
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
Riddellamarok beta is in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta/+packages for amd64 if anyone is able to test01:14
JontheEchidnaI feel like chicken tonight! http://i.imgur.com/2XGnP.png01:40
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's that?02:10
JontheEchidnaMy chicken pen viewed from my house's balcony in Minecraft02:11
JontheEchidnaI was up there: http://i.imgur.com/ErcC7.png02:13
Riddellcomputer games must have got tamer since I last played them, I seem to remember they had monsters and guns not chicken pens :)02:15
jjesseRiddell you must have been away for a while, minecraft is the hotest thing to play02:16
JontheEchidnathere are probably monsters down in those caves: http://i.imgur.com/N4gEy.png (also, be careful of the night)02:19
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agateauJontheEchidna: hey, noticed a weird i18n bug in Muon: "Canonical" is a translatable string... guess what the french translators did... :/08:39
jussiQuintasan_: I just had to join and let you know I will be calling you "The doctor" from now on :)09:30
Riddellafiestas: Le Canonical?11:18
afiestasRiddell: ?11:19
Riddellafiestas: 08:39 < agateau> JontheEchidna: hey, noticed a weird i18n bug in Muon: "Canonical" is a translatable string... guess what the  french translators did... :/11:20
agateauRiddell: worse: "Canonique"11:21
afiestasah xD11:21
agateauRiddell: so the "Canonical Partners" PPA has been translated to "Partenaires canoniques" :(11:21
agateaufregl: ping, I am trying to get Orca to read my screen, but it does not like me :( can you help setting it up?11:29
JontheEchidnaagateau: haha, I guess it needs context then12:19
agateauJontheEchidna: definitely :)12:19
agateauJontheEchidna: something along the lines of "don't translate this word, you moron, unless you do not use a latin language!"12:20
JontheEchidnaI was thinking something more like: "The name of the repository provided by Canonical, Ltd." ;-)12:22
agateaufregl: nevermind, figured it out: I was missing libatk-adaptor => no screen reading for gnome apps (qt apps were working though)12:50
JontheEchidna_Hmm, my latest blog post doesn't seem to have aggregated to P.K.O, even though it's properly tagged :(13:56
=== BarkingFish is now known as Guest52941
=== OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish
shadeslayerQuintasan_: pushing files to the device takes *ages*14:30
shadeslayerTrying to push a 2 GB file using adb is a PITA14:30
BarkingFishmany things in life are a pain in the ass, shadeslayer - that's what devs are here for, to try and make them less of a pain in the ass :)14:33
shadeslayerQuintasan_: wendar My kernel doesn't have loopback support so I can't mount the image15:18
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shadeslayerQuintasan_: wendar lilstevie says he is writing a app that will allow you to run ubuntu natively on B70's and B80's15:36
wendarshadeslayer: I've got an image that runs on Transformer natively15:37
shadeslayeruh .. what15:37
shadeslayerwendar: how15:37
wendarshadeslayer: but I can't install it without the updated SBK for the B70s and B80s15:37
wendarshadeslayer: but, it works on the B60's and earlier15:37
shadeslayerah ... are you refering to lilsteive's post on xda?15:38
wendaruses nvflash to write over the install15:38
shadeslayeror something else?15:38
wendarnay, michael frey experimented with it15:38
shadeslayeroh ... interesting15:38
shadeslayerwendar: you could ask lilstevie on #ubuntu-arm15:38
shadeslayerhe probably has the key15:38
wendarI think I saw him posting that he didn't want to give it out15:39
shadeslayerHe could give it to you in private15:39
shadeslayerAlthough he told me they were having issues with the miniloader ... 15:40
wendarshadeslayer: ah, yeah, that was mentioned here http://androidroot.mobi/2011/10/03/no-we-havent-given-up-or-yet-another-post-about-the-current-state/16:21
shadeslayerhi bambee17:47
bambeemhhhh "icontasks" is part of kdeplasma-addons-4.8 now, it's a unity-like dock for kde (graphically and compatible with libunity)... interesting... :)17:48
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerbambee: yeah18:18
shadeslayerbambee: I'm using it18:18
bambeeMPRIS compatible!!! MOHAHAHA :D18:19
bambeereally nice plasmoid18:19
bambeeshadeslayer: did you test the compatibility with unity ?18:19
Quintasanshadeslayer: a) did you root ur transformer?18:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes18:19
Quintasanb) why would you use something related to unity? :O18:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: it has no loopback kernel module18:20
bambeeeven If I am not fan of unity, that's always interesting to be compatible with it :)18:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: it's a task manager plasmoid!18:20
shadeslayerand it's pretty awesome18:20
shadeslayerit's like smooth tasks18:20
Quintasanshadeslayer: How is that relevant to rooting?18:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: irrelevant to rooting, relevant to mounting the img file on loopback18:20
QuintasanHmm, grab the source and compile a module then?18:21
QuintasanAnyways, why on Earth do you need loopback module?18:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: lilstevie says that he's making a app to run ubuntu nativel on B70's and B80's18:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: to mount the img file 18:21
QuintasanIsn't OLiFE supposed to flash it using nvflash?18:22
shadeslayercan't do that yet18:22
shadeslayerthe miniloader crashes....18:22
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://androidroot.mobi/2011/10/03/no-we-havent-given-up-or-yet-another-post-about-the-current-state/18:22
shadeslayerRooting android and flashing ubuntu are 2 different things ;)18:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: send him yours :P18:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: they have a device :P18:23
shadeslayerwhich is why they released that local exploit18:23
kubotushadeslayer meant: "which is how they released that local exploit"18:23
QuintasanCurses, no Ubuntu for you yet18:24
QuintasanI am still waiting for the CrOS kernel to get fixed18:24
QuintasanNo hardware acceleration yet18:24
shadeslayerwhats the problem with yours18:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: I bet it's fast enough with low fat18:24
Quintasanplus suspend and stuff needs a lot of work18:24
shadeslayerwhat happens if you press the power button? :P18:24
QuintasanTurn off pc dialogue window18:25
Quintasanif I close the lid when docked it turns off the screen18:25
shadeslayerah hmm18:25
Quintasanbut when I open it up18:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: it detects the dock as well?18:25
QuintasanIt flashes between X and terminal18:25
Quintasanand I can't do anything :O18:25
Quintasanwell, whatever, at least it works18:27
QuintasanI wonder if we get anywhere near ac100 compatibility level18:28
shadeslayerIt'll take time obviously18:31
jussiQuintasan: !18:44
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