
nigelbdaker_: Nice job on the open graph :)11:50
nigelbohai cjohnston12:24
nigelbdid you guys figure out the local_settings issue?12:24
nigelbI will try something out when I get back.12:25
nigelbNext few days I'm going into preparing for my talks.12:26
ubot4Factoid 'fail' not found12:26
cjohnstonmornin daker_ :-12:42
cjohnstonmornin johnoxton13:27
johnoxtoncjohnston hello! How are you?14:00
cjohnstondoin well.. thanks.. you?14:01
johnoxtonpretty good thanks.. over my bout of flu14:01
cjohnstonthats good14:01
johnoxtonso, re: summit schedule. Rach has done a bit of work actually. I need to ask her to join this channel14:03
cjohnstonthats awesome14:03
johnoxtonand I'll send an email sooooon! about a proposed workflow etc.14:05
cjohnstonok.. cool14:06
* cjohnston notes that nigelb bugged mhall119 and I for days because we werent doing his reviews fast enough.14:53
* cjohnston also notes that he has had a review waiting for 5 days now14:54
* nigelb notes his reviews were dependent on one another.14:54
nigelbAlso, I'm writing a talk for a conf, packing, etc :D14:54
cjohnstonthat stuff isnt important14:54
johnoxtoncjohnston and anyone else for that matter, rachelisking just joined us to help with summit14:54
cjohnstonrachelisking: !!!!14:54
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb ^ thats you14:54
nigelbHi rachelisking!14:55
mhall119awesome, welcome rachelisking14:55
* nigelb is the guy who was skyped in.14:56
racheliskingah, hi all14:57
racheliskingabout summit, do you guys think we've missed the moment to do a survey?15:01
nigelbWe did do a survey post-UDS.15:01
nigelbActually, let me ask for those results.15:02
nigelbWhat do you think needs to be surveyed further?15:02
racheliskingah, that would be good15:02
racheliskingthere was talk at the hacking session of doing a specific schedule one15:02
racheliskingoh, actually I never shared the quick notes I took during the session - they are here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tz0ZREgH6hFA1eJWi8j9aiifzQRSJw7yx7H_JQ-_FDk/edit15:05
racheliskingfeel free to add / change anything those who were there!15:06
nigelbSome of them are in line with what I've been thinking.15:07
nigelbLike, room name not being important.15:07
nigelbWe could do better views for desktop that way, while keeping it same for the screens.15:08
nigelbMichelle says the survey closes this friday. So we should have feedback next week.15:09
racheliskingok great, can you remind me what summit questions were in there again?15:09
nigelbI think one was general feedback and suggestions15:10
nigelband one was for remote participants - what device they were using, desktop, phone otheres.15:10
racheliskingah yeah, cool15:12
gmargoProblem with packages.ubuntu.com - who to report it to?17:15
nigelbgmargo: #canonical-sysadmin17:15
gmargonigelb: thank you17:16
nigelbgmargo: wait, problem of what kind?17:16
gmargonigelb: The oneirc pages do not have package descriptions.17:19
gmargoFor instance, compare http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/lxdm to http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/lxdm17:20
nigelbgmargo: could you mention that in #ubuntu-devel please?17:20
nigelbSomeone there probably knows what's wwrong.17:20
nigelbSorry to point at different places17:21
nigelbI initally thought it was down or something like that :)17:21
gmargojoin #ubuntu-devel17:21
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie

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