
=== virusuy is now known as virusuy-away
r4yOK, so I checked this hard drive with disk utility and everything is good. I also ran fsck and e2fsck and it is clean04:56
r4yThis is before and after installing Ubuntu04:56
r4yI wanted to point something out, maybe I am not doing this right, but hey I might as well say it04:58
r4yfrom this link this command doesn't work04:59
r4yshutdown -rF now04:59
r4yall it does for me is reboot04:59
r4yInstead I do:04:59
r4y"sudo touch /forcefsck", then I reboot04:59
r4yholstein asked if my ram was bad and I checked it like he said to and there were no errors so my ram is good05:00
r4yI said that the supposed bad sectors might have been the Ubuntu install05:01
r4yI said it was Ubuntu 10.04 but I realize that that was an install of 10.1005:02
r4yI remember there being a problem when installing 10.10 on the CD I made and looked it up to find that when installing that I had to make the menu pop up and pick to install Ubuntu05:03
r4yinstead of letting the CD load and then installing05:03
r4yAnyways, I am done with resolving my hard drive problems I think.05:04
r4yThere seems to be no problems:05:04
r4yI ran all tests in Disk Utility as I said before. Also I found this link05:06
r4yI remember reading about and installing smartmontools05:09
r4yHow do I know if my motherboard has smart though?05:09
r4yI asked at the ubuntu channel and I was suggested to install and try it out because it can't hurt05:28
r4yIt was said that modern motherboards have s.m.a.r.t.05:29
=== virusuy-away is now known as virus
=== virus is now known as virusuy
r4yI want to know if this output is OK08:03
r4yI says passed, so it must be OK08:04
r4yThese are the lines that concerned me:08:05
r4yI am making notes for future reference and I am confused about this.08:54
r4yWhat is the -f for in this command?: "sudo fsck.ext4 -fv /dev/sda1". is it forced?, I don't see it in the manpage for fsck08:55
r4y-v is verbose08:55
nlsthznr4y, checked the man page:  -f     Force checking even if the file system seems clean.09:09
r4yThank you for the info09:10
r4yI was kind of sure before, but now you confirmed it09:15
VivekanandaHello anyone here?09:50
Snicksieim here Vivekananda :)09:55
Vivekanandahello and thanks10:06
VivekanandaI posted a question and hoping someone can point me10:06
Vivekananda Hello everyone.I have lucid lynx latest kernel, tech-com usb, nokia x302 and trying internet through bluetooth.Problem--the bluetooth-applet doesnot load and unload on taking out/putting in bluetooth.Then after it loaded once I connected to phone and it was showing connection but no internet and after I tried disconnect and reconnect if failed to reconnect.After 2 hours of trying I am now connected !!!What am I doing wrong??10:07
VivekanandaSorry about the weird grammar10:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ashickur-noorHow can I see the login and logoff or start and shutdown log in Ubuntu?13:04
ashickur-noorany one here?13:14
ashickur-noorya I am waiting 4 someone13:19
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
duanedesignibuclaw: any chance you have updated your wattsApplet script to run on 11.04/10 :)16:56
ibuclawhmm... what's changed? :)16:57
ibuclawoh yeah... no notification panel16:57
duanedesignI had a ook at it but, me not know perl16:58
hobgoblinshe's a singer duanedesign16:59
ibuclawduanedesign, pastebin the script - I know I have it somewhere, but can only see the command-line version. :)17:07
duanedesignibuclaw: paste.ubuntu.com/73740617:11
ibuclawI'll have a look to see if I can add it to the power menu17:15
ibuclawthere must be a hook somewhere.17:16
ibuclawduanedesign, there's a workaround at least... :)17:45
ibuclawgsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist17:46
ibuclawgsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "[ ... , 'Watts']"17:46
ibuclawit doesn't quite fit in though17:49
duanedesignthanks ibuclaw18:47
ibuclawduanedesign, nice to know someone is still using it. ^_^18:48

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