
olly_chilts: i'm at osdc (so canberra)00:23
chiltsah cool :)00:28
chiltsthumper: yeah, I switched to the Ubuntu Mono font and it's lovely :)00:28
* ajmitch still hasn't switched to that, should probably try it out :)00:29
chiltsto be honest, I've been really really impressed by it since I've been using it ... it is definately more pleasurable on the screen :)00:29
chiltsdo it ... seeing a page of code with syntax highlighting in that font is gorgeous!00:29
* thumper just switched to ubuntu mono on chat00:29
* thumper wonders if it works in emacs00:30
chiltsit does :)00:30
* chilts has it00:30
ajmitchof course switching fonts in ubuntu is an ordeal now00:30
chiltsI can paste you a snippet if you like00:30
chiltsthumper: (set-default-font "-misc-Ubuntu Mono-medium-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1")00:30
chiltstook me a while to get there and I'm not sure that's the best way, but it works for me :)00:31
* thumper used "set default font" menu item :)00:31
chiltsheh, I turned my emacs menus off about 7 years ago :)00:33
ibeardsleemutter mutter soaked mutter mutter18:29
sadsungood morning :D18:34
* sadsun hands over a towel. :P18:35
* sadsun slides over a hot cup of coffee ...........cU18:35
ibeardsleemmm coffee18:40
Atamiramiserable day19:16
ajmitchbeautiful sunny day19:31
* Atamira mutters about being wet and rain19:31
ajmitchwe had that for maybe half an hour yesterday19:31
mwhudsonbetter by teatime apparently19:40
mwhudsonis there an ubuntu iso mirror in nz?21:27
ajmitchnot that I know of21:28
ajmitch10:01 < Pyromanik> this field seems like it'll work21:28
ajmitchsilly copy & paste21:28
ajmitchhttp://mirror.ihug.co.nz/ubuntu-releases/ seems to have them21:29
mwhudsonyeah http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-releases/11.10/ too21:29
mwhudson3.5 meg a second, nice21:30
ajmitchnot too bad21:30
karoramorning all :-)22:35

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