
tumbleweedbroder: r122900:00
brodertumbleweed: +100:01
tumbleweedLaney: if you want that, find a bug00:02
tumbleweedI still need to make a more generic report editor, that doesn't talk about Ubuntu deltas00:02
tumbleweed(and in fact, the rest of requestsync.common needs to go away, too)00:03
tumbleweedbut that's non-urgent, I'll probably get to that tomorrow00:03
brodertumbleweed: uh, if you want a 1230, maybe change "installs and removes cleanly" to "installs cleanly and runs". removes cleanly is nice, but not traditionally part of our standard00:03
tumbleweedand runs doesn't apply to libraries00:04
tumbleweedbut I assume we can assome some intelligence in the user00:06
broderi always hold out hope00:06
Laneypython-gnomekeyring managed to make a return :(00:06
broder...are there not GI bindings for gnome-keyring?00:07
tumbleweedthe problem isn't GI, but that it needs a running dbus00:08
tumbleweedit probably should be GIed, though, yes00:09
broderdoes it not just throw an exceptoin or something if there's no session bus or gnome-keyring-daemon isn't running?00:10
Laneythanks equivs00:10
tumbleweedyes, which launchpadlib doesn't deal with very well00:11
broderoh, ugh00:11
Laneyit shows the rdeps stuff even if there aren't any00:11
tumbleweedthat is true00:11
broder(hmm...there's a gir1.2-gnomekeyring-2.0 in debian. why don't we have one?)00:11
tumbleweedsounds new, I don't have that (/me shakes his fist at the local mirror which is on the blink again)00:12
Laneyis it going to post this whole thing to the bug report?00:12
tumbleweedLaney: yes00:12
tumbleweedI'll skip the reverse dependencies section, if there are none00:13
broderhmm. nope, it's old. shipped in lucid, then got removed in maverick with a reference to bug #67738200:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 677382 in midgard2-core (Ubuntu Natty) "gir-repository fails to build from source in natty: eliminate reverse dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67738200:13
brodererr, sorry. removed in natty00:13
broderis there a specific channel for udd stuff? i want to figure out what http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/lintian.html#2011-03-15 15:14:12.494272 means and if there's any hope of fixing it simply00:16
tumbleweednot that I know of00:20
tumbleweedLaney: r123100:25
wgrantbroder: That looks like it's running into a limitation of the current bzr format: filenames can't contain backslashes.00:26
broderLaney: do you not like the checklist going into the bug report? it seems to me like a good way to present the state of the bug00:29
broderi'm also planning to write bots that operate on that checklist (e.g. pick out bugs where all the testing has been finished)00:29
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JackRichardsI am just wondering is it possible to become a MOTU without learning a program launge07:39
JackRichardsANyone can help?07:43
siretartJackRichards: there are many tasks you can do as MOTU without really knowing how to code07:47
siretartJackRichards: it is otoh a great opportunity to learn one ;-)07:47
ajmitchsiretart: hi, haven't seen you around here for awhile07:52
siretarthi ajmitch, yeah, I've been pretty busy lately07:54
siretartajmitch: how are you doing these days?07:54
ajmitchI'm well, been busy enough as well07:54
ajmitchtrying to find my way back into development at some point :)07:55
siretartso I've learned from the news that revu is going to be deprecated? do you know details who is working on this?07:55
ajmitchit's something that's been talked about for a few months, and will take some time to do as the plan is to use mentors.debian.net, afaik07:56
siretartprogramming, yeah, I'm actually doing quite a lot of programming these days (shameless plug: http://vamos.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/trac/undertaker)07:56
ajmitchit'd mean that spooky could finally have its rest :)07:57
siretartyeah, that's what I understand. I'm not sure though who is actually working on it07:57
ajmitchI don't know if anyone has stepped up to help out with debexpo yet, if not then revu will likely stay around for a bit longer07:58
siretartand yes, spooky is giving me some worries. AFAIUI, the yellow light tells me that the cpu fans are failing. but that's already the case for several months and the machine didn't blow up yet :-)07:58
siretartin any case, I don't think that spooky will be a good machine for that.07:59
siretartdo we have some other machine where we relocate revu to?07:59
ajmitchright, I don't think that spooky will still be needed07:59
ajmitchyes, I was meaning to relocate it to a VM on the ubuntuwire host07:59
siretartotoh, that will be quite some work. not sure if its worth the efford07:59
ajmitchwould you like me to move it so the old hardware can be taken down before it burns? :)08:00
siretartif you have the time and energy to do it, I think that would be a safe option08:00
ajmitchthank you for providing spooky for all these years :)08:01
siretartI really don't know how much I can trust the machine, it's an old sunfire sparc server, that has served us for over a decade08:01
ajmitchstill running hardy, isn't it?08:01
siretartyou're welcome :-)08:01
siretartsiretart@spooky:~$ lsb_release -c -s08:02
ajmitchprobably getting a little hard to upgrade still :)08:04
siretartoh, hardy isn't EOL, yet :-)08:05
ajmitchno, but the fun of backporting dpkg & lintian & other packages wears thin08:05
StevenKsiretart: It's a Sparc, it will just warn you with red lights as the processor melts.08:12
siretartStevenK: isn't it then a bit to late to worry?08:18
Laneybroder: i did not say that, it just wasn't clear to me11:02
Laneydo we care about 'upgrades cleanly'?11:09
Laneyalso, putting the submitter's lp ID in the backportpackage call isn't right11:10
Laneynobody else will be able to upload there :-)11:10
tumbleweedLaney: might aswe ll avoid substitution for at least one person, right?11:22
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Laneyyou could give it to the user when they file11:23
Laneyor "replace <myusername> with your own"11:24
Laneyor, if you offer to run it for the user before they file, then you can put that in the report11:28
tumbleweedthat sounds sensible11:30
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rigvedhi everyone. i was following this Ubuntu Open Week session on Getting Started with Ubuntu Development by dholbach. I cannot seem to find any bitesize bug on harvest that has not already been fixed. Is there any simple bug that I can get started on?14:02
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astraljavarigved: Probably new bitesize bugs will creep in more and more as the devel cycle progresses. We're still in the early stages of Precise.14:24
rigvedastraljava: ok.14:30
Kiallis anyone use around who knows how to enable universe while creating a image with git-pbuilder?15:05
tumbleweed"creating a image" ?15:05
tumbleweedjust sounds like you don't have universe enabled in your pbuilder15:06
Kiallcreating the base, not sure if its called an image or what ;)15:06
Kialloh, i thought I'd have to enable it in git-pbuilder..15:06
KiallI'll google for enabling it in plain pbuilder15:06
tumbleweedI assume git-pbuilder is just a wrapper that calls pbuilder15:06
tumbleweedCOMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted" in your .pbuilderc should do the trick15:07
KiallAh, I had tried that as a env var while running git-pbuilder create, I guess it needs to be in the config..15:07
tumbleweedpbuilderrc even15:08
Kialltumbleweed: thanks, giving the create another run now..15:08
Kialltumbleweed: that worked a charm, thanks15:23
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tumbleweedbroder, Laney, bdrung: I'll merge the requestbackport branch into trunk. I think it's done19:11
tumbleweed(and yes, the branch is full of not-really-related stuff)19:12
brodertumbleweed: the backportpackage example lines don't actually include a package name :)19:12
broderbut +1 other than that19:13
cemc[11/11-202059] <broder> cemc: is it possible you had installed your own backport before hand, where you hadn't changed the rules file?19:49
cemcI don't think so, because I installed a fresh hardy in a VM for the test19:49
hrwcan someone take a look at fuse debdiff in bug 884907 and give opinion? (cjwatson did all previous merges from Debian - I hope to get this package properly)20:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 884907 in fuse (Ubuntu) "Merge fuse from Debian for fuse-utils → fuse rename" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88490720:26
* hrw -> off20:26
cjwatsonhrw: argh20:43
cjwatsonhrw: I was in the middle of a merge, now I have to reconcile?20:44
cjwatsonhrw: you're meant to ask the previous merger *before you start* to avoid duplicated work :-/20:44
cjwatsonhrw: and it's in bzr, so honestly, I'm not sure it's easier to review a debdiff ...20:44
cjwatsonI could have told you that if you'd just askked20:44
cjwatson(sorry, I meant last uploader in the above, not last merger)20:51
cjwatsonyay for powerpc builders having caught up20:58
Laneywe getting the new one soon?20:59
cjwatsonLaney: no sooner than a week and a bit from now, last I heard20:59
cjwatson(which wasn't a commitment to then, either :-/)20:59
cjwatsonI've been hassling from time to time21:00
Laneythe wheels of change turn slowly21:01
Laneyyay for discovering mismerges21:02
brodercemc: ok, let me get a vm going. now that i think about it, i was working in a chroot, so it wouldn't have tried to start services or anything21:52
cemcbroder: let me know if I can help with anything22:11
Resistancebroder:  any progress on that bug blocking the natty backport?22:12
broderResistance: no, not yet, but it is the weekend22:13
Resistancetrue :P22:13
Resistancewas just curioius :P22:13
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brodercemc: i just spun up a hardy EC2 instance and installed the package and still didn't get an error, so i'm not sure how to debug this22:50
broderuh, what arch were you testing with?22:50
* cjwatson is disappointed to find that the lintian description of more-than-one-patch-system is quite restrained22:53
cemcbroder: i386. let me check again, ok?22:53
* broder is terrified by the number of packages overriding more-than-one-patch-system22:54
brodercemc: great, thanks. please double-check when you do that you get the right package out of my ppa22:54
micahg_well, cdbs + quilt can be normal22:54
micahg_depending on how it's figuring it22:54
brodermicahg_: it just looks at dpatch and quilt22:55
cemcbroder: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/737759/22:58
broderhuh, that certainly looks right. need to run for a few, but i'll test it myself when i get back22:59
cemcbroder: ok, thanks. I need to sleep (1am here), but we can continue tomorrow, just leave me a message23:00
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brodercemc: yeah, it looks like (a) i typo'd something when i was fixing the rules file, and (b) a different postinst is getting generated on amd64 and i386, which means i probably screwed up my targets23:34
* cjwatson fails to see why the yorick diff is still needed (or was ever needed in the first place, given that there are no matches for lcr or libcr in the source code) and syncs it instead23:40
cjwatson(test-built cleanly)23:40
broderbah, does anybody remember how pre-override_* dh sequencer works? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/84899905/pdns-recursor_3.3-2~hardy1.debdiff is only working on the i386 build, not amd6423:42
cjwatsonI think your problem is binary vs. binary-arch23:43
cjwatsons/binary:/binary-arch:/ and append 'binary-indep:' and 'binary: binary-arch binary-indep'23:44
cjwatsonalso "defaults 19 852" looks like a typo23:45
broderyeah, i was going to get that as well :)23:45
broderwhat do you mean by append binary-indep:? just add it as an empty target?23:45
cjwatsonyes, it has to exist but empty is fine23:45
cjwatsonoh, wait, you still have %:23:45
cjwatsonignore that part then, just binary -> binary-arch23:46
cjwatsonso that was untested; looking at a vintage dh you might actually need to be a bit smarter23:48
cjwatsondh_installinit is in the install sequence, while dh_strip is in the binary-arch sequence23:48
cjwatsonso I think I would be inclined to do:23:48
cjwatson        dh $@ --before dh_installinit23:49
cjwatson        dh_installinit --error-handler=initscript_error -- defaults 19 8523:49
cjwatson        dh $@ --remaining23:49
cjwatson        dh $@ --before dh_strip23:49
cjwatson        dh_strip --dbg-package=pdns-recursor-dbg23:49
cjwatson        dh $@ --remaining23:49
cjwatsons/^binary-arch:/binary-arch: install/23:50
cjwatsonoverrides are so much nicer - I never really put lots of thought into learning the early dh7 style23:50
broderyeah, i considered it to be an unacceptable replacement for cdbs until overrides came along23:52
broderthanks, though - i'll play with that23:52

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