
ochosifor what?09:15
baizonthat connect / disctonnect spam09:16
baizonhad some problems with configuring xchat09:16
astraljavaGridCube: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso.zsync14:25
GridCubeoh :D14:26
GridCubethank you very much astraljava 14:26
GridCubeim gonna do test on this netbook and on the desktop one :D14:28
astraljavaExcellent. I'm fearing I won't have much time to do the dailies this cycle.14:41
GridCube:D i hope i do this cycle, i now have a netbook so i will be able to do them at work :P14:42
astraljavaThat's good. Yeah I'm trying to do more devel work for Studio and here, as it in many cases benefits both.14:44
GridCubeastraljava, that link doesn not contain alternate14:46
astraljavaDrop the -live from the link.14:47
astraljavaAlso, sed -i s/desktop/alternative/g14:47
GridCubethats more like it!14:47
GridCubei dont know what that means :P14:48
GridCubeok :) its downloading 178 minutes :D14:49
astraljavaIt's 1337 for swapping desktop in the filename with alternative14:50
astraljavaNot really. Just a very useful command in the CLI.14:50
GridCube:P in any case it should be "alternate" and no "alternative"14:52
astraljavaMy bad.14:55
GridCubeknome, for oneiric we had this, dont know if adding it to the new roadmap is a good idea or not https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Specifications/Oneiric/DefaultImageEditor16:19
knomeGridCube, if we can get an assignee for it, then yes. if you think nobody is willing to drive for the change, then i don't know.16:35
GridCubeoh, well, i just meant for it have already a comparizon and all16:35
knomeyeah. but it should still have an assignee.16:36
GridCubebut as i've tested the latest ristretto 0.3.0 it fixes most of the problems it had16:36
GridCubeso i don't see a need to change it now :D16:36
knomeyes, but that's a different thing, and that item is already on the list with assignee.16:36
GridCubei also have this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GridCube/ProposedChanges16:38
knomei can go through that list with you now if you have time16:39
knomeso the first item16:41
knomewell, i don't know if there is one we can use?16:41
GridCubethere is 16:41
GridCubeyou have to compile it tho16:41
knomeright. then the first step is to get it in the repositories16:42
knomeare you willing to be the assignee for that?16:42
knomeIMO okay to add that to the list, though it's no the highest priority16:42
GridCubei don't know how its done, but if its easy ennough i will, im not the one who coded it tho16:43
knomeno problem. but it needs to be on the repositories so we can include it16:43
knomedoes that use the indicator area?16:44
GridCubeits just an addon16:44
GridCubeits not pretty but it works16:44
knomei'd say add an action item to get that in the repositories first.16:44
GridCubeexplain please16:45
knome"Add xfce4-kbdleds-plugin to repositories"16:45
knomeanything we have by default MUST BE in the repositories.16:45
GridCubewhere i add that? on the roadmap?16:45
knomein the new features table16:45
knomecheck the example on adding new rows16:46
knomeyou need to use the alternative row colors manually, since the wiki doesn't support this automatically..16:46
knome(i've filed a bug about that)16:47
GridCubeonce the wiki logs me in...16:47
knomeanyway, the next item; new wallpapers16:47
knomewe will have at least one new wallpaper16:47
knomethere is also the ubuntu community wallpaper package16:47
knomewhich you can easily install16:47
knomemaybe we should make that known to people16:47
knomeother than that, i don't think we really will do much about that16:48
GridCubeoh oh, about that, i checked now, and there are plenty of new wallpapers!16:48
knomewe should clear the list otoh16:48
GridCubei don't know when the came up, they werent there while i tested the daily images16:48
knomecan you send me an email at pasi@shimmerproject.org saying "clean wallpaper list, ubuntu community wallpapers" ?16:49
knome(doesn't need to say anything else)16:49
knomei'm just not at home right now so i'm not very productive in that sense:P16:49
knomenext item:16:49
knomegpicviewer; well, i'm trying to get ristretto back. as it's seeded already, it's quite easy to set as default16:50
ochosiknome: sry, i might not be able to make the meeting tonight16:50
knomedarker theme; maybe for p+1. we're going to make greybird as stable as possible for 12.0416:50
ochosiwell maybe i will, but i can't promise16:50
knomeochosi, np16:50
knomewe'll do fine16:50
ochosiok, see you later!16:50
knomenext: places for pseudo-dock; the places plugin is deprecated so won't happen... i'm hoping for some improvements for the dir plugin though16:51
GridCubesorry knome i have to go fdor a moment16:51
knomei'll just write down everything here :P16:51
GridCubethank you will comeback later!16:51
knomeGridCube, re: autologin. maybe ask mr_pouit about this. i have no idea what is going on regarding this. probably should be added to the roadmap anyway.16:52
knomeGridCube, re: start-menu to metakey; IMO this should come from upstream (xfce), not xubuntu. i'm not sure if i'm willing to go for this feature, but it's okay for me if you can change/disable the shortcut.16:53
knomeGridCube, re: gmb; i don't think we'll switch now to any other player16:53
knomeGridCube, re: deluge; if you are willing to take this action item, and do the specific app comparison, feel free to add it with yourself as assignee. if not, then try to get somebody to take the action item.16:54
knomeGridCube, re: xfburn; that should either be fixed upstream, or it won't be fixed.16:55
knomeGridCube, re: lubuntu package manager; i think USC works for many. synaptics is in the repo and i personally like it more than USC. it is more powerful, and we should point those willing to get more control over packages to it, but i don't think it would make a good default package manager. maybe add this item in the agenda for the next meeting in "other business" so we can discuss it.16:56
knomethat should be it.16:57
knomei'll be back later today.16:57
ScottLknome, ochosi :  stochastic apparently has taken lead on the ubiquity patch for ubuntu studio, either he or i will document what we did and hopefully this will assist you16:59
GridCubeknome, about USC i've been having a lot of problems with it, usually it just doesnt open at all17:29
knomeScottL, okay, good18:19
* stochastic says hi.18:20
astraljavaHey! Keep your thoughts in the meeting, dangit!18:20
ochosiScottL: thanks for the heads-up19:27
ochosiand hi stochastic :)19:27
stochastichey ochosi19:28
stochasticwas it you that scott mentioned would be good to discuss theme related items with?19:29
ochosii would guess so, yes :)19:34
stochasticokay, I'll keep that in mind19:35
stochasticnice to meet you19:35
Unit193Howdy stochastic and welcome!19:37
* stochastic should disclose that he's here to bridge between Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu, primarily to make Ubuntu Studio better (sorry for the self interests)19:37
ochosistochastic: nice to meet you too, no problem with the self-interest ;)19:42
ochosii'm pretty sure there'll be enough mutual benefit19:43
astraljavaMost definitely.19:43
knomestochastic, we have a meeting in 1h 45mins.20:14
* stochastic will likely listen in20:20
knomexubuntu community meeting in 1 hour at #xubuntu-devel 21:00
astraljavaDude, get the bot from Unit193.21:22
astraljavaThis is ridiculous.21:22
Unit193Wait, what???21:22
Unit193I'm not even here...21:22
SiDiHey there.21:30
SiDiAnybody can tell me if gnome-settings-daemon is installed by default on  Xubuntu 11.10?21:30
madnickit is not21:30
SiDiok thanks21:40
SiDiin fact, xfce4-volumed is not designed to work with pulseaudio. I had 3 reports about that lately21:40
SiDiI'm not willing to fix at the moment because I want xvd to evolve at the same time than xfce4-mixer, so if you want this fixed, please advocate PulseAudio support to Jannis21:40
SiDiI'm willing to write code, but that may not fit in the 12.04 release (i'm extremely busy)21:41
micahg_mobileI will be a little late to the meeting21:54
SiDiMeetings at 11PM?21:55
SiDiknome: ... you're evil man.21:55
Unit193Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:56:41 -050021:56
SiDiwhat's that meeting thing? when is it?21:57
ochosixubuntu team meeting at 22 UTC i think21:57
madnickIt starts in 1 minute21:58
SiDiwhich channel? :D21:58
madnickthis one21:58
GridCube:D \o/ yay my first pangolin meeting :D21:58
GridCubei missed the first one21:58
knomelet's try to be quick21:59
meetingologyMeeting started Sun Nov 13 21:59:17 2011 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.21:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired21:59
knome#topic Ongoing Business21:59
knome#subtitle Ubuntu moving to 5-year release schedule for LTS21:59
knome#info Will be carried to next meeting22:00
GridCube:) ok22:00
knome#subtitle Maintaining official/recognized derivative/flavor status22:00
knome#info Will be carried to next meeting22:00
knome#subtitle "maybe-ubiquity" option for LTS22:01
knome#info Will be carried to next meeting22:01
knome#subtitle Website stuff22:01
knomeokay GridCube, the top 10 FAQ22:01
knomeany news?22:01
GridCubei just need to have some input on question 1022:01
ochosiwhat is q10?22:02
GridCubei've been forwarding people to it several times22:02
knomecould you copy the stuff to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Website/Top1022:02
knomeGridCube, ^22:02
GridCube"whereto get more help"22:02
knomeso we can get through it with pleia2 and others in the website sprint22:02
GridCubesure knome 22:02
Unit193AskUbuntu is one place22:02
knomewe can handle the "more help" part then too22:02
GridCubei've been using it to tell people when i see a toptened question been asked,no problems so far22:03
knomethe support methods are listed in the current website too afaik22:03
knomeat http://xubuntu.org/help22:04
GridCube:) yes, we could link that22:04
knomewell, we need to rewrite22:04
knomebut that's where we can copy most of the stuff22:04
knome#info Grid''''''Cube will copy the Top 10 questions to wiki, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Website/Top1022:04
GridCubeno problem, for the top10, also22:04
GridCubei know olbi asked22:04
GridCubemy idea the whole time was it to be simple so its easilytranslatable22:05
knome#info The Top 10 questions will be finalized in the website sprint22:05
knometranslations for the whole website will come in later22:05
GridCube:) thats good then22:05
knomewe can do some language versions of the top10 faq before that though22:05
GridCubei can do a spaƱish one easily22:06
GridCubeim sure olbi willwant to do one to if asked22:06
knome#info Call for Top 10 translations will be sent to mailing lists after the website sprint22:06
knome#info We will have a website sprint in next weekend, exact date and time will be verified early next week22:07
knomeanything else on the website?22:07
knomeokay, let's continue22:08
knome#subtitle Ristretto as default in Xubuntu 12.0422:08
knome#info No reported bugs are present in the latest version of Ristretto22:09
GridCubei can confirm that22:09
knome#info There is no blockers to include Ristretto by default in 12.04.22:09
knome#agreed Ristretto is a viable and likely choice as a default image viewer in 12.0422:09
knome#subtitle Meeting times22:10
ochosi+1 on ristretto btw22:10
knome#action knome will send an email about changing the meeting time to the mailing list next week22:10
meetingologyACTION: knome will send an email about changing the meeting time to the mailing list next week22:10
knome#title Team updates22:10
GridCubeI can't do it on mondays :(22:10
knome#subtitle Packaging, Development22:10
knomeGridCube, yeah, you'll be able to tell that to all of us :)22:11
knomemr_pouit, micahg?22:11
knome(please use #info...)22:11
mr_pouitokay, nothing much this week either22:11
knomeanything? :P22:12
mr_pouityes :P22:12
knomeanything worth mentioning in the team updates?22:12
ochosii think gmusicbrowser 1.1.8 is on its way22:12
ochosivia debian22:12
mr_pouit#info Merged new upstream release of xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin from debian testing22:12
ochosimicah said he could take care of that soonish22:12
knomemr_pouit, what about the kbdleds plugin?22:13
GridCubethat :P22:13
knomemr_pouit, can we have that in the repository?22:13
mr_pouit#info Uploaded to oneiric a SRU for exo to fix mailto: helpers22:13
mr_pouit#info Uploaded to precise a fix for a crash in xfce4-power-manager, the SRU to oneiric will follow this week22:13
mr_pouitI think that's all for the new things22:13
knomesounds good though :)22:14
mr_pouityeah, we can have kdleds plugin if you want22:14
mr_pouitI'd rather push it through pkg-xfce in debian though22:14
knomeshould you be added as the assignee?22:14
GridCubethat will be helpful for people that doesnt have a leded keyboard22:14
mr_pouitknome: yeah, feel free to assign that to me22:15
knomeokay, thanks22:15
knome#subtopic Bug Triage, Testing22:15
knomeanything on this?22:15
GridCubenot from me, havent started tests yet22:16
knome#subtopic Website, Documentation22:16
* micahg_ waves22:16
knome#info Website sprint to follow next week22:16
knomehey micahg_ :)22:16
knome#subtopic Marketing, Artwork22:17
knomeochosi, any updates?22:17
ochosihm, i've been working towards fixing gtk3 bugs in greybird, no luck so far22:17
knomeso i suppose there is nothing...22:18
ochosiseems like the unico-engine doesn't allow theming the resize-grip (yet) and cimi is never available22:18
ochosiyeah, mostly plans ;)22:18
knome#info Mostly planning... And trying to get GTK3 stuff to work22:18
knome#topic Announcements22:18
madnickwell, someone (knome, ochosi) to help me develop the visual style for the greeter theme22:18
ochosiwe wanted to do that22:18
knomemadnick, yeah, just ping us next week22:18
knomeor at least feel free to ping me22:19
knome#subtopic Xubuntu brainstorming week22:19
knome#info We've started planning for precise pangolin22:19
SiDi*epic music*22:19
knome#info The brainstorming week starts *now*, and ends on Monday, November 2122:19
GridCube:D i've been brainstorming already22:20
knome#info See the mail sent to Xubuntu-devel ML; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-November/008040.html22:20
knome#info The wikipage for the roadmap for PP has all the information you need; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap22:20
knometell your friends too!22:20
knome#subtopic Contributor check22:21
knome#info We want to know how many of the Xubuntu contributors are actually active22:21
knome#info If you think your status on any of our Launchpad teams is wrong... Please fix it by leaving, or applying for membership22:22
knome#info The mail to the Xubuntu-devel ML has some more details; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-November/008039.html22:22
knomeochosi, yes?22:22
ochosinot sure whether that's web-stuff or team-stuff, but i'd consider it nice if we had a list of contributors/team members somewhere on the website22:22
ochosisomething like "who the f*** is xubuntu?"22:22
knomei'd like to have the Launcpad teams current22:23
knomeso we can link there22:23
knomeand people would have access to things they need22:23
ochosiyeah maybe, we could also do something nicer than just link there22:23
ochosibut not sure it's needed22:23
knomeyes, that too. but if you are in the LP group for eg. the website team, you can access and update the website code22:23
knomehey astraljava :) anything on your heart?22:24
astraljavaPointers to devel team application?22:24
knomeastraljava, do you mean general ubuntu, or xubuntu22:24
astraljavaknome: Xubuntu22:24
micahg_xubuntu dev just gets you commit access to the braches for the few things we maintain, doesn't help much22:25
knomeastraljava, you will get approved if you have contributed to xubuntu. we don't have a specific procedure, because being a member of the xubuntu team doesn't allow you any 22:25
micahg_not that I want to discourage more help though :)22:25
knome*buntu* access rights22:25
astraljavaOk, good enough, thanks!22:25
knomexubuntu team members are not automatically ubuntu members, or anything22:25
micahg_well, no xubuntu-dev should be more limited22:25
micahg_it does give access to the seeds22:26
ochosireminds me of the council we should install...22:26
knomemicahg_, right. though that's still not standard ubuntu procedure, is ti?22:26
ochosiand the XSD that needs revision22:26
knomeochosi, yes. i will get to that when we have more time, and a better meeting time...22:26
ochosisure :)22:27
micahg_knome: right, mr_pouit has the authority in this case I think (or at least used to)22:27
knomemicahg_, ?22:27
knomemicahg_, okay, so it doesn't need to follow the standard ubuntu procedure. not that there is much rush for the -dev team anyway right now. :)22:28
knome#topic Other Business22:28
micahg_right, no, but we need to be sure that the person understands the various packages and seeds before granting membership to the dev team (merges welcome in the mean time)22:28
knome#subtopic Specification for a default Torrent client22:29
knomemicahg_, yeah, i agree. that's why we need to council too...22:29
knomewhat features does a default torrent client for xubuntu need?22:29
knomesimple ui22:29
knomeextensive managing capabilities for multiple torrents?22:29
ochosiso we're considering dropping transmission?22:30
knomeochosi, GridCube is assignee for doing a comparison for those, so we should think which qualities we need22:30
ochosiah ok22:30
knomepersonally i'm happy with transmission, as it's simple and gets the job done for most of the users who need torrents22:31
ochosiyeah, personally a simple/easy-to-use interface, a low memory footprint and multiple torrents are all i need22:31
knomeanybody else wants to add something?22:31
GridCubewell i use lots of torrents for... personal reasons, and transmission is not cool for that22:31
Unit193DHT, UPnP?22:31
ochosie.g. no need to be able to search torrents via that app22:31
knomeUnit193, i don't know what are those.22:31
ochosiGridCube: what's not working for you in transmission?22:32
knomeUnit193, for what are those necessary?22:32
micahg_if we ever get QT in Xubuntu, I'd vote for QBittorrent :)22:32
GridCubeyou can not set it to download just one torrent a time, for example, or priority for that matter22:32
knomeis that necessary for the normal user?22:32
Unit193knome: UPnP helps it to route traffic to your computer22:32
ochosiGridCube: sure you can set priority22:33
Unit193And DHT helps you find more sources22:33
GridCubei believe so, controling how much bandwith is used is a thing, but if you control the bandwith it will still try to download 10 torrents at a time22:33
knomeGridCube, unless you pause them, right?22:34
madnickbut you can pause them22:34
GridCube... but then i will have to unpause them?22:34
GridCubei can not left it and download? that makes no sense22:34
knomewhat are the 10 legal torrents a user wants to download parallely?22:34
ochosiGridCube: for priorities go to torrent properties > options > torrent priority. it's rather easy22:34
micahg_amd64 and i386 versions of all supported Ubuntu and Xubuntu releases :P22:35
knomemicahg_, that's 822:35
GridCubeand mint 22:35
astraljavaUbuntu Studio, duh.22:35
micahg_and server :)22:35
knomewe don't support mint.22:35
knomewell, yeah.22:36
GridCubeok its not imperative, but transmission just seems empty, like, not helpful22:36
ochosiGridCube: what would be a good alternative?22:36
knomewhat's the normal usecase for a normal user with torrents?22:36
GridCubedeluge its my first option22:37
knomedoes he really download all the ubuntu versions, i386 and amd64, mint, server, and studio?22:37
GridCubenot really22:37
madnickOfc he does, while this channel is logged22:37
knomemicahg_, mmh, yeah.22:37
GridCubethats pretty much it then22:37
knometbh, i don't want to change our default torrent client to something more "powerful" to be able to boost illegal downloads... ;)22:38
GridCubewill take that down :D22:38
knomeright, okay ... :]22:38
madnickThere are serveral alternatives, but why use them as default22:38
Unit193I have atleast 11 or so legal right now ;)22:38
knomeyeah, people are free to install anything they want22:38
knomebut the default should be sensible, and in xubuntu's case, pretty lightweight and easy-to-use22:39
knomethat's that for today.22:39
knomelet's keep the discussion going on in IRC and the mailing lists22:39
knome#info We rock.22:39
meetingologyMeeting ended Sun Nov 13 22:39:37 2011 UTC.  22:39
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-11-13-21.59.moin.txt22:39
knomei'll put up the minutes later today22:39
GridCubeok bye22:41
astraljavamicahg_: mr_pouit: whoever: Right, so yeah, in case you have some xubuntu-related dev work to do, I'd like to participate. I'm especially interested in whatever benefits Studio too, but I eat pretty much everything.22:41
micahg_ochosi: gmusicbrowser will probably be later this week or early next week22:42
micahg_to get in unstable22:42
micahg_astraljava: ok, will keep in mind, are you familiar with packaging/seeds?22:43
astraljavamicahg_: Yes, I've been doing that stuff for Studio.22:43
ochosimicahg_: thanks!22:44
micahg_astraljava: ok, great22:44
knomeokay, ugh22:45
knomei'm back22:45
knomesorry for rushing the meeting a bit... :)22:45
ochosiit was quick but i think you got things done22:45
astraljavaDon't feel bad. We kinda wanted to get rid of you too.22:46
micahg_astraljava: I only see one sponsored upload in the last 3 years22:46
knomeastraljava, thanks, now i feel much better! :)22:46
astraljavamicahg_: Yep. I've been away for a while. Mostly I dealt with seeds for oneiric.22:46
ochosiknome, madnick: i kinda like this greeter-theme (large date) http://BigRZA.deviantart.com/art/Slim-Hud-Theme-26537357022:46
knomei'm not a HUGE fan of the big time at least with that font, but could work.22:47
madnickochosi: is that the theme scott was talking about?22:47
ochosimadnick: don't think so, but honestly i don't know22:47
knomei'll get the minutes up now, and will be back after that.22:47
madnickBut dont we want our own background?22:47
ochosijust referring to the layout and general concept22:47
ochosithis is for slim anyway22:48
madnickI could make it look identical, except the bg i guess22:48
ochosii'll try to get you a mockup in the next few days22:49
ochosig2g to sleep now22:49
madnickokay :) gn22:49
ochosialready really tired22:49
ochosinight everyone!22:49
knomeochosi, night22:49
madnickone thing tho, we will need session support in the theme22:50
micahg_astraljava: ah, ok22:51
knomethe minutes are up22:54
knomethe agenda is updated22:57
micahg_knome: regarding the brainstorming, what types of things are you wanting on there and what about critiques of the ideas?22:59
knomemicahg_, critiques for the ideas can be sent to the ML, and we will also go through all the items through in the next meeting, when the brainstorming period has ended23:00
knomemicahg_, and you can really add anything that relates to xubuntu 12.0423:00
knomemicahg_, probably don't want to add *every* bug you want to fix there but... you get the idea ;)23:00
micahg_yeah, I'm already pretty packed with things to do for 12.04 w/out thinking about xubuntu :-/23:01
micahg_knome: when is the next meeting?23:03
knomemicahg_, i updated that in the wiki - 2011-11-21 UTC 2123:04
knomeour team report, bolder as ever: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports/11/November23:06
knomepleia2, ?23:07
micahg_knome: ok, I should be able to make that23:07
knomeokay, great23:08
beardygnomehi, sorry i'm late23:08
knomebeardygnome, you definitely are!! :)23:08
knomebeardygnome, we ended the meeting 28 minutes ago...23:08
knome22UTC was over an hour ago23:09
beardygnomei forgot that the clocks going back would affect the meeting time!23:09
knomehehe :)23:10
knomewell of course...23:10
knomebeardygnome, the minutes are up though23:10
beardygnomei'll take a look at them tomorrow then23:11
beardygnomewhen's the next meeting?23:11
knome2011-11-21 UTC 2123:11
knomethe most important things are in your inbox though, if you are subscribed to xubuntu-devel23:11
beardygnomeok, thanks23:12
beardygnomeyes, i am subscribed, so will check that out too23:12
knomeyup! :)23:12
beardygnomethanks knome, will catch you later.23:13

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