
HakanSAre there any rules about who can start a channel on freenode, which is named ubuntu-(something)?09:25
HakanSThere is a person that har registered the channel #ubuntu-se-offtopic. I do not want Ubuntu to be associated with the discussions in that channel (drugs, crime etc.).09:25
jpdsNafallo: ↑09:27
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
Nafallojpds: no. it's not mine.10:26
Myrttiaytovoice and all10:30
jpdsNafallo: Yes, that's the problem.10:52
Nafallojpds: I don't want it :-)10:52
Nafallojpds: feel free to put that channel in a chemical fire, together with some HPPA architecture machines.10:53
HakanSAnything we can do about it?11:36
AlanBellHakanS: do you know who set it up?12:44
k1lAlanBell: /msg chanserv info #ubuntu-se-offtopic12:47
AlanBellHakanS: by which I mean, do you know einand?12:48
HakanSAlanBell: Not really. I have spoken to him some times on IRC.12:50
AlanBellis he available and willing to help shut down the channel?12:50
AlanBellit was done over a year ago, I suspect not with the intent of the current problematic behaviour12:51
AlanBellfreenode staff can help get founder access and shut the channel down if not12:52
HakanSAlanBell: Sorry. Can you repeat your last question?13:01
AlanBellis he available and willing to help shut down the channel?13:01
HakanSAlanBell: He is willing to shut it down or hand it over if the ubuntu ops (you) ask him to do so. Not if anyone in our loco ask him.13:08
HakanSHe says it's a free and independent channel.13:10
Myrttiwell it's not per freenode policy13:12
Myrttiit's underneath the Ubuntu namespace13:12
AlanBellok, sounds like an irc council issue then13:13
Myrttiand by some interpretations it's underneath the Swedish LoCo namespace13:13
Myrttimy Swedish skills are woefully underused13:18
m4vI don't think the Swedish LoCo has a GC, so freenode would only help the IRCC.13:21
Myrttiand IRCC would probably ask the Swedish LoCo about their opinions13:21
Myrttiit's not a decision that the IRCC can do without consulting the LoCo13:21
Myrttiatleast IMHO13:22
Myrttitopyli: what are your thoughts13:32
Myrttitopyli: I was going to suggest HakanS could collect examples of behaviour that he thinks aren't appropriate for the channel and brings them up in meetings of perhaps both Swedish LoCo and IRCC13:33
topyliMyrtti: technically the council owns the namespace, but since this is in swedish territory i would like the swedish loco try and get control first. we'll back them up as necessary13:53
Myrttitopyli: ♥13:54
Myrttiso in essence pretty much what I thought13:54
topylithe council is not on the access list, we'd have to ask for freenode support if it should come to that13:54
topyliMyrtti: yep13:54
Myrttibtw the owner of the channel is contemplating on registering a new channel in another namespace and making a banforward to that13:55
Myrttitried to advice not to do that without discussing it with other interested people like the councils and loco first13:56
Myrttibut don't know if it stuck13:56
topylithat's not a very good plan, the original channel is in the ubuntu namespace and no-one should use it as a launchpad to somewhere out of our control13:56
topylithe owner should either drop the channel, or get control of the situation and add the irc council to access list13:58
topyli(and freenode staff as well)13:59
AlanBellFlannel: I can't get the survey save/restore stuff working something is misconfigured, but I did reset your token16:38
AlanBellyou should have a new mail (or the old one will work again)16:38
AlanBelland I turned off the option to save that survey for the moment until I figure out where the problem really is16:39
truepurpleWhere do you go to appeal above ubuntu-ops?19:27
DJonesHmmh, no bot19:33
DJonesFrom what the bot should say "If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still  unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you  feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on  the aforementioned page.19:34
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.19:34
Myrtti:-( laggy bot19:34
bodhi_zazenJust wanted to let you all know, zkriesse has an Ubuntu cloak and is trolling in #fedora20:14
bodhi_zazensome of the #fedora ops have complained to me as I used to have an ubuntu cloak20:14
bodhi_zazenThis behavior makes Ubuntu look bad and has reflected poorly on me20:15
bodhi_zazenI spoke with zkriesse about the incidents as polite as I could, but s/he seems determined to continue to be disruptive on #fedora20:15
pleia2not sure what should happen in these cases WRT irc involvement, but I'll send him a message myself20:15
bodhi_zazenI will do what I can to head off a more formal complaint20:16
bodhi_zazenthanks pleia2 , it has been bad20:16
bodhi_zazentrolling on #fedora and blogging about it, the fedora folks are moderately upset20:17
k1lbodhi_zazen: if he is not behaving among the channel rules he shouldt get a kick/ban imho20:17
pleia2bodhi_zazen: do you know where his blog is?20:17
bodhi_zazenI suggested they k/b him next time, I am giving you all a heads up only because zkriesse has an ubuntu cloak20:17
bodhi_zazenpleia2: The blog has been deleted20:18
pleia2ok, thanks20:18
bodhi_zazenpleia2: I think a PM from you would be sufficient at this time, much appreciated20:18
pleia2he's not responding20:24
pleia2it's a problem for Ubuntu Members to do this though, so I'll follow up in email too if I don't get a reply20:25
aeon-ltdis the ubottu (or the bot developer) for #ubuntu here?21:11
topyliaeon-ltd: try #ubuntu-bots-devel21:12
topylihm wait, is that correct? maybe :)21:12
aeon-ltdtopyli: thanks21:12
DJonesIt may be #ubuntu-bots as well21:27

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