
dholbachgood morning08:02
dpmgood morning all08:13
nigelbahoy dpm08:14
dpmhey nigelb, how's it going?08:14
nigelbPretty good/108:15
nigelberr s/\1/!/g08:15
nigelbI just got my passport back with visa for this weekend's trip.08:15
dpmhey popey08:16
nigelbAlso got back from printing a bunch of stickers! http://i.imgur.com/Kpja0.jpg08:16
nigelbhey popey! How's the new job? :)08:16
dholbachnigelb, popey's doing great - he closed two internal mailing lists already08:17
nigelbdholbach: hahahaha. Very efficient.08:18
dholbachhuats, salut mon ami - ça va?08:25
dholbachcjohnston, so I mailed IS and they said the change of threads/etc in wsgi had been done to deal with a specific problem - I guess I will need more data to improve the situation for harvest08:27
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
czajkowskiwow amazing kid10:58
alourieczajkowski: incredible11:07
czajkowskialourie: this makes me happy http://ostatic.com/blog/the-automotive-linux-summit-marks-linuxs-bright-future-in-vehicles11:10
alourieoh yea11:11
duanedesignmorning all11:55
czajkowskiduanedesign: howyd11:56
duanedesignhello ello11:57
cjohnstondholbach: I don't know.. I'm not sure why harvest has such a hard time12:22
AlanBellshould harvest have an a11y option?12:32
AlanBellas in limit to bugs tagged a11y12:32
dholbachAlanBell, bdmurray could help make that happen12:44
dholbachand/or a bug on lp:harvest-data12:44
dholbachgenerally I think it's great to make more use of the tags that we already have in LP12:44
dholbachalthough at some stage we'll need another layer of categorisation in data sources so it's easier to spot what you're looking for12:45
AlanBellbug 89066512:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 890665 in harvest-data "please add a11y tag to harvest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89066512:45
AlanBellPendulum: ^^12:45
dholbachlunch time!12:46
Davieygreg-g: The offlineimap bug you reported, did you notice it only happend when you were on a crappy net connection?12:53
popeyDaviey: which bug is that?12:57
Davieypopey: bug 88399313:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 883993 in offlineimap "offlineimap 6.3.3 deleting messages erroneously" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88399313:01
DavieyI've noticed mail gets rm'd locally, if i am on a crap (such as 3g), or restrictive network13:02
DavieyI hadn't lost mail, just a chore to resync.13:02
alourieI was just playing with an idea for unity13:37
czajkowskimy news feed has some interesting stuff today. http://za.movember.com/mospace/2603200/13:47
czajkowskipopey: aye I did smile, but fair fecks to him14:00
nigelbjcastro: ping14:44
jcastrop o n g14:44
nigelbjcastro: Do you think its safe to let open the etherpad gates now?14:44
dholbachdpm, jcastro: so I guess that's no team meeting today14:44
cjohnstonhe is off today dholbach14:45
nigelbcool, I'll get it done.14:45
dpmdholbach, yes, I thought there wouldn't be one with jono away14:46
popeybusy growing his tash14:46
* dholbach nods14:46
jcastrothat is awesome14:46
dholbachoh my god14:46
jcastrodholbach: all I really need is my dumb BPs approved so I can have my chart.14:47
cjohnstonpoor jcastro14:47
dholbachI thought 1-on-1 video call with Jono in bath robe was bad - that pic is worse14:47
nigelbwait a minute.. what?14:47
nigelb1-on-1 call with Jono in bath robe...14:47
dholbachlast Friday14:47
nigelbjcastro: +114:48
dholbach<jono> dholbach, lets do G+14:48
dholbach<dholbach> ok14:48
dholbach<jono> although you get to see me in a robe14:48
dholbach or what I prefer to refer to as a smoking jacket14:48
dholbachnigelb, you commented on that :)14:48
nigelbI did?14:48
mhall119it was a different nigelb, there's at least 3 of them14:48
mhall119how did you think he managed to be involved in so many things?14:49
dholbachyeah, good point14:49
nigelbReminds me I need to write my talk for Saturday.14:49
nigelbZomg, talking in front of a completly new audience is going to be hard.14:49
scott-workgood morning14:50
cjohnstonhey scott-work14:50
scott-workhi cjohnston :)14:50
nigelbdholbach: Ah right. Now I remember :)14:51
nigelbI was fairly zombied last friday :D14:51
* dpm goes for a break15:05
akgranerIs there some commandline magic to convert a pdf to an odt or doc file16:10
akgranercutting and pasting kinda stinks...16:11
mhall119akgraner: poppler-utils package has a pdftotext program16:13
akgranermhall119, thanks!16:13
akgranerdropping it into googledocs and one cut and paste I found out works too :-) but I'd rather not do that with everything...:-/16:14
mhall119I don't know of one that'll convert txt to odt, but you can just open the txt in LibreOffice I think16:15
jcastrodaker_: do you happen to know how/why there is no link to older articles at the bottom of cloud.ubuntu.com?16:43
jcastrodaker: do you happen to know how/why there is no link to older articles at the bottom of cloud.ubuntu.com?16:47
technovikinghmmm.. should I use the Etherpad ppa or the repo from Etherpad?16:47
jcastroetherpad-lite charm!16:48
jcastroold etherpad = boo16:48
technovikingthere packages for etherpad lite?16:50
jcastrono, it's just node.js stuff16:51
jcastroI think there might be for 11.1016:51
dakerjcastro, that's what kim0/jono wanted16:53
dakerolder posts are in /planet16:53
jcastrois that an older one?16:55
dakerno a new one16:55
jcastrohmm, how does this relate to the web team's plan to redesign it?16:56
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow17:01
dpmsee you dholbach, about to call it a day here too!17:02
dakerit's my own work, the mockups are made by Mat Tomaszewski from canonical17:02
jcastroah ok17:02
jcastroThey want to redo them17:02
jcastrowant me to bring you into the plan, etc.?17:02
jcastrothere's like new people on the web team and I don't think they know who you are17:03
jcastrodaker: also, how can I modify the theme? We'd like to just make anything tagged "cloud" be featured.17:09
jcastroI see the page and theme file in wordpress, but it says I need to make the file writeable17:09
dakerjcastro, ok17:09
jcastrobecause the people being syndicated always forget to tag it "featured"17:09
jcastroso we thought just making the whole thing "cloud" will get them on the planet and the front page at the same time17:10
dakerjcastro, the IS won't give you write access to the files17:10
jcastrook, so if I need to make a change I need to file a ticket?17:10
dakerso i need to make the changes on my branch17:11
jcastrooh ok17:11
jcastroso basically on this page: Ubuntu Cloud/uecv2: page-home.php17:12
jcastro                <?php query_posts('tag=featured&showposts=5&orderby=ASC'); ?>17:12
jcastrosub featured for "cloud" should do it right?17:12
jcastrohey so should I just file bugs on this?17:12
dakerjcastro, wait, so i'ill be like this :17:13
daker<?php query_posts('tag=cloud&showposts=5&orderby=ASC'); ?>17:13
jcastrothat would automagically put any post tagged "cloud" on the front page right?17:13
dakeronly 5 posts17:14
jcastroShould I file bugs for the rest of the feedback we got during UDS?17:15
dakerjcastro, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cloud-portal17:16
jcastro<3 thanks17:16
jcastrooff to the store for a minute, bbi 1517:17
greg-gDaviey: no, I don't think so. Unless you count K9 Mail on my phone /me shrugs17:30
AlanBelldoctormo-other: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/ confirmed for the 9th December, not sure if you are going to be over early enough for that17:52
dakerjcastro, just tell IS to go to <cloud_portal_path>/wp-content/themes/uecv218:01
dakerand do a bzr pull18:01
pleia2jcastro: we have an Ubuntu Classroom Q&A session with Amanda Brock on the calendar for friday, do you know if that's still happening?18:17
jcastropleia2: no clue, you might want to mail her18:20
jcastropleia2: also, do I go ahead and update the classroom wiki page with Mark's info?18:20
jcastroI can probably announce all this stuff today18:20
pleia2jcastro: we just have the calendar and classroom blog for upcoming info, if you post the text somewhere I can cross-post the announcement to the classroom blog18:22
jcastroWorking the blog post now18:23
jcastrocan I consider the "room" reserved?18:23
pleia2jcastro: do you have amanda's contact info? she doesn't provide an email address on lanchpad18:23
pleia2yes, akgraner has added it to the classroom calendar18:23
macopleia2: first.last@canonical?18:24
pleia2maco: got it, thanks18:25
jcastroakgraner: get your syndication button ready18:26
akgranerjcastro alrighty :-)18:37
akgranerpleia2, adding jcastro 's post to the fridge now18:45
doctormo-otherpleia2, cjohnston: I'm building an alpha of groundcontrol2 in my ppa, would you guys be up for testing it?18:48
akgranerjcastro - ok I've dented tweeted fb'd and Fridge'd your post...18:51
mhall119aw, I'll be on vacation18:53
jcastrotechnoviking: hey18:56
jcastrodoes new VB have support for Markdown?18:56
technovikingthere are some plugins18:57
jcastrobecause really, bbcode18:58
jcastrois rocking like it's 199418:58
pleia2nhandler has a script that converts wiki syntax to wiki for UWN19:00
pleia2err, to forum19:00
jcastromoin syntax, there's another one that needs to DIE.19:00
technovikingjcastro: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26541719:01
pleia2actually, not nhandler, but it exists anyway19:01
jcastro"Please note: In a Markdown Enabled forum BB Code will not work so don't turn a forum with existing posts into a Markdown forum- you'd be best off making a new forum for this mod."19:01
technovikingi say burn the forums with fire , I can say that now :)19:02
technovikingetherpad-lite does rock19:03
jcastrono need for old etherpad any more19:04
czajkowskiat times like this I really want to be able to go to a firing range. I'm sure it would be very useful19:05
pleia2it is, but I've found the going to the gym to be similarly useful (and cheaper! and is good for my health!)19:09
snap-ljcastro: If I never have to type in BBCode ever again, it'll be too soon.19:43
AlanBelltechnoviking: have you been playing with etherpad-lite?19:48
technovikingAlanBell: works great19:48
AlanBellwhat are you using it for?19:49
technovikingpleia2: agree, I do 30-45 minute on the elliptical at night, down 40 pounds since UDS-O19:49
czajkowskitechnoviking: wow well done19:49
technovikingAlanBell: note taking during group meetings19:49
doctormo-otherThat's a good reduction19:50
technovikinghoping to be down to 220 Lb (60 pound off) by Scale 10x19:50
technovikingif the holidays don't kill the diet19:50
technovikingAlanBell: wordle export does not work for me, miss .doc and .pdf export also20:18
AlanBellyou probably need to tell it where libreoffice is for the doc and pdf20:19
AlanBellI have not got it installed yet, we are going to hack in some ubuntu single sign on stuff and integrate it with summit20:20
technovikingAlanBell: uses abiword now instead of libreoffice20:48
duanedesigndoctormo-other: aweswome, a new hroundcontrol to test?20:50
doctormo-otherduanedesign: Yep, or at least, when it's finally built in it's ppa20:50
* popey tickles doctormo-other 20:54
doctormo-otherHeya popey, how goes the super secrete techno thingy?20:55
AlanBellpleia2: think I am seeing Amanda tomorrow, I will mention it20:55
popeydoctormo-other: I wish I knew!21:03
bkerensajcastro: Chucktallica21:29
alouriedoctormo-other: I'd be happy to test new groundcontrol too :-)21:44
cjohnstonpleia2: ping22:11
doctormo-otheralourie: Great!23:03
doctormo-otheralourie and duanedesign: please test from here: https://launchpad.net/~doctormo/+archive/groundcontrol23:04
doctormo-otherIt's an alpha, only available to oneiric23:04
doctormo-otherI'm certain it should run, but packaging and deps have changed so part of the testing will be making sure it installs everything required.23:05
duanedesignawesome, thanks doctormo-other23:06
pleia2doctormo-other: sad to admit it, but I haven't upgraded to oneiric yet (too much traveling in october!), I'll test when I finally get there23:49
pleia2AlanBell: thanks, I don't really expect her to come in while on vacation so I'll see what jono says tomorrow too23:49
pleia2cjohnston: pong (busy day at work today!)23:49
doctormo-otherpleia2: No problem :-) thanks for the positive thoughts.23:49
AlanBellpleia2: oh, guess I won't be seeing her tomorrow then :(23:50
pleia2AlanBell: ah, yeah, I got an out of office reply when I emailed23:50
pleia2cjohnston: thanks for looking at loco dir...team portal for me, hopefully he just logged in too quickly after readding himself to the team and it'll work now (now I just need to track him down :))23:51

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