
Resistanceare you monitoring the #ubuntu channel, user sekyourbox?00:26
Resistancehe seems to be disruptive00:26
mneptokResistance: i'll have a look. thanks.00:27
Resistanceyou're welcome.  :)00:27
ubottuszal called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:52
CoreyLjL: So quick!00:53
LjLgot enough warnings00:53
oogaboogai was a bit excited i guess earlier, sorry, i was hoping to see if i could maybe get my ban shortened, please?00:54
LjLthe issue is that you *were* warned about language, then you were warned about something else, and as a response you used even more foul language00:55
LjLoogabooga: i will remove the ban on the condition that you read the guidelines that i'm about to send you, and agree to respect them00:55
LjL!etiquette > oogabooga00:55
ubottuoogabooga, please see my private message00:55
LjL!guidelines > oogabooga00:55
LjL!coc > oogabooga00:55
oogaboogaok i'm done00:56
LjLyou're a fast reader aren't you?00:56
oogaboogaok i will continue reading00:57
LjLi'll just pretend you've read them. but next time the ban is going to be much longer if you still misbehave, because the assumption now is that you know them.00:57
PerfMunban me from -offtopic01:04
PerfMI made a missssstake01:04
LjLoogabooga: i'm going to bed now. when you're done reading, please part this channel and rejoin #ubuntu, and behave ;)01:05
PerfMnever mind01:30
PerfMAll is fair in love and war~~~01:30
Guest60175It appears I am still banned in #ubuntu07:52
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (alumno bad language etc)09:11
bastidrazorhello ops.. for the love of pete, please fix the bots. they are -j +j'ing the channel to death.11:32
popeyany chance the !lococouncil factoid can have my name removed now I'm no longer on the loco council?12:40
popeyubot4 knows it, ubottu doesnt12:41
icerootmaybe its possible to stop the floodbots spaming the channel #ubuntu?12:45
Myrttitrust me, it's annoying us as much as it is annoying everyone else13:13
Myrttithere's just a limited amount of tools available for the unaccumstomed op13:14
psypher246hi all, I am a bit confused as to how ask ubuntu works. I have only ever asked one question which no-one responded to and now I am trying to answer someone else question and Ive been told I'm banned? I read the FAQ on why that happens and I don't see how my involvement could have gotten me banned??13:25
Myrttiask ubuntu?13:27
psypher246i just asked this same question in #ubuntu and someone suggested asking it here\13:28
Myrttiwell, this channel has actually prety much nothing to do with AskUbuntu website13:28
Myrttisome of us use it, but the governance has nothing to do with this channel13:29
psypher246ok thanks13:29
truepurpleI was banned from ubuntu for no valid reason16:26
ikoniatruepurple: it's only a temporary ban (sorry didn't see you join here)16:26
truepurpleStill no reason to ban me, and it disrupts my getting help16:26
ikoniatruepurple: you've been spoken to a few times and had a few short bans/mutes in #ubuntu because of how you ask questions / interact with people helping you - I've just watched the whole incident with llutz16:27
truepurpleBy the time I get back, the person that was helping me might be gone16:27
truepurpleand I didnt do anything wrong! llutz took me wrong, but that was llutz error. And when I tried to explain my innocuous meaning, you banned me for it!16:27
truepurpleThis is not right16:28
truepurpleNot fair or a a reason to be banned, even temporarily16:28
LjLtruepurple: don't want to intromit myself but i'm curious, what was that about usernames?16:31
truepurpleI asked the question which noone answered, is ones user name part of the password protection system of linux? If it is, then it is good for people to not know your user name, and if you slip up and publish it, it would be nice to have people not repeatedly publish it16:32
LjLi see16:32
LjLthat wasn't very clear i think16:32
LjLanyway, yeah, the user name is best not known (although of course knowing it is not the end of the world)16:33
truepurpleI prioritized resolving the issue with my HDD over clearing that up16:33
truepurplebut now thankts to ikonia I can't finish fixing the problem I was working on16:34
ikoniasorry - I was just on the phone16:35
ikoniaapologies for that16:35
truepurpleI dont want to spend hours waiting for another person to respond, only to have to reexplain everything from scratch ikonia16:35
truepurpleI mean with the issue I was getting help with, since I can't make further inquiries being banned from the channel16:36
truepurpleand as I mentioned before, by the time I get back, llutz might be gone16:36
truepurpleikonia, how long did you set my ban anyway?16:36
ikoniatruepurple: everytime you interact with someone in #ubuntu - it's a cloak and dagger afair, with miss-leading information, yo udon't listen and you get pushy with the person helping you16:36
ikoniatruepurple: as a result of this you joined in #ubuntu-beginners to try to lean how to interact with people better16:37
truepurpleikonia, that is not true at all16:37
ikoniathen we have different views on one of the last reasons you got banned16:37
truepurpleikonia, I join in ubuntu-beginners when I can't find someone knowledgeable to respond in ubuntu16:37
truepurpleikonia, then just deal with this case, and not anything else16:38
ikoniaok then16:38
ikoniatruepurple: you need to change how you ask questions in #ubuntu16:38
ikoniayou've been spoken to about this many times16:38
ikoniabe straight, give real information16:39
truepurpleikonia, I was misunderstood, and the source of the misunderstanding was not my fault, the correct understanding was not hard to find for anyone not looking for reasons to find offense. When I tried to clear up the misunderstanding, you banned me16:39
ikoniatruepurple: I read it the same as llutz16:40
ikoniathat's why I banned you as you've had similar situations before16:40
truepurpleikonia, I have been straight, I have given real information. If I hadn't done exactly that, llutz couldn't have helped me as much as s/he did16:40
ikoniabut you complained about how he helped you, which in reality was becauase you where not listening properly and changing things slightly16:40
truepurpleikonia, I have been listening, and using the information given, I couldn't do the latter without the former16:41
ikoniaonly because he had to repeat things 3 4 times16:41
truepurpleikonia, I never complained about anyone helping me16:41
ikoniathat's not listening16:41
truepurpleikonia, no, that was not the case16:41
ikoniasorry, that's not how I read it16:41
ikonianor how llutz read it16:41
ikoniaand this situation has arrose with you a few times in the past16:42
truepurpleikonia, some repeating happened in a few pieces of information out of many given, but that was because I did not understand the order or purpose of the information, and repeating with clarification of how to apply said information was needed16:42
truepurpleikonia, I thought we agreed to only deal with this situation, so please don't talk about the past. I still have a open ticket appealing the crappy way I was treated by ops of ubuntu before16:43
ikoniaagain, not how I read it16:43
ikoniatruepurple: your past is relevent because it's for similar situations16:43
truepurpleikonia, bringing in the past means speaking in useless vagueness that amounts to subjective opinion, and we do not agree on that past.16:44
ikoniatruepurple: then we'll leave it there then16:45
truepurpleikonia, exactly why did you ban me? Please speak in extreme specificity compared to what you have been speaking in16:45
truepurpleikonia, also, I asked, how long did you set this ban?16:46
ikoniatruepurple: I'm afraid I'm going to have to reference your previous issues,16:46
ikoniatruepurple: I banned you (it was supposed to short until I'd had chance to talk to you) because you have had problems interacting with users in #ubuntu before, and I wasn't happy with the way you interacted with llutz after he took a lot of effort to help you16:47
truepurpleikonia, Your saying you banned me for things that have happened before, and not what happened today? That is a rhetorical question BTW, the point is, you can be specific with your reasons for today without bringing up the past16:47
ikoniaI've just given you your reason and explained that the past issues suggesting there is something that needs to be corrected16:47
truepurpleikonia, not in any specific way you haven't16:47
truepurpleikonia, you speak only in broad generalities16:48
ikoniaso you want me to start quoting lines and detailing exactly what I was unhappy with ?16:48
ikoniaand going into your previous behaviour logs and quoting lines to back that up16:48
ikoniais that what you want, yes/no16:48
truepurpleikonia, Ok, I am not actually able to look into the history of ubuntu because of the absurd way xchat handles closed channels though:p16:49
ikoniatruepurple: yes or no16:49
truepurpleikonia, yes please, a few for now if you have many16:49
ikoniatruepurple: you want specifc, I want specifc, yes/no16:49
truepurpleikonia, give me a moment to respond please :p16:49
truepurpleikonia, also, if you could do the former first, then go back into other logs if necessary16:50
ikoniafine, if that's what you want, I'll waste time with this16:51
ikoniatruepurple: it will take me an hour to go through the logs and document my reasoning please come back in 1 hours16:51
truepurpleikonia, well the way I want, doesn't take as much time as the way you are suggesting16:51
ikoniatruepurple: what is the way you want ?16:51
truepurpleikonia, to just tell your reasons for today first, which means you dont have to dig up old chat16:52
ikoniatruepurple: my reasons are you didn't appear to listen / take on board what the person who was helping you was saying, and at the end of it you complained that he did not help you direct enough, when in reality you had not been clear in your question16:52
truepurpleikonia, How long did you set my ban for? Undecided?16:53
ikonianormally this would not be an issue - but as you have had this issue in the past, I banned you (probably should have muted you) so I could take the time to talk to you16:53
ikoniatruepurple: the duration of the ban was the time it took me to talk to you and be comfortable you where "ok"16:53
truepurpleikonia, "you complained that he did not help you direct enough"- this is false16:54
ikoniathat's how it read in the channel16:54
ikonia16:19 < truepurple> llutz_, why didn't you have me do it that way from the start?16:54
ikonia16:19 < llutz_> truepurple: because _you_ really said what you really want to do/have16:54
truepurpleikonia, you spoke of quoting specific text and what you didn't like about it, would you please do that? Like what text made you think that?16:54
ikonia16:20 < llutz_> truepurple: but sorry that i tried to help. won't happen again16:54
ikonia16:21 < truepurple> llutz_, but if that way is better overall with no drawbacks, why didn't we16:54
ikonia                    use that from the start? I ask because I want to determine pros and cons, not16:55
ikonia                    to get you to get unnecessarily defensive.16:55
ikoniathere you go, see above16:55
ikoniayou have to have followed the whole converation to get the context16:55
truepurpleYeah, see that bit at the end, that explained my reason, that tells you it wasn't me "complaining he didn't help me direct enough" if you read it carefully16:56
ikoniabut llutz was very patient with you, explains things a lot and had to draw out of you what you actually wanted to do, and as soon as he realised you got the direct help16:56
ikoniatruepurple: I did read it carefully, and I understand that wasn't your intention, but that is how it came across16:56
ikoniaI'd been following the whole conversation. I thought it was harsh to say that to the guy who had put in a pretty big effort to work you through it, and as you can see, it frustrated/annoyed him, and it would have me, as I read it the same16:57
truepurpleikonia, but if it was a misunderstanding, and I explained my actual meaning, why can't that be sufficient? It almost seems like you banned me for clearing up meaning16:57
ikoniatruepurple: I understnad it wasn't a miss-understanding, however as I was referencing, you've had this problem before, so I wanted to talk to you before allowing it to escalate in #ubuntu16:58
ikoniaI should have muted you with hindsight, however the effect of removing your speach from the channel so I could speak to you was the same16:58
ikoniasorry "was" a miss-understanding16:58
truepurpleikonia, ":I understnad it wasn't a miss-understanding"- you lost me there, you don't think it was a mis...16:58
ikoniasorry, that was my typo16:59
truepurpleikonia, muting would also allow me to look at channel history, would you please unban then mute me so I can review the channel history please?16:59
ikoniasorry, I'm not comfortable you actually see a problem with what you're doing17:00
ikoniaif this was the only time it had happened, I would have no issue, but there have been a few issues with this situation in the past (again this was why I banned you rather than let it slide)17:00
Jordan_U!logs | truepurple17:00
ubottutruepurple: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:00
truepurpleYou said a mute was what you intended to do anyway, and if I am muted, what harm can I do?17:00
ikoniano, looking back I should have muted you,17:01
truepurplewhy not do that now?17:01
ikoniathere is no need to do that now, Jordan_U has just provided you to a log of the hcannel17:01
ikoniatruepurple: I don't want to exclude you from the channel, that's no the intention, but you have had this issue before, and when you are spoken to about it you try to find fault in the argument, rather than actually adjusting how you interact,17:03
ikoniaI'm not %100 sure of the best approach to take with you17:03
truepurpleikonia, if I disagree with your assessment of the way I "interact" and your instructions for changing how I "interact" as as deep as  essentially 'Do it better', then that is impossible17:05
ikoniaI've given you a pretty good example, and the reason behind it,17:05
ikoniais there something we the team or even me individually can do to assit ?17:05
ikoniaI know I've spoken to you a few times in the past, and I know others have, plus there are logs of some of the other incidents,17:06
truepurpleikonia, you gave me a example of where you and another person grossely misunderstood me, and then I tried to clear it up and you banned me right after, seemingly for trying to clear it up17:06
ikoniathese misunderstandings have happened a few times though, if it was once time I wouldn't mind, they do happen, but a lot of the time you're in the channel they happen17:07
ikoniaagain - not trying to keep you out, just not sure what to do to suggest reducing these miss-understandings17:07
truepurpleikonia, it is not a one sided thing. I do think of things in different terms then many other people, so its not a big surprise to me that people understood something differently then me. But the thing is, this is the way my brain works. I can attempt to explain my meaning and speak in different terms, but there is limits to this. You and others also need to try to appreciate real meaning17:08
ikoniano, we don't17:08
ikoniaeveryone seems to manage to work with people in a regular way17:08
truepurpleikonia, I also notice that mind-set matters alot with these situations, pessimistic people looking for problems tend to see my misunderstood words badly, where as positive minded people see them well.17:08
ikoniasorry no, llutz was very positive and patient with you17:09
truepurpleikonia, llutz saw my words very negatively, and so did you,17:09
ikoniaI followed the converation hoping it would not go to the normal track with you, so in some repsect I was monitoring you17:09
ikoniasee, that's not nice to say17:09
ikoniallutz had been very patient and positive with you17:10
ikoniaso to say he sees them negative, it's a good thing to say17:10
truepurplealso, llutz did help out alot, but to describe anything lutz said as "positive" would be inaccurate, most of it was neutral in that regard17:10
ikoniaok - I'm done with this17:10
ikoniathis is the issue, you don't listen and try to find fault with the discussion/issue rather htan resolve it17:10
ikoniaI'm going back to what I'm doing17:10
truepurpleikonia, a moment ago you were saying 'how can we help', now your saying "I'm done" the latter makes the former seem insincere.17:11
ikoniatruepurple: then you are reading my words with negative view17:11
ikoniaanyway, I have other things to do rather than try to logic battle you17:12
truepurpleikonia, this is a two sided issue, I have been listening, but I have also been explaining. If you are 'done' because of said explaining, then it is you that are not listening, not me17:12
ikoniatruepurple: if one of the other operator team members have time to discuss / help you, I'm sure they will17:13
truepurpleikonia, what words of yours did I misunderstand in a negative way, and what was your original meaning?17:13
ikoniaand for the record I have no issue with the ban being removed by another team member17:13
truepurpleikonia, I still disagree with this decisions, and want to know how long I am banned, I want to finish this issue with the partition before llutz disappears17:14
ikoniaif there is no other team member available, I suggest you leave come back later when the others are free or I had renewed stregnth17:14
truepurpleikonia, if we are talking hours, that will probably be too late, and that would be a major inconvenience for me considering how hard it is to find help, and the hassle of having to explain everything that already happened, not clearly understanding it all myself.17:15
pangolintruepurple: you are banned for 3 days. come back then and I will remove the ban after a brief discussion with you.17:15
pangolinhave a nice day.17:15
truepurplepangolin, does that discussion require me to say I, and only I, did wrong?17:16
pangolintruepurple: we will discuss in 3 days.17:17
pangolinPlease part this channel now.17:17
truepurpleThis is not fair, not in the least. At least its loads better then last time a OP misused powers on me, that was gross misuse beyond words, if you want to talk about the past.17:18
truepurplepangolin, are you a ops boss or something?17:19
pangolinI am the op who has decided to set your ban for 3 days17:19
pangolinif you continue to insists on more explanations before that time has elapse I will be forced to extend it.17:20
truepurpleSo you just randomly interjected that, not having any extra authority over another ops or knowing anything about the situation other then the conversation here?17:20
pangolinI have the authority granted to me by the Ubuntu irc council and by the original op who said he was fine with any other op removing the ban.17:21
pangolinNow please stop this and we will continue in 3 days.17:21
truepurpleYou are a mighty mighty tyrant of your little ant hill I see. So I have no choice I guess, but to keep on with my appeals17:21
pangolinI am the giant who kicks over the ant hill17:22
truepurplepangolin, I did not understand " who said he was fine with any other op removing the ban"17:23
truepurplewhat does that has to do with having it last 3 days?17:24
pangolintruepurple: This is the last time I say this. 3 days, no sooner.17:24
truepurplepangolin, So you will not explain?17:24
pangolinpart this channel and do not return before then or I will extend it to 7 days17:25
truepurplevery rude, bye then17:25
pangolingood bye17:25
truepurpleI am getting trolled by a OPS!18:23
ikoniayou are not getting trolled18:23
ikoniayou are doing what I told you not to do in #ubuntu-beginners18:23
ikoniaI told you to give straight honest information - or it causes a problem18:24
ikoniayou are miss-leading people / hiding information from people trying to help you18:24
ikoniathis is the reason you get confusing/problem help - and you're still doing it,18:24
truepurpleI told you I didnt want my user name known, it isnt necessary, yet you blatantly disregard my wishes and falsely accuse me18:24
ikoniajust give people the real question, with real data and they will help18:24
ikoniaI'm not accusing you of anything, I'm stating the facts18:24
truepurpleSo instead of getting help, I have to defend myself from your attacks!18:25
ikoniayou're not being attacked, you are miss-leading users18:25
ikoniatruepurple: the logs in #ubuntu-beginners are public, so calling me a liar will make you look foolish18:25
ikoniaand prove you to be untrustworthy18:25
ikoniaI'll not continue this with you - start giving the info people need to help you,18:26
truepurpleYou are lying, and your lies are public18:27
truepurpleYes please desist trolling me!18:27
truepurpleStop harrassing me please!18:27
truepurpleYour minimal help is not worth this mistreatment!18:27
ikoniaif you mean asking you to give the real information rather than incorrect history that confuses the person helping you, then that is mistreatment18:28
ikoniaplease leave the channel and continue trying to get help with your miss-leading information18:28
truepurpleI am appealing that I get some help with this terrible behavior from ops, anyone?18:29
truepurpleOr do you guys just back each other up and never help with misbehaving ops?18:29
truepurpleikonia, I asked you not to list my user name, you blatantly did the opposite multiple times, for no apparent reason other then to piss me off. Yet you have the nerve to ask me not to PM you18:31
truepurpleThat is, my PC user name18:31
ikoniatruepurple think it thorugh, your username is "top" secret , so you want to hide it, but you show me your ip address and IRC client, so that I can attack you and exploit you18:32
ikoniathink it through, people are trying to get the information to help you, but you won't say as it's "secret", yet you will give me much more open/vunerable information18:32
ikoniathink it through, people want info to help = "no chance, secret" stuff you can exploit and attack = "sure, here you go"18:32
ikonianot good18:33
ikoniayet you attack those asking for the information to help you18:33
truepurpleNot top secret, but someone else mentioned it is possible it reduces my security slightly, and regardless I asked you not to, and you blatantly went against my wishes for no apparent reason then to anger me18:33
ikoniatruepurple: you are alredy wide open18:33
ikoniawhy not deal with that, rather than worry about your username18:33
ikoniathat's your IP18:33
ikoniayour ISP18:33
ikoniaI know you're using xchat18:34
truepurpleAre you saying linux is so weak as you could hack my PC with just that?18:34
ikoniaI know you're not running an ident server18:34
ikoniano, I'm saying the people who do'nt know how to manage their workstations make the system weak18:34
ikonianot Linux, the user18:34
ikoniabut I'll leave you to go back to miss-leading users, then complaining that they are not helping you how you want18:34
ikoniaplease leave this channel and go back to wasting other peoples time18:34
truepurpleI am saying that you did behavior with the intention of angering someone, and no other reason18:35
ikonialook at the other users in the channel, they are saying the SAME18:35
ikoniathey want INFO18:35
ikoniait's not just me18:35
ikoniais everyone wrong to want info,18:35
ikoniaget back to it, I'm done wasting time to trying to actually help you get help18:35
truepurpleI have been giving information ikonia18:37
truepurpleThe only thing missing from that screen shot was the mounting points, and I told them18:37
ikonia18:34 < hobgoblin> no I'm not truepurple, it is obviosu to me that you try hard not to give people information when asked - as an example it has taken almost an hour to get a screenshot. Good luck.18:37
ikonialook at other people saying the same to you18:37
ikoniaoops sorry pangolin didn't see you18:38
pangolinif you can't understand that you need to give specific information and ask specific questions to get the proper help then we can not help you.18:38
truepurpleikonia, so you convinced hobgoblin of your insane accusations, they still aren't true18:38
pangolintruepurple: Stop18:38
truepurplepangolin, I did give specific information asked for18:38
pangolinI don't care. you are wasting our time and yours.18:38
truepurpleWhy, because if one of your own is trolling, they are welcome to it?18:39
pangolinyou are banned for 7 days from #ubuntu.18:39
pangolingood luck with your issues, please leave.18:39
truepurpleI can get banned from a channel for inane reasons, yet ikonia is free to troll me with all his/her might, and if I complain, you lengthen the infair ban?! friggin ass18:40
pangolinftr ikonia is a lot of things but a troll he is not.18:40
truepurplehe is, he was18:40
pangolinyou are behaving like a troll18:40
truepurpleits a matter fo record18:40
BarkingFishevening guys - someone please keep an eye on hallman in #kubuntu - he's already had 2 warnings for abusive language, and doesn't seem to care one bit.23:59
BarkingFishHe's obviously annoyed at something, we're trying to help and getting sworn at.23:59

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