
shysoftI have kubuntu installed on a virtual machine and after upgrading to 11.10, the machine won't boot. It gets to the 'Kubuntu' splash screen and just stays there.00:02
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Daskreechshysoft: press esc when it's loading or edit the grub line to say nosplash00:13
DaskreechYou can see what it's hanging on then00:13
Daskreechthormchristensen: what's the kernel versions in each?00:23
DaskreechI'm liable to guess the version of the kernel in fedora is newer00:25
shysoftDaskreech: how do you edit the grub line to say nosplash? I attempted to edit /etc/default/grub but I was told that it was a read only file system.00:47
Resistanceshysoft:  if the system is mounted as read only i dont think you can except at the grub screen :/00:48
shysoftHow do you navigate to the grub screen?00:49
* szal guesses that someone forgot to edit w/ privileges00:49
shysoftOkay, so i looks like it's hanging at 'Checking battery state..." . . .00:50
Daskreechshysoft: no you can do it when the computer is booting. There is a point when it says press any button to get menu before the splash screen00:50
Daskreechpress the button and yuo will get a list of kernels. edit the one at the top and look for the word splash and remove it00:50
DaskreechThen press ctrl+X to continue booting (this is a temporary one time change) you shoudln't get a splash screen but instead a detailed listing of what's happening00:51
shysoftOkay, so I'm looking at the detailed listing and it appears as if it hangs on 'Checking battery state..." Does this mean anything?00:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:53
Daskreechshysoft: Is it a laptop?01:00
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shysoftNo. It's a virtual machine.01:01
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Daskreechshysoft: ah has it ever booted?01:02
DaskreechIf not might want to start without acpi01:02
shysoftIt booted until I upgraded to 11.10.01:04
Daskreechaok well try booting with noscpi01:05
Daskreechedit the grub command as before and add noapic to it01:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:17
Daskreech :)01:17
Daskreech if it helps01:17
DaskreechHow are you carlo?01:17
* szal notes that it's almost always Italians who try to !list here01:18
JoeSomebodyi gather kubuntu users are less than the number of ubuntu users, seems weird, cause i prefer kde4 over linux, windows and mac GUIs, to each his own i guess huh?01:19
JoeSomebodya few bugs perhaps , but still i prefer it :)01:20
JoeSomebodynice job whoever on kubuntu01:20
DaskreechJoeSomebody: I'll note that there are less Linux users than IOS users though Linux is way better (with more apps!)01:24
DaskreechDon't try puzzle certain things. Just use what works out well for you :)01:25
JoeSomebodyme first, then friends, i hope to be able to support small stuff, my friend calls me and wants me to fix his facebook, again, he's virused again, i said man it's time to look at linux for sheer safety as you get hit every week lately :)01:33
JoeSomebodyprobably gonna spend the 88 pounds for some support too01:34
JoeSomebodyits not a lot01:35
DaskreechSure I'd take 88 pounds to support Linux :)01:41
JoeSomebodyi don't really know if i'll need it , but i'm looking at it like an insurance01:44
DaskreechFair enough01:44
jamil_1someone asked for me ?02:02
ScottyKI've got Kubuntu 11.10 on my netbook and love it. I also have a notebook, and would like to see what the netbook version looks like on it. Is it a major hassle to switch over? Would I be able to switch back to the "normal" desktop version? Thanks02:12
guest123Kopete can't connect to MSN messenger anymore for me. Does anyone have any idea why?02:26
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin02:26
szaldang, I thought we had one for that..02:27
haysAny firefox users here with dual displays?02:27
haysI seem to be suffering from a weird bug02:27
szalanyhoo, the n-th protocol change; a workaround exists afaik02:27
guest123So basically another MSNP protocol change?02:28
guest123Do you know where that workaround is by any chance? Any information sources about the problem and/or fix would be awesome if you know where they are. Thanks. :)02:29
guest123I figured it must've been something like that.02:29
Daskreechguest123: MIght be an MSN change02:29
Daskreechcheck in the #pidgin channel02:29
guest123Whatever it is is affecting Meebo as well.02:30
DaskreechMight be just another server name change02:30
szalDaskreech: what's #pidgin got to do w/ Kopete?02:30
Daskreechszal: the connection between them?02:30
DaskreechYou can use kopete to talk to people using pidgin02:31
qbitI don not use msn so I don't know for sure, but I thought there was an update in the last day or two to a lib, I think libmsn that was supposed to fix this02:33
qbitnot sure, though, just I think I just saw libmsn, or something like that in the list of updates I just did a few hours ago02:33
qbitand since I don't use msn I can't be sure02:34
Daskreechlibmsn might be a good thing to check02:34
guest123I found the fix for MSN.02:53
guest123For anyone else who wants to know.02:53
guest123(Whoever was speaking to me earlier, thanks for the hint)02:54
guest123libmsn 4.1 exhibits the problem, while libmsn4.2 has the fix.02:54
guest123In oniric they have 4.1, but precise has the 4.2 package.02:54
guest123So just get the 4.2 package off of packages.ubuntu.com and install it.02:54
guest123It now works wonderfully for me. :)02:55
guest123Direct link: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libmsn0.302:55
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phunyguyfantastic. I think a bad network cable was the source of my browsing trouble.  I replaced them all, seems to be flawless now.03:49
phunyguynow I have one final issue.  How can I restore my profile back to default completely?03:52
phunyguykill the folder?03:52
phunyguynevermind. :(  Internet fail.04:03
DaskreechGood call qbit04:23
phunyguyinternet is still broken.04:24
phunyguyso far I have replaced everything network related hardware-wise04:24
phunyguyreinstalled Kubuntu and copied my home folder04:24
phunyguydeleted my home folder thinking it was something in that - let it rebuild04:24
phunyguySAME THING.04:25
phunyguyI am NOW convinced it is Kubuntu related.04:25
phunyguynone of my other PCs have this issue04:25
DaskreechWhat's the problem?04:25
phunyguybrowsing keels over here and there04:25
phunyguysites time out, aptitude wont run when looking for external content, etc04:26
phunyguyworks good for 5 minutes, then bombs out for a minute or so, over and over, like clockwork04:26
phunyguyodd part is, ktorrent has solid activity during that (if it did already, if not, it still happens )04:26
phunyguyseems to be purely http related04:27
DaskreechDoes it bomb out with an error?04:28
DaskreechSounds a lot like a DNS error04:28
phunyguyyes it sounds like DNS04:29
phunyguysocket timeouts04:29
phunyguyis the error in rekonq04:29
Daskreechsocket errors ?04:29
phunyguyhave 3 other PCs on my network, 2 kubuntu, and one ubuntu (all 11.10), no issues04:29
DaskreechI don't know i have a really funky router here that does crap like that04:30
DaskreechThe router itself will disappear from the network04:30
DaskreechAnd will cause DNS errors but only to some machines04:30
DaskreechOthers will be fine04:30
phunyguysoudns exactly like my issue04:31
DaskreechSome rubbish the ISP ismaking us use so they can control the DNS and inject ads into the search pages04:31
Daskreech But the main difference is it randomly chooses a machine04:31
phunyguyI have a linux box with Astaro Security on it04:31
Daskreech if you only have it on one machine i'm more likely to think that it's a websocket issue with kubuntu04:32
phunyguyturnkey-firewall distribution04:32
DaskreechDOes the Ubuntu machine have the same kernel?04:32
phunyguyno actually04:32
phunyguyothers are 32 bit04:32
phunyguyI need my RAM on this PC though04:32
phunyguyso 64 bit it is04:32
phunyguywell two are 32 bit, the other is 64 bit, but only proxies web traffic from home04:33
Daskreechphunyguy: ok have you tried firefox?04:33
phunyguyits at work04:33
phunyguyyes, happens there too04:33
phunyguyas well as chrome04:33
Daskreechok so it's not a Qt issue04:34
phunyguyand konsole (aptitude)04:34
phunyguykernel seems logical04:34
Daskreechyeah the next layer is kernel04:34
phunyguynot sure how to  prove it though04:34
Daskreecheither jump back one version or forward one version04:34
phunyguyforward seems more logical to me04:34
phunyguyany idea how? lol04:34
Daskreechphunyguy: Either way works ;)04:34
Daskreechif you have have updated the computer you should have old kernels sitting around so you can just choose an older one when you start up04:35
phunyguyrather try a new one04:35
phunyguyhave other issues too04:35
Daskreechif you only have the one then you can either check for a newer one or jump to #ubuntu-server and see if they have a newer one testing04:35
phunyguyand if you notice, our chat is fine, no timeouts :)04:36
phunyguyalright I will try an older one04:36
Daskreechphunyguy: Yeah cause you already have the connection04:37
phunyguy_lol came back too fast04:38
phunyguy_silly SSD04:39
phunyguy_but yeah no older menu options04:39
phunyguy_3.0.0.12-generic is ut04:39
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phunyguyoh well.  Time to go to bed04:40
Daskreechphunyguy: get a newer one then. might be able to get one from #ubuntu-server they handle all kernel level changes and packaging04:40
phunyguyany way to just try the server kernel via apt-get?04:40
Daskreechsudo apt-get install kernel04:41
DaskreechJust saying if they don't have a newer one for the public you may be able to get one that's not quite public yet04:41
phunyguythank you for your help04:41
phunyguyI will bother them tomorrow04:41
phunyguytime for beddie bye04:41
DaskreechSocket to them!04:41
phunyguy<3 nice04:42
DuolosI'm having an issue.  Trying to run unetbootin it asks for the administrator password.  I AM the administrator, but it's not accepting my password.  Sudo does and other system utilities do, but not unetbootin.05:24
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sparrWAfter installing nvidia-current-dev I got a new version of nvidia-current and now my nvidia driver and nvidia kernel module don't match. How can I fix that?06:54
excognachi why do i need to add archive.... natty just to insatll adobe reader?07:20
susundbergHuh, adobe is propritary software, i am pretty sure natty did not include it in repository07:20
excognaci added archive.canonial.partner... natty because adobe page does not have the correct version for my architecture- 64bit07:22
excognacworks a way better than Okular. I hate say this but this is the truth07:25
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hexacodeanyone here have experience using usb to serial cable for connecting to a cisco router or switch09:17
hexacodeto get into the IOS09:17
maxvancefferHi all09:29
maxvancefferDid some body meet bug boot , with message network not fully configured ? wlan is up but no networks found in network manager !09:29
maxvancefferDid some body meet bug on boot , with message network not fully configured ? wlan is up but no networks found in network manager !09:30
maxvanceffereeepc with built in ubuntu09:30
marcel-venlois er iemand online ?09:34
Da|Mummyis there some ready i cant install kubuntu to my netbook?10:25
Da|Mummyi have it as a bootable disk on an sd card, and bios first boot from sd card, get to the kubuntu menu, select run kubuntu, because theres no install kubuntu option, and i get a terminal type thing10:26
Da|Mummy"to run a command as admin (user root), use sudo <command>. see "man sudo_root" for details."10:27
Da|Mummyis the terminal msg im getting10:27
Da|Mummywhere am i going wrong here?10:28
Da|Mummyi installed ubuntu 11.04 just fine10:28
BluesKajHi all10:37
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone11:04
kubuntuianerHey does anyone know how to sync PIM via funambol or bluetooth? I couldnt find anything except for evolution.11:31
kubuntuianerWhy isnt kitchensync in the repositories11:37
* szal seems to remember that that was a KDE3 app11:39
Lynourekubuntuianer: it's called emacs.11:42
Lynoure(sorry, bad joke)11:42
kubuntuianerLynoure, dont get it11:44
Lynourekubuntuianer: historically people have been saying emacs comes with everything and a kitchen sink.11:46
kubuntuianerdid anyone try to use syncevolution under kubuntu? if so did it work?11:56
MitchMessis this an active channel?12:35
Da|Mummydoesnt seem like it, im struggling getting help12:36
szal.oO( impatient kiddies.. )12:37
Da|Mummyi asked 2 hours ago....12:38
BluesKajDa|Mummy, ask again...some ppl are just joining in NA and can't see your question12:39
Da|Mummyflooding was never appropriate12:40
BluesKajit's morning here12:40
Da|Mummyis there some ready i cant install kubuntu to my netbook?12:40
Da|Mummyi have it as a bootable disk on an sd card, and bios first boot from sd card, get to the kubuntu menu, select run kubuntu, because theres no install kubuntu option, and i get a terminal type thing12:40
Da|Mummy"to run a command as admin (user root), use sudo <command>. see "man sudo_root" for details."12:40
Da|Mummyis the terminal msg im getting12:40
Da|Mummywhere am i going wrong here?12:40
BluesKajafaik sd cards aren't bootable12:40
Da|Mummywell ive installed current ubuntu from it12:41
Da|Mummyand can live cd into ubuntu 11.04 using sd card12:41
vprintsit seems some graphics related bug12:42
szalDa|Mummy: you could have at least taken the time to condense that to 1 or 2 lines ;)12:42
vprintstry to change boot up graphics setting12:42
Da|Mummyvprints, but if it works fine with ubuntu, why not kubuntu, although i only did try ubuntu 11.04, not the 11.1112:42
Da|Mummychange to what....?12:43
vprints11.04 and 11.10 are totally different kernels12:43
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: sd cards are bootable12:44
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, yeah , obviously :)12:44
vprintsso if one works it does not mean that the other one definetly also works12:44
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: is your sd card ok?12:45
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, I should have qualified that , didn't know kubuntu was bootable from an sd card12:45
Da|Mummywhile 11.04 ubuntu seems to work just fine, i did get some sound issues on 11.11, i thought maybe it was a bad update since i was on phone tether at  the time, so maybe newer kernals on 11.11 dont play nice on my netbook?12:45
Da|Mummyphoenix_firebrd, ya i just reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 again using that same card12:45
BluesKaj11.10 Da|Mummy , not 11.1112:45
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: i bought a sd card and a reader just for testing :)12:46
Da|Mummyso i should maybe try an older version of kubuntu?12:47
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: i think the image was not written to the sd card properly and the boot process drops to bash12:47
BluesKajor it could be the old graphics / grub/ nomodeset , or related problem12:48
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: write the image again into the sd card and try booting, it is better you check your sd card for read /right failure12:49
Da|Mummykubuntu has a livecd feature?12:49
BluesKajI guess it must be a novelty thing ...using sd cards12:49
Da|MummyBluesKaj, this whole room is filled with sd cards, not a single usb drive :| i do have adapters though12:50
BluesKajgot any cds ?12:50
Da|Mummyand id say about 300gb of scattered sd cards laying around12:50
BluesKajoh, right12:50
Da|Mummyshould the initial setup menu give me a livecd option?12:51
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: i think it should12:52
BluesKajdunno, did you copy a livecd image?12:52
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: what is the software you are using to write the cd image to your sd card12:53
Da|Mummybasic ubuntu disk creator12:54
Da|Mummyim gonna check sd card with h2testw right now though12:54
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: thats good12:55
* BluesKaj still thinks it the nomodeset or other graphics driver prob at boot/grub12:57
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: if so do you have any reason why this happens in 11.10 and not in 11.04?12:58
BluesKajit's quite common in 11.10 , different kernel modules etc12:58
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: so it should happen to everyone who tries to boot from sd card?12:59
BluesKaj11.10 has a lot of unsolved problems ...can't wait til 12.0413:00
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: thats very true13:00
BluesKajphoenix_firebrd, not necessarily , the media doesn't have much to do with it from the description , it has to do with graphics drivers not loading X13:01
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: are you talking about Da|Mummy problem?13:02
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: what graphics driver are you talking about?13:04
BluesKajbut I could be wrong , since there looks like permission thing as well13:04
BluesKajany number of graphics driver both ati and nvidia , even some intel onboards13:05
Da|Mummyk, sd card is clean13:05
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: so you say that the graphics driver problem wont be there if he boots from a cd?13:05
Da|Mummythats out of question, either way....its sd or usb13:06
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: write the cd image again into the sd card and boot13:06
BluesKajno I didn't say that ...i said the media is probly immaterial13:06
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: this time if you get any error , note down the full error13:07
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: oh ,,ok13:07
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: we need a lot of testing before a release13:08
phoenix_firebrdBluesKaj: think about wayland ,:D13:08
* BluesKaj has thought about wayland but , there's long way to go...hope the devs are working on it13:10
BluesKajin the meantime X is our only choice and must live with it13:10
kubuntuianerHey I installed evolution but unfortunately it tries to use gtk font which makes it very ugly. Is there a way to solve this problem?13:12
fire`lalaremove it again? scnr ;)13:13
kubuntuianerfire`lala^^ well it is the only way to sync via bluetooth...13:16
vprintsroland: tere13:16
BluesKajkubuntuianer, you can set it to use kde fonts in gtk apps in system settings13:16
rolandvprints: tere13:16
vprintskogemata jäi .ee silma :D13:17
Da|Mummyhmm, well heres my error trying 10.04 from sd13:17
Da|MummyUnknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot13:17
vprintsniisama hängid siin või mingi mure kubuntuga? :)13:17
Da|Mummyvesamenu.c32: not a COM32R image13:18
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rolandmul IRC tööjuures koguaeg töötab ja see lihtsalt üks nendest kanalitest, kuhu automaatselt ühinetakse13:18
rolandvahetevahel küsib/aitab nii nagu oskab13:18
vprintstule estobuntu kanalisse ka siis :D13:19
rolandpraegu üritan SSD'd tööle panna13:19
fire`laladamn u plasma-desktop13:19
kubuntuianerBluesKaj, I already did. Gimp looks just fine. But this is not working on evolution13:19
fire`lalait crashes every 10 minutes13:19
fire`lalavery annoying13:19
BluesKajyup Da|Mummy, looks like the vesa driver (default) won't boot X , are you using a 32 bit image on a 64 bit machine ?13:20
fire`lalais there any plan to provide an updated version of plasma-desktop (kde sc 4.7.3)13:20
fire`lalabefore the next release13:20
fire`lalathere are fixes for the crashes I experience, but I don't want to patch the package myself13:21
BluesKajfire`lala, yes, it's in the backports afaik13:21
BluesKajfire`lala,  , have you tried a dist-upgrade?13:22
fire`lalanot today :)13:22
fire`lalaI'll have a look13:22
Da|Mummyno, im quite sure this is a 32bit atom13:23
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/trying-to-boot-linux-mint-9-from-usb-flash-drive-vesamenu-c32-not-a-com32r-image-829397/13:23
fire`lalaBluesKaj: I have 4:4.7.3a-0ubuntu0.1~ppa1 installed13:25
fire`lalaand there's no update available in the update or backport ppas13:25
Da|Mummyok phoenix_firebrd looks like that link got me through that step, booting into livecd now i guess13:27
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: ok13:27
BluesKajcheck your sources.list.d  for kubuntu backports, fire`lala13:28
fire`lalaBluesKaj: well, it's there ... still no update, what's the supposed version of this update in backports?13:33
phunyguy_workit's a happy day.13:33
BluesKajfire`lala, https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa13:35
fire`lalaBluesKaj: yes, but that doesn't help, because the latest plasma-desktop keeps crashing and AFAICS there's no newer package in this PPA. I already have the kde sc 4.7.3 packages installed.13:39
kubuntuianercan you tell me how to import addressbook.db in kontact?13:41
BluesKajok , I thought you hadn't installed the latest kde , fire`lala , I misunderstood13:41
fire`lalathank you anyway :)13:42
phoenix_firebrdDa|Mummy: what happened?13:45
SitaupHi everyone,  Today at 5 pm this ( ---->http://blogs.kde.org/node/4491<----) will end and KDE will lose the opportunity to win 1000 euros. You can vote even though you're not from Germany. Spend some of your time, you can vote three times. If you like KDE support it. Have a nice day.13:45
phoenix_firebrdSitaup: i have a doubt13:46
SitaupTell me13:46
phoenix_firebrdSitaup: does the website check my ip or mac id?13:47
kubuntuianerI installed syncevolution on my kubuntu machine which is working very well. Unfortunately it only works with evolution. How can I import the contacts I see in evolution to kmail / kontact? There is a addressbook.db in /.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/. What can I do?13:47
phoenix_firebrdSitaup: i am having 3 more mail ids13:47
phoenix_firebrdSitaup: so i can vote more?13:48
SitaupYes, you can13:49
phoenix_firebrdSitaup: good13:49
kubuntuianerAnother option would be that I use evolution. But it doesn't use qt so it looks very ugly. I appreciate it if you can help me on this or the other issue13:50
fire`lalakubuntuianer: normally there's an option to choose the "GTK+ appearance"13:51
fire`lalait's in system settings => application appearance13:51
kubuntuianerfire`lala, this option is already activated13:52
fire`lalathen I don't know :(13:53
phoenix_firebrdvote for kde  https://verein.ing-diba.de/sonstiges/10115/kde-ev13:59
BarkingFishkubuntuianer: there used to be an interaction plugin between synce and kde, unfortunately it's not available anymore - iirc the last time it was tested it failed to build14:00
BarkingFishif I remember, it was because it was using the older kdelibs, from somewhere round version 3 i think14:00
kubuntuianermh.... too bad. It is very sad seeing no real solution14:02
BarkingFishkubuntuianer: Actually, I am wrong.14:03
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, what do you meen14:03
BarkingFishare you trying to sync from a mobile device?14:03
BarkingFishright, try this.14:04
BarkingFishone sec14:04
BarkingFishhave you got the PPA for synce stored in your software sources?14:05
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, yes14:05
BarkingFishah, ok then.14:05
BarkingFishCause synce-kpm is still available through that source14:05
Quetzalcoatlhi. i have 2 kwin processes that are zombie. what can i do ?14:05
BarkingFishkubuntuianer: I have the same issues here, I'm using an HP iPAQ hw6515 on Windows Mobile 2003, and synce syncs that up perfectly.14:07
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, I try it :)14:07
BarkingFishI don't know what your mobile's OS is, but I'm pretty sure we should be able to do something with it14:07
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, Nokia Symbian S60v3. Well Sync works but I still just see the contacts in evolution14:09
kubuntuianersynce-kpm is installed14:10
phunyguy_workanyone have any idea where the bookmarks are stored in rekonq?14:10
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: why, do you want to edit it or clear it?14:11
phunyguy_workdropbox sync14:11
phunyguy_workphoenix_firebrd: ^^14:11
BarkingFishHave you set up the GUI for synce to get more than just contacts?14:12
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: ok, wait let me check14:12
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, no I try this as well14:12
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kubuntuianerBarkingFish, I can't choose anything else. So I have to work with "Contacts". Do I have to start synce-kpm? Because when I do so I cant click on anything.14:14
BarkingFishkubuntuianer: no, you shouldn't have to start synce-kpm - it should start automagically as a KDE bridge with synce14:14
BarkingFishwhen you start synce, it should follow14:14
kubuntuianerBarkingFish, should Kontacts automatically recognize new contacts?14:17
kubuntuianerMaybe I have to import them somehow14:17
BarkingFishkubuntuianer: I don't use Kontact here, so I'm afraid I don't know.14:19
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work:  /home/phoenix/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml14:21
BluesKajkubuntuianer, afaik you need to set the options in kmail to import or autosave new contacts, but autosave can fill your contact list in a hurry if you use the app at work :)14:21
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phunyguy_workAHH konqueror folder14:21
BluesKajwithout filters14:21
phunyguy_workforgot they use the same stuff14:21
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: ya, both use the same file14:22
kubuntuianerBluesKaj, how can I activate the autosave function?14:22
DaMummywell, looks like i got kubuntu going, but im not getting sound through youtube...14:22
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: can drop sync a hidden folder?14:23
BluesKajkubuntuianer, there should be an option in kmail settings...I haven't used kmail in a while so I cant recall exactly14:23
DaMummytouchscreen doesnt work :|14:23
phunyguy_workI am doing it different, phoenix_firebrd, I am moving the real file to the drop box folder, then symlinking it in the hidden folder14:24
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: thats a good iead14:24
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: thats a good idea14:24
phunyguy_worklet me update a bookmark and see if dropbox gets activity14:25
phunyguy_workyup.  good to go14:26
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: good14:26
phunyguy_workthanks phoenix_firebrd14:26
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: yw14:26
DaMummykubuntu doesnt do touscreen?14:27
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: have you voted for kde?14:29
phunyguy_workssshhh sssshhh sssshh I will14:29
phoenix_firebrdphunyguy_work: time is short14:29
Quetzalcoatl i have 2 kwin processes that are zombie. what can i do ?14:36
Quetzalcoatlso, anyone can help me with 2*kwin zombies ?14:41
BluesKajQuetzalcoatl,zombie processes are already dead14:42
Resistanceas well, no need to repeat :P14:43
Resistancewe saw you the first time14:43
ResistanceQuetzalcoatl:  killall -9 kwin14:43
BluesKajResistance, -9 is for zombies?14:44
QuetzalcoatlResistance: i did already that but for some reason when i reboot those 2 zombies are there and i wanna to get rid of them14:44
ResistanceBluesKaj:  -9 is for pesky programs that dont die14:44
ResistanceBluesKaj:  and for those that fail to die with -9, i reserve -SEGV14:44
* BluesKaj stays away from the at one14:45
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: what is your kde version14:45
ResistanceBluesKaj:  usually -9 works ;P14:45
Resistancesegv is mah last resort14:45
BluesKajpesky is amatter of opinion ...don't think I'd leave iy up to killall to choose :)14:46
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: is the last version that's included in oneiric14:46
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: can you start a new session everytime you login instead of restoring a previous session14:47
Quetzalcoatlwhat i noticed since i installed 11.10 (fresh install) is that the applications are closing a little bit slower14:49
Quetzalcoatlfirefox for instance had a zombie process even if it was runnig14:50
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: i had that problem14:50
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: try starting with a new session for solving the kwin issue14:51
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: i will try.14:51
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: is there a file where i can specify to start every time a new session ??14:52
Quetzalcoatli'll be back14:53
nom_mais ou suis je14:55
Quetzalcoatli'm back. same15:02
PolitikerNEU__Äh - blöde Frage, aber wie benutzt man ironhide richtig?15:02
PolitikerNEU__Also so, dass es für ein bestimmtes Programm den nvidia-server startet15:02
PolitikerNEU__äh - die nvidia-Grafikkarte verwendet15:02
PolitikerNEU__sorry, wrong channel15:03
PolitikerNEU__but I think I will reask the question here: How do I use ironhide "correctly" (in order to let the nvidia graphics card be used for a certain application)15:03
BluesKajpoi running dual graphics on a laptop ?15:04
PolitikerNEU__in order to save power, normally just the intel chip is active - but if I need more power, I would like to switch on the nvidia gpu. ironhide should support that but I can't see how I could use it15:05
PolitikerNEU__I only know it basically should work because nvidia-settings can be accessed through ironhide configuration but not if startet seperately15:05
BluesKajPolitikerNEU__ , what's that feature called again ? There's been a problem with those on kubuntu15:06
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: oops i didnt get alert since you didnt use my nick15:06
PolitikerNEU__well - actually, as I said, I am in the wrong channel - I use XFCE. I don't know how this feature is called exactly, but it just switches on and off the nvidia gpu15:06
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: same thing15:07
Quetzalcoatlphoenix:dont worry15:07
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: you can specify that in system settings15:07
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: system settings -> startup and shutdown -> session management15:08
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: i did, restarted, and the result is the same15:08
phoenix_firebrdQuetzalcoatl: set the default leave option to "end the current session" and set the on login option to "start with an empty session"15:09
Quetzalcoatlphoenix: i dont understand how after a few weeks (after a fresh install) of use kwin is zombie15:10
Quetzalcoatlbut i think i can live for a while with 2 zombies inside my kubu box15:11
BluesKajQuetzalcoatl, kwin isn't the zombie , just aprocess that's dead in kwin15:13
QuetzalcoatlBluesKaj: i see.15:15
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BarkingFishis there any way in kubuntu of getting myself back to firefox 4 through the archive repos please?  half the plugins I want aren't working with firefox issuing stuff so dang fast.15:46
BarkingFishI don't want to compile it from source, so looking for alternatives to that if possible15:47
szalgive the respective add-on devs a kick in the shizzles if you think you need those add-ons ;)15:49
BarkingFishszal: I've kicked them in the family jewels on several occasions, one said she's giving up cause firefox are issuing faster than she can code.15:49
BluesKajBarkingFish, which plugins ?15:50
BarkingFishBluesKaj: Totem - doesn't work.  VLC - Crashes Firefox 7.0.1 .  Moonlight - refuses to install.15:50
_jamusing kmail, when my internet connection dies and kmail times out, it never reconnects. before 11.10, this would happen, but if I restarted kmail it would start working15:51
_jamnow, it seems like the imap handler is external to kmail15:51
BluesKajwhy moonlight and totem ..both are clunky , the vlc plugin should work tho15:52
_jamso, I probably need to restart that handler. but how can I do that?15:52
BarkingFishmoonlight is needed cause it's the only plugin i know which can handle Sliverlight streams. Nothing else I've tried can do that.15:52
tgrHow do I stop the api.opendesktop.org login nag? I don't have (and don't want) an account, but this nag pops up every few minutes. I've closed every widget I can see, but presumably there's one that I won't see until I enter my non-existent login details :(15:53
_jamtgr: if you open the 'add widgets' menu, every added widget will have a check mark on it15:54
_jami'm not sure if you can remove the widget from there (you might be able to), but at least you'll know what you are looking for15:54
BarkingFishBluesKaj: the vlc plugin has crashed more than Dale Earnhardt, and I just want stuff that works.  If that means backpedalling 3 versions of firefox, so be it.15:55
BarkingFishI don't see what Mozilla's obsession with "damn, we have to get this out faster" is anyway :P15:55
BarkingFishbetter to have a stable version than one with more holes than swiss cheese and more bugs than an entomology lab15:56
szal"release early, release often" <- basic principle of OSS development15:56
BarkingFishszal: "release stable, get less complaints from pissed off users" < - basic principle of me.15:57
_jambut yea, I really need to find a fix for this kmail thing. I don't feel like restarting kde everytime I sleep my laptop15:57
_jamsince that kinda defeats the purpose of sleeping the laptop15:57
BarkingFishif we were to do it as fast as mozilla, i mean issuing kubuntu, we'd have been round the alphabet two or three times with release names.15:57
tgr_jam: Thanks, I suppose that's a start. There are a couple of things checked in there that I don't see on my desktop, so the question does seem to be how to remove them.15:58
BarkingFishanyway, what I want to do is backport to Firefox 3.6.17 or Firefox 4.0.whatever and get the stuff I want working, to work :)15:59
_jamyou want stable, but you are using moonlight?15:59
BarkingFish_jam: that was last released 7 months ago.15:59
BarkingFishIt's more stable than the browser it's being written for15:59
szalBarkingFish: if you want maximum reliability, use LTS or Debian-stable ;)15:59
_jamFF7 is definitely more stable than FF3 or FF416:00
BarkingFish_jam: on the minus side, hardly anything flaming works with it :)16:00
BarkingFishI'd be better off using lynx!16:01
_jamwhat is stopping you?16:01
_jamthis is hardly the place to complain about firefox anyway16:01
BarkingFishI know that16:01
BarkingFishI came to ask for advice on getting a backport or older version of firefox, not for a full on discussion of why I wanted it16:02
_jamyou could follow the instructions on setting up firefox on a thumbdrive (portable firefox i think it is called)16:03
_jambut instead of setting it up on a thumbdrive, just do it in a special folder. download an old firefox binary, and proceed that way16:04
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins16:04
BluesKajBarkingFish, have you tried reinstalling mozilla-plugin-vlc ?16:04
BarkingFishBluesKaj: twice, it crashes consistently, regardless of what I try to play16:05
BluesKajvlc crashes or ff ?16:05
BluesKajBarkingFish, , maybe it's a flash problem16:07
BarkingFishit happens even when I'm not using flash stuff, even if i'm streaming .pls files, it still dies.16:07
BluesKajusing totem plugins as well ?16:08
BarkingFishtotem doesn't play anything whatsoever16:08
BluesKajBarkingFish, got any urls we can test ?16:09
BarkingFishsure, gimme a sec16:10
mr-richBarkingFish: Have you tried starting FF in a terminal window and looking at the error output when it crashes?16:11
BarkingFishnope, I can do that and pastebin the results if you want16:11
BluesKajmr-rich, it crashes when trying to play media16:11
mr-richBluesKaj: granted ... running it in a term and checking error output may have some clues ...16:12
mr-richBluesKaj: it may tell us if it's FF or a plugin that's crashing FF ...16:13
BarkingFishBluesKaj: here's one to start on from the URL's i've tried:
mr-richBarkingFish: unable to connect16:14
BarkingFishbrilliant. Now firefox has crashed, and this time it's taken Plasma with it16:14
mr-richBarkingFish: fresh install or upgrade?16:15
BarkingFishfresh install16:15
BluesKajBarkingFish, I just played tha t teddy radio with alsaplayer , no prob16:16
mr-richBarkingFish: have you tried installing the "Additional Drivers" package from Muon or Apper?16:16
BarkingFishmr-rich: yes, everything I need, I have16:16
BarkingFishanother one for you to try with the vlc plugin: http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr2.m3u16:17
mr-richBarkingFish: FF may not be the problem, just a symtom of something else ...16:17
BarkingFishthose are the only two I can find in the history at the moment16:17
mr-richBarkingFish: run FF in a term and pastebin the output ...16:17
BluesKajBarkingFish, maybe you should set the default player to something else for audio streams16:18
BarkingFishRadio Teddy is the IP address, and the other one is Westdeutscher Rundfunk, both german16:18
SaEeDIRHAhey guys , i have installed Nvida graphic driver from its website , and when it overwrites xorg.conf file , the desktop does not load up after reboot16:18
SaEeDIRHAcan you tell me what is causing this problem and how can i fix it ?16:19
phunyguy_workok, up and running on the kernel.  We shall see what happens16:19
grasianianyone knows how to install packages from a kubuntu flashdrive? (no internet on kubuntu machine, need make to compile the wifi driver)16:19
BluesKajBarkingFish, yeah , that german one is justa blank black page and hitting enter crashes it here too16:19
BarkingFishwhich, the WDR one?16:20
mr-richBarkingFish: WDR working fine here in FF ...16:20
mr-richBarkingFish: Female DJ speaking German ... :)16:21
BarkingFishThat should be who I normally listen to, Cathrin Brackmann16:22
BarkingFishThis thing is a pain in the [i can't repeat this]16:22
BarkingFishI'm just moving some stuff around, will do firefox from a terminal in a sec - i'll put the vlc plugin on for all audio & see what happens :)16:25
rotsyhey guys16:26
rotsyi am just starting to use kubuntu16:26
phunyguy_workno way!16:26
rotsycan anyone help me configure kontact16:26
phunyguy_workjust ask your question16:27
BarkingFishmr-rich: BluesKaj - looks like I found a plugin which works.  gecko-mediaplayer is coping with WDR and Radio Teddy...16:30
BarkingFishi'll still switch to the VLC one and catch the output from that.16:30
mr-richBarkingFish: does anything else crash Plasma?16:30
BarkingFishsorry, busted keyboard :)16:31
BarkingFishi just went to do the content plugin management, and lo, plasma went again.16:31
BarkingFishThis is becoming a damn joke.16:32
mr-richBarkingFish: good luck ... gotta go ...16:32
mr-richBarkingFish: did FF go too?16:32
BarkingFishi think my best bet is to migrate down to 10.04 LTS, looks to be my safest option.16:32
BarkingFishmr-rich: yes16:32
BarkingFish!info firefox lucid16:33
mr-richrun it in a term ...16:33
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.24+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11153 kB, installed size 30064 kB16:33
mr-richBut I do have to go ...16:33
BarkingFishthanks anyway :)16:34
BarkingFishi will see what's dying now, i just killed plasma-desktop of my own free will, started that from a terminal, and now I'm gonna start firefox, and see what kills one or the other16:35
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BluesKajyeah BarkingFish , the url works in vlc16:35
_jamand figured out my kmail problem. have to kill -9 all the akonadi_imap_resource processes16:37
DarkriftXwhy in the hell does kpackagekit insist on telling me there is an upgrade every 5-10 minutes?16:38
DarkriftXdid someone seriously think that was acceptable?16:38
_jamYea, I turned off auto checking for that and just have cron to an aptitude update at like 4a every day16:39
_jamI also have it do an aptitude safe-ugprade -d, so that when I do decide to update, I don't have to wait for any downloads16:39
_jamok, so now, where did all my wireless passwords go16:40
BluesKajjust turn off the notifications16:41
SaEeDIRHAhey, i have problem with my graphic card, its nvidia GT54M , once i install the driver from website and it overwrites xorg.conf file , the desktop does not show up when i reboot16:41
BluesKajDarkriftX, ^16:41
DarkriftXyeah, but I use those notifications for normal updates16:42
SaEeDIRHAGT540M *16:42
BarkingFishBluesKaj: whatever caused this, I've caught.  Plasma died on me, and drKonqi caught it, it's producing a backtrace now16:42
DarkriftXits the distupdate that is annoying me16:42
BarkingFishthat's a first too, a 3 Star backtrace :P16:42
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, why are you using the driver from the website , whynot use the recommended driver in addtional drivers16:42
BarkingFishgotta be something serious :016:42
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj,  i did , but that doesnt seem to load drivers module16:43
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, did you reboot after install16:43
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, and all the desktops effects are inactive16:43
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj,  yes i did16:43
_jambut seriously, can anyone point me on how to import my old wireless keys into network manager. It seems to have forgotten that information16:43
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, it shows the KUBUNTU splashscreen , but then it stops16:44
SaEeDIRHAand i cannot event terminate x with ctrl+alt+f116:44
_jamI see a bunch of network connection files in .kde/share/apps/networkmanagement/connections but they aren't being read, apparently16:45
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, hold the shift key down right after the BIOS scrn til the grub menu appears .. I think you may have the nomodeset issue with nvidia16:46
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:46
BarkingFishBluesKaj: One crash, plus backtrace - mr-rich, if you're still watching, http://paste.ubuntu.com/739323/16:46
BarkingFishgot a full backtrace which has also been filed with KDE's bug tracker16:47
grasianitesting irc client. hello nice people16:49
BluesKajhi grasiani16:49
grasianiit works!  hi, BluesKaj!16:49
BluesKajLimeChat for Mac , never heard of it :)16:50
grasianifree, works pretty well16:51
grasianiso, I just installed kubuntu on a desktop using a flash drive. I need the package make to compile the wifi driver.16:51
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, it seems its a common problem , i am googling it now16:51
grasianiand mac isn't that bad, but i need my shiny kubuntu with internet :D16:51
BluesKajgrasiani, good to see something free in the mac world :)16:51
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, look here  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313216:52
grasianiand I don't know if it's possible to install packages from this flash drive (I aso have the kubuntu iso) using apt-get16:54
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj,  i am going though xorg log file , it loads the Nvidia driver module16:57
SaEeDIRHAbut latest error is "No device detected"16:57
SaEeDIRHAthen Fatal error: "no screen found "16:58
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, apt-cache policy nvidia-current16:58
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, did you get to the grub menu ?16:59
SaEeDIRHAyeah , that works fine ,  i am in bash now16:59
SaEeDIRHAthat command shows the current install version16:59
grasianidoes anyone replied my question? I got disconnected (yes, my first time in irc)17:00
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BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, ok , sudo nano /etc/default/grub , find the line with "quiet splash" . make the line into "quiet spalsh nomodeset" , save the file (ctl+o) , enter, then leave with ctl+x , then sudo update-grub ,now reboot17:03
NIX-Knightis there a way to separate task manager from the default panel for virtual desktops?17:04
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, i have problem with graphic cards , not the boot process17:05
BluesKajgras yes but it may be commented with # in the sources.list , the reson being the repositories on the internet contain updates to installed packages that may need updating/upgrading17:05
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA,  yeah , but that's the graphics card problem , the mode set has to be bypassed so the graphics driver will load17:06
BluesKajloaad X that is17:06
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj,  it does load according to the xorg.0.log file17:07
bigbrovarI should be upgrading to kubuntu 11.10 later today. Any heads up?17:07
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, it may load but in the wrong mode17:07
BluesKajsound and graphics , bigbrovar17:08
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, ok , let me try that17:08
bigbrovarBluesKaj:  U mean there is a regression in sound and graphics?17:09
BluesKajbigbrovar, regression ? no just make sureyou nresearch your graphjivcs card on 11.10 , and some sound modules need to be modprobed after install17:10
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, now its even worse, the graphic resolution is very low17:12
SaEeDIRHAand old problem still exists17:12
bigbrovarBluesKaj: my graphic and sound card are pretty generic Intel cards worked out of the box on all version of buntu since 10.0417:14
BluesKajsome intel sound card modules don't work after the upgrade to 11.10 , it's a toss up17:15
BluesKajbigbrovar, ^17:15
BluesKaj SaEeDIRHA , you should really remove that proprietary graphics driver and use the recommended one now17:16
bigbrovarBluesKaj: that's messed up. I will check for sound from the lived once am ready.  Thanks for that heads up.17:16
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, ok , but recommended driver uses the default configuration and all the desktops effects are disabled :(17:16
BluesKajthe defau configuration is the nouveau driver , which disables the desktop effects , hence the recommended driver which will kick in the desktop effects whern you enable them ..the driver should be the nvidia-current 280.13 or higher17:18
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, it is 280.1317:21
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, how can i enable desktops effects ?17:22
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, kmenu>computer>system settings>desktop effects17:23
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, once i done that , it gives me the list of effects that cannot be enabled17:24
SaEeDIRHAsuch as Blur, Box Switch ,.....17:24
SaEeDIRHAand so on17:25
SaEeDIRHAalmost every effects cannot be activated17:26
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA,onboard graphics or pci ?17:26
SaEeDIRHAits on my laptop17:27
BluesKajis this still the diver fom the nvidia site ?17:28
ct529hi! The last few times I have upgraded ubuntu because of new releases I have used the automatic update. I am now left with some packages which are there and used, but do not appear in the database and are not seen by the package manager. Is there a way to clean up the installation?17:28
SaEeDIRHAthe graphic card detail is : GPU: intel Co 2nd generation processor family intergrated graphics controller nvidia Co gEforce GT 555M"17:29
SaEeDIRHAaccording to hardware info17:29
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, no its the recommended driver now17:29
SaEeDIRHAand also , i dont see any sign of driver on xorg log file17:30
SaEeDIRHAi dont think its even loaded17:30
SaEeDIRHAbut when i try "lsmod | grep nvi" i can see that the module is been loaded into the kernel17:31
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, sudo modprobe nvidia-current17:31
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj,  ok17:32
SaEeDIRHAnothing happened17:32
BluesKajgood, then it loaded17:33
SaEeDIRHAhow can i force Xorg to use the module ?17:34
BluesKajxorg no longer determines if a module loads or not , it's role has been diminished , as long as you don't insert a command there to prevnt a module from loading17:35
SaEeDIRHAwell the module was loaded , but i cannot any sing of it on xorg.log file17:36
SaEeDIRHAbut when i use the nvidia xorg file i can see the nvidia module loaded on xorg log file17:37
SaEeDIRHAi am really stuck here :( cannot find anything on google either so far :(17:37
BluesKajok, if you insist SaEeDIRHA , sudo nvidia-xconfig17:37
BluesKajit might help you17:38
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, well i did that in the first place , it overwrite the Xorg.conf file then when i reboot it stops , and gives me fatal error that no screens has been found :(17:38
BluesKajct529, make sure you have all repositories enabled in apper , then run an update and upgrade , then apt-get autoremove and autoclean17:40
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, it will over write the original xorg.conf file17:42
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, yeah i know , and then when i reboot , it gives me fatal error and i does not load the desktop17:43
ct529BluesKaj: thanks a lot!17:43
BluesKajhave you rebooted since you made the command , SaEeDIRHA17:44
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, you don't happen to have dual graphics gpus on that laptop , do you ?17:46
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, it seems it is , not sure though , how can i check ?17:47
SaEeDIRHAthe model is Nvidia GeForce GT540M CUDA 2 GB17:48
SaEeDIRHAand its on my laptop17:48
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, lspci grep VGA17:49
BluesKajer lspci | grep VGA17:49
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, i have just removed all the Nvida drivers and now , i have desktop effects :D17:49
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, and its two VGA s , one is Intel and the other is NVidia GeForce17:50
BluesKajaha ! ,,, just like I thought17:51
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, you're actually very lucky to have it working ..some ppl don't17:51
SaEeDIRHAall i did just removed the nvida recommended drivers17:52
SaEeDIRHAand nvidia module is not loaded into the kernel either17:52
SaEeDIRHAbut all the effects working perfectly now17:52
BluesKajit's a nvidia but it's called nouveau i beleive17:52
BluesKajlsmod should tell you17:53
SaEeDIRHAyeah, video : nouveau, i91517:54
SaEeDIRHAhow come it wasnt working with nvidia driver then ?17:54
BluesKajright...hope it still works after the next reboot17:54
SaEeDIRHAjust rebooting now17:55
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BluesKajthe dual gpu thing , the intel works at low graphics loads the nvidia kicks in at higher loads17:56
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, it works fine now ,17:56
SaEeDIRHAthankx for all your help17:56
SaEeDIRHAbut i just dont get it why it doenst work with recommended nvidia driver17:56
* BluesKaj shrugs , what help :)17:57
SaEeDIRHAonce i removed it everything works fine17:57
SaEeDIRHAlol yeah :D17:58
SaEeDIRHAall i did just deactivate all nvidia drivers and removed them all17:59
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, i am new to kubuntu , do you know how can i move windows to different desktops ?18:01
SaEeDIRHAwhen i drag a window and try to move it to different desktops it doesnt go there18:02
BluesKajSaEeDIRHA, right click on the app in the taskbar, options will popup18:02
SaEeDIRHAin gnome you could keep half of windows on one desktop and the other half on the others18:02
BluesKajheh, I use 4 desktops18:03
SaEeDIRHAwell i want to keep half of window on one desktop and the other half on other desktop18:03
SaEeDIRHAso i can easily move windows between desktops18:04
BluesKajhalf a window ? ...do you mean split view?18:05
SaEeDIRHAi want to move window from one desktop to an other , by mouse , dragging the window and move it18:06
BluesKajI use split view on the same desktop , drag files /foldersbetween them18:06
SaEeDIRHAhow can i do that ?18:07
BluesKajopen dolphin, settings, configure dolphin , check splitview mode18:08
SaEeDIRHABluesKaj, ok m8 thankx alot for you time :)18:10
SaEeDIRHAc u later :)18:10
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
DaskreechYou can set the screen edge to move applications amongst desktops18:19
deadmanHi, I recently installed the package KUBUNTU-DESKTOP from the Software Center, however since then my system does not boot18:23
deadmanI am able to boot via the Recovery option in GRUB menu though18:23
deadmancan someone help me18:23
Daskreechdeadman: what happens when you boot?18:27
BluesKajDaskreech, good point , didn't think of that , but he was talking about folders , because said he was dragging windows to different desktops18:27
BluesKajI think18:28
deadmanit gets stuck18:28
deadmanactually it get stuck at the line "Loading Lightdm [OK]"18:28
phunyguy_workneed mroe info.18:28
phunyguy_workhmmm... lightdm vs kdm18:29
deadman@phunyguy: i guess so18:29
Daskreechdeadman: it says Ok?18:29
deadmanbecause it did not ask me18:29
deadmanyes it does.... ill just getback and post the entire details that comes up18:30
deadman@Daskreech: Im sorry for a wrong detail, but when i try to boot normally it says "Starting LightDM display MAnager [fail]"18:38
deadmanbut it starts okay  when i do with the recovery mode18:38
Daskreechdeadman: Hm umm can you check the X log for any errors?18:44
deadmanDaskreech: Is it in the file /var/log/Xorg.0.lof18:46
deadmanDaskreech: Xorg.0.log*18:46
deadmanDaskreech: how to check for errors in the X log ?18:49
deadmanDaskreech: i dont think there are any other errors except "failed to load module nv (module does not exist,0)" which has a code EE18:50
Daskreechdeadman: yes18:52
DaskreechThat's a .. pretty bad error18:52
Daskreechyou are logged in with failsafe mode?18:53
deadmanDaskreech: no im not logged in with failsafe mode, is it related to the nouveau driver ?18:53
Daskreechdeadman: Well I want to figure out what driver you are using.18:54
DaskreechWhat was the date on that error?18:54
deadmanDaskreech: Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Wed Nov 16 00:06:00 201118:57
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
DaskreechYesterday. Was that when you installed kubuntu desktop ?18:59
deadmanDaskreech: No, i did it on 13th Nov19:00
deadmanDaskreech: This error happened with me earlier too when i installed the kubuntu-desktop package via apt-get a few weeks back. But then i did a fresh install of Ubuntu19:01
Daskreechand you've used LDM both time?19:03
deadmanyes, but this time during install via software center, it did not ask me for choosing the login manager19:04
deadmanbut it did set lightDM, since thats what shows up when booting through recovery19:05
deadmanAlso, the grub spalsh screen and background have changed to Kubuntu's Blue color and logo19:05
Daskreechdeadman: Yeah that happens anytime iyou install a -desktop package19:08
BluesKajdeadman, there should be an option in the login menu to load kubuntu with kdm instead of lightdm19:08
DaskreechI don't think that he can get to the login menu. Isn't that the problem?19:09
BluesKajwell, I have to go for a bit19:09
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:09
deadmanDaskreech: I can get into the login menu, for that i have to start the recovery process,, and just select Resume Boot19:10
deadmanbut i CANNOT do that when booting normally19:11
bigbrovarDaskreech: *wave*19:11
Daskreechyo bigbrovar19:12
Daskreechdeadman: try switch the dm to KDM and see if that helps19:12
bigbrovarDaskreech: so I took my kwallet problem as a sign to upgrade to kubuntu  11.10 any heads up?19:13
LogicallyDashingWhen I make a new KWord document, enter some text, and set the page to landscape, it prints as a portrait. But if I enable document headers, then it will print as a landscape, even if I subsequently disable document headers.19:22
LogicallyDashingActually that's not correct--it shows up in the print preview as landscape after that; it prints like it's trying to do landscape, but it's really letting the text run off the page.19:23
calcmandan_preDoes the same thing happen in libre?19:25
calcmandan_preDid you try looking into rinter settings to see if there is a sefondary setting taking precedence?19:26
Daskreechbigbrovar: have net?19:28
semitonesis gksudo the correct way of starting a GUI app as root in kde?19:28
Daskreechsemitones: kdesudo19:28
bigbrovarDaskreech: net? Am lost19:28
semitonesdanke Daskreech, I tried kdesu, but no dice :p19:28
Daskreechbigbrovar: you ahve to download it somehow :)19:29
Daskreechsemitones: kdesu should be linked to kdesudo19:29
semitonesit's not though -- not installed19:29
semitonesi guess I could install it -- any idea why it would not be included in my kubuntu?19:30
bigbrovarDaskreech:  doing that ATM,  should almost be done. I am just wondering what it brings to be table over 11.04 with kde 4.7 back port .. beside updated plumbing that is19:30
=== basti2 is now known as basti
deadmanDaskreech: thanks a lot, I changed the dm to kdm and now it boots....however is there no way to get back the lightdm to work correctly ?19:32
Daskreechbigbrovar: Well it's Kmail2 if you can stand that19:33
deadmanDaskreech: I tried to revert to lightdm once it was okay but i got these errors while boot19:33
Daskreechsemitones: Not sure. you don't have a kdesudo ?19:33
deadman"deffered execution [fail]"19:34
Daskreechdeadman: I'm guessing it may be a driver error. Next time yo uahve a kernel update you could try again19:34
semitonesDaskreech: I have that, just not kdesu19:34
bigbrovarDaskreech: I use mail to on 11.04.. can't live without it.19:34
Daskreechsemitones: ah well if you want that then install it. You prefer having a root account?19:34
Daskreechbigbrovar: Kmail 1 or Kmail 2? I recall you had some issues with Kmail 2 migration19:35
semitonesDaskreech: no, I just wanted to open up gparted, and using gksu didn't seem right19:35
deadmanDaskreech: Okay Thanks19:35
Daskreechsemitones: if you have gksu installed it would work as well19:35
semitonesDaskreech: hmm, ok. why are they different then?19:36
semitones(by the way, aptitude reports: no candidate for installation for kdesu"19:36
Daskreechbecause GNOME and KDE people seem to avoid talking to each other if they canget away with it19:36
DaskreechMost likely things have not coalesced enough to have a common framework for that19:37
bigbrovarDaskreech: I did then I decided to use it from scratch and it worked like a charm. Miles ahead of kmail 1 in terms of speed and stability. Also supports push email which was a major let down with kmail one19:37
Daskreechsu deals with process (which touch files) but gui programs are a good deal more complex in how many things they have to read, call and change so they need their own way of elevating rigths19:37
Daskreech but GNOME and KDE do things very differently on a technical level so it would be much better for them to handle cases individually for security right now19:38
giancarlowhy does for me network manager is half in english half in italian?19:38
giancarloi wanted it all in italian19:38
Daskreechbigbrovar: Haven't tried push mail19:38
Daskreechgiancarlo: which sections are not in italian?19:38
Daskreech can you bring that up in #kubuntu-devel ?19:39
Daskreechsemitones: there is a common framework for passwords now. Maybe in time things will calm down enough for there to be one gui elevation framework for all19:39
semitonesDaskreech: it could be called guisu :P19:40
DaskreechFor the most part they deal with the same issues so you can use one for all but I think even gksu is doing sudo on Ubuntu19:40
Daskreechsemitones: not a bad name :) I"ll suggest that when they start talking about it19:40
giancarloplasmoid part, and some of configuration gui19:41
giancarlokde is in italian19:41
semitonesDaskreech: awesome, thanks :)19:41
Daskreechgiancarlo: sì might be a packaging error19:41
Daskreechask in #kubuntu-devel19:42
BarkingFishi'd also raise that in #kde too, i think dantti is part of the Italian internationalisation team. If he's about19:42
Daskreechsemitones: you can also look at partitionmanager if you wanted a KDE partion tool19:42
Daskreechspeaking of which the KDE-i10n team need some more people in leadership/manangement positions19:42
Daskreechwe have a really high bus number there19:43
semitonesDaskreech: not a bad idea -- i trust gparted a lot though :p -- partitioning tools don't seem like something to change on a whim. partitionmanager is very good though?19:43
=== ricardo is now known as Rickybraz
Koliai've upgraded and now i get stuck at login19:46
Daskreechsemitones: pretty good. Use what works for you though19:47
Koliawell more exactly i can login, the splash screen appears, the icons start to load, but it stops when the kde icon starts fading19:47
Koliastucked here19:47
Koliaany idea?19:47
semitonesKolia: that happened to me once, but yours might be different. I had gdm in use instead of kdm at the time19:47
DaskreechKolia: check ~/.xsession-errors ?19:47
semitonesoh yeah Daskreech, see what you think about this bug I filed a while back (hasn't been triaged):  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/85437019:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 854370 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "installing kubuntu-desktop fails to warn gdm users" [Undecided,New]19:50
KoliaDaskreech: startkde starting, kbuildsycoca4 running.. and then i got an X erro19:51
Kolia*X error19:51
KoliaI also have a lot of "Invalid D-BUS Member name" errors19:51
Koliai can't pastebin :/19:52
Daskreechsemitones: known issue but GNOME pretty much refuse to fix it19:52
DaskreechKolia: do you have net?19:53
DaskreechKolia: ah wifi19:53
Koliai had net before, and it wasn't working19:53
Koliathen i tried to install kubuntu-desktop again and It installed a few more packages indeed19:54
Koliai thought it was ok, but same problem and now, no more net19:54
DaskreechKolia: so you can't sudo apt-get update now ?19:54
Daskreechsemitones: yeah I've asked Ubuntu Desktop team to patch that and they said they would look into it but I think Unity is a much much higher prioroty19:55
KoliaDaskreech: nope. hum i'm gonna find a cable and plug it19:55
DaskreechKolia: Ok lets try a manual start19:55
semitonesDaskreech: do you know the name of the bug in gnome that I could look it up, see what's going on?19:55
Koliaand see if i can19:55
DaskreechKolia: it's fine lets see if you need one first19:55
DaskreechKolia: YOu know how to jump to a terminal ?19:56
Koliai'm there19:56
Daskreechsemitones: Not off hand but KDE has patched KDM so that anyone using it to login to GNOME will get the full Experience19:56
DaskreechI swear KDE is too nice most of the tiem19:56
DaskreechKolia: sudo service stop kdm19:57
DaskreechKolia: then type X&19:57
DaskreechYou shoudl get back a blank X server19:57
KoliaDaskreech: "unrecognized service"19:57
DaskreechKolia: Were you using KDM to login ?19:57
DaskreechKolia: ok try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop20:00
KoliaDaskreech: didn't work, some message about the way services are working20:02
KoliaDaskreech: what if I boot in recovery session?20:02
Kolia*recovery mode20:02
DaskreechKolia: I guess :) Wonder what's starting X for you then?20:02
larsiviis there anything I can do to get a proper backtrace when the nepomuk-servicestub crashes?20:02
larsiviand what can I do about kmail opening folders indefinately?20:03
KoliaDaskreech: oh, kdm for sure, but for some reason it doesn't want to go away gently :p20:03
DaskreechKolia: bleah you could kill kdm process I guess20:04
Daskreechdo you have a /etc/init.d/kdm file ?20:04
Daskreechlarsivi: what version of KDE ?20:04
KoliaDaskreech: yes, and doing "sudo kdm stop" brings me back to the login page..20:05
semitoneswhat if Kolia somehow switched to the 'quickload' login thing20:06
Koliai've got the net now (plugged)20:06
semitoneswhere logging in puts you at the lock screen, and you put in your password to unlock20:07
Koliamaybe I should try with a new user20:08
larsiviDaskreech: hmm, maybe this has something to do with things not working properly in kmail? from .xsession-errors: "/usr/bin/kontact(10988)" Soprano: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstorage was not provided by any .service files"20:08
DaskreechKolia: ok try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to make sure you are not missing anything20:08
KoliaDaskreech: everything ok with kubuntu-desktop :/20:09
semitonesis there a kde app similar to BUM or can I just use that to remove some bootup services (tor and polypo20:15
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Daskreechsemitones: no idea what BUM is but if it's bootup then it will work20:20
semitonesyeah it is :)20:20
DaskreechKolia: alright what's causing kdm to constantly load? :-/20:21
KoliaDaskreech: no idea20:25
Koliabut it's natty20:25
Koliai can upgrade to oneiric20:25
Koliatrying now20:25
DaskreechKolia: can you tell me what ls /etc/init.d | grep k says ?20:26
KoliaDaskreech: there is kdm and kdm-kde4 there20:26
Daskreechoooh kay20:27
Daskreechwaht does /etc/init.d/kdm-kde4 stop say ?20:28
Koliait says that it's not running20:28
KoliaDaskreech: ah! this time running service kdm stop worked!20:30
KoliaX& now?20:30
DaskreechKolia: yes20:31
KoliaDaskreech: ok, now i'm on a black page20:31
Koliano cursor of any sort20:31
DaskreechKolia: jump back to terminal one20:31
KoliaDaskreech: should I try to startkde now?20:32
DaskreechKolia: No export DISPLAY=:0.020:34
DaskreechKolia: then xterm &20:35
KoliaDaskreech: ok done20:36
DaskreechIf you jump back to Alt+ctrl+F7 and you should have a terminal20:36
KoliaDaskreech: kind of20:36
DaskreechTop corner20:36
DaskreechKind squished in?20:36
Koliait's dispaying the boot messages20:36
Daskreech really?20:36
DaskreechHmm try alt+ctrl+F820:36
Koliaah right :D i was wondering too20:37
Koliayep i got the top corner terminal now20:37
DaskreechKolia: ok type startkde there20:37
KoliaDaskreech: stucked at splash screen20:40
KoliaDaskreech: should I come back to the terminal?20:42
DaskreechKolia: hmm :)20:42
Daskreechok jump back to F120:42
Daskreechkillall startkde20:43
KoliaDaskreech: done20:43
antoinevIs there any shortcut to start dolphin like windows+e on windows?20:44
DaskreechKolia: ok run startkde from F120:44
Kolia"KDE seems to be already running on this display"20:45
Daskreechantoinev: You can technically start any application with a shortcut. Look in global shortcuts for kwin20:45
DaskreechThough I normally just press alt+F2 and type where I want to go20:45
KoliaDaskreech: ^20:45
antoinevDaskreech: ok tx20:45
DaskreechKolia: ok killall X20:45
Koliano process found20:46
KoliaDaskreech: kded4 is taking 100% CPU.. does it mean anything?20:47
Koliaah no, it was from my test with another user, not related20:48
DaskreechKolia: erm20:48
KoliaDaskreech: ^20:48
Daskreechdid you kill it?20:48
Koliabut KDE still seems to run on this display20:49
Koliawhat's the lightest desktop environment i can install to give it a try?20:50
Daskreechfluxbox ?20:50
Koliaok trying now20:51
Koliaif it works, i'll backup stuff and reinstall20:51
Koliathis laptop has a dualboot with windows for years, and had been upgraded since Kubuntu 7.something without a fresh install20:51
Koliai might have reached some limit :p20:51
DaskreechKolia: :)20:54
BluesKajKolia, my other pc is 2006 vintage and it runs 11.10 quite well , added 1GRam to make it 2G and installed an entry level pci nvidia graphics 8400gs card20:56
KoliaBluesKaj: i'm not worried about hardware, i just think that sometimes a fresh install can be an idea (opposed to 8 upgrades in a row ;)20:57
KoliaDaskreech: fluxbox made it perfectly20:57
Koliaholy crap, i wonder what's wrong20:58
DaskreechKolia: something in the startkde script. You said that you made a new user and it still froze?20:58
KoliaDaskreech: yes20:59
KoliaDaskreech: what about removing kubuntu-desktop now?20:59
Koliaand restarting it?20:59
Kolia*reinstall it20:59
DaskreechKolia: try removing kubuntu-desktop then run sudo apt-get autoremove20:59
BluesKajKolia, yeah , that is a consideration for sure, 8 dist-upgrades is a lot :)20:59
KoliaBluesKaj: to be honest I think I got problems 8 times :D but so far I always managed to sort it out21:01
Koliai have a few warnings from dpkg saying there are some wrong characters in the (dpkg) status file21:02
Koliacan I reinstall dpkg too?21:02
DaskreechKolia: ha technically but that is going to be kinda hard if youremove dpkg21:10
Koliai did a install --reinstall21:11
Kolianot sure it changed anything21:11
Koliareinstalling kubuntu-desktop now21:11
KoliaDaskreech: removing kubuntu-desktop doesn't remove anything21:17
Koliait's like just removing this meta-package, but not all the kde stuff21:17
DaskreechKolia: you remove kdelibs5 then run auto remove21:17
Koliawell it wasn't doing it neither so i'm going for a sudo apt-get remove kde* ..21:24
tgrI can't get any sound from my Creative extigy soundcard -- works fine on MS Windows and is listed as a card that's autodetected. Can anybody help?21:42
u-userhello all, i try to install kubuntu 11.10 but the installer crash and disappear, how to overcome this ?21:45
u-userany help to work around this problem to install kubuntu ?21:55
kbrouliku-user: try alternate installer22:03
kbroulik(it's a separate ISO to download)22:03
u-userthanks kbroulik i will download   it22:04
kbroulikit's text based and a little bit more complicated to use but has looots of more settings, and it is 100% stable ;)22:04
kbroulikbut everything's explained pretty good22:05
u-useryes, i can deal with it22:05
BarkingFishevening all.22:27
BarkingFishanyone here who knows about apper please?  It's annoying the heck out of me.  I've gone to install some "unsigned" packages, and apper is sending me round in circles.22:27
BarkingFishIt asks if I want to install them, yes or no. I click yes, and it goes back to asking me if I want to install the packages, I say yes, etc ad infinitum, until i press no22:28
BarkingFishat which point, i want to scream.22:29
zimba12I updated kubuntu to the latest version22:51
zimba12and now Apper show me this message when I try to update packages:22:52
zimba12The package that is being modified was not found on your system or in any software origin.22:52
phunyguyok so kernel didnt fix my browsing issue23:18
phunyguyand I was wrong about it happening in terminal too.23:21
phunyguyit's just browsing23:21
WyCKyDanyone know a fix for the mouse and keyboard freezing, besides going out to buy another keyboard and mouse?23:22
WyCKyDboth keyboard and mouse are usb. issue never happened in any previous release of ubuntu/kubuntu prior to 11.04. since 11.04 and now even in 11.10 after a couple of minutes, the keyboard and mouse both freeze and am unable to do anything23:24
WyCKyDanyone have any ideas?23:28
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
hallmanffs what is up with unrar now? Why can't ubuntu god damn keep anything properly to date without fucking shit up?23:34
yoyoffs what is up with chat now? Why can users make a statement without going off like a junior high teen?23:37
hallmanMaybe because ubuntu is so god damn bad that users just don't care to seem reasonable anymore23:38
hallmanEvery fucking update, something breaks.23:39
hallmanFuck this dist23:39
hallmanFuck it to hell23:39
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:39
yoyofeel better?23:40
hallmanNot really23:41
phunyguythat was mature23:41
phunyguyyou want to complain? Go try fedora.23:41
phunyguyworst. ever.23:42
phunyguysorry i know thats against the rules too23:42
yoyohe didnt read the "Ubuntu may cause meltdown clause"23:42
hallmanI've only used Gentoo and Arch before, and both are fucking golden compared to this shit23:42
phunyguyok seriously.23:42
phunyguywhat he really meant was "I was just leaving."23:42
BarkingFishhallman: seriously, tone down the language or leave the channel please.  If you have reason to complain, try being constructive - don't just scream "it's broken", explain what is broken.23:44
BarkingFishAlternatively, if you don't like it, other distros are available, go install one of them.23:44
Daskreechhallman: calm down. What happened with unrar?23:45
hallmanToday, I'm having a problem with unrar. It doesn't seem to be up to date, since it won't unrar some new files.23:45
hallmanTo be perfectly fair, I'm also having a shitty life in general right now and I might be taking it out on ubunti atm.23:45
phunyguyI wouldn't call that fair.23:45
phunyguyreal talk.23:46
hallmanmaybe not23:46
yoyoBetter than having a pet though23:46
phunyguyyou wanna sit and chat about it?  Maybe grab a coffee and a scone?23:46
hallmanI wnt my damn .rar files unpacked23:46
phunyguyso load up winrar with wine23:46
phunyguyproblem solved23:46
phunyguyor compile unrar from source23:46
genii-aroundhallman: Your frustration is understandable, but please try to keep the profanity down23:47
phunyguywait, the new version of unrar is broken?23:47
phunyguyI don't see how that is Ubuntu's problem.23:47
phunyguyeither way, your frustration is misguided23:47
hallmanIf ubuntu isn't keeping up to date with it's rep..23:47
BarkingFishit may not be unrar, i have the new version here and it's opening all my rar files fine. Is there any possibility that the rar files you're trying to open are corrupt?23:47
phunyguythen compile it yourself.23:48
BarkingFisheven a remote one?23:48
hallmanI dunno, there are like 500 people who haven't complained at all.. I'd guess the files are fine.23:48
phunyguyI find you shallow and pedantic.23:48
phunyguyI'm sure they have a git, they might even have a ppa.23:49
phunyguyand you could try ubuntu prerelease update repo.23:49
Daskreechhallman: do you have unrar or unrar-free installed?23:50
hallmanDaskreech: both!23:50
Daskreechhallman: youcan't have both as far as I know installing one uninstalls the other23:51
hallmanWell I have both23:51
BarkingFishcould you just tell me what unrar you have please, hallman? Mine is the latest issue, and it's unrar 4.00 beta 3 (freeware)23:51
hallmanunrar <tab> brings up unrar, unrar-free and unrar-nonfree23:51
Daskreechwhat's the version you have for unrar-nonfree ?23:51
BarkingFishjust open konsole and type unrar  with nothing after it then hit enter23:52
hallmanunrar-free -V23:52
hallmanunrar 0.0.123:52
BarkingFishthe version number should be at the top of the output (for unrar)23:52
hallmanUNRAR 4.00 beta 3 freeware on unrar-nonfree23:52
Daskreechthat's pretty new23:52
DaskreechI'd probably check your files23:53
hallmanThe files are fine..23:53
hallman500+ people haven't complained.23:53
phunyguywhat is the error you get?23:53
hallmanIt doesn't realize that it's a rar-archive23:53
hallman"No files to extract"23:53
BarkingFishhallman: how are you decompressing? command line or in ark?23:54
hallmancommand line23:54
hallmanark isn't doing anything either23:54
hallmanI may be breaking ruels here, but fuck it. I've got three series for today, house, how I fucked your mom, adn 2.5 men.. 2.5men worked fine, the other two were released by dimension, and they're not working. STILL, 500+ people are having no problem at all with it. So what's up with that.23:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:57
hallmanyeye language.. I'll work on it..23:57
phunyguyhallman, newsgroups?23:57
Daskreechin any case asksomeone for a checksum of the files and do a checksum of your files23:57
hallmanktorrent would already have checked the files integrity23:57
genii-aroundhallman: You've been warned already more than once now, any more and you have to go.23:58
hallmangot it23:58
phunyguyand the boss speaks.23:58
phunyguyso... is this a multi-file rar?23:59

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