dravekx | hello | 01:57 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #889689 in nagios3 (main) "E: nagios3-common: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/889689 | 02:31 |
dravekx | what's a good firewall for 11.10 ? | 02:39 |
ropetin | dravekx: iptables doesn't do it for you? | 02:42 |
dravekx | Is that installed with a fresh install? | 02:43 |
ropetin | Yup, its part of the standard build | 02:44 |
dravekx | ah nice. I did not know that. ty. | 02:44 |
ropetin | Tricky to configure though if you're not sure what you're doing. I love the ufw front end for basic configs | 02:44 |
dravekx | well, I was looking at shorewall, but someone in #linux said iptables also. | 02:45 |
dravekx | if it's part of the build, I should be fine. it's a home server. :) | 02:45 |
ropetin | ufw is the way to go then. Google for 'ufw howto' or something like that | 02:46 |
dravekx | great. ty | 02:47 |
ropetin | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | 02:50 |
dravekx | great! works perfect. | 02:58 |
nyukka | hello | 03:57 |
=== virusuy is now known as virusuy-away | ||
jehoshua02 | Trying to come up with a scriptable way to configure mysql databases to be stored in an alternate location, for both storage space, and disaster recovery reasons. | 05:03 |
jehoshua02 | Any ideas? | 05:05 |
ninjix | jehoshua02: puppet their /etc/mysql/my.cnf | 05:29 |
ninjix | I have a few even set to use rsync into ramdisk | 05:29 |
virusuy-away | jehoshua02: yes, take a look at /etc/mysql/my.cnf .. search for datadir | 05:31 |
ninjix | just don't forget to puppet the /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld too if you're running apparmor | 05:31 |
virusuy-away | if you have some issues with storage, change your datadir folder and use any backup system (rsync, bacula,etc.) for backup that DB | 05:32 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy-away, ninjix: thanks. I looked into changing the datadir in my.cnf, but there's no (simple) way to script this. So my next idea was to leave it along and mount a folder ontop of the /var/lib/mysql/ datadir. But I think apparmor is hindering writes. Not sure. I'm unfamiliar with apparmor. | 05:43 |
ninjix | have your considered scripting the datadir by using a file in the /mysql/conf.d folder? | 05:45 |
ninjix | you could override the property in the master my.cnf | 05:45 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: I came across that but don't remember why I didn't look into it further... | 05:46 |
ninjix | I wish someone on the community take on the effort spreading the current default mysql my.cnf into more little files. Make it less monolithic with more include folders. | 05:50 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: This guy seems to have figured it out, and it had to do with apparmor, but it's not clear to me how he resolved the issue, or if it's scriptable: http://serverfault.com/questions/227565/moving-mysql-datadir-not-working-problems-with-symlink-in-conf-d | 05:53 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: I mean, I understand that the datadir ought to be highly guarded, but this just seems silly. | 05:55 |
jehoshua02 | This looks promising: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-the-mysql-data-default-directory.html | 05:56 |
ninjix | we'll, I refrain from commenting on apparmor or selinux usefulness :) | 05:56 |
ninjix | both of those guides look fine to me | 05:57 |
ninjix | the important thing is to get the permissions correct on the directory | 05:58 |
ninjix | how are you planning to script this? | 05:58 |
jehoshua02 | true. -rwx------ mysql mysql? | 05:58 |
ninjix | you using something like Chef for Puppet? | 05:58 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: not even. | 05:58 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: just plain old shell script. | 05:59 |
jehoshua02 | #!/bin/bash | 05:59 |
ninjix | hah.. old school sys ops | 05:59 |
ninjix | we'll just make sure you have some logical tests for checking paths exist and permissions are correct | 06:00 |
jehoshua02 | I don't consider myself a sys admin. I'm doing this because that's how badly I want a server for my web development projects. | 06:01 |
jehoshua02 | However, I'd really like to know how to add more storage and processors when needed. What do they call that? Clustering? | 06:02 |
ninjix | how many servers you planning to use in your development pool? | 06:02 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: right now I only have one. | 06:03 |
jehoshua02 | But you know how it goes . . . | 06:03 |
jehoshua02 | some guy does something cool out of his garage... it goes viral ... then he has to sell it because he can't maintain it any longer. I'd prefer to avoid that fate. | 06:04 |
jehoshua02 | And cling to my invention with my life! | 06:04 |
jehoshua02 | :) | 06:04 |
ninjix | that's why we have ubuntu clouds :) | 06:07 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: right now I don't really have a budget for anything. | 06:07 |
ninjix | I'm a big fan of KISS and aways reminding devs not to get overly complex with infrastructure too early on. | 06:10 |
ninjix | MySQL's default install in Ubuntu is excellent for getting an idea off the ground | 06:10 |
ninjix | it will give you plenty of mileage and when the time comes its not too hard to figure out how to scale out your boxes these days. It's a well traveled road. | 06:12 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: keeping all my valuable data separate from all the software muck is all I'm really trying to do at this point. | 06:14 |
jehoshua02 | ninjix: I'll worry about clustering, redundant storage, load balancing later. | 06:15 |
ninjix | :) | 06:15 |
airtonix | mysql is pretty poor tbh | 06:38 |
qman__ | yeah, if you want to scale beyond a couple servers, it's a bad choice | 06:45 |
qman__ | it's fine to work with on one server, but don't get too attached to any mysql-isms if you want to scale later | 06:45 |
jehoshua02 | airtonix, qman__: I'm curious how you would solve my problem of keeping my data separate from everything else? | 07:04 |
jehoshua02 | I think it's silly I can't just mount a folder right ontop of the datadir and not have to mess with apparmor. | 07:04 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #889732 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.11~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/889732 | 07:06 |
virusuy-away | jehoshua02: but what about changing datadir option in my.cf ? | 07:29 |
=== virusuy-away is now known as virus | ||
=== virus is now known as virusuy | ||
jehoshua02 | virusuy: I've thought about that, but I'm still extremely curious why mounting on top of the current datadir doesn't work. | 07:30 |
virusuy | did you try ? | 07:33 |
virusuy | mount on top of current datadir | 07:33 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: yes. | 07:33 |
virusuy | any error or log or something ? | 07:33 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: something like this: https://gist.github.com/1361763 | 07:35 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: let me rewind a bit and try it again, and post the error I'm getting. | 07:35 |
virusuy | ok | 07:36 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: what is "sf_mysql_data" | 07:38 |
virusuy | ? | 07:38 |
jehoshua02 | It's the name of the virtualbox shared folder. | 07:38 |
jehoshua02 | I'm mounting two other sf's exactly the same way, and they work just fine. | 07:38 |
jehoshua02 | read and write. | 07:38 |
virusuy | ok, rewind and see which error you got | 07:39 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: I'm thinking this is a permission/apparmor issue, but the wierd part, is that I'm not moving the datadir, and I'm using exactly the same permissions that were there before the mount. | 07:39 |
jehoshua02 | k | 07:39 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: could be, | 07:41 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: can you pastebin here the output of aa-status command ? | 07:42 |
virusuy | just execute aa-status in command line . | 07:42 |
virusuy | that command will show you the status of apparmor. | 07:44 |
jehoshua02 | sure, give me a minute... | 07:45 |
jehoshua02 | one thing I noticed so far, is that my perms are different: I'm using 700, and most of the mysql files are 660. No x. | 07:46 |
jehoshua02 | stinker. How do I copy the contents of the directory but not the directory? | 07:51 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: https://gist.github.com/1361763#file__error_cp | 07:57 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: after the mount, I can't write to the directory. | 07:57 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: googgling seems an issue with vbox | 08:02 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: however, I'm mounting two other shared vbox folders, one for git repos, and another for www, and I can read write to them fine. | 08:03 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: oh, then shouldn't be problems | 08:03 |
jehoshua02 | https://gist.github.com/1361763#file_aa_status | 08:04 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: There is an aa profile for mysqld... | 08:05 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: yes | 08:07 |
virusuy | take a look at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld | 08:07 |
virusuy | that's mysqld's profile | 08:07 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: is there an aa config against mounting? | 08:08 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: let me see | 08:10 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: https://gist.github.com/1361763#file_etc_apparmor.d_usr.sbin.mysqld | 08:10 |
jehoshua02 | /var/lib/mysql/ r... | 08:11 |
virusuy | yes | 08:12 |
jehoshua02 | I'm unfamiliar with apparmor syntax. Does that mean no writing directly under /var/lib/mysql? | 08:12 |
virusuy | that's means... mysqld will use that folder with read permissions | 08:12 |
jehoshua02 | But /var/lib/mysql/** rwk, means? | 08:12 |
virusuy | read and write for any file in that folder | 08:13 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: what's the k? | 08:13 |
virusuy | file locking | 08:13 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: does any of this prevent root from copying files to /var/lib/mysql? | 08:14 |
virusuy | i don't see any rule | 08:16 |
virusuy | but, let's test something | 08:16 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: turn off apparmor? | 08:16 |
virusuy | just for a second | 08:16 |
virusuy | and see if that's the problem | 08:17 |
virusuy | if it is, turn on apparmor | 08:17 |
virusuy | if not, also turn it on | 08:17 |
jehoshua02 | sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop? | 08:17 |
virusuy | yes | 08:18 |
jehoshua02 | https://gist.github.com/1361763#file_stop_apparmor | 08:19 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: selinux too? | 08:20 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: yes, remember to turn them on again | 08:20 |
jehoshua02 | let's see . . . echo 0 > /selinux/enforce? | 08:20 |
jehoshua02 | virusuy: There's always at least 5 ways to do these things. | 08:20 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: yes | 08:21 |
jehoshua02 | :) | 08:21 |
jehoshua02 | I guess it's backup. If we forget how to do it one way, we'll remember another. | 08:21 |
virusuy | rsync between /var/lib/mysql and destination folder is the easiest way | 08:22 |
jehoshua02 | https://gist.github.com/1361763#file_stop_selinux | 08:24 |
virusuy | is your SF mounted ? | 08:24 |
virusuy | right ? | 08:25 |
jehoshua02 | I'm getting mixed results... | 08:27 |
jehoshua02 | wait, hold on... | 08:28 |
virusuy | ... | 08:29 |
jehoshua02 | sorry it took so long: https://gist.github.com/1361763#file_proper_mounting | 08:30 |
virusuy | so ... | 08:31 |
jehoshua02 | You'll see that I list the contents first, then cat/grep out the fstab entry, then apply the mount, then list again to show the difference. | 08:31 |
virusuy | yes | 08:31 |
jehoshua02 | mounting is working. | 08:31 |
virusuy | nice | 08:31 |
virusuy | but if you touch | 08:31 |
virusuy | touch a | 08:32 |
virusuy | in /var/lib/mysql | 08:32 |
virusuy | works? | 08:32 |
jehoshua02 | I can't write whatsoever... | 08:33 |
virusuy | :-\ | 08:33 |
virusuy | i'm out of clue | 08:33 |
virusuy | clues* | 08:33 |
jehoshua02 | Should root be able to write? even when mysql is owner? | 08:33 |
jehoshua02 | I know, wierd right? | 08:33 |
virusuy | yes , otherwise you could be "locked out" | 08:33 |
virusuy | root is basically... god | 08:34 |
jehoshua02 | http://images.daniweb.com/customavatars/avatar152410_5.gif | 08:34 |
virusuy | lol | 08:35 |
virusuy | i guess you will end up with a nice and shiny rsync script :-D | 08:36 |
jehoshua02 | I'm afraid I'm too stubborn to give up until I know why it doesn't work. | 08:37 |
jehoshua02 | I guess I'll have to give it a break. | 08:38 |
jehoshua02 | http://images.daniweb.com/customavatars/avatar152410_5.gif | 08:38 |
virusuy | jehoshua02: that is a god idea | 08:38 |
jehoshua02 | Or else I'll end up like this guy. | 08:38 |
jehoshua02 | http://images.daniweb.com/customavatars/avatar152410_5.gif | 08:38 |
virusuy | lol | 08:38 |
virusuy | well, it's 6:38 am here in Uruguay | 08:38 |
virusuy | so, i must be in bed right now | 08:38 |
jehoshua02 | (freekin funny right? I love it.) | 08:38 |
virusuy | also today is my birthday | 08:39 |
virusuy | so... see you around | 08:39 |
jehoshua02 | It's 12:39 and I got church -- happy b-day! yeah, thanks for trying to figure it out with me. | 08:39 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #681724 in libcgroup (universe) "cgroup-bin package installs with errors (failure to parse /etc/cgconfig.conf)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/681724 | 09:16 |
Dulcin | is anyone familiar with senderid/spf records? | 10:12 |
koolhead17 | hi all | 10:58 |
dsirijus | how can i install additional locales via cli? | 11:09 |
dsirijus | i remember having ncurses gui somewhere for that | 11:09 |
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk | ||
RoyK | dsirijus: iirc locale-gen <somelocale> | 11:54 |
RoyK | given you have language-pack-xx-base where xx is that language ... | 11:54 |
dsirijus | RoyK: i don't know exact name of the locale, nor how to setup default locale | 11:54 |
dsirijus | iirc, the ncurses gui was shown on dpkg-reconfigure locales | 11:55 |
dsirijus | now it's not | 11:55 |
RoyK | dsirijus: google for LC_ALL etc - the locale is usually set per user | 11:55 |
RoyK | but start with installing the language pack | 11:56 |
RoyK | or start out finding the names of the locale :P | 11:56 |
dsirijus | yeah, the last time i tried to do all that by hand, all got screwed | 11:57 |
dsirijus | that's why i'm trying to recall which was this gui (cli gui) which set it all up nicel | 11:57 |
dsirijus | y | 11:57 |
dsirijus | RoyK: i'm basically having issue with putty displaying characters | 12:01 |
RoyK | just did a test here | 12:01 |
RoyK | langpacks="";for i in nb nn de sv da; do langpacks+="language-support-$i "; done; apt-get install $langpacks | 12:01 |
RoyK | that install language support for scandinavian languages +german | 12:01 |
koolhead17 | :) | 12:02 |
RoyK | the locale is usually two letters | 12:02 |
dsirijus | yeah, found my locale | 12:02 |
dsirijus | but! | 12:02 |
dsirijus | :) | 12:02 |
dsirijus | i think it's the putty issue | 12:02 |
dsirijus | now, how to remove locale? | 12:02 |
dsirijus | :D | 12:02 |
RoyK | it's rarely a puty issue | 12:03 |
RoyK | try export LC_ALL=yourlocale.UTF-8 | 12:03 |
* RoyK needs food | 12:04 | |
* koolhead17 drops RoyK inside becon well | 12:07 | |
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uvirtbot | New bug: #889812 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/889812 | 12:56 |
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chroot | hi, how to use vmbuilder create a VM on server . | 14:23 |
muszek | hi... I'm getting a "truncate: not found" error... which package contains it? | 16:12 |
muszek | or which package do I install to have bash give me the "install X to have this package" tips? | 16:13 |
muszek | or which package do I install to have bash give me the "install X to have this file" tips? | 16:13 |
qman__ | well, it's on all my lucid boxes and the hardy box doesn't have that feature | 16:31 |
qman__ | trying to remember the dpkg switches to find what it's in | 16:31 |
qman__ | ah | 16:33 |
qman__ | ryan@mediaopty:~$ dpkg-query -S `which truncate` | 16:33 |
qman__ | coreutils: /usr/bin/truncate | 16:33 |
=== Guest38799 is now known as maxb | ||
koolhead17 | Daviey, | 17:14 |
RoyK | chroot: if you're new to VMs on linux, virt-manager is probably the easiest | 17:17 |
Daviey | koolhead17: | 17:18 |
koolhead17 | RoyK, wassup dude | 17:23 |
* koolhead17 bows to Daviey | 17:23 | |
jtran | hey all. i'm trying to setup a pxe server so that i can launch an installation over the network w/ out dvd media. so i followed the instructions to do a netboot installer, which when i start the client machine it gets to the installer just fine. however my problem is that the netboot initrd doesn't allow me to choose my own custom local network mirror. it only gives me the archive.ubuntu as a selectable option. | 17:35 |
jtran | any ideas? | 17:35 |
jtran | i might add, altho i'm doing netboot, i'm not using preseed for automated install just yet, i'm interactively installing | 17:36 |
arooni-mobile | how do i make the default editor vim; and not nano or whatever it seems tob to be now .... | 17:37 |
jtran | arooni-mobile, export EDITOR=vim <--- in your $HOME/.bash_profile | 17:37 |
jtran | and or at the cmd line, type that. | 17:38 |
arooni-mobile | i'm trying to come up with ways to make my terminal sessions more useful. usually i open a few different tabs on terminals... any tips you folks have for making your ssh terminal work more useful? | 17:43 |
arooni-mobile | how can i make it so that bash is automatically loaded as my shell? | 17:48 |
Patrickdk | chsh | 17:48 |
qman__ | arooni-mobile, update-alternatives | 17:49 |
qman__ | for the first question, that is | 17:49 |
qman__ | the second, change it in /etc/passwd or use chsh | 17:49 |
RoyK | arooni-mobile: and change /etc/default/useradd to bash if you want that for new users as well | 17:52 |
arooni-mobile | how would i make tmux start upon ssh login to my server? i'm using bash if it matters. | 17:57 |
virusuy | arooni-mobile: do you mean , start tmux when you login trhough ssh ? | 17:58 |
arooni-mobile | virusuy, exactly | 17:58 |
virusuy | arooni-mobile: uhmmm take a look at your .profile file | 17:58 |
virusuy | in your home folder | 17:58 |
arooni-mobile | i esentially cant see a time where i wouldnt want to do that each time i login | 17:59 |
arooni-mobile | unless i'm missing somethiing | 17:59 |
virusuy | .profile is loaded everytime you log in | 17:59 |
Kiall | ubuntu seems to be pushing byobu over tmux .. | 18:00 |
shauno | I have 'if [ $TERM == "xterm" ]; then tmux attach; fi' at the end of my bashrc. I found if you don't check for a sensible $TERM, you can break things (I think rsync in particular) | 18:00 |
Kiall | Kinda getting used to byobu .. Its enabled by default on all the EC2/UEC/Cloud images now... | 18:00 |
RoyK | hm.. tmux or screen? is tmux any better? | 18:25 |
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wakejagr | i installed ubuntu server on a machine with no network connection. how can i stop the startup scripts from waiting for network configuration? | 20:24 |
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=== jason is now known as jasef | ||
jrwr | under lucid's kernel, how do I enable the disk buffer | 23:04 |
jrwr | It somehow got turned off | 23:04 |
patdk-lap | disk buffer? | 23:05 |
patdk-lap | exactly what is the disk buffer? | 23:05 |
jrwr | yes, the "normal" disk buffer that Linux normaly has on | 23:06 |
patdk-lap | there is a vfs read cache, and vfs write buffer | 23:06 |
patdk-lap | but those are not disk buffer | 23:06 |
patdk-lap | there are also disk buffers on your drive and raid cards | 23:06 |
patdk-lap | and how you control them depends on the drive/raid | 23:06 |
jrwr | Guess Im looking for the filesystem buffers | 23:06 |
RudyValencia | I'm trying to set up a Windows XP PXE installation using Linux as the server (not Windows' RIS or WDS), but I can't get it to recognize my NIC, despite integrating the drivers in my setup folder; why? | 23:06 |
jrwr | patdk-lap, How I figured its off is the very slow disk reads and no buffers nor cache when "free" is ran | 23:09 |
patdk-lap | I'm not sure it is possible to turn it off | 23:10 |
patdk-lap | except to tune it | 23:10 |
patdk-lap | but normally you shouldn't except much write buffer usage | 23:10 |
patdk-lap | as it should be written | 23:10 |
patdk-lap | cache usage grows over time | 23:10 |
jrwr | its zero at the moment | 23:11 |
patdk-lap | well, post your free -m output | 23:12 |
jrwr | http://pastebin.com/MGGubS7F | 23:12 |
jrwr | thats without -m | 23:12 |
jrwr | http://pastebin.com/ZnSzpPAp <- with free -m | 23:12 |
patdk-lap | odd | 23:13 |
patdk-lap | unless you tuned the amount of free ram you wanted | 23:14 |
patdk-lap | and it has no ram left for buffers/cache | 23:14 |
jrwr | mope | 23:14 |
jrwr | never used sysctrl on this system | 23:15 |
RoyK | jrwr: what sort of system is this? | 23:15 |
jrwr | Ubuntu - Lucid, VPS with OpenVM | 23:15 |
RoyK | jrwr: I've seen similar thing on embedded stuff | 23:15 |
RoyK | that's about it | 23:15 |
RoyK | and btw | 23:15 |
RoyK | !pastebin | 23:15 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 23:16 |
RoyK | pastebin.com is an ad havoc | 23:16 |
jrwr | lol, I use pastebinit from the repos thats all | 23:16 |
RoyK | you did? | 23:16 |
jrwr | yes | 23:16 |
RoyK | damn - someone should fix that... | 23:17 |
jrwr | Lucid repos still have it going to pastebin.com | 23:17 |
RoyK | yeah, I just checked | 23:17 |
patdk-lap | oh, openvm | 23:17 |
patdk-lap | I don't think that works for openvm | 23:17 |
RoyK | so does maverick | 23:17 |
patdk-lap | cause you aren't in conrtol of the kernel, your using the host kernel | 23:17 |
jrwr | ah | 23:18 |
patdk-lap | yep, it's a vps thing | 23:19 |
patdk-lap | it doesn't show | 23:19 |
jrwr | well i guess I shot my self in the foot with a crap VPS Provider | 23:19 |
patdk-lap | no, all vps providers would be that | 23:19 |
patdk-lap | you need a vm provider if you really want that | 23:19 |
jrwr | no, the disk speed is still crap | 23:19 |
jrwr | ps aux takes about 2 minutes to print anything | 23:20 |
jrwr | anything not FS based is fine | 23:20 |
RoyK | bug 648298 - seems someone has released a fix for pastebinit... | 23:20 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 648298 in pastebinit "pastebinit should use paste.ubuntu.com by default" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/648298 | 23:20 |
RoyK | jrwr: hehe - seems they don't sell for quality, then :P | 23:21 |
RoyK | jrwr: how much do you pay per month for that VPS? | 23:39 |
jrwr | RoyK, 130 for 1 year | 23:40 |
jrwr | 1TB of BW a month, 50GB disk, | 23:40 |
* RoyK wonders if that machine can possibly sustain 1TB/m with that i/o performance | 23:41 | |
RoyK | s/\/m/\/mon\/ | 23:42 |
RoyK | \o/ | 23:42 |
RoyK | og - and btw, if anyone cares, pastebinit is configurable in $HOME/.pastebinit.xml - it's all documented if you know sufficient python to RTFS :þ | 23:52 |
patdk-lap | royk, if it's configurable, doesn't matter, if it's not default :) | 23:58 |
patdk-lap | 130/year? that sounds like the going price for crap vps's | 23:58 |
patdk-lap | about 11 a month | 23:59 |
* patdk-lap wonders if that is in usd | 23:59 |
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