
RedAngelhi everyone, does anyone know how to customize ubuntu minimal iso02:39
wisevoyagerdoes anyone know how to connect with wimax on ubuntu 11.10? thanks in advanced for any helps.10:56
ashickur-noorI am also searching it10:56
wisevoyagerI wanna try to connect to my wimax with my wiggy usb modem10:57
ApOgEEI don't have such modem11:00
wisevoyagerAp0gEE, ade ko kat sini?11:01
ApOgEEwisevoyager: this is my home11:01
wisevoyagerfening r X leh connect wimax pakai wiggy modem11:01
ApOgEEwisevoyager: please use #ubuntu-my for malay support ;)11:02
duanedesignwisevoyager, their is a linix wimax  mailing list that might be of some help12:13
duanedesignclick the archives link at the top to browse past discussions. It does look like wimax on Ubuntu 11.10 has been discussed on the list12:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
coalwaterhow do i kick an ssh user using another ssh session15:34
coalwateris there another way other than killing the PID15:34
coalwatersomething like kick foo or something lol15:35
coalwaterhey ashams15:51
ashamscoalwater, hey buddy :)15:52
coalwatercome to #ubuntu-beginners-team15:53
truepurpleCan someone help me with mounting a partition?17:30
urlin2utruepurple, what have you tried so far?17:32
truepurpleI made the partition using gpart, I reformated it again also using gpart17:33
truepurpleI was getting strange errors saying "Daemon Is Inhibited"17:33
truepurplenot just from the partition when I tried to mount or unmount it, which showed but could not be used in nautilus, but from my flash drive17:34
urlin2utruepurple, did yu create it in a extended, and is the swap in there on or off, and what type of partition?"17:34
urlin2utruepurple, a image would be best of it really in imagebin, for me.17:35
urlin2ua gparted image17:35
truepurpleI created in primary, which brings up another issue, gparts options of creating extended partitions is grayed out, I do not want to fill out my primary drive alotment just to make a extended, how do i do that17:35
truepurpleit was FS ext4, and I want it to be of general data type with open permission17:36
truepurpleurlin2u, a image of empty space? I don't follow what you mean17:36
urlin2utruepurple, take a screen shot of gparted looking at the drive.17:37
urlin2utruepurple, a extended will hold virtually a unlimited amount of partitions you understand that right?17:38
urlin2uthe only draw back is booting a windows sytem from it can be done though, but logicals there can be read by linux and windows.17:39
truepurpleurlin2u, I eventually want to set up my system for a duel boot with win7, so I need to control type, since win7 won't want to go on a extended partition from what I know17:39
truepurpleurlin2u, So the options of logical extendeds being grayed out is a real pain, is there a fix? Another program I can use?17:40
urlin2ucorrect not with hacking basically, so to make this easiest take a screen shot of gparted I have limited time before I go to classes at the university.17:40
truepurpleurlin2u, gparted is acting slow, still waiting for it to read everything17:40
urlin2utruepurple, only one extended per HD is allowed and generally the swap is off to do anything with a extended including building one I suspect.17:41
truepurpleurlin2u, it might take awhile, in the mean time since your time is so short, please keep on trying to help17:42
urlin2utruepurple, how many partitions are mounted?17:42
truepurpleurlin2u, 1 and 1 partial17:42
truepurplethe main one, and the one in question17:42
hobgoblinI'm about if you run out of time urlin2u17:42
urlin2uhobgoblin, heh no problem feel free to jump in. :D17:43
hobgoblinjust watching and waiting for a screenie :p cetainly sounds like the partition is either locked or there is an extended already17:43
truepurpleSomeone in ubuntu was helping me before, they had me do a bunch of stuff with editing etc/fstab, which caused some progress, but was not a perfect solution, and I am puzzled as to why it required such a complicated approach just to mount a partition17:44
hobgoblinwell truepurple it's only complicated the first few times, but if you want something to mount auto - then it needs to get to fstab somehow17:44
truepurpleStill waiting for gpart to "Searching dev/sdb"17:45
truepurplehobgoblin, isn't that what gpart and disk utility are for, so that one does not need to go into base files and add lines and BS like that?17:46
hobgoblinno idea what disk utility is for - but gparted is a partition editor17:48
hobgoblinbut I don't think that disk utility is for editing system files - it would need to start as root to do so17:49
truepurplehobgoblin, disk utility seems to be for assigning drive types etc, whether it is viewed as a data type, a home type etc17:50
truepurplealso, benchmarking, mounting and unmounting, formating17:50
hobgoblinnone of which would edit fstab afaik :)17:51
truepurplebut gpart should17:51
ikoniano it shouldn't17:51
hobgoblinthere ARE GUI things to edit that file17:51
ikoniait's a partitition manager, not a file system mounter17:51
hobgoblintruepurple: no it shouldn't  it's a partition editor17:51
ikonia/etc/fstab is part of the core operating system, gparted should not touch that, no application should17:51
hobgoblinhi ikonia - long time no see17:51
ikoniahey hobgoblin17:51
truepurpleits crazy that I need to manually add in technical command lines to implement partitions made by gparted17:51
ikoniayou need to add one line to a text file17:52
truepurpleThat is very user unfriendly17:52
ikoniait's not brain surgery17:52
ikoniayou can also mount it maunually in user space17:52
truepurpleIts pretty technical with these kind of lines17:52
ikoniait's 1 line17:52
ikoniadisk device | file system | mount point17:53
truepurpleA line that is very code like17:53
ikoniathat's all that's really needed17:53
urlin2uikonia, can O quote you on the surgery comment. :D17:53
truepurpleah, gpart finally finished, I will screen shot it shortly here17:53
ikonia/dev/sda3 ext4 /home/a/data default 0 017:53
ikoniathat's it17:53
ikoniaurlin2u: any time17:53
ikoniait's not exactly a massive code17:53
truepurplenot massive, but seems technical17:54
ikoniait's not technical17:54
hobgoblinonly because it's new to you :)17:54
ikoniait's adding a disk name, the file system and where you want to mount it17:54
ikoniaif that is too technical for you, select another OS17:55
truepurplegpart lists mounting points, why can't it assign them too?17:55
ikoniabecause it doesn't need to touch /etc/fstab - as I told you17:55
truepurpleIt is necessary to mount the partition apparently, and gpart is all about partitioning17:56
ikoniathe effort to do logical driven error checking of an existing fstab and add/change options is wasted when it's 1 line in clear english17:56
ikoniano - it's not17:56
ikoniayou can mount the partition without fstab, you are choosing to use it17:56
truepurplegpart isn't about partitioning?17:56
ikoniagpart is a partitioning tool, not a file system system modification tool17:57
truepurpleikonia, I tried, it didn't work17:57
ikoniathen you did it wrong17:57
truepurpleikonia, how complicated is setting a FS type and a size? How could I possibly get that wrong...17:58
ikoniayou tell me17:58
truepurpleI didnt17:58
ikoniasetting the size and type is nothing to do with mountin it17:58
ikoniathat's partitioning17:58
hobgoblintruepurple: at the end of the day - it is what it is and it works the way it does - if you want help with your issue then lets do so17:58
ikonianothing to do with mounting, so, yes you did get it wrong17:58
truepurpleDoesn't ubuntu automount available drives?/Isn't that what it is suppose to do?/Isn't that what it should do?17:59
ikoniathat is userspace, it will automount them if there is a udev event triggered for them17:59
ikoniayou will see reference to those on your desktop17:59
truepurpleI did not understand that. But when I plug in a USB flash drive or a DVD drive, one normally does not need to edit a file to mount them, so why is it different with partitions?18:00
ikoniabecause that is a udev event beig triggered and a user space mount18:00
truepurpleI didn't understand that the first time18:01
ikoniathen research it18:01
truepurplehobgoblin, Ok, you wanted a screenshot, I want to show you that both partitions are primaries, where in gpart does it list whether a partition is primary or extended?18:03
hobgoblinin the filesystem column18:03
truepurplehobgoblin, that tells me its fs type, ext 4, it does not say primary or extended18:04
ikoniajust show the screen shot18:04
hobgoblinand tell us exactly what you want to do - if you have already edited fstab I would suspect you had to create a mountpoint in either /mnt or /media18:05
truepurpleit was created in home/user/data per instructions18:06
hobgoblinwe'll need fstab as well so run    cat /etc/fstab and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com so we can see that as well please18:06
ikoniatruepurple: it was home/a/data18:06
ikoniathat was wher eyou put it18:06
ikoniatruepurple: be specific18:06
ikoniagive real examples, stop being vague and ask the specific quesiton you have18:07
ikoniashow the screen shot as you've been asked 4 times18:07
truepurpleit was home/user(my user name)/data18:08
ikoniayou said earlier it was /home/a/data18:09
ikoniaplease be specific18:09
ikoniagive the real details18:09
truepurpleThat is real data, and user name has no bearing on anything18:10
ikoniayes it does18:10
ikoniawhy you lie and confuse the issue with false info I don't know18:10
ikoniajust tell the truth of what you want to mount and where you want to mount it18:11
truepurpleSo if you choose one name, you do a operation differently then another? That is not the case18:11
ikoniatruepurple: it can do, permisisons, groups etc18:11
ikoniaand again..... show us the screen shot18:11
ikoniatruepurple: why are you showing us /dev/sda1 ?18:13
ikoniathat is the root file systme18:13
truepurplehobgoblin, your screen shot18:14
truepurpleit also shows the other stuff in the back18:14
ikoniano it doesn't18:14
ikoniait shows two partitions that the details are hidden on18:14
ikoniawhich is totally pointless,18:14
ikoniaand a worthless screen shot of the details of /dev/sda18:14
ikoniaand a worthless screen shot of the details of /dev/sda118:14
ikoniawhy are you trying to hide stuff ?18:14
ikoniathe mount point is /home/a/data18:14
ikoniathe disks is /dev/sda18:14
ikoniathe partition is /dev/sda218:15
ikoniawhy not give us this information rather than have to pull it out of you kicking and screaming18:15
ikoniahelp people to help you rather than be a blocker18:15
truepurpleikonia, your really cheesing me off, please stop blatently disregarding my wishes18:15
ikoniayou want people to help - give them the info18:15
ikoniathis is why it's impossible to help you as you won't give real info and try to hide details and information about what you really want to do18:16
ikoniaif you want help, start giving the info18:16
ikoniaif you don't want to give the info, look for other resources18:16
truepurpleI do not want my user name known, I made that clear already, it is not necessary to be known, that is why instructions are written <user> for that space, because as long as you use your user name, what ever that is, it will work18:16
ikoniagive the information or find help elsewhere18:16
truepurpleAnd you are going out of your way to flaunt my wishes for no reason18:16
truepurpleI am giving the information18:16
ikoniaI'm not18:16
ikoniatruepurple: you want to mount /dev/sda2 - why can I not see the info of /dev/sda2 ?18:17
truepurpleBut if you ask for my password, I will not give it, you do not need it, same for my user name18:17
ikoniawhat is the purpose of giving me info on /dev/sda1 that you have no interest in mounting18:17
ikoniathat is hiding/missleading the details18:17
ikoniaso unless you want to give REAL information on your issue, you cannot be helped18:17
truepurpleThe only information hidden is mounting point location, and I already told you those18:17
ikoniatruepurple: sorry - no help then18:17
truepurplehobgoblin, I got your screenshot, are you still willing to help?18:18
hobgoblinyou want help mounting something other than the screenshot - I need to see what you want help with - I want to see fstab - it seems you are not willing to give the information needed to do so - when you are then I will help - but right now I'm in the middle of something else18:19
hobgoblintruepurple: when were you getting helped in #ubuntu - and what username did you use there?18:21
truepurplehobgoblin, I gave you a screen shot of what you asked for, that of gpart, you want to see the details of the second partition screen?18:21
ikoniaand it caused a lot of confusion due to the missleading/false information18:21
truepurpleikonia, you are so acting like a troll, your really making me see red, please knock it off!!!!!!18:21
ikoniathis is why you cause a problem as you will not give informaiton that has no secret value18:21
ikoniatruepurple: you are trolling asking for help in channels but giving people false information,18:21
ikoniaI made it clear when you where banned from #ubuntu you need to give STRAIGHT HONEST information18:22
truepurpleI am you troll!18:22
ikoniayet here you are, again hiding details18:22
truepurpleI am not!18:22
ikoniagiving miss-leading information18:22
ikoniahow blind can you be, two people have told you - you are hiding info that you need to get help18:22
truepurpleLeave me alone please! YOU should be banned for treating me like this18:22
ikoniathe information you are hiding is of no value, but helps give you accurate help18:23
truepurpleI told you the mounting locations! You know the friggin mounting locations!18:24
hobgoblinleave the language elsewhere please18:24
truepurpleI am getting trolled, and "friggin" is not bad language. But ok, I will try to ignore the troll and not use that language if you wish, if you will still help hobgoblin. If I listed that other information you wished, will you still help me?18:26
truepurplehobgoblin, are you still willing to help me if I get that other information from fstab?18:28
hobgoblinat the moment I am reading the logs in #ubuntu18:29
hobgoblinno I'm not truepurple, it is obviosu to me that you try hard not to give people information when asked - as an example it has taken almost an hour to get a screenshot. Good luck.18:34
truepurplehobgoblin, that is not true, I am willing to give information, I dont know that it took an hour, but having to deal with ikonias trolling, and your not seeming being here during that time made things longer (the latter because if you aren't here, then there is no rush for the screen shot and I have time to fend off the trolls attack)18:37
FanshaweI need some help with unison.18:44
truepurplehobgoblin, I would also mention it took a long time for gpart to finish loading18:44
ikoniaFanshawe: do you mean unity18:44
FanshaweWhy do I keep getting the error 'merge preference not set'? Nothing backs up.18:44
ikoniaor do you actually mean unison18:44
Fanshaweikonia: Nah, Unison, the file syncing program18:45
ikoniajust checking, it's a common miss-wording18:45
FanshaweI can imagine, no problem.18:45
FanshaweAnyway, I can't get the damn thing to work.18:45
ikonianever really used it to be honest, not had reason to18:46
FanshaweThat's okay, I'll be looking for an answer while idling.18:48
FanshaweThere we go, I got it working. Just a misunderstanding and tweaking of the preference files.19:00
FanshaweThanks for your attention.19:00
CaseyorI'd like some help if anyone is available19:45
CaseyorI don't know if this is the right irc19:45
Caseyorchannel for it19:45
truepurpleNeither does anyone else if we don't have a clue what your problem is19:45
CaseyorI'm not sure what distro to go with19:46
Caseyorand I was wondering if all the applications with ubuntu work with other distros19:46
truepurpleseems like ##linux is a better one to ask in19:46
CaseyorI'll head there19:46
duanedesignCaseyor: all the buntus19:46
Caseyorbut no others?19:46
duanedesignCaseyor: Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu19:47
duanedesignall use .deb packages19:47
truepurpleduanedesign, am I wrong to say that any linux program can be made to work with any other?19:47
truepurpleI mean any distro19:47
duanedesignno it is possible19:47
truepurpleBut very hard and technical?19:48
duanedesignyou can take the files from an RPM (Fedora) and repackage it in a deb19:48
CaseyorI've only really used ubuntu, so I'm not sure if I should go with another19:48
truepurpleI am told that debian is like ubuntu, but minus unity, which alot of people don't like so much19:48
duanedesignCaseyor: i like ubuntu. Kubuntu if you like lots of bling. Lubuntu if you are using an older computer19:48
Caseyorunity wasn't great19:49
truepurpleduanedesign, what do you think of debian?19:49
CaseyorI'm thinking lubuntu is what I should use19:49
CaseyorI can install the standard 11.10 on it19:49
Caseyorbut it's not so great19:49
duanedesignI like Unity. The longer you use it the more you get used to it and it starts to make sense. IMHO19:49
hobgoblinpfft :p19:50
duanedesignthe search replacing the menus makes a lot of sense19:50
CaseyorI don't want to change distros completely, but I'm not sure if I'd want Lubuntu19:50
truepurpleWell I can't even get 3d to work, and I got a great high end video card19:50
truepurpleand I hated the menus vanishing19:50
hobgoblinxubuntu is a lot like how I used to use ubuntu Caseyor19:50
duanedesigntruepurple: I like Debian. b19:50
truepurpleI guess you can get them back with special software, I wonder if you can get all of them back19:50
truepurpleits a pain anyway19:50
Caseyorit makes sense, but I always prefer finding things in a hierarchy type fashion19:50
Caseyorwhat is xubuntu like though19:51
truepurpleWell for someone who doesn't always even know what to look for, like me, the menus tell you what there is19:51
CaseyorI always see different version of ubuntu19:51
Caseyorbut I don't quite understand it all19:51
truepurpleAnd Caseyor you could just use live CDs/usb flash drives to try em out19:52
CaseyorTaht would be a better idea19:52
CaseyorIf I were to chose a completely different distro, do you guys have any recomendations?19:52
truepurpleWhat do you mean by "completely different"?19:53
Caseyorwhat prevents people from using old versions of ubuntu19:53
duanedesigna debian based distro?19:53
Caseyorsorry, scratch that last one19:53
Caseyorlast question19:53
duanedesignif i did not use ubuntu i would run Lubuntu19:53
duanedesignMint seems to be popular19:53
Caseyorlike if I were to use 8.04 or something19:53
duanedesignit is based on ubuntu19:53
truepurpleduanedesign, I was told mint was ubuntu, with green skin, and that is all19:54
duanedesignif I did not use a debian based distro (shudders), I would use Fedora19:54
Caseyorubuntu 8.04. Are programs not compatable with it, or there are bugs?19:54
duanedesignit also did not upgrade to Gnome 3 so it has the classic desktop19:54
Caseyoror other versions19:54
duanedesigntruepurple: ^19:54
Caseyorbut is it just the UI that changed?19:55
truepurpleUI stands for?19:55
CaseyorI'd assume there's more to it19:55
duanedesignCaseyor: 8.04 i no longer supported19:55
Caseyoruser interface19:55
truepurpleduanedesign, was I told wrong about mint?19:56
duanedesignCaseyor: 8.04 is a release of Ubuntu. 8.04 was released in '0819:56
duanedesignand 11.04 was released in 201119:57
duanedesignotta mmm, that used to be more true then it is now19:57
CaseyorI see19:57
duanedesignoops, tuxpurple^19:57
duanedesignsorry guys gotta get back to work.19:58
duanedesignbeen fun talking to you all o/19:58
Caseyorbut say for 10.04 or 10.10. Do they have bugs, or is it just that they changed it to unity19:58
duanedesigngood luck picking a distro Caseyor19:58
duanedesignCaseyor: personally i would go for the newest version possible19:58
duanedesign11.04 has a Classic Mode if you do not want to use Unity19:59
CaseyorI'll look for that right now20:00
bobweaverwhen do you all think that ubuntu browser will be done ?21:02
philipballewbobweaver, what you mean?21:02
bobweaverI think that conanacail is making a browser21:03
bobweaversorry about speeling21:03
philipballewits all good, I use chrome21:03
bobweaverphilipballew: https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=385    https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=38421:04
bobweaverjust a guess but if they are tring to hire people for that then....21:05
bobweaverI also think that canonical is makeing something that reads bios and will make it so there is no more boot order21:06
bobweaverthe live cd or usb will pick out for ya21:06
bobweaverjust a guess21:07
ikoniabobweaver: you'll find that web browser stuff is probably (I don't know) for application interfaces, such as cloud control etc21:08
bobweaverthanks ikonia21:08
ikoniathe only reason I could see ubuntu building it's own browser would be down to the issues with firefox's rolling approach, or to make a browser model for the mobile platform it's trying21:09
ikoniawhich doesn't seem wise to introduce "another" browser21:09
bobweavermobile for ubuntu one as shuttleworth said tyhe phone is the intamate thing a person has21:10
bobweaverI really like where ubuntu is going with all of this21:10
ikoniabut making and maintaining a browser for that seems roolish21:10
ikoniaI think it's lost sight21:10
ikoniaI don't21:10
ikoniait can't maintain what it's got, it's 6 month rolling model isn't working beyond headlines, it's bug managment is unacceptable,21:11
ikoniabrining in more platforms at this point doesn't seem sensible, it appears to be riding the buzz wagon21:11
ikoniahow can you +1 when you've just said you like where it's going21:11
ikoniathat's a direct opposite to what I've said21:12
bobweaverjust because I like where ubuntu/canonaical  is going dosent mean that I disagree with you21:12
ikoniaerrrr........but I've just said the opposite of "I like where canonical is going"21:12
Unit193Firefox seems to be making an OS now if that's what you mean (Got it mixed up or confused?)21:12
bobweaverI was more talking about the bug managment is unacceptable21:13
ikoniaI'm not aware of firefox making an OS, but the rolling browser release is unmaintainable for operating systems, especially linux that has it as part of the desktop setup21:13
ikoniait's a total kill for business users21:13
ikoniaso there is a massive serious userase dead21:13
ikoniastupid lag21:14
Unit193ikonia: You're correct, https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G21:17
ikoniaUnit193: that wiki is an interesting read21:37

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