
bodhi_zazenpaultag: do you still suck ?00:11
bodhi_zazenwb cprofitt 00:32
paultagbodhi_zazen: yep!00:33
bodhi_zazenhey paultag , how have you been ?00:33
paultagbodhi_zazen: well, thanks, how are you?00:34
bodhi_zazenYou going to make it to Jackson Hole this winter ?00:34
paultagbodhi_zazen: super tempted00:34
bodhi_zazenJackson rocks, would be great to have you join the tribe 00:34
bodhi_zazenFebruary ... Jackson ... ski it if you can00:37
paultagfor sure :)00:40
paultaghot damn00:41
bodhi_zazenWe have been talking about skiing this face : https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/ajhackbarth/web/Pictures/jacksonhole/MoreBackcountry.JPG00:43
bodhi_zazenrequires a little hiking00:43
bodhi_zazenThose green signs are ski area boundary, close, but very much below, to where hiking starts00:44
bodhi_zazenpaultag: tram shots : http://www.skirebel.com/magazine/ski-resort-pictures/612684/Jackson-Hole-Tram.jpg00:45
bodhi_zazenpaultag: I've got to run for now, if those pics do not tempt you, you must be dead =)00:52
paultagbodhi_zazen: :)00:52
paultagbodhi_zazen: we'll chat soon, man :)00:52
bodhi_zazenI was doing laps off the tram (4,000 ft elevation + hiking) last year00:53
bodhi_zazenHiking the head wall00:53
bodhi_zazenPic - http://www.jhunderground.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/headwall-jhmr-aerial-frederick.jpg00:54
bodhi_zazenSee that terrain off to the right =)00:54
bodhi_zazenHike up - http://teendrama.com/dens/journal/2008/skirecap/jackson_hiking_headwall.jpg00:54
Pendulumbodhi_zazen: now I want to go and I can't even hike anymore :(00:55
bodhi_zazenPendulum: come on out00:56
bodhi_zazenJackson Hole, we go with a large tribe00:56
bodhi_zazenFirst week of February 00:57
bodhi_zazenCareful though, the terrain is insane - Steep & Deep00:58
Pendulumbodhi_zazen: I'm a wheelchair user these days. This is why I no longer hike.00:58
bodhi_zazenOh, sorry to hear that00:58
bodhi_zazenWe will rig you up with one of those devices so you can ski00:59
Pendulumit is what it is. At least I hiked when I could :)00:59
Pendulumyeah, I'd like to learn to sit-ski at some point if I can figure out how to do it without wrecking my shoulder further (I have a relatively unusual genetic condition that means that my joints are crap, to put it in general terms)01:01
mhall119paultag: you around?01:48
paultagmhall119: yep01:48
paultagmhall119: what's up, hombre?01:48
mhall119so I've been reading Smith's Wealth of Nations lately01:48
paultagmhall119: Yeah?01:48
mhall119and now I'm thinking of writing one or more blog posts comparing open source ecosystem to capitalism01:48
paultagmhall119: oh, fun 01:49
paultagI'm sure RMS would be just so stoked (irony?)01:49
mhall119heh, not with what I'm planning to write about him01:49
mhall119nothing bad, just a theory I have about why more people admire Linus01:51
mhall119I guess that's not exactly clear01:51
mhall119I'm trying to determine what exactly constitutes currency in FLOSS01:53
paultagmhall119: well, I disagree in a fairly heavy way, so I'm not going to help muchly :)01:57
paultagnot able, actually01:57
mhall119I was actually hoping for a counter-point post from you01:57
paultagOh, goody!01:58
paultagmhall119: which bit?01:59
mhall119the whole thing, once I write it01:59
paultagmhall119: sure, I'd be happy to02:00
mhall119I'll let you know, I'm still brainstorming, so there's no telling how long it'll take me02:00
paultagsure nuf!02:00
mhall119who knows, maybe I'll convince myself that I'm wrong while I'm writing it, that's been known to happen02:00
paultagmhall119: :)02:01
mhall119paultag: what makes you work on Fluxbox?02:03
paultagmhall119: what an interesting question02:04
paultagmhall119: you know, I don't know. I think it boils down to motivated self-interest02:04
nigelbProbably because no one uses it and he can do anything he wants .02:04
* nigelb ducks and runs02:04
paultagso, ego02:05
paultagI guess02:05
* nigelb hugs paultag 02:05
* paultag hugs nigelb 02:05
mhall119paultag: when you say ego, do you mean it makes you feel good when you do it, or when someone else sees that you've done it?02:07
* mhall119 is going to put the nook's highlighting and bookmarking through it paces on this one I think02:09
paultagmhall119: I say ego because i'm only doing it for myself02:15
paultagwhich is inherently egotistical02:15
paultagpersonally, I don't care about the 'cred02:15
mhall119lots of people don't do their jobs for the money02:16
paultagmhall119: true, but those jobs might not impact their life02:16
paultagwhere I'm a user, this software being unmaintained and unusable to me in aspect X makes my life worse02:16
paultagso, ego :)02:17
mhall119I think people who don't do their job for money get a similar personal return from it 02:17
mhall119I know talking to teachers and people who work at non-profits, that's the case02:18
paultagwell, that's just sort of core to marxism02:18
mhall119so, why become a Debian maintainer?02:18
paultagyou're not being alienated by your labor02:18
paultagmhall119: the process of sponsorship takes more time then I want to02:18
paultagmhall119: so with DM, I can choose to upload software I know is good02:19
mhall119but why upload?02:19
paultagmhall119: again, motivated self-interest02:19
paultagmhall119: I use Debian, no one else was updating package Y, so I choose to upload Y so it's usable, according to, well, me02:20
paultagwhich again, saves me pain, overall02:20
mhall119but it was usable to you before you uploaded it02:20
paultagmhall119: not to me :)02:20
mhall119why not?02:20
paultagmhall119: which package, fluxbox in particular?02:20
mhall119any really, but sure, let's use that as an example02:20
paultagmhall119: broken configs, hanging bugs that were fixed upstream, and so forth02:21
paultagexposed bugs cause me problems, they're like landmines02:21
paultagmhall119: I've got to run, but let's keep this going when I get this paback02:21
paultagback *02:21
mhall119but couldn't you accomplish all of that on your own systems?02:21
paultagI like where this is going02:21
paultagmhall119: True, but I have more then one system02:21
mhall119ok, thanks, you've given me a new perspective I hadn't considered02:21
paultagas well as new installs02:22
paultagmhall119: sure thing02:22
paultagwe'll chat soon02:22
* mhall119 looks forward to it02:23
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akgranerhe folks I'm working on the news letter any interesting LoCo news items between the 7th and today that you think should be included19:49
akgranerczajkowski, have you posted anything new to the loco directory blog this week (I've been afk most of this week so haven't caught up on all my RSS feeds)19:50
akgranerI'll keep looking but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything 19:52
czajkowskinope sorry not blogged this week.19:52
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com21:49
czajkowskitaowa: hi there21:50
czajkowskitaowa: you're looking for help  from the council ?21:52
czajkowskitaowa: well you can mail us if you like 21:54
czajkowskithere are 6 of us and not all are online now 21:55
taowaczajkowski: Can i be a member of https://launchpad.net/~locoteams-approved21:57
czajkowskitaowa: what team do you belong to ?21:58
czajkowskitaowa: it's the team that becomes part of it not individuals 21:58
taowaubuntu-qc but i would like to be a direct member21:59
czajkowskitaowa: that's not how it works 21:59
czajkowskiso teams in that list are approved teams 21:59
czajkowskithey've gone through a proces21:59
czajkowskiall teams belong in https://launchpad.net/~locoteams22:00
mhall119paultag: have you read ESR's Homesteading the Noosphere?22:25

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