
GeekyAdamgod is it annoyingly hard to find a decent apt that allows a 6 month lease and a pitbull for under $60000:05
GeekyAdamalthough, you're all from philly, you're probably used to rent being higher00:05
GeekyAdamErie is a college town, full of cheap housing00:05
waltmanLife is cheap in Erie.01:01
GeekyAdambut shitty04:46
GeekyAdamwhat should i do if running "sudo fsck /dev/sdc1" on an ntfs drive errors out with "fsck.ntfs: not found"?04:57
GeekyAdamdo i have to install a module for fsck or something?04:57
mikedep333GeekyAdam, I think the command its "ntfsfix"07:29
mikedep333it's part of the ntfsutils version 2 suite07:30
mikedep333and it's very incomplete07:30
mikedep333ntfs-3g has great read/write support, but last I checked it can't fix NTFS drives07:31
mikedep333or rather, ntfsprogs07:32
mikedep333GeekyAdam, looks like ntfsprogs are now included in ntfs-3g07:49
rmg51morning JonathanD10:36
JonathanDhi rmg5110:38
InHisNamemorning everyone15:07
ChinnoDogI ate a waffle15:28
ChinnoDogI bet they would be even better if I added crumbled bacon15:29
teddy-dbearpoor waffle :'(15:29
ChinnoDoghey now, I created it, I can destroy it.15:30
ChinnoDogThats what I am going to tell my kids one day15:30
teddy-dbearI would hate to be one of your kids15:31
ChinnoDoglol. My empty wiki was hacked.15:52
ChinnoDog"hacked" being relative here15:52
ChinnoDogSomeone else create an account on my wiki so I can do some testing16:00
MutantTurkeyI have to run an IRC meeting D: getting nervous16:19
MutantTurkeyhopefully this meetbot I have will make it easy16:19
JonathanDwhich one are you using?16:21
MutantTurkey I am not sure :|16:21
MutantTurkeylet me check16:21
MutantTurkeyNo idea, I havent set it up, which is why I am worried :P16:22
MutantTurkeyMeetBot actually16:27
JonathanDok :)16:27
JonathanDit's simple enough.16:27
MutantTurkeycurrently freaking out I cant figure out how to get ops privledges16:27
MutantTurkeyhelp me out then?16:28
JonathanDoh uh16:28
JonathanDhold on16:28
JonathanDis it ok if I join?16:28
MutantTurkeyplease do!16:34
InHisNameSeems it only wants facebook people, ChinnoDog16:58
InHisNameThen It wants to have privilege to post to facebook as the other person !!16:59
InHisNameJust what kinda scheme are up up to, ChinnoDog ?17:00
ChinnoDogInHisName: I temporarily disabled regular logins until I fix the security. I could use an fb user or two though that isn't me.17:00
ChinnoDogThe permission set it asks for must come straight from the facebook plugin. I can't select them on the facebook apps portal.17:03
GeekyAdamjust read all of mikedep333's responses to me, but running "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdc1" just erros out with "Volume is corrupt. You should run chkdsk."17:48
GeekyAdamany ideas on next step?17:48
GeekyAdamis there even a chkdsk command for linux?17:49
GeekyAdamtried it, it says "fsck.ntfs: not found"17:49
GeekyAdamthat was my original question17:50
ChinnoDogapt-get install ntfsprogs17:52
ChinnoDogThere is a tool in there that does it. I've never used it; idk if it is good quality.17:52
GeekyAdamthe tool in ntfsprogs is ntfsfix, thats the one i tried above17:53
ChinnoDogI have an application for it though. I'm in the process of recovering a disk with tons of bad sectors on it. I'll report back later if it was able to make heads or tails of it.17:53
GeekyAdamsweet. is it ntfs?17:53
ChinnoDogoh. In that case, idk.17:53
ChinnoDogThe disk? yes.17:53
GeekyAdamlmk how it comes17:54
ChinnoDogThere are bad sectors galore though17:54
ChinnoDogI can only get it to be recognized when it is fresh out of the freezer17:54
ChinnoDogThen it will work for awhile even after it exceeds room temperature, and then it has to go back into the freezer17:54
GeekyAdamif you have wires long enough, you can leave it in the freezer17:55
ChinnoDogI don't. lol17:55
GeekyAdamfor instance maybe use a usb-to-sata adapter, then just use long usb cable to a laptop?17:55
GeekyAdamnever done myself, but heard all about it17:55
ChinnoDogI don't know that it would have the same effect. The drive is still going to warm up17:56
GeekyAdamlike i said, never done, only heard17:56
ChinnoDogAlso, breaking the seal on the freezer will allow condensation to occur on the drive17:56
ChinnoDogI wrap the drive in a towel to absorb the condensation and thermally insulate the drive17:56
GeekyAdamthis external keeps spitting intput/output errors at me...says to run chckdsk /f in windows...debating doing it, it is ntfs after all :/17:57
ChinnoDogWindows will do it best17:57
GeekyAdamyeah im gonna go grab it from the server in the closet17:58
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: whew that went okay18:11
JonathanDMutantTurkey: awesome.18:12
MutantTurkeyexcept the project leader didnt show up :X18:13
MutantTurkeyuntil the end18:14
JonathanDI had a meeting like that today.18:15
JonathanDIRL meeting.18:15
JonathanD18:20:45 < JonathanD> 3 Turkeys were harmed in the making of this item.18:21
GeekyAdamstill havent found a new place yet...gf's getting nervous. only a couple weeks till our lease is up.19:06
ChinnoDogGeekyAdam: Living in Ephrata?19:13
MutantTurkeyEPHRATA IS EVIL19:13
MutantTurkeythat place scares me D:19:13
ChinnoDogWhat do you have against Ephrata?19:13
MutantTurkeythat was once there19:23
MutantTurkeythe creepy cult19:23
MutantTurkeyever been in that muesum?19:23
ChinnoDogWhat museum? The only one I've been to in Ephrata is the Cloister.19:25
GeekyAdamwhats Ephrata19:31
rmg51a place far from Erie19:33
waltmanrmg51: That doesn't exactly narrow it down much :)19:36
rmg51how about somewhat close to Philly :-D19:37
ChinnoDogGeekyAdam: my mistake. I thought you were a different Adam.19:39
=== GeekyAdam is now known as Adom
Adomwhats the famous wooden pillow?19:42
waltmanI was wondering that as well.19:44
ChinnoDogwooden pillows don't need to be fluffed at least19:46
MutantTurkeyCloister is a museum yes?19:46
MutantTurkeywell a historical place19:46
MutantTurkeystill creepy and weird as hell!19:46
ChinnoDogCloister is an outdoor historical area19:46
MutantTurkeyCloister oysyet stay away19:46
ChinnoDogmust be. lol19:46
MutantTurkeycreeped me out at least19:46
ChinnoDogWhy is it creepy?19:46
AdomCloister was a relgious community, wikipedia says19:47
Adomsounds creepy to me too19:47
waltmanWow, they'd use wooden blocks for pillows?19:48
ChinnoDogDid you go around to the buildings with a tour guide?19:48
ChinnoDogI got married in this room: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2003.09.20_52_Ephrata_Cloister_Pennsylvania.jpg19:51
MutantTurkeyI've been there19:53
Adomnow i feel bad, i hope i didnt offend you ChinnoDog by saying it sounded creepy19:54
ChinnoDoglol. No, you didn't.19:55
ChinnoDogYou should go there sometime. It is interesting.19:55
MutantTurkeywooden pillows are creepy19:55
MutantTurkeyalso the doors are all really small19:55
MutantTurkeyso you have to bow to god as you pass through the doors.19:55
ChinnoDogso were the people19:55
MutantTurkeyor they were all midgets - the world may never know!19:55
MutantTurkeyrelevant: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_v0fV15P7uQo/SlEFVIbzfnI/AAAAAAAAGHg/K5hkFTetJ1M/s400/hunchback+monster.jpg19:56
ChinnoDogI hope you get a wooden pillow for Christmas, MutantTurkey.19:57
teddy-dbearthat's if he lives past Thanksgiving ;-)19:59
teddy-dbearthat wooden pillow would be a chopping block19:59
AdomBiggest thing I've learned about adopting a dog: your girlfriend will use Facebook A LOT more.20:02
MutantTurkeyoh boy20:05
InHisNameChinnoDog, you've been married and never mentioned it around us, until now ?20:15
ChinnoDogI thought it was common knowledge20:22
ChinnoDogAnyway, that was the past.20:22
MutantTurkeythe cloister....20:33
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf
ChinnoDogI bet those wooden pillows are esy to wash.20:55
rhpot1991is it where that I read cloister and then went searching to see if you guys were talking about carcassonne?20:55
ChinnoDogWhat does cloister have to do with carcassonne?20:56
ChinnoDogiirc carcassonne takes place in France20:56
rhpot1991game named after the place in france20:56

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