
ashamsthelinuxer, why we need to decide who can be nominated and who can not? I think this is the reason for a First Council idea, right?15:51
thelinuxerashams: hey shams15:52
ashamsthelinuxer, hey ya man15:52
ashamsh r u?15:52
thelinuxerashams: fine :)15:53
thelinuxerof course we need to decide15:53
thelinuxerana mesh fahem awi el so2al15:53
ashamswhy we can't just make open for anyone to nominate him/herself15:54
thelinuxerso we can have a council member who never did anything in the team ?15:54
thelinuxerwhat's confusing ?15:55
ashamsnewcomers won't dare t o nominate themselves15:55
thelinuxerand y should we count on this ? i guess nominees can only be from the current team members15:56
ashamsmeritocracy is a high importance15:56
thelinuxercurrent approved team members15:56
thelinuxeryes of course bas we should protect ourselves against sabotage15:56
thelinuxerhence we need to provide basic rules for nominations15:58
thelinuxerbas keda15:58
ashamsyes, but approval is open for any one, team is open to join15:59
ashamsthis won't help prevent sabotage15:59
thelinuxerit will help15:59
thelinuxercouncil will approve members15:59
thelinuxerthen these members can nominate themselves16:00
ashamsthat's exactly what I want to avoid16:00
ashamsppl will feel like governed by no clear rules16:00
thelinuxernot necessarily16:00
ashamsany ideas about how to decide who can be approved and who can not16:01
thelinuxerlook what we are trying to achieve is getting the team more organized16:01
ashamsjust needs to be clear rules16:02
thelinuxerideas about how to approve ...16:02
ashamshow ppl gain the right to nominate themselves16:02
thelinuxergaining the right is simply by becoming approved ...16:02
ashamsand how can they be approved16:03
thelinuxerbecoming approved may have the same rules like ubuntu official membership16:03
ashamsby joining16:03
thelinuxerthat's for starters16:03
ashamsaha now I started to understand16:03
ashamsI think there should be 2 levels of joining16:04
ashamsapproved and non-approved16:04
ashamsso do you have ideas of conditions for approving ppl?16:05
thelinuxersustainable effort in the team16:06
ashamswon't this split the team16:07
thelinuxerlike joining a certain subteam (mansoura team or graphics  teamfor example)16:07
thelinuxersplit ezay ?16:07
ashamsI mean being approved not like being non-16:08
thelinuxerdon't call it unapproved16:08
thelinuxercall it approval in progress :D16:08
ashamsnominate yourself for the next elections :P16:09
ashamsin ppls assemply16:09
seifwhat r u guys talking about16:10
ashamsseif,  wenta malak ?16:10
seifagain what r u talking about16:11
thelinuxera proposal to have a council for the team16:11
ashamsagain, Wenta malak ?16:11
ashamsagain :P16:11
seifashams, it wasnt funny the first time its not funny the second time16:11
ashamsit is funny funny from here though16:12
seifas a public irc channel for ppl wanting to join u should try to be more helpful than giving me a hard time to figure something out :)16:12
seifgood for you that you laugh on your own jokes16:12
seifthelinuxer, u need a council for the team to be an approved loco right?16:12
thelinuxerseif: malak grumpy keda leeh he was just kidding16:13
ashamsbad mood16:13
seifthelinuxer, i am usually straight ot the point guy :)16:13
thelinuxerseif: no we don't "need" it, it's just something to help us get organized16:13
seifthelinuxer, very good idea16:14
seifreading the backlog now16:14
seifthelinuxer, define <thelinuxer> sustainable effort in the team16:14
thelinuxerthe same thing as it is with the current ubuntu membership process16:15
thelinuxerwe will need to define it even more for our specific case16:15
thelinuxerthis is just a guideline16:15
seifthelinuxer, i recommend not copying the ubuntu guidelines that much16:16
seifubuntu membership does not require you to be active in the ubuntu community16:16
seifwhere areas a loco team would require you to be like that16:16
thelinuxercan u please clarify the last 2 sentences. I don't get it16:18
thelinuxerseif: first, we will need to define our own rules as I said. Sustainable effort in the team seems reasonable. To be part of the team you have to do something for the team. (We can still discuss this point)16:19
ashamsit can be done throgh history of careers in the team16:20
thelinuxerhistory of careers ?16:20
ashamslike support, graphics or so16:20
seife.g: some1 like me shouldnt really be an ubuntu-eg loco member :)16:20
seifi shouldnt get a vote16:20
seifbecause i dont contribute to the team16:20
seifalthough i am an ubuntu member and i get to vote in ubuntu16:21
thelinuxerseif: so we need to define what contribution is16:21
seifthelinuxer, exactly16:22
seiftechnical contirbution to ubuntu is not technical contirbution to the loco team16:22
thelinuxerasl it seems reasonable that people working in the team should shape the future of team16:22
ashamsthelinuxer, I meant, sub-teams, each specialized in something like support team or graphics one16:22
seifashams, that is a good idea16:23
seifbut those teams would normally consists out of 2 or 3 ppl16:23
ashamsnot our problem as long as it's open for everyone to join16:24
ashamsand only meritocracy governs16:24
seifjust make sure ppl dont "hold" to a position16:25
seifand be open to let others contirbute16:25
thelinuxeri guess we agree on almost all the points16:25
ashamsppl want to join support team, give some support on forums, irc, etc, then prepare application and go for approval to join such focus group16:25
seifthelinuxer, yep16:25
thelinuxerthe idea behind this is to make things more clear for people to join16:25
seifashams, i think it should be more informal16:25
thelinuxerand have somewhat structured teams16:25
seifelse u take the fun out of it16:26
seifubuntu is about having fun16:26
seifwhen somethign gets too organized its not much fun16:26
seifi would reocmmend the gnome process over the ubutnu process16:26
thelinuxerashams: nope, people can join instantly as long as they can do the job16:26
thelinuxerapproval is needed later.16:26
thelinuxerseif: tell us the gnome process16:26
seifthelinuxer, u apply for gnome membership stating things you have done for gnome and adding to referneces to vouch for you work16:27
seifthese 2 references are the questioned16:27
seifand if they say that your good then u r a gnom emember16:27
thelinuxerhow's that different from the ubuntu membership process ?16:27
seifno public voting16:28
seifwhen u apply u dont have to set up ur wiki for ppl to write statements16:28
seifbut rather do it in private16:28
seifu send out a formula to gnome-membership with 2 references of already existing gnome members16:29
seifthose are than contacted by the admin to approve the "vouching"16:29
seifwhen done its done16:29
ashamsseif, this can involve a lot of "wasta" in here, though I like it :D16:29
thelinuxerah ok like the debian-maintainer process16:29
seifashams, very true :)16:29
thelinuxerseif: I guess having things private is not a real privilege16:30
seifthelinuxer, problem is sometimes grudges are there16:31
seifexample if i werent a gnome member now and would have applied this week with a process liek ubuntu i wouldnt be accepted16:31
seifbecause some RH ppl dont like me16:31
thelinuxergnome process uses the chain of trust theory16:32
seifwhile the gnome process allows curroption the ubuntu process is subject to "discriminatin"16:32
thelinuxerof 2 members already say ur good then u have to be good16:32
seiflets say we are the voting process in ubuntu-members16:33
thelinuxerwhile the other process allows you to get membership without knowing anyone involved in the process16:33
seifand me and ashams dont like X who just applied for membershio16:33
seifwe can acknowldege his wokr but we htink he is a cancer and he will cause harm i nthe community16:33
seifjust because we feel threatend by him16:33
* ashams smells bureaucracy16:34
thelinuxeryes it can happen16:34
thelinuxerbut i don't feel it will be a real threat16:34
seiftrust me it is16:34
seifi am in gnome, ubuntu, elementary and kde16:34
thelinuxerit depends on how we choose our council16:34
seifi am in the council of elementary16:34
seifthings can get very biased sometimes when accepting new ppl16:35
thelinuxeri guess the rejection needs to be followed by reasons and guidance to get accepted16:35
ashamsget accepted by who?16:37
thelinuxera council16:37
thelinuxerIMO I guess a public/transparent process will protect the community more than a private one16:37
thelinuxerspecially eno fe3lan el wasta 3andena 7atel3ab awi16:37
seifi like the idea of a councilo16:37
seifbut the council should not approve/disapprove ppl16:37
seifthe council is for moderating and manmanging the team16:38
seiffor membership we should use the gnome process16:38
ashamsso should wehave some another body16:38
seifsome1 wants to apply he send in a letter with 2 names form team who can vouc hfor them16:38
seifashams, no need really16:39
seifone or 2 ppl in the loco team should be repsonsible for moderaint g new membership requests16:39
seifby receicing them16:39
seifgetting the vouches16:39
seifthen accepting or rejecting16:39
ashamsi prefer if it's more open16:40
seifashams, open in terms of transparent ?16:40
ashamslike anyone can share judging the candidate16:40
seifofcourse when some1 vouches for or against you you are also cced with the reply16:40
seifashams, i dont want be judged by you16:41
seifthat is not fair16:41
seifi want to pick those who can judge me best16:41
ashamsso you'll ask the whole team to say what they think16:41
seifbecause u could influence them16:41
thelinuxeri guess we will go in loops here16:42
thelinuxerwe have the ubuntu process and the gnome process16:42
seifthelinuxer, ubuntu process is very humiliating if you are rejected in public16:43
seifand also very weird if u get rejected behind closed doors without knowing why16:43
ashamsseif, don't u think that this will leave some hole for wasta, and on the long run can cause some persons join only coz they know some1 inside16:43
seifashams, so?16:43
seifthsoe ppl will then leave at some point16:43
seifmost of them dont hang around for long16:44
thelinuxerseif: ur only problem is rejection16:44
seifas u said its a meritocracy16:44
thelinuxerpeople get rejected because they didn't do enough work16:44
seifits like a german saying16:44
thelinuxerfrom the council perspective16:44
seifif u audition for a porn movie and get rejected you dont want the ppl t know publicly u got rejected for your small dick16:45
thelinuxeri will have to kick you for using such words :D16:45
seifthat is my only  concern wiht the voting process in ubuntu16:45
thelinuxeri don't think it's that big of a deal16:45
seifits not16:46
seifi am good either way which pricess u guys choose16:46
seifi ma just telling you hwat options are there16:46
thelinuxerwe can put a rule like "Don't apply for membership unless you have joined the team for X month"16:46
thelinuxerin these X month you have to show bla bla16:46
seifthelinuxer, how do u define "X month"16:46
ashamsand that team leader should be a referance16:46
thelinuxertrial and error16:46
thelinuxermake it 3 month el awel and see if it's good enough and re adjust and so on16:47
thelinuxerwe need active team members16:47
seifthelinuxer, i have a counter proposal16:47
thelinuxerand we need to know what they are actually doing16:47
seifwe have a membership commitee16:47
thelinuxergo on ..16:47
seifa person wants to join the team16:47
seifhe writes a propsoal with his "work for the team" and his references16:48
seifthe references are contacted by the memberhisp committee to approve  or disapprove the vouching16:48
seifif approved the committee gets to review the proposal again for any last rejections if they feel the person is coming in wasta16:49
thelinuxerseif: fine I guess16:50
thelinuxerand more of less this is what's going to happen16:50
seifok cool16:51
thelinuxerwe are a small team, people  will get advise of other team members before applying officially16:51
seifso i need advice :)16:51
thelinuxermasalan people always ask me if they can apply for ubuntu membership delwa2ty walla la2 (zay makoon ana sa7eb el council :D )16:51
seifproblem is i dont live in egypt16:51
thelinuxeractually this is one of the things we need to improve16:51
thelinuxerour online activity16:51
seifa forum would be awesome16:52
thelinuxerfor distant members to be able to join in16:52
thelinuxerwe have a forum(a dead one)16:52
thelinuxerpeople use facebook awi ba2a ...16:52
seifgnome doesnt have a forum or real facebook page where the mmebrs tlak16:52
seifits mostly irc and mailing lists16:52
ashamscan we ask members to subscribe to the forum so it revives16:53
thelinuxerwell it's kind of a cultural thing16:53
ashamsmaybe redirect support requests to forum from fb too16:53
thelinuxerashams: i actually can't find use for the forums, we get almost all questions on facebook16:53
thelinuxery bother ourselves with another channel16:54
thelinuxeri really need to run now16:54
ashamswe can tell ppl to go to forums, shut that on fb and keep open only on forums16:54
thelinuxeri guess we will have to redirect this talk to the mailing list to get it started ba2a16:54
thelinuxerashams: y ? people would just run away from us like this16:55
ashamsdisadvantage :)16:55
thelinuxertayeb I will try to call u tomorrow ba2a to finalize stuff then forward everything to the mailing list16:55
thelinuxerbye guys16:55
ashamsseif haydrabni16:56
thelinuxerseif: balash tedrabo lama amshy :D16:56
thelinuxersalam ba2a16:56
seifbye bye16:57
* seif hits ashams with a stick16:57
ashamsseif, btw: we don't say 2a7a with "2" we just say a7a16:57
seifi am old school17:01

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