
xjjkhello, the PPA for Aurora says "publishing disabled" https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/firefox-aurora01:17
xjjkis that good or bad, and does it means there won't be Aurora builds anymore?01:17
mtuheyas.  the firefox-stable PPA shows FF8 as built but not published. you probably hear this question all the time, but when is it going to be released?11:58
xjjkwell, 1) you shouldn't need the firefox-stable PPA12:00
xjjkand 2) there's a bug I think they're working on12:01
xjjkpublishing disabled for beta and aurora as well, bah12:01
xjjkhttps://bugs.lauhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/888307 that, afaikchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/88830712:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 888307 in thunderbird "Bundled Firefox extensions disabled on upgrade to 8.0" [Critical,Fix committed]12:04
xjjker https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/88830712:04
mtuxjjk: i'm on 10.04 because my university says i must be, so for FF8 i think i do need the PPA. or am i mistaken?12:05
xjjkmtu: I'm unsure for 10.0412:05
xjjkmtu: for recent versions of Ubuntu, the policy was to update Firefox as part of backports, i.e. no PPA needed12:06
xjjkCanonical didn't want to support old versions of Firefox12:06
xjjkI don't know if that retroactively applied to 10.0412:06
mtui'm afraid the repos for 10.04 still hold only 3.612:08
mtubut all right, now i know where the delay comes from, so i'll check again in abit12:09
xjjkmtu: did you check backports?12:10
xjjkmmm, I don't see it12:13
mtunah. amarok, gdm, irssi, some i18n stuff, but no FF8 in backports12:13
mtubetween you and me, i'd be using ubuntuzilla like on my ancient 9.10 laptop, but this is a 64 bit system...12:14
xjjkyah doesn't apply to 10.04 I guess12:16
mtuall right, thanks for the info12:19
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, hah, saw your tweet about the control panel. we even distro-patch extra options in to it in ubuntu!13:51
chrisccoulson(eg, a simple theme switcher plus extra power options)13:51
chrisccoulsonyou're not the first person to comment ;)13:51
bhearsumwow, so the regular one is even more crippled?13:51
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah. you can't even configure the "lid close" action in the stock one13:52
bhearsumso....dare i ask how do i something simple like how to change my display timeout settings?13:52
bhearsumor more generally, how do i configure all of the things i used to be able to?13:53
chrisccoulsongood question ;)13:53
chrisccoulsoni can't remember if it's "Display" or "Screen" that you need. why on earth there are 2 panels is beyond me ;)13:53
bhearsumthank you kind sir13:54
bhearsumthe best part about linux is how everything gets rewritten every few years, once things become difficult13:54
bhearsumhow are you doing?13:59
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?14:00
bhearsumabout as good as can be expected given that 8.0.1 is spinning :)14:01
bhearsumare you guys going to skip 8.0.1?14:01
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure. i guess that's up to micahg :)14:01
chrisccoulsonit doesn't look like there's anything for us in it14:02
bhearsumtotally windows and mac vendor crap14:02
chrisccoulsong'ah - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/292749114:03
chrisccoulson7 hours!14:03
bhearsumoh, 7 hours just waiting :(14:03
chrisccoulsonthe builds have been broken all weekend, i would like to unbreak them today :)14:03
bhearsumwhat happened?14:03
chrisccoulsonhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=311007 landed and broke my extension14:04
ubot2Mozilla bug 311007 in Document Navigation "state change events not fired without a channel" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:04
chrisccoulsoni'm used to these types of breakages now :)14:07
bhearsumdid you figure out what you're going to do about the no-global-extensions thing yet?14:09
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah14:09
chrisccoulsonwe've disabled the upgrade dialog entirely, after talking to kev last week14:09
chrisccoulsonwe found quite a few bugs with it14:09
bhearsumso you're just disabling the feature entirely?14:10
chrisccoulsonie, it disables all extensions outside of your profile, but it only appears if you have extensions installed outside of the application directory. so, if you only have extensions inside the application directory, they don't get disabled14:11
chrisccoulsonbut if you have extensions in your profile + some in the application directory, the extensions in the application directory will get disabled14:11
chrisccoulsonreally inconsistent behaviour ;)14:11
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah, we just set the pref which says that the dialog has been displayed before14:12
chrisccoulsonthe upgrade dialog also ignores extensions.autoDisableScopes too (which is the problem we were having)14:12
bhearsumwell good! i'm glad that's all sorted out14:13
bhearsumi was getting worried there for a bit14:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, me too :)14:13
chrisccoulsonit would be nice if things didn't change quite so late in the beta cycle though :-)14:14
bhearsumtell me about it14:15
bhearsumjust be thankful all this silent/background update stuff doesn't affect you!14:15
chrisccoulsonit was made worse for us this cycle as well because the change happened during the week before UDS14:15
chrisccoulsonand i typically don't get anything done during that week14:16
bhearsumi'm really sad we're not sticking to our commitment of no feature changes after Nightly14:16
chrisccoulsonyeah, i was hoping that people would be more disciplined about that :)14:16
bhearsumespecially when it comes to this update stuff, there's a lot of pressure coming from user engagement folks and some people from the top14:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, the update stuff is especially scary14:17
chrisccoulsonwe discussed quality in ubuntu quite a bit at UDS14:19
chrisccoulsonwhich is something we haven't been that great with in recent releases14:20
chrisccoulsoni'm hoping that is going to improve a lot this cycle :)14:20
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
micahgbhearsum: chrisccoulson: since I didn't push or build 8.0, I figured I'd push 8.0.1 since 7.0.1 people upstream will get it16:06
micahgxjjk: 10.04 will jump on the rapid release bandwagon close to the end of life of 3.6 (which is now scheduled for Apr 2012, but subject to change)16:10
micahgchrisccoulson: is there a reason publishing is still disabled on the PPAs?16:10
chrisccoulsonmicahg, which PPA's?16:10
micahgwell, aurora, beta, and stable were disabled (presumably while you were fixing the addons issue)16:11
chrisccoulsonaurora is disabled i've still not had a chance to test the first build yet (which hasn't actually happened, because the bot has been failing to create them)16:12
micahgah, I guess you're just waiting for everythign to build16:12
chrisccoulsonbeta is disabled until i've got all the 9.0 bits ready16:12
micahgright, ok, makes sense16:16
micahgchrisccoulson: the good news is the chrisbot finally got chromium uploaded to the stable PPA :)16:17
chrisccoulsoni haven't been keeping much of an eye on that16:17
chrisccoulsoni think the nightlies are still broken aren't they?16:17
micahgyeah, I'll get to it when I can16:19
micahgit was a crazy weekend for me16:19
jceajceaI have ubuntu 10.04 with firefox-stable PPA17:07
jceajceaI have installer Firefox 7.0.1 (from that PPA)17:07
jceajceabut it is not offering the new FF 8.0.17:08
jceajceaChecking the PPA, I dn't see changes since late september, so the firefox-stable PPA seems not to be updated17:08
jceajceaAny info about this?17:08
bhearsummicahg was just saying that it's going to get 8.0.1 soon, i think17:10
micahgjceajcea: no, it'll get 8.0 soon17:11
micahgwe're just waiting for stuff to build there17:11
micahgnatty and oneiric will get 8.0.117:11
jceajceaI am with 10.04. Will I get 8.0.1 eventually?17:12
jceajceaubuntu 10.04, that is17:12
chrisccoulson8.0.1 only has mac and windows specific fixes in it17:12
jceajceaSO Ubuntu 10.04 will get 8.0 "soon"?17:13
chrisccoulsonwhen it's built17:13
* jceajcea a btit worried because the week delay so far :-)17:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, that sucks. we had a last minute problem last week and then i was away all weekend since thursday evening, so nothing progressed17:14
chrisccoulsonand now most of the PPA builders are offline17:15
jceajceaOk. Understood. I was a bit worried about the delay and because in https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable they say "Publishing has been disabled for this archive.".17:16
jceajceaI stand corrected and now I know that I only have to wait a "little bit" more17:16
chrisccoulsonthat's because of bug 88830717:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 888307 in thunderbird "Bundled Firefox extensions disabled on upgrade to 8.0" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88830717:16
jceajceaCam I do something to speed this up a bit?17:18
chrisccoulsonfind out where all the PPA builders went? ;)17:18
chrisccoulsonno, there's not really anything you can do, but thanks :)17:18
jceajceaCrossing fingers to get the update "soon". I cant wait for the "tab load on demand" (500 tabs here, folks .-)17:20
jceajceaOK. Thanks for your time and attention. Your effort is greatly appreciated.17:20
micahgchrisccoulson: do the stable branches need you tarball generation fixes or are they for 9+?17:47
* micahg is about to generate 8.0117:47
chrisccoulsonhmmm, is launchpad not working properly?18:34
chrisccoulsoni can't push any bzr branches18:35
micahgI just pushed 218:48
micahghi cousin_luigi20:50
cousin_luigiany news about ff8 on oneiric?20:50
micahgyes, builds are going now, will test later today and release either late tonight or early tomorrow20:51
cousin_luigioh, good to hear that, thank you20:52
chrisccoulsonw00t, i can drop the SDK from firefox now21:50
chrisccoulsonwell, other than npapi headers21:50
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
micahgchrisccoulson: is the SDK no more or we just don't need it?23:59
chrisccoulsonwe don't need it23:59

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