
tumbleweedbdrung: daily builds back to normal again00:07
tumbleweedooh, a shiny 'cancel build' button. Seems to only apply to queued builds, though. It can't euthenase builds in progress...00:10
psusiany idea why you could be getting errors like: /home/psusi/btrfs-progs/scrub.c:1342: undefined reference to `pthread_create', despite the fact that you are compiling with -lpthread?00:43
broderpsusi: is that a link error or a compile error?00:44
hyperairlooks like a linker error.00:44
psusiyep, link error00:44
hyperairi would be inclined to think that you're missing libpthread.so?00:45
broderpsusi: is it a -as-needed error?00:45
broder(i.e. do you need to move -lpthread further down the command line?)00:45
tumbleweedwith --as-needed, the order of the libraries is significant00:47
psusiI seem to have /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0, which points to libpthread-2.13.so00:47
psusi--as-needed doesn't appear to be on the command line00:47
tumbleweedit's implicit on oneiric/precise00:47
hyperairpsusi: maybe pasting the full build log will help00:48
psusiohh.. so what does that do?00:48
tumbleweed(also, OT, but IIRC one should use -pthread instead of -lpthread. -pthread acts as both a preprocessor and linker flag)00:50
hyperairhmm does it?00:50
kaushalCan partner repos be integrated with local ubuntu mirror using deb mirror ?00:50
hyperairpsusi: push -lpthread to the back of the gcc command and see if that helps00:50
tumbleweedpsusi: yeah, put your -pthread after all the .o s00:51
psusihrm.... so which is it, use -pthread, or move the -lpthread?00:51
tumbleweedpsusi: move it00:51
tumbleweedthe using -pthread thing was orthogonal. It popped into my head when I saw -lpthread00:51
psusiso.. why does the order matter?  I mean hasn't everyone who has ever written a makefile assumed they can put the -l flags first?00:52
tumbleweedpsusi: there was some explanation in that wiki page link I pasted00:53
tumbleweedthere's more on Debian's page: http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking00:54
psusiwell, reordering the arguments seems to do it... as fubar as that is...00:56
astraljavaHi guys, I made a small change to Studio's desktop seed. Do we need to request a SRU for this to become effective? The change adds a new package, previously we only had indicator-sound but that isn't enough to see the volume icon in the Indicator Plugin. I added the -gtk2 package that does that.01:35
astraljavaOh sorry, this was for ubuntustudio.oneiric seeds.01:36
micahgastraljava: you just need to get a bug in the sponsorship queue04:31
astraljavamicahg: I was hoping for such an answer. Thanks! I'll get on it.06:44
micahgastraljava: no need for a debdiff, just give a link to the branch with the seed in the bug06:45
astraljavamicahg: Excellent. Thanks so much!07:36
dholbachgood morning08:02
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Laneytumbleweed: it's %prog not %progname for optparse10:02
Laney"Usage: reverse-dependsname [options] package" ;-)10:02
tumbleweedLaney: thanks10:33
tumbleweedbtw, we are still seeing uploads fall through the gap, I must work out why...10:34
* Laney is making use of reverse-depends -b to subscribe to all haskell packages10:34
Laneydid you find out how getPublishedSources works?10:35
tumbleweedLaney: nobody replied to me10:45
Laneywould an upper limit have any problems?10:46
tumbleweedthat's what I'm currently using10:46
Laneyoh lord, won't you give me, some changes mboxes10:53
Davieytumbleweed: what are you trying to find out?10:59
DavieyLaney: are you parsing mboxes?10:59
Laneynot any more11:00
Davieygood! :)11:01
Laneythat actually worked rather reliably11:01
DavieyAlthough i am suprised LP api exposes everything you need as a replacement.11:01
DavieyLaney: sure, just slow and cumbersome, not to mention that -changes mailing list hasn't quite been reliable.11:01
Laneyit doesn't get all uploads11:02
Laneybut it wasn't very cumbersome, there are some alright libraries to parse mboxes11:02
Laneyusing lp has its own problems - publications don't correspond directly to uploads11:03
Laneyand we haven't found out how to not miss some publications yet11:03
DavieyLaney: Yes, i was using one to generate upload history for a given user.11:03
DavieyTook 2 hours to do a posh grep of historic -changes.:/11:04
Laneyyou didn't use my shiny UDD table? :-(11:04
DavieyLaney: this predated your UDD magic.11:05
Davieybug 610491 is a pain for me.11:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 610491 in Launchpad itself "[API] Please expose getPublishedSources(package_creator,package_signer)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61049111:05
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tumbleweedDaviey: yeah, trying to find out how to use getPublishedSources reliably11:07
Davieytumbleweed: what is it missing for you?11:09
Laneyis the problem that things can go from pending to published?11:09
tumbleweedLaney: I considered that. We may want to cut off timestamp - 1hr or something11:11
tumbleweedDaviey: it's hard to do multiple runs and not either get duplicates, or missing items11:12
Laneywe should probably also have lock files11:12
Laneyhmm, no, we don't ask for only Published records11:13
tumbleweedDaviey: not being able to search by package_creator,package_signer is why I set up http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi11:34
Davieytumbleweed: Oooo, nice11:40
Laneyit'd be good if PPAs could be NotAutomatic11:52
* tumbleweed wonders why the znc backport doesn't show up on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=312:02
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Laneydear bzr branch, please to being faster, thanks14:36
Resistancebroder:  i got some notice about the znc backport being accepted... does that mean that the bug that was blocking it was resolved?  Or did they grab the binaries from the PPA?14:42
psusiI have what I suppose is a UDD question.  According to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/btrfs-tools, the upstream for the package is Btrfs Tools => trunk, which is auto imported from the upstream git repo...14:56
psusilooking at the bzr history however, this appears to be false.  The actual upstream appears to be debian, which is tarball auto imported from debian source packages... ergo, you can't do a bzr merge from the Btrfs Tools trunk because they have no common ancestry14:57
psusiisn't this borked?14:57
cjwatsonUDD branches aren't in general mergeable from upstream; that's a later phase of the UDD plan15:02
cjwatsonthey should in general (not necessarily always) be mergeable from the Debian branch, which is where in practice we do nearly all our merging from15:03
cjwatsonit was a question of priorities15:03
psusiso shouldn't launchpad be saying that the debian branch is upstream?15:05
psusiand is there a way to work around this and merge from upstream upstream?  I'm thinking that it will require rebasing all of the debian/ubuntu changes onto upstream...15:06
psusiwhich would then break the ability to merge from the debian branch...15:06
murlidharis there a plan to include firefox8 into the official repositories ?15:08
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psusihrm... what if you were to find the correct upstream revision that the debian tarball came from, and then do a merge from there into the debian branch?  It would be a no change merge, but then would provide the common ancestor allowing us to merge directly from upstream in the future, wouldn't it?15:35
psusiohh, but you couldn't do that merge because of no common ancestor... argh.15:36
cjwatsonwell, launchpad is saying what the upstream *project* is.  I don't know if it points to the upstream *branch* somewhere15:48
cjwatsonmerging from upstream would require a full rebase of both Debian and Ubuntu, yes15:48
cjwatsonand given that most packaging work of that form is cherry-picking into debian/patches/ anyway, it's a relatively low priority for a lot of packages15:49
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Specification is the overall phased plan BTW15:49
cjwatsonit's a huge project; we're more or less at the end of phase 215:50
l3ondebfx, hi! :)16:13
debfxl3on: hi16:15
l3ondebfx, hi... I read your reply to mrtg merge :)=16:15
l3onand you're right16:15
l3onI'm rebuilding it .. :)16:15
debfxgreat :)16:16
l3ondebfx, do you suggest to append a dep3 header at patch ?16:22
debfxl3on: yes, always16:22
l3ondebfx, sorry for annoying you :P...16:28
l3onthese are my first merges,, so ... :P16:28
l3onIn Origin: what you suggest ?16:28
l3onThere is no specific page in changelog when patch was introduced the first time...16:28
l3ons/page/lp bug16:28
debfxin this case Description and Author is enough16:30
l3onoki.. author I set: Soren Hansen <soren@ubuntu.com>16:31
l3onit's the first guy introduced patch16:31
Laneymrtg has had that delta for so long16:31
Laneywhy isn't it upstream?16:31
Laneywhat is it even for, can we get rid of it?16:34
l3onboh :/16:35
l3ondebfx, ok.. I sent new patches16:44
l3onmmm LP does not work well with mail :/ what a mess in that reply!16:44
broderResistance: no. it means that the upload of znc itself was accepted, but the build will fail because swig hasn't been backported and the issue has not yet been resolved17:13
Rhondahmm, somehow I don't get ppa build order …17:43
Resistancebroder:  ah, i see.  but it *will* be backported once that bug has been resolved?17:44
broderResistance: znc itself has been backported, but it won't be able to build until swig is backported and the bug is fixed17:45
broderit's stuck in something of a purgatory state called "depwait" because its dependencies aren't all there17:45
brodersee https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/znc/0.202-1~natty1/+build/292676917:45
broderso the status of the bug is accurate, if a bit deceptive17:45
Rhondanatty was build quite quickly, but the others aren't catching up at all18:07
Rhondaoh, one needs to complain, oneiric started building :)18:07
Resistancei assume you're aware of why complaining is bad?18:08
ResistanceFWIW... i think the builders are just being slowish18:08
RhondaIt depends on how you define "complaining" and how it is worded. I don't think mine was that unreasonable, actually rather a question on what might be happening.18:09
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Barzoghhey all18:24
sorenl3on, Laney: I have no recollection of that patch, to be honest, but I don't see any reason why I didn't get it upstream.18:45
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