
czajkowskiAloha 07:20
dholbachgood morning08:02
HakanSAre there any rules about who can start a channel on freenode, which is named ubuntu-(something)?09:15
YoBoYI think there is some rules to create channel in freenode in general, ask to one of the irc ops (there is a chan for that ^^") perhaps09:18
head_victimHakanS: I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels is a good start09:18
HakanSThere is a person that har registered the channel #ubuntu-se-offtopic. I do not want Ubuntu associated with the discussions in that channel. (Drugs, crime tc.)09:21
head_victimahh then maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam would help get you in contact with people to follow up on that09:23
HakanShead_victim: Thanks.09:24
head_victimDespite being OT  there should still be some level of decorum.09:25
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com12:09
czajkowskiYoBoY: yes?12:09
YoBoYI just received a second box with official CDs12:09
YoBoYerror ?12:09
czajkowskiYoBoY: hmm 12:09
YoBoYI received the first one last week12:10
czajkowskiYoBoY: it's not us that look after them it's shippit12:10
czajkowskiperhaps drop them an email 12:10
czajkowskiand let them know 12:10
czajkowskithanks for letting me knwo though12:10
YoBoYit's normal, you have to be informed for things like that, i put the lc in copy12:11
czajkowskiYoBoY: yup you can if you like thanks. 12:12
czajkowskiYoBoY: cheers for the heads up I know france was one of the teams that hadn't received their stuff so maybe there was just a delay and it got ordered twice12:16
YoBoYperhaps yes12:17
YoBoYwe will send them back or send to our first "mentored" locoteam if shipit don't want them :p12:18
czajkowskiYoBoY: that's a really good idea tbh12:30
locodir-usercan i unsubscribe at the website https://shop.canonical.com/shopping_cart.php?14:26
locodir-useris it possible?14:27
locodir-userhow can i unsubscribe at this website?14:27
cjohnstonunsubscribe from what14:27
locodir-userfrom this website14:27
cjohnstonto my knowledge there is no subscription for the Canonical Store14:28
locodir-userthe shop of canonical is the website of ubuntu14:28
cjohnstonNo.. Its the Canonical Store14:28
locodir-useri susbscribe at this website because i can a cd of ubuntu and i can't delete of this website14:29
locodir-useri can buy a cd of ubuntu14:29
locodir-useri wont to buy a cd of ubuntu14:30
locodir-userand my count, how can i delete it?14:30
cjohnstoni dont think you can delete the account14:30
locodir-userwhy do yo think this?14:31
cjohnstonbecause there is no reason to14:31
locodir-userYes, my reason is i have a two account14:32
leoquantdo you receive any mail about this site, to unsubscribe the account is to set a super strong pass (if needed at all) and forget this site afaik you don't have to login14:32
locodir-userand i need only one14:32
cjohnstonthe canonical store uses your launchpad account14:33
leoquantcjohnston, via openid?14:36
locodir-userwhat is the meaning of via openid?14:36
cjohnstonleoquant: ya14:36
locodir-userin my account launchpad?14:37
leoquantlocodir-user, you have to do nothing....thats a fair answer14:37
leoquantnot visiting the site is enough imo14:38
cjohnstonI agree14:38
locodir-userok i entry in a account launchpad14:39
locodir-userand where can i go to delete the account?14:39
locodir-userits impossible delete it?14:40
locodir-userthe only possible is not entry in my account?14:41
cjohnstonlocodir-user: are you trying to delete your launchpad account?14:41
locodir-useryes, i am trying to delete the lauchpad account14:42
locodir-useris it possible?14:42
locodir-userhow can i delete the lauchpad account?14:42
locodir-userthank you for your help14:43
cjohnstongo to your launchpad page14:43
cjohnstonthen click change details14:43
locodir-userok, i am in the lauchpad page14:43
cjohnstonthen click deactivate at the bottom14:43
locodir-userwhere is change details?¿14:44
cjohnstonon the right14:44
locodir-useri see in the page this:14:45
locodir-userMy Account Information My Account Information My Account  View or change my account information. View or change entries in my address book.  My Orders  View the orders I have made.  E-Mail Notifications  Subscribe or unsubscribe from newsletters. View or change my product notification list.14:45
cjohnstonyou arent on your launchpad page14:45
leoquantNever going to use Launchpad again? Deactivate your account.  thats the line to find14:46
locodir-userok tell me, how can i go to my lauchpad page?14:46
leoquantwhats your nick on launchpad?14:47
cjohnstoni dont know your launchpad user id14:47
locodir-useri create an account in this page14:47
locodir-userand y need delete this account14:48
locodir-useri need14:48
cjohnstonyou created a launchpad account14:48
cjohnstonlocodir-user: again, if you just never login again, you will be fine14:48
locodir-userbut can i delete it this account?14:49
locodir-useris it possible or not?14:49
cjohnstonon your launchpad page14:49
locodir-userwhere is my lauchpad page?14:49
paultaglaunchpad.net ;)14:50
cjohnstonon launchpad.14:50
leoquantwe need your nick locodi14:50
leoquanttab tab tab14:50
locodir-useri entry in my lauchpad page14:51
locodir-userand how can i delete it?14:51
cjohnstonstop tabbing! no more tabbing! especially when you talk to czajkowski! you can't tab her name.. you must learn to spell it! hehe14:51
paultagI do actually like the (real) tchaikovsky14:52
locodir-usercan i delete this account?14:52
paultaglocodir-user: you should ask in #launchpad14:52
paultaglocodir-user: they will be able to help better14:52
leoquantyou can delete launchpad14:52
paultagwe're just letting you know what you need to do14:52
paultaghead over there, I'm sure they can help better14:53
leoquantyou can delete you'r account14:53
paultaglocodir-user: /join #launchpad14:53
locodir-userok ty paultag14:53
paultagcome to think of it, I like the fake one too (czajkowski)14:53
locodir-userin the channel #lauchpad there is anyperson14:55
paultagyou spelled it wrong14:55
paultagI just joined and left, you're not in there14:55
locodir-userah ok14:55
locodir-useri see at this pagr14:55
paultaglocodir-user: ask launchpad14:55
paultagI don't know what you should do14:56
locodir-userthis website is for delete the account14:56
paultagmy advice is worthless, therefore ask someone smart with this14:56
paultagI have no idea locodir-user 14:56
locodir-userof canonical stores14:56
paultaglocodir-user: this is a loco channel, not launchpad support14:56
paultagI have no idea14:56
paultagyou should ask launchpad14:56
paultaglocodir-user: no problemo14:59
locodir-usernice to meet you bye14:59
paultagkk, bye14:59
leoquantЧайковский tab tab15:09
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
tiagoscdhow I can request Ubuntu marketing items, like tablecloth and banners, to an approved loco team?18:54
czajkowskitiagoscd: what loco is this ?19:09
tiagoscdczajkowski, http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br-sc19:09
czajkowskitiagoscd: brazil loco?19:10
tiagoscdis part of brazil loco19:10
tiagoscda subteam19:10
czajkowskitiagoscd: right but at present only the main team as it's approved gets the tablecloth and banner you'll have to ask them 19:11
czajkowskias it's approved teams not sub teams who recieve such items 19:11
tiagoscdczajkowski, ok :/ thanks by reply19:12
czajkowskitiagoscd: you're not the first brazil sub team to ask 19:13
czajkowskiyou should talk to brazilian council I know one of the members was at UDS and we discussed this very topic 19:13
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf

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