
chloric_Roaksoax, lets try to host it this weekend, saturday afternoon01:58
roaksoaxchloric_: k02:08
roaksoaxitnet7: ping02:08
maxolasersquad_hPresently nyan-catting my wife to see how long before she gets upset with me.02:10
maxolasersquad_hShe's holding out too well.  I wonder who will break first.02:11
chloric_theres a 10 hour version of the clip02:13
maxolasersquad_hShe justgave in.02:14
chloric_erase every song on her ipod and replace them with 10 hour nyan cat02:18
maxolasersquad_hI'm not sure why you would assume there is an iFoo in our house.02:29
chloric_general assumption :p02:40
chloric_you should fly to miami on saturday too as a general assumption02:40
chloric_roaksoax, do I have you on facebook???02:41
maxolasersquad_hchloric_: You should pay for my ticket, as a specific assumption.02:42
chloric_where does one sell their kidneys?02:47
bluebomberSo, Tumblr vs. 4chan.... 04:48
bluebomberLooks like Tumblr's winning right now.04:48
raubvogelSo tomorrow we will have the code competition I've mentioned before: http://www.gatorlug.org/node/31315:10
itnet7roaksoax: pong15:14
itnet7raubvogel: Sweet!15:15
roaksoaxitnet7: ubuntu hour on sat (miami)15:15
raubvogelitnet7: I asked a girl I know to design the t-shirt; https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-UDrIt4tz308/TsKB2cyHh9I/AAAAAAAABPY/0igOZi-UE7E/s800/codeslinger_2011.png15:15
itnet7I have always heard good things about the Gatorlug's code competitions15:15
roaksoaxitnet7: look at your pm15:15
itnet7roaksoax: I did15:16
itnet7*look at my PM15:16

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