
jaddi27 | ok | 10:47 |
ikt | and webchat | 10:47 |
ikt | so all options are available | 10:48 |
head_victim | #action ikt to create IRC screencast | 10:49 |
meetingology | ACTION: ikt to create IRC screencast | 10:49 |
head_victim | Should we move to the last topic? | 10:49 |
sagaci | would someone like to do a VOIP session too? | 10:49 |
sagaci | advertise on forums, and social media | 10:49 |
sagaci | one-off and see how it goes | 10:49 |
sagaci | ? | 10:49 |
sagaci | sorry, using enter as punctuation | 10:50 |
head_victim | I'd email the ml to see what the best voip solution would be first | 10:50 |
jaddi27 | We can do Google+ hangouts also | 10:50 |
jaddi27 | using the ubuntu-au page | 10:50 |
ikt | ^ | 10:50 |
head_victim | jaddi27: that only works for a small number of people | 10:50 |
jaddi27 | Yes, up to 9 people | 10:50 |
sagaci | who have g+ | 10:50 |
jaddi27 | Not saying to use it, just a suggestion | 10:50 |
ikt | I think everyone who has a gmail has a g+ | 10:50 |
head_victim | Cool, all ideas :) | 10:51 |
jaddi27 | skype needs to be paid for to do a group chat, but google+ is free. I am not sure of other voip services | 10:51 |
sagaci | bigbluebutton needs flash | 10:51 |
tomasparks | teamspeak | 10:51 |
sagaci | I think that bandwidth would be more of an issue than the software itself | 10:52 |
jaddi27 | Yes, bandwidth would be an issue | 10:52 |
jaddi27 | Maybe we should go to the next topic to make sure we can get finished on time | 10:52 |
head_victim | Sounds like a plan, move the voip option to the ml | 10:52 |
jaddi27 | who will take it to the mailing list? sagaci, ikt, tomasparks, head_victim? | 10:53 |
sagaci | I shall | 10:54 |
head_victim | Soudns good | 10:54 |
jaddi27 | #action sagaci to start topic on the mailing list regarding voip | 10:54 |
meetingology | ACTION: sagaci to start topic on the mailing list regarding voip | 10:54 |
jaddi27 | #topic en_AU ISO localisation effort - Joel Pickett (sagaci) | 10:54 |
jaddi27 | Last topic for tonight | 10:54 |
sagaci | | 10:55 |
sagaci | good progress: | 10:55 |
sagaci | public pad to share your ideas and suggestions for defaults: | 10:55 |
head_victim | sagaci: the splash screen mentioned on the ml, could that be used to localise as well? | 10:56 |
sagaci | bzr branch info - | 10:56 |
tomasparks | I have noticed that the ubuntu is creating more and more distro so I think I have found a usefull tool | 10:56 |
sagaci | not sure, would have to ask pitti... there's another blueprint for that that I need to track down | 10:56 |
sagaci | is it worth mucking about with the boot splash... even if you dual boot - you only see it for a couple of seconds | 10:57 |
head_victim | tomasparks: no idea what that does but looks interesting. | 10:57 |
head_victim | sagaci: just wasn't sure if it's as simple as slotting in the png or not. If it's 2 seconds work for free advertising maybe. I don't know what's involved though so just posturing. | 10:58 |
fabricator4 | It's easy. | 10:58 |
tomasparks | head_victim: it builds new distro based on the user requirements | 10:58 |
sagaci | tomasparks: not particularly customising ubuntu as to creating your own distro, if i'm reading it right | 10:58 |
jaddi27 | sagaci, banshee will be dropped from 12.04 according to | 10:59 |
ikt | not 100% certain | 10:59 |
ikt | speaking to some of the dev guys they said it was proposed, but not finalised | 10:59 |
sagaci | head_victim: all I'm saying it's not an option in the defaults_template so it'd have to be down manually | 11:00 |
fabricator4 | Maybe not. They are going to a LiveDVD for 12.04 now I hear. | 11:00 |
head_victim | sagaci: ah ok, that's whta I wasn't sure, if it was an option. | 11:00 |
sagaci | jaddi27: yeah so default banshee stations will be changed to default rhythmbox stations, if the change goes through | 11:00 |
jaddi27 | ok | 11:00 |
ikt | fabricator4: extra 50MB granted so now it's 750MB ISO image | 11:02 |
ikt | which is bigger than your standard cd | 11:02 |
fabricator4 | bye bye LiveCD | 11:02 |
jaddi27 | LiveUSB sounds easiest | 11:03 |
tomasparks | or liveSD | 11:03 |
fabricator4 | New users will probably be more comfortable with a disk of some type however. | 11:03 |
ikt | using a liveusb for years now | 11:03 |
ikt | would be good if they sold 1gb usb drives for 30cents instead of 8gb for $5 or something | 11:04 |
ikt | would distribute liveusb's instead of cd's | 11:05 |
fabricator4 | I haven't been able to by a 1Gb drive for some time now... | 11:05 |
ikt | yeah | 11:05 |
jaddi27 | ikt, maybe that should be something to do for the ubuntu-au store (or whoever runs it) | 11:05 |
ikt | good idea | 11:05 |
head_victim | Surely ebay has bulk lots of 1gb sticks | 11:05 |
tomasparks | I still find the CD boot easyer that USB sticks | 11:06 |
sagaci | 12.04 will be a better target for distribution anyhow | 11:06 |
ikt | the best target | 11:06 |
ikt | should work very heavily on getting 12.04 out to as many people as possible | 11:06 |
ikt | as the next LTS is another 2 years away | 11:07 |
head_victim | The idea of this installfest is to work out how to do it so we can do it once a year or once a cycle | 11:07 |
mrshr3d | usb sticks would certainly add versatility - compared to distros sent out on read-only CDs - reusable for new releases etc | 11:07 |
ikt | re 1gb usb pricing: vs <- does not scale well at all :/ | 11:07 |
ikt | $7 for 1GB, $8 for 8Gb | 11:07 |
mrshr3d | ouch | 11:08 |
fabricator4 | You can put all the 'buntus on and 8GB multiboot | 11:08 |
tomasparks | WTF | 11:08 |
jaddi27 | maybe we should do kubuntu/ubuntu/lubuntu/mythbuntu/etc all on one usb drive | 11:08 |
fabricator4 | :-) multiboot | 11:08 |
tomasparks | that more like it :) | 11:08 |
ikt | fabricator4: trying to make a liveUSB equivalent of a LiveCD that we can just give away in the hundreds and it not costing very much | 11:09 |
fabricator4 | I know. Maybe a Chinese source. I'd be happy to make some enquiries - I know someone who knows a Chinese... | 11:09 |
jaddi27 | I might wrap up the meeting now. This discussion can continue after the meeting (will be in the IRC logs) | 11:10 |
ikt | oh | 11:10 |
ikt | one other thing | 11:10 |
jaddi27 | ikt, go ahead :) | 11:10 |
ikt | we made the ubuntu au subforum a while ago, and I'm happy with how it's going, however pholston was made a forum mod for the section | 11:11 |
ikt | and the issue being that I haven't seen him in a long time | 11:11 |
ikt | | 11:11 |
ikt | Last Activity: March 9th, 2011 | 11:11 |
ikt | so I'm looking for someone to help out :> | 11:11 |
jaddi27 | I haven't done a whole heap on the forums, but I could try to help out | 11:12 |
sagaci | glad you brought it up | 11:12 |
ikt | the main thing I think is forum activity and having a link in your forum signature | 11:13 |
ikt | the more people see your posts, the more people see the link, the more people see the forum | 11:13 |
head_victim | 90% of my posts are in the au subforum | 11:13 |
head_victim | I don't get on the forums much :P | 11:13 |
fabricator4 | I used, now I'm mostly launchpading it. | 11:14 |
ikt | I just passed 1k posts :> | 11:14 |
fabricator4 | Well done. Here's a cigar :-) | 11:14 |
ikt | haha thanks :D | 11:15 |
sagaci | fabricator4: I just passed my sesquicentenary on lp | 11:15 |
fabricator4 | sequi what? | 11:15 |
sagaci | 150,000+ karm | 11:15 |
sagaci | ahhh | 11:15 |
ikt | sagaci your karma is insane | 11:15 |
ikt | great work :D | 11:15 |
sagaci | should reset en_AU translations so I can catch up to pitti | 11:16 |
fabricator4 | Too much translating. I think I'll break 1,000 this week | 11:16 |
sagaci | heh NO | 11:16 |
tomasparks | sagaci: how long did it take you to get that? | 11:16 |
sagaci | since late march | 11:16 |
sagaci | iirc | 11:16 |
sagaci | 8 months roughly | 11:17 |
sagaci | gg meeting | 11:17 |
sagaci | #endmeeting | 11:17 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Sun Nov 13 11:17:21 2011 UTC. | 11:17 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 11:17 |
sagaci | jaddi27's out | 11:17 |
sagaci | but seriously can't wait till we have next to zero to go | 11:18 |
sagaci | ezylink: | 11:18 |
ikt | sagaci: wru on uf? | 11:18 |
ikt | link me your profile | 11:18 |
sagaci | uf? | 11:18 |
ikt | uforums | 11:19 |
ikt | soz I'm lazy :/ | 11:19 |
sagaci | i don't have an active account, I don't think... maybe I do | 11:19 |
ikt | ah | 11:19 |
sagaci | I use uf from time to time for problem searches... but rarely post | 11:20 |
sagaci | usually only use wp forums | 11:20 |
ikt | yeah I see you on wp | 11:20 |
fabricator4 | So how many 1Gb USB drives do we want to buy? | 11:22 |
ikt | jaddi27: do you have a uf account? | 11:22 |
ikt | fabricator4: depends on how cheap | 11:22 |
head_victim | fabricator4: at this point, until we're sure it will be under 1gb, I'd say none ;) | 11:23 |
fabricator4 | the more you buy, the cheaper it will be | 11:23 |
ikt | if they were 50c I'd buy 100, but that's about as many as I'd need for a while | 11:24 |
sagaci | you could offer 2GB sticks as backup install media at the installfest for cost price | 11:24 |
fabricator4 | What size is the alpha running to currently? | 11:24 |
sagaci | | 11:24 |
head_victim | sagaci: I'll be taking the leftover 11.10 cd's with me | 11:24 |
sagaci | ah yeah | 11:24 |
sagaci | I used to be into official CD's, but now I only run 64-bit... lost it's edge | 11:25 |
fabricator4 | I think the official CDs might be 64 bit next year as well... | 11:26 |
fabricator4 | DVDs... | 11:26 |
jaddi27 | back again | 11:27 |
fabricator4 | The daily build has barely cracked 700Mb. It doesn't look like they are going to stuff it too full | 11:27 |
sagaci | fabricator4: it's early | 11:28 |
jaddi27 | ikt: | 11:28 |
ikt | moar posts :P | 11:30 |
ikt | the beginners team is great for upping your post count | 11:30 |
ikt | the main thing being to just pop into Absolute Beginner Talk and respond to something easy | 11:31 |
ikt | most questions are relatively minor | 11:31 |
ikt | adobe flash not working, installing ubuntu etc | 11:31 |
jaddi27 | ikt, Ok, I will do that | 11:31 |
jaddi27 | I can't even edit my profile, which is annoying. They must have changed the settings | 11:32 |
sagaci | | 11:32 |
sagaci | | 11:32 |
fabricator4 | Just did an upgrade that failed, and they _didn't do a backup | 11:32 |
fabricator4 | Can spend hours on that one... | 11:32 |
ikt | :< | 11:32 |
sagaci | head_victim: can our meetings be pushed to | 11:33 |
fabricator4 | I have cartons of beer waiting for on five continents | 11:33 |
ikt | is the BT, it's not about you being a newbie but more about community involvement | 11:33 |
sagaci | head_victim: namely Ubuntu LoCo Teams Calendar | 11:33 |
head_victim | sagaci: sure :) | 11:33 |
sagaci | minutes added: | 11:34 |
head_victim | Just needs someone to set it up as a google calendar and share it with their group | 11:34 |
sagaci | head_victim: how does the december meeting sync with iCal | 11:36 |
sagaci | tried QLD/Brisbane time | 11:36 |
head_victim | You do it local it converts (for the fridge) | 11:37 |
sagaci | no, I just meant for this meeting: | 11:38 |
head_victim | Hasn't appeared just yet | 11:39 |
head_victim | No ideaw how to force an update of it either, I've looked before | 11:39 |
sagaci | ah ok I'm thinking of doing an NSW meet-up in January... similar to a release party but without the release | 11:39 |
sagaci | NSW meaning Sydney | 11:40 |
sagaci | because to be honest we weren't demonstrating and explaining things with laptops and netbooks, generally just normal chatter | 11:41 |
head_victim | Yeah that's what happens with release parties, just socialising really | 11:42 |
ikt | with the time sync issue | 11:56 |
ikt | has it been reported upstream? | 11:56 |
head_victim | ikt: there are multi bugs on lp about it | 11:56 |
head_victim | The issue is with loco.u.c not doing ical feeds properly | 11:57 |
head_victim | I gotta run though | 11:59 |
ikt | rah | 12:00 |
sagaci | ikt: are you on g+? | 12:00 |
ikt | yup | 12:00 |
ikt | | 12:00 |
ikt | | 12:03 |
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