
broderbdrung: what's the issue with debug-symbols-directly-in-usr-lib-debug? i'm having a hard time understanding it from reading the bug01:14
brodercjwatson: do you know what uid/gid was showing up in the broken builds? lintian doesn't seem to have an explicit tag for this, but the lintian lab has enough information for me to scrape out a report manually02:22
broderalso, does anybody remember when the buildd sudo issue was, even roughly?02:29
broderwc -l ~/non-root-files -> 1153402:45
brodermight require a little more pruning02:45
wgrantbroder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IncidentReports/2011-02-25-Permissions-build-failures?02:50
broderwgrant: excellent. thanks02:53
broderactually, bdrung's example of audacity was built 4 weeks ago, so it's clearly not fallout from the sudo incident02:57
wgrantbroder: Link?02:58
broderwgrant: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacity/1.3.13-5 is triggering non-standard-file-perm from lintian - http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/full/pkg-multimedia-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org.html#audacity03:00
broderthere are about 21000 warnings from cases where lintian expects the file permissions to be 0644 but they are actually 066403:01
broderhttp://web.mit.edu/broder/Public/non-standard-file-perm is the full list03:01
broder(that last link is just instances of the lintian warning that are not present in debian's lintian instance)03:02
broderwgrant: looks like just about all of those broken uploads happened after precise opened (http://paste.ubuntu.com/736896/), though it's certainly not universal to all builds03:40
wgrantbroder: Which arches?03:42
broderwgrant: i'm just looking at i38603:42
wgrantbroder: Ah, so most of this are stuff that would have been done by pkgbinarymangler.03:44
wgrantpngs/svgs mostly03:44
broderoh, good point. i wonder if optipng started screwing up permissions03:45
micahgumm, there was a bug last cycle about images having issues with permissions as well...03:45
wgrantThat's normally a bad umask issue.03:45
wgrantSo we may have some non-virt builders with the sudo issue still/again.03:45
wgrant(LP people have very little visibility into our builders, unfortunately :/)03:45
broderfyi http://paste.ubuntu.com/736898/ is just non-png and non-svg03:46
wgrantIn fact, they're almost all pngs and svgs.03:46
wgrantDo those appear in Debian too?03:46
broderno, all of these should be unique to us03:46
broder(assuming i didn't screw up the queries)03:46
wgrantAlthough I think some of these packages are Ubuntu-specific.03:46
broderthe brother-* ones were uploaded in february, so could be early uncaught fallout from the sudo thing03:46
wgrantI thought we caught everything from that, but I was working on second-hand information on which buildds were affected and when.03:47
broderright, the incident report says it was first caught 2/25, but the brother-* uploads were 2/2003:47
wgrantAt least vernadsky and rothera have been bad in the last week.03:49
wgrantBut there are so few affected builds that it can't really be a general issue.03:49
broderok. you're on your own for cross-referencing builds. the ultimate debian database doesn't have that03:56
wgrantI figured :)03:56
wgrantreadline-common is interesting03:57
wgrantdebian/readline-common.overrides is 664 in both Ubuntu and Debian.03:57
broderi...probably didn't filter out overridden tags03:57
broderone moment...03:57
wgrantNo, it's correct.03:58
wgrantIn the Ubuntu binary it's 66403:58
wgrantBut in Debian it's 64403:58
broderoh, i see03:58
wgrantThe source is 664 in both.03:58
broderthough i still think i included overridden tags, though i doubt we have any of those03:58
wgrant        cp -p debian/readline-common.overrides \04:01
wgrant                $(d_comm)/usr/share/lintian/overrides/readline-common04:01
broderhmm. do you think debian's binaryful upload of readline was for i386?04:04
wgrantThat is a good theory.04:04
wgrantIt was.04:04
wgrantArchitecture: source all i38604:04
wgrantPerhaps we should check powerpc or something instead. Or do you only have lintian results for i386?04:04
broderi only have debian's results for i38604:05
wgrantAh, but it's readline-common, so it didn't matter anyway.04:05
wgrantIn fact, an awful lot of them are arch-indep packages.04:06
wgranteg debdelta seems to be the same thing.04:07
wgrantsource.conf is 664 in the source04:07
wgrantsources.conf, that is.04:07
broderhow is cp -p supposed to interact with umask?04:07
wgrantSeems to ignore it.04:08
broderhuh - i'm surprised that we're still triggering issues on images. i see a patch in pkgbinarymangler to deal with that04:11
wgrantYeah, I'm just trying to track that down now.04:11
wgrantIt's odd.04:11
wgrantThere are certainly svgs from the last week.04:12
wgrantBut pkgbinarymangler doesn't do that.04:12
broderand the pkgbinarymangler changelog says it was fixed in oneiric04:12
wgrantWhat is touching the svgs, if not pkgbinarymangler...04:12
broderi thought pkgbinarymangler compressed both svgs and pngs04:12
wgrantgrepping for svg yields nothing.04:12
wgrantBut I thought the same.04:12
wgrantBut gbrainy is on the CDs.04:13
wgrantMaybe it has a patch to do it.04:13
wgrantDoesn't seem to.04:13
* broder goes and tries to hunt down old uds discussions04:13
wgrantAlthough it's cdbs.04:13
wgrantSo who knows what evil is going on there.04:14
broder"scour" is the program you're looking for04:15
broderah - pitti created a dh_scour04:15
broderaha - and patched /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk04:16
wgrantThat's why I couldn't find it.04:16
wgrantSneaky indeed :(04:16
broder"if grep -q '^Component:[[:space:]]*main' /CurrentlyBuilding 2>/dev/null; then dh_scour -p$(cdbs_curpkg) $(DEB_DH_SCOUR_ARGS); fi"04:16
wgrantscour respects umask04:20
broderis that a good thing or a bad thing?04:20
wgrantgbrainy built on zirconium, which is an ex-lpia builder so I don't trust it at all.04:20
wgrantI'd prefer that it preserved the original mode, but I guess it's OK.04:20
wgrantOur sbuild has had umask(022) at the top since the incident.04:23
wgrantSo the sudo config shouldn't matter so much.04:23
wgrantExcept yes it does, because sbuild still calls sudo itself.04:24
wgrant-rw-rw-r-- 1 wgrant wgrant 113 2011-11-13 15:23 ./deb-specific/pkginfo.inc.php04:24
wgrantLooks like fusionforge may be another binary upload issue.04:25
* wgrant kicks Debian a bit.04:25
wgrantzirconium and roseapple at least have had the scour issue in the last week.04:25
wgrantI'll get their sudo checked out on Monday, hopefully.04:25
wgrantSee if we can blame that.04:26
wgrantbroder: Is it easy enough to produce http://web.mit.edu/broder/Public/non-standard-file-perm with dates as well?04:27
broderwgrant: probably. you want package, filename, date? give me a few to remember how to write sql :)04:28
wgrantbroder: Version might be handy too, and is probably pretty trivial :)04:29
wgrantBut I don't know the UDD schema any more.04:30
broderyeah, i think i can do this04:30
broderwgrant: http://web.mit.edu/broder/Public/non-standard-file-perm-with-dates04:34
wgrantbroder: Thanks!04:35
wgrantIt looks like *all* the recent stuff is scour.04:36
wgrantExcept for two dirs in sip4, and the readline6 issue which probably affects Debian too.04:36
wgrantHowever, what's our policy now on how builds have to cope with umasks?04:38
wgrantSince we've changed the default...04:38
broderi have no idea04:39
wgrantbroder: So, I'll get sudo configs checked out this week. I guess we also want a bug against scour (dh_scour seems like it really should preserve the mode), and probably against readline6 and fusionforge in Debian.04:46
wgrantFor now, at least.04:46
broderthat all sounds reasonable04:47
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ben_Does Ubuntu have a place like Debian's WNPP?06:00
=== ben_ is now known as ebnny
broderben_: not generally. we have a needs-packaging tag for bugs for new packages, but since ubuntu doesn't have maintainers in the sense of debian, there's not as strong of a concept of orphaned, etc packages06:01
=== ebnny is now known as ben_
ben_broder: Ok, are there other places besides the WNPP site?06:01
broderben_: what do you mean?06:01
broderwhat are you trying to figure out?06:01
alkisgHi, where can I find the final decision about a UDS session called "FreeRDP and Remmina to replace rdesktop, vinagre and tsclient"?09:50
alkisgI'd like to know if remmina will replace vinagre, so that I change my app to take advantage of the default Precice packages09:51
icerootcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/869502  can you have a look here? specially https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/869502/comments/94  the changelog says that you did the change10:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869502 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel-Panic with on asus eee pcs and msi wind (both using rt2800 wifi chipset)" [High,Confirmed]10:13
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cjwatsoniceroot: You are confused.  The only change I made was to deliver the existing firmware to the installer.11:28
cjwatsoniceroot: I am not a kernel hacker and cannot help you.11:28
cjwatsoniceroot: You'll need to ask somebody who actually works on the kernel ...11:30
icerootcjwatson: and where did the firmware came before it was inside "linux-firmware"11:52
icerootso that i know where i have to look11:53
cjwatsoniceroot: I have no idea11:56
cjwatsonsorry, I really don't have the ability or knowledge to help you here11:56
icerootcjwatson: ok no problem11:58
cjwatsonthe change I made had no effect on installed systems11:59
icerootcjwatson: ok, i was just looking where rt2860.bin is coming from and apt-file told me "linux-firmware", because the bug we are facing comes from rt2860.bin  and i saw a changelog from you about rt-cards, so i asked you12:01
cjwatsonright, I'm sorry that the changelog was confusing, but my change is not the change you were looking for12:03
icerootcjwatson: ok, thank you for the info12:03
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dr3mrohello can any one tell me how to merge bazzar branch into trunk ... i own the branch but i am not a amember of trunk15:08
tumbleweeddr3mro: that's pretty OT for this channel. But if you don't have permission to write to the trunk, then you can't do the merge. You could create a proposal on launchpad, though15:10
dr3mrocreate a proposal is what i look for but how ?15:10
tumbleweedpush the branch to LP, and click on the button on it's page, labelled Propose for mering15:12
=== Mario_ is now known as pygi
=== Guest38799 is now known as maxb
broderhmm. the rsync daemon on one of the archive.ubuntu.com servers ( seems to be down. who do i contact about that?19:39
tumbleweedbroder: you should be using rsync.archive.ubuntu.com (although both hosts in archive.ubuntu.com also appear in rsync.a.u.c)19:45
tumbleweedgenerally #ubuntu-mirrors for this kind of issue19:45
=== Mario_ is now known as pygi
lifelessok, semi random question tinme20:02
lifelessis launchpadlib included on the Ubuntu installer CD these days ?20:02
lifelessbroder: #canonical-sysadmins if I remember the channel name correctly20:03
lifelessbroder: or #ubuntu-mirrors20:05
infinitylifeless: Which lplib bits are you looking for?20:09
infinitylifeless: But if you check apt-cache, you'll note that liblaunchpad-integration-3.0-1 (for instance) is in every *-desktop seed.20:10
lifelessinfinity: python-launchpadlib20:10
infinityadconrad@cthulhu:~$ apt-cache show python-launchpadlib | grep ^Task20:10
infinityTask: cloud-image, ubuntu-desktop, server, ubuntu-usb, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-mobile-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-usb, xubuntu-desktop, mythbuntu-backend-master, mythbuntu-backend-master, mythbuntu-backend-slave, mythbuntu-desktop, mythbuntu-frontend, lubuntu-desktop, ubuntustudio-desktop20:10
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brodertumbleweed: hmm, ok. debmirror defaults to archive.ubuntu.com (i'm not actually specifying it explicitly). i'll file a bug21:51
tumbleweedbroder: is rsync the default method?21:58
broderhmm, no it's not21:58
tumbleweedalthough I know it does always rsync some extra bits, unless you tell it not to21:59
tumbleweedbut those are small enough, that the load shouldn't be problematic on a.u.c21:59
broderwhat's the difference between r.a.u.c and a.u.c? it looks like all the same IPs22:02
tumbleweedbroder: r.a.u.c is a much bigger pool22:03
broderreally? the pool looks exactly the same from where i am22:04
tumbleweedI only see two IPs in a.u.c22:05
broderyeah, i used to, but i just started seeing 622:05
tumbleweedbut then US, is problematic, because you don't have ab ig countrywide mirror22:05
tumbleweedok, yes 7 here now22:05
broderfrom here, us.a.u.c, rsync.a.u.c, and a.u.c are all the same set of IPs22:05
* broder shrugs22:06
tumbleweedbroder: hrm, found the mail where rsync.releases.ubuntu.com was announced and we were asked to use it, but that was private, not on a list. Can't find anything mentioning rsync.archive.ubuntu.com. Maybe I just discovered it existed and started using it22:09
loolHmm I'm getting an upload error to a PPA22:26
lool  Uploading powertop-1.13_1.13-1ubuntu2_source.changes: 1k/2k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ['General error', 'General error', 'General error'] : Permission denied.22:26
loolgpg --verify works on the .changes file22:26
looland on the .dsc22:26
loolah intermittent Launchpad bug apparently22:28
micahg_yeah, that's an old bug22:29
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=== Ultimate is now known as Ultimation
=== Ultimation is now known as Fusionite
=== Fusionite is now known as Backdoor
=== Backdoor is now known as Fusionite
=== Fusionite is now known as Jarubyh_The_Seco
=== Jarubyh_The_Seco is now known as Jarubyh_The_2nd
=== Jarubyh_The_2nd is now known as Virus
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=== Virus is now known as BiosDestroyer
BiosDestroyerTake care all23:42
=== BiosDestroyer is now known as Fusionite|AFK

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