rick_h_ | woot http://voices.canonical.com/ active on the agg | 01:40 |
rick_h_ | Blazeix: yea, that sucks though | 01:40 |
jrwren | agg? | 01:40 |
rick_h_ | wonder wtf is with that | 01:40 |
rick_h_ | aggregator, planet | 01:40 |
jrwren | oh... congtats! | 01:40 |
jrwren | i never read that planet. | 01:41 |
rick_h_ | yea, looks like lots of dupe with Planet Ubuntu | 01:41 |
rick_h_ | but a few different | 01:41 |
snap-l | Wow, my little blog post on 1devday seems to be getting some traction | 03:05 |
jjesse | yay | 03:06 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: awesome | 03:15 |
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rick_h_ | morning party people | 11:47 |
Wolfger | morning | 12:39 |
Wolfger | gamerchick02 will probably never see me again. She can't get on at work and I typically only get on at work. | 12:39 |
rick_h_ | hah | 12:39 |
brousch | morn | 12:41 |
snap-l | wG'morning | 12:45 |
snap-l | http://openmetalcast.com/2011/11/15/open-metalcast-episode-34-something-for-everyone/ | 12:47 |
brousch | ICS source is released. the world is good once again | 12:48 |
rick_h_ | heh, not quite | 12:49 |
brousch | eh? what's holding it back? | 12:49 |
rick_h_ | the hiding of honeycomb, the fact that it's just not getting open/dropped. Still not "open source" etc | 12:50 |
brousch | all of the honeycomb stuff is there too | 12:50 |
rick_h_ | right, but all markers/tags/etc are removed | 12:51 |
rick_h_ | <3 git | 12:51 |
brousch | maybe it really is crappy | 12:51 |
brousch | anyways, i'm looking forward to cyanogenmod9 on my droid and nook color | 12:54 |
brousch | rick_h_: you see this one? http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/11/14/2328232/android-ice-cream-sandwich-source-released | 13:03 |
brousch | blah, sorry | 13:03 |
brousch | i meant this one http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2011/11/15/modern-web-applications-are-here/ | 13:03 |
brousch | interesting stuff | 13:03 |
rick_h_ | yea | 13:03 |
rick_h_ | it's how the new bookie ui works | 13:04 |
rick_h_ | though without websockets | 13:04 |
snap-l | http://www.ecsspert.com/atari.php | 13:04 |
brousch | i'll have to look at it | 13:05 |
brousch | snap-l: scary | 13:06 |
snap-l | Yeah, that's pretty neat. | 13:08 |
brousch | rick_h_: CSS in less? | 13:21 |
rick_h_ | brousch: http://lesscss.org/ | 13:21 |
rick_h_ | sass but with javascript/node instead of ruby | 13:21 |
brousch | ah! i was having trouble parsing it as a sentence | 13:22 |
brousch | oooh, no ruby is a ++ | 13:22 |
rick_h_ | sorry, tired today | 13:22 |
brousch | rick_h_: busy absorbing massive amounts of information about launchpad? | 13:23 |
rick_h_ | heh, yea. I've never worked on a project with several teams of 4 people at the same time | 13:23 |
rick_h_ | email overload, info overload, new tech overload | 13:23 |
rick_h_ | and I have to resist trying to figure out how to redo it all :P | 13:23 |
brousch | did you happen to measure your head beforehand? i'm interested to see if it actually grows | 13:23 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Rockstar: achievement Unlocked. | 13:24 |
rick_h_ | though I did do my first merge proposal on LP yesterday | 13:25 |
rick_h_ | so I can almost use the tool I'm working on :) | 13:25 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: heh, we'll see | 13:25 |
rick_h_ | go get your GoF book and read: http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html#an-example along with me now | 13:26 |
brousch | oh crap, zope | 13:30 |
rick_h_ | lol | 13:30 |
snap-l | n/url 1 | 13:31 |
brousch | i'd like to take a year off of everything else and learn zope+plone | 13:31 |
* snap-l still hasn't read through the GoF book | 13:31 | |
rick_h_ | heresy! | 13:32 |
snap-l | maybe it's because I have the HTML version, and it's a pain to read. ;) | 13:32 |
Wolfger | GoF? | 13:32 |
snap-l | Design Patterns, aka the Gang of Four book | 13:32 |
Wolfger | ah, I see. It's not enough to nickname the book, we have to also make and acronym for the nickname | 13:33 |
Wolfger | a/and/an/ | 13:33 |
Wolfger | s | 13:33 |
Wolfger | dammit | 13:33 |
* Wolfger quits typing fo the day | 13:33 | |
snap-l | Wolfger: Yep. | 13:35 |
snap-l | http://notinventedhe.re/on/2011-11-15/comic | 13:44 |
* rick_h_ looks away | 13:45 | |
Wolfger | wtf? Amazon is selling the 4-book box set of Game of Thrones cheaper in paperback (with box) than in kindle edition. | 13:52 |
Wolfger | when a physical product is cheaper than a digital product, somebody's doing something wrong | 13:52 |
snap-l | Wolfger: That's because publishers set the prices on some of their books. | 13:54 |
snap-l | But yeah, I think that's precious | 13:54 |
snap-l | Surest sign of a publisher that doesn't quite "get it" are the ones that charge hardcover prices for their eBooks, even when the paperback book prices is way cheaper. | 13:56 |
Wolfger | http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2011-11-15/ | 14:44 |
rick_h_ | ok, ssh gurus, I've got a ssh key in .pem format | 15:08 |
rick_h_ | I need a .pub? | 15:08 |
rick_h_ | halp? | 15:08 |
Milyardo | pem is a base64 encoded key | 15:13 |
Milyardo | what's the problem exactly? | 15:13 |
rick_h_ | I need a seperate pub/private files so I can add the pub to launchpad | 15:13 |
Milyardo | ssh-keygen -E key.pem | 15:17 |
Milyardo | -E switch says the cert it PEM format | 15:17 |
Milyardo | man ssh-keygen | 15:17 |
rick_h_ | yea, not seeing -E | 15:17 |
rick_h_ | ssh-keygen: illegal option -- E | 15:18 |
rick_h_ | ssh-keygen -e -m PEM -f maybe | 15:19 |
Milyardo | Yes, sorry, I was looking at a BSD man page | 15:20 |
rick_h_ | bah, won't accept that...grrr. Maybe new key time I guess | 15:21 |
Milyardo | You also have to use the other flags you typcally use with ssh-keygen | 15:21 |
Milyardo | ie, -i to genereate a compatible private or public key | 15:22 |
* ColonelPanic001 rages | 15:41 | |
brousch | ColonelPanic001: what do you have against The_Machine? | 15:43 |
The_Machine | I had sex with his wife. | 15:43 |
The_Machine | Sorry about that. | 15:43 |
_stink_ | :O | 15:44 |
ColonelPanic001 | >_> | 15:44 |
The_Machine | =D i kid. | 15:44 |
_stink_ | :P | 15:46 |
ColonelPanic001 | I was sure he was serious | 15:47 |
jrwren | rick_h_: ssh key in pem? | 16:12 |
rick_h_ | jrwren: yea, aws stuff | 16:12 |
jrwren | oh damn I did that once, but i've long forgotten. | 16:12 |
rick_h_ | nvm though, didn't need to add it to LP after all, just some ssh add of the right keys to get things to work | 16:12 |
jrwren | keyforwarding ftw! | 16:12 |
jrwren | http://askubuntu.com/questions/79024/network-does-not-come-back-after-a-unclean-shutdown-poweroutage-var-run-netwo | 16:12 |
rick_h_ | running launchpad tests on ec2 ftw | 16:12 |
jrwren | anyone have issue with stale /var/run/network/ifstate after an unclean shutdown? | 16:13 |
rick_h_ | don't think so | 16:13 |
brousch | jrwren: i have weird issues with wifi if i turn wifi off and back on | 16:14 |
brousch | basically i have to reboot to get wifi back | 16:14 |
jrwren | ick. that sucks. | 16:16 |
brousch | sounds like a problem in the same general area | 16:16 |
jrwren | nah, this is just a stale file | 16:16 |
jrwren | that sounds like a driver issue | 16:16 |
brousch | no, i have it on two different computers | 16:16 |
brousch | intel and ralink | 16:16 |
jrwren | if you can't ifdown eth0;ifup eth0 and get things to work, that is different than what I have | 16:16 |
brousch | i'll check the state next time | 16:17 |
rick_h_ | hmm, so U1 syncs your Ubuntu One folder across devices right? | 16:24 |
rick_h_ | by default and all that? | 16:24 |
snap-l | rick_h_: Yes, it's kinda like drop-box | 16:25 |
rick_h_ | except it won't copy the files down to my desktop machine. They're on my laptop, and on the web interface | 16:25 |
rick_h_ | but not the other machine connected | 16:25 |
snap-l | What does u1sdtool -s say on the "other machine"? | 16:26 |
rick_h_ | http://paste.mitechie.com/show/449/ | 16:26 |
snap-l | u1sdtool -q | 16:27 |
snap-l | and then u1sdtool -c | 16:27 |
snap-l | Sometimes it gets wedged. | 16:27 |
rick_h_ | heh, only added one test file | 16:28 |
rick_h_ | and no worky | 16:28 |
rick_h_ | same -s and no file | 16:28 |
rick_h_ | oh, there it goes | 16:28 |
rick_h_ | oh wtf... | 16:28 |
snap-l | And there's the other shoe | 16:29 |
snap-l | Which is why I have my read and review list synced via dropbox | 16:29 |
rick_h_ | yea, I guess it's ok. Wanted to try to use it for screenshot sharing | 16:30 |
rick_h_ | obviously doing a lot of that fixing bugs/etc | 16:30 |
snap-l | because U1 is a bitch when it comes to files that change or moving around files | 16:30 |
snap-l | It's strange how it's set up, because it doesn't act like a filesystem | 16:30 |
snap-l | it acts very much like couchDB for files. | 16:31 |
snap-l | so moving a file = delete old record, and hope that it generates a new record in the interim | 16:31 |
snap-l | Though I like the sharing aspect of U1 better than Dropbox | 16:32 |
snap-l | Great. Got Bro-in-law's machine. Apparently he has the anti-spyware trojan on it | 17:42 |
snap-l | what a pain | 17:43 |
snap-l | and I got an edict not to put Linux on it | 17:43 |
rick_h_ | how about dos? | 17:43 |
snap-l | hah | 17:43 |
snap-l | Well, I'm copying off everything on the drive | 17:44 |
snap-l | it's an Asus EeePC 1000HD | 17:44 |
snap-l | But yeah, talk about hamstrung from the obvious solution | 17:46 |
Wolfger | tell him if you can't put Linux on it and he doesn't have the master to reinstall from, you can't fix it. | 17:50 |
snap-l | not good enough. They don't have $$ for a new machine | 17:52 |
snap-l | Though I'm going to try to get all of their Windows needs neatly coralled | 17:53 |
Wolfger | well, cost has always been a good reason to switch to Linux | 17:53 |
Wolfger | Maybe I'm just a bad family member... | 17:54 |
snap-l | Frankly, there's only a handful of things that I'm not sure can be replaced | 17:54 |
Wolfger | I have long since told everybody that comes to me for help that the answer to their Windows problems is to stop using Windows. I'll gladly service their machines for free, but I fix them my way. | 17:55 |
Wolfger | Some people went Linux and were happy with it, some went with Linux and tolerated it, others quit coming to me for help. Problem solved across the board. | 17:56 |
jrwren | snap-l: is he paying you? | 17:57 |
Wolfger | thankfully nobody has come to me for help since 11.04 launched, because I have no idea what I'd install for them anymore. | 17:57 |
snap-l | jrwren: It's called the family trust | 18:02 |
snap-l | he gets called whenever there's a car issue | 18:02 |
snap-l | I get called whenever there's a computer issue | 18:02 |
Wolfger | ah, well, that's a good trade off | 18:05 |
brousch | snap-l: but do you drive a nasty old beater that has constant problems and refuse to get a new car? | 18:13 |
jrwren | great trade. | 18:13 |
snap-l | brousch: Point. ;) | 18:14 |
jrwren | you did by a chrysler. give it 18mo. | 18:14 |
brousch | i have one windows user who has not gotten the hint despite my constant whining about helping him. so now when he asks for help i make him wait 3 weeks | 18:16 |
jrwren | who this? | 18:24 |
snap-l | I really hate the Panera commercials | 18:26 |
snap-l | "I make babies cry, love long walks on the beach, and I'm a Panera Baker" | 18:26 |
brousch | what's a commercial? | 18:27 |
snap-l | That thing that happens when TV stops sucking | 18:28 |
brousch | greg-g: what do you use to backup your flickr? | 18:35 |
greg-g | brousch: lemme check :) | 18:37 |
greg-g | brousch: apparently I am doing both offlickr and flickrtouchr | 18:37 |
greg-g | brousch: I think one does metadata better while the other does... something better? | 18:37 |
greg-g | I remember thinking "I'll figure out which one I like the results of better, and just use that" about 6 months ago | 18:38 |
brousch | heh | 18:38 |
brousch | i like flickr but want to be prepared for when yahoo dies | 18:39 |
ColonelPanic001 | http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/md61v/i_am_law_professor_and_activist_lawrence_lessig/ | 18:39 |
greg-g | brousch: indeed. Also, I am excited for my coworkers (poorly named) project MediaGoblin, see mediagoblin.org | 18:41 |
brousch | shouldn't that be GNU/mediagoblin? | 18:42 |
greg-g | it is, actually. GNU MediaGloblin, or GMG | 18:42 |
brousch | i saw that and had to comment ;) | 18:43 |
greg-g | :) | 18:43 |
brousch | so it's like identi.ca for media? | 18:44 |
brousch | status.net for media? | 18:44 |
greg-g | kinda yeah, though the federation isn't implemented yet | 18:45 |
greg-g | more like a federated flickr, really (images, videos, commetns, tags, metadata, galleries, etc) | 18:45 |
snap-l | cwebber is a part of this, isn't he? | 18:46 |
greg-g | yep! | 18:47 |
snap-l | Man, there si so much crap on a Windows XP instance. | 18:47 |
greg-g | it's his project | 18:47 |
snap-l | greg-g: Oh, well that stands to reason, then. ;) | 18:47 |
greg-g | snap-l: I forget, you know Chris? | 18:47 |
snap-l | Not personally, but through identi.ca | 18:48 |
greg-g | ah, right | 18:48 |
greg-g | he's good stuff. CC's lead dev | 18:48 |
snap-l | I don't think I know any CC folks other than yourself | 18:48 |
snap-l | I knew Priyanka from SF, but she moved to Wikipedia | 18:48 |
snap-l | and several folks moved to Canonical / Mozilla | 18:49 |
greg-g | Asheesh Laroia/paulproteus was a dev there | 18:49 |
greg-g | if you know him.. that is | 18:49 |
snap-l | I don't recall our paths crossing | 18:49 |
greg-g | oh well | 18:49 |
brousch | i think federated is too complicated to really take off | 18:52 |
brousch | what do we have that's federated now that "everyone" uses? email? | 18:53 |
greg-g | yep | 18:53 |
snap-l | Google Chrome sync, but that's not really "federated" | 18:53 |
greg-g | so, federated only matters to the geeks | 18:54 |
snap-l | Well, there's no compelling reason for federation right now | 18:54 |
greg-g | everyone else will join the big cool instance that their friends are on, see: joindiaspora | 18:54 |
brousch | what would be useful for flickr is a mirror of all your flickr stuff that gets synced to a usable web site | 18:56 |
brousch | so when flickr gets evil, you're all set | 18:56 |
brousch | if you use your own domain and rediect to flickr, then you can turn it to your mirror | 18:57 |
Wolfger | greg-g: "so, federated only matters to *SOME* geeks" <-- fixed that for you | 19:19 |
snap-l | I think there's a larger number of geeks that care about federation | 19:23 |
Wolfger | >0, yes | 19:24 |
snap-l | They might also be rather pragmatic about the whole thing. | 19:24 |
* ColonelPanic001 likes the Federation. | 19:31 | |
Wolfger | Bah. The Klingon Empire is far superior | 19:33 |
brousch | grrrrrrrr, shotwell http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/3445 | 19:33 |
ColonelPanic001 | I can't argue much with Wolfger | 19:59 |
ColonelPanic001 | Im watching a loco cast about vim splits | 20:42 |
ColonelPanic001 | at the top, I swear there's a menu item that says "rapevim" | 20:43 |
* ColonelPanic001 glares at Rick | 20:43 | |
rick_h_ | ropevim | 20:43 |
ColonelPanic001 | nope. RapeVim | 20:44 |
brousch | so many ways to go with that, but none of them appropriate | 20:45 |
brousch | i'm installing digikam. i fear this could lead to further qt/kde usage | 20:46 |
ColonelPanic001 | rick_h_: do you never use tabs at all? | 20:54 |
ColonelPanic001 | (also, nice screencast) | 20:55 |
brousch | oh man, digikam is much more powerful than f-spot and shotwell | 21:02 |
ColonelPanic001 | I've never used it | 21:06 |
jjesse | yay for qt/kde usage | 21:06 |
brousch | it seems that while Gnome was busy recreating a photo managing app over and over again, kde was busy making a really f-ing nice one | 21:06 |
jjesse | its pretty powerful, i read some of the blog posts from one of the main author and suprised at how much it can do | 21:07 |
ColonelPanic001 | <3 KDE | 21:07 |
brousch | i'm gonna set it to import my 15,000 photos tonight and see if it asplodes | 21:08 |
brousch | then i'll try out its detect duplicates feature and hopefully prune them down to 5000 | 21:09 |
snap-l | while(i==0) | 21:09 |
rick_h_ | ColonelPanic001: NEVER! | 21:09 |
snap-l | i = Math.abs(rnd.nextInt() % 56); | 21:09 |
rick_h_ | ColonelPanic001: there are three more there, go get them | 21:09 |
snap-l | correct me if I'm wrong, but that generates all random numbers from 0-55, correct? | 21:09 |
snap-l | (this is Java code) | 21:09 |
ColonelPanic001 | rick_h_: saw, going to, yeah | 21:10 |
ColonelPanic001 | rick_h_: just curious. I never have before, kind of had it back-burnered to check them out sometime, maybe I'll push it to an even further back burner | 21:11 |
rick_h_ | there you go | 21:11 |
rick_h_ | don't go trying to learn new stuff all at once...headaches are expensive :P | 21:12 |
ColonelPanic001 | snap-l: wouldn't that just generate one? It only gerenated one random 1-55 | 21:12 |
ColonelPanic001 | if it's zero, loops to do it again | 21:12 |
snap-l | Well, iirc it generates a float from 0 - 1 unless you give it a size | 21:13 |
snap-l | but then you're taking that float from 0-1 and then modding it with 56 | 21:13 |
* snap-l is going to have to public static void(String args[]) to see | 21:14 | |
snap-l | public static void main(String args []) { | 21:15 |
snap-l | Bah, fuck Java in the neck | 21:15 |
snap-l | public static void main(String[] args) { | 21:15 |
ColonelPanic001 | I can't do that. | 21:15 |
ColonelPanic001 | I am not that talented. | 21:15 |
snap-l | No wonder people use Eclipse | 21:15 |
ColonelPanic001 | <3 Eclipse | 21:18 |
ColonelPanic001 | the only java I do is for Android. Eclipse saved my mind | 21:18 |
ColonelPanic001 | rick_h_: what was "DrChip"? | 21:20 |
ColonelPanic001 | You can't put all kinds of mysteriously-named menu items on a screencast and not tell us about the goodies | 21:21 |
snap-l | OK, I think I missed something | 21:21 |
snap-l | checking... | 21:22 |
snap-l | suspicion confirmed | 21:24 |
snap-l | Developer carefully gathers seeds the random number generator from epoch seconds, then uses a number from 0-55. | 21:25 |
snap-l | note: this is supposed to be a very random number. | 21:26 |
snap-l | *sigh* | 21:26 |
snap-l | and the only reason for not chosing heavy drinking is because I'm on allergy meds. | 21:31 |
snap-l | choosing, rather | 21:31 |
snap-l | (well, that and I'm at work, and have this yoke of responsibility that I proudly wear) | 21:31 |
brousch | from crazy_paranoid_shit import seriously_fucking_random as random | 21:32 |
ColonelPanic001 | want to figure out what dumb thing I'm doing in vim instead? | 21:32 |
snap-l | (and the only booze in the house is a 1/3 bottle of Cab Sav) | 21:32 |
snap-l | ColonelPanic001: Sure. Lay it on us. | 21:32 |
ColonelPanic001 | wait - in a .vim plugin file, is it picky about tabs vs. spaces? | 21:33 |
ColonelPanic001 | maybe that's why this isn't working | 21:33 |
snap-l | not sure, but what's the problem you're having? | 21:33 |
ColonelPanic001 | http://www.koch.ro/blog/index.php?/archives/63-VIM-an-a-PHP-IDE.html#id2 | 21:33 |
ColonelPanic001 | I'm trying to do that Codesniffer integration thing there | 21:33 |
ColonelPanic001 | he gives a snippe there to copy and paste. I do. Nothing happens when I do :Phpcs | 21:34 |
rick_h_ | ColonelPanic001: ? DrChip? | 21:34 |
ColonelPanic001 | it was in your screencast | 21:35 |
rick_h_ | ah, don't recall tbh | 21:35 |
ColonelPanic001 | no problem, just randomly curious | 21:35 |
snap-l | ColonelPanic001: Do you have phpcsw installed? | 21:36 |
ColonelPanic001 | yeah, I can do "phpcs whatever.php" fine | 21:36 |
ColonelPanic001 | in vim, I get nothing. No error either, though | 21:36 |
snap-l | Have you restarted vim? | 21:36 |
ColonelPanic001 | yeah, opened a new one to try it | 21:36 |
snap-l | Do you see any errors when you fire up vim? | 21:37 |
ColonelPanic001 | you know, hang on. I am dumb | 21:37 |
ColonelPanic001 | that "standard" set to YMC? on the cli, that throws an error, saying it's not installed | 21:37 |
snap-l | ;) | 21:38 |
snap-l | The computer can only yell so much | 21:38 |
ColonelPanic001 | ugh, so now it comes up like if you do a ":! command", not sure of the name there | 21:38 |
ColonelPanic001 | the "Press ENTER or type command to continue" type thing. | 21:38 |
ColonelPanic001 | and shows raw CSV | 21:38 |
ColonelPanic001 | this blog is such a tease | 21:38 |
ColonelPanic001 | only shows the first one, too. | 21:39 |
ColonelPanic001 | checking to see if the errorformat is right. meh, it's not vital anyway | 21:42 |
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