
khooverwhere's genji when you need a coffee?03:09
BluesKajHi all10:37
maverickpiMornin :)10:56
=== bregma_ is now known as bregma
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:09
willwhhi folks :))21:37
willwhBluesKaj: you around?21:37
willwhI have a script at /etc/init.d/irssid21:37
willwheverything works nicely, if I, sudo /etc/init.d/irssid start21:38
willwhfires up in a screen session beautifully21:38
willwhalthough, if I do, sudo update-rc.d defaults21:38
willwhlooks like everythign created ok - but the daemon does not fire up on boot21:38
willwhI am not sure a) how to debug why not21:38
willwhhuh - where is genii? :D21:40
khooverwillwh, i'm mildly worried too; he wasn't here last night for coffee.22:01
willwhjohanbr: ! :)22:02
johanbrhey there!22:02
khooverlast online was around noon yesterday, if my logs are to be trusted22:02
willwhjohanbr: I have an odd prob... maybe you can help :)22:05
willwhhttp://majic.rs/book/initd-scripts/running-irssi-on-boot <- I set this up on my ubuntu server22:05
johanbrI'll try... what's the problem?22:05
willwhran update-rc.d defaults irssid22:05
willwhit runs fine if I invoke, /etc/init.d/irssid start22:06
willwhbut, sudo reboot, and there is nothing running when I ssh in to my box22:06
willwhnot sure how I go about debugging it's failing22:06
johanbrwillwh, try editing the kernel options in grub and boot without "splash" and "quiet"... that might tell you something more22:08
willwhwell - this is a remote box22:12

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