
mdeslaurIs there an ETA for the lucid mini 9 sound regression caused by kernel 2.6.32-34? (LP: #875300)?00:02
mdeslauror do I have to apply workaround for all family and friends?00:03
redzarfmore details are here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8088901/00:44
jjohansenredzarf: whats up :)00:46
redzarfjjohansen: I was hoping you might be around :)00:46
redzarfstill can't get the image deb file to build00:46
jjohansenyeah I gathered that :)00:46
jjohansenredzarf: what kernel source are you using, and on what version of the OS are you building00:47
redzarfkernel: linux-ec2-2.6.3200:47
redzarfOS is lucid (latest on EC2)00:47
jjohansenalright and where is it failing00:48
redzarfBeen trying from the plain Ubuntu AMI's00:48
redzarfI think it's during the fakeroot debian/rules binary00:48
redzarfthe stackoverflow page has the error message that comes up at the end00:49
jjohansenredzarf: okay, can you paste the error some where? paste.ubunt.com ?00:49
jjohansenredzarf: ah, okay looking again00:49
jjohansenredzarf: in the source directory, what debian directories exist?  is it debian and debian.ec2 or debian and debian.master00:51
redzarfall 300:52
jjohansenredzarf: hrmm, try binary-ec200:53
jjohansenit should be hooked up so that binary, does binary-ec2 /me is wondering if there is a bug there00:54
redzarfstill similar errors as before (no image file)00:55
jjohansenredzarf: what is under debian/build/00:56
redzarfi'll try redownloading source and doing it from scratch, then paste the full output00:56
redzarfi'll try redownloading source and doing it from scratch, then paste the full output to paste.ubuntu.com00:56
jjohansenredzarf: oh wait did you do a fakeroot debian/rules clean first00:57
redzarfi did00:57
redzarfbut i'll do it from scratch to be sure00:57
redzarfwould you recommend I get linux-image-2.6.32-318-ec2 or just linux-ec2?00:58
jjohansenredzarf: honestly I would recommend the git tree00:58
redzarfwhat settings would i need to change for ec2?00:59
jjohansengit clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git00:59
jjohansengit checkout --track ec2 -b ec2 origin/ec200:59
jjohansensecond command from within the directory the first creates01:00
redzarfah, excellent :-)01:00
redzarfnearly finished using the apt-get version...01:00
jjohansenI know the source tarball should be good enough, but I always use the git tree01:00
redzarfbtw, i think the file that is touch'ed on line 11 doesn't exist - the place it's copied from doesn't have that file01:03
jjohansenredzarf: ah yeah, okay do01:05
jjohansenmake mrproper01:05
jjohansengit checkout -f01:05
jjohansenand try building again01:06
redzarfok, doing the clone now01:06
redzarfthen I do the first checkout above? (--track ec2)01:07
redzarfthen those 2 commands?01:07
redzarfdo i make menuconfig just before doing the debian/rules clean?01:08
jjohansenoh, sorry no01:08
jjohansenwithin a git tree, those last to will let you get past the mrproper error and build, but not from the source tarball01:08
jjohansenso the the clone and checkout commands01:09
jjohansenthen do01:09
jjohansenfakeroot debian/rules editconfigs01:09
jjohansenif you do menu config before clean, its changes will get blown away01:10
jjohansenactually you will need to do an01:10
jjohansenfakeroot debian/rules clean01:10
jjohansenbefore editconfigs01:10
jjohanseneditconfigs is a wrapper around make menuconfigs01:11
redzarfi'd been doing make menuconfig then the fakeroot debian/rules clean then fakeroot debian/rules binary, so i guess they were out of order01:11
jjohansenwell you can do it but, I won't guarentee that it will work01:12
redzarfso do i still do make mrproper and git checkout -f ?01:12
jjohansenactually I think make menuconfig will but then you hit the mrproper problem01:12
redzarfso this is what i'm about to run:01:13
redzarfgit checkout --track ec2 -b ec2 origin/ec201:13
redzarffakeroot debian/rules clean01:13
redzarffakeroot debian/rules editconfigs01:13
redzarffakeroot debian/rules binary01:13
redzarffatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches.01:14
jjohansengit checkout --track -b ec2 origin/ec201:15
* jjohansen messed up the checkout syntax01:15
redzarfthats ok, the noob who doesn't know any better will forgive you :)01:15
jjohansenwell even for someone who uses git daily sometimes its syntax is uhm less than friendly01:17
redzarfthe binary command is running - taking much longer than it ever has before, so I'll take that as a good sign01:20
redzarfjjohansen: it's finished and the image file is there!! :)02:01
redzarfso I just run  dpkg -i linux-*.deb  then restart - anything else?02:01
jjohansenredzarf: that should be it02:02
redzarfgreat, thanks for your help!02:03
jjohansenredzarf: np02:05
apwGrueMaster, did it end up in universe perhaps08:39
smbmorning .+08:55
ppisatimorning morning10:01
=== smb` is now known as smb
seb03Hi, I'd like to help with the ASPM bug, how do I know that I've installed the patched kernel correctly?10:56
seb03does it simply replace the existing one or should it be selectable on boot?10:57
smbseb03, It would replace the existing one if you take the same version10:57
smbTheoretically you should notice a difference in uname -a after boot10:57
smbbut in doubt it is the one compiled on Sat-1210:58
seb03sure do: uname -a Linux snoopy 3.0.0-13-generic #22+mjgaspmfix SMP Mon Nov 14 18:02:48 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux10:58
smbSo that is the patched one10:58
seb03so how do I get rid of it again after I've done my power readings?10:59
seb03install the meta package from the repo again?10:59
smbseb03, In doubt you can get the package from there https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/linux/3.0.0-13.2211:02
smbThere is also some way to force a reinstall with specifying a version, but I personally find it rather complicated. :)11:02
iceroothttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/869502  can you have a look at this bug to give me infos how i can support you on a better way to get it fixed11:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 869502 in linux "Kernel-Panic with on asus eee pcs and msi wind (both using rt2800 wifi chipset)" [High,Confirmed]11:11
icerootsee also http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1211290 and http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=619211:14
seaniushi, quick question:  I'm maintaining a local kernel package based off the ubuntu-lucid git repo.  I'm wondering how I should make commits to incrememnt the changelog frmo the ubuntu version12:08
seaniusis there some magic string i need to put in the commit to get it show up in debian/changelog?  and is there anything else I need to do to increment the ubuntu version?12:09
tgardnerseanius, kernel maintenance is described somewhere in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel 12:16
ppisatiseanius: everything you commit (except if you use the Ignore: Yes string in the commit log) should show up in the changelog12:20
ppisatiseanius: about the version, it's your duty to increment it12:20
ppisatiseanius: you mean the last 2 numbers, right?12:21
ppisatiseanius: e.g. linux-image-3.0.0-1206-omap4_3.0.0-1206.12_armel.deb12:21
ppisatiseanius: the 1206 and 12 numbers in this pkg12:21
* ppisati -> lunch12:31
seaniusppisati: none of my commits show up in the changelog, but like I said I don't know if there's some documented syntatic sugar i'm missing in the commit or some script/template etc12:48
seaniustgardner: i will poke around and see what i can find12:49
apwseanius, you probabally need a fakeroot debian/rules insertchanges to get them into the changelog, of course that implies you have followed standard proceedure in opening the changelog entry (fakeroot debian/rules newrelease)12:49
apwall of this is documented (poorly) in the kernel-team wiki12:50
seaniuslooking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/StableHandbook/StablePatchApplication right now12:50
seaniusbasically, i have a set of about 50 backported patches which i need to maintain on top of one of the ubuntu-lucid kernels12:51
seaniusand periodically rebase against the ubuntu updates int the repo12:51
seaniuseach time i rebase the list of patches get a bit smaller but i don't see the problem ever going away entirely12:54
seaniusat least until 3.2 is released and backported :)12:55
seaniusit looks like apw's suggestion agrees with the above wiki page, so i'll try working with that12:55
seaniusone more question: what provides maint-getabis?13:12
apwthere is a getabis script in the tree, maint-getabis is more for use by team members, as it talks to our PPAs etc13:19
smb(which would be in the kteam-tools git repo)13:20
seaniusright, thx13:20
seaniusand for changes to be inserted via debian/rules insertchanges they need to have an "UBUNTU:" line in them?13:22
apwfor them to have your name against them ye13:24
apwyes, otherwise no13:24
seaniusor... i guess the new release commit has to go before them13:24
apwnope, not that either13:25
apwit looks for the previous release commit13:25
apwthe format of the release commit title is important13:25
seaniusinsertchanges turns my new release changelog into a blank entry13:25
ppisatiseanius: did you close it properly?13:25
apwits all simple shell in debian/rules.d so you should be able to debug it pretty easy13:26
apwits definatly orientied to our use models13:26
seaniusokay so this is what i'm doing so far13:26
apwnormally an empty entry is triggered by it failing to find the previous release commit13:26
seaniusgit pull --rebase to get some updates13:27
apwand fakeroot debian/rules printenv will tell you what it things current and previous are13:27
seaniusgit clean -dffx && git reset --hard13:27
seaniusfakeroot debian/rules clean13:27
seaniusfakeroot debian/rules startnewrelease13:27
seaniusgit commit -s -F debian/commit-templates/newrelease13:27
seaniusoh, oops, there's a git add debian/changelog in there13:28
seaniuser, debian.natty/changelog13:28
seaniusand then  fakeroot debian/rules insertchanges, which sets the changelog to be empty13:28
apwok, as i say thats probabally because its failing to find its previous entry13:29
apwfdr printenv will show you the version it is looking for13:29
seaniusi also see an error from expr when running fdr startnewrelease13:31
seaniusapw: will look at printenv after i clean up again13:31
apwthen likely your version format is probabally not working for the tooling, and the tools may need a tweak13:32
seaniusbut i haven't added any version yet13:32
seaniusbut this is in the natty-lts-backport tree so maybe it's something existing in the repo13:32
apwif your version is triggering the expr then likely the previos version is being broken13:33
apwwhich means we won't find it to do the entry detection13:33
apwyou can just ignore the tooling there and use like13:33
apwif you look at the implementation of insertchanges, you can see how it works13:35
apwyou can use git log of your own in the same command line13:35
seaniusah, yeah, you have a bug in rules.d :)13:36
seaniusrevision          = 13.52~lucid113:37
seanius@nextminor=$(shell expr `echo $(revision) | awk -F. '{print $$2}'` + 1);13:37
apwyep, probabally never used on lts backports13:37
apwwe don't generate those that way13:38
seaniusbut really, if all i'm interested is sticking a version on top of the existing backport version, and don't care about good changelog documentation, i could just directly edit the debian.natty/changelog file?13:38
seaniusokay, simplicity ftw then :)13:39
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* ogasawara back in 2015:29
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apwsmb, whats the latest official relase of your drm33 tree ?15:41
* smb believes
smbapw, ^ Should be that. Am I slacking somewhere?15:43
apwsmb, no making sure the flip back to kernel.org worked15:43
apwand that we are up to date15:43
smbAh, ok15:43
smbapw, We should be up to date from before. I think I saw builds happening while I still was bringing k.org back to life15:45
apwurl = git://kernel.ubuntu.com/smb/linux-2.6.32.y-drm33.z.git15:46
apwoh we are on the old one, which one do you want to use15:46
apware you keeping our mirror up to date anyhow?15:46
smbapw, Sort of automatically as I use it to transfer to local builders to test builds. I had been a bit more lax with the tag, but I guess I will use it as a real mirror now15:48
smbOtherwise: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/smb/linux-2.6.32.y-drm33.z.git15:48
apwsmb, ok will leave it pointing at your ubuntu one for nwo15:54
ogasawara## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:01
ogasawara##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:01
ogasawara## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - in 5 minutes - #ubuntu-meeting16:55
=== ogasawara changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Oneiric Kernel Version: 3.0.0 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Nov 22 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
apwogasawara, ok i've redone the configuration review and dumped a slew of new inconsistant items on your plate :)20:02
ogasawaraapw: ack20:02
apwogasawara, did we add doing a re-review at rally to the work items ?20:02
tgardnerogasawara, I was sure ther would be a few. it was kind of mind numbing with all the new options20:03
ogasawaraapw: yep, and I thought you added it to the agenda already20:03
apwtgardner, yeah epecially as you see them all 20 times20:03
apwogasawara, will check and confirm20:03
apwogasawara, yep its there good20:04
ogasawaratgardner: how's the sprint going?20:04
* ogasawara rebases precise to 3.2-rc220:04
tgardnerogasawara, neck deep in server configuration....20:05
apwogasawara, I assume there is no patches for the 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1 stuff20:10
ogasawaraapw: which stuff?20:10
apwReplace compat-wireless 3.1.0 with 3.1.120:10
apwthat stuff, i assume your thread is not meant to contains patches for the code itself20:11
ogasawaraapw: not exactly, it just dumps the 3.1.1 tarball over the 3.1.0 bits20:11
apwogasawara, what are we naming the meta packages nwo20:13
apwi was sort of expecting the relase to be 3.1 in the meta package, pointing to 3.1.x whatever it is called in the lbm package20:14
ogasawaraapw: for oneiric it's linux-backports-modules-cw-3.1.1-oneiric-<flavor>20:14
ogasawaraapw: I suppose we could make it just be 3.120:14
apwwe use 2.6.38 presumably for the meta package in previous releases yes?20:15
apwie it points to the base version?  then i think the new ones should be 3.0 3.1 etc as they are meant to upgrade20:15
ogasawaraapw: yep, in lucid for we used 3.0.0, so I followed suit and used 3.1.120:16
apwwell 3.0.0, and 3.1.0 (where the 0 is always 0) might also make sense as it matches our kernel naming20:17
apwbut the .1 is like patch releases right?  if so then we don't want that bit to change in the meta package name20:17
apwso either not there, or zapped to 0, so we get upgrades20:17
ogasawaraapw: yah, I think I like the 2 digit convention20:19
ogasawaraapw: eg just 3.120:19
apwogasawara, yeah20:20
ogasawaraapw: I'll send a revised patch to the list20:20
mdeslaurtgardner: who do I need to ping for SRU regressions?20:20
tgardnermdeslaur, start with the stable team20:22
mdeslaurwho is on the stable team?20:22
apwmdeslaur, bjf and herton in the first instance20:23
mdeslaurapw: thanks!20:24
apwmdeslaur, fileing a bug against the version with regresion-proposed or regression-updates would get their attention too20:24
apwwhat you found, anything fun ?20:24
EtienneGtrying to test the latest natty kernel in natty-proposed, but it seems like linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic is not in the archive.  Is it still building?20:26
mdeslaurapw: there's already a bug open (#875300)...we broke sound on mini 9's running lucid...and now, a bunch of friends have started pestering me :P20:26
mdeslaurapw: never _ever_ recommend machines to friends :P20:26
apwEtienneG, shouldn't work that way as things are copied in as a chunk20:26
apwEtienneG, which flavour are you having issues with 20:27
EtienneGapw, -generic, amd6420:27
EtienneGapw, it shows on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/amd64/linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic/2.6.38-13.52, but it not apt-getable from us.a.u.c or archive.u.c directly20:27
EtienneGalso, linux-image-generic do depend on linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic, but it is not there ...20:28
EtienneGI am perplexed20:28
EtienneGmight just be me doing something wrong20:29
apwEtienneG, they appear to be in universe20:30
* apw investigates20:31
EtienneGweird, but he20:31
tgardnerEtienneG, an inexperienced archive admin likely forgot the overrides (again)20:32
apwtgardner, looks like it yep20:32
* apw starts poking on #ubuntu-devel20:32
EtienneGtgardner, I am shocked! is there such a thing as an "inexperienced archive admin"?  :)20:32
* apw wishes it was not so20:32
apwthough the kernel copies is meant to be scripted so in thory that could be part of the scirpting20:33
apwEtienneG, adding universe temp should let you get testing20:33
EtienneGanyway, that was it.  my sources.list entry for natty-proposed only had main and restricted20:33
EtienneGso there20:33
EtienneGthanks for the pointer, as long as I can it, I am happy20:34
EtienneGI guess it will be fixed in time20:34
apwyep, will poke that aa's to get it resolved20:36
apwlooking likely will be tommorrow now20:36
apwogasawara, under the new rougime wherein the archive is meant to work all the time, i wonder if we should upload a semi-official kernel to the kernelppa or something so we can get some testing on it before unleashing it on the unsuspecting public21:04
ogasawaraapw: sounds reasonable21:04
apwof course that assumes we have PPAs21:05
ogasawaraapw: I know there are still some powerpc build failures that I need to fix us (assuming they're not fixed with -rc2)21:05
apwogasawara, ok :)  let me know if i can help, else i'll keep grinding on the configuration check tommorrow21:06
* apw drifts away21:06
ogasawaraapw: ack, I'm gonna kick off test builds and see what's still breaking.  Likely won't get to fixing them up till tomorrow since I drop off here in a bit.21:07
apwogasawara, sounds like a plan to me, now where is that beer21:07
ogra_apw, you might find this thread intresting https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-November/254160.html22:01
ogra_(looks like overlayfs /cow contents dont go into swap)22:02
apwogra_, could be22:08
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm|ubuntu

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