
tigeliKombuchaKip: suicide..00:01
KombuchaKiptigeli: mm00:01
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brendandi'm trying to login to launchpad anonymously on Lucid with launchpadlib. it seems the process is different from the current version though. anyone know how to do this?08:30
brendandno-one using launchpadlib on Lucid?09:22
nigelbPretty sure there are.09:25
brendandi'm sure there are too, but are any of them here?09:26
maxbTry Launchpad.login("myapp", "", "", PRODUCTION_SERVICE_ROOT)09:28
nigelbbrendand: Oh. I use Lucid (not at the moment, but on my home computer)09:29
maxbSee my link for my attempt to clarify launchpadlib's playing fast and loose with API compatibility09:30
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
czajkowskimrevell: ping10:14
mrevellhey czajkowski, I'm on the phone so will be delayed in reply10:14
czajkowskimrevell: can you pm me the link to sinzui thread on the LCoC cannot find it on the ml :s10:15
czajkowskiwhen you get a chance10:15
czajkowskithank you!10:15
wgrantczajkowski: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg08288.html10:16
czajkowskiwgrant: thanks10:17
tumbleweedlet me ask again: Can anyone help me use getPublishedSources reliably (I want to be able to run it multiple times, using created_since_date) and not get duplicates or miss uploads10:48
mandelI'm having conectivity issues when trying to push a branch (while I have not touched a thing) are there any knowns issues in lp?13:08
loolsame here13:08
mandellool, I managed to branch, but going a merge fails, which is weird..13:10
mandeland push just worked.. :P13:10
mrevellgmb, Is the above something we're aware of?13:11
loolon bzr pull:13:13
loolssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host13:13
loolbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.13:13
loolssh -v bazaar.launchpad.net13:13
looldebug1: Connection established.13:13
looldebug1: identity file none type -113:13
looldebug1: identity file none-cert type -113:13
loolssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host13:13
lool(my ssh key is in my agent and didn't change in ages)13:14
mandelsame here13:14
benjigmb: have you seen any ssh connectivity problems?13:14
benji(like the above?)13:15
gmbbenji, lool, mandel: checking...13:21
loolworking now13:21
gmbbenji, look, mandel: Hah, oddly enough I'm still getting the error. I'll make enquiries. Maybe something's hiccuping.13:22
* jdobrien watches for a minute to see if anyone else is having checkout problems13:25
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gmbwebm0nk3y, lool, benji, mandel: We're looking into the problems now; gnuoy reports that there was an alert for codehosting but it seems to have cleared. Are you still having problems?13:26
benjigmb: yep: "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"13:27
webm0nk3ygmb: yeah13:27
gmbbenji, webm0nk3y, pindonga: Yep, confirmed. We'll keep looking.13:27
loolgmb: I don't13:28
loolgmb: Oh it's back now13:28
loolis there something I can run with ssh to give more details?  ssh -vvv eventually tries running a shell which isn't allowed13:29
gnuoygmb, seeing lots of "failed to authenticate"13:29
benjignuoy: do we have a LB in front of multiple servers?  It feels like one might be hosed and the others are fine, resulting in intermittent failures.13:30
gnuoybenji, yes and the lb has just been restarted, can you try again13:34
gnuoypls ?13:35
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benjignuoy: 30 tries at a one second interval have been successful13:36
gnuoybenji, good news. thank you13:37
gmblool, pindonga, webm0nk3y, mandel: Can you check your SSH connectivity again please; we think we've got it licked but just to be sure...13:38
loolgmb: works now13:38
pindongagmb, +113:39
Laneywould it be hard / bad for PPAs to be able to be NotAutomatic (ButAutomaticUpgrades)?13:48
KiallLaney: you mean so they dont override core packages?13:53
Laneyso you have to explicitly choose to install packages from them13:53
Kiallyou can do that with pinning, but cant set it as part of the PPA13:54
KiallI have this package which PIN one of my repo's at highest priority https://github.com/managedit/managedit-openstack-pin13:55
Laneyi know there are ways to do it clientside, but there is an already existing serverside implementation13:56
KiallSo, you could have a similar package in your PPA which people can install and have the pin setup for them13:56
KiallBut, there is no server side way that I know of13:56
Laneythere is, it is called NotAutomatic13:57
Laneyi probably should have asked in #-dev13:58
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FC34I forgotten the password of my account15:04
FC34and the process to init the password does not work15:05
FC34what can i do ?15:05
FC34i get the following message :15:08
FC34Your page was stale.15:08
FC34Apologies, the page you came from was a little old. Perhaps you navigated here from a browser window other than the one you used to login. If so, try using the other browser window. Or, try your action again, starting from our home page.15:08
FC34i get this message when i try to reset my launchpad login service password, or when i try a create a new account with the same informations15:12
FC34any help ?15:22
gmbFC34: Hi, sorry for missing your message; my IRC client disconnected.15:28
gmbFC34: Let me look into that for you.15:28
FC34what information you need ?15:28
gmbFC34: Let me try the process myself, then I'll let you know if I've any questions.15:29
gmbFC34: Are you getting this message before or after you've received the email from Launchpad?15:30
gmb(s/the email/ the email giving you instructions about how to reset your password)15:30
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FC34i do not receive a mail15:31
FC34i receive this message into the web portal15:31
gmbFC34: Okay, so let's walk through this, then.15:31
gmbFC34: Open https://login.launchpad.net/ in your browser15:31
FC34gmb i'm already on it15:32
gmbFC34: For the sake of clarity, is the URL in your browser just "https://login.launchpad.net/"?15:32
FC34gmb: then i go to https://login.launchpad.net/+forgot_password15:32
FC34then i provide my email et captcha then hit the continue button15:33
FC34and then i get the message15:33
FC34this this the next page loaded15:33
FC34provided by the web server15:34
gmbFC34: That's very odd. I'm not seeing that at all. Let me look into that for you. Bear with me...15:34
FC34i was not connected since 200815:35
FC34perhaps after a period of inactivity account have special status15:35
gmbFC34: I don't _think_ that's the problem. Can you PM your email address to me so that I can look up your account's status?15:36
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
mrevellgmb, Who is the help contact tomorrow? Do you know?16:58
mrevellgmb, I'm asking because the wiki says tomorrow is the turn of the new person we havne't yet recruited.16:59
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gmbmrevell: Er, yes. We've been kind of splitting Wednesdays between us a bit since danilo left.17:13
mrevellgmb, Thanks17:19
Resistancethere's  no easy-nifty way of merging one bazaar branch into another, right?17:42
Resistancei'd have to do that manually?17:43
maxbResistance: er, other than 'bzr merge'17:45
Resistancemaxb:  i meant from the launchpad interface17:45
maxbOh, right17:45
Resistanceyes, i'm aware of the actual bzr commands17:45
Resistancebut i wondered about from launchpad itself ;P17:46
maxbYou want the merge queues feature which is partially implemented, but not currently (AFAIK) scheduled for completion17:46
Resistancei see17:47
Resistancemaxb:  then is there an easy way for me to merge lp:myuser/junk/something into lp:team/junk/blah?17:47
Resistancewithout doing the merge locally and then pushing17:47
maxbNot currently, no17:49
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chrisccoulsonis there a reason why i can't push to bzr atm?18:38
chrisccoulson"ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"18:38
chrisccoulsonwhen pushing to branches on LP18:38
plarschrisccoulson: not just you, I can't pull branches either, same issue18:39
chrisccoulsonhmmm, nothing on https://twitter.com/#!/launchpadstatus, and i don't see any announcements of downtime18:40
flacostechrisccoulson: no, that's unexpected18:42
chrisccoulsonflacoste, ok, thanks. it seems that started in the last half an hour or so18:43
bachi chrisccoulson we're looking into it18:47
chrisccoulsonbac, cool, thanks18:47
niemeyerHey there18:48
niemeyerIs code hosting knowingly down at the moment?18:48
chrisccoulsonniemeyer, yes18:48
chrisccoulsonyou just missed the conversation ;)18:48
niemeyerchrisccoulson: Cool, np18:48
niemeyerchrisccoulson: Just wanted to make sure it was known18:48
eLBatiis bazaar down?18:50
eLBati$ ssh bazaar.launchpad.net18:52
eLBatissh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host18:52
chhayanyone else having issues with switching their branches?19:02
smoser$ ssh bazaar.launchpad.net19:03
smoserssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host19:03
smoserchhay, is that your problem?19:03
chrisccoulsonperhaps someone should change the title in the channel :)19:03
tlonimis launchpad having issues ? I am getting this during bzr branch -- http://sprunge.us/BDLE19:04
jdobrientlonim: looks like the same issue is back19:05
tlonimok.. so a server issue ?19:05
jdobrienchrisccoulson: new title "Launchpad go boom boom"19:06
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Code hosting is intermittently down. Being investigated. https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
chhaysmoser: yes19:08
sorenHow often are mirrored branches mirrored?19:14
sorenOh, every six hours.19:16
sorenFound it here: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/MirroredBranches19:16
diwicHi, this build seems to have stalled one month ago for no reason: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+recipe/pulseaudio-daily19:17
diwicIt's stuck in "Pending Build" since one month back19:18
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
bacchrisccoulson: code-hosting is back.  please let us know if you see problems again.19:26
chrisccoulsonbac, excellent, thanks19:26
bacchhay, smoser: ^^19:26
smoseryep. fixed.19:26
chhaybac: thx, fixed19:26
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MTecknologyAny ideas why my recipe build has been failing?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/85207908/buildlog.txt.gz19:49
YokoZarMTecknology: I just came to post with similar error19:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 890834 in Launchpad itself "Recipe builds fail with bzr: ERROR: No module named apt_pkg" [Undecided,New]19:53
YokoZarMTecknology: Pretty sure it's due to the upgrade of the builder (recipes now support some more tags), probably forgot to include a package19:54
YokoZarMTecknology: you could "me too" the bug I linked20:13
MTecknologyYokoZar: I would but I'm at work and don't remember the password20:14
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sobczykcan I change the launchpad id?22:37
mwhudsonsobczyk: so long as you haven't created a ppa, yes22:38
sobczykmwhudson: just deleted it, it was empty22:39
mwhudsoni'm not sure what happens then :/22:39
wgrantsobczyk: Wait up to 10 minutes for the deletion to finish, then you can rename.22:40
sobczykwgrant: thank you22:41
kamalhi launchpad folks...  I just got a PPA dput upload failure.   I launchpad feeling unhappy?:22:42
kamalUploading to ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net):22:42
kamal  Uploading fldigi_3.21.26-1~kamal~lucid.dsc: 550 Requested action not taken: internal server error22:42
wgrantkamal: That's not ideal. Let me see.22:43
kamalwgrant: thanks!22:43
wgrantkamal: Is it working now?22:53
kamalwgrant: yup, thanks :-)22:53

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