
hazmatniemeyer, hmm.. so destroy-environment cleans out state and containers, but there is one caveat that would need to be addressed by a tear down, namely updating the lxc cache image, and perhaps cleaning out the apt-proxy cache00:05
hazmatthe precise lxc ubuntu script now has update cache functionality this incorporated00:06
_mup_juju/robust-zk-connect r415 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com00:14
_mup_Updated tests00:14
_mup_juju/robust-zk-connect r416 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:42
_mup_Docstrings, PEP8, PyFlakes04:42
niemeyerGood morning all13:35
raphinkhi niemeyer13:35
niemeyerOr good afternoon, to some :)13:35
mplyep. good morning to you.13:37
rogniemeyer: good afternoon :-)13:44
hazmatjimbaker, could you send an email to the list re describing high level cli changes for scp/ssh/num-units14:34
hazmatniemeyer, your still against the change in lp:~hazmat/juju/assume-local-ns-if-local-repo.. ie assume local ns if --repository is specified on the cli?14:35
hazmatfwereade, the visible instance stuff looks good, its a +1 with the fix for local provider14:37
fwereadehazmat, cool, let me take a quick look14:37
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah14:43
hazmatniemeyer, it looks like the dns entry for the store is in.. so people are getting client hangs, is it possible to put up a static page there that will cause a more immediate fault?14:44
hazmatie. if you forget to add a 'local:' the deploy just hangs14:44
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, should be possible14:44
hazmatniemeyer, so i still think its rather confusing to have a --repository not imply local.. i think the best thing to avoid confusion is to just have resolve explicitly log which repo its using, that will at least give the user some indication of what's going on14:51
* hazmat notes its time to go to the dentist.. drill baby drill ;-)14:53
niemeyerhazmat: I find it confusing in the other direction, and problematic for several reasons15:01
niemeyerhazmat: --repository to me simply implies "look for charms here as well"15:01
niemeyerhazmat: having it affecting the resolution of urls sounds pretty surprising15:02
hazmatniemeyer, right.. but the common case for specifying --repository is to deploy a local charm.. not deploying from the cs.. the dep lookup algorithm goes by first found dep, so i don't see that algorithm being affected, its just a matter of resolving the first item15:02
hazmatyour the taste master ;-)  but i'd like to switch that branch out to do a log of repo being utilized to avoid confusion in this case, as i think its common15:04
hazmatand is a nice practice in general15:04
niemeyerhazmat: --repository is called like that because it enables any kind of repository15:07
niemeyerhazmat: It's not the same as --local15:07
hazmatniemeyer, so the goal is that it could enable a private remote repo?15:07
niemeyerhazmat: Yes, that's what we discussed15:08
hazmatcurrently that logic is hardcoded .... remote == 'store.juju."15:08
niemeyerhazmat: implementation vs. public API15:08
hazmatniemeyer, does that imply a different namespace prefix? .. could the user switch the default lookup to a private repo?15:08
niemeyerhazmat: The user can do whatever he pleases.. the command line option is unrelated to that15:09
niemeyerhazmat: We can change the logic, but then let's rename the option as well15:09
niemeyerhazmat: and change it globally, and _fail_ in case the charm isn't found locally anywhere15:10
hazmatniemeyer, i meant the user doing so sans code modification.. if they have a private repo, that they want to use for all their charms.. an additional environments.yaml repo config setting seems appropriate15:10
niemeyerhazmat: So for --local, help="Resolve all charm references to the given local repository"15:10
hazmatargh.. have to come back to this latter.. late for my appt15:11
niemeyerhazmat: "Enjoy" :)15:11
* hazmat lol15:11
hazmatprobably not15:11
marcoceppiI've got a question about checking cryptographic signatures from 3rd party sources15:18
marcoceppiThe third party source doesn't provide a has to check against, so I've created a bzr repo in LP that has the proper checksum. The install branches this and performs the check - that way I can continually update the checksum without having to always update the charm15:19
marcoceppiBest practice for this? Or is this okay?15:19
jcastrom_3: the hadoop email reminds me about automated testing of charms15:34
jcastroknow anything since the sprint about that?15:34
m_3jcastro: nope, haven't been following the conversation on it15:35
jcastromarcoceppi: hey so, sorry to sound annoying, but Minecraft?15:58
marcoceppiYes, it's in relation to minecraft :)15:59
marcoceppiMy question is at least15:59
marcoceppiIt's kind of the last thing I need to do15:59
jcastroah ok15:59
jcastrohazmat: SpamapS: m_3: what do you guys think about marco's suggestion for checking the checksum?16:00
m_3marcoceppi: sounds like this at least tells you if it's changed or not.. next best thing to 3rd party hash.  doesn't tell if you were using a compromised binary to begin with16:06
fwereadeneed to pop out for a bit, back later16:11
marcoceppim_3: I know the binary I have isn't compromised, if that helps. I guess I'll make a plea to Mojang to include checksums16:20
m_3marcoceppi: what you've done is a great workaround... seems like the same amount of work as if you added the hash directly into the charm, but either way works16:23
m_3i.e., when new binary comes out, you update hash... either in your repo _or_ the charm16:24
marcoceppiRight, but the alternative I was looking at is, the charm won't have to be updated as nearly as often16:25
marcoceppiI'll push up what I have now, then I think it'll be ready for review16:25
m_3marcoceppi: in general, you're signing and saying that the upstream binary is clean... I'd keep asking Mojang for hashes16:25
marcoceppiyeah, I'll start bugging him on twitter16:26
robbiewm_3: uh oh....saw the video....now people will know your face...you're so screwed16:37
jimbakerhazmat, yes, i will send the emails describing these and other proposed cli changes16:39
m_3robbiew: no way... didn't know it was out... ugh16:42
bloodearnesthey all - any way I can get "juju ssh" to use a unit's ip address rather than dns to attempt to connect?16:43
marcoceppibloodearnest: juju ssh service_name/unit_number ?16:44
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, that's what I used, but the dns on the unit instances is a .local, and resolution fails16:44
robbiewm_3: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/11/hadoop-world-ubuntu-hadoop-and-juju/16:49
bloodearnestthe command "juju ssh <n>" works, but "juju ssh <service/unit>" fails with a dns error16:49
hazmatbloodearnest, that's odd.. which provider are you using?17:21
hazmatmarcoceppi, i guess separating the checksum from the download is better than no checksum at all17:22
SpamapSDon't want to be a downer, but Juju doesn't always get positive mentions.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oebqlzblfyo&feature=youtu.be .. whole thing is good, but juju pops up at 3:30 or so17:26
SpamapSLuckily its just a WTF, not a specific argument against it.17:27
marcoceppiSpamapS: This man is very angry17:34
jcastrothis is awesome17:34
SpamapSand VERY smart17:35
jcastrothis guy did that SSD talk right?17:36
jcastroat the US velocity?17:36
jcastroah yeah, it is him17:37
SpamapSAWS -- Is shit, * Openstack -- more shit17:37
bloodearnesthazmat, canonistack18:01
rogi'm off for the day, see y'all tomorrow.18:08
fwereadecya rog18:11
fwereadelater all18:24
niemeyerfwereade: Cheers!18:24
niemeyerrog: Have a good evening rog18:24
* niemeyer on lbox propose now18:25
niemeyerIs Launchpad read-only?>18:40
niemeyerSeems to be back..18:42
niemeyerSeems to be down again.. something funky18:42
niemeyerbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.18:42
niemeyerhazmat: Btw, feel free to talk to IS if you'd like to have dummy server deployed sooner rather than later18:43
jcastrojamespage: is the etherpad-lite charm still good to go? Or are you planning any surgery on it?18:54
jamespageI think its still good - I'm not planning todo any more work on it18:54
jamespageuntil they next make a release18:54
* jcastro nods18:54
_mup_juju/local-repo-log-broken-charm r415 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:15
_mup_merge trunk19:15
jimbaker(looks like this didn't get sent) hazmat, i think it makes sense to add timeout support to making more robust connections. but maybe this should be done in two phases: robust (but consequently never times out!); then add a --timeout option to juju (or maybe better --timeout-zk)21:21
jimbakerthe advantage of doing this is that vs an external timeout is we can timeout just the connection to zk setup21:21
hazmatjimbaker, agreed in principal... we already have a timeout, but there's a post host up, pre timeout error afaicr as well that needs handling22:18
jimbakerhazmat, sounds good22:29
hazmatjimbaker, afaics the end behavior is the same, not sure i understand the distinction with an external timeout22:29
jimbakerhazmat, the difference is that one be inadvertently interrupting some ZK modification22:30
jimbakeri suppose the cli could be more nuanced in terms of handling signals however22:31
hazmatjimbaker, there is a double wait, connection to zk, and zk initialized, and then cli done, the cli can be disrupted any at point though22:32
hazmats/any at/at any22:32
hazmatinteruppted that is22:32
jimbakerhazmat, correct. i'm only referring to timeout the waiting up to the point of checking for /initialized22:33
jimbakerin actual usage, any subsequent waiting is minimal of course22:33
hazmathmm.. well it could be substantial.. and there is a wait timeout firing race against initialized.. oh .. right i forget, its not bootstrap waiting.. which simplifies this considerably  its everything else.22:34
jimbakerhazmat, in this model, bootstrap doesn't wait, and in practice it actually works well22:34
jimbakerhazmat, right now i'm just hunting down while we are seeing tx connection timeouts leaking out of the retry connect loop (no errback setup on them of course...)22:36
jimbakerwe seem them in http://wtf.labix.org/413/ec2-wordpress.out for example ("Unhandled error in Deferred")22:38
hazmatone scenario i was thinking of in  the context of the local provider, anodd behavior is that there is a long asyncop  for the debootstrap of the master template and first unit, it might be nice to due that directly in bootstrap, so the user has feedback when its done and deploys/add-units are fairly normalized in times.. but that's orthogonal i guess.22:38
jimbakerhazmat, my feeling is that the normal thing to do in this case is juju bootstrap && juju status, and that gets what you want22:39
jimbakermaybe a hypothetical juju --waitfor bootstrap is just that, i don't know22:39
jimbakerhazmat, actually in that case, it's really juju bootstrap && some activity && poll on juju status22:40
hazmatjimbaker, that timeout exception from txzookeeper is odd, afaics that's caught by sshclient.connect22:41
jimbakerhazmat, i know, i've traced it through and i believe that's the case, except for the fact that it appears like that on stderr ;)22:42
hazmatjimbaker, indeed, reality is rather contrary in this case ;-)22:42
hazmatjimbaker, it looks like _cb_tunnel_established is the one raising the error, but it looks like that has an errback22:47
jimbakerhazmat, yes, all the deferreds have errbacks. i do wonder about the chain_deferred variant however22:50
hazmatjimbaker, me too23:06
jimbakerhazmat, brb23:08
hazmatjimbaker, it consumes the error (ie handles it) and propogates the error down the client connect deferred which is yielded on23:08
hazmatit looks right..23:08
marcoceppiSo, config-changed. It gets run one or multiple times depending on how many config options there are in the install?23:11
marcoceppiThe problem I have, a service needs to be restart each time a configuration option is updated, but it's pretty slow to restart.23:14
hazmatmarcoceppi, config gets run once prior to start, and then once per time the config is changed23:23
hazmatmarcoceppi, multiple values can be set in a single command line, ie  juju set a=b x=z23:24
marcoceppihazmat: so when you do juju set for multiple values, is config-changed run each time for those updated keys? or just once per set?23:26
hazmatmarcoceppi, the config-hook  may run up to however many times the juju set is called (regardless of how many values in a single set), but the guarantee is that it will be called at least once with the latest config values23:37
hazmatmarcoceppi, short answer to the question, once per multi-value set23:38
marcoceppihazmat that's what I needed to know, thanks!23:38

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