
ixxvilthere are no decent audio players that have upnp client capabilities04:20
ixxvilin ubuntu04:20
ixxvilor are there any04:20
AlanBellmorning all07:19
awilkinsUgh, train travel.07:51
awilkinsAt least they put on a 3 car train this morning. Most of us have to stand, but not on the crushed corpses of our fellow cattle^W passengers^W customers07:53
MartijnVdSoh they do that in the uk too?08:06
brobostigongood morning everyone,.08:44
popeyIt is.08:44
brobostigonyes :)08:44
MooDoomorning all08:58
brobostigonmorning mediamgl09:10
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:10
brobostigonsorry mediamgl09:10
MartijnVdSMorning brobostigon09:11
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS09:11
MartijnVdSApologising for wishing people a good morning? How British ;)09:11
brobostigoni didnt mean to highlight him, that being the issue.09:12
hoovermorning all!09:15
matttmorning guys09:19
MooDoothat good eh Myrtti09:31
bigcalmMorning peeps :)09:33
MooDooquiet in here this morning09:48
JamesTaitGood morning, one and all! :)09:49
bigcalmI'm busy writing about my pen & ink delivered this morning :)09:55
MooDoobigcalm: literally?  pen and ink?09:56
daubersbigcalm: Decent pen?10:00
bigcalmMy thoughts on new pen & ink: http://cuth.eu/fpink10:01
MooDooi've heard of this new technology :)10:03
bigcalmMooDoo: literally pen and ink :) Though the thoughts are now pixels10:04
bigcalmSo glad that I moved the Ubuntu UK loco email list into its own folder on gmail. My phone doesn't bleat at me every 5 mins now10:06
TheOpenSourcerernntp (gmane.org) FTW!10:07
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: ?10:07
TheOpenSourcererI read the mailing list via gmane.10:07
TheOpenSourcererDon't get any spam in my inbox(es).10:08
TheOpenSourcerers/spam/quality discussions10:08
gordi have imapfilter idle on my email server filtering things away, works nicely10:10
BigRedSOh. That sounds like it's less irritating to configure than sieve10:12
BigRedSand substantially more complete than my hacked-together pile of perl to not really do the same thing10:13
Myrttibigcalm: everyone doesnt have mailinglists filtered in gmail? whoa.10:20
bigcalmMyrtti: Everybody does now10:20
BigRedSI used to, until I got really annoyed with gmail not really doing imap10:21
MooDoogmail does do imap doesn't it10:21
popeynot properly10:21
dogmatic69how can i set a higher ulimit for apache?10:26
MartijnVdSapache has a ulimit?10:27
MartijnVdSI'd check /etc/security/limits.conf10:27
MartijnVdSor some module/config inside apache itself10:27
MyrttiI just installed gm-notify and gnome-gmail on my oneiric tablet, tweaked the code a bit and am quite happy with the end result10:27
MooDooheard of rlimitmem for apache10:27
gordi like gmails approach to email filtering, makes it real easy to make a rule10:28
bigcalmgord: I'm with you on that10:31
dogmatic69my server keeps throwing 502 errors and i think it has something to do with the limit on open files10:31
MyrttiI just keep finding reasons to use gmail10:32
BigRedSdogmatic69: do the logs not explain?10:33
dogmatic69well there is a cherokee reverse proxy -> apache php server10:33
BigRedSMyrtti: the only one I've found is that sieve is a PITA to get running, and _no_ mail client will just download mail without intervention10:33
MartijnVdSBigRedS: offlineimap10:33
dogmatic69cherokee keeps taking the apache server off line, even though the traffic is low10:33
dogmatic69it only happens with file uploads10:33
Myrttihttps://mail.google.com/mail/mu/mp/?mui=ca is my current ♥ reason10:33
BigRedSMartijnVdS: yeah, I keep pondering that10:34
BigRedSbut it seems wrong. Mail clients should be able to collect mail all by themselves10:34
BigRedSMyrtti: what is it?10:35
MooDoooffline email?10:36
Myrttiyes, but also touch friendly10:37
BigRedSoh, it offered to save something to disk. So it's offline webmail?10:37
BigRedSThat feels a lot like solving a problem that doesn't exist.10:37
BigRedSunless it's a mail client that *does* download mail all by itself10:37
MyrttiI care less about the offline10:39
Myrttiand more about the touchfriendly10:39
bigcalmAlanBell: Monday has been and gone, do we have further thoughts on the xmas meal?10:39
bigcalm10:40 and I only just notice that Skype isn't running :S10:41
MartijnVdS"It uh.. must have crashed. Yes that's it. Crashed."10:41
=== georgios is now known as GiorgioShooter
MooDoowhere is davmor2 when you want to annoy him?10:49
bigcalmMooDoo: I'll be doing plenty of that on Thursday10:51
MooDoobigcalm: you meeting him in person?10:51
bigcalmMooDoo: workplace day in Wolverhampton10:52
MooDoobigcalm: punch him on the arm for me :D10:52
bigcalmI think I might be the only non-Canonical person there10:52
Nafallobigcalm: nah. there are plenty we haven't hired yet.10:56
MooDoocanonical recruitment drive :)11:01
bigcalmNafallo: _there_ as in the workplace day on Thursday. Not _here_11:01
Nafallooh. right.11:02
gordwhere am i going on thursday again? something about a lighthouse?11:04
bigcalmgord: http://light-house.co.uk/visit/getting-here/11:05
MooDooblimey last time i went to wolverhapton was for a lug radio live :)11:06
bigcalmSame place11:06
bigcalm(except for the last one)11:07
bigcalmgord: have you been to the lighthouse before?11:24
bigcalmOk, I got a little confused going there for the 1st time11:25
Dave2I wonder if the atrium is still stupidly bright11:26
bigcalmThe image of the 4 large gents on the steps is confusing and isn't actually the entrance of the building11:27
bigcalmI'm sure you'll figure it out though :D11:28
gordi'm assuming there will be someone in a suit to greet me as "mr allott" before we head down the red carpet11:29
MooDoogord: mr who ;)11:29
MartijnVdSgord: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html ?11:29
gordhow is that a question :P11:30
MartijnVdSgord: Mr Alot11:31
MooDooit takes alot to understand it ;)11:31
gordsomeone made an alot of gords once, was terrifying11:31
bigcalmgord: 1st saw your full name on minecraft. Thought it was read as 'Gord A lot'11:33
AlanBellwhy does firefox want to open PDF files with gedit. Most annoying11:37
MartijnVdSAlanBell: because it's served as text/plain instead of application/pdf, probably11:37
bigcalmOnly lazy download system served all files as application/pdf. Caused fun times with non PDFs11:40
bigcalmJust licked green ink off my finger - regretting it now11:45
bigcalmLook before you lick11:45
AlanBellfixed, it was set to use document viewer(default) and I now set it to use evince11:45
AlanBellall my mime type settings look right to me in /usr/share/applications and in ~.local11:45
daubersbigcalm: Flu jabs are evil12:11
daubersMy housemate had one and managed to hospitalise me :(12:11
JGJonesRather damning of BBC and use of DRM (this affect you if you use MythTV) http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/nov/14/bbc-hd-drm12:52
AlanBellI think I responded to that consultation12:53
andylockranhey guys - anyone recommend how to monitor network activity (bandwidth) via port on ubuntu?13:05
Seeker`daubers: how did that happen?13:16
bigcalmpopey: did you not get this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/739165/13:16
popeyI do not.13:18
bigcalmWonder what's missing from my system then13:18
daubersSeeker`: I cought it from him and ended up coming down with major bad flu (i.e. breathing difficulties, hugely high pulse, fever) was rushed to hospital for CT scan as they thought I had meningitis, even had a lumbar puncture (ick ick ick ick ick ick ick), then spent nearly a week recovering from it :(13:22
Seeker`daubers: not sure how you managed to catch flu from a flu jab13:26
daubersSeeker`: I didn't have the jab dammit!13:26
Seeker`I mean your housemates flu jab13:26
daubersSeeker`: Doctor reckons I had some form of flu dormant, and the mild strain I cought from his flu jab woke it up and made it angry :(13:27
Seeker`did your housemate get the flu after his jab?13:28
Seeker`how long after?13:28
daubersabout a week if that13:28
popeymy wife has been ill after the flu jab13:29
Seeker`it was my understanding that the flu jab doesn't actually cause the flu, and that if you get ill after the jab it is coincidence rather than causal13:30
daubersall I know is that he had the flu jab, and that after that I got flu and had a big needle shoved in my spine13:30
diploDoesn't the flu jab give you some sort of flu or strain of something and there magic sorts it ?13:30
Seeker`it gives you inactivated viruses13:32
Seeker`so your body can react to the surface proteins so it is present in your immune memory, but the virus cannot infect any cells13:33
sheeps_join #parenscript13:33
sheeps_oops :)13:33
Seeker`Despite popular belief, the flu vaccination can't give you flu as it doesn't contain the active virus needed to do this. It's true that some people experience symptoms of a heavy cold at the same time or just after they've had the flu jab. This is simply a coincidence and the symptoms are usually caused by one of the many common cold viruses that are around in the autumn and winter.13:34
Seeker`Remember, it's still possible to suffer heavy colds after vaccination, as the flu jab only protects people from the flu virus, not other viruses.13:34
* popey wonders why Seeker` is trying to prove daubers wrong given daubers clearly visited a medical practitioner13:36
Seeker`I don't doubt that daubers caught flu from his housemate13:37
popeyit's not coming across like that13:37
oimonSeeker`: does that include the swine flu jab?13:37
popeyH1N1, yes13:37
Seeker`I'm questioning whether his housemate got the flu from the flu jab13:37
oimoni know many pregnant women who came down with a bad illness after the swine flu jab.13:37
daubersHe got a flu jab, I got A NEEDLE IN MY SPINE. All I know is I hurt more afterwards13:38
oimonfrom a large ante-natal class, AFAIK all those jabbed for swine flu were ill. non-jabbed were not ill13:38
oimonit's possible that they all went to the same nurse who had flu themself ..13:39
Seeker`I've seen lots of people ask 'did I get flu from the jab' and I've never seen a response that it was possible to actually get flu from having the vaccination13:39
oimoni caught swine flu from a number 25 bus13:43
Seeker`daubers: but did he also spend time around other people, touch door handles etc. etc. around the same time? :P13:43
daubersSeeker`: I didn't like to ask :p13:45
bigcalmpopey: yes, 11.1013:46
gordi wonder if anyone has ever actually used the insert key for good, just seems to be the destructor of code for me13:46
popeybigcalm: wfm ⍨13:47
* daubers goes to gather some kit together for a datacenter excursion13:47
Seeker`gord: I've mapped some useful things to it in games, if that counts13:47
Azelphurinsert key, the evil destructor of code13:48
oimongord: i heard a comedian tlaking about that the other day13:49
oimoninsert is useful, overwrite is bad :)13:49
popeybigcalm: what video card?13:49
popeybigcalm: and are you sat at the machine or ssh'ed in?13:50
bigcalmnvidia (2 of)13:50
bigcalmSat at it13:50
gordbigcalm, do you have gnome-settings-daemon running?13:51
gordalso look at d-feet, see if org.gnome.SettingsDaemon exists on the session bus13:52
popeythere's some right odd stuff on spotify13:52
bigcalmgord: that daemon is running13:53
bigcalmWhat is d-feet?13:53
gordits an application for looking at dbus13:53
bigcalmWhile a track was playing, I re-ran the notifer. It give a slightly different message and Spotify put in the yellow notification bar 'Link not found.'13:54
popeystop spotify13:55
popeyclose it, then start the script13:55
popeythe script starts spotify13:56
popeyi ran it with nohup ./spotify-notify.py &13:56
popeythen killed the terminal13:56
bigcalmWell it did start Spotify13:56
bigcalmGave the same error messages13:56
bigcalmNo notifications13:56
popeywell, the error message isnt good13:57
popeywell, you're using twinview13:59
popeynvidia doesnt support xrandr13:59
popeydunno why it wants xrandr though13:59
Myrttiso that is for the linux client, right?13:59
bigcalmpopey: other python gnome-notify scripts work13:59
gordbigcalm, pastebin the script14:00
Myrttioh good grief almost jumped to the ceiling14:00
Myrttithe dog made a snorting sound14:00
bigcalmgord: http://code.google.com/p/spotify-notify/14:01
MartijnVdSMyrtti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKm5xQyD2vE ?14:01
TwinkletoesI have a question related to ubuntu only by virtue of the fact, it's running bind.  My domain name registrar points to nameservers who will resolve my domain (*my* nameservers).  However, it lists them by fqdn, rather than IP.  If the NS records for mydomain.com, are ns.mydomain.com, then how does it initially resolve "ns.mydomain.com" in order to do a lookup?  Shouldn't the IP address be...14:02
Twinkletoes...reference anywhere?14:02
gordbigcalm, yeah your gonna want to get d-feet and check that org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys actually exists14:02
gordbigcalm, alternatively, comment out a bunch of stuff in the MediaKeyHandler class14:03
bigcalmI thought Ubuntu was meant to just work! ;)14:03
* popey tries it on a clean nvidia install14:04
* popey installs spotify first :D14:04
* hamitron didn't know there was such a thing as "clean" when it came to nvidia14:04
popeyhamitron: http://meow.popey.com/14:05
popeyoh, actually, my laptop has nouveau, not nvidia blob14:05
bigcalmgord: ok, I have d-feet running. How might it help me? :)14:11
gordyou look at dbus, clicky clicky, just make sure your looking at the session bus14:11
gordyou'll figure it out ;)14:11
bigcalmLooking at the Session bus, org.gnome.SettingsDaemon is in the Bus Names14:12
bigcalmBut no MediaKeys14:13
gordtheres your problem14:13
gordeither you can figure out why, or fix the script to not look for it ;)14:14
bigcalm1) not my script, 2) know nothing about python14:14
* bigcalm gets on with 'work'14:14
Azelphurhaha, gamers trying to build computers are funny14:15
AzelphurPCIe power in the P4 :D14:15
Laneycreeping up on bug #90000014:20
lubotu3`Error: Launchpad bug 900000 could not be found14:20
popeyquick! file bugs!14:20
Azelphurit's over nine thousaaaaaand.14:20
* Azelphur runs14:20
bigcalmLaney: is that the new rick roll for 2011?14:25
Laneythought you might appreciate it :314:26
Laneymight make it my new thing14:26
LaneyClassic Pop Track Of The Day14:26
bigcalmClassic something14:26
popeyAlanBell: http://ubuntu-uk.org/happy-hour/ seems inaccurate?14:45
popeyfor the london meeting14:45
diploAny one here run Android ? Question about contacts :)14:50
gordjust ask the question :P14:51
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:51
diploWell being ubuntu channel thought i'd be good :)14:51
diploBasically, when my friend used to sync his contacts i got him to test that it only synced "My Contacts"14:52
diploJust got my android phone now and it grabs all the contacts and not just my contacts14:52
diploHis used to use My contacts for telephone numbers but had groups there if he had an incoming call from someone from the groups14:53
diploDownside is I have all my G+ contacts etc showing in phone list14:53
diploAll pages I've found so far are from 09/10 and don't seem to have the same optionsnow14:53
gordno idea, don't have my G+ contacts in my contacts list14:57
diploSure you used to be able to select which groups displayed and which didnt, just have option Google/Phone/Sim now14:58
diploIf I could root it I would but seems unsupported atm :/14:59
BigRedS'My Contacts' is a Samsung invention AFAICT14:59
BigRedSThey also have My Calendar and a My Something Else14:59
BigRedSwhich is infuriating14:59
diploIt's in Google Contacts on there web page14:59
diploSo My Contacts is stuff that should be synced, groups is everything else for me15:00
diploUsed to work :)15:00
smittixAfternoon all15:11
MooDoohi smittix15:14
=== cellardoor_ is now known as cellardoor
diploUse an app is the answer now :)15:19
diplo50 contacts now instead of 500+15:19
AzelphurDon't suppose anyone has any interesting ideas on how to have your cake and eat it, fluid width website with a header image?15:22
andylockranAzelphur: ?15:23
andylockranwhat do you mean?15:23
AzelphurIt's a CSS/HTML question, wondering if there's a way to have a fluid width website with a image header that doesn't look ugly15:23
andylockranAzelphur: depends how you design the body of the page15:24
andylockranAzelphur: if it looks smart with the image centred then that's easy15:24
Azelphuryea, perhaps I should try doing that15:25
Azelphurhttp://fasttrack-khadgar.com/ is the site in question :p15:25
andylockranif not, then you need to limit the width to the width of the image - then make sure that multi-widths render nicely too15:25
andylockranAzelphur: I'd set the min-width to 1024 for the content sectionthere, and have the image centred above it15:26
andylockranor scale the image with the width15:26
Azelphursounds cool :)15:26
AzelphurI shall mess around on a test website with that :d15:26
oimonguys, am i supposed to change my steam password? i haven't received an email about it15:26
andylockranyeah, I'm an idiot. have an image set to width=100%.. and have multi-res images15:26
Azelphuroimon: gabe says yes15:26
Azelphurandylockran: wait what multi res images?15:26
AzelphurI knew about width=100%, but won't that introduce pixelization?15:27
oimonAzelphur: he really should email us though, right?15:27
Azelphuroimon: they havn't confirmed there was a breach yet15:27
andylockranAzelphur: not if you have a high enough res image.15:27
oimonAzelphur: ah, i just reliased it's a forum account, not a steam account15:28
oimon"Steam users will be required to change their forum passwords when the forums are opened back up. While the company claims that no Steam accounts have been compromised, if your forum password was the same as your account password, a change would likely be a good idea."15:28
Azelphurah there we go, so just the forum was compromised :)15:29
oimonhowever that is inconsistent with this quote : "Gabe Newell today confirms this fact and reveals that the intruders also gained access to a Steam database that contained a ton of personal information, such as usernames, encrypted passwords, email addresses, and encrypted credit card information. Newell adds that there is currently no evidence that any of that information was actually taken by the intruders or that credit card numbers or passwords15:29
MartijnVdSoimon: \o/ lies15:29
Azelphuroimon: indeed, I was thinking that15:29
MartijnVdSgood thing I didn't store my cc info with them15:29
Azelphurit's their fault for using old unpatched vb15:30
oimonnor me..i had to add my CC to itunes to spend £15.10 with a £15 voucher the other day...removed it now but :(15:30
oimontook me 2 hrs to download/install/work out how to use itunes/convert to mp315:31
oimonnext time i'm selling the voucher on ebay instead15:31
Azelphurthis is one of the things I like about paypal, it largely protects you against things like this15:31
oimonexcept can't use paypal with android market or itunes15:32
oimonsad face :(15:32
Azelphurgoogle checkout provides the same layer of security15:32
funkyHatThis is why I use a credit card for purchases rather than a debit card. If my details get stolen it's the card company's problem not mine15:39
AzelphurfunkyHat: yea, that's the one thing that tempts me to get a CC, I have debit atm15:39
funkyHatAssuming I notice soon enough15:39
funkyHatAzelphur: as long as you're capable of managing your spending there's no reason not to15:40
funkyHatI only say that because I have friends who can't help themselves and just max out their credit cards all the time15:40
Azelphurwell yea I absolutely am, I'm the type of person that doesn't do loans and doesn't spend what I don't have15:40
Azelphurthat's one thing I like about my debit - no overdraft15:40
oimoni have an automatic DD that pays off my CC each month16:07
oimoni find it the best way to find out what i've spent each month..put everything on joint CC with missus16:09
buzz_i cancelled my cards as a protest again the crappy rates they are charging currently16:12
Azelphurwoo, my new network of sites is starting to take shape \o/16:13
buzz_now if everyone else did the same, they might have to come back with some better offers16:13
Azelphurjust got my cool global forums idea to work :D16:13
Azelphurdifferent sites for each game my gaming community does, with site specific forums, as well as some global forums that are shared between all sites16:13
gordlike steam forums then?16:17
AzelphurI guess16:18
gordnow try not to get hacked ;)16:19
Azelphurgord haha, except I'm not using crapbulletin and I keep myself up to date16:20
AlanBellhellurr hello16:24
AlanBellor possibly the other way round16:24
Azelphursounds silly which ever way you say it :p16:24
andylockranhaving a very productive day - love it!16:41
AlanBellpopey: http://ubuntu-uk.org/happy-hour updated16:47
bigcalmAlanBell: xmas mean update?16:49
AlanBelltonytiger: the happy hour tour comes to Southampton in January, if you could suggest a pub that would be great16:49
AlanBellbigcalm: working on it . . .16:49
bigcalmI can see it being cancelled at this rate of uptake :(16:50
popeyI'd like to go to the xmas thing16:50
AlanBellwell it will be publicised in canonical when it has a date16:50
bigcalmpopey: put your name on the list then :)16:50
AlanBellI need to call the place and find a date with some space and then get more notifications out to fill it up16:51
bigcalmHow many can it accommodate?16:51
AlanBellwe have 7 so far, which is viable16:51
AlanBellbigcalm: 60, but some dates are full up16:51
AlanBellI don't want to suggest a date where they have 58 people already booked . . .16:51
bigcalmGood show popey :)16:52
AlanBellso I wanted to get some idea of numbers, call the place and firm up a date16:52
bigcalmCatch 2216:52
AlanBellwhich I will now do :)16:52
bigcalmPeople don't want to put their name down on even the maybe without a solid date :(16:53
AlanBellthat is OK, we have a viable level of interest now16:53
* bigcalm makes tea16:53
AlanBellthink I have made a reservation for the 9th17:02
AlanBellI need to give them my credit card details to confirm the booking, and it will cost me if people don't turn up17:03
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bigcalmOh my17:04
bigcalmI will be there on the 9th17:04
bigcalmHow much will it cost if people don't turn up?17:05
AlanBellcancellation less than 48 hours is £1517:06
AlanBellif we all fail to arrive it is £25 per person I think17:06
bigcalmWhat if some of us do?17:06
bigcalmAh, I see17:06
tonytigerbigcalm: it's not that big a place, a group of 7 or 8 would be fine17:06
AlanBellah, no if anyone fails to arrive it is £25, £15 if notified in advance, we can modify the numbers up to 48 hours in advance17:07
bigcalmGood, that's better flexibility17:08
bigcalmNow I need to find out if Hayley wants to come or not17:08
bigcalmShe still has doubts17:08
AlanBellor it might be £35 for noshow, it is different on the email confirmation to the booking form!17:08
tonytigerAlanBell: Like I say, I don't drink and rarely go out in Southampton so I could do little more than pick a pub at random17:09
AlanBellthats fine tonytiger17:09
AlanBellanyone got a better than random suggestion for a southampton pub?17:09
AlanBellrandom is OK17:09
DavieyAlanBell: for Ubuntu Hour?17:10
tonytigerAh Daviey17:11
AlanBellDaviey: yes indeed17:11
tonytigerMuch more likely to be able to suggest a disreputable hole.17:11
tonytigerActually, the pub where the Southampton Barcamp was held was OK17:11
tonytigerthe "shooting star"17:11
bigcalmHayley's xmas meal is on the 8th Dec. UU xmas meal on the 9th. Expensive/busy week/end17:13
AlanBellchristel: can you make the 9th? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/17:15
bigcalmAlanBell: when will you need monies from us?17:15
AlanBellpopey: can you move yourself from Maybe attending to attending when you confirm with she who must be obeyed17:16
AlanBellbigcalm: never, hopefully :)17:16
bigcalmAlanBell: eh?17:16
bigcalmFree food?17:16
AlanBellI don't need to pay in advance, just need to underwrite the booking with my card17:16
AlanBellyou pay on the day to the place17:17
christelAlanBell: yessir!17:17
christeli wouldnt miss it for a thing17:17
AlanBellexcellent christel :)17:17
AlanBellyou can work on getting czajkowski to come along :)17:17
Laneyhmm, could be fun17:18
christeli will do!17:18
bigcalmI guess I should actually read the website now :)17:18
Laneydon't know if any of you went to the blindness thingy in budapest?17:19
Laneya pitch black exhibition17:19
AlanBellLaney: I arranged it, but didn't go!17:19
Laneyit was disconcerting!17:19
AlanBellI have been to one in vienna17:19
Laneyi expect fork face stabbing17:19
awilkinsAnyone use Scrum?17:19
bigcalmI used to use scumm17:20
* bigcalm starts chanting 'grog grog grog'17:20
awilkinsHad two days of great fun trying to get people scrumming now I'm the Scrum Master. SCUMM master would be more fun.17:20
christelAlanBell: i may have convinced ikonia to come with us too!17:20
christeli know he's not quite czajkowski...17:21
AlanBellits all the same in the dark17:21
popeyAlanBell: sure if you can give me a date, we're more likely to be able to make a weekend than a weekday17:23
bigcalm9th Dec17:24
bigcalmAlanBell: 7pm?17:24
AlanBellyeah, place opens at 18:3017:24
AlanBelljust filling out the credit card form17:24
* Daviey *might* be able to make it. No promise.17:25
DavieyFriday evening?17:25
popeyok, wifey finishes work at 16:30 on fridays17:25
popeymight be able to make it if we can get baby sitters that night17:25
bigcalmpopey: just put them in front of Minecraft. They'll look after themselves :)17:26
Davieybigcalm: You should offer parenting lessons. :)17:26
popeydamnit, wifey has something in her calendar on 9th17:27
awilkinsMy 7 year old likes building rhinestone castles in Minecraft17:27
bigcalmpopey: can you alter her calender, or do you have read-only access?17:27
christelDaviey: DO IT17:28
* bigcalm bwuhahahas17:28
popeywhat kinda of geek do you take me for, of course I can17:28
hamitronbut are you a geek with guts?17:29
popeydid i tell you about the time sophie asked why I had her password and she didnt have mine?17:30
popeythat was an interesting moment17:30
hamitronwhy do you have her password? ;)17:31
popey"Because I sometimes have to fix your logon, you rarely fix mine"17:31
popeyshe just about accepted that17:31
Azelphurpopey: haha, teaching them well to be skeptical about password security :P17:32
popeywifey found a notebook once with "wii" and the 4 digit pin written in it17:32
popeysophie had seen mummy type it in, and remembered it long enough to note it down17:32
hamitronI love other users thinking their files can't be read by me, just because they have a secret password17:32
MartijnVdSpopey: one day she'll figure out how to change it and won't tell you what she changed it to though :)17:32
popeywhen I got in from work clare told me about this17:32
celestehhello, how do i find out my ip address from the command line?17:33
popeycelesteh: ifconfig17:33
Azelphurcelesteh: local or external?17:33
MartijnVdSor "ip addr"17:33
AlanBellcredit card form filled in, emailed off17:33
popeyor ip addr17:33
popeyI asked sophie about it in a calm and friendly way and she burst into tears17:33
popeyshe thought she was in trouble17:33
christelAlanBell: hooray :D17:34
popeyI explained that I wasnt cross, and that I actually thought it was quite funny17:34
popeyshe was okay about it17:34
hamitronpopey, "mummy" should shield her security answers at all time ;)17:34
shaunodoes it never worry you that you're raising your kids to be smarter than you are?  they'll start winning soon ;)17:35
hamitronyeh :D17:35
bigcalmshauno: it happens with every generation17:36
bigcalmI'm still giving tech support to my parents17:36
shaunoa little ceasar cipher & that would have gone unnoticed as the pin.  it's not far off .. buahaha17:37
popeySophie writes codes too17:38
MartijnVdSshauno: And once she discovers IRC and all the helpful people on it... :)17:38
popeyshe writes a cipher on a page and gives you a message and you have to decode it17:38
MartijnVdSGPGed diary entries17:38
popeyshe loves that stuff17:38
bigcalmI think popey will keep his children away from IRC until they are both in their 20s17:38
popeyI'd love for her to be a crypto expert or something17:38
popeyshe's been on irc17:38
MartijnVdSpopey: have you taken her to Bletchley Park?17:38
popeyshe stands and reads what you lot type over my shoulder sometimes17:38
popeywhich is why i am a strong advocate of family friendly ☺17:39
popeynot yet MartijnVdS17:39
AlanBellmy kids have been on IRC17:39
AlanBellthey type great stuff like "daddy is a poo head"17:40
popeywhen sam plays minecraft in multiplayer mode he walks up to me and calls me "mate"17:40
popeyI can hear him verbally say "mate" in the other room17:40
popeyvery odd17:40
popeytoday I discovered the program magicicada17:45
popey!info magicicada17:45
popeyits great17:45
lubotu3`magicicada (source: magicicada): A GTK+ frontend for Ubuntu One file sync.. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 106 kB, installed size 648 kB17:45
gordit is great17:47
gordi've been harping on about it for about 12 months, no one listens to me though ;)17:47
* popey hugs gord 17:47
* mattt just witnessed a manhug17:55
AlanBelloh, when did we say the next meeting was?17:56
AlanBellwas it on the 8th december at 12 lunchtime or something?17:57
MartijnVdSremember, remember the 8th of december?17:57
bigcalmOne mo17:57
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 8th December 12:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting |
bigcalm<AlanBell> that would be Thursday 1st dec at 12 lunchtime17:57
AlanBell1st, right17:57
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 1st December 12:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting |
bigcalmHooray for x-chat keeping channels open I've actually left17:58
bigcalmThat's proxy fun for you17:58
brobostigonalso needs chaning in #ubuntu-uk-meeting.17:59
popeyhaha, nice hostname17:59
MartijnVdS:( new phone delayed18:00
popey(not that I agree #politics, just thought it was funny)18:00
bigcalmMartijnVdS: :(18:00
bigcalmMartijnVdS: which device are you waiting for?18:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: galaxy nexus18:02
bigcalmWhat made you choose that over the S2?18:03
MartijnVdSbigcalm: No vendor addon crapware18:04
MartijnVdSJust Android, as Google intended it.18:04
mgdmThe S2's replacement launcher thing was terrible, last I tried it18:04
bigcalmMartijnVdS: CM 7.1 is out for the S218:04
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I don't like CM18:04
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Running custom firmware is a hassle. I hate hassles.18:05
DJonesI like the sound of the droid razr18:05
bigcalmDJones: you like sharp sounds?18:05
DJonesI'm tone deaf, sharp or not makes no difference :)18:05
bigcalmFair enough :)18:05
* TheOpenSourcerer has still not decided on the Nexus or the Note: http://www.o2.co.uk/comingsoon/18:06
MartijnVdSDJones: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AudibleSharpness18:06
bigcalmThe note?18:06
DJonesAt least thats what I get told when I sing, closely followed by "be quiet"18:06
TheOpenSourcererThe "mother" of all smart phones bigcalm18:06
TheOpenSourcererWhere have you been if you have not heard of it?18:07
gordi heard that once you go to the giant note, you can't go back18:07
gordyou need the space and resolution18:07
* MartijnVdS apologises to all the people who have clicked that link,and are now stuck on a wikiwalk18:07
TheOpenSourcererI have a 5" Dell Streak18:07
TheOpenSourcererNote is 5.3" Nexus is ~4.7"... Decisions decisions...18:07
LSymonds"Microsoft says its new OS will require one restart on the second Tuesday of every month -- a day also known as Patch Tuesday."18:09
bigcalmI have an N1 in my pocket, not sure I want to go much bigger than the S2/GN18:09
LSymondsSilly Microsoft, this is going to be annoying for my clients.18:09
LSymondsWrong channel, my bad.18:09
MartijnVdSLSymonds: nah they can just stop updating...18:10
TheOpenSourcererFinally. Tea time. ttfn18:10
LSymondsI think it'd be easier for them to choose when they want to update though.18:10
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
* bigcalm ponders what to have for tea18:11
bigcalmHome alone tonight18:11
DJonesJust watching the news, they showed a clip of Brian Regan from brookside using an early mobile phone/brick which looked really funny now18:11
bigcalmSo it might be chinese or KFC18:11
* AlanBell is starving18:11
* DJones finishes off his pasta & italian chicken18:12
* brobostigon is also starving, and his dad is cooking chicken, with linguine.18:12
bigcalmbrobostigon: miss-read that as lingerie18:12
* bigcalm is confused18:12
brobostigonbigcalm: it is a type of long flat pasta.18:13
DJonesbigcalm: I'd be more worried if you'd misread that as "wearing lingerie"18:13
bigcalmbrobostigon: I know, I have a packet of dried garlic ribbons in the cupboard :)18:13
brobostigonbigcalm: ok, :)18:14
andylockranguys - if I have a machine and I want to vet all web traffic on that machine - is the best bet to install a proxy server and get all requests to pass through the proxy?  If so, is squid as a transparent proxy the best route to go down?18:46
andylockranall I want to do is document the sites that this machine is making requests to.18:46
gordonjcpany sort of transparent proxy, really18:47
gordonjcpandylockran: or run driftnet and configure the switch to pop you onto a SPAN port18:48
AlanBellevening daubers19:52
AlanBellmeal confirmed :)19:52
AlanBellyou need to update your status here one way or another http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/19:52
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daubersAlanBell: Will do20:13
bigcalmAlanBell: just updated my xmas meal registration21:33
LSymondsWhat poultry are you having bigcalm? If you are having any at all.21:34
bigcalmI am definitely going, just need to get more people interested.21:34
bigcalmLSymonds: eh?21:34
popeywe'll mention it on the podcast next week21:34
LSymondsxmas meal21:34
LSymondsPresumably Christmas meal? :L21:34
popeyI'm adding it to the schedule21:34
LSymondsI've just made myself look like a right idiot.21:35
bigcalmLSymonds: I'm talking about the Ubuntu UK loco xmas meal: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/1409/detail/21:35
LSymondsWhere is your podcast located guys? :P21:35
bigcalmLSymonds: I expect we'll have bacon sandwiches on the 25th Dec though21:35
bigcalmLSymonds: podcast.ubuntu-uk.org21:35
LSymondsI presume you're a developer then?21:35
bigcalmIndeed I am, what gave you that idea though?21:36
LSymondsBacon Sandwiches for Christmas Day21:36
LSymondsOnly in a developer's world.21:36
bigcalmNewp, my family would :)21:36
LSymondsI had a McDonalds one year.21:36
LSymondsGood times.21:36
bigcalmWe'll possibly have a bigger meal on the 26th when more people visit21:36
LSymondsI'd love to come21:37
LSymondsBit too young at the minute though21:37
LSymondsBeen using Ubuntu for 3 years now, moved onto Xubuntu for 11.10 but will move back for the 12.04 LTS.21:37
bigcalmErm, our family christmas meals aren't open to the public :)21:37
LSymondsI didn't mean that HAHAH21:37
LSymondsI meant the Christmas meal.21:37
LSymondsBacon Sandwiches on Christmas day sounds amazing.21:39
LSymondsFry up is for breakfast though, can't beat that ;)21:39
LSymondsHow long have you been working at Canonical / Ubuntu for then bigcalm?21:40
LSymondsMade an idiot of myself once more.21:40
bigcalmI'm a web developer21:40
LSymondsMe too.21:41
LSymondsNeed to get some more work though, there's not much work at the minute.21:41
LSymondsEspecially if you don't have your name out there.21:41
AzelphurI'm having lots of fun with drupal atm :D21:41
LSymondsI'm loving Laravel.21:41
bigcalmAzelphur: you are nuts :P21:41
popeymmmm bacon21:41
Azelphurbigcalm: why am I nuts? :O21:42
LSymondsGreat use of a subdomain popey, great use.21:42
bigcalmDrupal has been the bane of my existence on several occasions21:42
Azelphurbigcalm: :o what's wrong with it? I'm actually having a great time with Drupal 721:42
LSymondsWhy is my nick this? Need to change it. BRB 2 seconds.21:42
AzelphurI keep on bumping into little things and I'm like "Aww, can't do that" *think a bit* "Oh wait yea I can"21:43
=== LSymonds is now known as jutnux
bigcalmAzelphur: the way in which client want it to work and the fact that developing for one version means a complete rewrite when the next major version comes out21:43
jutnuxDo you/have you used CI bigcalm?21:44
bigcalmCode Igniter?21:44
bigcalmOnce or twice, not my choice of MVC21:44
jutnuxWhich framework do you prefer?21:44
bigcalmDepends upon the size of the project21:44
bigcalmBut Symfony or CakePHP21:45
bigcalmOr writing my own from scratch21:45
Azelphurbigcalm: *shrug* I've been making awesome progress with it, I'm setting up a network of sites and I have cross-site forums and shared user dbs and I made an issue tracker with no code :D21:45
bigcalmAzelphur: then I am glad that it has progressed so well :)21:45
Azelphurand I wrote a module for it so it'll sync your avatar and name from another service21:45
Azelphuryea, I'm really enjoying it :D21:45
jutnuxbigcalm, Ah. I've been using Laravel a lot lately, it is pretty amazing. Fuel is good too, combining all features from the well known frameworks.21:46
jutnuxAnyways, better go get some sleep, up at 5 tomorrow :'(21:50
jutnuxThanks bigcalm, have a nice night!21:50
jutnuxAnd yuo Azelphur, popey!21:51
Azelphurdam I need to stop switching between keyboard and mouse, my shoulder joint is starting to ache XD21:51
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
marsilainenshould it be possible to get my iphone (iOS 5.0.1) to sync my music from banshee?22:26
marsilainencurrently, when I plug in my iphone I get "Unhandled Lockdown Error"22:26
marsilainenh8 apple :(22:26
Azelphursolution: don't buy iphones :D22:27
* Azelphur runs22:27
marsilainenI only have this damned phone because it's what my work provides me with :(22:27
Azelphurah :(22:27
marsilainenbelieve me, it's not through choice22:27
Azelphurpopey: is an apple person22:27
Azelphurmaybe he will know22:27
marsilainenI just want my music on my phone :/22:27
Azelphurindeed, android just exposes itself as a mass storage device and will work anywhere22:28
marsilainenI like the fact that I can easily buy music from Amazon through banshee22:28
marsilainenI just want to sync it to my phone now22:28
* popey sighs22:28
marsilainenpopey: at me?22:28
popeybug 87744022:28
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 877440 in upower (Ubuntu) "[iOS 5] Unhandled Lockdown error (-15)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87744022:28
popeythat error?22:29
marsilainenI've been reading that bug22:29
popeysee most recent comment22:29
popeyfrom me22:29
marsilainentried that22:29
marsilainenno joy22:29
popeyunplugged phone first?22:29
marsilainenI think so22:29
marsilainenI'll try again22:29
marsilainenso unplug phone; delete contents of that dir; then reconnect phone ?22:29
marsilainenok, did that, when I reconnect phone I get nothing at all...22:31
popeymarsilainen: what release of ubuntu?22:31
marsilainenno error popup22:31
marsilainennor any device popup22:31
popeyis the phone unlocked?22:31
marsilainenwhat does "unlocked" mean?22:31
popeylock screen22:31
popeyor home screen22:31
marsilainenis that important?22:31
popeylocked phones are hard to talk to22:31
marsilainenshould I have it unlocked?22:31
* popey gets his phone to test22:32
marsilainenthat looks better22:32
popeywhat happened?22:32
marsilainennow it appears in banshee22:32
popey_please_ leave a comment on that bug report22:33
marsilainenbut now to try syncing...22:33
popeyyou're not the first to experience this22:33
marsilainenshould I expect it to work?22:33
popeyno doubt not the last22:33
marsilainenok, I shall do22:33
popeythank you22:33
marsilainenok, will try that first, then comment22:33
marsilainenwell it says it's syncing... will believe it only when I can play music on the iphone...22:34
marsilainenonce it syncs, I should be able to play the music using the standard iphone music app?22:34
marsilainenor do I need a different player?22:34
popeydunno i havent done that22:34
popeyi dont have music on mine22:34
popeymarsilainen: is yours a laptop or desktop computer?22:36
popeydo you have a battery icon in your notification area when you have the phone plugged in?22:37
popeymy laptop has the battery icon i guess because it knows this is a laptop22:38
popeyanyway, the fun thing is clicking the battery icon shows not only the charge level of the battery in the laptop, but also the charge level of the phone ☺22:38
marsilainenwell it claims to have sync'd my music, but nothing seems to show up in the music app on the iphone :/22:39
popeyi have no idea about that, sorry22:39
marsilainenthanks anyway22:39
marsilainenthanks uncle Steve RIP22:39
marsilainenI don't know why anyone would buy this apple hardware out of choice22:40
AlanBell"ooh shiny"22:41
marsilainenI'm sure that it's only the proprietary nature that makes all this syncing so painful22:41
marsilainenall I want is to sync my music...22:41
marsilainenI don't ask for much...22:41
marsilainenI know how to sync my music to my iphone!22:45
marsilainenI can go out and buy a macbook!22:45
marsilainenand then buy all my music through itunes!22:45
marsilainenuncle steve will be so proud of me!!!22:46
popeyi love my iphone22:47
marsilainenyou don't mind the fact that it's all tie-in?22:49
czajkowskimarsilainen: people use lots of different technologies every day, nice to see what's out there, and without knowing one cannot improve22:51
popeyandroid ties you in to google22:51
popeyblackberry ties you into rim22:51
ali1234that's not really true22:52
zleapis that a good thing,  seemless integration22:52
ali1234but you know that22:52
zleapwhere it matters,  and good if yu can do other stuff too22:52
marsilainenczajkowski: that's true of course, but here I can clearly see that the fact that iphone has proprietary APIs etc means it makes it difficult for me to sync my music22:52
popeyits as true as the BS people say about apple22:52
marsilainenI can't do what I want to do22:52
marsilainenI can't take my music with me22:53
marsilainenthis is therefore painful22:53
popeythe functionality is there22:53
popeyyou're probably hitting a bug22:53
ali1234no it isn't22:53
marsilainendo you know anyone who is doing this succesfully?22:53
popeyi have done it in the past successfully22:53
marsilainenbecause my googling isn't showing up much22:54
popeyi dunno about now22:54
ali1234have google blocked competing apps?22:54
popeyis it broken on ios5 or something then?22:54
marsilainenall I want to do is to use the functionality of ubuntu (banshee) with the functionality of my iphone22:54
ali1234have google prevented jailbreaking?22:54
popeyOEMs have22:54
marsilainenI had the same behaviour on iOS422:54
popeyASUS changed keys to make rooting their devices hard22:54
ali1234plenty of OEMs don't22:54
marsilainenI haven't jailbroken my phone22:55
popeyas did Motorola22:55
marsilainennot sure if it would make a difference?22:55
popeyno idea22:55
popeynot tried it recently22:55
ali1234i would point out that it is highly likely OEMs will do the same thing with ubuntu when UEFI becomes common22:55
Azelphurpopey: you talking about locked boot loaders?22:56
marsilainenanyway simple facts: I can't sync from banshee -> iOS; I believe if they used open APIs it would likely have more chance of working22:56
marsilainentherefore: apple = bad22:56
popeybummer ☹22:56
popeyAzelphur: ya22:56
Azelphuryou know motorola got so much negative press from locked boot loader that they stopped doing it now22:56
ali1234why don't you just mount the phone as mass storage and copy the file on?22:56
ali1234oh wait, it's because apple sucks22:56
popeyAzelphur: and ASUS havent22:56
Azelphurand HTC made a single facebook post about possibly doing it and got flamed into the floor xD22:56
Azelphurand backpeddled within a couple hours22:57
Azelphurthat was pretty hilarious, there was a twitter trend and everything.22:57
MyrttiSwype beta has Finnish language support now, ihihih22:57
popeyAzelphur: I specifically mentioned ASUS22:57
Azelphurdunno about asus phones, never even knew one existed22:57
marsilainenI wouldn't mind so much, but Shuttleworth has even made my Ubuntu desktop look like a Mac anyways - he could at least sort out the syncing with them :)22:58
popeyAzelphur: tablet, not phone22:58
Azelphurah, or tablet22:58
popeyhaha marsilainen22:58
Azelphurpopey: tbh the trend I see now days is people just go to the cyanogen supported devices list and buy phones22:58
Azelphurat least, the tech savvy people do.22:58
popeythe ASUS Transformer (and the upcoming Transformer Prime) are kinda nice devices22:58
ali1234nobody cares about tablets, seriously22:59
marsilainentell uncle shuttleworth to get out the weegie board out and get something sorted with uncle steve22:59
ali1234they are a fad22:59
Azelphurali1234: inb4 tablets become number 1 device lol22:59
ali1234kind of like ipods really22:59
marsilainenali1234: try telling our clients that :/22:59
Azelphurbut yea, I for one will continue to buy from the non locked boot loader companies :D23:00
ali1234basically only children use standalone mp3 players now, because they are dirt cheap23:00
ali1234everyone else has mp3 playing phone23:00
AzelphurMy next phone is probably going to be a samsung, they hired cyanogen and they are working on a google phone23:00
marsilainenyeah, just a pity can't sync to the iphone23:00
Azelphurgoogle/cyanogen = best software + samsung = best hardware = greatest phone ever?23:00
marsilainenI have to listen to the ringtones on the way to work instead23:00
Azelphurhaha ringtones :D23:01
czajkowskipopey: is todays word of the day wut :)23:03
Azelphurmarsilainen: fyi you can get decent android phones for ~£100 brand new now pay as you go :D23:03
Azelphurpopey: btw did you hear the siri protocol got cracked?23:04
Azelphuryou can just send an ogg off to apples webserver and get a reply.23:04
Azelphur(not exactly complicated, but it's all documented now no doubt cross platform apps will start emerging)23:04
ali1234they've been that cheap for ages23:05
marsilainenAzelphur: yeah, the cost of the phone isn't the issue - just the fact I'd have to carry around 2 phones :(23:05
ali1234i think there was a £70 a few months ago23:05
Azelphurmarsilainen: what actually ties you to the iphone? :)23:05
marsilainenAzelphur: work does...23:05
Azelphurali1234: yea, but they was usually rather slow23:05
marsilainenAzelphur: they pay the bill on the iphone...23:05
Azelphurmarsilainen: so take the sim out put it in android phone profit?23:05
ali1234iphones has microsim23:06
marsilainenAzelphur: they wouldn't allow that23:06
Azelphuraww :(23:06
marsilainenjust not an option I'm afraid23:06
* AlanBell loves the raspberry pi team23:25
AlanBell"click to embiggen"23:25
AlanBella perfectly cromulent word23:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
aquariusdoes anyone know if Mario Kemper, lead guy on Shutter, hangs out on irc?23:45
AlanBellthere is no channel matching *shutter*23:48
marsilainenis there a way to increase the number of virtual desktops?23:58
marsilainenthis used to be easy in <= maverick23:58
marsilainenI can't see a way of doing it in oneiric?23:58

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