
akgranercool - I'll get you an email then... thanks00:09
philipballew_akgraner, I can do it00:44
philipballew_also. nice edition of the newsletter00:44
akgranerthanks! and thanks for all your help00:58
akgranerit's a team effort that is for sure00:59
valorieakgraner: I can just add it to my listadmin list01:03
valorie<3 listadmin01:03
valoriebest spamkiller evar01:04
akgranerthat is a handy tool that's for sure01:04
philipballewakgraner, so will i get an email for being a moderator or what?01:15
akgraneryep - just working on something else at the moment01:17
philipballewno hurry. I am not in a hurry. you should take a break anyway :)01:18
YoBoYgood morning06:36
philipballewgood evening YoBoY06:41
akgranerthought I'd share this post  from one of my favorite sites - 12 Most Timeless Principles for Bringing Out the Best in People - http://12most.com/2011/08/22/12-timeless-principles-bringing-people/06:53
YoBoYthank you akgraner, great principles :)07:08
benonsoftwareHi all07:11
ashamshi guys13:05
ashamsakgraner, hi22:59
ashamsI can't find the final dates for dev/open week etc...23:00
akgranerlet me see if jcastro added them to the wiki yet...23:03
akgranerashams, there were some changes made so let me email him and get stuff added to wikis and calendars23:05
akgranerI'll cc you :-)23:05
ashamsThanks :)23:05
akgranervalorie, bkerensa, philipballew moderation email sent and you've all been added as moderators23:50
akgranerashams, what23:51
akgranerashams, what's your email address?23:51
ashamsI could barely remember it :)23:52
ashamsThank you23:52
* bkerensa is updating his e-mail on listadmin23:53
* bkerensa is phasing out ubuntu-oregon.org23:53
bkerensatoo many e-mail accounts = inefficiency23:53
valoriedanke schon23:54
bkerensawhat valorie said :P23:54

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