
garretHas anyone had any success installing the NVIDIA drivers, I have not, after following as much on-line help as I have found.00:00
istoki sorted my issue00:08
grygarret, do you have more details please, what hardware do you have, what problem is like00:08
garretgry: I have a Samsung QX410 laptop with the NVIDA 310M card.  I can install ubuntu or xubuntu 11.10, but when I try to activate the proprietary NVIDA drivers I can not access the NVIDA server settings.  When I try it tells me that I have to run NVIDIA-XCONFIG.  When I do so out of an X-session, at boot the boot-up fails (stalls).  I then have to go back into recovery and do a sudo apt-get purge nvidai* and rm the xorg files.00:14
garretI then reboot and get things back like after the install - no NVIDIA driver installed.00:14
gryI'll not be able to help personally but someone here could, just stick around00:15
garretgry:  Also I have tried to do the things on the following pages, they did not help: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-install-nvidia-2750907-driver-in.html00:15
garretgry: Thank you for the reply, hope all is well.00:16
glrHas anyone had any luck installing the nvidia dryers?01:37
glrSorry drivers01:39
Thermihair driyers? :D01:39
Thermiglr just install them with syntpic or apt-get01:40
Thermishould work as usual01:40
glrThermi have tried without luck.01:40
Thermiwhat seems to be the problem?01:40
glrWhen I install nvidia-current it will install but does not run. I then run navidia-xconfig and when I reboot the boot up hangs01:42
Thermihmm that's sad01:42
Thermiwhat does the syslog say`?01:42
Thermitry to google the errormessage you find01:42
glrI then have to sudo apt-get purge nivida* and then rm the xconfig file.01:43
Thermihave to go to bed01:43
Thermiit's already 2:43 AM gere01:43
Thermitry to google errormessages01:44
Thermii'm sure you aren't the only one with that problem01:44
glrThermi thank you good night01:44
Thermiif nothing helps, try older versions01:44
Thermity, you too ;)01:44
glrAlso, I have had no luck finding help on the web for the nvidia issue01:45
puffSound stopped working.  Thinkpad t520 running ubuntu 11.10 with xubuntu-desktop.  I fiddled with all of the controls and I tried rebooting, still no sound.02:36
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jmcantrellhas anyone used zeitgeist? does it work with xfce?03:37
Bukowskiiany ideas as to why i keep loosing my wireless signal?04:33
pTkNetworkManger has a bug right now that I experienced last night upon installing05:04
pTkBukowskii, you can install WICD and then uninstall network-manager05:04
pTkThe problem is that network manager keeps trying to can for networks and drops the current connection05:05
Bukowskiiok ill try that thankyou05:06
popschhow good is WICD? I was thinking of using it instead of the network-manager.05:15
pTkIt's good, simple and easy and worth it if you have the network manager bug05:37
Bukowskiialright pTk got WICD installed and working but is there anyway to have an icon on the panel for it?05:56
pTkit should use the same icon that network manager used05:56
Bukowskiihmmm it just says network manager not running05:57
SaijANyone have any isnight into udevd '/sbin/modprobe' -bv issues on boot?06:21
Saijprior to these messages it will throw a ton of ata1 device was slow to respond messages06:21
Bukowskiialright pTk i figured it out, just had to restart06:49
pTkBukowskii, glad you got it working07:41
Bukowskiiits still dropping my signal even with wicd07:43
pTkdid you remove network manager?07:44
Bukowskiijust the pkg called that no dependancies07:45
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wiccanheliosBonjour à tous. Je viens d'installer Xubuntu il y a 2 jours et j'aimerai savoir comment faire pour mettre VCL en lancement par défaut à la place de Parole lorsque j'insère un DVD ?09:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:14
wiccanheliosoups sorry..09:14
TheSheepno problem, good luck09:15
baizonis it possible to remove oneconf on xubuntu?09:43
TheSheepbaizon: what is that?09:48
baizonits a canonical feature09:49
TheSheepmy xubuntu doesn't have it09:49
baizonsynchronize your configuration data over the network09:49
TheSheepso I guess you can remove it09:49
baizondo you have xubuntu 11.10?09:49
baizonwell then i have to check it09:49
baizonthats what i mean09:50
TheSheepapt-cache policy oneconf09:50
TheSheeponeconf: Installed: (none)09:50
baizonthe boot time is awful now :(09:51
baizoni cant remove it09:52
baizonthen i have to remove software-center09:52
TheSheepwho needs software-center :)09:53
* TheSheep has removed all that09:53
baizonthe software-center is nice :P09:53
TheSheepI liked gdebi more09:53
baizonim thinking to try out ubuntu again09:54
baizonunity looks stable now09:54
baizonand useable09:54
baizonthank you09:54
TheSheepI need to do a tour over all the desktops again09:54
TheSheephey changed quite a lot09:54
baizonrecently i tested mint09:55
TheSheepwho knows, maybe even kde will be usable?09:55
baizonhell no09:55
baizontested it 1 month ago09:55
baizonstill the same09:55
TheSheepI'm so addicetd to all the small details that xfce has09:55
TheSheeplike the menu on right mouse click on the desktop09:56
TheSheepor the way it positions windows09:56
TheSheepthat I can't switch to anything else09:56
TheSheepbefore xfce4 came out I was using windowmaker :)09:57
baizoni was using ubuntu09:58
baizonuntil gnome 3 / unity09:58
baizonthen i tested all the other distros09:58
baizonarch is quite nice, but to much to configure09:58
baizoni like to install and use it09:59
TheSheepyou are talking about distributions, I'm talking about desktop environments10:00
baizonyes i mean you got ...10:00
baizonxubuntu, kubuntu, etc.10:00
baizonthey all got different de10:00
TheSheepwhat desktop environment does arch use by default? xfce too?10:01
baizonthats what im missing in xfce10:01
baizoni hope they will include it in xfce 4.1010:02
TheSheepmy screen is to big to maximize any windows ever10:02
TheSheepmaximizing windows is a misfeature10:02
baizonyes but you can do it with half display10:02
TheSheepstill too big10:02
baizoncheck out the youtube video there10:02
baizonok ^^10:02
baizonwhat monitor do you got? :D10:02
TheSheepI know that feature10:02
TheSheepsome old dell10:03
baizonhow much " ?10:03
TheSheepnot sure, 21 I think10:03
TheSheepI got it from my previous work10:03
TheSheepbtw, care to join xubuntu-offtopic?10:06
baizonwhy not :-)10:08
chickenboneI need help installing official Nvidia Drivers!11:25
TheSheepgo to system, select hardware drivers, select nvidia drivers, done11:25
chickenboneThey are outdated drivers. I am trying to install the latest drivers from Nvidia's website11:26
chickenboneI have done the following:11:26
chickenbone Press ctrl-alt-F1, a text login screen will appear11:27
chickenbone      * login as root11:27
chickenbone      * type "init 3" to stop the X server11:27
chickenboneinit 3 - doesen't seem to disable x-server11:27
TheSheepchickenbone: they are not outdated, these are the drivers that had been tested with ubuntu and confirmed that they work11:29
TheSheepchickenbone: the drivers from nvidia page were not tested11:29
TheSheepchickenbone: and are not supported11:30
chickenboneThey don't currently work for my 450 card. thus I'm trying to go through nvidia11:30
chickenboneHow can I disable x server on Xubuntu11:30
TheSheepsudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop11:31
chickenbonethank you. tryiing it noe11:32
mongyIs there a way to change the font/size of the notifications?  They are a lot bigger than the rest of my UI11:49
TheSheepmongy: you can create your own notification theme11:50
TheSheepmongy: they just use the standard gtk theme syntax11:51
mongydo you know where they are?11:53
TheSheepin /usr/share/themes and in your ~/.themes11:55
TheSheepfor example /usr/share/themes/greybird/xfce-notify-4.0/gtkrc11:55
bodomHi there! Doesn anybody knows what's the console command to launch xubuntu software center?12:39
baizonsoftware-center ?12:42
bodombaizon: thank you12:46
glen_Hey, how I have three users in xubuntu. How can I set it xubuntu to automatically login as a specific user on boot? I'm using xubuntu 10.04 LTS. Many thanks13:35
glen_i think i may have found the answer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1588283 - i'll try this13:39
hobgoblinwell madnick - I installed xubuntu and upgraded it to Pangolin - so if it all goes horribly wrong I will blame you :)14:04
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popschdoes one today still need cpufreqd or does the kernel already do all that stuff?17:30
GridCubedunno what that is17:30
popschcpu frequency scaling for laptops to conserve power17:32
hobgoblinpopsch: I believe it does it17:36
hobgoblinI was having a look the other day = http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177788717:37
popschhobgoblin, my question is whether it is still necessary, or whether the kernel already does it automatically17:41
popsch(by 'it', I mean adjusting the frequency and thus conserving energy)17:42
hobgoblinpopsch: pretty sure it does it - mine is set to ondemand - I didn't do anything17:55
hobgoblinpopsch: in fact - for a short period I had one of the applets on the panel - it was ondemand until it needed otherwise17:56
lrussellwill xubuntu 10.04 alternative powerpc run on an imac g3 with a 233 mhz processor and 6gb hd?18:27
lrussellimac = apple18:27
lrussellapple imac18:27
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:28
lrussellwill it run on the crappy specs I mean...18:29
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:29
lrussell!say hello18:29
knomeplease don't play with the bot :P18:30
Gremuchnikhi!  on my login menu I have a choice of a "XFCE session" and a "Xubuntu session".  What is the difference?18:31
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knomeGremuchnik, you should use the Xubuntu session, so all services will start up.18:31
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lrussellwill xubuntu run on a powerpc 233mhz 6gh hd imac g3? All I ask18:31
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lrussellfor everyday use that is18:31
Gremuchnikknome, thanks18:32
knomeGremuchnik, the Xfce session might work too, but you won't have the same theme stuff etc.18:32
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Gremuchnikalso, is it possible to run gnome-shell from inside a Xubuntu session?  I want to play around with it, but logging out just for that purpose if a pain.  Any ideas whether I can just safely launch 'gnome-shell' from the CLI an then return to Xubuntu when I am done (by a killall gnome-shell I suppose)18:33
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knomeGremuchnik, i wouldn't suggest doing that really.18:35
Gremuchnikknome, why is it risky?18:35
knomeGremuchnik, i don't know if there are risks, but i wouldn't do that18:36
knomeGremuchnik, it might mess up things18:36
GridCubewhy would yuo want to use gnome stuff with xfce?18:37
GremuchnikGridCube, just because Xubuntu if main favorite environment, but I want to play around with G318:37
GremuchnikI don't have any real deep need for it :-)18:38
Gremuchnikanyway, login logout its gonna be18:38
Gremuchnikthanks for the pointers guys18:38
knomeyeah, that's safest18:38
GridCubeyou should start a gnome sessioon then :P18:39
Gremuchnikhave you guys tried G3?18:39
GremuchnikGremuchnik, yup18:39
GremuchnikI totally hated Unity, but I have some hopes that G3 might be saner...18:39
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Guest45298hello. i'm completely new to xubuntu or any linux OS, i was hoping someone could help me with getting adobe flash installed on xubuntu (11.10)18:55
Sysiopen software center or synaptic and install flashplugin-installer18:55
Sysiif you want java and mp3 working too, install xubuntu-restricted-extras18:56
lrussellwill xubuntu 10.04 ppc run on an imac g3 333mhz and 160mb of ram18:58
lrussellwill it...?18:59
* lrussell wonders...18:59
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:00
GridCubeif it does it will be really slow19:01
Sysilrussell: not enough ram19:01
GridCubeyou shoul try lubuntu19:01
lrusselldoes it have powerpc?19:01
lrussellim using altenative xubuntu ppc btw19:02
Sysiyou can do minimal installation and then install lubuntu-desktop, if it's compiled to repositories19:02
Sysi!info lxde19:02
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB19:02
Sysihum, no arch info19:02
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.19:02
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:03
rufianwI'm having a problem with Xubuntu.19:26
rufianwEvery time I log in, it remembers THE SAME applications.19:26
rufianwAll the time, it remembers the apps from the first time I logged out, not the ones of the last log out.19:27
rufianwDisabling remembering sessions does not help.19:27
Unit193When you logout, is "save session" checked? Also remove ~/.cache19:27
rufianwTrying the second...19:28
Sysirufianw: enabling it should, you only neen to remove ~/.cache/sessions19:28
rufianwIt worked!19:29
rufianw Next problem: Muting the sound from keyboard works. Un-muting, no.19:30
rufianwI use pulseaudio.19:30
mykehello, i have xubuntu 11.10 on a dell n5030, although the touchpad scroll works, chording the two buttons to emulate middle does not (only 2 buttons).  i see that chordmiddle in the X config has been deprecated, what's the best way to get it back?19:36
Sysi'Option "Emulate3Buttons" "on"' works in xorg.conf19:40
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ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:09
YcareneUgh, had to chmod -x /usr/bin/nautilus.20:45
GridCubewhy not just purge it:)20:58
knomexubuntu community meeting in 1 hour at #xubuntu-devel21:00
YcareneGridCube - Because it's a dependency for a ton of stuff.21:06
GridCubeYcarene, never needed it so21:06
YcareneHmm, guess it's not as bad if I use apt-get instead of synaptic21:07
GridCubelast time i had nautilus was on a failed upgrade, but purge was just few keystrokesvaway :P21:07
skinhow to edit menu in 11.1021:19
GridCubeskin, alacarte21:19
GridCube!info alacarte21:20
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 348 kB21:20
GridCubeit says gnome but it works on xfce too21:20
Unit193sudo apt-get install alacarte --no-install-recommends21:21
jmcantrellis there a way to do sub menus on thunar's custom actions?21:28
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jmcantrellis there a way to do sub menus on thunar's custom actions?23:15
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