
paultagsuper cool story, bro13:23
thafreakquiet in here eh?15:01
paultagyeah, a skitch15:02
paultagman, my terminal thing is working pretty well15:02
dzhoterminal thing15:02
dzhooh, the VTmumble?15:02
paultagdzho: oh, no, the VTE libs / impl I've been working on15:03
paultagI've got very very rough pre-VT100 support15:03
paultagit supports basic curses15:03
paultagand it hello worlds15:03
paultagbut it looks sexy15:04
thafreakso you ditched X then? ;)15:04
dzhothe world needs lots of wheels15:04
paultagthat's the idea :)15:04
paultageven has basic background support15:05
jrgiffordpaultag: heh, nice15:05
paultagit not close to done15:05
paultagbut it does the basics15:05
paultagand I can use a terminal for most things that are not curses15:06
paultagvim might work. let me check15:06
paultagworks great15:06
paultagirssi is a bit flaky15:06
paultagbut that's because it uses VT100 DEC codes15:06
paultagno way jrgifford15:06
paultagI'm going to fix it15:06
paultagI need to add UTF-8 support after15:07
paultagbut it worksish15:07
jrgifford(i wish i had that much time :P)15:07
paultagthen, I ditch X, write applets, and finish it up15:07
paultagjrgifford: bah15:07
paultagjrgifford: this is hacking on lunchbreaks and weekends15:07
jrgiffordpaultag: wow, ok, wish I had those skillz.15:07
paultagthat's it15:07
paultagboth are very small15:07
paultagstate diagram for libansi - http://tag.pault.ag/state-changes.png15:08
paultagit's all very simple15:08
jrgiffordthats simpler than i thought it'd be.15:09
paultagjrgifford: I toldja.15:09
paultagcompare that to Fluxbox's internal-deps graph15:09
paultagotherwise known as "pasta with labels"15:10
dzhoyeah, I had to stop the dl for that picture15:30
dzhothat last one.  it was just too beaucoup15:31
paultagdzho: it's 18 megs15:33
paultagthat models all the #import lines in Fluxboix15:33
paultagbox *15:33

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