
jorgesmy name is jorges00:02
Cheap_ScotsmanHello Jorges.00:03
jorgesje voudrai savoir comment fonctionne cet messagerie?00:03
Cheap_ScotsmanJe ne pas parle Francais. Et je manges les petite chiens.00:04
iceroot!fr | jorges00:04
ubottujorges: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:04
shysoftI upgraded to oneiric and now my machine won't boot.00:04
jorgesah ok ok00:05
jorgesdo you speak english?00:05
icerootjorges: we speak english in this channel00:05
jorgesah thank you00:05
jorgesi'm new user of this channel00:05
jorgesand i'm cameroonian00:06
jorgesi don't speak english very well but and try to do my best00:06
CharminTheMooseWhat are the benefits of using a specific driver for an integrated graphics card (let's say i915) over just using xvesa?00:06
OtendI have no idea why this is happening, but my netbook (a MSI Wind U135) keeps having crashes00:06
ebosjorgees what do you speak?00:06
Otendas in, going back to text console and saying "panic," though I'm not sure whether or not it is of the kernel variety00:07
fully_humanbrjannc: I am serious about getting my power problem taken care of, though.00:11
icerootOtend: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/86950200:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869502 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel-Panic with on asus eee pcs and msi wind (both using rt2800 wifi chipset)" [High,Confirmed]00:11
icerootOtend: workaround: at boot press SHIFT and in grub choose the 2.6.38 kernel00:12
fully_humanAnyone know why Ubuntu goes back to sleep after I wake it up?00:12
fully_humanIt goes back to sleep on its own.00:12
icerootOtend: for using the 3.0 kernel try my workaroud https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/869502/comments/9700:12
wipyo i can't boot anymore (ubuntu logo lock) what is the key sequence to show some option?00:14
wipb for boot? ctrl + something?00:14
icerootwip: esc to display messages, shift at boot to choose another kernel ob grub or to edit the bootline00:15
Otendiceroot, is that a -O or -0?00:17
OtendI'm guessing the former00:17
icerootOtend: the character O00:18
icerootOtend: you can just copy&paste it00:18
Otendthanks for that; let's see how long it goes without a panic00:20
Otendhopefully eternity00:20
sekyourboxis ubuntu commercial bloatware/crapware now?00:23
Artemis3sekyourbox, is that a support question?00:23
sekyourboxArtemis3: yes, and since you are answering my question with a question, i think i have my answer00:24
sekyourboxI was thinking of getting ubuntu again, but I'll just stick with a real distro00:24
icerootsekyourbox: you have a support question?00:25
daihuwswhat's a real distro? ;-)00:25
icerootsekyourbox: if not, please stop this flaming here00:25
szalsince when is making unsubstantiated assertions a support question?00:25
sekyourboxthat was a support question you lamos00:25
icerootsekyourbox: stop it00:25
sekyourboxI was asking if ubuntu is clean and no one wants to answer?00:26
kregUnity   >8-O     Took me 30 minutes to find a terminal00:26
icerootsekyourbox: again, stop it00:26
kreg"trying" to adjust purposefully00:26
szalsekyourbox: define 'clean'00:26
kregbecause, i have faith that the ubuntu deity's know what i want.00:26
Otendsekyourbox: I am not entirely sure what this has to do with support00:26
sekyourboxWTF, I went to ubuntu to download it and it looks like they are trying to sell me stuff.00:26
=== __mikem is now known as mmiller235
Otendit's free00:26
Otendalways has been00:27
Otendalways will be00:27
sekyourboxOtend: define "free"00:27
Escherialanyone happen to know why 11.10 wants to put every window that eclipse opens up on my second monitor all of the sudden?00:27
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing00:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:27
Otendopen source and gratis00:27
sekyourboxthis is a support question00:27
mneptoksekyourbox: licensing is not support.00:27
mneptoksekyourbox: please move to -offtopic00:27
szalsekyourbox: free as in beer, and if you want, also as in speech; the install media have an 'install free software only' option00:28
sekyourboxmeh, i'll just download something good, nevermind00:28
Resistanceszal:  not necessary.00:28
ReBoRnE33Can anyone help me fix my dovecot installation. I'm ru00:29
KrenCan anyone help me get my touchpad to work ? :< http://pastebin.com/7dxBKS2r00:30
w30sekyourbox already knew the answers he wanted to hear and since no one gave him that answer he left...duh00:30
Kren(Vertical scrolling)00:30
LjLdon't feed the troll who has left :)00:30
icerootLjL: s/who has left//00:30
szal!ru | ReBoRnE3300:30
ubottuReBoRnE33: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.00:30
w30left; right?00:31
ciobotariohello guys00:31
w30right; left?00:31
white_magicis it possible to mirror displays and force the mirrored display to letterbox the vga input it receives?00:31
ciobotarioanyone can help me?00:32
* szal cannot mind-read00:32
ciobotarioi need 3 books00:33
=== Guest32231 is now known as sancris
ciobotarioon language c, assembly and tcp/ip00:33
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stryke297I need some assistance installing ubuntu from a flashdrive.00:33
JoniiA question: My netbook has something like eth0(atl1c) enabled, and it uses ridiculous amounts of battery power00:33
ciobotariocan you tell me somthing?00:34
stryke297I've tried several methods to boot to and I keep getting a "no configuration or UI found" error.00:34
JoniiIsn't that just wired internet connection? If so, theoreticlaly I should be able to disable it and be just happy, right?00:34
Krenstryke297, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download have you tried step 2? o.o00:35
JoniiAnd enjoy ridiculously longer times of battery life?00:35
stryke297On one instance, I had a bad md5checksum on the usb drive, but not on the iso. so I tried to use linuxlive instead and same thing, except idk how to check it's md5checksum.00:35
stryke297Kren, yes. that is when I found the usbdrive .exe had a bad checksum.00:35
stryke297but thhe ISO on my computer didn't so I was told I didn't need to redownload the iso.00:35
noah_i've got a server running jaunty 9.04 that i don't have physical access to, and i want to do the uprade upgrade upgrade etc thing to get to 11.10... following instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty i'm getting "An upgrade from 'jaunty' to 'lucid' is not supported with this tool." when i run sudo do-release-upgrade... why is it trying to skip over karmic??00:37
aaroninfidelhi all, if I have an instance of ruby running in the background how can I kill it?00:38
SwashBucklawhat is the "Ubuntu font" used in Oneric? I would like the proper font name, such as -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-140-*-*-*-80-*-u00:38
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sancrisaaroninfidel, try ps -A | grep ruby and then kill -9 pid00:38
sparrWAfter installing nvidia-current-dev I got a new version of nvidia-current and now my nvidia driver and nvidia kernel module don't match. How can I fix that?00:39
szalSwashBuckla: that is the name, "Ubuntu"00:39
SwashBucklaI see that there is /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family00:39
aaroninfidelsancris: your awesome thanks :)00:39
szal!info ubuntu-font-family00:39
SwashBucklaszal: I see that. Do you know how I can set the terminal font to this?00:39
ubottuPackage ubuntu-font-family does not exist in oneiric00:39
szal!info ttf-ubuntu-font-family00:39
ubottuttf-ubuntu-font-family (source: ubuntu-font-family-sources): Ubuntu Font Family, sans-serif typeface hinted for clarity. In component main, is optional. Version 0.80-0ubuntu1~medium (oneiric), package size 1697 kB, installed size 3488 kB00:39
SwashBucklaaaroninfidel: your awesome thanks what? :P00:40
Gareth_LockCan anybody help me fix my dovecot installation on 11.10? I'm running dovecot 1:2.0.13-1ubuntu3.100:41
stryke297!info usb-creator-gtk00:41
ubottuusb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for GNOME). In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.34 (oneiric), package size 26 kB, installed size 272 kB00:41
kregsynaptic is missing??00:42
Gareth_LockI think it's the child processes error, but it's coming up on dmesg as exit status 89.00:42
kregi typed in cifs lib in Ubuntu Software Center and got results for magazines....00:42
stryke297where can I find usb creator to download00:42
szalSwashBuckla: same as any other font, I suppose..  question is whether your terminal supports non-monospaced fonts; if it doesn't, there still is Ubuntu Mono00:42
aaroninfidelSwashBuckla: I wasn't talking to you...00:43
oogaboogaplease help! My PC wouldn't turn on or do anything at all, so I replaced the PSU. Now when I start it the fan comes on but there's a horrible single beep that just goes on and on00:43
oogaboogaanyone know what that beep usually indicates?00:43
Escherialdear ubuntu: why do all my programs open on my secondary monitor as of 11.10, even though the "dock" appears on my main?00:43
kregi really feel uncertain about continuing to use ubutnu for my workstation at work.00:43
SwashBucklaszal: hmm, how do you set the terminal font to any other font?00:43
Gareth_Locksounds to me like a fried Cpu or fried mobo00:44
SwashBucklaszal: my terminal (rxvt-unicode) supports non-monospaced fonts00:44
Escherialyeah, could be the temperature sensor flipping out, too...00:44
SwashBucklaszal: but I will use Ubuntu Mono00:44
oogaboogawhat temperature sensor, Escherial ?00:44
szalSwashBuckla: afair, for (u)rxvt you set the font in its config file00:45
lystraNeed some help with apport-collect. I installed links and running apport-collect <bug #> invoked links2. Seems it wants me to log in to launchpad. So, I enter my login id/password and then I'm taken to a page that says "Apologies, the page you came from was a little old. Perhaps you ...". How do I get apport-collect to work?00:45
Gareth_Locktwo short and one long is usually graphics, multiple of consistant length usually indicates a memory fault.00:45
oogaboogaGareth_Lock: this is just one single unending beep00:45
oogaboogait is the great Infinite Beep00:45
oogaboogathis is my third PSU00:45
w30where can I go to find out about desktop environments; I am really confused about gtk metacity compiz xfce lxde etc. and how they fit together. Gnome and KDE seem to put it together for you but others seem to mix and match.00:45
Gareth_LockIf it was a PSU fault, then it's not impossible that it took something else with it.00:46
SwashBucklaszal: how do you find out what the font name is for the config? Often they look like -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-14-140-*-*-*-80-*-u00:46
SwashBucklaszal: or  xft:inconsolata:pixelsize=14:antialias=true:hinting=true00:46
oogaboogathird PSU in 4 months, why does god hate me?00:46
Gareth_LockWhat brand PSU?00:46
SwashBucklaszal: I found this out using xsfontsel00:46
SwashBucklaszal: *xfontsel00:46
oogaboogadiablotek, then thermaltake, now aztec or something liek that00:46
oogaboogaalso i just replaced the mobo 2 weeks ago00:47
oogaboogathis pc has had more repairs in 4 months than the initial cost of buying it00:47
SwashBucklaszal: unfortunately, ttf-ubuntu-fonts are not available through xfontsel00:47
Gareth_LockHmm... Never heard of the first one. I've had several thermaltakes and had no problems with them.00:47
oogaboogadoes it matter if your PSU is a bit loose?00:47
Gareth_LockNever used aztec, so can't pass comment.00:47
Gareth_LockDo you use a surge arrester?00:47
SwashBucklammmm surge arrester00:48
oogaboogaall my other electronics are fine -- ps3, tv, etc.00:48
Gareth_LockAntec... Heard they're supposed to be good, but never used one.00:48
stryke297first of all how many watts is your PSU?00:48
Tonycould anyone please help me with the UFW firewall? thank you00:48
oogaboogastryke297: they've all been 400w i think00:48
dchernivwth is a surge arrester00:48
stryke297400w is not that much, it is possible it just isn't enough.00:48
doomroboI want to connect to a webdav server and all the tutorials I've seen for ubuntu say go to Places/Connect to Server. That doens't seem to exist in oneiric. What am I missing?00:48
oogaboogastryke297: i have a PCI-E video card, a PCI audio card, a ram and an HDD00:49
Gareth_LockGoes inbetween the plug and the wall and filters out spikes on the supply.00:49
stryke297which video card?00:49
oogaboogastryke297: so if you ask the PSU for too much it'll blow itself out and fuck the computer in the ass on its way out?00:49
oogaboogastryke297: let me see00:49
szal!language | oogabooga00:50
ubottuoogabooga: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:50
oogaboogaEVGA GeForce 9800 GT Akimbo 512MB DDR3 - OEM00:50
stryke297That sound is made when any component doesn't get enough power, so before you start checking if things are broken, you need to check and see if you have enough "juice" so to speak.00:50
KrenCan anyone help me get my vertical scrolling on my touchpad to work?  http://pastebin.com/7dxBKS2r00:50
=== Gskellig is now known as lugburz
=== lugburz is now known as Gskellig
oogaboogastryke297: the unending beep sound?00:50
oogaboogastryke297: the PSU is out of the case. Does that matter?00:50
Gareth_LockI would always take an estimate as to what wattage I need and then add at least a couple of hundred to that when purchasing a PSU.00:50
oogaboogaalso, the GPU is plugged in but not powered. Does that matter?00:51
oogaboogaOh no00:51
oogaboogaok i shall remedy that and see what occurs00:51
stryke297if you don't have your cables from your psu going to your GPU that will happen.00:51
Krenif theres a 6pin power connector, it should make that noise when its not plugged in lol00:51
Gareth_LockAh... The video card is complaining that it don't have power!!00:51
Gareth_LockThx stryke00:51
stryke297it'll also happen if you only hhave 1 of 2 of the 5pin connectors plugged in.00:51
szal!caps | oogabooga00:51
ubottuoogabooga: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:51
oogaboogastryke297 you the fucking man!00:51
oogaboogaszal & ubottu: suk it00:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!00:52
stryke297Dude, I may not know a single thing about ubuntu but I know my hardware and my troubleshooting.00:52
Coreyoogabooga: That's enough.00:52
oogaboogadont ban me00:52
=== Gskellig is now known as pretendperson
tamirubuntu 11.10 warming up my cpu00:52
=== pretendperson is now known as Gskellig
EncRyptOtesting app00:53
rich3my sound is working in adobe flash, but any other app, can't play audio at all.  NORMAL?00:53
tamirthere is some problem i3 cpu and ubuntu ??00:53
doomrobonvm, I just mounted it with dav2fs00:53
=== Gskellig is now known as G8man
stryke297Alright, I need some help I'm having some serious issues installing ubuntu, I followed the guide from here to a T: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download00:53
stryke297end result being not having ubuntu installed.00:53
Gareth_LockOK... Is there anybody who knows how to fix dovecot exit status 89. I'm getting this at boot on 11.10, it never even starts properly.00:54
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szaltamir: all CPUs heat up while running, that's why they have cooling units ;)00:54
* szal 's CPU is at 33°C now, running full-throttle though mostly idle00:55
tamirwindows is no warm up in this cpu.I not understand it.00:55
Gareth_LockLooking for a fix for dovecot on 11.10 oneric00:56
mcphailGareth_Lock: what happens with sudo /etc/init.d/dovecot restart?00:56
Gareth_Lock... let me check00:57
tamiri love ubuntu but warm up and cpu is formula car noise blabl a00:57
Coreytamir: CPUs are silent. Fans are not.00:57
stryke297anyone familiar with using lenuxlive to make a bootable ubuntu usb drive?00:58
tamiris there i3 64 bit cpu?00:58
stryke297nice work, LjL00:58
Gareth_LockThe script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart00:58
Gareth_Lockjob, but -restart is not supported for Upstart jobs.00:58
Gareth_Lockroot@ubuntu-server:/home/gareth# service dovecot -restart00:58
Gareth_LockRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)00:58
Gareth_Lockutility, e.g. service dovecot -restart00:58
FloodBot1Gareth_Lock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
=== asig is now known as Guest78747
Gareth_LockSorry... Using cut and paste from a terminal window.00:59
Gareth_LockI'm new to all this00:59
mcphailGareth_Lock: pastebin it and post the link00:59
Gareth_LockHow do I do that?01:00
=== marco is now known as Guest14931
stryke297use the link provided by floodbot01:00
=== matt_ is now known as Guest32483
Gareth_LockI'm talking to the machine via a Vnc link... I'm limited as to what I can do. I was surprised that would work.01:00
stryke297you paste all your business there, it gives you a temporary url to paste here and people just follow the link to see your business. it keeps chat cleaner, as floobot told you.01:00
tamirsomeone pls explain me about cpu intel i3 64 bit? need whats type of ubuntu install??01:01
Gareth_LockAMD x6401:01
Gentoo64tamir, a 64 bit install01:01
stryke297tamir, just select ...nvm01:01
tamirthere is only amd 64 it01:01
Gentoo64yeah its called amd6401:01
tamirthere is only amd 64 bit01:01
stryke297itll work the same.01:01
tamirin intel?01:01
Gentoo64its not just for amds01:02
tamir64 ?01:02
Gareth_LockOK... Thx stryke01:02
SwashBucklastryke297: can I see your business?01:02
stryke297only if you hhelp me install ubuntu01:02
SwashBucklahmm, it's a fair deal01:02
tamirmmm tanks best correct install,i installed 32 bit01:02
SwashBucklabut I was only joking01:02
SwashBucklastryke297: what's your situation?01:02
Gentoo64tamir, dont be put off by the amd64 name01:02
mcphailtamir: 32bit will be fine01:03
bkfitzcan someone help me empty the trash bin01:03
bkfitzfor some reason everytime i try, the files/folders come right back01:03
bkfitzeven tried going to /home/brian/.trash and deleting from there and the same thing happens01:03
stryke297swashbuckla: i've been having issues getting a USB drive with ubuntu to have a valid checksum.01:03
Gareth_Lockmcphail http://paste.ubuntu.com/738825/ contains the console response01:03
tamir:d im dizzy01:04
KrenGareth_Lock, remove the - after restart? o,o01:04
Krener, before*01:04
LectusHello! I upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.10 and now my audio doesn't work. The sound has very poor quality. How can I fix it?01:04
Gareth_Lockwill try that kren01:04
mcphailGareth_Lock: don't put a hyphen before the "restart"01:04
bkfitzusing gksu nautilus01:04
allowoverrideim out, l801:04
Gareth_LockCome back "Unknown Instance"01:05
tamiri hate my english01:05
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brjannctamir: there are ubuntu support channels in various other languages; would you prefer that?01:06
mcphailGareth_Lock: is that the complete response?01:06
Gareth_Lockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/738829/ I have a feeling it's got to do with the problem that 1:2.0.15 fixed01:06
stryke297swashbuckla, moreso, someone suggested usb-creator-gtk and I wound up using lenuxlive.  I am receiving the same error when I try to boot to the drive, however with lenuxlive i'm not sure where I would find a file to check the checksum.01:06
Gareth_Lockbut how do I get the new version? It isn't listed in the repos01:07
tamir<mcphail> <mcphail> 32 and 64? in my laptop?01:07
mcphailGareth_Lock: do you get the same error on /etc/init.d/dovecot restart? (I'm old fashioned...)01:07
white_magicanyone here use Scite?01:09
zaxonspoxhello, got compilation problem, script cant find existing "autoconf.h" some help with paths?01:09
=== Gskellig is now known as lightningshot
=== lightningshot is now known as Gskellig
Lectus_Hello! I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.10 and now my sound is distorted with poor quality. How can I fix this? thanks01:09
Gareth_LockThat doesn't work with oneric. dovecot has been converted to upstart job. I just can't seem to get it to start at all since the upgrade from 11.04. Done in-place I hasten to add.01:09
=== eric is now known as Guest64961
=== Guest64961 is now known as LLStarks
Gareth_Lockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/738832/ That's all I get when trying to get it going through init.d01:11
Otendiceroot, sadly, it didn't work as expected01:11
mcphailGareth_Lock: upstart job or not, the old way _should_ still work... You need to remove that hyphen01:11
SwashBucklastryke297: "USB drive with Ubuntu" do you mean USB version of live-cd? Or a full install of Ubuntu of USB stick?01:12
SwashBucklastryke297: if it's the first, I recommend you simply download whatever Ubuntu .iso file you want, and use the program unetbootin to unpack the .iso onto the USB drive01:13
KrenGareth_Lock, service dovecot restart ? o.o01:13
Gareth_Lockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/738835/ That's what I'm getting01:13
Krendovecot start/running, process 757401:14
mcphailGareth_Lock: so dovecot is running...01:14
cProgHallo every one!01:15
tamirsomeone is know best django template editor?01:15
Gareth_LockHang on... I'll move over to the other machine and see if I can read mail.01:15
mcphailGareth_Lock: the next step will be  to post /var/log/mail.err (censor it first). But I'm afraid I'm off to bed so someone else will need to take over01:15
tamirsomeone is know best django template editor in ubuntu?01:16
szal!repeat | tamir01:16
ubottutamir: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:16
Gareth_LockNo... Outlook still can't see it01:16
SwashBucklastryke297: ?01:17
SwashBucklastryke297: I can't see you in this wall of text01:17
AruthaI'm trying to track down why my ubuntu 11.10 install with an mdadm array (storage only, not /, not /boot, etc) hangs on bootup until I type "exit" at a non-visible initramfs prompt.  Does anyone know the magic grub commands (either editing grub.conf directly, or /etc/default/grub and running update-grub) to let me see what is giong on?01:18
stryke297swashbuckla, ill im you01:18
cProgI'm running ubuntu 10.04 LTS. My microphone is not working. My speakers works fine. Anyone can help me to fix that please?01:18
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
zaxonspoxcProg go to Sound Prefs, into INPUT tab01:20
Gareth_LockCensoring mail.err now...01:20
dante123hi all, long story....but I had to switch hard drive from pc with intel duo core to amd quad.....will ubuntu work on the new amd pc if install of 10.04 was 64bit01:20
dante123or must i do fresh install01:20
cProgzaxonspox: the input device selected is already my microphone01:21
zaxonspoxdante123 should work01:21
dante123okay because when i first rebooted i got bunch of text and error message.....related to hard drive I think.....should I try recovery mode?01:22
zaxonspoxcProg check if its not muted, or did you selected proper mic input01:22
cProgzaxonspox: no it is not muted and proper mic is selected01:23
zaxonspoxdante123, i did switch also HDD from DualCore to AMD Athlon X2, and it run shothly - the problems you might get, is the video drivers (if any), recovery mode shiuld work01:23
zaxonspoxdante123, *smothly01:24
vectoryhi, im mesing with cfdisk and partitions, deleted my ntfs partitions and created 3 new ones, when i mount one of them i can see the contents of an old one, what gives? :D01:25
Gareth_LockStill looking for a fix for dovecot on 11.10. Fails to start with exit status 89...01:25
Gareth_LockI can provide exact message from dmesg if it helps.01:25
cProgAny help please to fix my input sound problems?01:25
zaxonspoxcProg, isnt it muted or misselected mic?01:25
Gareth_Lockvectory... Have you asserted the changes?01:26
vectoryGareth_Lock: if i run cfdisk again i see my changes. what do you mean "assert"?01:26
vectoryi saved if its that01:26
cProgzaxonspox: no it is not muted and I have selected the right microphone01:26
Gareth_LockHave you tried formatting the new partitions then?01:26
zaxonspoxcProg, does the Input level "slider" moves when you speek?01:27
cProgzaxonspox: not at all01:27
Gareth_LockSeems like data is being preserved somehow, what you're seeing is what was there before. Like something isn't being commited.01:27
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cProgI've have been dealing with that since many weeks in vain01:27
zaxonspoxcProg, do you have built in mic, or external?01:28
cProgI'm using a webcam as a mic01:28
vectoryGareth_Lock: that was my intention using cfdisk, deleted, created assigned a type, wrote, quit and mounted01:28
zaxonspoxcProg, that might be the problem - webCam acts as a second AudioCard01:28
szalvectory: afaik, cfdisk only assigns filesystem types but doesn't format01:29
Jordan_UArutha: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" to hopefully see error messages from what dropped you to an initramfs shell in the first place?01:29
Gareth_Lock[   45.758673] init: dovecot main process (1092) terminated with status 8901:29
vectoryszal: afaict format means assigning a filesystem type01:29
Gareth_LockThat's straight out of the dmesg log01:29
zaxonspoxcProg, on input tab do you have selected WebCam as Input device?01:29
vectorywhat should i do after deleting the old partitions, dd them from dev/zero=01:29
szalvectory: no, formatting means creating a filesystem structure (superblock(s), inodes...)01:30
AruthaJordan_U : dmesg isn't showing much about it.  I'm kind of thinking it's because I'm an idiot and am refencing the mdam array in my fstab by uuid... Going through an update-grub and reboot now.01:30
Jordan_Uvectory: "format" doesn't have a well defined meaning. What you've done is changed the partition table without changing the filesystem in any way.01:30
Jordan_Uvectory: What is your end goal?01:30
vectorynew partitions01:30
cProgzaxonspox: on the sound preferences window, in the input tab, I can choose between 2 device «Internal audio analog stereo»  and «my webcam». My webcam is the selected one actually.01:30
Gareth_LockCreate the new ones like you've done and format them with the selected filing system. I'm talking generic here. I use the system entirely from GNOme.01:31
Jordan_Uvectory: It would help if you gave answers in full sentences with as much detail as possible. "new partitions" isn't enough.01:31
Gareth_LockWhich is why I'm having problems with dovecot right now.01:32
zaxonspoxcProg, check on Device Tab the profile of selected Device - it might be wrong01:32
Gareth_LockJordan, It sounds like he wants to format a second hard disk for use with linux. Or something very similar at any rate.01:32
AruthaJordan_U : Yup, I'm an idiot.  I changed my fstab reference from using a UUID to /dev/md0, ran update-grub, rebooted, and my system came back up without a problem01:33
Gareth_LockJordan... You seem to know what you're doing... Have you had any dealings with dovecot since 11.10?01:34
AruthaOK, question for the peanut gallery... Why does ubuntu do anythiing wth non-critical mount points when doing grub/initramfs work?01:35
DoYouKn0wmy ubuntu 11.10 VM isn't receiving an ip address from Router Advertisement messages01:36
Gareth_LockHas anyone any clue as to why dovecot is busted in oneric?01:36
DoYouKn0wI'm thinking I need to set something for RA autoconfig to work01:36
DoYouKn0wwhat do I set?01:36
Gareth_LockI've been looking around in Google for the last few weeks and tried several of the fixes mentioned, but have got no further forward.01:37
Gareth_LockI'm just getting exit status 89 as the system boots.01:38
Gareth_LockI performed an in-place upgrade over 11.04 and it hasn't worked since.01:39
laogI am on ubuntu 11.10, always get noisy sound while playing video in FULL screen mode. Any Idea?01:39
Gareth_LockI use ubuntu in a headless server environment, I'm not even sure I have sound drivers installed.01:40
cProgzaxonspox: you are talking about device tab ... in the sound preferences windows, I've those tabs «sound effects-Hardware-Input-Output-Applications»01:41
zaxonspoxcProg, yes, Hardware01:42
cProgzaxonspox: in the input tab, the webcam is selected01:42
cathodei just installed Zentyal (ubuntu-based firewall/gateway/'stuff' distro), on a machine with only 512MB of RAM... is this sufficient or should I try and find more RAM for it?01:43
cProgzaxonspox: in hardware tab, for the webcam, about the settings properties, I can choose either «analog mono input» or «off»01:43
cProgzaxonspox: Analog mono input is selected01:44
qmanjr5Could someone assist me wirelessly using my HP Deskjet 3050 ?01:44
OerHekscathode,  Zentyal specs say too low memory > http://trac.zentyal.org/wiki/Documentation/Community/Installation/Hardware01:45
vectory_qmanjr5: i cant, but couldnt hurt to tell you problem01:46
stryke297what should I do if my iso has a correct/comparable hash but whenever I use a program to put it in a usb drive( to boot to usb drive for installation) the hash from the .exe on the flash drive is not comparable/correct?/01:47
qmanjr5vectory_, I'm just not too sure about how to set it up wireless01:47
vectory_qmanjr5: sadly i dont see it listed in the hardware database01:48
vectory_http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Hardwaredatenbank/Peripherie?highlight=HP%20Deskjet%203050 GERMAN01:49
qmanjr5Well I got a setup wizard thing goin' on right now, hopefully that'll work01:50
qmanjr5Does HP have an IRC channel, do you know?01:50
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Artemis3i can't imagine HP providing Ubuntu support... ZaReason and System76 on the other hand...01:50
qmanjr5Yeah, I'm tired of printers not offering proper Linux support -.-01:51
qmanjr5Well, printer manufacturer*01:51
vectory_brother works fine :D01:51
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qmanjr5Took forever to fix mine up01:51
vectory_even though they offer propriatary drivers01:51
stryke297what should I do if my iso has a correct/comparable hash but whenever I use a program to put it in a usb drive( to boot to usb drive for installation) the hash from the .exe on the flash drive is not comparable/correct?/01:52
tang:) test01:52
xoofusgnome3 where dont i put the themes in /usr/share/themes/ ?01:52
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localg0danyone here know the support channel for or have experience with dban ?01:53
Artemis3qmanjr5, the hplib project has support information for each printer which might help http://hplipopensource.com/01:53
dante123hi again, changed hd from intel 64 bit pc to amd 65 bit pc...running 10.04.  When i go to boot I get errors like i/o error sda, sector xxxxxxxx and other errors like unhandled error code, result hostbyte:did_bad_target etc.  Any ideas?01:53
vectory_qmanjr5: i read that hp deskjet 3050 can print fine under linux but its a hassel to setup, only article in german. you might wanna look into HPLIP01:54
dante123could this have something to do with setup of hdd in bios (right now on IDE, could be set to RAID) etc.01:54
dante123other OS windows boots fine and works on same HDD01:54
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vectory_qmanjr5: one last link http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/gethplip.html01:55
Artemis3dante123, checked other rogue devices, such as optical drive?01:56
qmanjr5vectory_, i'm looking into HPLIP right now :)01:56
dante123yes, i think one of the optical devices is bad on this pc...thanks...will try disabling them first...then put back01:56
qmanjr5HOPEFULLY I can set it up wirelessly01:56
szalvectory_, qmanjr5: hplip is in the partner repo (or even the main repo, but it's available via software sources)01:56
qmanjr5szal, it's already running. :P it just ran 'make'01:57
localg0dtheadmin : u there ?01:57
stryke297so noone knows about: what should I do if my iso has a correct/comparable hash but whenever I use a program to put it in a usb drive( to boot to usb drive for installation) the hash from the .exe on the flash drive is not comparable/correct?/01:57
Artemis3stryke297, try another stick? use another method to put the image there?01:58
szalqmanjr5: sudo apt-get install hplip01:59
qmanjr5szal, it's running. :/ I just told you that.01:59
qmanjr5I'm already installing it.01:59
Jordan_Ustryke297: What do you mean by "the hash from the .exe on the flash drive"?01:59
dante123Artemis3 disconnected all optical drives.....still getting error that says call trace, bunch of text and numbers....ext4 etc.02:00
szalqmanjr5: (1) you can cancel the build process; (2) unless you already typed 'make install' it won't install anything yet02:00
Artemis3dante123, can you try different data cable?02:00
dante123Artemis3 do you think it has anything to do with raid etc in bios02:01
zaxonspoxstryke297, did you tried to first copy exe to HDD, check hash, the copy to USB and recheck the hash? mayby this is USB port issue?02:01
szalqmanjr5: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/models/deskjet_aio/deskjet_3050_j610_series.html <- the table indicates that the Linux driver does not support network operation w/ this printer model02:01
dante123yes, i will try different data cable.....02:01
Artemis3dante123, is this a pata drive? are you using it in the correct end of the ribbon (not the middle one)02:01
Artemis3dante123, just in case try another sata cable02:01
dante123small l shaped cable (well kind of l shaped)02:01
Artemis3dante123, another port even could help, sure disable the raid mode if possible in the bios, and try using ahci or not (sometimes one mode works better)02:02
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stryke297zaxonspox, I downoaded the iso and used unetbootin to do the iso to usb thing.02:03
stryke297zaxonspox; hashcheck on the iso is good.02:03
dehumanis there a guide or otherwise that explain how to go back to old UI02:04
dehumani'm not so sure i like this launcher and dash nonsuch02:04
Jordan_U!notunity | dehuman02:04
ubottudehuman: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:04
dehumanthank you02:04
hemangpatelcan anyone tell me abouyt freenas ?02:05
dante123doing another sata cable first....then if that doesnt work will try bios settings02:05
zaxonspoxstryke297, you do hash check on ISO and on USB, copy the EXE to HDD and check hash02:05
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity02:05
qmanjr5szal, so there's no way to set it up wirelessly? -.-02:05
szalqmanjr5: apparently not02:05
szalhemangpatel: try #freenas02:05
xanguadehuman: if by old gui you mean gnome2, is no longer maintained dy gnome foundation02:05
hemangpatelszal : i try , but no one reply.. :-(02:06
fdgeI'm using preseeding to deploy ubuntu, how do I add "user_xattr" to the mount options in my d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string02:06
qmanjr5szal, well that's bloody ridiculous!02:06
szalhemangpatel: not our problem, we support Ubuntu here, not FreeNAS02:06
qmanjr5I LOVE Linux, but sometimes I want to switch back to Windows :'(02:06
hemangpatelk szal02:06
stryke297zaxonspox, when I copy the .exe to my pc and check the hash, it's still wrong.02:07
fdgethere is a freenas channel02:07
dante123artemis3 new cable....same thing02:08
perlsteinhmm, i have a serrver with a usb stick in it with oneiric install image, when I tell the bios to boot from this drive, it now boots the hard drive02:08
perlstein(not usb stick)02:08
manuel73estoy buscando a ALEX02:08
perlsteinis there some way to have the usb stick boot itself again?02:08
Artemis3dante123, which kernel version (or ubuntu release)?02:08
manuel73andas por ay02:08
perlsteini'm confused as to how to tell the usb stick to boot itself02:08
szal!es | manuel7302:08
ubottumanuel73: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:08
stryke297zaxonspox, I have a .exe from when I just tried to install from windows, not from usb and that hash checks out.02:09
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qmanjr5Well this just pisses me right off02:09
dante123artemis3 2,6.32.3302:09
Artemis3dante123, try lsb_release -a in a console02:10
perlsteinis /boot/grub/grub.conf consulted at boot time?02:10
dante123artemis3....just tried RAID in sata config of bios...same thing...will try ahci next...then console02:10
perlsteinor is it somehow written into the boot sector?02:10
Artemis3dante123, maybe a newer kernel works better with that sata chipset... which is why02:10
Artemis3dante123, don't use the raid thing, just disable it if you can. ahci could help02:11
dante123Artemis3 same thing with ahci....reverting back to just plain ide02:12
dante123Artemis3 it is trying to do sata stuff, says revalidation failed, sata link up 1.5gb etc. etc.02:13
Artemis3dante123, maybe try a newer kernel?02:13
dante123Artemis3 dont have newer kernel to try right now...just tried older one and same thing....what was the console command u wanted me to try02:15
dante123and how to get there02:15
RedAngelcan anyone plz tell me how to put pppoeconf packages in ubuntu minimal iso02:16
Artemis3dante123, depending on your release, you could simply try getting 3 debs from here http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ one for architecture, headers and all02:16
BrightyHi all, i was wondering if anyone can help me to some free or non-free drivers working on my laptop. I have a Sony VPCYB36KG runnning a AMD\ATI 6320 and i have installed ubuntu 11.10... I have installed the non-free drivers through the 'aditional drivers' utility and that gave me an error "Unsupported Hardware" so i removed those drivers and installed the drivers directly from AMD using the sh02:16
Brightycommand, i got the same error again.... "Unsupported Hardware" after the reboot. so i have now removed those drivers and im back to nothing... I have a average\medium knowledge of linux although i dont use it every day but im planning too if i can get everything working on this laptop..02:16
Gareth_LockI'm looking for a fix for dovecot on oneric. I can't get the service to start. Exits with status 89 on each system reboot. Can anyone help?02:17
dante123Artemis3 i dont know how to do what you are saying....cant get on the machine...cant get past the errors...02:17
RedAngelhow to customize ubuntu minimal iso02:18
Gareth_LockI'm looking for a fix for dovecot on oneric. I can't get the service to start. Exits with status 89 on each system reboot. Can anyone help?02:19
chromaticwthow can I make ubuntu do normal alt-tab behavior.02:19
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xanguatried with compis setting manager chromaticwt ¿02:20
stryke297how would a different usb port affect a hashcheck?02:21
jweinbergI'm getting some random KPs02:22
jweinbergthere is the output02:22
deku-treeand so, the nyan hypnotic effect ensues. http://nyan.cat/02:22
jweinbergwhat does that...mean?02:22
Gareth_LockDovecot version 1:2.0.13-1ubuntu3.1. Service won't start under oneric. exit status 89. Can anybody help me?02:22
zaxonspoxhow to set in VLC TV channel list?02:23
BrightyHas anyone got the ATI\AMD 6320 working with the free or non-free firmware on ubuntu?02:23
dchernivGareth_Lock, look in the log files man02:23
DeviceZer0I've got a window that is "stuck" and has no maximize/minimize bar at the top of the window ...like that part is stuck under the top bar....so when I minimize all windows I'm unable to get the launcher panel on the left to appear. Any ideas?02:23
Gareth_LockI've looked, the best I can. It would help if I knew what I was looking for. I'm still learning linux. I've been brought up in a world of Windows.02:25
jweinberganyone on my KP?02:26
dchernivGareth_Lock, /var/log/messages there's also gotta be dovecot log file in /var/log somewhere02:27
Gareth_LockOK... Will check now...02:27
Brightyplease, has anyone got the ATI\AMD 6320 working with the free or non-free firmware on ubuntu? If so can you point me in the right direction02:32
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Johannes_If I want to set up a subdomain to the same IP address as my regular domain, do I do that on the DNS side or is that something in apache?02:33
thesheff17how do I remove an icon from the top bar in gnome classic on Ubuntu 11.10?02:34
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Artemis3dcherniv, are you aware, that, newer rsyslog versions, don't produce /var/log/messages anymore? and you are more likely to look /var/log/syslog ? just saying ^^02:35
dchernivArtemis3, hm debian wheezy here still writes to messages02:36
Artemis3dcherniv, i suppose you didn't let the package overwrite your default config ;)02:37
dchernivArtemis3, ah. yep02:37
Gareth_Lockdcherniv... Looked in syslog, this http://paste.ubuntu.com/738868/ was what I was finding "exit status 89"02:38
scristopheranyone have any experiance with a dual shock 3 controller on 10.10?02:38
elz89scristopher: yes, I seem to remember it just working, although you'll need 'joystick'02:39
scristopherno matter what i do it will not work with anything02:39
scristopheryes i have joystick02:39
dchernivGareth_Lock, can you run dovecot binary directly02:39
dchernivGareth_Lock, see what it spits out02:39
ozzloyi have a hard drive with partitions windows7 ubuntu-10.04-botched ubuntu-10.04-success swap windows-recovery-partition02:39
ozzloyand i want to delete the botched and grow the success ubuntu02:40
elz89scristopher: got it plugged in?02:40
scristopherit shows up and i can see it working in joystick02:40
scristopheryes via usb02:40
ozzloyi can do that with gparted02:40
ozzloybut idk how to update grub02:40
Gareth_Lockssl enabled but ssl_cert not set02:40
ozzloyhow do i tell grub about that?  or do i even need to?  i do, right?02:40
dchernivGareth_Lock, well there you go02:41
elz89scristopher: if you can see it working in 'joystick', then you need to go away and 'try harder'02:41
dchernivGareth_Lock, check your config file02:41
dchernivGareth_Lock, Make sure you're modifying the correct config file! Ubuntu creates two of them. Other distributions may also have older config files lying around. For example add "garbage=blah" to the config file and verify that Dovecot now fails to start up.02:41
seliteHow do I solve the overheating problem of Ubuntu?02:41
scristopherright on02:42
Gareth_Lockis this dovecot.conf and where is it?02:42
Artemis3selite, use the privative drivers offered by the hardware manager02:42
Artemis3selite, proprietary, sorry02:42
seliteWhere do I find those drivers?02:42
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dchernivGareth_Lock, not sure02:43
seliteArtemis3: ?02:43
Artemis3selite, simply open the hardware manager it should tell you02:43
elz89abraxas_: what overheating problem is this, I must have missed something?02:43
Artemis3selite, its usually ati or nvidia video02:43
Guest_Can anyone recommend a good browser-based vpn solution02:43
stryke297swashbuckla: didn't work.02:43
abraxas_you won't believe what's happening.  I don't believe what's happening... my gnome-terminal (11.10, gnome-3) is mysteriously PICKING up hotkeys... suddenly backspace===paste... yesterday, c===new window ...it's making no sense to me, right now...anyone have a clue?02:43
seliteArtemis3: The driver is activated and currently in use.02:44
elz89abraxas_: you got cracked...02:44
Artemis3selite, seems good then...02:44
abraxas_elz89: This happened to me while I was troubleshooting wifi. that is, zero access, fresh install02:44
seliteArtemis3: It doesn't seem good, in windows it doesn't overheat but when I start Ubuntu it's as hot as an oven.02:44
Artemis3selite, is that an amd?02:44
elz89abraxas_: you on a laptop?02:45
dchernivselite, haha i've seen something like this before02:45
abraxas_elz89: yep, that is02:45
dchernivselite, you got intel card dont you02:45
elz89abraxas_: tried a usb keyboad?02:45
selitedcherniv: Yes.02:45
stryke297My ISO has a good hash check, but when I send it to a usb drive using unetbootin, the hash becomes invalid...02:45
stryke297I have tried different usb ports.02:45
seliteArtemis3: Yeah AMD.02:45
Jordan_Uozzloy: You should always be prepared to re-install grub after re-partitioning, though I don't think it will be needed in this case. For instructions on re-installing grub from a liveCD see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot02:45
abraxas_elz89, nope... not yet...however, the hotkeys are actually getting set... I will be mid-sentence and "C" becomes the hotkey for "New Window"... to thep oint that it's in the file menu, and I have to go into the prefs and reset it02:45
selitedcherniv: Any cure?02:45
dchernivselite, hehe, funny stuff. i couldnt find a solution, ended up building iwl drivers from intel site02:45
Jordan_Ustryke297: How are you checking the hash of the USB?02:46
dchernivselite, you can also check backports repository see if there's updated drivers there02:46
abraxas_not sure if it happens mid-line...just know about it when I next hit "c"02:46
stryke297send to, I have also tried sending the .exe to back to my hdd02:46
selitedcherniv: How do I do that?02:46
elz89abraxas_: sorry I still don;t get all these random hotkey issues people seem to have...02:46
abraxas_elz89, and if it helps, it's happening approximately once every 4-6 hours of work02:46
Jordan_Ustryke297: What do you mean by "sending the .exe to back to my hdd"? Are you saying that you're checking a specific file, the wubi exe file?02:47
abraxas_elz89, so this is common?  I'm happy to try to figure out more and present it...I've been using gnome-terminal for the last, oh, 5 years...but this is sudden and really bizarre... can you point me to a ticket or issue?02:47
abraxas_elz89, I got nothing through the wisdom of google02:47
elz89abraxas_: like I say, try an external keyboard first just to be sure, a random pube may be crossing tracks on the keyboard :-P02:48
abraxas_elz89, What confuses me, more than a random pube, is that I wasn't aware that any hotkey exists that SETS hotkeys... When I click the "Edit" button in gnome-terminal and see "BACKSPACE" next to paste, I cannot imagine how it got set within the last 60 seconds02:48
elz89abraxas_: google is useless to about 99% of people who do not know how to use it properly..02:49
frogoscarjoin #linuxembedde02:49
* elz89 laughs at frogoscar slash bum.02:49
abraxas_elz89, so far, the only suggestion you made that would otherwise make sense is that someone dropped a trojan on me and is evil enough to JUST be playing around with my gnome-term while I work in it...02:49
abraxas_elz89, but if you can point me to an official issue/ticket, I'll be happy to continue my search from there02:50
elz89abraxas_: sorry I have never seen or heard of such an outlandish issue, maybe try the external keyboard like I said...02:50
stryke297Jordan_U, yes I am checking the hash of the wubi.exe, to do so I right click on it and select send to winmd5sum.02:50
elz89stryke297: ahh, sometimes... I just miss that simplicity...02:51
abraxas_ok...can anyone else suggest what (other than a built-in keyboard) can overwrite keyboard shortcuts for an app on the fly?  I'm willing to accept the idea I might be fat-fingering, but I'm not even entering keyboard prefs for them to change on me02:51
Gareth_LockOK... Found the right file and verified that it barfs when adding garbage=blah. taken that out, so what next?02:52
stryke297elz89, are you trolling?02:52
elz89stryke297: know I am trying to help people and be part of the community you numbnutz!02:53
Gareth_Lockdcherniv... Found the right dovecot.conf and verified that it barfs when adding gabage=blah. Removed this, what next?02:53
AaronneyerCan anyone help me.  I'm having a problem disabling a graphics card on my Hp pavilion02:55
Gareth_Lockdcherniv: Found the right dovecot.conf and verified that it barfs when adding gabage=blah. Removed this, what next?02:55
AaronneyerIt has dual graphics cards but they're both powered on and I'm unable to disable one02:55
elz89stryke297: and if you took offence, then don't. I was merely saying that I miss that simplicity of M$ systems sometimes.02:55
abraxas_honestly, I think I say once a year that it's time to quit at technology... for a programmer, I don't know how to have normal issues, anyway ;)02:55
abraxas_at least Ubuntu has never fried a hard-drive on me like FC3 almost did once02:55
qinelz89: Since 2.27 GMT you seems to be tied, need rest?02:55
elz89qin: how do you mean, you lost me buddy?02:56
stryke297elz89, that "simplicity" is why I'm trying to install ubuntu :p.  My copy of Vista is like a diseased horse put out to pasture that just wont die, sadly I can't get ubuntu to install correctly, it's the only horse I've got right now.02:56
stryke297elz89, I think he's commenting on how it's 2:56 AM in Manchester.02:57
elz89stryke297: ok, maybe I can help. What is the issue?02:57
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abraxas_stryke297, If you're willing to throw Vista out the window, I would ignore Wubi and go 100% native install... seems to work easier02:57
stryke297elz89, do you mind if I just IM you so no responses get lost in the "wall of text"?02:57
qinstryke297: No, commenting his /lastlog02:57
elz89stryke297: yh PM me02:57
elz89qin: what are you going on about?02:58
qinelz89: Please, disregard.02:58
elz89qin: no, what did you mean, seemed like a troll?02:58
elz89you diggin coz I been on IRC all day? thats the same way you think I'm in Manchester or where ever right?02:59
qinelz89: Just nevermind, sorry to be picky.02:59
jweinberg any insight into my lovely KP?03:00
elz89qin: OK, do I seem ratty? I'm sorry just trying to help. My girl just made me a cuppa T, so I'm have that, need the caffine! BRB03:01
Gareth_Lockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/738880/ Can anyone help me with this one?03:01
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Gareth_Lockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/738880/ dovecot ssl error. Can anyone help?03:02
elz89Gareth_Lock: Please tell me you are not going to do that every minute?03:03
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: Seems pretty straightforward.  Set ssl_cert.03:03
Gareth_Lockelz89: Nope... Just wanna get this sorted so I can sleep tonight... lol03:03
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: What value?03:04
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: What should I be pointing it at.03:04
mobodoI've been trying to figure out why unity 3d doesn't work for me for quite a while without success… when I run "unity --reset03:04
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: The certificate.03:04
elz89mobodo: poop grfx card?03:05
mobodoI've been trying to figure out why unity 3d doesn't work for me for quite a while without success… when I run "unity --reset" I end up with a segfault :-/03:05
elz89!wait | mobodo03:05
ubottumobodo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:05
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: Which is where... I noticed that during the upgrade a number of certificates failed to generate for some reason.03:05
mobodoelz89: the board and graphics card are brand new, unity_support_test is all green03:05
knapper_techanyone know a good forum/place for running linux on mac hardware?  i'm interested in support for peripherals and other wacky features03:05
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: Upgrade of what?  It would be whereever you put it when you created it.03:06
Osmodivs_mobodo: Maybe because Unity sux03:06
knapper_techwireless touchpad support et03:06
elz89sorry I really gotta go drink this tea and blaze this blem...03:06
mobodoOsmodivs_: at this point, I could hardly agree more03:06
Osmodivs_mobodo: Come on, you are the only one trying to use unity03:06
knapper_techmobodo: my first WM was e16.  masterpiece.  i simply had no windows.  pure desktop.  no icons, no menues, and anywhere i clicked i could do anything.03:07
mobodoOsmodivs_: for some reason though, it doesn't remmeber my default and always reboots in 3D, and then I have to remotely login and kill X in order to restart my x session in 2D mode03:07
Artemis3you can still install a simple wm and not deal with de03:07
mobodoknapper_tech: that's exactly what I have03:07
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: Performed the in-place upgrade of 11.04 -> 11.10. During that process I saw a number of messages on the console about ssl certificates failing to generate.03:07
Johannes_If I want to set up a subdomain to the same IP address as my regular domain, do I do that on the DNS side or is that something in apache?03:07
knapper_techpeople shouldn't dawg ubuntu as much.  it's mainly backlash against forcing users.03:07
mobodoknapper_tech: just replace the last part: anywhere I click, I couldn't anything03:08
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: odd.  Anyway, where is the certificate you made for dovecot?03:08
knapper_techmobodo:  XD03:08
Artemis3knapper_tech, incorrect, if you use ubuntu minimal, and use the command line option, you get a minimal command line only system you can then apt-get your way into anything03:08
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: What certificate... Before it just worked...03:08
knapper_techubuntu needs to do what sabayon does and officially support more "grown-up" versions03:09
Tilex45ACPJohannes_: DNS03:09
knapper_techwell, choices03:09
mobodoso everyone here just unintalled unity 3d?03:09
Johannes_Tilex45ACP: I have *.mydomain.com pointing to my IP. Is that sufficient, or is more needed?03:09
Osmodivs_Artemis3: Even pacman software manager?03:09
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: I highly doubt that.  You would have had to make a certificate when you first set it up, unless you weren't using SSL, in which case you should turn off that option.03:09
knapper_techmobodo:   tweaked compiz + xfce  kicks ass03:09
Artemis3Osmodivs_, i haven't tried, but if you can compile it or find deb for it...03:10
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: OK will take a quick look in the conf file.03:10
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: Hang on there.03:10
knapper_techmobodo:   I liked enlightenment, but it went by the wayside.  xfce and lxde or whatever it's called are the two to watch03:10
Tilex45ACPJohannes_: tbh, i didn't even know you could do a *.mydomain.com.  but if you ping mysubdomain.mydomain.com and it returns the ip of your regular domain, then i think you're good03:11
Osmodivs_I use Lubuntu03:11
Pilif12phow do i not include directories when i'm grepping?03:11
knapper_techis it LXDE?03:11
Artemis3lxde is recommended for low memory machines, under 256MB ram is a must03:11
Osmodivs_I don't need special effects on my desktop, I could save all that memory for my main job at the moment03:11
knapper_techi recommend low crap-bloat-spam on all systems.03:11
Johannes_Tilex45ACP: Yes, test.mydomain.com does resolve correctly to the IP I expected. So I edit the httpd.conf and put in the subdomains, right?03:11
Artemis3yes lubuntu comes with lxde by default03:12
Johannes_Tilex45ACP: Meaning I pinged test.mydomain.com...03:12
knapper_techXFCE and LXDE are about equal in uncrapness03:12
tonyyarussoPilif12p: Are you grepping just ls output, or what?03:12
qinPilif12p: --exlude-dir03:12
Brightycan anyone help with a flickering display with a ATI 6320 - im running non-free catalyst 11.10 firmware and ubuntu 11.10 - in windows there are no issues.03:12
knapper_techin the benchmarks i've seen.03:12
knapper_techwhich are obviously not cannon, but they obviously are light relative to naked X server.03:12
knapper_techI remember the day....03:13
mobodohmmmpf, "compiz --replace" tells me to fill a bug report03:13
knapper_techthat I saw naked X and my conceptualization of how WM's and Linux in general work were totally stripped bare.03:13
Jordan_Ustryke297: That sounds like you have bad hardware. Either bad USB hardware in the computer, a bad cable, a bad drive, or a combination of those.03:13
Tilex45ACPJohannes_: i haven't messed with apache conf in a long time, but i think the answer is yes (if it doesn't work already.  try it out.)03:13
Johannes_it doesn't work, i'm trying to figure out what i did wrong03:13
Artemis3knapper_tech, the packages for the individual window managers are stil there (from debian) install windowmaker if you like or something03:14
Johannes_but that's what i did03:14
ScuniziIf I use Dash to open "User Accounts".. aka administrator.. and unlock my user.. how do I add myself to other groups?  there doesn't seem to be a "groups" access from Dash.03:14
abraxas_ok..howabout this issue..same world as before (gnome-shell, 11.10), my gnome-terminal isn't automatically refreshing sometimes.  I have to hit a key (ofte ANOTHER key after a previous key) for the terminal window to refresh...thoughts? ideas? fixes? ticket/issue reference?03:14
abraxas_doubt it's related to my other issue, but it's still unpleasant03:14
abraxas_I'm trying to debug an ssh deployment and between my log and screen, everything is a jumble of unrefreshed junk03:15
Tilex45ACPJohannes_: oh dang in that case i dunno.  sorry03:15
Johannes_k thanks anyway03:16
lazywebhello ubuntu pros . . may i get some question about ubuntu .. pls ?03:16
aeon-ltdlazyweb: ask away03:16
andllCan anyone provide guidance on mounting a cdrw? I'm running Ubuntu off a usb drive. The drive is seen at /dev/scd0.03:16
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/738887/ I can't see any mention of SSL in there...03:16
aeon-ltdlazyweb: next time don't ask to ask03:16
Jordan_U!ask | lazyweb03:16
ubottulazyweb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:16
lazywebyea .. i download the 64 bit .. server version .. but i was wrong .. coz my pc is 32 bit ..03:17
lazywebso can i change this 64 bit to 32 bit ?03:17
xangualazyweb: no03:17
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: Check /etc/dovecot/conf.d/01-dovecot-postfix.conf03:18
jbrkslazyweb, you download your right edition.03:18
xangualazyweb: go to ubuntu.com and download 32bit03:18
yeatsandll: it should just show up when you insert the disk03:18
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/738887/ I can't see any mention of SSL in there...03:18
lazywebyes .. thanks for reply03:18
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: Ignore... Will do03:18
ScuniziHow do I add myself to the vbox users group?  There's no user>group appelate in system settings anymore.. ??!!03:19
andllyeats, when I insert a blank disc a writing program shows up. but when i type ls -l /dev/cdrw i get ls: cannot access /dev/cdrw: No such file or directory03:19
yeatsScunizi: 'sudo usermod -G vbox yourusername'03:19
shysoftIs ubuntu binary compatible with kubuntu? Is Ubuntu 11.04 binary compatible with Ubuntu 11.10?03:20
bloopletechI'm upgrading natty -> oneiric using do-release-upgrade, and after going around a few times and fixing issues, dpkg crashed last time because of a symlink loop (that was my fault). Now, running do-release-upgrade again tries to upgrade my to precise. How do I finish the upgrade to oneiric?03:20
Scuniziyeats: yea.. that's the easy way :).. how does a non-terminal person do it on unity?  I get this question occationally and would like to answer it.03:20
abraxas_shysoft, At least as late as 10.10 you could convert between them in a single apt- command...without any change of kernel03:20
yeatsandll: should be mounted at /media/cdrom?03:20
tonyyarussoshysoft: Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same operating system, just with different programs installed.03:20
tonyyarussoshysoft: 11.04 and 11.10 though, no.03:21
andllat /media/cdrom is my USB drive03:21
andllnot the cdrw03:21
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: No such file or directory... It doesn't exist03:21
yeatsandll: open a terminal and do 'mount' - it should show its location03:22
abraxas_guess I'll toss it out again in case someone knows the answer... I'm having some very bizarre issues with gnome-terminal in gnome-shell.. some hotkey issues, as well as some refresh issues...anyone know enough they might be able to help?03:22
bloopletechabraxas_: what are your hotkey issues?03:22
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: well, then check whatever other files are under /etc/dovecot/ then.03:22
yeatsScunizi: show them this?: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/add-users-to-existing-groups-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot-2/03:23
yeatsScunizi: doesn't look like there is a GUI way03:23
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: etc/dovecot/conf.d or just etc/dovecot?03:23
Jordan_Uandll: The device would be /dev/cdrom or /dev/sr0, not /dev/cdrw.03:23
abraxas_bloopletech, Once every few hours, seemingly mid-line, one of my hotkeys changes... the two I've caught, were C was magically mapped to "New Window", and Backspace to "Paste"...in both cases, they were updated exactly as if I went into the preferences window and changed them03:23
andllahh, yes it's at /dev/cdrom. i still don't know why i've had trouble burning a .iso. i'll check it out further03:24
abraxas_bloopletech, the one "believable" answer I've heard, that I've been comprimised, seems hard to believe because the "C" one happened while I was troubleshooting non-working wifi03:24
yeatsandll: also, things aren't mounted *to* /dev - things from /dev are mounted somewhere else ;-)03:24
bloopletechabraxas_: are you opening gnome-terminal as both root and your normal user by any chance?03:24
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robin0800abraxas_, faulty / broken keyboard perhaps03:25
abraxas_bloopletech, nope.  I'm sudoing from within gnome-terminal, and have several instances open...but none were actually gksudo'd03:25
andllwait, but again, /cdrom links to the USB drive, not the CDRW03:25
abraxas_robin0800, I would believe that, it's a several-year-old laptop...but is there any hotkey way to override the Keyboard Shortcuts in Gnome-terminal?  seems a bizarre "feature" to say the least03:25
bloopletechabraxas_: very odd. do you have multiple preference profiles within gnome-terminal?03:25
abraxas_bloopletech, nope...03:26
Gareth_Locktonyyarusso: Thanks for the help... I've got as far as it being SSL related, just need to find out what. Will log back in here later once I've had some sleep.03:26
tonyyarussoGareth_Lock: all of it03:27
abraxas_robin0800, What I mean by that is...I can't imagine any "whoops" my defective keyboard could do that would suddenly map paste to Backspace...something that's not even easy (is it possible?) to do in the Keyboard Shortcuts window directly...since backspace is the default way to disable a hotkey03:27
bloopletechabraxas_: hmm I'm stumped ;)03:27
abraxas_bloopletech, How about refresh issues?  I'll take anything I can get tonight... I'm having issues where my log tail, and my screen session, aren't refreshing unless I press a key (other than the ctrl-a,ctrl-# to change screens)03:27
bloopletechthe only other thing I can think of is if you had either a) more than one gnome-terminal executable that were loading different profiles, or b) different terminal programs that all looked like gnome-terminal (xfce4-terminal for example)03:28
bloopletechabraxas_: ok that's very odd03:28
bloopletechabraxas_: have you/are you willing to try different terminal programs?03:28
izinucsabraxas_: does the same thing happen in a tty?03:28
abraxas_bloopletech, I can basically confirm that neither are the case, unfortunately... And I'm willing to try different term programs...I'm just very new to gnome3 and I'm not sure how to change it as seamlessly as I prefer ;)03:28
almoxarifeScunizi: I got it, install "Kuser" from the kubuntu side03:28
abraxas_izinucs, probably not...it's related to Keyboard Shortcuts that I don't think are even tied to ttys03:29
bloopletechabraxas_: try installing xfce4-terminal03:29
bloopletechthen, one sec03:29
Johannes_I have this in my httpd.conf for a subdomain http://pastebin.com/KM3JpQTX. When I try accessing that subdomain, it doesn't resolve. However when I ping, it resolves the correct IP address. Any idea whats wrong? thanks.03:30
izinucsabraxas_: if you want to try a different terminal install guake .. load it (it'll be in the Dash or where ever in gnome 3) then F12 will open the terminal.03:30
izinucsabraxas_: actually it's a different access t the same termial.. but might make a difference.03:30
abraxas_the plot thickens...entering and leaving tty completely crashed X for me....another day another dollar ;)03:32
izinucsabraxas_: is this a laptop or desktop and what type of vid card?03:33
abraxas_izinucs, laptop, crappy old nvidia card that has always had resolution-swapping issues...But not at fault for messing up gnome-terminal, I'd guess ;)03:33
izinucsabraxas_: which card?03:34
abraxas_tty crashing X... that's an issue for another day, I think03:34
jbrksabraxas_, the plot rather chickens03:34
abraxas_let me look it up..I don't have it memorized03:34
abraxas_izinucs, GeForce 8600M GT03:35
izinucsabraxas_: that's better than mine.. 8200 here.. which driver did you activate.. or did you activate a driver?03:36
abraxas_izinucs, current, I believe03:36
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abraxas_izinucs, yeah.. Version Current03:37
izinucsabraxas_: current recommended or the one after?03:37
abraxas_izinucs, recommended03:37
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bloopletechgah now it thinks I'm on prciese03:37
izinucsabraxas_: abraxas_ checking mine now.. hang on.03:38
izinucsabraxas_: I'm using "post release" version.03:38
izinucsabraxas_: you might try switching03:38
mobodois there a way to reset the settings for unity 3d? my account totally fails, but the guest account works like a charm03:38
abraxas_izinucs, it might help my tty... once I have other issues solved, I may try it out03:39
Jordan_Umobodo: unity --reset03:39
abraxas_mobodo, yeah, be very careful in compiz.  If you breathe wrong, it breaks unity03:39
izinucsabraxas_: what are some of the other issues?  I missed most of what came before.03:39
mobodoJordan_U: what if that segfaults?03:39
mobodoaren't there profile files anywhere?03:40
abraxas_izinucs, Just got 2 big ones... one is the bizarre situations where Keyboard Shortcuts are mysteriously being set to common keys while I type in gnome-terminal...the other is that my gnome-terminal is (ok, was) having refresh issues03:40
magicJis there a system call that allows me to wait for a file to change?  If so, what is it03:40
abraxas_the refresh issues seem to have vanished with the X crash03:40
Jordan_Umobodo: Then you're having serious problems and I would recommend checking dmesg for IO errors and if there are none file a bug report.'03:40
robin0800mobodo, you can reset compiz to defaults using ccsm03:41
izinucsabraxas_: you in gnome3 or unity03:41
abraxas_mobodo, honestly, profiles are the problem... the way I had been solving unity breaking was by dumping them03:41
abraxas_izinucs, gnome-shell03:41
abraxas_izinucs, I tweak too much for a system that breaks if you sneeze ;)03:41
izinucsabraxas_: maybe that's part of the issue :) .. have you looked in the keyboard appelate .. it shows shortcuts for different parts of the system. Maybe something easy there to change.03:43
bloopletechgot it back to oneiric, etckeeper ftw :)03:44
abraxas_izinucs, I have..I see nothing in there that can explain precisely how my issues have manifested...let me give you a quick example03:45
retromingentHi, I'm trying to set a new resolution with "cvr" and "xrandr" in Kubuntu 11.10  and I can do --newmode but the first parameter on --addmode eludes.  That is, don't know what name to give it and VGA-0 (and others) are incorrect.03:45
jbrksabraxas_, your system sucks.. my system is better03:45
abraxas_izinucs, I'm in the middle of a long line of code, suddenly a new window opens...I scratch my head and return to the line of code...bam, happens again...it appears that MID-line, the "c" key is now set to "open new terminal window"03:45
izinucsjbrks: DOH! That's the answer!03:46
retromingentIs this the right room for an xorg.conf question?03:46
abraxas_jbrett, My system is old and crappy, I'm glad yours is better :) I'd pity you otherwise03:46
abraxas_erm, jbrks, NOT jbrett..sorry ;)03:46
jbrksabraxas_, you suck!03:46
abraxas_jbrks, Not in years have I had THAT much alcohol, sorry03:46
Jordan_U!ot | jbrks abraxas_03:46
ubottujbrks abraxas_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:46
izinucsabraxas_: now that's bizzar.. you're right.. no idea unless there is some kind of translation issue between gnome shell and unity etc..03:47
* jbrks thinks xorg.conf sample can be created with X -configure03:47
abraxas_Jordan_U, I agree... didn't mean to feed the troll.  I'm actually here for real issues that I've been trying to get solved for a good chunk of time03:47
Jordan_Uretromingent: If you use Ubuntu, yes.03:47
retromingentI'm trying to set a new resolution with "cvr" and "xrandr" in Kubuntu 11.10  and I can do --newmode but the first parameter on --addmode eludes me.  That is, don't know what name to give it and VGA-0 (and others) are incorrect.03:47
izinucsJordan_U: abraxas_ hasn't responded to him.. I did. with scarcasim which I shouldn't have done.03:47
jbrksretromingent, you trying to fix font dpi? xdpyinfo should show around 75-100 for the <>x<> font dpi03:48
truepurpleHow do I mount a drive?03:48
abraxas_izinucs, This isn't the only system I'm using gnome-shell in.  I've converted two other boxes to it...both have been issue free (and being dual-monitor, they both gave me some real Unity headaches)..this is the only one giving me any issues in gnome-shell03:48
robin0800retromingent, think it might be like this Modeline "1024x768"x60.003:49
jbrkstruepurple, manually can be done graphically.. use the disk utility03:49
abraxas_izinucs, And I've got about the same software between them...unity and gnome-shell installed on two of them, etc03:49
retromingentjbrks, trying to add monitor resolution mode 1920x1080.  Can do "xrandr --newmode" successfully, but not "xrandr --addmode".03:49
izinucsabraxas_: what's the default shell03:49
truepurplejbrks, where is it in the menu under classic gnome?03:49
abraxas_izinucs, gnome3/gnome-shell03:49
jbrkstruepurple, did u try installing disk utility with the software manageR?03:50
jbrks,/wonders if the same name disk utility exists prior 11.1003:50
izinucsabraxas_: does gnome shell offer something other shells don't?03:50
truepurpleyou mean software center? I take it that it doesn't come by default03:50
abraxas_izinucs, The same kind of interface Unity offers, without the headaches of keeping Compiz happy as a clam03:50
jbrksretromingent, the problem with that is you have to make sure you have no edid errors in your xlog -> /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:51
abraxas_izinucs, call me crazy, but having a launchy clone built INTO my windowing environment is nice03:51
jasonlfunkHow do I make a program that was started on startup running as root dump a core if it segfaults?03:51
truepurplejbache, anyway, it seems to be installed, but where is it in menu?03:51
jbrksjasonlfunk, try using the syslog utility it's called logger or something like this03:52
izinucsabraxas_: k.. my only possible thought on this is to try different shells and see if one is happier than another.. I've never experience or come across this issue unfortunately.. or fortuantely :)03:52
jasonlfunkjbrks: no, that's not the right answer.03:52
abraxas_izinucs, all good...I have a bad habit of drawing issues that nobody has ever heard of...thanks anyway :) I'll keep my eyes out for more help later03:52
jasonlfunkjbrks: thanks though :)03:53
jbrksjasonlfunk, oh.. if it would stump the entire system to a freeze? look into magicresckey (wikipedia)03:53
izinucsabraxas_: funny you should say that.. so do I03:53
robin0800truepurple, it should be in the dash in the application tab03:53
jbrksor rather sysresckey..03:54
Jordan_Ujbrks: If you're not sure about something it's usually better to simply not answer than to give a guess. (or, better, do a little research to confirm your guess and then give a good verified answer).03:54
truepurplerobin0800, Not sure what that means, but I found it, but it seems like I can't mount it03:54
jbrksJordan_U, not guessing.03:54
jasonlfunkjbrks: No, it's not locking the whole system03:54
jbrksJordan_U, his question is ambiguous.03:54
jasonlfunkjbrks: it's just crashing… My question wasn't ambiguous at all.03:54
germanxnhow do i reconfigure a gnome user session?03:54
jbrkswell.. not my fault if it crashes..03:55
truepurplerobin0800, jbrks it seems I cant unmount it, because it isnt there, or mount it, because it is mounted, or not.03:55
jbrksuse strace..03:55
germanxnunity get broken while i tried to install unity-2d03:55
robin0800germanxn, ubuntu 11.10 has both as default03:56
jasonlfunkjbrks: When a program segfaults, there is an option to dump a core. Ubuntu disables this by default using the /etc/security/limits.conf settings. However, these seem to only apply to users who are currently logged in. My program is running and dying by a user who isn't logged in (it was started via upstart when the box booted). How do I unlimit the core dumps for these processes?03:56
Jordan_Ujbrks: You keep giving answers that don't answer jasonlfunk's question. If his question were ambiguous that would even more reason not to answer (or best, to ask for clarification then answer).03:56
jbrksjasonlfunk, strace can catch files the app is trying to open..03:57
jasonlfunkjbrks: Thanks, but I'll wait for someone else to answer.03:57
jbrksjasonlfunk, strace is a debugging tool to analyse things like this.. there's also ld* related binary tools to check library files the app tries to look for03:57
germanxnunity-2d package was no installed03:57
germanxnwhen i installed it i broke unity on that session03:57
jasonlfunkjbrks: that is not the problem.03:58
* jbrks ignores jasonlfunk03:58
jasonlfunkThank you.03:58
germanxnnow when i login in the normal session it doesnt start03:58
jasonlfunkCan anyone tell me how to unlimit core dumps on processes that are started by upstart at boot?03:59
germanxnwhen i run unity -restart it doesnt work also03:59
robin0800germanxn, your missing a -03:59
germanxnsorry i used it with --04:00
xanguagermanxn:  tried to reset with¿: unitu --reset04:00
germanxni have a desktop icon with that command04:00
germanxni used it when i unity get broken04:01
germanxn"i have been using it" or whatever (sorry about my english)04:02
robin0800germanxn, unity is much better in 11.1004:02
germanxnguess session works ok04:02
germanxnim on 11.1004:02
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germanxnroot session work ok too04:02
robin0800germanxn, unity 2d is there by default at the log in screen no need to install it04:03
localg0dcan anyone tell me how to switch from unity to classic on ubuntu ? i couldn't find the option on the shut down menu or the login section either at the startup where i have to type in my password ... i seem to have forgotten how again04:04
germanxnok but i didnt knew that, there was some unity-2d-XXX files, but unity-2d was not there04:05
stryke297is there a way to install without using wubi.exe04:05
abraxas_localg0d, in the login screen, near the bottom if I recall, is a line that lets you choose which session..pick "Classic" as your session04:05
germanxnsoo i installed unity-2d04:05
digdeepubuntu 11.10 ignores upload_max_filesize in php.ini, after apache restarts?04:05
xanguato install what stryke297 ¿04:05
robin0800localg0d, if its installed its in the log in screen on the gear by the password box04:06
JZApplesEver since I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 I get these errors when checking for updates.  Are these PPAs that I need, or can they be removed?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/738904/04:07
somsipdigdeep: you changed maxc_post_something too?04:08
localg0dhmm i just said i didn't have a session option04:08
germanxndoes it have something to do with gnome?, or is it independent?04:08
abraxas_ok, I give up for tonight..I'll try again another day, or just try a new terminal04:09
stryke297xangua, the internet.04:09
xanguaJZApples: there are no packages for oneiric, you can remove them ;)04:09
xanguastryke297: install the internet¿ o_O hard task04:09
stryke297xangua, kidding, I meant ubuntu.  Not sure how it got left out of my statement.04:09
abraxas_can anyone suggest a good terminal client that works well with gnome3?04:09
xanguastryke297: you have instructions of how to boot from ubuntu cd or usb and install on ubuntu.com04:10
OerHeksabraxas_, what is wrong with the standard terminalclient ?04:10
stryke297xangua, this is true but Im having issues booting from usb, or just installing it from within windows.04:11
abraxas_OerHeks, gnome-terminal has two issues that I've been trying to get resolutions for in here for 2 hours now... both fairly game-ending and none taht I can find bug reports on04:11
abraxas_OerHeks, First, my Keyboard Shortcuts seem to get overwritten midline with things like "C" or "Backspace" becoming "New Window" or "Paste"... second, I'm having refresh issues where the terminal is falling behind reality and will only be updated when I hit a key04:11
JZApplesxangua, what do you mean, there are no packages for oneiric?  Meaning no one has updated their software?  I really should have just waited for 12.04.  :(04:11
localg0dcan someone please tell me how from a fresh install i can drop unity and go back to classic gnome in 11.04 ??04:14
localg0di CAN NOT find it from the login screen04:14
localg0dcan someone please tell me how from a fresh install i can drop unity and go back to classic gnome in 11.04 ??04:15
abraxas_ok, gonna try guake and xfce term for now...nite kids04:16
abraxas_xfce-term works like a dream with no refresh issues..that's a huge start..ok, thanks for the help...04:17
aeon-ltd!nounity | localg0d04:17
ubottulocalg0d: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:17
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.04:18
aeon-ltdtried that? though i'm sure 11.04 does have a classic mode04:18
xanguaJZApples: i mean you can safetly remove those ppa that give you 404 error since that means ther are NO packages from those ppa for ubuntu oneirirc ocelot 11.1004:19
truepurpleCan someone help me with a flash drive that doesn't seem to want to mount right?04:21
CrazyThinkerWhat is a good remote desktop client for ubuntu?04:23
jbrksCrazyEddy, you mean to winbloze?04:25
jbrksCrazyEddy, or a remote to another linux?04:25
jbrksCrazyEddy, it is possible to do remote to winbloze from linux..04:26
=== william is now known as Guest31185
somsipCrazyThinker: Teamviewer isn't bad04:29
retromingentI want to add a new resolution mode and xrandr says "xrandr --addmode VGA1 1920x1080_60.0004:29
retromingentxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default04:29
retromingentxrandr: cannot find output "VGA1"04:29
retromingentI don't see EDID errors in Xorg.0.log04:29
retromingentthe new mode was defined04:29
retromingent1920x1080_60.00 (0x1ac)  173.0MHz04:29
retromingent        h: width  1920 start 2048 end 2248 total 2576 skew    0 clock   67.2KHz04:29
retromingent        v: height 1080 start 1083 end 1088 total 1120           clock   60.0Hz04:29
jbrksretromingent, dont paste in here04:30
retromingentJust looking for help.04:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:30
jbrksretromingent, do you see VGA1 mentioned in your x log?04:30
JZApplesxangua, but will i eventually need to add them back?04:31
xanguaJZApples: why would you¿04:31
jbrksretromingent, btw an xrandr samples says VGA, maybe it's VGA, eg: xrandr --addmode VGA 1024x76804:31
stryke297do usb drives need to be in fat32 or fat? does it make a difference04:32
jbrksretromingent, actualyl it's like 3 lines.. http://linux.die.net/man/1/xrandr04:32
retromingentjbrks, not VGA1 is not in Xorg.0.log.   How do I determine the correct values for --addmode (the parameter position where VGA1 is)?04:32
jbrksretromingent, is your monitor plugged in and on when X started?04:32
retromingentjbrks, yes it is plugged in and am using it.04:33
retromingentVGA is not in Xorg.0.log either04:33
retromingentThe monitor was on when I booted and XServer started04:34
jbrksretromingent, but does it say that monitor was detected connected in the log?04:34
retromingentLet me see...04:34
stryke297do usb drives need to be in fat32 or fat? does it make a difference, in reference to installing ubuntu from usb04:35
retromingentjbrks, do you know a substring I search on?  monitor and detected where not found04:35
jbrksstryke297, fat is only used for "certain" camera devices and other devices that may use them.. you should be very much be using fat32, you can even format usb's to ntfs and ext3 if you want04:36
jbrksstryke297, if the drive is not formatted, don't use fat..04:36
OerHeksstryke297, if you want to make a bootable ubuntu, make sure it is fat16/3204:37
jbrksuse fat32, avoid fat16(fat)04:37
jbrksOerHeks, fat16 is not the same filesystem as fat3204:37
stryke297OK...so fat32 it is..04:38
jbrksthough the same linux module vfat supports mounting both types, they are essentially separate filesystem types04:38
retromingentjbrks, do you know a substring I search on?  monitor and detected where not found04:39
stryke297is there a way to install ubuntu without using wubi.exe?04:39
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jbrksretromingent, it must be a driver configuration issue if you dont see your monitor connected (in x log)04:39
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retromingentjbrks, I see that it finds my monitor (it works, so driver is working) but I don't see the *string* I'm supposed to use on --addmode.  Where do I find that?04:40
retromingentThat 's, if it's not VGA1 how do I determine what string I should use?04:41
laneohello can you tell me the name of the package that contains gnome-terminal?04:41
jbrksretromingent, what video driver are you using?04:41
JZApplesxangua, i'm kind of a newb, so wasn't sure.  thanks04:42
retromingentjbrks, Nvidia 280.1304:42
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jointgnome terminal04:42
rich3I'm trying to fix my broken sound, i do "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libasound2" and I get this error "E: Internal Error, No file name for libasound2"04:43
jbrksrich3, try --reinstall install04:43
rich3kbrks?  this?  sudo apt-get --reinstall install libasound204:44
retromingentjbrks, did you catch that?04:44
jbrksretromingent, apt-get install pastebinit, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pastebinit -t mylog   , post just the url back here04:44
retromingentjbrks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/738921/04:46
jbrksretromingent, there's only 1 connected display device...04:46
jbrksand it's called CRT-104:47
retromingentjbrks, I tried CRT-1 as well04:48
retromingentI'll post04:48
jbrksretromingent, did you try another cable?04:48
jbrksretromingent, hold on a sec.. you saying you want two monitors?04:48
retromingentjbrks, xrandr: cannot find output "CRT-1"04:48
jbrksretromingent, there's only 1 monitor properly connecte.d.04:48
jbrksretromingent, did u check the cables?04:48
retromingentjbrks, no just one monitor04:48
retromingentjbrks, just want to add a new higher resolution line04:49
wwwd_I am following a tutorial where they used git clone git://github.com/basho/riak to download riak. Then they ran ~/riak $ make. Then they immediately started using the software. Is this instance of riak running local to ~/riak $?04:49
jbrksretromingent, then why would you be trying the "add" option?04:49
jbrksretromingent, you should read what you're trying to do..04:49
retromingentjbrks, to add the new modeline so I can select 1920x1808004:49
ramadanHello, I have an HP Pavillion dv6233se and the latest version of ubuntu 11.10. I can't seem to get my wireless card working. I've tried quite a few things from the forums with no luck. can anyone help?04:50
retromingentNot a new monitor, a new resolution mode04:50
urlin2uramadan, do you know the card?04:50
jbrksretromingent, well the device is called CRT-104:51
ramadanThe website says it's an 802.11b/g wlan04:51
retromingentjbrks, thanks.  But I want to add a new resolution that the monitor and video card handle but do not come up in KDE system settings and is not in xorg.conf.04:51
jbrksretromingent, btw.. the good news is that edid information is ok in the x log..04:52
urlin2uramadan, this command will tell you exactly.  lspci | grep -i wireless04:52
retromingentjbrks, thanks.04:52
jbrksretromingent, but if your card cant do resolutions your monitor can.. then the limit is the videocard hardware04:52
wwwd_retromingent: Are you using proprietary drivers for your card?04:52
retromingentjbrks, the card does handle the higher resolution.04:52
jbrksretromingent, dam..04:53
jbrksretromingent, sorry .. please pm me04:53
ramadanurlin2u, the command returns nothing, even with sudo04:53
urlin2uramadan, copy and paste it it works.04:53
urlin2uramadan, unless the card is not being read.04:54
ramadani think that may be the case. I copied and pasted with ctrl + shift +v04:55
jbrksretromingent, it can be a cable issue, or you'd have to figure out the timing parameters for your monitor, if edid can never be picked up04:55
jbrksretromingent, calculating this can be very pita04:55
retromingentjbrks, my card handles up to 2048x1536 VGA resolution, but the highest option in system settings I get is 1360x768.  I want to have 1920x1080, which is supported by the montior.04:55
jbrksretromingent, what monitor brand is it?04:55
retromingentjbrks, http://www.nvidia.com/object/product-geforce-gt-430-us.html04:56
jbrksretromingent, problem is the monitor04:56
jbrksretromingent, monitor not giving back edid info the videocard is asking04:56
ramadanurlin2u, any other way I could find out what kind of card it is?04:56
retromingentjbrks, thanks.  What can I do about that?04:56
jbrksretromingent, to overcome this problem you'd have to figure out the timings..04:57
rich3you said --reinstall install how does that apply to my question: I'm trying to fix my broken sound, i do "sudo apt-get install --reinstall libasound2" and I get this error "E: Internal Error, No file name for libasound2"04:57
jbrksrich3, i corrected yuor command syntax..04:57
jbrksrich3, i didnt look into fixing your sound04:57
retromingentjbrks, monitor I have is http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID=c02652514&prodTypeId=382087&prodSeriesId=375797904:57
rich3so apt-get --reinstall install libasound204:57
jbrksrich3, well if that would fix ur sound, you'd have to see if that package exists with apt-cache search04:58
urlin2uramadan, that isolates the card lspci part of that command would show other hardware as well, I see problems on the web with that card just stopping working, as it before?04:58
plushkaHi! Pls say me, name of Russian chanel ubuntu IRC04:58
tonyyarusso!ru | plushka04:59
ubottuplushka: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.04:59
jbrksretromingent, did u try the hdmi plug?05:00
OerHeks!info libasound205:00
ubottulibasound2 (source: alsa-lib): shared library for ALSA applications. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 408 kB, installed size 1528 kB (Only available for linux-any sparc s390 i386 powerpc amd64 all)05:00
retromingentjbrks, no just VGA.05:00
rich3dpkg throws an error when i do the --reinstall install on libasound2.... the "E: Internal Error, No file name for libasound2"  even with the correction05:00
jbrksretromingent, try the hdmi plug05:00
retromingentjbrks, think HDMI might be better?05:00
retromingentjbrks, ok.  Thanks!05:00
jbrksretromingent, and pastebin the output05:00
urlin2uramadan, anyway hard to say for me without a card name/type,maybe others will have an idea.05:01
ramadanurlin2u, yeah, it worked fine on windows, and on a few older releases of ubuntu. I also got it to work with one of the forum methods, but it stopped working after restart and I haven't been able to replicate the results. I think I've done too many things.05:01
urlin2uramadan, does broadcom sound familiar, with alll that tweaking you ddidn't isolate the actual card?05:02
ramadanurlin2u, yes, broadcom does sound familiar. I wish the HP website gave me some more specific info than just 802.11b/g WLAN05:03
urlin2u!broadcom | ramadan05:03
ubotturamadan: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:03
urlin2uramadan, try looking at tyhe wiki.05:03
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muhammadi need some help05:06
ramadanurlin2u, I've tried that. any chance I could have done too many tweaks and they're all fighting each other... if that makes sense?05:07
rich3so dpkg refuses to reinstall libasound2.... does that mean wipe and reinstall ubunto to fix?05:08
muhammadany video chat software aslike yahoo on ubuntu ?05:08
urlin2uramadan, I would not really know I have not had to mess with those cards if that is what you have,  would post on the ubuntu forums as well and include as much info as possible.05:09
ramadanurlin2u, thank you for your help and patience05:10
xanguamuhammad: gyachi is a yahoo client that -says it's web- supports videocam, but i belive there are no packages for oneiric05:11
urlin2uramadan, no problem.05:11
muhammadcan any one help me out ?05:11
urlin2umuhammad, upi have to ask a question.05:11
muhammadyes i hv googles it too05:11
jbrksurlin2u, did u also do sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer ?05:11
muhammadi m looking for an perfect alternative for yahoo05:11
urlin2ujbrks, its not me.05:12
urlin2u:D ramadan05:12
urlin2u!ask | muhammad05:13
ubottumuhammad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:13
muhammadthanks :)05:13
zjbpkuhow to install google?05:13
muhammadi need some think like gyachi05:13
jbrksmuhammad, you mean this is like a client like yahoo messenger?05:13
urlin2umuhammad, no problem.05:13
ramadanjbrks, I will try that05:14
muhammadyes its like yahoo i have used it on fedora i think05:14
jbrksmuhammad, the problem is that app is outdated.. and yahoo would of update it's own protocols.. so use something recent05:14
jbrksmuhammad, like pidgin..05:14
muhammadit does not allow video chat :(05:14
jbrksmuhammad, oh with video.. hmm..05:14
jbrksmuhammad, lemme give u a link to something05:14
muhammadlet me see05:14
* jbrks googled list of chat software site:wikipedia.org05:14
xanguamuhammad: you can alwasy compile gyachi05:15
ramadanjbrks, it is already the newest version when I do sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer :/ Thank you for the suggestion, though. I must have already tried it05:16
=== stryke2971 is now known as stryke297
jbrksramadan, you should make sure , if any guide says, to blacklist anything..05:17
jbrksramadan, be sure the right module is being loaded..05:17
jbrks(modinfo <modulename>)05:17
jbrksmuhammad, did u try this? http://in.docs.yahoo.com/messenger/download/unix.html05:18
ramadanoh yeah, I'm pretty sure i've "blacklisted" a few things. you're probably rubbing your forehead as you read this, but I have no idea what i've been instructed to blacklist before05:18
jbrksmuhammad, not sure if that does video though :/05:18
ramadanjbrks, oh yeah, I'm pretty sure i've "blacklisted" a few things. you're probably rubbing your forehead as you read this, but I have no idea what i've been instructed to blacklist before05:19
stryke297im having problems decyphering a "no configuration file found" error.05:19
CoolCoderI have installed version 11.10. I cannot see login screen menu to change to Ubuntu classic. how can i add that options?05:19
jbrksramadan, just saying if a doc mentions it..05:19
muhammadjbkrs its not helping05:19
jbrksramadan, sometimes there are docs that mention so05:19
urlin2uCoolCoder, did you set it to auto login?05:20
jbrksmuhammad, well yahoo didn't update their unix/linux app.. just asking if u tried that..05:20
kacung!ebox | kacung05:21
ubottukacung, please see my private message05:21
ramadanjbrks, I have tried more than a few forum steps, and i do remember one of them saying to blacklist some things, but i do not remember what they asked me to blacklist05:21
muhammadsomething digsby they say its coming for linux but hv not seen it yet05:22
jbrksmuhammad, http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdenetwork/kopete/protocols.html05:22
yahoowizardi have my netbook hooked to a 22 inch monitor and the highest resolution that shows up is 1024xsomething05:23
muhammadthx for ur help guys but my problem remains :(05:23
yahoowizardany idea on how to fix that?05:23
jbrksmuhammad, tell me if it works..05:23
muhammadthey dnt even over an setup yet05:23
yahoowizardpeople said to use "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" but that is just empty05:23
stryke297when i convert an iso image from my desktop to a usb to boot from my checksums become corrupted, how do I fix this.05:24
jbrksyahoowizard, u can make a sample-- shutdown X from tty1, then do X -configure, copy that to /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:24
jbrksthen edit that file as nec..05:24
jbrks(sample file gets created as xorg.conf.new in ~ of root)05:24
yahoowizardim sorry, i havent used ubuntu for that long...what does "shutdown x from ttyl" exactly refer to05:25
DuolosI'm having an issue.  Trying to run unetbootin it asks for the administrator password.  I AM the administrator, but it's not accepting my password.  Sudo does and other system utilities do, but not unetbootin.05:25
urlin2ustryke297, what are you using to load the usb?05:27
stryke297I've tried several programs and gotten the same result through all, the latest program is unetbootin.05:27
yahoowizardanyone else want to help me set a monitor resolution that it wont show05:27
stryke297urlin2u; the file that I check the sum from the flashdrive is wubi.exe, if I have a wubi.exe on my desktop that does pass the hash check could I just replace them?05:29
urlin2ustryke297, so I assume it wont boot no?05:29
CoolCoderurlin2u: Not sure. But I cannot see the option to manage "Login Screen" in "System Settings > Systems"05:30
nimbioticsSince upgrading to 11.10, one of the maaaany probles I'm having is while playinh UrT, Every certain amount of time (I havent meassured it, but seems very regular) I see a fast flash on the monitor and whatever key(s) I'm pressing at that mkoment are lost and I have to press them again. Any ideas what could be wrong here? TIA!05:31
urlin2ustryke297, so besides the checksum what is the root of the problem, I have never heard of checking it that way, not that it isn't.05:31
urlin2uCoolCoder, do you get to the ub=unity desktop automatically you need to give more detail.05:31
stryke297urlin2u, it won't boot, the problem is when I boot i get a "no configuration file found" error.05:32
stryke297urlin2u, from what I understand, which is very little, that refers to syslinux.cfg which is in existance and at the root folder.05:32
CoolCoderurlin2u: yes i am on the default desktop now.05:32
kacungmuh/j /j #blankon05:32
urlin2ustryke297, wubi that file is for installing inside windows is this just a standard ISO download05:32
CoolCoderhow to add more detail?05:33
urlin2uCoolCoder, type login in the dash and turn it off if you want the login to show then logout and select the classic.05:33
stryke297the wubi file is for installing insie windows, I have just the ISO downloaded...;urlin2u05:34
stryke297urlin2u: I want to install ubuntu as my primary OS, I don't know of any other way of doing this than downloading the ISO getting it to a flashdrive and booting from it.05:35
CoolCoderurlin2u, in login screen i have no option to select classic05:36
CoolCoderurlin2u, can you help me how to add this option?05:37
urlin2ustryke297, so even if the hash is correct on the ISO, it can still not work, I would try another download, here is another usb loader I use. you might try. http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/  I have found this one to be reliable but you will need to use gparted to format the partition on the usb, I assume thyumb not HD.05:37
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CoolCoderurlin2u, the options are "Recovery console, ubuntu, ubuntu 2D, user defined session"05:38
urlin2u!nounity CoolCoder05:38
urlin2u!nounity | CoolCoder05:38
ubottuCoolCoder: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:38
itai_michaelsoncan anyone tell me how to run a sudo command on startup?05:38
urlin2uitai_michaelson, inevitably you will be asked why.05:39
stryke297urlin2u, I'll download it again thanks, but the usb drive is already formatted, why would it need a partition, if I am only using the drive to install ubuntu?05:39
itai_michaelsonurlin2u, i have a problem mounting a ZFS share, the only solution i found is running a mount command on start up05:40
urlin2ustryke297, the multisystem if you try it is picky, and that may be your problem to be honest multiple app to load it I would format it, it is a thumb a flash right?05:41
yahoowizardany help with settign a monitor resolution thats not displayed05:43
stryke297urlin2u, i'm not sure what you mean by "it is a thumb a flash right"  I have a standard 4GB Sandisk flashdrive, and a standard 3GB LG flashdrive incase for some reason Sandisk is screwy.05:43
urlin2ustryke297, just trying to confirm the tools your using, that confuses you?05:43
urlin2ustryke297, people try to use HD at times.05:44
stryke297urlin2u, it's hard to detect dialect through text, jus confirming what you were asking.05:44
urlin2ustryke297, cool, :D05:44
yahoowizardnot sure how the xconf thing works05:45
stryke297urlin2u, by multisystem do you mean having multiple operating systems to boot to?05:45
yahoowizardi think 1600x1024 should do, and using xrandr says it cannot find that modd05:47
urlin2ustryke297, it was a reference to the link I gave of a thumb laoder I use.05:47
stryke297Right, multiboot., k05:48
lystraI'm running 11.10 and trying to build the linux-3.0.0-13.22 kernel. http://pastebin.com/6Nia2Qgn. Anyone with an idea as to what I'm doing wrong?05:49
|NeXuS|anyone every have adobe flash working in 2d but not 3d Unity ?05:51
|NeXuS|my flash works in a 2d desktop but not the 3d desktop i have used google and tried everything05:52
|NeXuS|i got a ati HD3200 right now im in 3d but flash is soo choppy05:53
|NeXuS|if i download the flash video it is not choppy though05:53
urlin2u|NeXuS|, try the firefox addon flash aid.05:55
|NeXuS|i tried that already05:55
|NeXuS|its crazy05:55
|NeXuS|it was working then i changed my ati setting for 3d it fixed my video playback when it comes to media files but flash wont even let me try change a setting05:56
rix1234Hi all...my microphones aren't working properly, when I record anything I can just hear unwanted noises...Can anyone please help, I am using Ubuntu 10.0405:57
|NeXuS|i cant win for lose spent 6 hours last night getting media files to play and now flash player is busted05:58
nimbioticsSince upgrading to 11.10, one of the maaaany probles I'm having is while playinh UrT, Every certain amount of time (I havent meassured it, but seems very regular) I see a fast flash on the monitor and whatever key(s) I'm pressing at that moment are lost and I have to press them again. Any ideas what could be wrong here? TIA!05:59
CrazyThinkerif [ "$1" = "foo" ]; Why are the variables also in quotes?06:00
Nach0zIn bash/sh, you really need to quote $variables for them to be processed correctly, CrazyThinker06:01
yahoowizardanyone know hwo to add in a resolution thats not shown for a monitor06:01
CrazyThinkerNach0z, its a bit strange because I haven't seen it in any other programming languages06:01
CrazyThinkerI know bash is not exactly a programming language, but still06:02
denniswNot if you use [[ ]] in bash06:02
Nach0zWell, that's bash for you. there's a bash channel somewhere on freenode.06:02
CrazyThinkerIts not active06:02
intelligentfoolhello all... i'm trying to do "curl -D – -H "X-Auth-Key: myAuthKey" -H "X-Auth-User: myUserName" apiserver.com" and the server is supposed to return a response, am i doing something wrong with curl?06:02
silv3r_m00nin which file are the network configuration for eth0 stored ?06:03
denniswThe reason for the quotes in [ ] and elsewhere is to prevent word splitting (which is not performed inside [[ ]]06:03
snowinfernoHi all, if I set an alias in my .profile file, would it be implemented every time I run Terminal? This is in 11.1006:04
lystrasnowinferno: I think .profile is run only when Terminal runs a command as a login shell.06:05
snowinfernoso it wouldn't get read in just from opening Terminal from within the desktop manager?06:06
|NeXuS|has anyone had flash work in Unity 2D but not 3d ?06:06
lystrasnowinferno: You'd have to look at the Terminal settings. Look at the profile preferences.06:06
|NeXuS|video is smoth in 2d but in 3d wow !06:06
snowinfernook, thanks lystra06:06
nicatronTgAnyone around? What permissions should /bin and it's contents have?06:10
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silv3r_m00nin which file are the network settings stored ?06:16
zykotick9silv3r_m00n, if you use "network manager" they're not stored in a file.  if you don't use N-M then /etc/network/interfaces.06:17
silv3r_m00nI use network manager , then where are they stored06:18
zykotick9silv3r_m00n, ? internal database of some sort06:19
silv3r_m00nhmm ok06:19
silv3r_m00nhow to launch network manager from terminal ?06:19
zykotick9silv3r_m00n, nm-applet06:20
blackshirtsilv3r_m00n: nm-applet06:20
laindirFor (perceived) package dependency bugs, is it better to report them to the listed maintainer (ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com)? or somewhere upstream?06:20
silv3r_m00nnm-connection-editor , thanks06:21
=== ratman is now known as ratman3
ac_slaterhey everyone, any UEFI experts in here?06:24
appi_uppican i unencrypt the data using scp? I know I can use rcp/rsync/netcat/ftp06:25
canguereihow change the keyboard language in blackbox?06:26
canguereiit is in english but my keyboard is latin06:26
monstaRtruckhey my desktop recording is distrted06:30
monstaRtruckhow do i turn it down06:30
=== chris_ is now known as Guest57476
lorddeltaSo, finally got my Ubuntu upgraded last night, two questions I have: A) My Gnome terminal is screwed up. I can't use Alt+d to delete a word. How can I fix this? B) Are there any easy ways to customize this gnome-shell thing I'm in, or do I have to delve into code and write an extension?06:34
=== Commander1024_ is now known as Commander1024
truepurpleWhen I try to mount a partition I just made from empty space, it says "Daemon is inhibited" what does this mean? Demonic possession of HHD?06:36
lorddeltatruepurple: :D Yes, I always thought that daemon thing was cute.06:37
lorddeltatruepruple: No, I don't know what that means, other than it sounds like the mount-ing process is inhibited. Like there's a driver/daemon that mounts stuff, perhaps?06:38
dr_willistheres info o tweaking gnome shell at the webupd8 blog site and the gnome shell homepage.06:39
=== asus is now known as Guest19767
dr_willisalso askubuntu.com had a list of extensions and indicatator applets06:39
AbuMaiaHow do I change the bootscreen in 11.10?06:40
lorddeltadr_willis: thnx06:40
dr_willis!plymouth | AbuMaia06:40
ubottuAbuMaia: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »06:40
lorddeltahuh, I don't think I use plymouth...06:40
dr_willislorddelta:  gnome shell is supposed to be very tweakable.. if you know javascript. i hear. ;)06:41
dr_willisi always disable the uesless plymouth06:41
AbuMaiadr_willis: it said "nothing to configure"06:42
dr_willisAbuMaia:  clarify the question perhaps.06:42
lorddeltadr_willis: Fantastic. The one language I don't really like all that much...06:43
AbuMaiaIt's about as clear and to-the-point as I could get it, I'm afraid.06:43
dr_willisplymouth can have different themes, the commands change the default theme from what you have installed06:43
laindirtruepurple: looks like a reboot worked for some users on this thread - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160456306:43
truepurplelorddelta, dr_willis I got a usb flash drive that is like half mounted, perhaps that is interfering with the mounting of my partition? Is there a way to fix this short of reboot?06:43
dr_willisAbuMaia:  no its not.  you want to make your own? or chanege the them its using06:43
truepurpleI don't want to reboot every time this happens, it seems to happen too much06:44
AbuMaiaI would like to switch to the ubuntu-sunrise theme06:44
dr_willistruepurple:  mount it  by hand? if you partition the hd. the kernel may be using tthe old layout. theres some resync type command to make the kernel see the new layout.06:45
dr_willisAbuMaia:  install that theme, and use the commands above. should show it in the list of avail themes.06:46
monstaRtrucki recorded my desktop w ffmpeg06:46
monstaRtruckbut its too loud06:46
monstaRtrucki cant turn it down06:46
monstaRtruckits distorted06:46
dr_williswhat was that command to reread the disk partition layout.. anyone recall?06:46
monstaRtruckhow do i turn it down06:47
FlyOnTheWalldr_willis, sync?06:47
laindirtruepurple: scanning further along that thread looks like the actual cause for those users was a hung udisks process... they were able to mount after killing the hung process06:48
dr_willisits 'partprobe' from what i googled.06:48
dr_willissync is for fs changes/buffer flushing06:49
appi_uppican i unencrypt the data using scp? I know I can use rcp/rsync/netcat/ftp06:49
dr_willisappi_uppi:  that did not make a lot of sence.06:50
AbuMaiadr_willis: I got it installed, and it works on shutdown, but the screen is blank on startup until the login screen comes up06:50
appi_uppidr_willis: we are using wan accelerator to encrypt/compress the data while transfering, we are internalling using scp to transfer the files across sites06:51
dr_willisAbuMaia:  typical plymouth fighting with video card driver issue.  never seen a fix that always works.06:51
appi_uppidr_willis: so we are doing encrypting twice06:51
AbuMaiadr_willis: integrated graphics, no video card06:52
appi_uppidr_willis: thought if I could use scp without encripting data?06:52
sparrWAfter installing nvidia-current-dev I got a new version of nvidia-current and now my nvidia driver and nvidia kernel module don't match. How can I fix that?06:52
dr_willisAbuMaia:  you do have a video card/chipset.. its just build in..06:52
dr_willisappi_uppi:  hmm. never seen an option for that. been reading the oreially ssh book this week. but im only on chapter 406:53
bhueywhere's the special ISO images for installing and boot on a macbook pro ?06:53
bhueyis there's a special channel for that ?06:53
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages06:53
dr_willisall i know on mac.. is that url abube. ;)06:54
appi_uppidr_willis: i have searched in web, but i see that scp cannot be used to unencrypt the data because we it warrants ssl06:54
bhueydr_willis: it's out of date unfortunately06:54
appi_uppidr_willis: still not sure06:54
dr_willisappi_uppi:  for my simple needs. i doubt if id even notice any speed differances. guess transfering big files you would.06:55
tonyyarussobhuey: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/06:55
bhueytonyyarusso: it's still having problems booting with it though06:56
appi_uppidr_willis: yeah06:56
dr_willisappi_uppi:  with that special hardware nfs may be a better way.. theres so many ways you could do it...06:57
bhuey8.1 macbook pro boot is still flaky06:57
=== barna is now known as bipul
appi_uppidr_willis: the hardware is silver peak06:58
laindirFor (perceived) package dependency bugs, is it better to report them to the listed maintainer (ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com)? or somewhere upstream?06:58
Vy0mico666: hi06:59
dr_willisappi_uppi:  means about as much to me as  greek ;) i just do home networkig.06:59
dr_willisim happy i finally got a good grasp of passwordless logins via ssh. ;)07:00
appi_uppidr_willis: heh heh07:00
neroninHi, I set up up LAMP server the other day and yesterday i noticed, in Cacti, that I'm seemingly are running out of my 4GB memory. I'm very new to this though and might be mistaken, but this is the Cacti output: http://imagebin.org/18414607:00
dr_willisgot that working on my android and in putty finally07:00
neroninAll I did when the memory level dropped was to upload some big files to the server and unziped them, it stayed low after that. That was 16 hours ago and nothing has been done on the server since07:00
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html07:01
Vy0mhello everyone. I've installed Lubuntu (the LXDE version) and I'm facing a weird problem related to mouse as shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P98fy21KxiU (ignore the music) The problem is...I have to click 3-4 inches on the left to register the click on the right place. Any idea about this?07:02
white_magicanyone know what's the 'best' VNC server app to use on oneiric ocelot? I'd like to be able to do light programming from a VNC client that happens to be on the same LAN (therefore bandwidth isn't an issue)07:04
dr_willisVy0m:  did the live desktop cd have the same issue?07:05
dr_williswhite_magic:  any of them should work fine.07:05
Vy0mdr_willis: not tried live desktop, but the issue happened while it was installing too.07:05
white_magicany particular one you'd recommend?07:05
neronindr_willis:  thanks, i suspected that it was somethng like that as well. I will read it through07:05
dr_willisVy0m:  as a test you could try a live ubuntu of xubuntu cd and see if its the same07:06
dr_williswhite_magic:  you want to see the desktop on the remote box or want a totally seperete vnc session?07:06
dr_williswhite_magic:  what os is on the local machine also07:07
white_magiclocal machine is win7, remote machine is a laptop running Ubuntu. I just want really good performance.. to perceive virtually no lag07:07
Vy0mdr_willis: I'll try. But with 256 MB RAM. It is going to be hell slow. The mahcine is a 12 year old Pentium 3.07:08
dr_williswhite_magic:  run somthing like tightvnc on remote server using fluxbox or some other light wm.  or.... use xming on windows and use putty/ssh/x forwarding and not need vnc at all07:08
=== Michael__ is now known as DoYouKnow
white_magicdr_willis: sounds like 'no machine nx' is something that's faster than VNC07:08
dr_willisi never did get nx working well. for a local lan i often use xming, ssh/x forawding, or xdmcp07:09
dr_willisVy0m:  this is a laptop or desktop?07:09
* phlak_user is back07:10
Vy0mdr_willis: Desktop. Dell.07:10
dr_willisVy0m:  i saw someone mention a similer issue once but never heard of his fix.07:10
dr_willisVy0m:  a check of the logs or askubuntu.com or forums may help07:11
Vy0mdr_willis: Ok. Thanks. Will try the forum, and other distro like Xubuntu. But can you suggest me what options in distros I may have with Pen 3 and 256 RAm07:11
dr_willisVy0m:  as a test try a nonubuntu distro like tinycorelinux 10mb.. to see if its the same issue07:11
dr_willisVy0m:  tinycore, or puppylinux07:12
=== gloomer is now known as whereswaldo
lorddeltadr_willis: well I found the gnome-shell stuff ok, but I'm still hunting around for the configuration setting for gnome-terminal...would that be a gconf setting to enable emacs-style navigation in gnome-terminal, or has something changed with my bash?07:12
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phlak_userlorddelta: isnt it in the gnome-terminal preferences?07:13
dr_willislorddelta:  not sure. see if it works in xterm, rxvt, terminator, xfterm or others how you expect.07:13
dr_willislorddelta:  it could be compiz/unity is grabbing the binding also,07:13
Vy0mdr_willis: Thanks for the suggestions. I will try those, and will report if I find any fix.07:13
dr_willislorddelta:  does it work in the console correctly?07:14
lorddeltadr_willis: well...some of them. ^k kills to the end of line still, ^y yanks, but M-d doesn't delete, it just prints a "d" where the cursor was. Same in xterm.07:15
dr_willisim on my android so i cant really verify if they work here or not lorddelta07:15
lorddeltadr_willis: k thnx07:16
dr_willisothere in here may confirm if it works or not in other desktops/terms07:17
lorddeltaphlak_user: I don't see anything in my preferences to do with this option...07:17
lorddeltaI've found a number of online articles that mention this sort of issue, but they either incorrectly assert that some keys no longer correctly work, or that all I need to do is to uncheck a box that's already checked/unchecked.07:18
=== t3i_ is now known as t3i
siavoshkcI need remote lan access to my ubuntu07:20
siavoshkcI need to see desktop07:20
Brightycan anyone help with a flickering display with a ATI 6320 - im running non-free catalyst 11.10 firmware and ubuntu 11.10 - in windows there are no issues and 11.10 is the only catalyst that support this card. I was also having this issue before installing the catalyst (the firmware did not fix it)07:24
baaaacwhat about ubuntu 12.0407:26
auronandace!12.04 | baaaac07:27
=== impatientspoon is now known as aglenday
ubottubaaaac: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/78407:27
baaaachowabout ubuntu 12.0407:27
dr_willissiavoshkc:  what kind of network connection?07:27
dr_willis'remote lan' is  a bit of a contridiction...07:29
dr_willisyou mean 2 pcs on the same local network?07:29
ubuntu-for-mewhere are you from?07:32
dr_willisvnc/vino/freenx  can do that07:32
=== impatientspoon is now known as aglenday
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com07:33
ubuntu-for-meI come from China.Where are you from?07:33
phlak_user!cn | ubuntu-for-me07:33
ubottuubuntu-for-me: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:33
dr_willischit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic ubuntu-for-me07:34
ubuntu-for-meI want to improve my english and ubuntu,so i came here07:34
dr_willissupport questions here, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:35
brjannclorddelta: look into configuration of readline using ~/.inputrc -- essentially, you'll need to copy /etc/inputrc to ~/.inputrc and edit it to your liking07:35
ubuntu-for-mewhy my screen couldn't show a full line,that is the last several letters are losing07:36
brjannclorddelta: I've run into a few situations where keystrokes I'm used to on one machine aren't handled correctly on another, and that's usually what I've had to do. but i have to look up what to do every time :)07:36
siavoshkcWhats up in China07:37
siavoshkcso vnc/vino/freenx07:37
dr_willisif you can see the remote pc's monitor you could use synergy siavoshkc07:38
dr_willis!info synergy07:38
ubottusynergy (source: synergy): Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.6-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 530 kB, installed size 1428 kB07:38
dr_willis!info synergy207:38
ubottuPackage synergy2 does not exist in oneiric07:38
ubuntu-for-methere are only one ubuntu chat room on irc?I'm newcomming07:40
tonyyarussoubuntu-for-me: No, there are dozens.  But this is the one for regular support questions.07:41
lorddeltabrjannc: thnx, sorry was busy figuring out where gconf stored its settings.07:41
ubuntu-for-mei see07:41
auronandace!irc | ubuntu-for-me07:42
ubottuubuntu-for-me: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:42
ubuntu-for-mewhat kind of irc-clients are more useful?07:46
ubuntu-for-meI'm using xchat-gnome07:46
lightaubuntu-for-me, you wont find a real anwser to those question since it's up to your preference07:47
ubuntu-for-melighta, i know.just a qustion,why i could only read my msg?07:49
hoza man walks into a psychiatrist's office07:52
hozhe tells the doctor "doc i really need your help, i think i'm a deck of cards"07:52
hozthe doctor replies07:52
iceroot!ot | hoz07:53
ubottuhoz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:53
siavoshkcat least you could wait till he finished the joke07:55
somsipsiavoshkc: the doctor can't deal with him right now07:55
siavoshkcThanks :-))))07:56
stephnii used the computer janitor to clear unwanted programs now i can't install any app from software centre "failed to download packages check your internet connection' amd my internet is working fine07:56
lightastephni, did you change your repo source ?07:57
stephnii don't know07:57
lightatry with cli : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update to see what he say07:58
lighta sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:58
lightaanyone familiar with JNative by any chance ?07:59
lorddeltabrjannc: so can I put the same sorts of commands as found in inputrc in bashrc? Or bash_profile? I ask because I apparently don't have an inputrc08:02
lorddeltanot a ~/.inputrc at least08:02
lorddelta/etc/inputrc is there and makes sense though08:02
__n1v3KIs free SSL cert sound safe and secure? >_<08:04
prince_jammyslorddelta: no, create a .inputrc08:06
lorddeltaprince_jammys: ah yeah, yay documenation and me not reading it. Thnx anyhow. X_X08:07
crav_n1v3k: it's secure as any other SSL certificate08:07
brjannclorddelta: you don't have ~/.inputrc by default; if you want to use it, cp /etc/inputrc ~/.inputrc and override/add whatever you like08:08
__n1v3Kcrav: do you know any that offers it free? I tried googling it, but I'm not sure if safe or website design looks scamish/fraudish08:11
brjannc__n1v3K: You can generate your own self-signed certificate, if you're not concerned about SSL's concept of "trust". See here, especially the "Creating a Self-Signed Certificate" section: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/certificates-and-security.html08:13
brjannc__n1v3K: That refers to an old version of ubuntu, but I believe the openssl procedure is still the same08:13
pooltablehelp i do i fix this 1A84EB27DE745DAB4B92DBE1CF2F87C0.mp3?08:21
zzillezzhello, just installed ubuntu 11.10 and install went fine ... but after reboot i'm stuck at "checking battery state"08:21
zzillezzcan anyone help me ?08:21
icerootpooltable: ?08:26
pooltableiceroot it is a song like to know how to fine the real title of it ?08:30
somsippooltable: er...play it?08:31
KaZeR_Whi there08:31
pooltablesosip yes08:32
KaZeR_Wis this the right place to get help with preseed? i can't get it to honor some directive (e.g. do not ask for keyboard configuration)08:32
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* conntrack waves08:41
lorddeltabrjannc: My problem isn't that the keys have been messed up...its that the Alt key no longer is a Meta key in the eyes of readline....though it works inside the actual emacs editor. Esc is the only Meta key, so M-d does still work, I have to use Esc-d not Alt-d...would I have to change my X keyboard map?08:44
damnois it okay to uninstall icoutils?08:55
benonsoftwareShould be08:55
=== Amr0d_ is now known as Amr0d
damnois it okay to uninstall icoutils?08:57
angelcamposIt happens sometimes but does not want to re-download depositfiles08:57
angelcamposin tucan08:57
angelcamposanyone knows that sometimes fails to want to download a file on the toucan08:58
angelcamposanyone knows that sometimes fails to want to download a file on the toucan???08:59
SIQKO 09:00
SIQKOwaiting 4 link09:01
angelcamposanyone knows that sometimes fails to want to download a file on the toucan??09:01
SIQKOcom man send me the link09:01
angelcampos   09:04
FloodBot1angelcampos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
=== joo is now known as Guest96915
=== odin is now known as Guest11479
jjoosshhHello, I did an apt-upgrade on 11.10 and my monitor is no longer detected - just getting "unknown" at 1024x768 - is this a common problem? Not sure where to start as I can't find xorg.conf...09:09
cellardoorI am trying to upgrade to Oneiric, but it botched once, and now that I am continuing the upgrade with a half/half system, it says it can't update to Natty? Here is my /etc/apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/739004/09:09
alumnohola amigos09:09
psycho_oreos!es| alumno09:09
ubottualumno: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:09
alumnofock you !!09:09
alumnoyou fockin mother bich !!09:10
=== Guest11479 is now known as OdinsWrath
alumnome vas a chopar la polla te vas atrgar toda mi leche con colacao09:11
cellardoorNo thanks, I already ate.09:11
alumnote loa  voy a meter asta el fondo asta kitarte odas las plumas ke tienes en tu culo09:11
llutz!ops | alumno bad language etc09:11
ubottualumno bad language etc: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!09:11
alumnoi fock you mother09:11
=== pete is now known as skiwithpete
cellardoorAbout 11 alumno09:12
alumnoyour mother09:12
cellardooralumno, with a chance of hail.09:12
zulunitejjosshh: how I miss xorg.conf for this sort of things!09:12
alumnote voy a mmatet aste ke no me la chupes09:12
llutzcellardoor: don't feed the trolling idiot plse09:12
alumnote voy a asesinar09:12
cellardoorllutz, fair enough ;)09:12
jjoosshhzulunite, oooh, so it is no longer used? That would explain that part of the mystery09:13
jjoosshhThank you09:13
zulunitemaybe you should: 1)generate xorg.conf 2)copy-paste in the right dir09:13
zuluniteI think I found something inside a Fedora forum...09:14
folladortu puta madre me la vas a chupar todos astata tragarte vtopdo09:14
folladormama huevos09:15
folladoras voy a abrir el culo a todos09:15
jjoosshhThanks zulunite, I shall play around with xrandr I think09:16
ndrwcIs it possible to use a LiveCD as a package source for e.g. ubuntu-desktop, or do the packages absolutely need to be downloaded?09:17
ikoniandrwc: it doesn't contain the sources09:17
ikoniandrwc: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package too (just FYI)09:17
zulunitedoes it still work with current kernels?09:18
IledenProblem: My network manager suddlenly can't see my wireless adapter anymore! I did not run any updates. Wlan works with dualboot win7. lspci lists the device correctly. iwconfig says "eth0  no wireless extensions." Tried rebooting, tried toggling wlan support from bios, tried FN-F2 to soft-toggle wlan... Any ideas how to troubleshoot further?09:18
ikoniaTaftse: see if the kernel module for your wirless card is loaded09:19
ndrwcikonia, so any livecd doesn't actually have the packages? how about the alternate cd?09:19
ikoniandrwc: no09:19
ikoniandrwc: they are install methods - nothing more09:19
ndrwcikonia, hmm... so it's impossible to install without an internet connection?09:20
ikoniandrwc: install what ?09:20
Iledenikonia: not very familiar with kernel modules... should lsmod list it?09:20
Taftseikonia, sorry ?09:21
ikoniaIleden: correct09:21
ikoniaTaftse: sorry that was for Ileden09:21
ndrwcikonia, I''ll go back a bit... I have a few VMs I'm playing around with, I'm trying to work out how to convert a "server" install into a "desktop", and hence trying to install the desktop packages from existing isos09:21
Taftseok np09:21
ikoniandrwc: ok - in that case, yes, they do contain the packages (not the source packages as you where asking for)09:21
llutzikonia: at least until maverick the alternate-cd could be used as a repository09:22
ikoniandrwc: put the CD in, and update the /etc/apt/sources.list file to show the CD as a repo (exmple line inthere)09:22
ikoniallutz: yes, I know this, he wasn't asking for a repo at first, he was asking for the "source" files09:22
ndrwcikonia, ok, I meant repo...09:22
llutzikonia: "package source " == repo09:22
ikoniallutz: no it doesn't09:23
ikoniallutz: repo = repo09:23
llutzikonia: hrm09:23
TTiluswhen running ssh foo@bar i get /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 53: Bad configuration option: UseDNS09:23
ikoniaTaftse: disable that option then09:23
llutzikonia: thats why you define repos in your "sources.list", eh? ;) nvm09:23
ikoniaTaftse: you've changed the ssh_config file09:23
Iledenikonia: right... it's not listed. Thanks! I'll continue troubleshooting the problem!09:23
Raptor_1Hello Ocelots :D09:24
Iledenikonia: modprobing the driver back on fixed it. thanks for the pointer! wonder why it's not activated at boot time, but I'll look into that and be back if I can't figure it out.09:25
ikoniaIleden: look in the syslog, see if it saw the hardware at boot time (if not, that's why it didn't load it) if so, imay show an error to why it tried to load it and failed09:26
ndrwcikonia, ok, I've added the cdrom/disabled the online repos and can get some packages (e.g. everything for ubuntu-desktop) from the alternate cd.09:27
llutzndrwc: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:28
ndrwcllutz, yep, running it now09:28
ndrwcok, will grab the relevant ISOs at work tomorrow :)09:29
avernosi want to create a user that is able to use ssh -D but nothing else. no /home, no read write or execute permissions, how can i do that?09:32
mohsinhijazeedragonriver: hi09:33
dragonriverwhat is this?09:34
ikoniaavernos: that's not going to happen very easy09:34
dragonrivernever used it beforr.09:34
rhizmoeis quadrapassel the best tetris?09:37
* conntrack melts09:38
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avernosikonia, what about lowering the perms of that user, so user cant do much things.. how can i do that?09:39
ikoniaavernos: it's not going to happen very easy09:40
ikoniaavernos: you'd have to look at chrooting that user to do something like that09:40
avernosthanks ikonia09:41
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KHendrikGood morning folks09:45
VictorCLhi , I am having trouble inzipping a .rar that has 2 .mdb files inside09:46
VictorCLit says that it has extracted them correctly , they it doestn actually do nothing09:46
VictorCLno error no nothing09:46
KHendrikhas ayone here used ultimatebootdisk ord western digitals life guard from usb drive before?09:47
szalVictorCL: define 'it'09:47
VictorCLwhat do you mean by define 'it' ¿09:47
KHendrikwhich programm09:47
KHendrik= it09:47
szal[10:46:52] <VictorCL> _it_ says that _it_ has extracted them correctly , they _it_ doestn actually do nothing09:48
SachinDeyCan anyone tell me how to copy a file multiple time using command line09:48
VictorCLI am unzipping with file roller 2.32.209:48
trupheenixanyone help me here? my /boot partition is full. how do i empty it?09:48
KHendrikVictorCL, try unrar works a lot better for me09:48
szaltrupheenix: you don't, because if you _empty_ it, you won't be able to boot any more09:49
VictorCLmm unrar said = failed09:49
szaltrupheenix: try removing old kernels09:49
szalVictorCL: more precise please09:50
SachinDeytrupheenix: can you give a little details of what has happened09:50
trupheenixszal, ok so what am i looking at getting rid of exactly?09:50
VictorCLthat's only "extracting file.mdb failed"09:50
szalVictorCL: unrar -v archive.rar09:51
szalfor more output09:51
szaland if that doesn't cut it, you can increase verbosity by adding more v's09:52
KHendrikI would have thought its                    unrar -e archive.rar (not for more info but for e = extract)09:52
VictorCLnot just "failed"09:53
VictorCLnot much info09:53
llutzVictorCL: unrar x -p foo.rar09:53
szalKHendrik: well, unrar does nothing but extract, so the -e option is superfluous, I'd think09:53
trupheenixSachinDey I need to clear my /boot09:53
szalor x, for that matter09:53
KHendrikszal, you could be right I just always add it I just use it very seldomly09:54
llutzszal: man unrar: "After  the program name comes a command and then optional switches with dashes before them"09:54
VictorCLasks me for a password09:54
szalVictorCL: there you have it09:54
KHendrikok but back to what I#m here for how to create a bootable usb of ultimatebootdisk or western digital data life guard.09:55
szalVictorCL: either ask the person who created the archive for the pwd, or don't download stuff from susceptible sources ;)09:55
VictorCLso it was password protected?09:55
KHendrikyesterday i had to aboard my ubuntu server installation after 5 hours I guess one hard drive is defect09:56
VictorCLit could say that instead of "failed" ¬¬09:56
szalKHendrik: the scope of this support channel does not cover 3rd-party tools09:57
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KHendrikszal, hmm ok was just hoping to get some info here because my server is failing with the ubuntu installation09:59
szalKHendrik: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/install-and-boot-ultimate-boot-cd-ubcd-from-a-usb-device/10:01
szalKHendrik: strengthen your google-fu you must ;)10:01
ct529hi everybody. Does anyone know abot the number system for the ubuntu kernel?10:03
ikoniact529: what about it10:05
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* szal hasn't seen one10:17
smileyscoutim just going to leave this here http://pigux.com/ubunchu/ep1/ubunchu01_english_rtl.pdf10:23
ct529ikonia: I am on natty, I wanted to udnerstand whether I could compile kernel 3.x for it10:24
ct529ikonia: also, does it follow the numbering of the officla kernal repository?10:24
ikoniact529: why do you want to do that ?10:24
ikoniact529: the kernel version numbers are a mirror of the kernel base version numbers10:24
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mohsinhijazeeI want to give web interface to the /etc/apache2/mods-available/wsgi.load by showing listed apps, deleting/adding/modifying existing ones10:26
mohsinhijazeeBut /etc/apache2/mods-available/wsgi.load can only be edited by the root.10:26
ikoniachange the permissions (at your own risk)10:27
mohsinhijazeeWhat would be the safest route to alter that file via code (read PHP)? Give 777 to the file, or give apache user access to that file?10:27
ikoniamohsinhijazee: 777 really??? that's a massive security disk.10:27
ikoniamohsinhijazee: how about change the owner, or as you said, give apache access to that file as it's a no shell acount anyway10:28
mohsinhijazeeikonia: yeah that I realize that's why asking what you think would be the safest.10:28
mohsinhijazeeikonia: I want to do a very simple web based interface or may be a PyGTK widget that lets users easily manage cront jobs, loaded python apps etc.10:28
phlak_userikonia: like webmin?10:32
ikoniaphlak_user: what ?10:32
mohsinhijazeeikonia: yes like that. let me try that too if it works10:32
phlak_userikonia: oops that was for mohsinhijazee10:32
mohsinhijazeeikonia: but I need to handle the wsgi configurations10:33
phlak_userikonia: sorry10:33
* phlak_user just discovered a way to run chatzilla without firefox by using xulrunner10:33
bakhtiyorhi everybody10:34
CharminTheMooseWhat are the benefits of using a specific driver for an integrated graphics card (let's say i915) over just using xvesa? Not as if you'd need hardware acceleration with that kinda card10:35
paijohi bakhtiyor10:35
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: one is generic, one is chipset specific10:35
ikoniaCharminTheMoose: performance,stability etc10:35
BluesKajHi all10:37
paijohi BluesKaj10:38
Shogoothey people. any of you experienced with tortoise svn?10:40
ikoniathat's a windows client normally10:40
icerootShogoot: wrong channel10:41
Shogootwell dear boot theers no tortoise channel10:41
Shogoot:) but my repo is on a ubuntu server10:41
ikoniaShogoot: try ##windows as its normally a windows client10:41
ct529ikonia: I am just experimenting with increasing the performance of the computers we use for running models10:41
icerootShogoot: doesnt matter where your repo is10:41
ikoniaShogoot: also be aware of #subversion10:41
icerootShogoot: its a windows-software10:41
ct529ikonia: noticed a good increase by compiling the packages with -O3 -march=native10:42
ikonianha: you'll also notice problems with -O3 on a kernel10:42
ikoniact529: ^10:42
ikoniact529: also copmiling your own kernel against the ubuntu built kenrels is not a fair comparison due to patches, and stability intergration, you are risking the stability of your system10:43
aertyuion my log i got something10:45
paijowhat the log ?10:47
phlak_user!es| drujbatu10:51
ubottudrujbatu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:51
aertyuiapache not runing10:53
aertyuiis it possible to grep just that log ?10:54
dhruvasagarHi, can someone help me setting up a lxc container on ubuntu !?10:54
icerootaertyui: can you write in one line what your issue/question is?10:54
aertyuiwell i10:54
phlak_userdhruvasagar: whats an lxc container10:55
icerootaertyui: one line :)10:55
dhruvasagarphlak_user: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LXC10:55
llutzaertyui: sudo grep pattern /var/log/whatever.log10:55
aertyuiwell i got a log when i do dmesg10:56
aertyuisomething like apache not runing every 10 min , my question is how to grep just only that message  ?10:56
phlak_usergrep 'apache not running' /var/log/syslog10:56
icerootaertyui: dmesg | grep foobar10:56
aertyuidmesg | grep foobar this one not working10:57
icerootaertyui: replace foobar of course10:57
aertyuiyes of course replacing foobar by apache10:57
aertyuinot greping10:57
anli_Is there a way to protect my ears from someone creating a youtube clip using their own understanding about what a good volume level is, using ubuntu sound settings?10:57
icerootaertyui: then there is no "apache" in dmesg10:57
icerootaertyui: you can also try "dmesg | grep -i apache"10:58
llutzi wonder why the kernel should log anything apache related...10:58
anli_I wonder why the kernel should log anything11:00
icerootanli_: to give usefull infos11:00
phlak_useranli_: didnt you just say this -> aertyui>something like apache not runing every 10 min , my question is how to grep just only that message ?11:00
llutziceroot: but apache isn't something being logged in kernel ring buffer at all11:00
* phlak_user arrgh11:00
icerootllutz: of course its not11:00
icerootllutz: but he said "how to grep in dmesg"11:01
llutziceroot: he said a lot weird stuff..11:01
anli_No, I did not say that11:01
icerootllutz: yes11:01
phlak_useranli_: sorry not you ; aertyui11:02
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hje841any idea on how to get gtk+2.0 in oneiric?11:04
azihm.. what is the best way to resize a ubuntu parition ?11:04
proxx  live cd >> Gparted11:05
paijoazi: you can live cd11:05
MonkeyDustwhat's wrong with the Floodbots?11:05
Guest35148I'm using 11.10.  I want to change my uid from 1000 to 501.  Is that easily done?11:05
aziproxx: gparted is some GUI Stuff?11:06
MonkeyDustproxx: yes11:06
proxxyeah and its good11:06
MonkeyDustsorry, wrong nick11:06
proxxbest partitioner ive seen in years :)11:06
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malicehi a question, i m total noob and i got an error: disconnected from plymouth when i start ubuntu11:08
szalmalice: does it otherwise start normally?11:08
maliceszal mhm i dont get the login window, had to press alt ctrl f2 to be able to login11:09
maliceszal i googled a bit, and now i guess it is something about my nvidia drivers11:10
marwyis there a way to set permanently for example brightness in gnome-player?11:10
maliceszal problem is, i dont know how to reinstall them from terminal11:11
szalmalice: how did you install them in the 1st place?11:11
maliceszal via desktop11:11
szaldefine 'via desktop'11:12
jan247hi. if i have a linux set-up at ec2, and i want to mount some dev project locally. what would be best? sshfs? ifs? others?11:12
maliceszal mhm i mean, with this windows and stuff :) - right now i only was able to get into terminal, no desktop enviroment11:12
szal!pm | malice11:13
ubottumalice: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:13
Guest35148in 11.10, when I type su and type my password, I'm getting su: Authentication failure.  Yet my password works in the GUI.  What's the matter?11:14
MonkeyDustGuest35148: type sudo, not su11:14
szal*sigh* when will people learn it..11:14
SwedeMikeGuest35148: use "sudo -i" instead.11:15
SwedeMikeGuest35148: "su" requires root password.11:15
maliceszal but can i speak german here?11:15
maliceszal much easier for me to explain my problem11:15
MonkeyDustSwedeMike: advising sudo -i is 'not done' in this channel11:15
szal!de | malice11:15
Pumpkin-it is almost tempting to make "su" print some random help text.11:15
ubottumalice: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:15
maliceszal last time i used ubuntu, i connected a 2nd monitor via analog. for this i saved a config or something in nvidia x drivers11:16
SwedeMikeMonkeyDust: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo seems to disagree with you.11:16
maliceszal next time i started ubuntu, it interrupted starting at the following 2 lines11:17
maliceszal gnome desktop manager11:17
MonkeyDustSwedeMike: n00bs can do too many wrong, that's why11:17
maliceszal mountall: disconnected from plymouth11:17
MonkeyDustmany things*11:17
malicenow i googled and found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160276711:17
Guest35148dumb question now: How do I chown or chmod a file so that everyone can use it?11:17
MonkeyDustGuest35148: chown 77711:17
thenightflysudo chmod 077711:17
maliceszal now i googled and found this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160276711:17
bastidrazorMonkeyDust: sudo -i is the proper way to get a root prompt. it is advised11:18
SwedeMikeGuest35148: sudo chmod ag+w <filename>11:18
maliceszal but somehow i cant follow the introductions11:18
MonkeyDustyes, but the root prompt is dangerous for n00bs11:18
maliceszal i dont know where to find etc/x11 folder11:18
SwedeMikeMonkeyDust: you say sudo -i is discouraged and you recommend using numbers instead of flags for chmod. Weird strategy.11:18
bastidrazorMonkeyDust: n00bs is not used in this channel.11:18
maliceszal so i tried to skip this and tried sudo nvidia-installer --uninstall, but also this didnt worked and ubuntu told me command not found11:19
SyriaHello, please tell me how to install Apache, mysql5, phpmyadmin and php5 in one command!11:19
bastidrazorSyria: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP11:19
zxiestHello :-)11:21
Syriabastidrazor:  I want to do this in one command only please.11:21
sagarchaliseSyria, sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 phpmyadmin11:21
Syriasagarchalise:  Thank you.11:21
Syriabastidrazor:  Thanks.11:21
zxiestLet's say I have /dev/sde /email in my fstab, would mount /email/postfix /etc/postfix work?11:22
bastidrazorzxiest: you would not need to mount it.. symlink the directories. ln -s /email/postfix /etc/postfix   ..but /etc/postfix must be empty directory prior to this11:24
lucianis there a way to get ubuntu one to sync individual files? i want to get part of my dotfiles in it11:24
andycclucian: symlinks?11:25
psycho_oreosI think he meant hidden files11:25
psycho_oreoserr hidden files and directories11:25
lucianandycc: i'm not sure how that'd work for 2 machines. also, i can get dotfolders synced just fine, i'd rather be able to just choose files as well11:25
andycclucian: you can move the dotfiles to ubuntu one's folder, then symlink them from there to ~11:26
zxiestbastidrazor must be empty or else it wouldn't work? or must be empty or else it gets overriden?11:26
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lucianandycc: hmm. would it work the other way around? also, i'd rather not have the asymmetry  between .emacs and .emacs.d11:27
rootuser777whats the best package for webcam recording for ocelot?11:27
MonkeyDustrootuser777: there's cheese11:28
rootuser777MonkeyDust:tnx ill try it out11:28
rootuser777xvidcap failed on me11:29
andycclucian: what do you mean by "the other way around"? symlink from ~ to ubuntu one? why not try it?11:29
lucianandycc: ok, i'll try it11:29
bastidrazorzxiest: i believe it would create a link but not allow you to use it.11:29
aertyuihow to tail with this command ?11:32
aertyuigrep 'ACPI' /var/log/message11:32
zxiestbastidrazor cool, thanks man :-)11:33
bastidrazoraertyui: tail -f /var/log/message | grep -i acpi   ? just a guess11:34
bastidrazorzxiest: you're welcome. good luck.11:34
p4ninoI've created a bootable USB pen drive with Ubuntu 11.10. I would use it as "Live Mode" ( without any installation on HD)11:40
p4ninobut the "Try Ubuntu" option in GRUB menu is not displayed11:40
p4ninoI'm able to see just "INSTALL Ubuntu"11:41
p4ninoany idea?11:41
RaTTuS|BIGp4nino how did you create the Stick11:41
p4ninoI've used "Startup Disk Creator" present on Ubuntu 11.0411:42
p4ninofollowing the steps described on ubuntu.com site11:42
StavaWhy does ubuntu/unity hang each time i attempt a drag-and-drop operation?11:43
RaTTuS|BIGp4nino umm if you just let it boot does it not come to a dsektop screen anyway?11:43
aertyuinot working11:44
aertyuiis it possible to do samething with dmesg ?11:44
zxiestbastidrazor thanks :-)11:44
p4ninoRaTTuS|BIG   no... I've tried to follow "INSTALL Ubuntu"   and at the end I've reached the Disk Partition wizard and the system suggest to erase the content of my first hardisk to install Ubuntu11:46
RaTTuS|BIGp4nino yeah it will from an install option .,.. umm I'm not sure what to suggest sorry11:47
ct529ikonia: mmmm .... I am patching the kernel same as ubuntu though11:47
p4ninoRaTTuS|BIG  thanks anyway!11:48
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zxiestDisk /dev/xvdf doesn't contain a valid partition table ... Does this mean the partition table is corrupt and format is needed?11:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:49
himitsuhow can i add a new drive? ubuntu can't find one of my hard drives.11:50
zxiesthimitsu you need to mount it.11:50
zxiesthimitsu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:50
himitsuit's not in /dev/disks11:50
zxiesthimitsu in order to know which drive isn't mounted, do fdisk -l11:51
lucadear friends, I'm building a site about nanotech I'm using altervista what do you think of it? http://filibertobiolca.altervista.org/11:51
lucaI'd like to know your opinion11:51
himitsuzxiest: fdisk can't find it either11:52
andygraybealseems security.ubuntu.com is down11:52
mtuheyas. how come the firefox-stable PPA hasn't published FF8 yet?11:52
dimmguyz! what actions i can do via port 111 on ubutnu ?11:52
zxiestluca I don't understand Italian, sorry =)11:52
zxiesthimitsu have you tried disconnecting/reconnecting the drive?11:52
RaTTuS|BIGhimitsu if sudo fdisk -l cannot see it then you have other problems11:52
himitsuRaTTuS|BIG what would you suggest if that doesn't list it?11:53
lucazxiest: Do you think I should write it in english? Or double version italian-english?11:53
lucazxiest: I'd like to know your opinion about coulors and structure of that website I'm studying php to improve it11:54
himitsu[14:53] <himitsu> zxiest, RaTTuS|BIG: what would you suggest if that doesn't list it?11:55
zxiesthimitsu eject, replug device11:56
RaTTuS|BIGhimitsu - plug it in in anoher USB slot or sata slot - is it a usb or other device11:56
himitsuit's an internal hard drive11:57
RaTTuS|BIGhimitsu - make sure the bios can see it11:57
himitsuok will try that11:57
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AdvoWorkis there a way to password protect a folder, so it asks for the password each time you go/open it?12:04
rumpelAdvoWork, use an encrypted container/partition or set permissions (which wouldn't protect against users with root-permissions)12:07
VictorCLis there a keyboard command that would make lowercase text?12:08
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jribVictorCL: in what context?12:09
crizzycaps lock!12:09
jribVictorCL: what do you mean by "make lowercase text"? Do you mean, to disable caps lock?12:10
VictorCLno like , if I write text in uppercase .. select the text and make it lowercase  ,, in any place12:11
VictorCLis there keyboard shortcut for this?12:11
szalVictorCL: still, in what context?12:11
tarelerulzI had exteral hard drive not work.   it worked at for a bit on windows 7 64 bit and it stopped working. It did not work on Ubuntu 10.10 at all.  Any ideas ?12:11
VictorCLany where , on ubuntu , global context12:12
VictorCLI know that some software come with that option12:12
VictorCLlike editors12:12
VictorCLlike  I WRITE THIS ON UPPERCASE ..UPS <-- select this text ctrl+l  (for example) ..and make it lowercase :D12:13
crizzyi doubt there is12:13
VictorCLmm would be handy12:13
pvh_sahey there i've got a couple of ubuntu 10.04 machines with the same problem: network manager replaces their /etc/resolv.conf with an empty file (thus they lose all dns servers). anyone seen this, know what to do12:14
crizzyi'm sure it would be possible to script one, though12:14
VictorCLis there a big difference between 11.04 and 11.10 ¿12:14
VictorCLshould I upgrade¿12:14
crizzythere is12:14
crizzynamely gnoem312:14
szalpvh_sa: if you don't need the NM for network roaming or whatever, set those machines to ifup12:14
compdocits not gnome3 - its unity12:15
phoobarUnity is also in 11.0412:15
compdocVictorCL, both are fine operating systems12:15
crizzyVictorCL: i would actually recommend waiting for 12.04, gnome3 is still missing a lot of old configuration options12:15
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crizzycompdoc: unity is just a shell, 11.10 does have all the gnome3 softies12:15
compdocstill, its not Gnome312:15
crizzyVictorCL: configuration tools are a big mess, you can't even change fonts without "tweak tools"12:16
crizzythat's how bad it is12:16
VictorCLI read somewhere some linux mint getting popular12:17
AdvoWorkhi there. if im doing: du -csh *  is there any way I can do that with the biggest at the top?12:17
jribVictorCL: you could probably hack something together, but if you think it would be a useful feature maybe submit a patch to gtk12:17
pvh_saszal, sure, how do i get rid of NM? or disable it rather? remove links in /etc/rc.X ?12:18
VictorCLjrib yes well I just though maybe it already existed and I was wasting my fingeres deleting stuff and writing them back when there was already a command for this12:18
crizzyVictorCL: better fix. take screwdriver, rip off your caps lock key12:18
VictorCL:) maybe12:19
* szal has no idea how to do that w/ anything other than KDE; the KDE Control Center has a module for network administration12:19
szalother than that, it's a set-once-and-forget-about-it setting12:20
inzAdvoWork, | sort -hr12:20
StavaIf I get a "kernel BUG at /build/..." in dmesg, am I supposed to submit that somewhere?12:20
TheFuzzball_workDoes anyone know how to find a monitor's model number with Ubuntu?12:21
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zxiestcommand for symlink?12:24
MonkeyDustln -s12:25
crizzyzxiest: ln -S12:25
BrightyHey all, Is someone able to give me a hand with a touchpad issue12:25
crizzy<file> <targetsymlink>12:25
nyuszika7hHi, is it possible to block ICMP with UFW?12:26
nyuszika7hIts manual page doesn't mention it, so for now, I added an iptables rule manually.12:26
kamilnadeemhas any body got an firefox 8.0 update in ubuntu 11.10?12:28
zxiestcrizzy thanks :-)12:29
BrightyHi all, Is someone able to give me a hand with a touchpad issue on 10.4 or sort out a display issue on 11.10?12:30
icerootBrighty: just ask your detailed question in this channel12:30
phoobarkamilnadeem: Mozilla has ;-)12:31
Guest89860hi. I'm looking for the config file where I can define a custom command that is run after a package install12:31
kamilnadeemphoobar: O.o Now sometimes I wish people don't try to be wise.12:32
icerootGuest89860: debian/postinst12:32
icerootGuest89860: inside the package12:32
kamilnadeemWhy are the updates of UBuntu coming so slow?12:32
Guest89860not inside a package12:32
icerootkamilnadeem: its not slow12:32
YerushalmiHey folks. I have this problem where every so often, when something tries to play a sound, the sound icon in the upper bar disappears and then reappears at full volume - which is very annoying when I have things muted because I'm in class or whatever. Can anybody help me with this? I've pasted the relevant output of tail -f /var/log/syslog to here: http://pastebin.com/dmw67VzY12:32
icerootkamilnadeem: there are just no major-updates inside a stable-release12:32
kamilnadeemOK, thats what I though12:33
WLUany way to annotate okular from the command line through a line number I want to highlight a particular line> I know this is not ubuntu but just trying to see if someone knows12:33
icerootGuest89860: sudo apt-get install foo && command-after-a-successfull-installation12:33
Guest89860iceroot: I want a script to be run after a certain package has been installed12:33
Guest89860iceroot: this does not help me if the package is update automatically with unattended-updates12:33
szalWLU: if it's not *buntu, then this is not the place to ask.  Period.12:33
kamilnadeemTake care every one.12:33
Guest89860I know there is a way to define this, but I can't recall the file12:33
icerootGuest89860: and is has to be done for every package-installation? or only specific packages?12:34
BrightyThanks iceroot, ok, on 10.4 ubuntu wont detect my touchpad. If i do a lsusb or lspi it dosnt show. its a Synaptics touchpad on a new laptop. On 11.10 it detects but then im having a display issue where my display flickers like a strobe light. on 11.10 i have loaded the non-free drivers although that gives a "device not found" error after a reboot, i have also tried the latest 11.10 catalyst12:34
Brighty(current is 11.9)... so im a little stuck either way12:34
Guest89860iceroot: only for xulrunner-* packages, cause couchdb (which uses xulrunner) produces gigabytes of logfiles if a special file is not present which contains the xulrunner version12:35
icerootGuest89860: sounds like creating a bug would be better12:35
Guest89860iceroot: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9.2/+bug/557275. And I can't wait till months until a fix landed12:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557275 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "xulrunner + dynamic linker run-time bindings" [Wishlist,Won't fix]12:36
icerootGuest89860: maybe als have a look at dpkg --post-invoke=command  maybe you can script something with it12:37
zxiestsymlinks go away on system reboot?12:37
Brightyi will add the catalyst 11.10 did detect it just didnt fix the issue12:37
phoobarBrighty: Touchpad shows up on lsusb/lspci in 11.10 ?12:37
Snicksiezxiest, they shouldnt ;)12:38
icerootGuest89860: the bug will never be fixed as it is "wont fix" seems like you have created a symlink (like the bug-report said)12:38
Brightyyep, it works fine on 11.10 and showes on lsusb12:38
icerootzxiest: no12:38
zxiestSnicksie cool =) just making sure12:38
zxiestso when I create a symlink it goes in /etc/fstab ?12:38
icerootzxiest: no12:38
icerootzxiest: its stored directly on the filesystem12:39
zxiesticeroot then?12:39
Guest89860iceroot: I did _not_ create a symlink. Creating that file is a workaround which can be found on the official apache website: http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Installing_on_Ubuntu12:39
zxiesticeroot I see...12:39
zxiesticeroot what if i have something in my fstab. would it override it?12:39
icerootGuest89860: but if you didnt change something on your system you should comment that on the bug12:39
zxiestThe reason i'm asking is because i have these couple of lines..12:39
icerootzxiest: fstab has nothing to do with symlinks12:39
icerootzxiest: fstab is for mounting partitions12:40
zxiest/dev/sdve /email xfs noatime,nobootwait 0 012:40
zxiest/email/postfix /etc/postfix none bind12:40
icerootzxiest: which is some different then a symlink12:40
icerootzxiest: that are mounts not symlinks12:40
Guest89860iceroot: as I said, I need a solution now. I really edited such a "global post install" file, but I can't recall the filename12:40
zxiest/email/postfix is a mount?12:40
zxiestin this case?12:40
icerootzxiest: use ln -l /foo /bar12:41
icerootzxiest: a sorry that is hardlink12:41
icerootzxiest: ln -s /foo /bar12:41
icerootzxiest: see also "man ln"12:41
YerushalmiHey folks. I have this problem where every so often, when something tries to play a sound, the sound icon in the upper bar disappears and then reappears at full volume - which is very annoying when I have things muted because I'm in class or whatever. Can anybody help me with this? I've pasted the relevant output of tail -f /var/log/syslog to here: http://pastebin.com/dmw67VzY12:42
zxiesticeroot cool thanks =)12:42
zxiesthow can I list symlinks?12:43
BrightyDo you know if there be a .deb packatge that i can install in ubuntu 10.4 to get my Synaptics touchpad up and running? there must be an updated package that 10.4 dosnt have??12:44
Guest89860iceroot: can you tell me the location of that file, please?12:44
icerootzxiest: ls -l12:45
icerootGuest89860: i am not sure which file you mean12:45
Guest89860iceroot: there is a file which you can define commands that should be run after a package has been installed12:45
hubxhi there, I connected to a smb share via nautilus. Can I find the mount point somewhere. I want use rsync to transfer files. The built-in algorithm seems crapy12:45
Guest89860s/which/in which/12:45
icerootGuest89860: i only know debian/postinst  sorry12:45
iceroothubx: df -h is showing it e.g.12:46
hubxiceroot, nope it doesn't12:46
iceroothubx: ah nautilus was using this gvfs thing (imo)12:46
hubxiceroot, yeah right it is in ~/.gvfs/ , thanks :)12:47
iceroothubx: nice :)12:47
david__alguien me puede ayudar??12:47
MonkeyDust!es| david__12:48
ubottudavid__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:48
Brightyhas anyone had issue with the Synaptics touchpad not detecting? or know if there is a package or file to edit etc to fix this on 10.4???? or if there is a knowen issue with 11.10 and flickering displays???12:49
Brightyalso if i run "egrep -i 'synap|alps|etps' /proc/bus/input/devices" nothing appears. Apparently it should display the touchpad attached to the system..12:52
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compdocneed money?12:53
compdocfirst aid?12:53
YerushalmiHey folks. I have this problem where every so often, when something tries to play a sound, the sound icon in the upper bar disappears and then reappears at full volume - which is very annoying when I have things muted because I'm in class or whatever. Can anybody help me with this? I've pasted the relevant output of tail -f /var/log/syslog to here: http://pastebin.com/dmw67VzY12:53
Guest28205ah...sorry, trying to get \/help here12:54
BluesKajGuest28205, whynot just ask your question12:54
Guest28205Thank you, BlueKaj, I'm actually using IRC the first time.  And I was trying to use '/help' to get some macro commands on irssi. :)12:56
someuser123hello, i am having a problem with my laptop that has 2 VGA cards, intel and nvidia. when i install restricted drivers the pc will not get into unity12:57
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proxxsomeuser123: oke but you have the fallbackmode/classic ?12:59
someuser123i had the problem on my previous installation, right now on a fresh one12:59
proxxsomeuser123: can you give me an " lspci | grep VGA " ?13:00
someuser123both intel and nvidia pop13:00
ActionParsnipsomeuser123: so a hybrid vga adapter?13:00
proxxsomeuser123: plz post the the output13:01
proxxsomeuser123; i think i know the solution, just need 2 be sure13:01
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Brightysurly someone must some ideas!!! please13:02
ActionParsnipBrighty: what is the issue?13:02
szal!patience | Brighty13:03
ubottuBrighty: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:03
someuser123proxx: http://pastebin.com/vXVTW3uC13:03
moop_the_reckonehow well supported are direct cigital synthesis devices supported in ubuntu?13:03
compdocBrighty, its a bit early yet - only 6am13:03
moop_the_reckonecan i just wire the power and serial to a usb and transmit?13:03
ActionParsnipmoop_the_reckone: depends on the device really, some I imagine will be ok13:04
Brightyi have gone through the forums and put up a post yesterday but no reply13:04
ActionParsnipBrighty: what is the issue please, maybe I can advise13:04
proxxsomeuser123 : you have a new laptop right ?13:04
moop_the_reckoneActionParsnip, which do you know are supported?13:04
someuser123yes, Dell one13:04
proxxsomeuser123; check out the ironhide project, search on google , and your a happy man with working graphics i promise :)13:04
ActionParsnipmoop_the_reckone: not sure, you could contact the manufacturer13:04
aertyuii got 3 machines13:05
BrightyOn 10.4 ubuntu wont detect my touchpad. If i do a lsusb or lspi it dosnt show. its a Synaptics touchpad on a new laptop. On 11.10 it detects but then im having a display issue where my display flickers like a strobe light. on 11.10 i have loaded the non-free drivers although that gives a "device not found" error after a reboot, i have also tried the latest 11.10 catalyst (current is 11.9)...13:05
Brightyso im a little stuck either way13:05
ActionParsnipBrighty: what make and model system?13:05
aertyuii got 3 machines, i ssh on all tree machines how to run command ls on each machine at same time and output the content in one thing ?13:06
proxxaertyui there is a tool for that, search software centre13:07
ActionParsnipaertyui: http://bashcurescancer.com/run_remote_commands_with_ssh.html13:07
Brighty@ActionParsnip its a sony vaio VPCYB36KG it has a ATI HD6320 videocard and a Synaptics touchpad13:07
llutz_aertyui: look at multissh13:07
Guest89860iceroot: fyi, it's /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf13:07
ActionParsnipBrighty: for the touchpad add the bootoption:  i8024.nopnp   can help dumb Sony touchpads13:07
llutz_aertyui: "output the content in one thing " all outputs mixed in one terminal? i doubt you want that13:08
ActionParsnipBrighty: if it doesn't help, try:  i8024.reset13:08
ActionParsnipBrighty: Sony touchpads often need extra boot options to work13:08
Brightyhow do i add to the boot option? by tabbing the grub boot?13:08
aertyuicorrect llutz_13:08
aertyuiaertyui: "output the content in one thing " all outputs mixed in one terminal? i doubt you want that13:08
aertyuiall in one13:09
ActionParsnipaertyui: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/execute-commands-simultaneously-on-multiple-servers-using-psshcluster-sshmultixterm.html13:09
YerushalmiHey folks. I have this problem where every so often, when something tries to play a sound, the sound icon in the upper bar disappears and then reappears at full volume - which is very annoying when I have things muted because I'm in class or whatever. Can anybody help me with this? I've pasted the relevant output of tail -f /var/log/syslog to here: http://pastebin.com/dmw67VzY13:09
zxiestSo i have directory /var/postfix/postfix .. I would like to move the content of the inner postfix to the parent postfix. How can I do that?13:09
mfaroukgis here support for ubuntu 11.04?13:09
someuser123proxx: so installing ironhide should solve this?13:09
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: yes13:10
mfaroukgActionParsnip, Thanks13:10
llutz_zxiest: mv /var/postfix/postfix/* /var/postfix/13:10
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh13:10
chrootThe enterprise network runs on a class “C” private network –13:10
Brighty@ActionParsnip - do i add that by tabbing the brub boot menu?13:10
zxiestllutz cool thanks :-)13:10
ActionParsnipmfaroukg: np, all I did was search the web13:11
proxxsomeuser123: yes it will :)13:11
chroothi , what is that mean?13:11
proxxsomeuser123: use the PPA :)13:11
chroota class "C" private network13:11
ActionParsnipBrighty: you can add it in the quotes with: quiet splash  in /etc/default/grub   then run:  sudo update-grub13:11
Brightyno problams, thanks i will give it a go13:11
YerushalmiActionParsnip: It's asking me Automatically upload ALSA information to www.alsa-project.org? [y/N] :13:12
mfaroukgI have natty, the vpn is not working and gives me service is not starting, does any one have advice ?13:12
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: select yes and a URL will be generated13:12
llutz_chroot: see wikipedia for classful_network13:12
chrootllutz, thanks.13:12
llutz_chroot: and remember, its dead13:13
chrootwhat do you mean  " dead"?13:13
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Got it. http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5ee51bb53986f9a0da3ea4e078672b6ee1e7ff2c13:13
llutz_chroot: it isn't used anymore since ages. use CIDR now13:13
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: sweet, let me see13:13
someuser123proxx: PPA u mean add the software source right? then install through apt-get?13:14
proxxsomeuser123: you are dead on :)13:14
chrootoh, i know, but i will use lan , and i may need it.13:14
proxxsomeuser123: dont forget to "apt-get update"13:14
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1593623&page=2 may help13:14
llutz_chroot: see wikipedia for classful_network   and cidr for explanation. in yur case it's just a different naming13:15
YerushalmiActionParsnip: *clicky*13:15
someuser123proxx: installing as we speak :)13:15
chrootllutz, ok , i am working on it.13:15
mfaroukgis there a problem between the 64-bit and the vpn connection ??13:15
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: also may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165539413:16
proxxsomeuser123: there you go :) Good luck , it works like a charm on my pc . you should be good13:16
aertyuiActionParsnip:  I m not talking about cluster ssh13:17
aertyuior some third part application13:17
aertyuii simply finding a solution w/o installing any particular application13:18
chrootllutz, i read the link13:18
chrootThe enterprise network runs on a class “C” private network –13:18
aertyuii need something like ls ssh root@machine1.com ssh root@machine2.com ssh root@machine3.com with all output in one terminal13:19
aertyuipossible ?13:19
chrootis  a "c" private network?13:19
RaTTuS|BIG192.168.x.x is all private13:20
llutz_chroot: historical seen, 192.x isi13:20
chrootand can i use  as a private network13:20
proxxaertyui: search sotfware centre, and multiple ppl awnsered your question already13:20
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Okay, wow, I just installed gnome-alsamixer and, when I tried to run it, I got an explosion of errors followed by a segfault.13:20
llutz_chroot: oyu can used whatever you want13:20
hummBRola.. algum brasileiro ai???13:20
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:21
chrootllutz, ok , i got it . thanks for help me .13:21
llutz_chroot: forget about classes, just use any private IP-range and define your ip/netmask13:21
mfaroukgany one know the VPN works?13:22
psypher246hi all, I am a bit confused as to how ask ubuntu works. I have only ever asked one question which no-one responded to and now I am trying to answer someone else question and Ive been told I'm banned? I read the FAQ on why that happens and I don't see how my involvement ould have gotten me banned??13:23
somsip_psypher246: bring that up in #ubuntu-ops. If you want to help people or ask for support yourself, just do so13:23
psypher246somsip_: thanks13:24
magnetronhi, what's the most ubunty way of installing the android SDK?13:24
lucianmagentar: put it in ~/.local13:24
llutz_magnetron: get the sdk, install either in your $HOME or systemwide in /opt13:24
magnetronllutz_: not /usr/local?13:25
llutz_magnetron: since it doesn't have a structure like etc/bin/share/lib, i wouldn't do it but you might. as you want13:25
lucianmagentar: ~/.local is for your user only13:25
llutz_lucian: whole ~ is for your user only13:28
lucianllutz_: well, duh.13:30
llutz_lucian: and using a hidden dir might drive some guys into some trouble13:31
psypher246somsip_: FYI #ubuntu-opsnot the right place to ask13:31
madalinAnybody can tell me how i could redirect requests from IP a (port 80) to port 3128 ? I'm trying to redirect ports to squid for only one IP..13:32
ActionParsnipmadalin: do you use a router?13:32
proxxmadalin user with IPTABLES you can do that13:33
madalinActionParsnip: yep, i do use a router. I just cant figure out how to redirect traffic requests on port 80 to my gw on port 3128 with iptables. I dont want to redirect the WHOLE eth, and so..13:33
lucianllutz_: ~/.local is the standard place to put stuff like that13:34
ActionParsnipmadalin: wouldn't you need to do it on the router, or is the router a PC running iptables etc?13:34
madalinActionParsnip: ubuntu server ;)13:34
llutz_lucian: any references to that?13:35
ActionParsnipmadalin: gotcha13:35
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.13:35
rolandI created a symlink, but i cant see it with normal 'ls -la' command, only when I run 'ls -la .cach*' it becomes visible...13:36
madalinActionParsnip: i just told you, i cant figure out the iptables rule for only ONE ip. Not the whole network (eth)...13:36
lucianllutz_: well, at least python 2.7+ defaults to it, and some gnome things put stuff in ~/.local/share, like custom gedit syntax highlighting13:36
rolandwhere could this symlink be located?13:36
llutz_lucian: thats python, not FHS13:36
lucianllutz_: it's also gnome, at least13:36
SitaupHi everyone,  Today at 5 pm this ( ---->http://blogs.kde.org/node/4491<----) will end and KDE will lose the opportunity to win 1000 euros. You can vote even though you're not from Germany. Spend some of your time, you can vote three times. If you like KDE support it. Have a nice day.13:37
code_can someone helps me how can i shere ethernet internet conection via ruter wifi signal?13:37
usr13roland: If you can't see it, I would assume you did not create it, or put it where you do not remember.13:37
code_ubuntu 11.1013:37
usr13roland: ls is sufficient13:37
usr13roland: ls -l will tell where it points to.13:37
usr13roland: If you do not remember what you did, look through history for the command.13:37
rolandusr13: found it13:38
usr13roland: very well13:38
bhearsumhow do i change my display timeout settings in 11.10?13:38
rolandusr13: there existed a folder with the same name, and when I created the symlink it ended up in that folder13:38
code_can someon help me?13:38
usr13rhizmoe: Power save settings, (fond in screensaver area).13:38
usr13roland: aaahhhh We must be careful of files of same names13:39
rolandi know13:39
llutz_Sitaup: kde might gain 1000€ but the company wins thousands of validated email-addresses to spam.13:39
rolandstupid mistake13:39
RaTTuS|BIGcode_ - turn your wireless nic into an ad-hoc device -13:39
Sidewinder1psypher246, As a clarification, #ubuntu-ops is the place to inquire about "bans", "quiets", and "kicks" form ubuntu channels; (It's where the Channel Operators clarify questions). For standard ubuntu OS questions, it's here. :d13:40
Sidewinder1Rats! He's gone. :-(13:40
usr13code_:  " via ruter wifi signal?"13:41
zxiestln -s question... ln -s /email/postfix /etc/postfix . I want to have /email/postfix point to /etc/postfix and not /etc/postfix/postfix.. what am i doing wrong?13:41
usr13code_: Please clarify13:41
llutz_zxiest: ln -s what where-to-be-seen13:41
ActionParsnipzxiest: other way around, it's  ln -s source dest13:42
madalinwhat's wrong in this rule?: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312813:42
usr13code_: If your native language is not English, please specify.13:42
zxiestActionParsnip cool thanks :-)13:43
usr13madalin: dport ?13:43
zxiestActionParsnip i'm getting /email/postfix/postfix13:43
zxiestActionParsnip should I just do it in /email ?13:44
usr13madalin: change --to-port  to   --dport13:44
someuser123proxx: do i have to install the restricted drivers for ironhide to work?13:44
madalinusr13: let me try13:44
zxiestIf do rm on a symlink, would it remove my original file? or is there a way to specify that rm is on a symlink?13:44
madalinusr13: actually thats not working :P13:45
sipiorzxiest: rm doesn't follow symlinks, so no worries.13:45
usr13madalin: --dport 21 -j DNAT --to-destination 192.168.##.#  ?   (Don't know what you are trying to do but....13:45
proxxsomeuser123: no you dont13:45
zxiestsipior cool :-)13:45
proxxsomeuser123: let all the driver stuff be handled by ironhide13:45
oldschoolhi does anyone knoe if this is the right wasy to uninstall ubuntu if i every need to uninstall it if i have it runing with windows 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BVpkrvExyI13:45
madalinusr13: im trying to redirect requests on port 80 from computer X.X.X.X to the squid:3128 (X.X.X.X:3128)13:45
someuser123proxx: http://pastebin.com/XGWvTZwE13:46
usr13madalin: Well, if you already have a proxy, I dono...13:46
mfaroukgany one can help for the vpn problem?13:46
madalinusr13: i do already have a proxy. Its setup and working. Im trying to make it automatically be used on SPECIFIC ips..13:46
mordofwhenever i try to run banshee with my iPhone plugged in through USB - this is what happens: https://gist.github.com/1367104   anyone able to help solve this?13:47
proxxsomeuser123: uhm , make sure you rebooted etc, the kernel drivers need to be loaded13:47
mordof(i don't need iPhone support in banshee, i don't care if that gets disabled.. i just want banshee itself to work)13:47
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proxxsomeuser123: check the output of the ironhide installation/configuration, if the kernel drivers were loaded , or check the bootlog13:47
ubuntu-for-memordof, how much does you iPhone cost?13:49
mordofubuntu-for-me: uh.. i don't know? i got it a while ago with a 3yr contract so it was a lot cheaper that way13:50
mordofubuntu-for-me: i've got an iPhone 4, so.. it's probably not overly expensive anymore13:50
mordofnot with the 4s around13:50
someuser123proxx: done ironhide-configurations initial tests failed there13:50
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usr13madalin:  /join #Netfilter   and   /join #squid13:52
someuser123proxx: this is what i get now http://pastebin.com/SXQVAwmF13:52
madalinim already there. thanks.13:52
proxxsomeuser123: I suspect that the kernel drivers arnt loaded ... *unsure*13:55
someuser123proxx: i saw this link, I wonder if it would work http://www.ivegotavirus.com/blog/2011/11/06/how-to-get-optimus-working-on-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric/13:56
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proxxsomeuser123: can you modprobe it ?13:57
proxxsomeuser123: nvidia-current13:57
someuser123proxx: whats the exact command, not a very expert here :)13:57
proxxsomeuser123 " sudo modprobe nvidia-current "13:58
someuser123proxx: no such device...13:58
mfaroukghello, I have problem with VPN . any one can help?13:58
proxxsomeuser123: crap , its really hard for me to picture whats going on  from here ...13:59
=== Mud is now known as Guest15871
someuser123proxx: i will follow the link i just put earlier and see what happens13:59
proxxsomeuser123: there should also be quite some info on the web, maybe for your specific hardware also14:00
proxxsomeuser123: as a last fallback resort, you could try, the original project, which is bumblebee14:01
someuser123proxx: so remove ironhide first?14:01
hipitihopmy lucid has network-manager 0.8.0 installed, any reason I should not install latest from source ?14:02
proxxsomeuser123: i also am i curious whether you can run "glxgears" with a decent framerate , that way we can confirm that ur intel is working correctly.14:02
someuser123proxx: glxgears gives me 60fps..14:02
proxxsomeuser123: nice youve got your intel card running :)14:02
proxxsomeuser123: unity should work for now14:03
someuser123proxx: i know, unity is working perfectly, but i need the nvidia for gaming :)14:03
Tixoscan someone tell me how to reinstall unity, and any other files that are needed to run the desktop environment14:03
Tixosit worked fine, then i installed some packages from software center and it no longer loads14:04
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hipitihopanyone here managed to get Sierra AirCard 320U going on 10.0414:05
proxxsomeuser123: the whole issue is with the nvidia drivers i suspect, cant say anything more usefull than fiddle around with it , maybe reinstall ironhide, see the output go on from there .14:05
proxxsomeuser123: ur on the right track here14:06
Finnish_How do I update firmware for my ralinki 2860 wireless?14:06
Finnish_ralink, I meant14:06
thiago__hi guys, can i install ubuntu minimal with a pppoeconnection?14:09
llutz_Finnish_: look for a newer package than yours already installed or get the firmware file from ralink and copy it to /lib/firmware (backup the old one before)14:09
compdocFinnish_, does it require dos to flash the bios?14:09
mateusz_how to remove unity?14:10
mateusz_is it possible to run normal desktop ?14:10
iceroot!nounity | mateusz_14:10
ubottumateusz_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:10
somsip!notunity | mateusz_14:10
Finnish_llutz: Thanks, I'll look what's in that directoru14:10
wisniai want to move x - [] from left to right14:10
thiago__how can i install ubuntu minimal with a pppoeconnection?14:10
mateusz_somasin, THanks this unity I dont want to swear here, but this should never be made14:11
mateusz_somasin, fo much annoying and hard to work with multiple windows14:11
mbrochhhi all. Is it possible to configure the app switcher? the grouping of apps is just horribly ineffective...14:11
Finnish_llutz: How do I restart wireless then so that the new firmware is on?14:11
thiago__its possible to install  ubuntu minimal with a pppoeconnection?14:12
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llutz_Finnish_: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down ; sudo modprobe -r <your-wifi-driver and all related>14:12
Finnish_llutz_, Thanks!14:13
llutz_Finnish_: then "sudo modprobe <your-wifi-driver> && sudo service network-manager restart14:13
zykotick9thiago__, i'm not "sure" if it is possible or not - i searched on google a couple of days ago (when someone asked) but couldn't find a definitive answer.  Good luck.14:13
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thiago__zykotick9, ok thanks...14:13
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Tixoscan someone tell me how to reinstall unity, and any other files that are needed to run the desktop environment14:15
zykotick9Tixos, "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" might work?14:15
proxxTixos:  maybe with an extra --purge flag14:15
Tixosill give it a try, doesnt seem like 1 package will fix it though14:16
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Tixosare you aware of the bug where when logged in only a nautilus title bar appears at the top and nothing else?14:16
zykotick9Tixos, ubuntu-desktop is the meta package ubuntu uses to install everything "ubuntu" ;)14:16
Tixosok ill do that14:17
Tixosill let you know in 10 minutes14:17
thiago__hey, why firefox scroll too slow in ubuntu?14:19
proxxthiago__: u got working graphic drivers ?14:19
thiago__no, i'im using the default drivers14:19
daleharveyis there a generic "pause" command in ubuntu that media players can hook into14:19
proxxthiago__: there you go14:19
BarbarianGood evenin' gents14:20
Kingsywhat is the best way of converting a mp4 file into an mp3 file?14:20
Kingsythe easiest way I mean14:20
SilverFoxMy server keeps 'locking up', and I can't find much in logs that will tell me why.  Is there a way to get it to NOT clobber /tmp on boot, so I can look and see what was in there at the time of the lock up?14:20
daleharveylike how can I fire the event that would be fired by pressing a multimedia play button (if one were to exist on my laptop)14:20
proxxthiago__ : can you give me " lspci | grep VGA " ?14:20
thiago__proxx, sorry, im on windows now :(14:20
NeldogzAnyone have trouble with the Ubuntu One contacts within Thunderbird? I cant add any contacts to this address book. There are no errors, nothing. I followed the directions with Ubuntu One and installed the required plug-ins14:20
chaituGreetings All. Am trying to password protect a folder in ubuntu single user login machine. Is this possible? thanks14:20
thiago__proxx, but with nvidia drivers this problem will be solved?14:21
Barbariankingsy, 1 sec, getting a site14:21
proxxthiago__ : probably yes :)14:21
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thiago__proxx, ok, thanks i'll try14:21
zykotick9Neldogz, you might want to ask in #ubuntuone14:21
SilverFoxis there a way to interupt grub and pass options to kernel to tell it not to clobber /tmp?14:21
llutz_SilverFox: /etc/default/rcS: set TMPTIME=114:21
proxxdaleharvey check out the shortcut menu14:21
Neldogzthanks zykotick914:21
proxxthiago__ welcome :)14:21
KingsyBarbarian: np, I have tried ffmpeg and now I am trying mencoder14:22
SilverFoxllutz_: thanks.  1 means don't clobber?14:22
thiago__proxx, thanks :)14:22
llutz_SilverFox: 1 means "delete after 1 day"14:22
KingsyBarbarian: nope neither worked14:22
llutz_SilverFox: so you might add a script in /etc/rc.local to backup old /tmp-contents14:23
lucadear friends how does the function date recognize the real data?14:23
BarbarianKingsy: Just checking if openshot has this capability14:23
zykotick9Kingsy, you only want the audio right?  personally I'd just use mplayer to dump to a WAV then encode that to MP3 "mplayer -vo null -ao pcm FILENAME.MP4" should dump audio to a WAV file.14:23
lucaI'm speaking about the function date in php language14:23
Tixoshey, reinstalling ubuntu-desktop didnt work.14:24
llutz_luca: #php might be the better place to ask14:24
daleharveyproxx: cheers, I set it to F10 but ubuntu is just showing a little notification with a cross when I play it14:24
mbrochhhi all. Is it possible to configure the app switcher? the grouping of apps is just horribly ineffective... how do you guys get along with this? maybe I am using it wrongly?14:25
zykotick9Tixos, try to give more details on what's wrong with Unity then (vs the generic "how to reinstall" - which typically doesn't change much on gnu/linux)14:25
Tixoswell i cant say much more14:25
Barbarianmbrochh: I dont bother with it and run everything from terminal, personally14:25
Tixosthan it doesnt load14:25
Tixosbut. it does for guest14:25
Tixosso im assuming its something wrong in the users home dir?14:25
mbrochhBarbarian: me too but I have to switch between Terminal and Browsers quite often.14:26
Kingsyzykotick9: thats working but it seems to be taking a long time14:26
spacebug-mbrochh: you mean alt+tab switcher?14:26
zykotick9Tixos, reinstalling packages don't affect anything in a users' home directory14:26
Tixosalso, gnome classic words zykotick914:26
mbrochhspacebug-: yes14:26
Barbarianmbrochh: Tried exploiting multiple screens with ctrl+alt+up/down/left/right? That makes me much faster with doing things14:26
Tixosi need to reconfigure something?, its a fresh install man, i just installed a few packages14:26
mbrochhBarbarian: Good idea, actually..14:27
Tixosfirst error from .xsessionerrors   >  gnome-session[1966]: WARNING: Unable to find default provider 'notify-osd' of required provider 'notifications'14:27
Barbarianmbrochh: It's ctrl+alt+shift+up/down/left/right to move with selected window14:27
mbrochhBarbarian: no shift needed14:27
spacebug-mbrochh: install compizconfig settings manager (ccsm) and go to unity plugin, go to tab switcher and check the box for "bias alt+tab sorting to prefer windows on the current viewport"14:28
Kingsybut that worked regardless anyways14:28
daleharveydbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Pause 1> /dev/null14:28
daleharveythat works14:28
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Barbarianspacebug-: Thanks for that, cool idea :D i'll do that myself14:28
mbrochhspacebug-: will that disable the grouping of apps?14:28
spacebug-mbrochh: that will group the apps from the current desktop first14:29
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mbrochhspacebug-: i want no grouping at all. I always run several chrome instances and its horrible to wait for the group to expand in order to switch to a certain window14:29
spacebug-mbrochh: oh I see. Well then I don't know, sorry14:30
shadow98hos do i recompile or install the latest version of http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/downloads/list14:30
shadow98the server came installed with 1.1614:30
shadow98but looks like im behind14:30
spacebug-mbrochh: but I guess you can do something about that also ..at least the time for it to fold out14:30
Barbarianspacebug-: That setting is in "Ubuntu Unity Plugin" btw14:31
mbrochhspacebug-: hmm good hint..14:31
proxxdaleharvey: sorry i have no clue :P not such a gui person :P14:31
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Tixoscan someone tell me how to 'reset' my user and its home DIR back to a fresh install ?14:32
BarbarianTixos: Sorry, never tried doing that, gonna do some searching for ya, see what I can find14:33
Tixosok thanks14:33
RaTTuS|BIGTixos - sudo adduser fred114:34
Tixosseriously though, i had this issue in the first week of release, cant remember what i did to fix, but in the end i reverted to 11.0414:34
TixosRaTTuS|BIG: i know i can do that, but where does it configure its HOME DIR from? cant i just replace those files with my current user?14:35
Tixosthere is some sort of 'skeleton' somewhere isnt there?14:35
RaTTuS|BIG.. /etc/skel14:35
Tixosthat might fix it up?14:36
Tixosim also seeing this,  rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity14:36
RaTTuS|BIGTixos you will ahve a lot of settings created do a ls -la in your home directory14:36
TixosRaTTuS|BIG: i have14:36
Tixosi want to reconfigure/ reset them all though14:36
llutz_Tixos: /etc/skel just holds some basic shell-related configs for new users, not all the gnome-stuff14:36
RaTTuS|BIG.. ok ... rm -fr .14:36
mudu_hi, i created botable xp usb with unetbootin but when I restart xp won`t boot14:36
mudu_help me14:37
Tixosok llutz_ how do you suggest i reconfigure everything14:37
BarbarianTixos: Have a look at this, see if this is what you're talking about http://www.ubuntugeek.com/purgeconfig-%e2%80%93-a-safer-way-to-reset-configuration-files.html14:37
Tixoscreating a new user should work ?14:37
llutz_Tixos: add new user, test, copy files14:37
NeldogzHas anyone used https://launchpad.net/hedera14:37
Tixosyou see, the guest session works14:37
mudu_hi, i created botable xp usb with unetbootin but when I restart xp won`t boot14:37
mudu_help me14:37
Tixosso something is fooked :P14:38
RaTTuS|BIGif you have been adding stuff with sudo apt-get install then prffth14:38
BarbarianTixos: Oh wait, that re-installs it too, nvm14:38
Tixosim on gnome classic atm and its ok14:38
RaTTuS|BIGmudu_ this is not an XP supoprt channel14:38
zykotick9mudu_, ##windows14:38
Resistancemudu_:  you might need ##windows... this is the Ubuntu support channel14:38
TixosRaTTuS|BIG: i used the software center for a change pffff14:38
Tixosim sure its probably another bug14:38
Tixosmaybe installing gnome-tweak-tool and ccsm did it14:39
Tixosbut it was working fine 10minutes after fresh install14:39
BarbarianNeldogz: That looks pretty cool, I think i'll try it at some point14:39
spacebug-mbrochh: hey tryck alt+(key above tab)14:39
Barbarianthats tilde14:40
Tixosbrb gonna test new user14:40
mbrochhspacebug-: that doesn't do anything here14:40
mbrochhspacebug i disabled alt+tab in the unity plugin and enabled the old compiz switcher14:41
mbrochhmuch better now14:41
Barbarianmbrochh: Glad you sorted it14:42
mbrochhspacebug-: if I would still use the unity switcher i would probably hit alt+tab to open it and then use the arrow keys to navigate... pressing downarrow immediately expands a group... still bullshit, I think. It's totally beyond me how anyone could implement this.14:42
mbrochhBarbarian: thx for your help, man!14:42
Barbarian2nd time here in the help channel, I think I'm gonna contribute more time :D Helping people is fun14:42
spacebug-mbrochh: if you have two terminals for example and you press alt+key_above_tab it will switch through terminals only14:43
spacebug-at least here14:43
Barbarianyeah, alt+tab and alt+tilde works really nicely14:43
spacebug-it also reviels grouped windows at once when presses when in alt+tab"-mode"14:43
mbrochhspacebug-: sounds like a cool feature, but it seems as if i have disabled that key binding somehow, maybe14:44
mbrochhdoesn't seem to work here14:44
truepurpleI made a new partition and formated it as a ext4, but now I think its that permission system that is preventing me from doing things like making folders there14:44
Barbarianmaybe cuz u disabled unity plugin switching?14:44
truepurpleHow do I make a folder there?14:44
mbrochhspacebug-: in the compiz settings manager is that the setting "Key to flip through windows in the switcher"?14:45
Barbariantruepurple: try navigating there in terminal and using sudo mkdir14:45
truepurpleBarbarian, I don't want to go through that kind of hassle for everything, how do I give the partition open permission for files?14:46
spacebug-mbrochh: not sure, mine says "disabled"14:46
mbrochhhmm strange... then it's probably because I disabled the unity switcher already..14:46
Barbariantruepurple: should be sudo chmod +r TARGET14:46
mbrochhlets see... will enable it again14:46
truepurpleBarbarian, and "TARGET" is the actual location of the drive?14:47
Barbariantruepurple: never tried giving permissions to entire partitions, not sure if its different. I know it works on files+folders14:47
truepurpleBarbarian, ah dang it, more complications, it seems to be unmounted again, when I first made it, I couldn't mount it, I rebooted my system, it seemed mounted at first, but now its unmounted again14:48
spacebug-mbrochh: seems to be yes. Though haveing it set to disable seems to make it use a default (key above tab)14:48
Barbariantruepurple: just manually mount it. find it with fdisk -l, then mount with mount DRIVE LOCATION14:49
truepurpleBarbarian, When I try to mount it with disk utility, it says "Daemon is inhibited"14:49
Barbariantruepurple: then just go to that location and itll be there14:49
Barbariantruepurple: My bad, those both need "sudo" infront of them14:50
ccmonsterRunning Ubuntu 11.10, with gnome shell, and lightdm , according to HTOP is sporatically taking up nearly 30% cpu. Any fixes?14:51
ccmonsterI couldn't find anything on the googs14:51
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ActionParsnipccmonster: what CPU and which video chip?14:52
truepurpleBarbarian, it says "GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted." and only lists one partition, one that says it is using "system GPT"14:52
Barbariantruepurple: ok, then you need gparted. Do sudo apt-get install gparted14:53
lfendermanhave a prob ive been running newest ubuntu os and it starts to freez on me after like 5 min14:53
truepurpleBarbarian, gparted is what i used to make the second partition from free space on my HDD!14:53
Barbariantruepurple: Aaah, ok14:54
lfendermanhave a prob ive been running newest ubuntu os and it starts to freez on me after like 5 min 314:54
Barbariantruepurple: hmmmm... you should have write permissions...14:55
lfendermanhave a prob ive been running newest ubuntu os and it starts to freez on me after like 5 min14:55
truepurpleBarbarian, Are you stumped then?14:55
Barbariantruepurple: Nope, reading14:56
llutz_truepurple: if you create a new ext4-filesystem, its owned root:root. use chown/chmod to adjust the ownership/permission to your needs14:56
ccmonsterActionParsnip, how do I check for the board stats again?14:56
ActionParsnipccmonster: sudo lshw -C display14:57
Barbariantruepurple: ok, try this: sudo chown [USERNAME] [MOUNT LOCATION]14:57
truepurpleBarbarian, what do I use for mount location?14:57
Barbariantruepurple: oh yeah, you said it got unmounted14:57
ccmonsterActionParsnip, G84 Quatroo 1600M14:58
truepurpleBarbarian, do I use the path listed in gpart?14:58
llutz_truepurple: "sudo parted -l"  to get the /dev/sdXY, then "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt"14:58
ccmonsterhowever it didnt show the cpu, but the laptop sticker shows Intel Core 2 Duo, for what that's worth.14:58
Barbariantruepurple: Give it a try14:58
milen8204hello, guys I have installed Ubuntu 11.10, and new gnome-shell, and gnome-tweak-tool, and now the animations from comipz doesn`t work. For example I have checked Wobbly Windows animation from ccsm but the windows are not wobbling14:58
ActionParsnipccmonster: do you have the proprietary driver installed?14:58
ccmonsterI do.14:59
ccmonsterConfirming for you right now.14:59
nadiyamaDoes anyone know why I can't sign in empathy with my hotmail.es account but I can with any other hotmail.com account?14:59
mbrochhBarbarian: spacebug- I decided to go with the best of both worlds. I enabled the compiz switcher and bound it do CTRL+ALT+TAB and have the unity switcher on its default keys..14:59
ActionParsnipccmonster: nvidia-settings will tell you the driver version14:59
ccmonsterYes I do. Not the Version Current however.15:00
ccmonsterpost-release updates (version current updates)15:00
Barbarianmbrochh: Lol, enable all the things! :D15:00
truepurpleBarbarian, it didn't work15:00
Barbariantruepurple: any error?15:00
truepurpleBarbarian, no, it just goes to prompt15:00
truepurpleBarbarian, and it does so immediately15:00
ccmonsterNvidia Driver Version: 280.1315:01
Barbariantruepurple: That means it finished without error, if you still cant write to that drive it means that it didnt work as intended...15:01
ccmonsterany other settings?15:01
truepurpleBarbarian, I can't even see/mount the drive15:01
bulmaHello. Is there a way to have classic gnome in the newest release please?15:02
ccmonsteris there anything else ActionParsnip ?15:02
ActionParsnipccmonster: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade15:02
truepurpleBarbarian, actually to be accurate, the drive shows in my list on nautilus, but if I click on it, its like it isn't really there15:02
ActionParsnipccmonster: try the 285 driver :)15:02
ActionParsnipccmonster: yes, its a newer version.....15:03
Barbariantruepurple: Try doing "sudo nautilus", then see if you can open it up from there15:03
ccmonsterHm, not in the jockey list15:03
nadiyamaHi, I have a problem, I can't sign in empathy with a msn account which domain is hotmail.es, but every other domain works (hotmail.com, even gmail.com which is attached to a passport account).15:03
ccmonsterany reason why? And is the lightdm issue directly attributed to the graphics driver?15:03
truepurpleBarbarian, I would mention it was like this from the beginning, before I ran that command you mentioned15:04
sancrishi....how can i control exaile through the volume icon on global menu as banshee was controlled?15:04
truepurpleBarbarian, I don't see it in there15:04
Barbariantruepurple: ok, that helps a bit... hmmm. Anything important on that drive? or can you safely remake it?15:04
ccmonsterActionParsnip, it prompted for updates to :  libva-x11-1 libva1 nautilus-dropbox nvidia-current nvidia-settings xserver-xorg-video-savage y-ppa-manager15:05
nadiyamasancris: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/sound-menu-indicator-plugin-exaile/15:05
truepurpleBarbarian, I can remake it, but I don't think it will do any good, I already tried reformating it.15:05
ActionParsnipccmonster: cool15:05
sancrisnadiyama, thanks15:06
ccmonsterjust making sure that sounds about right ActionParsnip lol.15:06
llutz_truepurple: what partition is it /dev/sdXY?15:06
ActionParsnipccmonster: you should see the 285 nvidia driver be installed15:06
truepurplellutz_, /dev/sda215:07
llutz_truepurple: open gnome-terminal15:07
llutz_truepurple: "sudo umount /dev/sda2"15:07
truepurplellutz_, Barbarian something else worth mentioning, I have been having trouble with a usb flash drive unmounting or not mounting in the first place, I unplugged it and replugged it in and it appeared in nautilus, but I can not access it15:08
ccmonsterActionParsnip, how do you restart nautilus from cli15:08
llutz_truepurple: "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt && sudo chown -R <yourusername>:<your-group> /mnt"15:08
ccmonsterI guess I need to restart for the driver settings to fully implement?15:09
truepurplellutz_, "sudo umount /dev/sda2" "umount: /dev/sda2: not mounted"15:09
llutz_truepurple: continue15:09
Barbarianccmonster: log out, log in should be enough15:09
ActionParsnipccmonster: nautilus -q     or it may be -k15:10
llutz_truepurple: just be sure /dev/sda2 is the right one...15:10
soreauActionParsnip: -q15:10
truepurplellutz_, that is what it shows in gpart that made it, what do I put for <your-group>?15:10
ccmonsteryea, -q15:10
Tixoscan someone tell me if they can see why this issue occurs?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 865984 in Ubuntu "firegl_sig_notifier crash on shutdown or reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:10
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ActionParsnipright first time...kaboom!15:10
ccmonsterboom shakalaka15:10
llutz_truepurple: use your username too, *buntu creates usergroups, so it'l work15:11
ccmonsterok, log out it is. thx a ton ActionParsnip . Hopefully this does the trick.15:11
mfaroukgany one can help for the pptp?15:11
proxxplz open  ssh port portforwarding on your router and give me your ip and password :)15:12
Barbarianproxx: social engineering ftw :D15:12
truepurplellutz_, it stopped showing in nautilus15:13
llutz_truepurple: sudo umount /mnt15:13
llutz_truepurple: now create a mountpoint for that fs and add an fstab-entry to mount it on boottime15:13
truepurplellutz_, how is it suppose to know what drive to unmount with that command?15:14
llutz_truepurple: sudo umount /mnt            <- /mnt is the mountpoint to umount15:14
mfaroukgis the vpn pptp working fine for the 64 bit ubuntu?15:14
proxx@Barbarian now that we be good hea :P15:15
truepurplellutz_, I thought /dev/sda2 was the mount point15:15
llutz_truepurple: /dev/sda2 is the partition15:15
proxx@Barbarian plz make a .tar of your harddrive and put it on a cd  for me :P15:15
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Barbarianproxx: what's your address?15:15
proxxBarbarian: iam not on a proxy so that cant be hard15:16
__n1v3Klol facebook becomes a porn site :DD15:16
truepurplellutz_, Ok I am confused, but never mind that, I ran the command. Now how do I do that other stuff you mentioned?15:16
RandomRogerHi, does ubuntu store /var/log/messages in a non standard place ?15:16
Barbarianproxx: If I'm gonna give you a cd, I need your address15:16
sancrisnadiyama, cool, it works perfectly, but now...how do i make banshee gone from the sound menu?15:16
llutz_truepurple: where do you want that partition to mount?15:16
proxxBarbarian: lol talking bout social engineering :P15:16
Barbarianproxx :D15:16
Barbarian1600+ people in this channel O.o15:17
blade73ciao a tutti15:17
blade73hallo at all15:17
bullgard4mfaroukg: Do oyu speak about Point to Point Tunneling Protocol?15:17
proxxBarbarian: lol oke enough bs  offtopic spamming .. are you into security ?? , wanna hang out  on query ?15:17
nadiyamasancris: I don't use unity, but if I remember correctly it's a banshee plugin and you can deactivate it under its preferences settings.15:18
Barbarianproxx: Yup. What channel?15:18
truepurplellutz, btw, when I tried to safely remove my flash drive which i can't access, it says "daemon is inhabited" which it also says with this new partition in disk utility. As far as your question, I don't understand it15:18
sethetterSo outside of thunderbird syncing to your gmail account, is there any function of the 'online accounts' feature in 11.10?15:18
sancrisnadiyama, i've uninstalled banshee already15:18
llutz_truepurple: you created a partition, what do you want to use it for?15:18
blade73sorry for ubuntu in italian is present un channel?15:18
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:19
truepurplellutz_, storage of general files, videos, pictures etc.15:19
nadiyamasancris: reinstall it and try to disable its extension, then (if it works) remove it15:19
llutz_truepurple: to lets mount it at /data. enter "sudo nano /etc/fstab" in gnome-terminal15:19
sancrisnadiyama, thanks..I'll do that15:19
mfaroukgbullgard4, yes please because I have problem with the ubuntu 64 bit does not connect to pptp vpn and I saw in some sites that the 64 ubuntu has problem with it, and how it is working with windows xp and not in ubuntu15:20
nadiyamasancris: but I think this is a better way to do so http://askubuntu.com/questions/12867/how-do-i-remove-players-i-dont-use-from-the-sound-indicator15:20
=== fumanchu182 is now known as botasaurusrex
CrackerJack(X-Chat) 2.8.8 - ( Script ) GatoScript 1.0, script en python para X-Chat (http://gatoloko.homelinux.org)15:20
z3r0c007what happen to ubuntu15:20
llutz_truepurple: add one line at the end(without quotes):"/dev/sda2  /data  ext4 defaults 0 0"  then ctrl-x to save&quit. then "sudo mkdir /data && sudo mount /data"15:20
sevithz3r0c007, It fell apart.15:21
z3r0c007i saw the distrowatch the result for the 7days is 1 Mint 6892<15:21
z3r0c0072 Fedora 3909<15:21
z3r0c0073 openSUSE 1978>15:21
z3r0c0074 Ubuntu 1881>15:21
z3r0c0075 Commodore 1679>15:21
FloodBot1z3r0c007: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1881 in Launchpad itself "pomsgset.txt is truncated" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188115:21
bullgard4mfaroukg: I do not know the answer.15:21
llutz_truepurple: and for your other problem: i don't have any idea, i'm not used to that gnome/nautilus/gui stuff15:21
compdocCommodore - ha15:22
=== botasaurusrex is now known as fumanchu182
truepurplellutz_, I don't understand what you mean "add one line at the end", you mean at the end of "sudo nano /etc/fstab"? So "sudo nano /etc/fstab /dev/sda2  /data  ext4 defaults 0 0"?15:22
z3r0c007i can't image for almost 7 years or more ubuntu is number 115:22
llutz_truepurple: enter "sudo nano /etc/fstab" in gnome-terminal, that open the file in editor15:22
mfaroukgbullgard4, okay thanks, any one else had experience with the vpn pptp?15:22
llutz_truepurple:when it's open, add one line at the end of the file(without quotes):"/dev/sda2  /data  ext4 defaults 0 0"  then ctrl-x to save&quit.15:23
z3r0c007gtg guys i have a meeting15:23
truepurplellutz_, it says file name to write "/etc/fstab" I hit enter to save to that file?15:25
llutz_truepurple: correct15:25
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llutz_truepurple: when closed, type "sudo mkdir /data && sudo mount /data"15:26
truepurplellutz_, done, now what?15:26
llutz_truepurple: "touch /data/mytestfile" as user15:27
mneptokjrib: nice that you got that vowel obstruction dealth with :)15:27
llutz_truepurple: without sudo15:27
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truepurplellutz_, what do you mean, as user?15:27
llutz_truepurple:type that command without sudo15:27
truepurplellutz_, ok now what? I still don't even see the partition itself in nautilus15:28
trinimoseshi all15:28
llutz_truepurple: navigate to /data to see it15:28
trinimosesiu am trying to do a net install using the minidisk install .. but i think it froze at a pruple screen with a grey square at the bottom15:29
truepurplellutz_, see it in terminal, but not nautilus? how do i get it to list in terminal?15:30
llutz_truepurple: ls -l /data15:30
truepurplellutz_, btw, are you that other llutz? Its a pain to have to type that full name including underscore because of that15:30
llutz_!tab | truepurple15:30
ubottutruepurple: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:30
CarlFKwhat will let me step though the frames of an animated gif?15:31
truepurplellutz_, It doesn't work because of the other lutz, autocomplete inputs the other llutz's name15:31
trinimosesguys any ideas ?15:31
llutz_truepurple: tab again15:31
truepurplellutz_, are you the other llutz though?15:31
CarlFKllutz_: in pidgin, 2+ tabs just lists the matches... your _ makes me have to shift, which makes me grumble15:32
CarlFKllutz_: it's tragic.15:32
llutz_time to use a real irc-client :)15:32
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truepurplellutz_, It lists that file you said to make15:33
llutz_truepurple: so your partition has the correct permissions/ownership that you can use it now.15:33
truepurplellutz, How is that? I can't even see it!15:34
llutz_truepurple: see it where?15:34
truepurplellutz_, in nautilus, I mentioned this before15:35
llutz_truepurple: navigate to /data to see it    (i mentioned this before) ctrl-l "/data"15:35
blackboxercan someone please help me get my second monitor working?15:36
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blackboxerI have a new install of ubuntu, latest release, and it is utilizing proprietary drivers15:36
WomkesDoes anybody know of a good howto install and configure an ldap server on the latest ubuntu server?15:36
WomkesThe ubuntu documentation seems highly outdated15:37
WomkesNot working for me15:37
truepurplellutz_, Oh I see, how do I make it appear like a regular drive? Or at least list in the main listing of nautilus?15:40
MonkeyDustWomkes: there's zimbra15:40
llutz_truepurple: main listing? you mean inside your $HOME?15:40
WomkesMonkeyDust ?15:41
WomkesI want to set up an LDAP server for authenticating Jenkins and Gerrit programs15:42
WomkesNever worked with ldap before or set it up, so far no tutorials have worked for me15:42
llutz_truepurple:ok, "sudo umount /data" then edit /etc/fstab again (sudo nano /etc/fstab) and change the line you create into "/dev/sda2  /home/yourusername/data  ext4 defaults 0 0"  replace "yourusername", then ctrl-x to save&quit.15:43
MonkeyDustWomkes: am not fimiliar with jenkins and gerrit, but moment15:43
WomkesCan anybody with more experience tell if this will work on the latest ubuntu15:43
truepurplellutz_, I mean in the main list of nautilus, so I don't have to click on file system them data every time15:43
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FFForeverWhat is the easiest way to create a bootable ISO for windows 7 from ubuntu?15:44
truepurplellutz_, it says "device is busy."15:45
MonkeyDustWomkes: have you checked this? http://www.debuntu.org/ldap-server-and-linux-ldap-clients15:45
llutz_truepurple: close all nautilus-windows having /data opened15:45
llutz_truepurple: then again, sudo umount /data15:46
WomkesThat one is very outdated MonkeyDust15:46
WomkesSo far I've read some things have changed in the way stuff in configured after installing slapd15:46
Womkesand the old tutorials are worthless15:46
szalFFForever: you don't _create_ bootable Windows ISOs, you either have one or you don't..  besides, Windows-related stuff other than dual-booting w/ *buntu goes in ##windows15:47
MonkeyDustWomkes: cant say, maybe someone has better advice15:47
MonkeyDustsomeone else*15:47
blackboxercan someone please help me get my second monitor working?15:48
blackboxerI have a new install of ubuntu, latest release, and it is utilizing proprietary drivers15:48
truepurplellutz_, it says "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:15:49
truepurplemount: only root can mount /dev/sda2 on /home/a/data" when I click on the drive in nautilus15:49
llutz_truepurple: then again, sudo mount /home/a/data15:49
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llutz_truepurple: mkdir /home/a/data before15:49
zmbmartinCan I integrate my google calendar into the calendar indicator in 11.10? So I can see my upcoming appt?15:49
ironfoot495Hello Everyone I just install ubuntu 10.10 and I have problem I've tried to solve for a week now. I can receive resolution on a 13 inch lcd but will just show a black screen on my lcd 42 inch. I really need to get this solved any help will be greatly appreciated.15:50
truepurplellutz_ mount: mount point /home//data does not exist15:50
llutz_truepurple: mkdir /home/a/data before15:50
indy_any LIRC gurus here?15:51
truepurplellutz_, now what?15:51
llutz_truepurple: did you mount it?15:51
truepurplellutz_, it is giving me the same error as before15:52
th0rtruepurple: Read that error MSG closely15:53
llutz_truepurple: after you created /home/a/data (if "a" is your username?), type "sudo mount /home/a/data"15:53
truepurplellutz_, please don't list user names15:54
llutz_truepurple: what?15:55
mengesbi have a question about ~/.profile - I've used this for years ... but now every time I start a gnome-terminal session, I have to manually source .profile in order to get the variables set there... is there something I'm doing wrong?15:55
truepurpleFor security, please don't list user names llutz_, if you want me to explain further, please accept a PM15:55
ikoniatruepurple: no-one is listing usernames15:56
llutz_truepurple: you published that username before15:56
llutz_ 16:49 < truepurple> mount: only root can mount /dev/sda2 on /home/a/data"15:56
truepurplellutz_, yeah, but you don't need to keep repeating it15:56
llutz_truepurple: if that concerns your security, you should rethink some thinks15:56
ikoniawhy can I not say /home/a/data15:56
ikoniathere is no risk,15:56
imgreyhello #ubuntu15:57
truepurpleikonia, user name is not part of the permission system of linux?15:57
ikoniatruepurple: how is it a risk ?15:57
imgreyI have oneiric and I got such issue: http://imageshack.us/f/198/screenshot151111.jpg/15:57
imgreyany ideas ?15:57
conntrack:( a fail15:58
truepurplellutz_, "mount: /dev/sda2 already mounted or /home/a/data busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda2 is already mounted"15:58
malaphusHello!  Does anyone know of any workarounds for lightdm's users.conf not properly hiding users?  I realize I can hide ALL users with greeter-hide-users in lightdm.conf, but I'd rather only hide the admin user while still showing the regular user15:59
llutz_truepurple: so what? it workd and you should see it in nautilus now (wherever)15:59
mengesbmalaphus: its my experience that it is all or nothing15:59
truepurplellutz_, I can see it, but like I said, I can not use it, it is giving me that error I mentioned before16:00
mengesbmalaphus: quite frankly... I wouldn't display any list of users ever...16:00
malaphusmengesb: I'm with you on that, but the end users here are pretty stupid16:00
mengesbmalaphus: time to get some education then!16:00
llutz_truepurple: WHAT error? you don't mount it again, it is already mounted and you just can use it16:00
malaphusmengesb: so anything I can do to make their lives easier means less work for me in the long run :P16:00
ikoniamalaphus: enough16:00
truepurplellutz_, "Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: umount: only root can unmount"16:00
malaphusikonia: eh?16:00
ikoniamalaphus: calling the users in the channel stupid16:01
malaphusikonia: Um, no16:01
malaphusikonia: I called the users in my office stupid16:01
llutz_truepurple: change /etc/fstab again to read ".... defaults,users,noauto" to be able to mount/umount it as user16:01
ikoniamalaphus: my apologies, I thought you where calling the users in the channel16:01
malaphusikonia: sorry for the confusion, I'd never insult #ubuntu!16:01
mengesbQuestion about ~/.profile - I've used this for years ... but now every time I start a gnome-terminal session I have to manually source .profile in order to get the variables set there... is there something I'm doing wrong?16:02
ikoniamalaphus: the mistake was mine16:02
malaphusmengesb: I currently hide all users, but I had a user come up to me today and told me they forgot their username, sooo16:02
truepurplellutz_, when I clicked down all the error messages that popped up (the same one I mentioned, but a number of em) then tried again, it is now working, which also seems to have fixed up my usb flash drive16:02
ikoniamalaphus: .profile used to be for bourne/korn shell, ubuntu users to have a line in the bashrc to source it, this only happened with login shells, worth looking if either of those two things have changed16:02
malaphusmengesb: It's funny too, since we use first initial last name as username, so it boggles my mind16:02
mengesbmalaphus: simple answer to that is make it a simple pattern ; last name first initial16:02
mengesbwell, that's as easy as it gets16:03
mengesbmalaphus: just remind them of the username construction16:03
ikoniamalaphus: mengesb maybe take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic16:03
mengesbikonia: i'm still awaiting a bit of help myself here16:03
Poindexter_Hey guys, what is the default directory to install an ircd daemon?16:03
mengesbikonia: don't know why .profile is not getting sourced16:03
ikoniamengesb: that's fine, but you don't need to use this channel for that username conversation16:04
ikoniamengesb: I've just told you 2 reasons16:04
truepurplellutz_, should I still use that command anyway?16:04
Poindexter_Should it be root?16:04
ikoniaPoindexter_: how are you trying to install it ?16:04
llutz_truepurple: if you want that drive always being mounted inside your $HOME, just leave it as it is16:04
Poindexter_I haven't yet installed it. The deamon is Bahamut ircd.16:05
mengesbikonia: two reasons for my issue? where?16:05
ikoniaPoindexter_: ok, how do you "plan"16:05
llutz_truepurple: if you want to mount/umount from time to time, change it.16:05
ikoniamengesb: ahhh, I said it to malaphus instead of you, sorry16:05
ikoniamengesb: scroll up a few lines if you can16:05
Poindexter_I don't honestly know. I tried with Xubuntu but that failed. I am now trying with Ubuntu without a GUI.16:05
truepurplellutz_, if I were to put data in it, then do the change you are talking about, would that data be in danger?16:06
ikoniaPoindexter_: are you trying to use software in the ubuntu repos or build your own software package16:06
llutz_truepurple: no16:06
Poindexter_It is a decompress and build and compile.16:06
mengesbok, I found it... but .profile should be sourcing as my shell should be bash: $ echo $SHELL16:07
ikoniaPoindexter_: ok then it's up to you where you instrall it, as that's your build, so you're choice, it's common to use /usr/local16:07
ikoniamengesb: .profile is not for bash by default, ubuntu put a hack in the .bashrc file to source it16:07
ikoniamengesb: .profile is for bourne/korn shell, .bashprofile and .bashrc are for bash16:08
truepurplellutz_, what is the advantage of putting it in home like that?16:08
mengesbikonia: so instead i should use .bash_profile?16:08
Poindexter_I will make myself very clear. I am the Admin here and noone has access to the Linux box so I don't have any problems with hacking into the box. There is noone other than myself that will be the Admin.16:08
llutz_ikonia: other way round, .profile sources .bashrc when running bash16:08
ikoniamengesb: yes, but again, it's for login shells16:08
ikoniaPoindexter_: I'll make myself very clear "it's YOUR decision"16:08
llutz_truepurple: "you see it in the main listing"16:08
truepurplellutz_, isn't there another way to do that?16:09
llutz_truepurple: i told you before16:09
truepurplellutz_, I mean to have it listed in main, and mountable/unmountable?16:09
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mengesbikonia: ok, so then what's the difference between gnome-terminal and a login shell?16:09
mengesbikonia: cause it apparently didn't matter in 10.04LTS16:10
llutz_truepurple: that fstab-change won't change the mount-point16:10
ikoniamengesb: yes, and I've just told you where to look for potential changes16:10
ikoniaif you do "bash -l" (check that) it should invoke a login shell, see if it's sourced then16:10
ikoniayes, it is bash -l16:10
mengesbikonia: with bash -l it is16:11
mengesbwell, i have a symlink from .profile to .bash_profile16:11
Poindexter_Ikonia my question was what is the default directory to install the ircd daemon. You mentioned /usr/local   <------<   That if it is true answered my question. Thanks.16:11
ikoniamengesb: ok, so the issue is gnome-terminal is not a login shell by default16:11
ikoniaPoindexter_: I understand you're question there is NO default, it's up to YOU. Many people (not everyone) chose to use /usr/local for custom installs, it's up to you16:12
mengesbikonia: well there's no man entry for gnome-terminal16:12
ikoniaI'm sure there is documentation on the net16:12
CMoH-notebookhey. i'm trying to maintain a repository for lucid and for other versions (natty, oneiric). I have now build my deb for the 3, but problem is if i put them all with reprepro, the deb name conflicts. what's does experience dictate? will it overwrite the old ones? (i.e. the blah.deb for lucid with the blah.deb for oneiric)16:13
Poindexter_Ikonia I appreciate your input in this matter. I like to play by the rules and if there is not particular rule on an IRCD daemon, then, I don't fully understand when creating an IRC server which requires a measure of security.16:13
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: you should never mix versions like that16:13
CMoH-notebookikonia, what do you mean?16:13
ikoniaPoindexter_: again, no rules, it's up to you based on how you manage your machine16:13
truepurplellutz_, but you seem to say that it will make it not list in main nautilus anymore16:14
CMoH-notebookikonia, what is the proper way for mixing versions?16:14
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: putting a 11.10 deb overwrite a 10.10 deb should not be done16:14
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: you are not meant to mix versions, it makes your system unusable/unstable16:14
Poindexter_Thanks Ikonia. I appreciate your comments.16:14
CMoH-notebookikonia, i want to avoid this, but most guides refer to maintaining only a one-version repository (i.e. do this and you get a lucid one, and hey, you can also set multiple if you want)16:15
llutz_truepurple: that "defaults,users,noauto" fstab-change won't change the mount-point at all. just leave the mountpoint untouched16:15
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: I don't know what guides you are using, but they are wrong, versions should be seperate, a seperate repo for each ubuntu version16:15
truepurplellutz_, mount point is where it shows in nautilus?16:15
llutz_truepurple: ... yes16:16
mengesbikonia: ... i have to manually dictate 'run command as login shell' ... what the...16:16
ikoniamengesb: have you read the documentation ?16:17
mengesbikonia: found a random post on lq16:17
ikoniaI wouldn't trust that, but it's up to you16:17
mengesbikonia: stupid changes to gnome-terminal ... ugh16:17
mengesbikonia: no, it was correct16:17
CMoH-notebookikonia, i don't understand how then the standard ubuntu distro has for lucid: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted" and for oneiric: "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric main restricted"16:17
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: they are different repos, just one server16:18
CMoH-notebookthey both point to the same base repo16:18
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: look lucid/oneiric, 2 different repos16:18
CMoH-notebookand how do you manage a single pool for the two repos if you want to distribute a package that has the same name and version?16:18
CMoH-notebookand different deps for lucid and oneiric?16:18
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truepurplellutz_, why didn't you have me do it that way from the start?16:19
x999I need to restore the linux kernal for oneric ocelot.  I used Synaptic to remove empathy and evolution.  BOOM.  memtest is only computer function.  I wanted to look at the log and make sure, but I can16:19
x999get much worked out right16:19
llutz_truepurple: because _you_ really said what you really want to do/have16:19
llutz_haven't really*16:19
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: if you look, they are two seperate repos16:19
Poindexter_Ikonia is there any appreciable difference between Xubuntu and Ubuntu as far as the kernel is concerned or is it just the GUI? In your experience.16:19
CMoH-notebookfor lucid i get "blah-version-1.deb", and for oneiric doing a dpkg-buildpackage on a oneiric machine i get the same .deb; what's the ubuntu distro way of reconciling the two debs in the pool?16:19
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: they are just hosted on the same server16:19
ikoniaPoindexter_: identical16:20
CMoH-notebookcan one simply rename the debs after building them?16:20
Poindexter_OK. I did the sudo update and upgrade.16:20
ikoniathey need to be updated in the index files, and they should be totally different debs, with different dependencies and targets16:20
llutz_truepurple: but sorry that i tried to help. won't happen again16:20
truepurplellutz_, but if that way is better overall with no drawbacks, why didn't we use that from the start? I ask because I want to determine pros and cons, not to get you to get unnecessarily defensive.16:21
ikoniallutz_: it's a common theme from this user, he's been spoken to about it before.16:21
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ikoniallutz_: pm ?16:22
llutz_ikonia: now :)16:23
private_metaHey, how do I find out when my specific operating system on my computer/server was installed?16:24
x999I need to restore the linux kernal for oneric ocelot. I used Synaptic to remove empathy and evolution. BOOM. memtest is only computer function. I wanted to look at the log and make sure, but I can't find anyone that knows how to find it.  So I just would like to get that linux kernel going in my home directory.16:25
=== max is now known as Visionaire
x999currently using live cd 64-bit oneric ocelot16:25
cyborgI made a file sharing site around programming and sci-fi. would love any feedback (sorry not trying to be spammy)16:26
ikoniax999 removing evolution. removed the kenrel ?16:26
Jordan_Ucyborg: This channel is not for promoting anything, it's for Ubuntu support. Please do not try to promote any product/product/site/etc here again.16:27
cyborgJordan_U ok16:28
x999ikonia: yes - synaptic showed linux ##.#.# (I don't remember the numbers) and I thought "must be an old version" and Synaptic decided to do some helpful cleaning up since it was removing stuff.16:29
antnashCan someone tell me why apache is showing me a directory instead of index.php?16:29
antnashIt was showing it fine, and all of a sudden it's now16:30
icerootantnash: because you dont have php installed/said apache to use index.php as default16:30
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antnashiceroot, php5 and php5-curl installed. Why would it suddenly stop?16:31
icerootantnash: /var/log/apache2/error.log maye has some infos16:32
d4nt3how to change apache domain name???16:33
d4nt3localhost -> www.me.com16:33
HackNewtoncan anybody tell how to find gtk version of my ubuntu16:35
kanhiyaSuggest me a good desktop recorder, which do not provide choppy video16:35
kanhiyaIstanbul , not my choice16:35
CMoH-notebookikonia, i'm looking at the source differences from the debian folders between natty and lucid for this deb, and there is nothing but a changelog entry in the launchpad repos i pulled from to build my deb (well, i need a different version of it, and also to distribute it internally to my "friends")16:35
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: the actual source won't be the same as they are the same versions, but the end package will be different16:36
CMoH-notebookso how would they distribute this package for lucid and natty at the same time?16:36
kanhiyadesktop recorder is also not very good16:36
CMoH-notebookhmm... is there a flag to dpkg-buildpackage for that? or some config file?16:36
CMoH-notebookbecause i've built the debs on a lucid and oneiric machine, and i've obtained a set of debs with the same names16:37
antnashhaving installed php5, why would there be no reference made to php at all in apache2.conf?16:37
CMoH-notebookikonia, not sure if you noticed my questions above :)16:38
HackNewtonwhen i am trying to compile c program it is giving me error16:38
llutz_antnash: libapache2-mod-php5  is the package you need16:38
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: they don't, they are in TWO REPOS16:38
ActionParsnipHackNewton: did you install build-essential package16:39
antnashllutz_, already got it16:39
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: they are two different packages in 2 different repos16:39
ActionParsnipHackNewton: what is the error?16:39
mephistobaneHello everyone. Would anyone mind helping guide me a bit with installing GRUB for 2 drives?16:39
kanhiyasuggest me a good desktop recorder other than istanbul16:40
ActionParsnipHackNewton: #c or #c++ is probably more appropriate too :)16:40
ActionParsnipkanhiya: recordmydesktop16:40
ActionParsnipkanhiya: byznanz16:40
HackNewtonActionParsnip, its giving no such file or directory16:40
ActionParsnipkanhiya: cvidcap16:41
ActionParsnipHackNewton: for what file?16:41
ActionParsnipxvidcap sorry, kanhiya16:41
kanhiyathanks all16:42
Jordan_Umephistobane: What problem are you having specifically?16:43
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Xvidcap provide choppy video , & how to change frame rate?16:43
HackNewtoni am giving command gcc file.c -o file 'pkg-config --cflags - libs gtk+-2.0"16:44
x999x999 looking up chown16:45
mephistobaneJordan_U: I have 2 hard disks, SATA with Ubuntu maverick, IDE(sata conversion cable) with XP. I feel lost with setting up grub to boot from a menu. Did this years ago, but going back and reading tutorials is sending me in circles. Feeling like I have no reference point to go from. Thanks for responding btw.16:45
Jordan_Umephistobane: You're welcome. What happens now at boot? What do you want to happen?16:45
ActionParsnipkanhiya: no idea, I don't use them16:46
mephistobaneJordan_U: I haven't rebooted yet, so not sure. I want to boot and hit a grub menu, giving me the option to boot either Ubuntu, or XP, with say 15seconds to decide.16:46
mohawkjohnFor some reason, I can't save certain settings -- gedit, gnome-advanced-settings (specifically the monospace font for gnome), etc. Anyone know why this might be? Permissions problem, perhaps?16:46
mephistobaneJordan_U: did a "make install" with the grub1.99 source. Worked out but I didn't know where to go from there.16:47
kanhiyaActionParsnip: Thanks16:47
x999howdy folks!  My computer boots to memtest.  I would like to have it boot up to ubuntu 11.10 like it was before.16:47
ActionParsnipmephistobane: install grub2 as normal, then run:  sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub16:47
CMoH-notebookikonia, here's the scenario: bzr checkout lp:ubuntu/lucid/poco && cd poco && dpkg-buildpackage, which gives me say libpoco-dev_1.3.6p1-1_amd64.deb built for lucid. next if I bzr checkout lp:ubuntu/natty/poco, i get the exact same deb, this time built for natty (different odbc), i.e. libpoco-dev_1.3.6p1-1_amd64.deb . If i now run reprepro on the lucid one, it works, and next the natty .deb is conflicting with the lucid one. how does ubuntu handle16:48
CMoH-notebookthis situation, so I can duplicate a proven way of avoiding such conflicts16:48
Jordan_Umephistobane: You don't need to, and you shouldn't, make install grub. Ubuntu already comes with grub (and sets up things how you have asked, except with a 5 second rather than 15 second timeout).16:48
Jordan_Umephistobane: Run "sudo make uninstall" in the source directory to get back to using Ubuntu's grub.16:48
ActionParsnipx999: hold shift at boot and select the kernel, you can then change the defalt grub option16:48
ikoniaCMoH-notebook: I'll be with your shortly, just a little busy16:49
CMoH-notebookikonia, ty16:49
mephistobaneJordan_U: Okay I'll do that. do I need to alter any settings to restore it? It was at a default before(no extra partitions to speak of, just extended and swap)16:49
Jordan_UActionParsnip: Not that it hurts anything, but running "sudo os-prober" before update-grub is not needed. update-grub will run os-prober and parse its output to create menu entries on its own.16:49
x999no kernel.  that is what I posted before.  would it be helpful for me to repaste it again?16:49
HackNewtonok anyone tell me essential steps to start up my gtk+ training16:49
mephistobaneActionParsnip: haha, that's where I'm lost: "install grub2 as normal" no reference point. But Jordan_U says it's already installed...cool I guess16:50
ActionParsnipJordan_U: oh, I thought update-grub just read the configs and not run os-prober16:50
ActionParsnipmephistobane: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/16:51
Jordan_UActionParsnip: Nope. os-prober doesn't save any state, all it does is print to stdout to be parsed by something else.16:51
x999ActionParsnip - the kernel is gone.  currently using liveCD16:51
Jordan_Umephistobane: This is the the first you've mentioned any changes to partitions. Did you make any changes to partitions since you last booted?16:52
tomasm-hi, is there a screen ruler app other than kruler to use? I really dislike it's interface16:52
ActionParsnipx999: then use: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video/   and chroot, you should then be ableto do stuff to grub2 there16:53
b3nwhi, whats the best way to get attention to a bug? Oneiric/11.10 -  LP: 789174 - rsyslog fails to create tcp socket, feel like rsyslog being broken by default for remote logging is a pretty big deal...16:53
mephistobaneno. sda is ubuntu with 1ubuntu, 2extended, 3swap. sbb is 1XP, 2extended, 3swap. Same as when I woke up this morning.16:53
Jordan_Umephistobane: OK. Do you see a grub menu at boot currently?16:54
mephistobaneJordan_U: still running machine now. trepidatious about rebooting because I'd rather not have to fix it AFTER it's broke...if it is...16:55
gribouillein the command for pre-up, can I put shell meta-charactres lile | ?16:55
mephistobanealthough if needed I can go grab an extrnal USB storage and backup stuff16:55
gribouillein the /etc/network/interfaces  file, in the command for pre-up, can I put shell meta-charactres lile | ?16:55
Jordan_Umephistobane: If all you've done is run make install then nothing should be broken, yet. But running "sudo make uninstall" in the source directory will ensure that nothing breaks in the future.16:55
mephistobaneJordan_U: did that. It's uninstalled. any way I can check to see how my grub.cfg is doing, or to check if booting will work?16:56
gribouillein the /etc/network/interfaces  file, in the command for pre-up, can I put shell meta-charactres lile | ?16:56
mephistobaneJordan_U: thanks for all the assistance by the way, I've been at this for a couple days now. :)16:57
CMoH-notebooksorry, wrong window16:58
Jordan_Umephistobane: Yes, but IMHO it's not worth doing at this point since I'm 90% sure a reboot will go fine, and even if it doesn't grub isn't too hard to fix from a LiveCD/USB.16:58
x999thank you ActionParsnip.  I don't know if I will ever make it back after I log out so I just want to make sure - this will help restore a missing kernel without jamming up my home partitions?16:59
=== pdq is now known as pdq2
gribouillein the /etc/network/interfaces  file, in the command for pre-up, can I put shell meta-charactres lile |''?17:00
gribouillein the /etc/network/interfaces  file, in the command for pre-up, can I put shell meta-charactres lile '|'?17:00
Kartagisat the moment, my irc client gives me ctcp action requests like [18:36:30] Kanal CTCP ACTION talebi Clint'den [~Clint@libre.fm/hacker/clint] (ACTION unzips.), ignored (unrecognized) because my LANG is not en_US.UTF-8. I start my irc client with the command LANG=en_US.UTF-8 kvirc but it's still not recognized. what must I do?17:00
ActionParsnipx999: once you chroot, you can configure grub there, should be ok17:01
x999ActionParsnip: Thanks buddy!17:01
mephistobaneJordan_U: okay I'm downloading ubuntu live and will make a CD to boot from. From here I can use grub to alter the sda(ubtuntu) MBR, and tell the BIOS to boot this drive, right? Then from there, I can do....something....to alter the grub.cfg so it can chainload sbb....right?17:01
x999out /quit17:01
Jordan_Umephistobane: You shouldn't need to do anything. But yes, if something goes wrong you can use a LiveCD to re-install grub (if needed) or re-run update-grub (if needed).17:03
AndroUsergood evening17:06
mephistobaneJordan_U: Okay, so let's assume my grub is working fine(I'll check once I've got the live CD burnt). So, now what steps can I take to get the menu to show up with Ubuntu and XP? Currently, computer goes from BIOS straight into my ubuntu desktop.17:08
Jordan_Umephistobane: If you run "sudo os-prober" right now do you see any output?17:09
cheburequehi everyone17:09
mephistobaneJordan_U: /dev/sdb1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain17:10
bytesaber_workgnome 3, no longer works with compiz?17:10
Jordan_Umephistobane: Great. Then if you run "sudo update-grub" it should automatically add an entry for Windows, and the grub menu should now be shown at boot.17:10
lakomwhy has unattended-upgrades not run today? the last log is from "2011-11-14 10:53:20,756 INFO.." and its now 18:10 here.17:10
cheburequecould anyone tell me - is there an analogue of VirtualDubMod in Ubuntu?17:11
Jordan_Umephistobane: So run "sudo update-grub" and reboot and everything should be working as you want it.17:11
mephistobaneFound Microsoft Windows XP Professional on /dev/sdb117:11
ferthedemshola, españoles??17:11
mephistobanecool. Now I'll change the timeout to 20 or so17:11
ct529hi! The last few times I have upgraded ubuntu because of new releases I have used the automatic update. I am now left with some packages which are there and used, but do not appear in the database and are not seen by the package manager. Is there a way to clean up the installation?17:12
mephistobaneJordan_U: this is weird..."grub timeout 2017:12
mephistobaneThe program 'grub' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:17:12
mephistobanesudo apt-get install grub"17:12
thegladiatorHello what would be a good window manager for Buntu17:14
cheburequecould anyone tell me - is there an analogue of VirtualDubMod in Ubuntu?17:14
thegladiatorI mean tiling window manager17:15
Jordan_Umephistobane: You're currently using grub2, which has no "grub" command (nor does it have a "grub2" command). And "grub timeout 20" has never been a valid command for any version of grub. If you want to change grub's timeout then to 20 seconds then open /etc/default/grub by running "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub". There you should see a line like "GRUB_TIMOUT=10". Change it to "GRUB_TIMEOUT=20" and run "sudo update-grub" again after making the change.17:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:15
LemonAidHello. I just mounted an .iso image of a dvd. What would you recommend i use to play it ? The Ubuntu default media player hags at the interactive menu.17:15
ActionParsnipLemonAid: you don't need to mount the ISO of a DVD to watch it, players can play the ISO as if it was a media file17:16
ActionParsnipthegladiator: awesome exists17:17
cheburequecould anyone tell me - is there an analogue of VirtualDubMod in Ubuntu?17:17
ActionParsnipthegladiator: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager17:17
thegladiatorok will try awesome , besides what GUI do u use ? I am using gnome 3 and looking for the control panel equivalent in it17:18
ActionParsnipthegladiator: lxde mainly, currently on Perfect Pangolin on Gnome3/Unity17:18
ActionParsnip*precise sorry17:19
thegladiatorright thanks . I am using Gnome 3 now with lxde as a nother option17:19
mephistobaneJordan_U: Will switching the XP drive from one computer to the next break it's ability to boot? I tried telling the BIOS last night(after combining the drives into this computer) to boot the windows one by default, and it gave me errors: something along the lines of "this computer shut off weird. do you want to boot in safe mode or use the last settings?" in an endless loop.17:20
ct529hi! The last few times I have upgraded ubuntu because of new releases I have used the automatic update. I am now left with some packages which are there and used, but do not appear in the database and are not seen by the package manager. Is there a way to clean up the installation?17:20
LemonAidActionParsnip, that still leaves me with the question of what to choose to play it with, since "Movie Player" does not seem to want to do it. Either that, or i don`t know how to persuade it :)17:20
ActionParsnipLemonAid: VLC will do it17:21
LemonAidThank you.17:21
mephistobaneLemonAid: I really enjoy VLC, it plays most stuff other players wont17:21
lystraHave 11.10 installed, trying to build the proposed 3.0.0-13.22 kernel. http://pastebin.com/3HiYK7h6. Anyone with any ideas as to how to work around the error I'm getting?17:22
LemonAidWill try it now.17:22
zykotick9mephistobane, ya VLC is almost as good as mplayer ;)17:22
geoffmccLemonAid: VLC (very Little Cant) play, lol17:22
tomasm-can anyone recommend a screen ruler application for ubuntu? I dont see one other than kruler, which I dont want installed (using gnome)17:22
ironfoot495can someone help fix resolution problem I have17:23
ironfoot495startup goes to black on larger lcd screen17:23
ironfoot495tried googlinng but none helped!17:24
LemonAidVLC seems to work, thanx again guys.17:24
thegladiatorgnome 3 needs some getting used to I think17:25
ActionParsnipironfoot495: on an installed OS or in the install CD>17:25
ironfoot495install OS17:25
ActionParsnipironfoot495: what gpu do you use?17:25
ironfoot495thanx for responding17:26
ActionParsnipironfoot495: graphics chip17:26
CMoH-notebookikonia, i've figured it out: the -0ubuntu1- (or similar cryptic suffixes that avoid name conflicts) are controlled via the changelog17:26
CMoH-notebookikonia, thanks for your help :)17:26
ironfoot495msi nvidia17:26
ActionParsnipironfoot495: then add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=117:27
ironfoot495instead of nomodeset17:27
mephistobaneAs far as booting into your old XP, that can be tricky. As installed on  your old machine, it had all the drivers needed for its devices, but  will be missing drivers for many devices on your new machine. Sometimes  you can fix that by doing what's called a Repair Install from your old  XP Install CD.17:29
mephistobanehaha! I'll try this too. :)17:29
mephistobanehave a great day all. much appreciated!17:29
steviemanI have a system with a sata drive (OS) and an older IDE drive (Media) I want to add a second sata to replace the IDE but I need to transfer the files over first. The problem I have is that when I try to boot with the new sata drive attached I get a Grub Error 22 (partion missing). How do I boot my system with the 3 drives attached? I assume the new sata is bumping the IDE from sdb to sdc17:31
ironfoot495ActionParsnip: I put it the grub default file where else  or wait til I see menu and press e?17:32
splnetDoes Ubuntu one work well? Trying to sign up and keep getting 504 timeout errors17:32
nayenaIm trying to boot from a fresh burned ubuntu-server CD and after the grub boot menu has been shown and i select install from CD the screen goes blank like it needs drivers. I have tried forcevesa and removing quiet boot, how can i fix this, so i can boot from the CD?17:32
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | ironfoot49517:32
ubottuironfoot495: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.17:32
lonejackhi, can someone help me on printer driver? I've an SX210(epson). When I connect the device on my desktop(10.04) I see a lot of option, but on 11.04(laptop) I can't.17:32
lonejackplease help me17:33
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | lonejack17:33
ubottulonejack: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:33
nayenaActionParsnip, i have also tried with that17:33
ActionParsnipnayena: did you md5 test theiso you downloaded?17:34
mang0Is ther a way to turn of the "insert login keyring" message when I turn my computer on, other than turning off auto-login?#17:34
nayenathat happened automatically with k3b17:34
dr_willismang0:  you can set the keyring to not use a password.17:34
lonejackActionParsnip, bad destination on last message(not interested on nomodeset)17:35
mang0dr_willis: How?17:35
nayenanoacpi fixed it, trying random stuff ftw17:35
dr_willismang0:  using the 'seahorse' tool i belive. not sure what its called in the menus. You can change the keyring password via its right click menus.. and set itto be blank.17:35
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TenkawaAnyone have any opinions on which tablets are the most likely to run Ubuntu the best (besides the hp touchpad)17:36
=== LimitedAtonement is now known as LmAt
dr_willisTenkawa:   you are refering to ARM/Android tablets? or windows/x86 based tablets?17:36
Tenkawadr_willis: arm17:36
mang0dr_willis: Will look in to it, thanks.17:36
Tenkawai really mean linux in general...17:37
Tenkawajust auto typed ubuntu17:37
dr_willisTenkawa:  from what ive seen on the topic. Ubuntu on arm tablets (or even x86 tablets) is still  in a very young stage17:37
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:37
Tenkawadr_willis: I'm a low levev modder/kernel tweaker so I like the early projects17:38
Tenkawadr_willis: I just havent heard much on which tablets can even be easily reimaged17:38
dr_willisTenkawa:  yep. that would be a major  issue. :)17:38
Tenkawayep... touchpad could... but the limited avail and eol hurts17:38
Tenkawathe galaxy tab seems to have potential though17:39
Tenkawadepending on its reflashing17:39
jc-2good afternoon, i want to know where the printers in Ubuntu 11.10 are installed17:40
ActionParsnipjc-2: there is a printer app if you type print into dash17:40
ActionParsnipjc-2: or run: system-config-printer17:41
jc-2i made a mistake and moved the directory to my desk17:41
jc-2and I want to restore it17:41
dotnettedHey all - If I changed the time zone of a remote server to something other than it's physical time zone (to match my current time zone) could anything be affected adversely? (ie. network communications)17:43
azihm.. how could i reinstall grub without grub repair from within the live cd without using the internet?17:45
ygorhello...does anyone know hw could i install socat? im trying to install it from terminal but theres no answer.17:47
llutz_!info socat17:47
ubottusocat (source: socat): multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer. In component universe, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 353 kB, installed size 968 kB17:47
conntrackit is easy with iptables17:47
llutz_ygor: needs universe-repo being enabled17:47
ygorllutz: sorry..i have socat instaled, i just cant execute it..17:48
llutz_ygor: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install socat"17:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:48
wd_pl read:E:Type 'ttp://ppa.launchpad.net/nilarimogard/webupd8/ubuntu' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nilarimogard-webupd8-oneiric.list17:49
ygorllutz: im following a tutorial, that says i need to execute it..and i need to write a command line in the terminal..i do it but theres no anser from the terminal17:49
ActionParsnipwd_: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and add an h to the line17:49
ActionParsnipwd_: ttp change to http17:49
ActionParsnipwd_: notice the other lines17:50
ygori need to write this command line in the terminal to execute socat..is there something wrong in it?   socat PTY,link=$HOME/.wine/dosdevices/com3,raw,echo=0 PTY,link=$HOME/.wine/dosdevices/com4,raw,echo=017:50
llutz_ygor: sorry i'm not very familiar with socat, you'd check documentation about the syntax17:53
ygorllutz: ok buddy thank you17:54
Travis-Anyone have a recommendation for the best tutorial for PPC installation? I'd like to install on a PowerMac G5.17:54
=== max is now known as Visionaire
a34154ekdoes anyone know how to move the root (including root/grub) to another partition17:57
LABcrabHello! Why doesn't Ubuntu whip with VLC by default?17:57
urlin2ua34154ek, can you describe what the problem is and why you need that?17:57
llutz_a34154ek: use live-cd, mount old/new / somewhere, use rsync -aux /old /new    edit /etc/fstab and repair grub17:58
bindihey, if I recompile my current kernel (need 1000Hz for a gameserver), how am I able to receive new kernel updates automatically and put the kernel to use automatically? Need 1000Hz, but security holes are my concern..17:58
scratchingmyheadanyone know anything about Beancounter a stock program?  I installed it through software center but cant find it and terminal run nothing also17:58
scratchingmyheadhow to start it17:58
a34154ek@urlin2u: i have to type some commands every time i boot my system to let my computer know where grub is installed17:58
Flannela34154ek: If you move root, you'll need separate partitions for everything else you want to keep on the 'old' partition.  Do you just want to move /grub?17:59
jackintheboxhow do i change the boot logo crunchbang stater?17:59
llutz_a34154ek: easier to repair grub than to move /17:59
urlin2ua34154ek, so you have more then one OS? Have you run sudo update-grub when your in the ubuntu/17:59
BluesKaja34154ek, sudo update-grub ?17:59
Flanneljackinthebox: Ask in #crunchbang17:59
=== Mud is now known as Guest68592
jackintheboxi did no one is talking18:00
a34154ek@urlin2u: nope i have just one, ubuntu18:00
ubidoobi2hi all .. installed ubuntu 11.10 .  Boot into it and it's got no sound at all.  Any help ? should i download something?18:00
Flanneljackinthebox: That's the place you'll need to get support.  We don't know anything about crunchbang in here.18:00
urlin2ua34154ek, have you run sudo update-grub once your in?18:00
a34154ek@urlin2u: i didnt make a separate partition for the boot, so i installed it inside one of the ext4 parts18:00
BluesKaja34154ek, @ isn't needed on irc, just type the nick18:01
trijntjeubidoobi2: what have you tried to get sound working?18:01
a34154ekblueskaj: okay18:01
ubidoobi2trijntje: nothing :)18:01
urlin2ua34154ek, install grub to the mbr ten if it is not the if sda it would be from the ubuntu terminal sudo grub-install /dev/sda18:01
ubidoobi2trijntje: i know nothing about linux so i wouldn't have a clue where to start18:01
ubidoobi2trijntje: it's probably something simple ?18:02
trijntjeubidoobi2: well, first go to the top right, click on the speaker icon and go to sound settings18:02
ubidoobi2trijntje : check.18:02
urlin2ua34154ek, run sudo fdsik -l to confirm the HD letters sda or sdb then run that command with the correct one the sudo update-grub18:02
a34154ekurlin2u: which partition would the grub be installed to if i write  sudo grub-install /dev/sda18:03
urlin2ua34154ek, the grub files for the partition are alraedy there it sound like18:04
LABcrabHello! Why doesn't Ubuntu whip with VLC by default?18:04
ubidoobi2trijntje : okay now what ?18:04
trijntjeubidoobi2: nothing muted there?18:04
urlin2ua34154ek, the partiotion grub files and the grub stuff for the sda=mbr talk to each other4.18:04
a34154ekurlin2u: my grub resides in dev/sda8/boot/grub18:04
ubidoobi2trijntje: everything in there is a go .. nothing muted .. did speaker test and got sound18:05
urlin2ua34154ek, what is the partition that the ubuntu is in the root?18:05
a34154ekurlin2u: root is in sda8 as well :p18:05
urlin2ua34154ek, cool and that is the partition used with the manual boot?18:06
a34154ekurlin2u: yup18:06
trijntjeubidoobi2: so your sound is half working. What applications are without sound?18:06
jeriel05I am running pinguy os from a live disk. I am going to install it but would like to know what is the recommended amount of memory I should allocate for root?18:06
urlin2ua34154ek, you didn't make a boot partition correct, just installed grub to that partition?18:06
ubidoobi2trijntje : web videos18:06
ubidoobi2trijntje: and there are no sounds in the ubuntu interface at all either18:07
trijntjeubidoobi2: in what browser, and in what format are the video's18:07
a34154ekurlin2u: ubuntu asks where to install the bootloader while installing the os; i chose sda8 :p18:07
pilouski3yo do seen the news about anonymous?18:08
trijntje!offtopic | pilouski318:08
ubottupilouski3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:08
trijntjeubidoobi2: can you get sound using banshee?18:08
urlin2ua34154ek, okay your fine you just need grub installed in the mbr with this command run from your booted sda8 sudo grub-install /dev/sda  then run sudo update-grub18:08
ubidoobi2trijntje: i will try ... i don't even know what banshee is sorry18:09
urlin2ua34154ek, gotta go that should work others will help if you need more help.18:09
trijntjeubidoobi2: banshee is the default music player in ubuntu18:09
a34154ekurlin2u: unh, again - where will the grub go if i do what u say?18:09
pilouski3i would like to connect to an other irc but i dont know how I have to do,18:09
ubidoobi2trijntje : found banshee18:09
trijntjeyou can also try a video on youtube or something like that18:09
myusdatHere I am18:10
pilouski3 i would like to connect to an other irc but i dont know how I have to do?18:10
a34154ekcan anyone else help me?18:10
ubidoobi2mp3 playback is not supported on this computer ... so i clicked install18:11
K1rkWe are having this problem with our printers, sometimes.  I haven't found a solution yet.  https://goput.it/sot.png   Has anyone seen this before?18:11
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=== andy_ is now known as Guest60153
a34154ekDoes anyone know what this command does:  sudo grub-install /dev/sda ?18:12
JoniiHey, what does this mean: Make caps lock an additional control but keep the caps_lock keysym18:12
ubidoobi2trijntje : i installed ubuntu using the alternate installer .... could there have been something missing from this installer?18:12
llutz_a34154ek: it'll write grub into MBR18:13
JoniiFound under keyboard -> options18:13
trijntjeubidoobi2: I'm not sure, if the sound test works your sound works18:13
a34154ekllutz_: and remove it from where it currently is?18:13
trijntjeif chrome has no sound that migth be due to problems with the codec18:13
llutz_a34154ek: no18:13
ubidoobi2trijntje: i'll fiddle around with it some ... thx for the help :)18:14
a34154ekllutz_: so grub will be installed in  2 places at one time?18:14
K1rkThe printers are using LPD to connect to a Windows print server.  We are randomly getting a Bad Pattern error while Ubuntu clients are trying to print.  As far as we know, this is a new issue, and we've been running on Linux here since August.  https://goput.it/sot.png18:14
llutz_a34154ek: the bootloader part (the smallest one) yes18:14
=== max is now known as Visionaire
a34154ekllutz_: counting on you, man...executing the command now...18:15
llutz_a34154ek: youwant to read about bootloaders, grub2, stage1, stage2 etc. and  what they are/do18:16
trijntjeubidoobi2: I hope you'll get sound to work!18:16
ubidoobi2trijntje : just had a thought ... my only sound would be through hdmi cable ... i know the other os is not always able to get sound through the hdmi18:16
a34154ekllutz_: yeah sure18:16
lucawhat do you think of my site? http://filibertobiolca.altervista.org/pagina-94413.html18:16
LABcrabCome on, why does Ubuntu bundle Totem by default?18:16
lucaI'd like to know your opinion18:16
llutz_luca:  Do you have any ubuntu support related question?18:16
saladdin19Hey guys, been trying to install both 11.04 and 11.10 on a x41 with a CF card, but everytime about halfway it would say the installer crashed18:16
zykotick9LABcrab, because Gnome does (would be my guess)18:16
deadmanhi, I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and i just installed the kubuntu-desktop package from Software Center which got installed successfully.18:17
BarbarianGood evenin' gentlemen18:17
deadmanHowever, now my system wont boot.... it just hangs18:17
BlauskaerMBarbarian: evning18:17
OerHeksLABcrab, you van install any player, Totem is a nice player, as good maybe better than VLC18:17
deadmanBut i can boot using the recovery mode18:17
Barbariandeadman: tried removing the program?18:17
LABcrabzykotick9 and OerHeks: There are some things i don't like about VLC, but Totem asks "get a plugin for this!  and that!" so it's annoying.18:18
saladdin19any takers :)18:18
zykotick9LABcrab, personally i don't like Totem or VLC - mplayer ftw ;)18:18
BarbarianLABcrab: As far as I know, they can't include VLC because of licencing reasons, BECAUSE of the fact it bundles everything.18:18
OerHeksLABcrab, did you install restricted extra's ?18:18
ubidoobi2trijntje : in sounds settings : ... the top option tests okay but the bottom one doesn't.  bottom option is "Internal Audio .. 1 output /1 input Analog Stereo Duplex ... test doesn't work in it.18:18
jeriel05I am running pinguy os 11.04.1  live disk. I would like to install and would like to know the proper way to create a partition  and how much memory to allocate for root, home, and swap.18:18
zykotick9jeriel05, pinguy isn't supported here18:19
lucallutz_: I'd like to know how can you use mysql on ubuntu18:19
Barbarianis there a #pinguy?18:19
JoniiHey, the question about caps lock and ctrl?18:19
JoniiHey, what does this mean: Make caps lock an additional control but keep the caps_lock keysym18:19
trijntjeubidoobi2: you should just set it to use the one that works ;)18:20
llutz_luca: install it, use it like on any other system18:20
saladdin19When i tried a regular install (makes swap space etc) the OS would install, but hang on boot (something along the lines of filesystem is readonly)18:21
lucallutz_: I installed it on ubuntu but I don't know how I can use it18:21
saladdin19when i tried manually without swap, it just craps out half way18:21
saladdin19installer crash18:21
mephistobhello all, I'm back18:22
llutz_luca: www.mysqltutorial.org18:22
mephistobCan anyone help me reset my MBR for ubuntu? Got the live CD up running now18:22
saladdin19open gparted18:23
LABcrabBarbarian: Can't they exclude the DVD, the MPEG this and that, but still include VLC?18:23
BarbarianLABcrab: Then you'd need plugins, and bitch about VLC :P18:23
LSymondsI still think xubuntu is the way to go rather than mint.18:24
saladdin19@mephistob: when you open gparted (included in livecd) you'll want the partition menu->create table18:24
saladdin19that should do it for you, make sure to unmount disk if in use18:25
scratchingmyheadhow to use beancounter?  I installed through software center and cannot use it?18:25
saladdin19anybody can help a guy out with ubuntu install on a CF? :)18:25
deadmanHi, I recently installed the package KUBUNTU-DESKTOP from the Software Center, however since then my system does not boot18:26
LABcrabBarbarian: why not create something like vlc-extra-codecs?18:26
deadmanI am able to boot via the Recovery option in GRUB menu though18:26
deadmancan someone help me18:26
BarbarianLABcrab: Do-able, probably more difficult than just including a different stand-alone media player with plugins18:26
llutz_LABcrab: 1 advantage of vls is, it does not need any extra-codecs.18:26
mephistobokay. got 2 drives here, sda(250g ubuntu) and sdb(80g XP). says ubuntu is unallocated, after having put in the windows install disk to try and repair the XP drive. Was attempting to get it to recognize the hardware for this new computer I put the xp drive in. Question: Can xp disk mess with sda(ubuntu)? How bad is this?18:26
saladdin19@mephistob: usually not18:27
saladdin19@mephistob: what exactly are you trying to do?18:27
Barbarianllutz_: Was talking about a stripped-down version of VLC to dodge licensing issues to include in the default install of ubuntu18:27
urlin2umephistob, windows will default to a sda drive where does it say ubuntu unallocated?18:28
llutz_Barbarian: which ends in a crippled player like all the other on the market?18:28
Barbarianllutz_: Exactly what I said18:28
urlin2umephistob, is the unallocated from the XP disc?18:28
mephistob@saladdin: just want to dual boot from grub, my two hard drives. had grub working to boot both. XP went into error cycling(didn't recognize new hardware in computer). I put in the install disk to repair the XP, and now both dont work.18:29
kkegot three servers, planning to run vm's on them in such a way that if one of the boxes blows up, we can either quickly or seamlessly get a spare running for the vm's that were on the broken node. so far we've wasted time on stackops and crowbar which i think were clearly a mistake as we don't need any fancy cloud stuff. any recommendations? i guess the next candidate is ganeti+drbd unless you come up with something we haven't looked into yet18:29
mephistobgparted recognizes XP on sdb, and thinks sda with ubuntu is unallocated.18:29
=== marco is now known as Guest49137
urlin2umephistob, gparted on a live cd?18:30
mephistoburlin2u: yes18:30
saladdin19@mephistob: let me rephrase: xp won't mess up the ubutnu partition, but it will mess up the bootloader18:30
urlin2umephistob, do you have the Ubuntu backed up or cloned?18:30
saladdin19you still getting grub after trying repair?18:30
mephistobsaladdin: ahhh good, so easy fix. then wipe xp18:30
saladdin19yea, exactly18:31
=== tonighttt is now known as CarlosMachado
mephistobwell, not sure how to proceed with gparted to repair...bit trepidatious about further damage18:31
dimb033hello, guys!18:31
saladdin19@mephistob: with sata drives there is very little worry18:31
zykotick9saladdin19, @ are not required - IRC isn't twitter/ident.ca.  See "/msg ubottu tab" for a helpful hint18:31
saladdin19mephitob, just make sure to pick the right drive ;)18:32
mephistobsaladdin: gparted cannot find a partition table18:32
saladdin19mephistob: uh oh18:32
saladdin191. is that on your ubuntu or your xp disk? 2. where did you install bootloader?18:33
saladdin19(which disk has grub)18:33
mephistobWTF? I didn;t even go all the way with the xp disk, I canceled before doing anything and it WIPED the OTHER drive??18:33
dimb033could you help me?! i can not find information on web about new linux version numbering... Could someone explain it to me?18:33
urlin2umephistob, not necessarily it sounds like a broken partition table.18:34
mephistobsda ubuntu with grub, no partition table. sdb with xp still as is18:34
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest5417
zykotick9dimb033, Linus skipped 2.8 and jumpted to 3.0 - what is your question?18:34
saladdin19mephistob, hahaha that's an interesting problem18:34
=== Guest5417 is now known as mintsoup
saladdin19usually, corrupt tables take everything with them18:34
urlin2utestdisk might find it saladdin1918:35
saladdin19im surprised grub pops up18:35
mephistobyeah... weirdly the way these things happen18:35
saladdin19good call urlin2u18:35
mephistobactually, it doesnt18:35
dimb033zykotick9, i wanna know the meaning of those numbers18:35
saladdin19well f18:35
damianfrancisI have just created a new ubuntu 10.04 server in Rackspace and I was looking at the fstab, and noticing that does not use /dev/sda for the name of the disk. Instead it is something new to me, /dev/xvdc has anyone ever seen that?18:35
urlin2umephistob, you tried that already?18:35
mephistobits black screen with blinking _18:36
=== johnny is now known as johnnyzero
mephistobor live ubuntu CD now18:36
zykotick9dimb033, the meaning?  of version numbers?  they don't have meanings - they a way to keep track of development/what kernel people are using...18:36
johnnyzeroI have a question18:36
thornhillI'm using 11.10, how do I get a classic desktop, or the gnome desktop?18:36
johnnyzeroWhen you submit a bug, how long does it take for someone to respond18:36
johnnyzeroIt has been 2 or 3 weeks now18:36
thegladiatormy external hdd is not mounting18:36
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
johnnyzeroand nobody has even looked at it18:36
thegladiatoris there any way I can check it18:37
zykotick9!notunity | thornhill18:37
ubottuthornhill: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:37
thegladiatorAnywy it doesnt auto popup , so I need to mount manually18:37
mephistobHowever, fdisk shows something interesting... shows ubuntu sda as FAT16 rather than ext418:37
mephistobHowever, fdisk shows something interesting... shows ubuntu sda as FAT16 rather than ext418:37
urlin2ujohnnyzero, got a link to te report?18:37
dimb033zykotick9, but how to identify whether kernel is stable/unstable or not?18:37
johnnyzerourlin2u, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/88644918:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886449 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1, recording] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,New]18:38
saladdin19mephistob corrupt tables are finicky, if gparted can't see your partitions, chances are that it is hosed18:38
zykotick9dimb033, this shouldn't be an issue using Ubuntu - but you could check http://www.kernel.org/18:38
saladdin19replacing your table will necessarily result in losing your data18:39
bytesaber_worki'm running a rotating cube and unity.  there a thing i can turn on, so that i can see which desktop i am on eaiser?18:39
saladdin19unless you go and rebuild the partition yourself18:39
dimb033zykotick9, thanx18:39
saladdin19point to your old data18:39
thegladiatorany software to test external hdd thanks18:40
saladdin19fixmbr in any windows setting will probably mess up the partition data18:40
johnnyzerooh wait18:40
saladdin19(im assuming you tried fixmbr and that's why your getting the fat16 misnomer)18:40
johnnyzeroThats weird18:40
mephistobso, if fdisk is showing me...a 250gig sda with "/dev/sda1p1" as 134217727+ blocks...can this let me recreate a partition table?18:40
urlin2ubytesaber_work, what desktops do you have installed?18:40
saladdin19(assuming that its reading info correctly)18:41
bytesaber_workurlin2u, Unity and Gnome318:41
mephistobi was ABOUT TO use the XP cd to fix SDb, but canceled it.18:41
bytesaber_workurlin2u, i can't get Gnome3 to respond to any compiz stuff.  So i switched back to Unity.18:42
urlin2ubytesaber_work, the cube wont run in gnome 3 so it is unity if the cube is there.18:42
thegladiatorany software to test external hdd is working  ? Like diagnostics18:42
bytesaber_workurlin2u, yes, i am currently running Unity18:42
johnnyzeroI'll brb18:42
johnnyzeroI dunno what can be done about that bug18:42
johnnyzeroI hope something18:42
saladdin19anybody wanna help a guy out trying to install ubuntu on a CF on a thinkpad X41 :)18:42
urlin2ubytesaber_work, gnome 3 uses mutter not compiz18:42
urlin2ubytesaber_work, not much can be done with it comparativly.18:43
thegladiatorhow do I see the device file of my USB ?18:43
bytesaber_workurlin2u, i'm just in unity.  Apparently that's what i'm "told by ubuntu" that i want.18:43
urlin2ubytesaber_work, there are some things in gnome tweak for gnome 3 but others will know more I have to go to class.18:44
bytesaber_workurlin2u, I miss the rectangle grid on the lower corner of my screen giving me quick access to any side of my cube.18:44
mephistobis there anything I can do to recover photos, documents?18:44
urlin2ubytesaber_work, you can set the middle buton to rotate.18:44
saladdin19mephistob: its been sometime since i last did partition rebuilding18:44
urlin2ugotta go.18:44
bytesaber_workhe didn't get what i meant.18:45
OerHeksmephistob, on ext3/4 you could try testdisk to recover18:45
zykotick9mephistob, check out "photorec" it's part of the "testdisk" suite18:45
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nickkontoshello, is there any way to learn the signal numbers my usb game controller sends with every key hit? thank you18:46
mfaroukgwhat is the best sip app ?18:46
zykotick9mephistob, just to be clear - testdisk recovers partitions, while photorec recovers files on deleted partitions18:46
llutz_nickkontos: tried "xev" to find those numbers?18:47
rigelhi, i have a dell laptop and i would like to figure out how to set use of the Fn key -- it is pressed by default, which means i have to hold it down to press f5 to refresh my browser, for example.18:47
Guest7842how do i mess up my friends windows pc with linux18:47
thegladiatoranyway to do a filesystem check on a non mountable hdd ?18:48
nickkontosllutz_ just did, didn't recognised any input from my controller - keyboard works fine though18:48
Nach0zGuest7842: you don't need Linux to mess up windows. also, I don't think this channel supports anything hack-ish18:49
zykotick9nickkontos, do you know if your joystick is working?18:49
thegladiatorGuest this is a Ubuntu help channel . So please restric your questions to Ubuntu . Check #linux for more general topics18:49
mfaroukgdoes the twinkle support the TLS transport ?18:50
zykotick9nickkontos, i remember using some sdl-test script back in the day, to find out key values for something (i don't remember the specifics)18:50
Guest7842he is mad i heard all hackers use linux18:50
nickkontoszykotick9, yes, it is working in mupen64plus though it needs a bit config... that's why I need to know the numbers18:50
googlyeyeshey guys - anyone have a windows 7 sticker on their computer that they are not using?18:50
ikoniagooglyeyes: please do'nt ask for that sort of thing in here18:50
zykotick9nickkontos, i've not an n64 controller with USB adapter that works perfect with mupen - really hard to map keys to an n64 controller (so many buttons on that thing).  Good luck.18:51
saladdin19can you usb boot the alternate package?18:52
saladdin19it didn't seem to work for me.18:52
Guest7842Nach0z: i also have backtrack18:53
zykotick9saladdin19, usb is primarily for LiveCDs (which alternate is not one), i've used unetbootin to create debian net-install USBs, so that "might" work.  Good luck.18:53
saladdin19trying unetbootin right now, thanks zykotick918:54
trijntjeI'm trying to set up my laptop to use apt-cacher, as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564301. When I run apt-get update it hangs waiting for header files. What can I do to fix this?18:55
=== thegladiator is now known as envee
Edistois there a reason why firefox on the repository hasn't been updated to 8.0?18:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:55
zykotick9trijntje, are you using /etc/apt/apt.conf to point to your cache server?  Is the service running?18:55
prestonNeed help disabling my wireless button. Running Ubuntu 10.04 on Hp hdx 16t laptop. I searched on HP website for supporting drivers and they don't have any for ubuntu. I want to disable the button because it is constantly flashing on and off. Anyone have any ideas?18:56
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trijntjezykotick9: the service is running on the default port, i'm using /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy to point to the cache server18:56
saladdin19preston: if you don't use wireless, you should be able to disable it in BIOS18:56
zykotick9trijntje, that might be correct!  well good luck.18:57
prestonsaladdin19: I tried but it doesn't pop up when i try pressing the button18:57
Piotr728is it worth to join ubuntu sytem ?18:57
saladdin19preston: you mean, you cannot access bios?18:57
saladdin19preston: hitting DEL or F1 repeatedly should do the trick18:58
trijntjezykotick9: thanks, Ill just wait to see if someone else knows what to do18:58
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
zykotick9trijntje, you are specifying the port number in the address right?18:59
riffautaePiotr728: do you mean to install ubuntu? yes18:59
trijntjezykotick9: yes. However, I have two config files starting with 01, could that be a problem?18:59
zykotick9trijntje, not sure.19:00
bullgard6[Ubuntu 11.10 GNOME Shell 3.2] '~$ which urxvt; /usr/bin/urxvt'. If I key '~$ urxvt' in a terminal,  a urxvt terminal window will appear. But f I press Super-key > urxvt <Enter>, why  will no   urxvt terminal window  appear?19:00
haitao_it is me19:01
conntrackgone in 60 seconds19:01
trijntjezykotick9: hmm, moving 01proxy to 001proxy has no effect, so thats probably not the problem19:02
riffautaebullgard6: i assume this brings up the search, you could try unicode-rxvt or see if part of the name will bring it up19:02
prestonSaladdin19: I kind of know what you are talking about. I tried running xev in terminal to find out what the buttons keycode was but nothing popped up19:02
riffautaebullgard6: the second it being urxvt19:03
zykotick9trijntje, personally i use apt-cacher-ng but never had success with it on Ubuntu.  Good luck man, hope you find a fix.19:03
trismbullgard6: it will only search for .desktop files, create one for urxvt in ~/.local/share/applications and you can launch it from the search19:03
trijntjezykotick9: did you get apt-cacher-ng to work on ubuntu? I wouldnt mind using -ng if it works ;)19:04
zykotick9trijntje, no, i never got it working on Ubuntu (was trying on 10.04LTS though)19:04
trijntjezykotick9: ok thanks, good to know.19:04
oogaboogahello Ubuntu, please help me with my problem! I bought a new PSU because my old one died, but when I hook everything up nothing occurs, no POST, no fan movement -- nothing. HOWEVER, if I remove the PSU cable (4-pin) that powers the CPU, everything starts running (no POST though, just fan movement)19:05
oogaboogawhat the hell does that mean?19:05
oogaboogadid my PSU bone my CPU when it died?19:05
riffautaeoogabooga: your old psu prolly killed your mobo or cpu yes19:05
zykotick9oogabooga, is it a pcie card?  does it have a separate power connector?  if yes, is it attached?19:06
Piotr728of course, I'm little afraid that are my basic applications will work on, and, like most of us I'm too lazy to check it in web which programs could work ;p19:06
spitziHi. I have a few operating systems installed, including WinXP, WinVista and Ubuntu 11.10. Some time in the past, I set up a grub menu to choose which OS to boot from. Now I'm going to install Win7, and I'm pretty sure it will ruin grub. Am I right, and how can I restore grub after the Win7 installation if so ? Thanks.19:06
riffautaeoogabooga: you can try removing components to see if that fixes it or try another psu if you dont want to give up19:06
oCeanoogabooga: ##hardware is probably a better suited channel, since yours is not an ubuntu issue19:06
zykotick9!grub | spitzi19:07
ubottuspitzi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:07
Nach0zspitzi: easiest way to get your grub stuff back is to use the supergrub2disk once you've installed Windows, boot into Ubuntu, and apt-get install grub again19:07
Piotr728 :)  8-)19:07
riffautaePiotr728: sorry, you will have to decide for yourself if the open source alternatives will work for you, I run linux as my primary os and only have issues with ms office documents that are more complex then they should be19:08
spitziNach0z - so first I should download supergrub2disk, then make a bootable USB stick or CD out of it, then isntall Win7, then boot from the bootable media ?19:08
spitzizykotick9, thanks.19:08
Piotr728riffautae huh ok, thanks and sorry I'm newbie, could you tell me how to write directly to someone like riffautae ?19:09
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:09
riffautaePiotr728: type part of my name then hit tab to autocomplete19:09
oogaboogazykotick9: is what a pcie card?19:10
Piotr728opera 11.50 it it's... ok thank you very much19:10
Nach0zspitzi: yeah, I'd suggest that.19:10
oogaboogazykotick9: my PCIE card is plugged in, yes, and is powered19:10
Piotr728riffautae:  it's working :)19:10
Nach0zCD, also, I don't think supergrubdisk has a USB variant but I could be crazy.19:10
riffautaeoogabooga: he misunderstood your 4 pin connector to be a pcie power connector19:10
spitziNach0z, would an Ubuntu live CD work just as well ?19:10
riffautaeoogabooga: possibly19:10
bullgard6trism: Do you mean that I should create a file ~/.local/share/applications/urxvt.desktop?19:10
Piotr7281646 users on channel and so few text massages general ?19:10
Piotr728how it's possible19:10
Nach0zI don't think it'd work as well, no. The grub2disk will detect your current Grub installations and let you boot from them, so you can reinstall it manually once you get back into you ubuntu stuff.19:11
oCeanPiotr728: lots of people are just idling. Please keep the messages on topic (tech support), chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic19:11
lionscome si scarica19:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:11
oCean!it | lions19:12
ubottulions: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:12
FightOppressionHi, after the lu19:12
lionsnn so cm si faccia19:12
trismbullgard6: yes, and easy way is with: gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new ~/.local/share/applications/urxvt.desktop; if you don't know the proper syntax19:12
FightOppressionHi, after the last update a few minutes agoand switching users wia GUI my screen now stays black. Even after restarting.19:12
FightOppressionWho can help, please?19:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:13
FightOppressionI can get to a shell with alt-control+f1 but alt+control+f7 stays black.19:13
lionscm si scarica19:13
oCean!it | lions this channel is english only19:13
ubottulions this channel is english only: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:13
lionsitaliano no19:14
spitziThanks all, bye.19:14
_calumhi all. I have a question about the "dd" command. Can I make a disk image with dd then span it across multiple dvds?19:14
DJoneslions: You can download ubuntu by going to www.ubuntu.com/download and clicking on the download and install link, select which version you want and then start download19:15
trijntje_calum: its better to use readom instead of dd, since dd does no error checking19:15
trijntjeI'm trying to set up my laptop to use apt-cacher, as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564301. When I run apt-get update it hangs waiting for header files. What can I do to fix this?19:15
riffautae_calum: you can also try clonezilla. if you want to stick to dd and such look at the split command19:16
* conntrack waves you goodbye19:16
_calumriffautae: I do use clonezilla, but am I wrong in saying it can't split an image to more than 1 dvd whilst imaging?19:17
riffautae_calum: sorry I am not sure, if you havnt found the feature then i assume it can not19:17
FightOppressionPlease anybody can help?19:18
_calumI need a Linux based tool which can backup to multiple dvds as my windows backup on my laptop keeps failing and corrupting dvds19:18
johnnyzeroSorry I'm back. Anyways yes that bug report was never answered. I was just curious how long it takes.19:18
riffautae_calum: dd or whatever that other guy suggested and split should do it19:18
_calumthankyou riffautae and trijntje19:19
FightOppressionPlease anybody can help?19:19
riffautae!patience | FightOppression19:20
ubottuFightOppression: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:20
johnnyzeroOh maybe I should post the shorter link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/88644919:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886449 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1, recording] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,New]19:21
johnnyzeroI suppose if it doesn't work maybe I could hope it will be fixed in Ubuntu 12.0419:22
BarbarianPersonally, can't wait for 12.04. Finally, a customisable unity!19:23
pietr101Hello guys, is it possible to mount ubuntu one storage from console?19:23
bugweedhi, is there a way to run dash from CLI?19:23
vachohow do I see all processes that is run by php cli??19:24
riffautaebugweed: as your shell? look at chsh19:24
riffautaevacho: ps -aux | grep php     might do it19:24
bugweedriffautae: as a standalone application. is it possible?19:25
vachoriffautae, that worked but didnt give me pid??19:25
BarbarianFightOppression: Does ctrl+alt+F5 do anything?19:25
riffautaevacho: the first number on the left is the pid19:26
LogicallyDashingI installed a TTF font to my system. It is now accessible to everything *except* LibreOffice. I've regenerated the font cache and the problem remains. What next?19:26
vachoriffautae, the number changes?19:26
btbonhullo, I'm running xubuntu 11.10 with a luks part in crypttab. the password isn't asked for until end of boot, and assuming I even see it, the lightdm session chooser pops up over it. Since this is encrypted swap, I'd appreciate help getting this to unlock/mount early.19:26
jribLogicallyDashing: did you close libre office completely and re-open it?19:26
riffautaevacho: for every instance of php yes19:26
LogicallyDashingjrib: yes, and also rebooted19:26
vachoim running a process in php CLI and I want to kill it19:27
vachoi cant find it19:27
riffautaebugweed: are you referring to the dash shell or some other application?19:27
vachodoes anyone know how I can kill a php cli process? please.19:27
riffautaevacho: that command is how you find it19:27
bugweedriffaute: when running unity, when we press on the ubuntu logo, the lens open, i want to open lens as a standalone application using cli19:28
btbonvacho: you can also look at killall so you don't need to use the number19:28
vachovick@vick:~$ ps -aux | grep play.php19:28
vachoWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html19:28
riffautaevacho: alt, run just ps and see if it shows up19:28
Barbarianvacho: try searching for it with "ps aux | grep php"19:28
_calumif I execute this command on my Windows drive, willl Ubuntu split the image into multiple files of this size I can then put on a dvd? dd if=/dev/ | split -d -b 2000m - image.split.19:28
riffautaevacho: remove the dash, some os's require it some dont19:28
vachohow do I kill it19:28
brontosaurusrexin gnome-shell, is there a way (extension) to have old-fashioned applications & places pulldown menus?19:28
vacho"kill pid #" ?19:28
Barbarianvacho: yup19:29
vachodoes not work :)19:29
Barbariankill -f #?19:29
riffautae_calum: looks good to me19:29
vachothat gives invalid signal specification19:29
btbonvacho: do not include the literal word "pid"19:29
btbonvacho: kill <pid #>19:30
riffautaevacho: man ps and man kill will tell you how to use the commands19:30
_calumthanks. I'll go backup my drive19:30
davidcallebugweed, there is a program named xdotool, that simulates keyboard inputs. You could fake a <super> key press and open the dash this way.19:30
vachoit says no such process19:30
vachoaux does not give me the damn pid19:30
riffautaevacho: paste bin the output of that command19:30
Takyoji[laptop]Having an issue with too big of resolution, throughout boot. Tried doing Ctrl+Alt+'Numpad-' and Ctrl+Alt+'Numpad+' to no avail; not sure if LightDM doesn't have the functionality or something. IDeas?19:30
zykotick9vacho, actually yes "ps aux" does show the PID, perhaps you're looking at the wrong column?19:31
riffautaevacho: according to that php is not running...19:31
bugweeddavidcalle: how do i actually use it :)19:31
=== basti2 is now known as basti
vachoit's a php cli process19:32
bugweed+ anybody knows how to edit the slingshot from elementary OS settings19:32
Gareth_LockLooking for help with dovecot... Fails after upgrade from 11.04 (Natty) to 11.10 (Oneric).19:32
davidcallebugweed, I'm testing it : "xdotool key super" in a terminal opens the dash :)19:33
riffautaevacho: you will have to find out what the name of the process is then if its not php19:33
brontosaurusrexin gnome-shell, is there a way (extension ppa or something?) to have old-fashioned applications & places pulldown menus?19:33
bugweeddavidcalle: i am actually running unity without enabling the unity plugin19:33
btbonvacho: go to your CLI and press Ctrl-Z to suspend it, then you can type kill %119:33
davidcallebugweed, oh ok... So no idea for this :)19:34
lcbHi. I have this machine with a faulty GPU. After several attempts the only way i get to a graphical interface (and desktop environment) is by booting to the Recovery Mode, selecting "Resume" (just that, none of the other options selected before) and then everything goes fine for the minimal graphical use i want. How can i use that graphical configuration as default?19:34
bugweeddavidcalle: so actually you cant run lens without unity?19:34
Gareth_LockLooking for help with dovecot... Fails after upgrade from 11.04 (Natty) to 11.10 (Oneric).19:34
davidcallebugweed, I don't think you can, it's a core part of the plugin.19:35
davidcallebugweed, but unity-2D could be a solution, let me check.19:35
riffautaelcb: if the issue is with unity, you can install xfce or something which will not activate '3d compositing'19:35
bugweeddavidcalle: ok then, do you use slingshot? where can i edit its code. i am building my fork of ubuntu, version2, and this gtk3+unity is killing me19:35
lcbriffautae, not only unity, i'm using now xfce19:36
jxshxxHowdo!  Missed a fax in Lucid.  Is there setting somewhere that keeps a fax log?19:37
bkfitzanyone familiar with ufw19:37
bkfitzand dns19:37
SPM_is there anybody who knows something about broadband connections in Network Manager? :)19:37
bkfitzfor some reason, when my ufw is enabled, i can't resolve external domain names19:37
Gareth_LockLooking for help with dovecot... Fails after upgrade from 11.04 (Natty) to 11.10 (Oneric).19:38
krosenvoldIs there any way to turn off unity's desire to maximise windows every time I approach the borders ?? PITA19:38
lcbriffautae, by any chance do you know how can i turn to default the graphics configuration used when doing those steps? (*Resume)19:38
T0X|Chow do I add a customer launcher to the unity panel19:39
Gareth_LockTOX|C: The way I do it is search for the program in the dash window and then just drag it to the launcher...19:40
davidcallebugweed, I don't use slingshot. You could try with unity-2d-places or unity-2d-launcher.19:40
Gareth_LockTOX|C: I presume that's what you mean...19:40
T0X|CI have to make a customer one, one that doesn't exist yet. I try making one and dragging19:40
Gareth_LockTOX|C: OK... Thought it was a simple answer... lol19:41
T0X|Cthanks Gareth_Lock19:42
Gareth_LockTOX|C: No probs19:42
Gareth_LockLooking for help with dovecot... Fails after upgrade from 11.04 (Natty) to 11.10 (Oneric).19:42
looaHeeya, is there any helpfull soul here whom can find the time to help me set up a subversion server that I can access from any computer, not only on my local network. As it is now, when I try to access it from my windows computer on the same network I get "Unable to connect to a repository". I've been trying for days now to read forums, guides, blogpots etc to try to figure out what I'm doing wrong without any luck.19:43
=== ricardo is now known as Rickybraz
trijntjeI'm trying to set up my laptop to use apt-cacher, as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564301. When I run apt-get update it hangs waiting for header files. What can I do to fix this?19:45
semitonesIf I want to run ubuntu on a liveUSB, and I want to not run out of space for installing packages, should I maximize the "reserved space" or minimize it?19:46
Gareth_LockLooking for assistance in getting dovecot running again aftere upgrade from Natty to Oneric.19:46
semitonesi'm not sure if reserved space is for the OS to use, or reserved for the rest of the USB drive19:46
trijntjesemitones: as far as i know its for the OS19:47
zykotick9semitones, i'd personally recommend doing a "real" install onto the USB.  Reserved space if for home directory / documents I believe - i'm not sure it will keep the programs you install!19:48
Tulitomaattiany good idea why i can't establish an ssh connection from to after I remove the cable between the switch and the modem/router: http://puu.sh/8INN19:48
semitoneszykotick9: well I'd like to use the liveUSB to install to disk -- I just want to be able to install programs and make sure they work as expected before writing anything to the hdd19:48
Kre10s_I upgraded to ubuntu 11.4 a printer that used to work (a samsung CLP-610ND) now does not... whats up with that? It does not give errors, warms up, but does not print.19:49
zykotick9semitones, sorry i misunderstood then - though you where installing onto USB.  Good luck.19:49
semitonesthanks -- still not sure about the reserved space though. Does anyone have an answer?19:49
Gareth_LockLooking for assistance in getting dovecot running again aftere upgrade from Natty to Oneric.19:49
coder2Hello. I have MP3 player. It is detected everywehere, except one computer. I have investigated that the player there is being detected as USB1.1 device. Please help.19:49
Tulitomaattior, any good ideas on how to force an application to use a specific network interface; I'd like my crashplan backup to use my eth1 interface for backing up stuff to the internet, but there seems to be no option to do it from within the application.19:50
Gareth_Lockcoder2: How old is the machine... Both the device and the mobo both have to support USB 2.0 etc for it to work.19:50
Tulitomaattior, actually i wouldn't mind if i made the eth1 iface a default for the whole system rather than eth0, which everything seems to default to. could this be done by altering the routing table?19:51
bkfitzSo... anyone know why ufw enabled would cause dns to act up - as in I can't resolve names when ufw is enabled???19:51
Gareth_Lockcoder2: It might just be that the PC in question is too old to understand anything other that USB 1.119:51
bkfitzwhat port does dns run on?19:51
mFatI have a problem with nautilus. I've posted it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/89083019:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 890830 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "The "Open containing folder" option in Firefox download window does not highlight the downloaded file in that directory" [Undecided,New]19:51
lorddeltaSo...still stuck on the M-d keybinding issue. Did some reading yesterday, as well as more extensive testing, and my left alt key is mapped, as it should be, to the meta key, but gnome-terminal and xterm don't seem to want to recognize this fact. Alt-b works here in tty, for example. Anyone know a solution? I'm playing with my xorg.conf atm...19:52
bkfitzudp 53?19:52
mFatubottu, I just reported this bug!19:52
ubottumFat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
coder2Gareth_Lock: The mobo is GigaByte N650SLI-DS4 - NVidia 650i chipset. OS is lucid.19:52
vachoriffautae, thanks!19:53
vachogot it to work19:53
coder2Gareth_Lock: The computer is working well with USB 2.0 flash19:53
zykotick9mFat, i'm guessing that will either be marked as: invalid or won't fix.  It's working as designed, it's Opening the Folder.19:53
mFatzykotick9, Yes but if your download folder contains a lot of files it will cause a real headache19:54
icpHi someone use ubuntu on HP DV6 61xx laptop?19:54
zykotick9mFat, take an asprin then.19:55
nyuszika7hHi, anyone around to help me with UFW (a minor issue)?19:55
Gareth_Lockcoder2: OK... So the board is USB 2 capable.19:55
nyuszika7hNevermind, solved it already ...19:56
coder2Gareth_Lock: sure19:56
trijntjeI'm trying to set up my laptop to use apt-cacher, as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=564301. When I run apt-get update it hangs waiting for header files. What can I do to fix this?19:56
wurstbroteubuntu, many questions, no answers :V19:56
mFatzykotick9, Thank!19:56
Barbarianwurstbrote: Some answers sometimes :P19:56
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Does the MP3 player detect as USB 2 in the other machines?19:56
lorddeltawurstbrote: Maybe if everyone stopped developping new software we could get the old stuff to work :P19:56
antnashHi guys. How would I add this public.key from the command line?  https://github.com/downloads/andoma/hts/public.key19:57
Gareth_Locklorddelta: lol19:57
icpI have a switchable intel/ati graphic card how can i switch between them??19:57
semitonesDoes anybody know if Ubuntu USB creator uses the "reserved space" for apt-cache and installing programs? I want to be able to test certain programs on my USB before installing.19:57
Gareth_Locklorddelta: I second that!!19:57
coder2Gareth_Lock: Yes, It works well on my second computer. The same OS, but other mobo.19:57
semitonesSo I don't know if I should set reserve space to the minimum, or the maximum  to ensure that my disk space doesn't run out.19:58
Barbarianantnash: Have a look here: http://savvyadmin.com/download-pgp-keys-with-apt-key/19:58
ennqnehi, my computer hangs when booting up with the newly installed kernel. when i boot with an old kernel, it goes fine. how can i see what the kernel panic was?19:58
Gareth_Lockcoder2: I have a sneaking suspicion this might be a hardware issue, though exactly what, I'm not sure.19:58
zykotick9semitones, ya it's for documents not system files "Since the amount of reserved space will be the maximum storage space that you can use to save your documents on the go"19:58
ennqne(i just upgraded to the most recent ubuntu version)19:58
semitoneszykotick9: awesome, thanks. I'll set it to about 200mb then, and keep the rest of the disk open19:59
Barbarianicp: is that with optimus technology?19:59
henkyesry in advance, need someone skilled in english    can c0ck mean d1ck ?19:59
Gareth_Lockcoder2: What you could try doing is install another OS on this mobo and see if it detects it as USB 2. See whether it's down to the OS or the hardware.19:59
Barbarianlol henkye :P19:59
semitoneshenkye: not ontopic for this channel at all, sorry19:59
wurstbroteusing linux is :effort:19:59
antnashcheers Barbarian, worked a treat20:00
coder2Gareth_Lock: thanks.20:00
Barbarianantnash: my pleasure20:00
semitoneshenkye: try #defocus-unregulated20:00
zykotick9coder2, on the machine that's not working with USB2 do you get output from "lsmod | grep ehci"?20:00
bullgard6trism:  This worked all right. Thank you very much for your help. --  I have a supplementary question: What programs will use the string that I have entered in the "Name:" text field of the "Create A Starter" dialog window?20:00
puntjeUbuntu crashed, can't access my files now after booting from USB, they are protected with a password. 'sudo cd directory' replies with 'Permission denied'. Is there a way to unlock the files/directories ?20:00
henkyesemitones: ok ok20:01
coder2Gareth_Lock: One note: the player was detected there only once.20:01
semitoneshenkye: #defocus-uncensored, sorry20:01
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Only once on which mobo... The Gigabyte in question or another?20:01
coder2zykotick9: lsmod | grep ehci returns nothing on both machines20:02
zykotick9coder2, try with sudo (not sure if it's required for lsmod or not)20:02
coder2Gareth_Lock: I have seen the player detected once on that gigabyte computer. And other USB2 devices: camera, flash, cellphone works well20:03
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Strange... Way strange. What changed since the MP3 player was detected sucessfully.20:04
Barbarianpuntje: try sudo chown [DIRECTORY]20:04
bj_pennim trying to set up a dns server on ubuntu using bind9, and i have to set up a reverse dns zone file. what's the purpose of this file?20:05
Barbarianpuntje: sry, sudo chown [USERNAME] [DIRECTORY]20:05
coder2Gareth_Lock: nothing has changed.20:05
zykotick9puntje, if you used some sort of encrypted filesystem, i'd be careful with Barbarian's suggestion20:05
Gareth_Lockcoder2: I'm having suspicions it may be a clash somewhere...20:05
trismbullgard6: the search and application tabs of gnome-shell as well as the dash search in unity will use it, other apps probably use it as well, maybe gnome-do?20:06
Barbarianin that case disregard me, was just a thought20:06
BarbarianAny particular reason that messes with encryption?20:06
bullgard6trism: Ok. Thank you very much for your help.20:07
coder2Gareth_lock: The only suspicious thing I know about the player is: It can charge only from USB port, because it does not have external power plug20:07
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Maybe it's drawing too much power or something... A possibility.20:08
nickkontoshello, I've searched the forums for hours... I have ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. I have an executable file which I have placed in /usr/share/bin/ and now I'm looking to add an icon to it and place it on the applications menu...20:08
zykotick9Barbarian, i have no idea - i don't use encrypted filesystems.  You could be correct - i'm just suggesting proceeding carefully.20:08
Barbarianzekotick9: fair enough20:08
JoniiHey, what shortcuts are available for pasting text?20:08
zykotick9!tab > Barbarian20:08
ubottuBarbarian, please see my private message20:08
coder2zykotick9: I have done lsmod under root account20:08
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Try fully charging it first, then connecting it up, if it detects it then, power is a possibility. Either that or connect it through a powered USB 2 hub.20:09
rumpe1Jonii, usually ctrl-v or ctrl-shift-v in terminals20:09
Gareth_Lockcoder2: Either way, try and reduce the load on the USB.20:10
conntrackwhat's a clueso?20:10
JoniiI know about ctrl-v, mouse middleclick and menu-based things20:10
coder2Gareth_Lock: I do not have powered USB hub. But I like your idea about charging, thanks20:10
Gareth_Lockcoder2: No probs...20:11
coder2zykotick9: I have tried "lsusb -v" on both systems20:12
rumpe1Jonii, or do you mean like pasting text to a pastebin site?20:12
Gareth_LockNeed help with getting dovecot working after upgrade from Natty to Oneric...20:12
Joniifor some reason when typing all of the sudden I get paste activate20:12
Barbariannickkontos, just found it. It's ln -sf [FILE]. Thatll create a symbolic link. put the symbolic link in /home/[USERNAME]/desktop20:12
l1nuxmanhow come I can ping \\MYWINDOWSCOMPUTER but I can't mount it using \\\\MYWINDOWSCOMPUTER? TO make it work I have to change \\\\MYWINDOWCOMPUTER with \\\\ and it works...20:13
BarbarianAww damn, he quit just before I answered his question!! :(20:13
JoniiAs far as I can tell, I'm not pressing any keys requires to paste, but I might've touched the touchpad of my netbook. I don't think it can do middleclick, but, just in case?20:13
jribJonii: are you on a laptop perhaps?20:13
Joniijrib, yes20:13
jribJonii: usually 2-finger click or 3-finger click is middle click20:14
JoniiSo that was it20:14
JoniiUseful to know, thanks for that, btw20:14
jribJonii: you should be able to disable the touchpad while typing20:14
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: That's an easy one, on Linux don't you have to "escape" the \20:14
jrib!synaptics | Jonii20:14
ubottuJonii: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad20:14
Joniijrib: I have that setting enabled20:14
bullgard6riffautae: Thank you very much for commenting. --  My problem is solved.20:14
Joniijrib: as far as I can tell, it doesn't do anything20:14
jribJonii: ah20:14
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, so then it should be \\ ? THat doesn't work either20:14
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: Therefore you have to add an extra "\"20:15
JoniiI tried enabling and disabling it, and there was no chance, my touchpad seemed to be very responsive even in middle of writing stuff20:15
fab__./join #ubuntufr20:15
Barbarianlol :D20:15
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, huh?20:15
jribJonii: I have mine just disable clicks, but I run the command on the wiki page for that; I don't use the setting in the gui20:15
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: Looks to me like a matter of using the correct number and sequence of escape characters, but I could be wrong.20:16
fab__bonsoir mr le robot quel est la formule magique pour rejoindre ubuntu fr20:16
zykotick9!fr | fab__20:16
ubottufab__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:16
Takyoji[laptop]Having problems with screen resolution throughout boot; anyone willing to assist at all?20:16
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, but it works with the IP and when I change just the IP to the UNC Name it doesn't20:16
Barbarianubottu is awesome20:16
Takyoji[laptop]I've tried setting a script to run when it reaches LightDM, but it doesn't work20:16
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], what sort of problems?20:17
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: Not sure then, but it still looks like escape characters.20:17
Takyoji[laptop]'Out of range' for an error by the monitor20:17
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: Sometimes Linux is just picky that way.20:17
semitonesif I'm in a terminal, how can I tell if screen is running without quitting it20:18
Takyoji[laptop]Boots perfectly fine from LiveCD, doesn't boot well graphically after installation20:18
zykotick9semitones, "screen -ls"20:18
b0n1hey there, at which boot stage does the cronjob demon start cronjobs ?20:18
semitonesthanks zykotick9 :)20:18
JoniiWeird, now this "two finger click = middle click" -funktionality disappeared ?20:18
b0n1and how can i check what cronjobs are started at which boot level?20:18
conntrackmiddle finger?20:19
conntrackOh middle click20:19
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, this works: \\\\ /Windows & this doesn't: \\\\THOMAS-03162008/ThomasSharedFolders /Windows20:19
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], just doing some searching20:20
hobyhi all20:20
hobyI have a question20:20
Takyoji[laptop]So far I have tried: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution20:20
puntjeBarbarian & zykotick9, thank you !20:21
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: The other possibility is that the two machines aren't on the same "workgroup". That sometimes that gets SMB confused.20:21
MysoftOpen software sucks20:21
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, but it pings it20:21
* Mysoft runz20:21
bullgard6!ask | hoby20:21
ubottuhoby: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:21
Tifaalgien es español? (;20:22
zykotick9!es | Tifa20:22
ubottuTifa: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:22
BarkingFish!es | Tifa20:22
BarkingFishdamn, sorry20:22
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], do the problems here sound similar? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175345420:22
BarkingFishyou're too fast for me, zykotick9 :)20:22
CaseyorI'm trying to choose if I should use Xubuntu Kubuntu or Lubuntu on a laptop. If anyone can help me, just PM me.20:22
TifaLo siento no entiendo nada :(20:22
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: That's why the IP works and the SMB name doesn't... If you couldn't ping it then neither method would work.20:22
conntrackIt is not the spoon that bends. It is simply your mind20:23
Tifathanks, good bye!20:23
l1nuxmanGareth_Lock, what? 'ping \\MYWINDOWSCOMPUTER' works20:23
Takyoji[laptop]Also, when I just simply press the power button (but not hold or anything, not even for a whole second) it instantly shuts off. Would that imply some form of a kernel panic, or?20:24
Gareth_Lockl1nuxman: When you're talking to a windows remote share, both rigs need to be configured to the same workgroup.20:24
arcskyhow do i sync 2 ubuntu servers ssh users ?20:25
TulitomaattiHow can i change my the default network interface processes/application use when trying to access the internet?20:25
Barbarianarcsky, maybe rsync might be adapted to that purpose? not sure20:25
DasEiarcsky: rsync is a way20:26
Gareth_LockTakyoji[laptop]: That sounds like a BIOS setting.20:26
scarleoHi, cant launch gufw (firewall config) from dash, it asks for sudo pwd but won't launch. It also has no icon. Launching from terminal works fine. Tried reinstalling. What can I do?20:26
DasEiarcsky: unison is handy gui for that20:26
Gareth_LockLooking for help with dovecot... Fails after upgrade from 11.04 (Natty) to 11.10 (Oneric).20:27
BarbarianGareth_Lock, same here. Ended up installing 11.10 fresh on the partition20:27
debi6nhey i have a thinkpad x201 and the touch screen isn't working, what drivers could i use to gert it working?20:27
debi6nweird thing is it was working on the live cd but not now20:27
BarbarianGareth_Lock, except my partition got corrupted with it ^^20:27
arcskyDasEi: ist /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow only?20:28
llutzGareth_Lock: failed with? error?20:28
lorddeltaSo...still stuck on the M-d keybinding issue. Did some reading yesterday, as well as more extensive testing, and my left alt key is mapped, as it should be, to the meta key, but gnome-terminal and xterm don't seem to want to recognize this fact. Alt-b works here in tty, for example. Anyone know a solution? I'm playing with my xorg.conf atm...20:28
Barbarianscarleo, does it work from a terminal?20:28
Gareth_LockBarbarian: How do I do that and preserve both an SMB share and existing e-mail and web servers.20:28
DasEiarcsky: I don't understand this question, you wanted to sync two servers over shh and .. ?20:28
BarbarianGareth_Lock, That might be tricky. I did that on a desktop.20:29
scarleoBarbarian: Yes, launhes without problem20:29
=== tom__813 is now known as avrPhreaque
farciarz84hi, I'd like ask you about 1 thing. Why there is no i36 kernell version (http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/drm-intel-next/2011-11-08-oneiric/)20:29
Gareth_LockBarbarian: I mean, I rely on this machine. Provides my domain.20:30
BarbarianGareth_Lock, You'd probably know better than me about servers20:30
Gareth_LockBarbarian: That's the funny thing... I probably don't... lol20:30
zykotick9farciarz84, consider i686 as i38620:30
BarbarianGareth_Lock, rofl :P20:31
farciarz84zykotick9: whatever, amd64 doesn't work20:31
farciarz84I need this kernel20:32
farciarz84where to get it from?20:32
Gareth_LockBarbarian: I set the thing up, following how-tos on internet. I install the updates every night. When the program recommended me upgrade to Oneric, I did... I wish I hadn't though, big time.20:32
FighrOppressionIs it possible to reinstall a corrupt x syszem?20:32
FighrOppressionmy screen stays black20:33
negevhi, my postgres packages are a bit broken in apt.  if i try to apt-get purge or whatever it fails, is there a way to force apt to just delete any files associated with those packages and start again?20:33
zykotick9FighrOppression, have you tried nomodeset?20:33
BarbarianGareth_Lock, Oh yeah. Auto-updates rarely work as advertised. I made that mistake once, never again. If you want to update, back up all important files and do a fresh install, always20:33
FighrOppressionzykotick9: no, what's that?20:33
zykotick9!nomodeset | FighrOppression20:33
ubottuFighrOppression: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:33
arcskyDasEi: if i add a user on server A i want that this user also getting added on server B20:33
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Hindsight is such a wonderful thing eh?20:34
BarbarianGareth_Lock, This is the sort of mistake you only make once :P20:34
Takyoji[laptop]Anyone know how to set a resolution manually via xorg.conf in 11.10?20:34
zykotick9arcsky, i think you'd need a separate ldap service running for something like that to work - just syncing the passwd file isn't going to work!20:34
Takyoji[laptop]I don't quite get the difference between 'screen' and 'monitor' in Xorg.conf20:35
FighrOppressionzykotick9: it worked all fine until I did a user witch one hours ago under gnome 320:35
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], it's Virtual xdim ydim20:35
squigglyHi everyone, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a windows 7 laptop from a USB flash drive, but can't get it to boot :(20:35
FighrOppressionI am not sure if it has anything to do with the last update20:35
Takyoji[laptop]Just plainly that in xorg.org?20:35
BarbarianTabmow, just replace xdim with x, ydim with y, obviously20:35
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], yeah20:35
zykotick9FighrOppression, then disregard nomodeset if it previously worked!20:36
FighrOppressionzykotick9: ok20:36
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BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], Oh wait, it does need to be in the "Display" part20:36
squigglyanyone know how to edit the boot menu in windows 7? I've tried msconfig but doesn't seem to be able to let me edit the boot order to install ubuntu off the flashdrive20:37
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Now I just need to wrestle the stuff off the machine so I can get it setup. /home is on a seperate partition along with mail, SMB and website root dir, but I'm kinda scared... I don't know enough about Linux to commit, because the upgrade from 10.xx to 11.04  bust bacula.20:37
BarbarianTakyoji[laptop], http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html <--- for more info20:37
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Another never again story.20:37
DJonessquiggly: You normally amend the boot order in your bios20:37
FighrOppressionWhat else could I try? Do I have to reinstall KDE and Gnome?20:37
JoniiHey, I remapped my keyboard into dvorak, but I'd wanna modify that layout a bit, namely, make letters ä and ö available with a single keypress20:38
squigglyyup... i've tried that. Tried looking for the answer online too but can't seem to be able to edit the BIOS in win 720:38
localg0di have an issue .. I just installed 10.04 because i wanted my top and bottom title bars back ... but now i have no sound and my video driver isn't recognized20:38
JoniiHow do I do that?20:38
localg0di have an issue .. I just installed 10.04 because i wanted my top and bottom title bars back ... but now i have no sound and my video driver isn't recognized , does anyone have an idea on where to start ?20:38
Barbariansquiggly, you need to get a diff bootloader, i had a guide for this open a moment ago, lemme get it20:38
squigglythanks lots!20:38
DJonessquiggly: You may need to either get into your bios, depending on the computer it can be different keys at boot, F8/F12/ESC are typical ones20:39
DJonessquiggly: Or, there may be a key to press that will give you a choice of which device to boot first20:39
squigglyyep tried all of those. F10 got me into an advanced boot menu (used for boot repair) F8 seemed to put me into a boot menu but still couldn't edit the bios20:39
BarbarianDJones, most computers I've used have had F2. Almost exclusively F2 infact20:40
squigglyokie will try that20:40
FighrOppressionHow can I connect to WLAN if I only have a console and no GUI?20:40
squigglylol... F2 works20:40
Gareth_LockDJones: del is another possibility for BIOS entry.20:40
DJonesBarbarian: Thats the first time I've heard of F2 :)20:40
BarbarianGareth_Lock, really? never seen that one20:40
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Delete on most, Tosh & Dell like to use F2.20:41
BarbarianGareth_Lock, Aaah, that explains it20:41
CarlFKFighrOppression: I think you need iwconfig and dhclient20:41
wurstbrotHow do I apply a Kernel Patch?, I've compiled the 3.1.1 kernel and now I'm getting AppArmor warning messages (Kernel needs AppArmor 2.4 compatibility patch.)20:42
BarbarianGareth_Lock, Have mostly used toshibas20:42
FighrOppressionCarlFK: Thank you but that doesn't really help.20:42
squigglymine's ASUS20:43
Takyoji[laptop]Still having difficulties as of yet20:43
Barbariansquiggly, yeah, same with my new one, also F2 :P20:43
Gareth_LockBarbarian: I volunteer at a computer re-use project. I am responsible fpr wiping data off the hard drives of donated machines. Almost all incoming machines need their boot order changed from HDD -> CD-ROM so that Blancco will boot from CD.20:43
Barbariansquiggly, which one did you get?20:43
squigglyit's an old one actually20:44
BarbarianGareth_Lock, You must know make's bios buttons by heart now :P20:44
squigglyUL2OFT series20:44
BarbarianGareth_Lock, *the different make's20:44
squigglyokay i've edited the bios but i can't get into the boot menu20:44
DasEiarcsky: ah, so the useraccounts, not data shall be synced well then /etc/password ,/etc/shadow /etc/sudoers20:44
Gareth_LockBarbarian: In short I spend most of three days a week mucking around inside PC BIOS setup programs.20:44
DJonessquiggly: No options to change the boot order anywhere?20:45
Barbariansquiggly, have you got the windows or ubuntu bootloader?20:45
DasEiarcsky: and /etc/group oc20:45
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Yeah... I've been doing it since 2002.20:45
BarbarianGareth_Lock, sounds like fun, actually. Atleast for the first few months, cant imagine doing it for 9 years :P20:45
DJonessquiggly: Is the problem that you can't get ubuntu to install from the usb stick, or that you've installed and need to change the boot order to boot into ubuntu and windows20:46
DasEiarcsky: but that will only give the accounts then, not the user's data20:46
squigglythe laptop's windows. no ubuntu yet. trying to install ubuntu on it. model number's ul20ft. think the boot menu's f8.20:46
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Use of F12 on Tosh laptops is also common.20:46
squigglyproblem is that I can't get the laptop to boot off the USB stick. haven't installed yet20:46
DJonessquiggly: What options do you get when you press F820:46
Barbariansquiggly, oh right, you mentioned that. Derp20:46
zykotick9DasEi, and if arcsky has services installed that have usernames with different UIDs/GIDs they'll have to manually set all appropriate ownerships on both systems - could be a big problem.20:47
Gareth_LockBarbarian: It is, until a PSU decides to impersonate a chinese firecracker in your left ear... lol20:47
BarbarianGareth_Lock, hahaha :D20:47
Dark_ApostropheHello, I'm on 11.10, using Unity. For some reason, Compiz has gone insane and is using between 19 and 35% of the CPU, thus making the computer very hot and the fan very loud. Is there a way to stop it from doing so without killing it, which I presume would take the whole desktop environment with it? I have work open which I can't abort or save right now20:47
Gareth_LockBarbarian: Cheap Lenovo branded IBM ThinkCentre20:48
squigglyoh god. i got it. it was ESC20:48
squigglyokay. thx guys.20:48
DasEiarcsky: mind zykotick9, to be honest a quite uncommon task to me; I'd rather login via ssh and then have the users located locally, also I don't see the purpose if users data aren't available20:49
Barbariansquiggly, wtf kind of key is that? O.o20:49
Gareth_Locksquiggly: Yeah... That's another one... lol. Not as common as some as some of them.20:49
mherwegunity sucks! what desktop do you people use on ubuntu 11.10?20:50
BarbarianDark_Apostrophe, I don't think you can do much, as far as I'm aware20:50
jrib!nounity | mherweg20:50
ubottumherweg: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:50
jribmherweg: if you're looking for a gnome2 feel, I would suggest xfce20:50
Barbarianmherweg, Unity, cuz I dont care about the desktop environ as I mainly use terminal, and it's never caused me issues20:50
bytesaber_workhow do I get Adobe AIR working in 11.10 jesus.20:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:50
zykotick9bytesaber_work, didn't Adobe drop AIR support for gnu/linux?20:51
Dark_Apostrophemherweg: I happen to love Unity... Compiz is just a bit insane right now.20:51
bytesaber_workzykotick9, exactly the problem.  But i need it20:51
Barbarianbytesaber_work, hey again20:52
Gareth_LockBack later...20:52
bytesaber_worklol hi Barbarian20:52
ScuniziWhen using Unity's short cut keys Ctrl+Alt+9 does not put a window in the upper right of the screen.. How do I make it do that?20:52
Randolphhi all20:52
bytesaber_worki must say, jumping from 10.10 yesterday morning to 11.10 had fully crippled me.   I can't belive all the headache20:52
bekorhi is this where i go for lubuntu also or does anyone know how to get their?20:53
* bytesaber_work on the virdge of jumping the ubuntu boat. 20:53
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Barbarianbytesaber_work, did you try the archived, no longer supported version of air?20:53
bytesaber_workBarbarian, been trying to get it to install.   the .bin fails to install due to all the missing 32 lib requirements20:54
Barbarianbytesaber_work, lol... yeah, 11.10 isn't the most amazing OS imho. It's mainly a buggy pre-release of 12.04 imho20:54
areichmanhello everybody. I'm thinking of starting to buy blu-rays instead of DVD's and I've been looking for a way to rip them to my hard drive. All the guides I've seen are pretty old and seem much more complicated than ripping DVD's. Am I missing something?20:54
bytesaber_workwhen i go to synaptic (which i had to install) it doesn't like it when i try to install both 32 and 64 libs of the same library20:54
DJonesbekor: There is a channel #lubuntu thats probably the best place to ask about lubuntu20:55
Barbarianbytesaber_work, doin' some searching, ill see what i can find20:55
bekoroh i could not find it20:55
squigglyk i'm off guys. thanks! you guys were very helpful20:56
bytesaber_workBarbarian, found some premade adobe_air 64bit.deb's   i'll try that instead of the .bin20:56
Dark_ApostropheDoes anyone know how long it should take for Firefox 8 to hit the main repositories? (Rather than the equivalent of Debian's Experimental repos)20:56
bytesaber_workBarbarian, the 64bit version i found works.   Not sure where it came from20:57
debi6nanyone have experience with wacom tablets?20:57
Barbarianbytesaber_work, fair enough ^^ probably 32 bit package with bundled necessary libraries. The internet provides! :D20:57
lorddeltaThis...is nuts :(. Anyone know why gnome-terminal and xterm might be misbehaving with regards to Alt+d? .initrc doesn't help, it already uses M-d, the keyboard configuration seems to think my left alt key is meta key (which is correct), and every other program (firefox, tty, gedit) respects the alt key as the meta key. Why won't gnome-terminal accept the readline command???20:58
Jazzhello, I need help with some booting issues20:58
LSymondsFire away, Jazz.20:58
bytesaber_workBarbarian, had to install ia32-libs too.   Looks like just a giant collection of 32libs.  Not sure why i can install this, instead of the specific 32bit lib individually20:58
LSymondsWhat are your problems?20:58
Jazzis there a way to boot windows first instead?20:58
[twisti]hello, im trying to install a newer version of a package (php apc) than is available for my ubuntu (lts 10.04) by default. is there any solution other than to compile the stuff from sources ?20:58
Jazzlike it automatically boots ubuntu after only a few seconds20:59
Barbarianbytesaber_work, when it comes to unsupported packages from corporations who don't give a shit about non-windows, just be glad it works :P20:59
Jazzis there a way to make it boot windows first instead?20:59
Jazzor not have a timer?20:59
Dark_ApostropheJazz: Editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg should do the trick20:59
Jazzhow do i get there?20:59
=== Damn3d is now known as B16-JR
Jazzfrom in the operating system or the boot menu?21:00
Dark_ApostropheFrom the OS21:00
BarbarianJazz, type in a terminal "sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg" in the OS21:00
Dark_ApostropheJust use a regular text editor21:00
jrib[twisti]: ppa, build package from source, upgrade your ubuntu version21:00
thedinasaurgods are dead!21:00
[twisti]ppa ?21:00
akemso are dinosaurs!21:00
bytesaber_workBarbarian, *shrug*  i guess you are right.  It's very hard to accept that after using it for so long as supported.21:01
trinimoseshi all21:01
Jazzok, i will do that. thank you very much.21:01
Dark_ApostropheJazz: Just be sure to keep a backup of the file in case you break something :)21:01
Jazzbut i have one more thing. this is not as important21:01
Jazzok,  i will haha21:01
trinimosesi just did a fresh install of ubuntu 11.10 .. but i didnt isntall konsole when i did the install for kde(kubuntu)21:01
guntbert[twisti]: running a LTS and then trying to install newer packages makes no sense21:01
trinimoseshow can i install konsole.. since i cant even run the terminal21:01
jrib!ppa |21:01
ubottu: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa21:01
jrib!ppa | [twisti]21:02
ubottu[twisti]please see above21:02
ohzieHey guys. I have a SATA drive that I've plugged into my computer. I can see in dmesg that it's come online as /dev/sdd but "fdisk -l" doesn't list it and "fdisk /dev/sdd" says it can't access it.21:02
Jazzbut when i boot ubuntu, the logo comes on and its pretty low-res21:02
thedinasaurpeeing on ya asholes21:02
Takyoji[laptop]Gah, it still has issues with the display being 'out of range' even though I explicitly set a mode that was working just fine21:02
Jazzwhen i was installing it, it was perfect and beautiful21:02
Jazzbut now its low-res21:02
Jazzjust the logo21:02
guntbertthedinasaur: stop that21:02
Jazzafter that its fine21:02
riffautaeohzie: i think fdisk generally lists partitions only until you make a table21:02
[twisti]guntbert: why not ? i want one out of the packages i use upgraded. neither 'not upgrading it' nor 'upgrading everything' will give me that result21:02
trinimosesanyoine ?21:02
BarbarianJazz, look here: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml21:03
guntbert[twisti]: because the one reason for keeping to an LTS is stability21:03
zykotick9trinimoses, from ctrl+alt+f1 perhaps?21:03
Jazzhaha, okay i will. thank you21:03
DasEi!anyone | trinimoses21:03
ubottutrinimoses: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:03
[twisti]right, and currently it has a bug21:03
[twisti]so im trying to fix the bug21:03
[twisti]which will hopefully lead to more stability21:04
Barbariantrinimoses, you should have xterm21:04
Barbariantrinimoses, try using that21:04
guntbert[twisti]: in that case please read follow what jrib said21:05
Barbariantrinimoses, oh wait, xubuntu, nvm.... not sure21:05
Barbariantrinimoses, argh kubuntu i mean21:05
[twisti]i am, although it doesnt seem like theres a ppa for it21:05
DasEitrinimoses: do you have a commandline where you can log in ?21:06
[twisti]nm, theres one21:06
trinimosesk i got xterm21:06
thedinasaurlost souls21:07
trinimosesthanks guys21:07
Barbariantrinimoses, np21:07
ubuntuهل يوجد شخص عربي ﻷتحدث معه؟21:07
machiolateis that farsi or arabic?21:08
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machiolatelooks like arabic21:08
aeon-ltdmachiolate: heh do both21:08
Barbarianmachiolate, google translate says arabic21:08
aeon-ltd!farsi | ubuntu21:08
ubottuubuntu: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.21:08
aeon-ltd!arabic | ubuntu21:09
ubottuubuntu: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:09
machiolateyeah, why i can't understand it :P21:09
machiolatehal = health21:09
machiolatethats the only thing i kinda know in there21:09
machiolatei'm sure its probably the same in arabic21:09
ubuntuنعم أنا عربي arabic21:09
LSymonds!danish | hello21:09
aeon-ltdubuntu: /j ubuntu-ir21:09
ubottuhello: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.21:09
machiolatenaam aana arbi?21:09
[twisti]jrib: thank you, worked like a charm21:10
LSymondsOh, I get it.21:10
wolfman3k5I'm trying to build from source PHP (need 5.2) on 10.04TLS, and apt-get build-dep php5 wants to install MySQL Server as a dependency. Can I prevent that?21:10
LSymondsDownload the source wolfman3k5?21:10
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wolfman3k5<LSymonds> I did download the source to build PHP5.2.17, but it still has dependencies21:11
machiolatei'm part persian but unfortunately i never was taught persian when i was younger; i've learned it recently. it's interesting to me. of course farsi uses the arabic script after the expansion of the islamic empire/caliphate a thousand years ago give or take21:11
cantonHi, need some help, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I connect an external HDD and I cant seem to see it on the desktop or under places so what can I do to get linux to see my external, my external is an NTFS FileSystem21:11
machiolateit's actually pretty easy to learn, arabic letters21:12
Barbariancanton, when it's plugged in, does it show up on fdisk -l?21:12
machiolatetheres only 20-30ish letters, like english. six vowels.21:12
Dark_Apostrophecanton: I'm guessing you don't have NTFS-3G, if that's still the driver most people use for that purpose21:12
=== B16-JR is now known as Damn3d
wolfman3k5is --purge removing all config files for a package?21:13
machiolateturks used to use the arabic script as well until kamal ataturk in the early 20th century westernized the country21:13
llutzwolfman3k5: not personal config in ~21:13
antnashcan I cp multiple directories at once?21:13
antnashwith one command I mean21:14
llutzantnash: cp -r dir1 dir2 dir3 newdir/21:14
lorddeltaYup...gnome-terminal seems to only like to use anything to do with the alt keys...21:14
wolfman3k5<llutz> I want to completely erase mysql server from my server after I build PHP521:14
lorddeltaerr...it hates my alt key.21:14
wolfman3k5I run Drupal 6 and it needs PHP 5.221:14
Rayltonhi guys !21:14
cantonBarbarian: Yes it shows up in fdisk -l21:14
wolfman3k5Drupal 6 was coded badly21:14
Rayltonhow do I make a theme like this? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/capturadetelaem20111115.png/  (which is just an image in gimp made ​​by me)21:14
Barbarianright, you have its location in /dev then, just "mount [where it is now] [where you want it mounted]21:14
lorddelta*sigh* well I'll live with a window key as my window key for now, though that's horribly broken since I only have the one window key....21:15
ohzieriffautae: So to make a table I do "fdisk /dev/sdd" (as root) and it says it can't access the device.21:15
Rayltonplease help me21:15
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:15
wolfman3k5Raylton it has been my experience that people that are concerned with themeing and such on the desktop are bored, and don't get any actual work donne.21:15
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:15
Rayltonwolfman3k5,  No in this case21:16
cantonBarbarian: says I have an unclean file system (0, 0)21:16
wolfman3k5<Raylton> are you a developer?21:17
aeon-ltdRaylton: if the screenshot has such a theme surely it exists already?21:17
Barbariancanton, huh... not heard that one before. Anybody else know?21:17
guntbert!ot | wolfman3k521:17
ubottuwolfman3k5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:17
wolfman3k5<Raylton> I love eye candy, but I've seen to many times people ask "which distro to use? Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora? ... I like the looks of Fedora..." - if a person needs to ask, they don't need to use linux just as a past time21:18
TheGeeko61Can anyone help me create an entry on the launcher?  (Using 11.10)21:18
Rayltonwolfman3k5,   yes, mediawiki developer volunteer21:18
wolfman3k5Raylton cool:-)21:18
aeon-ltdRaylton: if the screenshot has such a theme surely it exists already?21:18
Barbariancanton, found it! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Unclean_LogFile21:18
TheGeeko61I've installed gnuzilla... and I can run it fine from the terminal.21:19
ubuntuههههههههه أنا ﻻ أفعم شيئًا ، دخلت هذا البرنامج من الأبونتو ، ويتضح لي أنه شات برنامج محادثة كبير جدا ..أتمنى المساعدة21:19
szal!arabic | ubuntu21:19
ubottuubuntu: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:19
DJones!arabic | ubuntu21:19
TheGeeko61The instructions for adding items to the Launcher say to drag an icon from the dashboard...21:19
wolfman3k5how do I effectively disable a service with update-rc.d?21:19
llutzwolfman3k5: better to use sysv-r-conf21:20
llutzwolfman3k5: better to use sysv-rc-conf21:20
TheGeeko61But, when I type "icecat" into the dashboard... no results are shown from which to choose an icon...21:20
cantonthank you I will see if this works21:20
ohzieHey guys. I have a SATA drive that I've plugged into my computer. I can see in dmesg that it's come online as /dev/sdd but "fdisk -l" doesn't list it and "fdisk /dev/sdd" says it can't access it.21:21
muhomor2hey everyone, i'm going to create a web banner, what is the good program for creating gif animation?21:21
Rayltonaeon-ltd, I made the image21:21
wolfman3k5<llutz> thanks allot, that was easy:)21:21
TheGeeko61Is there anyone who can help?  Please....21:22
wolfman3k5<llutz> I wanted to disable mysql because I only need it as a dependency to build PHP 5.2.1721:22
TheGeeko61#muhomor2, have you tried GIMP?21:22
BarbarianTheGeeko61,  I had a guide on this open, lemme find it in the history21:22
Rayltonwolfman3k5,  i use ubuntu!21:23
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, thank you much...21:23
muhomor2TheGeeko61:  yes i've just intalled it but i don21:23
Rayltonwolfman3k5, you can help me with this theme21:23
aeon-ltdRaylton: could you not just mod a gtk theme to get that color scheme then use xcompmgr or compix to get the transparency?21:23
k104uSo, i have just installed ubuntu, and my cds wouldn't work to just install ubuntu alone on my HD, so I had to install it alongside Windows. Is there a way I can just have21:23
wolfman3k5<Raylton> I wasn't reffering to you. I use Debian and Ubuntu, because my VPS host (Zerigo) doesn't always offer the latest version of Ubuntu. Personally, I'm looking forward to 12.04LTS21:24
k104uSo, i have just installed ubuntu, and my cds wouldn't work to just install ubuntu alone on my HD, so I had to install it alongside Windows. Is there a way I can just have [accidentally pressed enter] Ubuntu take over as a stand-alone?21:24
wolfman3k5<Raylton> how could I help with the theme?21:24
lorddeltaHow can I resolve my altwin:meta_alt configuration option not being recognized in gnome-terminal?21:24
BarbarianTheGeeko61, Ok, in the terminal, go to where your file is that you wanna shortcut and do "sudo ln -s [file]"21:25
wolfman3k5I need some good documentation about how to configure apache with vhosts for hosting multiple accounts, and keep web sites in the /home folder of each user. I also want ot run PHP in FastCGI mode. Thank you.21:25
BarbarianTheGeeko61, then copy that link file to /home/[username]/Desktop21:26
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muhomor2TheGeeko61:  I dont see any animation fiatures.21:27
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, thank you!  I will try that.  It sounds reasonable...21:27
jrib!away > sysadamin|away21:27
ubottusysadamin|away, please see my private message21:27
Rayltonaeon-ltd,  gtk3 no have transparency ?21:27
Rayltonwolfman3k5, with info21:28
TheGeeko61#muhomor2, try this tutorial:  http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/21:28
wolfman3k5Raylton about what?21:28
muhomor2TheGeeko61:  oh thank you21:28
aeon-ltdRaylton: no idea21:28
Rayltonaeon-ltd, ok guy... no problem... thank you.21:29
BarbarianLol....I've managed to procrastinate my uni work by 2 hours just in this IRC channel :))21:30
cantonOk so I installed NTFS Config Tool, I then told it to Auto Config the drive, then it takes me to window where I checked write to external, after that I tried the force mount command nothing happened so I unplugged the USB then plugged it back in now it shows New Volume but says "Error creating mount point: Input/output error." then I go back into NTFS Config asking if I want to Auto Config, Cancel, or Ok. What should I do for now?21:31
CaseyorRaylton: You're trying too hard.21:31
Barbariancanton, try autoconfig again, couldnt hurt21:31
k104uSo, i have just installed ubuntu, and my cds wouldn't work to just install ubuntu alone on my HD, so I had to install it alongside Windows. Is there a way I can just have Ubuntu take over as a stand-alone?21:31
cantonBarbarian: AutoConfig button isn't doing anything at this point I closed the program and brought it up again still doesnt do anything when I click it.21:32
Barbariank104u, if you dont mind having a bootloader which gives u the option of a windows install that isnt there, u can just delete the partition with gparted21:32
Barbariancanton, really not sure.21:33
zykotick9k104u, did you install Ubuntu from inside windows (which is called Wubi)?21:33
UngaHi. Ubuntu 11.04.  I would like to change the default kernel at boot time to the second latest one.  The latest one isn't good in suspend mode.  How can I do this?  Do I remove the current kernel or mod grub somehow?  Thanks.21:33
Barbariank104u, Keep in mind though, in order to enlarge the ubuntu partition, you're gonna need to do a Live boot and use gparted to enlarge the partition from there. Do it just before you go to bed or something, it takes hours21:34
wolfman3k5I need some good documentation about how to configure apache with vhosts for hosting multiple accounts, and keep web sites in the /home folder of each user. I also want ot run PHP in FastCGI mode. Thank you.21:34
Ungawolfman3k5, that is outside the scope of this channel.  Try #apache21:35
zykotick9Unga, set " GRUB_DEFAULT=" in the file /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub"21:35
llutz#httpd wolfman3k521:35
Ungazykotick9, I'll give that a try..thx21:35
jribwolfman3k5: though you probably just want to enable the userdir module for your first question (and that's it!)21:35
zykotick9Unga, the counting starts at 0 BTW21:36
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Ungazykotick9, i see the default is 0, so that would mean 1 would be the second newest(the one I want)?21:36
wolfman3k5jrid userdir doesn't really do much. all userdir does is automize the process of Apache looking in every users home directory for public_html21:37
zykotick9Unga, depends how many you have listed (i imagine), but 0,1,2 is 1st, 2nd, 3rd type thing21:37
BarbarianUnga, I think '0' might just be "whatever the latest is"21:37
jribwolfman3k5: sounded like what you want21:37
wolfman3k5jrid which is irrelevant since I have to create a VHOST file for every VHOST anyway21:37
Ungazykotick9, I see.  I was curious if 1 wouldnt be recovery(of current), 2 would be the 1 i want, 3 would be recovery of the one I want...etc.21:37
trinimosesguys is there any gui network adminstration tool for kde on ubntu 11.10 ?21:37
UngaI'll just do it and see what happens. :)21:38
BarbarianUnga, Good luck ^^21:38
zykotick9Unga, i doubt recoveries are counted21:38
Ungazykotick9, Ok.. I'll drop back and report in.21:38
UngaI'll be rebooting in 3 mins or so.21:38
yaaanghelp, just installed 11.10 server. when i do "aptitude build-dep python-scipy" i get "You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list". how do I do this? (my sources.list is the default which contains deb-src lines)21:39
zykotick9Unga, don't forget to run "sudo update-grub" to actually apply the change you make21:39
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, the Launcher will not accept the shortcut... I have a way to leave it on my desktop... so that's a start...  but not the complete solution.21:39
Ungazykotick9, done. :)21:39
TheGeeko61Are there any good tutorials for working with the Launcher in 11.10?21:39
BarbarianTheGeeko61, Ok, try right-clicking on desktop and create a launcher with the path to your file21:39
yaaangno clue what it means to add 'source' URIs / what these URIs should be / what the sources.list lines should look like21:39
Rayltonwolfman3k5,  I found it http://gnome-shell.deviantart.com/21:39
Ungai suppose i can check the /boot/grub config file to cross-reference what it will do on reboot21:40
OrangeTuxHello, I need some help with mailen from the shell21:40
OrangeTuxHow do i use the command mailutils?21:40
wolfman3k5Raylton> what exactly are you trying to do?21:40
OrangeTuxthe command #mail doesnt work21:40
zykotick9yaaang, lines that start deb-src21:41
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Rayltonwolfman3k5, make the theme in the picture I showed you ...21:42
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, the context menu (on right-clicking on desktop) does not offer that option.  I can (1) create new folder, (2) create new document, (3) Organize desktop.. but no "Create new launcher"21:42
yaaangzykotick9: what about them?21:43
wolfman3k5<Raylton> for who?21:43
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Scott939I've found that when I use Windows the sound output is far greater than when I use Ubuntu. The sound preferences lets me increase it beyond the max. but I find this gives a slightly distorted noise and sometimes breaks my soundcard. Yet in Windows I can get the same volume without any problems. Any ideas?21:43
BarbarianTheGeeko61, yeah, realised that after I tried it myself, was thinking of 11.04.21:43
zykotick9yaaang, deb-src indicate a source repository21:43
yaaangzykotick9: yes, i mentioned that i already have them in my sources.list....21:44
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, yes... I have created "FreeDesktop.org" icons on my desktop before... just don't recall how at the moment...21:44
Rayltonwolfman3k5,  for me... I want to learn to draw Theme under gnome 3...21:44
antnashBarbarian: Hope you can help me again. I want to remove all packages related to firefox. What do I add on to the end of   'dpkg --get-selections | grep firefox | ' to do that? Or is there an easier way?21:45
yaaangzykotick9: if the deb-src lines are all already there then why am i seeing this error?21:45
zykotick9yaaang, sorry I took "no clue what it means to add 'source' URIs / what these URIs should be / what the sources.list lines should look like" to mean you didn't know they where the source repos.  Good luck.21:45
BarbarianTheGeeko61, "Fat32 doesn't support symbolic links. This means that you can't create a link _on_ the fat32 partition, but you should be able to make link to files that are on the partition. Right-click -> Make Link won't work, because it will try to create the link in the same directory as the original, on the fat32 partition.21:45
BarbarianIf you middle-button-drag an icon, it will pop up a menu with copy, move and link. So if you middle-button-drag the icon to your desktop, you should be able to make links to files that are on fat32 partitions."21:45
wolfman3k5<Raylton> so you are bored, aren't you...21:45
yaaangzykotick9: i said that since i inferred that the deb-src lines can't be what the error referred to as 'source' lines21:46
BarbarianTheGeeko61, Oh crap, this is from 2005, old as hell. Nvm!21:46
wolfman3k5<Raylton> have you ever heard of Envato / Themeforest / Graphicriver / Codecanyon ?21:46
Dejavou42I need help with xserver21:46
Barbarianantnash, cant you just sudo apt-get remove firefox?21:46
ranjeetanyone from infosys here?21:46
antnashBarbarian: It doesn't remove all of them. I'm customizing a livecd21:46
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, thanks for correcting that... I was really lost there for a moment... LOL21:46
yaaanghelp, just installed 11.10 server. when i do "aptitude build-dep python-scipy" i get "You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list". how do I do this? (my sources.list is the default which contains deb-src lines)21:47
Dejavou42I put a new MB into my ubuntu box, and xserver fails to start with "no screens found"21:47
jribyaaang: do your deb-src lines start with '#'?21:47
alecbenzerI have a window that I cannot seem to restore (it appears minimized - attempting to click on it restores it for an instant, after which it immediately re-minimizes). is there a way to screencap the window's content?21:47
Barbarianantnash, well, if you're gonna do it your way, you need to do it the other way around, feeding the grep results into the dpkg, right?21:47
yaaangjrib: no21:47
Dejavou42The motherboard has an intel chipset and uses the i915 driver21:48
jribyaaang: then run « sudo apt-get update » and try again.  If the issue persists, pastebin 1) your command, 2) the full output, and 3) your /etc/apt/sources.list21:48
Dejavou42I have already tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:48
Rayltonwolfman3k5,  yes... Themeforest why?21:48
antnashBarbarian: so it's gotta be  apt-get remove   then somehow feed those results into it? Any idea how?21:48
Dejavou42and I have removed and reinstalled xserver21:48
Scott939alecbenzer, what if you alt+tab to it21:48
yaaangjrib: `update` fixed it, thanks!21:49
Dejavou42I'm getting failed to load module intel, vesa, and fbdev21:49
alecbenzerScott939: same problem21:49
wolfman3k5<Raylton> because you can my money there. Themeing gnome is a waste of time, since gnome already has decent themes21:49
Barbarianantnash, what exactly are you trying to remove? All of the dependencies on firefox?21:49
Dejavou42oh, and the box was previously using an nvidia card21:50
antnashBarbarian: All packages with firefox in their name. Then gimp, gnumeric, abiword and a few others21:50
wolfman3k5<Raylton> I have wasted my time as well in Linux doing the wrong stuff, when I should have learned how to properly set up a LAMP stack I did play around with GIMP21:50
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wolfman3k5Raylton wanna see some of my work?21:50
BarbarianTheGeeko61, I think I found a solution for you, just testing it myself first :P21:51
Rayltonyes of course... enter PM21:51
Rayltonwolfman3k5, yes of course... enter PM21:52
Barbarianantnash, I think apt-get remove firefox would do that...21:52
david028can someone help with 11.10 upgrade audio issues. I get the startup sound and some bits here and there but youtube, mp3s, banshee crash with pulseaudio errors. Ive checked the vols are up.21:52
antnashBarbarian: tried it. It doesn't21:52
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, thanks... I'm also searching the web...  It seems like there is a place in /etc where I can create "launcher" items for my desktop...21:52
lcblet me try again...  i installed xfce on one of ubuntu servers i have because i need some minimal graphical interface on it. due to a faulty GPU on that computer i could only get to a feasible xfce by going into recovery mode and after selecting "Resume". That seems to me is the best video mode to use. How and where could i make it as default?21:52
ac_slaterAnyone here using UEFI that can lend me a hand?21:53
BarbarianTheGeeko61, Well, I found something that 100% works. https://everythingexpress.wordpress.com/2011/11/12/how-to-create-a-desktop-shortcut-on-ubuntu-11-10/21:54
XThiefthe gitolite package in ubuntu 11.10 doesn't automatically create "gitolite" user?21:54
BarbarianTheGeeko61, needed to install a package for it, but it works21:54
Barbarianantnash, lemme do some searchin'21:54
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, you're the best!  Thank you... I'm off to investigate that avenue!21:54
plykuHello mates21:56
adhuadaHi guys! How do I make when I stop putty not stop my program that I put? (IN CASE ventrilo server)? idea?21:56
plykuI request some help, im new into linux, just  escaped from WINDOWS21:56
plykuAnyone could help me  ? , i have to install NVIDIA 9500 GT video card to my linux, i know all the steps, but i get stuck when i have to disable nouveau kernel driver:)21:56
livingzykotick9, Hey.  It was every second numeric.  1 put me into recovery mode of current kernel.  2 put me where I wanted to be.  Thought you'd wanna know...and thanks.21:57
Barbarianantnash, try sudo apt-get autoclean, see if that removes them21:57
tonyyarussoadhuada: Run your program inside of screen.21:57
antnashBarbarian: Think I've found it. ~n21:57
Barbarianantnash, oh? what is it?21:57
adhuadatonyyarusso, how to?21:58
tonyyarussoadhuada: 'man screen' will tell you the details on how it works.21:58
antnashBarbarian: apt-get purge -P ~nfirefox21:58
Barbarianantnash, Aah, it was the config files. Makes sense21:58
antnashBarbarian, glad I've found it now. Will save time in the future21:59
adhuadaI do not know whether I use shell will be21:59
adhuadathere is. sh file which becomes ..21:59
Barbarianplyku, stuck in what way?22:00
SushiDude|LaptopCan someone tell me why the default permissions for the home folders of new users that you add are messed up?22:00
bekksDefine "messed up" please.22:01
Barbarian!details | SushiDude|Laptop22:01
ubottuSushiDude|Laptop: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:01
SushiDude|LaptopI am running Ubuntu 11.10, when I create a new user(users other then the one made when you first installed) the permissions of the home directory are set to all others to view the files22:02
SushiDude|LaptopIt should not be like that22:02
bekksThats the default on Ubuntu.22:02
SushiDude|LaptopThats crazy!22:03
bekksMaybe that is, but it is the default :)22:03
SushiDude|LaptopI could just look at the users private info22:03
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, it worked like a charm!  Makes me unable to depend on the future of Ubuntu releases... if every new release is going to remove tried-and-true methods of getting my work done.22:03
SushiDude|Laptopbekks, This should be changed =\22:03
SushiDude|LaptopIt is a pretty big flaw =\22:04
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: I agree with you, but this was already discussed and the Technical Board made a deliberate decision to do it that way.  You can change it for your machine, of course.22:04
tgrI can't get sound out of my Soundblaster SB Extigy. Works fine on MS Windows, and it's supposed to be autodetected by Ubuntu -- what whould I do?22:04
BarbarianTheGeeko61, Yeah, starting to feel that way myself. After going to 12.04, I think I'm gonna stick with that for a long while22:04
SushiDude|Laptoptonyyarusso, why did they do that on purpose!?!22:04
BarbarianSushiDude|Laptop, the settings for default user permissions is in /etc/profile. Change it how you think is more sane :P22:05
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: Because the average user wants to be able to share their files with their family and doesn't understand the concept of permissions to know why it doesn't work otherwise, basically.22:05
holmehey, im trying to get the autocorrect to work in Openoffice....any advice?22:05
TheGeeko61#Barbarian, I'm looking into moving to Linux Mint or to Debian... lot of research to do... :)22:05
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BarbarianTheGeeko61, I've heard good things about mint22:05
antnashBarbarian: someone told me this earlier, but it's gone now. The channel moves way fast. How do I search for a gpg key?22:05
Barbarianantnash, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto22:06
BarbarianI've only been using linux for 6 months and I've just spent 2 days sitting in a help channel helping people. Wtf?22:07
david028Hi im having some software problems after applying todays updates from the ubuntu software center. Can I roll them back?22:07
tgrCan anyone help with my sound card problem?22:07
Barbarian!details | tgr22:08
ubottutgr: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:08
SushiDude|Laptoptonyyarusso, is there any other _very_ important security things that you left out of Ubuntu because of that and/or a similar reason?22:08
fubadahi, i have a sudden no-boot issue, I checked my boot disk using live-usb, everything is fine22:08
fubadahowever i get partially through the kernel boot, but the system doest come up22:09
SushiDude|Laptoptonyyarusso, because I want to know so I can fix it on my system =22:09
fubadalast I see is ATA6 up22:09
tgrI gave details a few minutes ago but nobody answered :-) I have an SB Extigy and no sound. It works fine under MS Windows, and from what Google tells me it *should* work fine under Ubuntu.22:09
Barbariantgr, oh sorry, didn't see your earlier message :P lemme do some searching, see what I can find22:09
lotushey, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a lenovo thinkpad R61 -- the wireless worked during the live environment, but doesn't seem to be detected after the install.  Any advice on how to trouble shoot and repair this problem?22:11
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: *I* didn't leave anything out of Ubuntu - I'm not a developer.  But what sort of things do you mean?22:11
Barbariantgr, do you get very quiet sound if you turn it way up to max?22:11
tgrBarbarian: no.22:11
SushiDude|Laptoptonyyarusso, anything like that... I file permissions are very important22:11
BarbarianSushiDude|Laptop, You should know that we're all volounteers helping eachother out here. As far as I know, no devs here22:11
SushiDude|LaptopBarbarian, Well do you know where I can talk to a dev22:12
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: what's up ?22:12
SushiDude|Laptopikonia, hi22:12
BarbarianI was wrong :P22:12
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: Oh, I see - you're just wondering.  The next thing that comes to mind is that Ubuntu no longer has a "Zero open ports" policy, since there's one for Avahi (zeroconf), although that's not really a big deal.22:12
aeon-ltdSushiDude|Laptop: #ubuntu-devel22:12
ikoniathat's not for support22:13
aeon-ltd:( my bad22:13
ikoniano problem22:13
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: Ctrl-Alt-Del for reboot works by default on a console, so you may want to disable that if you're concerned about physical access issues on a server.22:14
SushiDude|Laptopikonia, by default the home directories allow anyone to view the files in side of them, no other distro I know does this for very obvious reasons.22:14
Barbariantgr, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37460622:14
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: most other distros do22:14
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: it's up to you to change the permissions22:15
StepNjumpanyone here familiar with gtkpod?22:16
Barbarian!anyone |  StepNjump22:16
ubottuStepNjump: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:16
SushiDude|Laptopikonia, well can you tell me any other big security holes there are left open for the sake of ease of use?22:16
ikoniait's not a big security hole22:16
SushiDude|LaptopIt really should be secure by default.22:16
ikoniano it shouldn't22:16
aeon-ltdSushiDude|Laptop: ufw is not configured, iirc22:17
SushiDude|Laptopaeon-ltd, I know that one22:17
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aeon-ltdthe branding time for packages leaves a few days of vulnerability in favor of stability22:17
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: Most Ubuntu users fall into one of two categories:  1) Home users, where the default makes sense.  2) Server administrators, who shouldn't just be blindly accepting defaults anyway.  So while I'm not a big fan of the policy, it does kidn of make sense.22:18
bytesaber_worksurprise after surprise with 11.10.   Vmware Workstation can't build it's modules on it.22:18
BarbarianSushiDude|Laptop, As far as I know, ubuntu as a distro seems to be aimed squarely at the linux newbies, to not make them need to learn a lot to do basic things. Forcing people to consider permissions to exchange files wouldnt fit it's mission22:18
antnashbloody gpg isn't actually adding the key I tell it to search for22:18
Fredo42I heard there was some sort of obscene security argument going on, what did I miss?22:18
aeon-ltdFredo42: free donuts earlier22:18
BarbarianFred042, Default permissions of new users22:18
aeon-ltdFredo42: here's one --> (o)22:18
ikoniatonyyarusso: the voice of logic, bravo22:18
* tonyyarusso drinks some crazy punch to compensate22:19
negro_buenas tardes22:19
ac_slaterUEFI is disgusting and terrible22:20
ikoniaac_slater: nothing to do with ubuntu22:20
aeon-ltdac_slater: one day efi will be the norm, get used to it :)22:20
Barbarianac_slater, it's ok if properly implemented. However microsoft is gonna try hard to not get it implemented right :P22:20
ikonianothing to do with ubuntu22:21
Barbarianac_slater trying to start a flamewar :D22:21
ac_slateryou know it22:21
SushiDude|LaptopI really annoys me to see that the biggest GNU/Linux fails to have basic security things such as proper file permissions I don't want to see what other security things it is doing wrong. I am sorry I am not trying to be rude here but thing like that are just completely unacceptable.22:23
ac_slaterBarbarian: but honestly, should 11.10 auto detect UEFI22:23
BarbarianSushiDude|Laptop, Atleast on a linux OS you can change the defaults ^^22:24
ac_slaterthe process of UEFI is so alient to me and prob most people ... they did a terrible job marketing it and making it useable22:24
aeon-ltdSushiDude|Laptop: use bsd - happy?22:24
SushiDude|LaptopBarbarian, I should not need to secure my system, it should be secure22:24
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: you should be able to secure your own machine rather than complaining22:24
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: no it should not, as different people want different security practices22:24
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: it's up to you to secure it to your standards22:24
fiberDoes anyone recommend a program to check for updates in a list of git repositories?  I want something that'll graphically notify me of updates.... right now I use a script I made (http://j.mp/t0KTEf) but I was wondering if there were any more mature projects22:25
Fredo42How about a cron script that automatically updates all of your git repositories?22:25
spitziHi. Got back from my Win7 installation. Thanks to the advice of you, I rebooted into my Ubuntu 11.10 using SuperGrub2Disk. How can I completely recreate my grub menu now ? I should note that I have two physical hard-disks connected, each with its own operating systems.22:25
SushiDude|Laptopikonia, Well I did not know about this just until now, and no one tells me that they have setup permissions wrong. So how am supposed to secure it if I have no idea what is wrong. I assumed that the biggest distro would have it done right, but I assumed wrong.22:26
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: they are not wrong22:26
tonyyarussoSushiDude|Laptop: Which makes more sense - you, who understands permissions, needing to change them from the default, or the average user, who does not, needing to change them from the default?  I mean come on now.22:27
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: you are supposed to be competant if you are in charge of security on a linux machine, that means knowing the product, having a base line check and knownig how to secure it22:27
bloopletechIs it possible to install adobe air in oneiric?22:27
Barbarianbloopletech, yup, had a guy in here doing it just now22:27
Barbarianbloopletech, you on 32 or 64 bit?22:28
bloopletechBarbarian: 6422:28
flopexHi, does anyone know how to generate thumbnails for files(I know it should do it automatically but sometimes it just assigns the default thumbnail for that specific extension).22:28
Barbarianbloopletech, I'm not sure where he found it, but he found a 64 bit .deb file, cuz the .32 bit .bin file from the adobe air site didn't work22:28
ikoniaflopex: look in your desktop shell settings, there are things like "don't generate a thumb nail if the file is over a certain size, or on a remote disk etc"22:28
bloopletechikonia: beat me to it ;('22:29
ikoniaflopex: those settings normally catch most people out22:29
bloopletech:) rather22:29
jtreminioHello - is there a way to make terminal's background transparent but instead of seeing any windows that may be underneath it, it's transparent directly to the desktop's background image?22:29
bloopletechBarbarian: cool thanks22:29
Barbarianbloopletech, Oh! google to the rescue: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/02/adobe-air-64bit-deb-for-ubuntu/22:29
ikoniajtreminio: eterm supports that, gnome-terminal doesn't22:29
crischan_using gnome shell, can the screen be faded instead of instantly dimmed when running on battery on the laptop?22:29
jtreminiothanks ikonia, looking it up now22:30
Fredo42fiber, How about a cron script that automatically updates all of your git repositories?22:30
bloopletechBarbarian: Thanks! Didn't see that when I searched ;). Yeah using the official adobe binary gives me missing libgtk-x11.blah.so22:30
jtreminiois eterm available via repo somewhere?22:30
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SushiDude|Laptopikonia, okay let me correct myself, by wrong I mean not secure. Because if I can just view another's private files by default it is not secure because everything in a home directory is supposed to be private.22:30
jtreminiooh hot dog it is22:30
Barbarianbloopletech, my pleasure :D22:30
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: how can you not hear this22:31
BarbarianSushiDude|Laptop, Oh lol, you still at it?22:31
fiberFredo42: ah, that'd be a bad idea... i just want to know if they are out of date and be reminded of that....22:31
ikoniaSushiDude|Laptop: the permissions are set to default - for YOU to secure how YOU want, as different people have different standards and needs22:31
Fredo42fiber, why would that be a bad ide?22:31
tgrBarbarian: Thanks, but didn't help. There isn't really a solution there, just people trying some random stuff (and one person who hand-rolled a driver that refuses to build for me).22:32
flopexikonia: I already checked that and it is set to generate thumbnails for any file smaller than 4gb but still some files are missing their respective thumbnail.22:32
bloopletechflopex: what kind of files are they?22:32
Barbariantgr, ouch. Thats kinda the best I could find. Not sure where else to look22:32
ikoniaflopex: there are other factors such as if the shell can preview them22:32
flopexbloopletech: mostly video files.22:32
flopexbloopletech: or pictures22:33
ikoniaflopex: the shell can't read them without an application probably, due to the codec22:33
andrew9183hey guys, my file explorer somehow is defaulting to google chrome now.  it used to be dolphin.  how do i switch this behaviour back ?22:33
tgrBarbarian: Thanks for trying.22:33
EssobiAnyone running Ubuntu on a Mac Book Pro 8,3?22:33
bloopletechflopex: for the pictures, what type are they?22:33
Essobiandrew9183: default apps I believe22:33
flopexikonia: that makes sense, i'll research on that. Thanks.22:33
flopexbloopletech: they are .jpg22:34
andrew9183ah, ok thanks Essobi22:34
bloopletechflopex: and you can open them with eog etc?22:34
Essobiandrew9183: err.. "preferred applications"  I think is what you want.22:34
janeostranderhey all22:34
EssobiMBP 8,3/8,2 support is horrid, just in case anyone tries to jump down that rabbit hole.22:34
bloopletechflopex: for the videos, nautilus uses totem to do the thumbnailing, so you need gstreamer codec support for each codec you wan't thumbnailed22:35
Untitled_onlysup room?22:35
EssobiUntitled_only: bills, blood pressure.22:35
flopexbloopletech: I've actually notice that it doesn't generate a thumbnail when the image is being downloaded and I open the folder in which the file is.22:35
Untitled_onlylol right22:36
EssobiUntitled_only: :D22:36
EssobiUntitled_only: trying to get this 8,3 MBP to stop sucking under ubuntu.22:36
bloopletechflopex: well if the file isn't finished downloading it probably won't generate a thumbnail22:36
djplikuHi mates, i request some help to install an NVIDIA driver, anyone could help me ?22:36
ikonia!nvidia | djpliku22:37
ubottudjpliku: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:37
flopexbloopletech: but shouldn't it do it after it has been downloaded?22:37
Barbarian!anyone | djpliku22:37
ubottudjpliku: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:37
ikoniadjpliku: open the driver manager tool, enable nvidia, it's that simple22:37
bloopletechflopex: hmm probably if you re-open the folder later it should22:37
janeostranderis it possible for me to install ubuntu on a pc and use it like a firewall to disable my clients to get into weird websites?22:37
djplikuikonia, im on Backtrack 522:37
grendal-primei need to screen cast my desktop..with flash..whats the quickest way to do that...Only on my local lan22:37
ikoniadjpliku: then try #backtrack-linux channel22:37
ikoniadjpliku: this one is for ubuntu22:37
Barbarianjaneostrander, there's a better OS I saw, something fire, 2 secs22:37
grendal-primei found services for doing this over the internet..but i want to just do this on a local lan.22:37
Barbarianjaneostrander, Found it! http://www.ipfire.org/22:38
antnashIs there a way, when making a custom liveCD, to set what location is used, the username, password, whether to auto-login or not, etc?22:38
janeostranderBarbarian mmm well i have a wireless router linksys and everyone can get into my wireless i dont want to setup a password i was thinking about to set something like a firewall so it wont allow people to download weird stuff like a filter u know22:39
flopexbloopletech: you would think that but it doesn't generate. Thanks anyway, I'm going to try out the gstreamer support thing(found a forum explaining that same problem)22:39
Barbarianjaneostrander, I think ipfire might work really well for you in that case, if you want a dedicated firewall box22:40
janeostranderthanks alot mate22:40
bloopletechhmm now I'm getting the same libgtk missing error22:41
janeostranderIm a newbie , so im gonna have to read the instructions how it shall be used...22:41
djplikunobody could help from backtrack, with the video card, anyone from here know how to kill nouveau kernel driver  ???22:41
bloopletechwait since I've upgraded to oneiric, isn't gtk2 gone from my system? that's probably why it can't find the so22:41
fiberFredo42: because of merge conflicts22:42
lokidervishbacktrack has an irc channel too if that helps22:42
janeostranderBarbarian: looks like it is a iso file..So im downloading it. Is it like a OS or a simple software?  have you ever used it ?22:43
Barbarianjaneostrander, It's an OS, no I've never used it, but it's on the top 100 of distrowatch, so I'm assuming it's pretty good22:43
bloopletechis it safe to install gtk2 side by side with gtk3?22:43
janeostrandergreat thanks so much22:43
Untitled_onlyubuntu 4ever22:44
spitziHello, can you see this ?22:44
nocHi spitzi, I can see it22:44
spitziCool. I had a load of trouble reconnecting to freenode.22:44
BarbarianApparently thats all cleared up22:45
Scott939See what?22:45
Untitled_onlyspitzi your good I can see it 222:45
Untitled_onlyhis message22:45
spitziAnyway, I've just installed win7. Thanks to an advice of someone in this chatroom, I prepared in advance a SuperGrub2Disk and used it to boot back into my Ubuntu 11.10. Now a question:22:46
LogicallyDashingIt turns out that libreoffice will only recognize font files that actually have the .ttf extension. Even if they're in the font cache and the rest of the system is using them.22:46
spitziI did update-grub, which rebuilt grub.cfg or the likes. But when I reboot, I still see only the win7 boot menu. Should I also re-install grub somehow ?22:46
Untitled_onlyi have windows 7 in vbox... haha22:46
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Barbarianjaneostrander, If you want help, go to #ipfire22:47
Barbarianjaneostrander, they have a channel here on the server22:48
spitziSo, in short, how do I (re-)install grub from my Ubuntu 11.10 so that it becomes the boot menu again ?22:48
Barbarianspitzi, I know of a guide, brb22:49
Untitled_onlydid you try the terminal?22:49
spitziBarbarian - thanks. But I'm crossing my fingers its nothing complicated which involves mounting, going to /dev/whatever/, etc.22:49
spitziUntitled_only: you talk'n a me ?22:49
Barbarianspitzi, nope, not difficult: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/22:50
spitziUntitled_only: tried what in the terminal ?22:50
Untitled_onlywhat os are you using right now?22:50
Untitled_onlyuse sudo apt-get install update22:51
BarbarianUntitled_only, That almost definitely won't affect grub22:51
spitziUntitled_only: ok, sec.22:51
spitziBarbarian: thansk, I'll read your link now too.22:51
newuserhi, is it possible to get a nice high-res boot splash when using the fglrx driver? now it's (i suppose) 640x480 or the like. I can find lots of problem descriptions bug reports, but I cannot find a solution...22:51
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Barbariannewuser, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml22:53
Untitled_onlyoh, he didn't have it installed my falt, i just got back in the room22:53
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spitziBarbarian - the short guide mentions "HD(0,0)." I indeed have only one HardDisk connected now (I disconnected my second temporarily).  But how can I be sure that partition 0 is also what I need ?22:54
MoMosilly question -- but what is a popular email server that is well supported? i have apache for my webserver but now find myself in need of email too22:55
Barbarianspitzi, find /boot/grub/stage1 <-- that in terminal22:55
newuserThanks Barbarian, looks promising! I will look into it. I hope my use of UEFI does not interfere with drivers etc...22:56
moystardHey guys, how can I completely remove Unity without compromising my system?22:56
moystard(I want to keep lightdm, and I use gnome shell)22:57
CapybaraHey everyone. I'm using Gnome Shell on Oneiric, everything's fine except the application search lags. I bring it up and start typing but it takes a few long seconds for it to take my typing into account, though animations are speedy and smooth. Any advice ? Thanks.22:57
spitziBarbarian - Found nothing. See ? It's getting complicated :-)22:57
moystardCapybara: Don't have this issue on my own installation, is your configuration good enough?22:57
spitziBarbarian: could I take a few minutes of your time in a private chat ?22:57
Barbarianspitzi, try "sudo update-grub" in terminal22:58
Capybaramoystard: Yes, I think it is. I got the nvidia proprietary drivers enabled, but the strange thing is the search box lags, not the animations...22:59
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moystardnobody ever removed unity in this channel? :)22:59
bloopletechhmm how do I go about installing the flash player in oneiric?22:59
Untitled_onlyi have but it makes ubuntu unstable22:59
JGANhey guys22:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:59
ubottugnash is Gnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/22:59
JGANwhat do you know about "&gt" in shell scripting?22:59
moystardCapybara: which version of the nvidia drivers? I noticed by default it installs the 173, upgrade to the current if it is the version you have currently installed23:00
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving23:00
moystardUntitled_only: seriously?23:00
bloopletechthanks brontosaurusrex my google-fu is weak today23:00
Untitled_onlyyea, well thats on my notebook23:00
moystardwhat do you mean by unstable?23:00
Untitled_onlyyou can still use compiz tho23:00
moystardI use compiz right now, but with gnome shell23:00
moystardyour removed compiz as well?23:01
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:01
Untitled_onlyI use compiz without gnome shell23:01
Capybaramoystard: I already have current installed.23:01
spitziBarbarian: tried 'sudo update-grub' in the first place. It updated the grub menu entries, but after reboot, only the win7 boot menu appeared again23:01
JGANlet me revise that: is there a &gt in shell?23:02
brontosaurusrexJGAN, try #bash ?23:02
Barbarianspitzi, ouch. Not tried messing with grub b4. It just worked for me. Also, yes on the private chat23:02
zykotick9Untitled_only, are you sure about that?  I didn't think compiz was compatible with gnome-shell.23:03
spitziAh, what's the IRC command for a private chat ?23:03
BarbarianNot heard anything about gnome-shell being unstable23:03
zykotick9Untitled_only, sorry "without", my bad23:03
brontosaurusrexspitzi, /query Barbarian23:03
Untitled_onlyyea I'm sure I tried 3 times and finally got it right23:04
Untitled_onlyyou just gotta configure it correctly23:04
moystardUntitled_only: that's what probably make your system unstable, not the fact you removed unity23:04
x999Hello, chat people!  I did not find a recovery function on the 11.10 CD so I reloaded it and went through the whole install thing.  Good News for me is that I still have the other peoples accounts on this computer in the Home directory partition.  Bad News for me is the login ID's aren't part of the login options.23:04
JGANx999 recovery shows up i think if you hit shift at startup screen23:04
Untitled_onlyI reinstalled ubuntu, plus my system isnt unstable anymore23:05
moystardTo remove unity, you just purge it?23:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:05
Untitled_onlyI like unity23:05
Untitled_onlyunity with compiz is sick23:06
brontosaurusrexx999, you dont have users, just the user data - would be my guess23:06
Untitled_onlymulti-task like a pro23:06
moystardActionParsnip: this is not removing unity, this is using something else in //23:06
x999JGAN, thank you, but I have tried all sorts of things to get the recovery to show up.  I have reloaded the OS ubuntu 11.10 and would like to know how to get the home directory accounts to show up so they can login.23:07
moystardUntitled_only: I largely prefer Gnome Shell23:07
moystardwith the sleek integration of calendar/contacts/mail/weather etc.23:07
ActionParsnipmoystard: yes, but it makes it not load23:07
Untitled_onlyif thats what you like long as you get it to work for you23:07
x999ActionParsnip I am back23:07
moystardActionParsnip: lol, if I am using Gnome Shell, it means I don't load it23:07
ActionParsnipx999: wb23:07
moystardI am looking for a way to remove it from my hardrive23:07
moystardbut in a safe manner23:07
ActionParsnipmoystard: moystardis drive space an issue?23:08
ActionParsnipx999: wb == welcome back23:08
SnoStormCan someone help me? I am a ubuntu noob. I'm trying to set up my ubuntu netbook and usb external as  media server-esque for my ps3 and notebook23:08
hubxwhy is libreoffice 3.4.4 out there, but not thunderbird 8 for 11.10 ?23:09
ActionParsnipSnoStorm: could use samba, assuming PS3 can access samba shares23:09
ActionParsniphubx: there is a ppa23:09
ActionParsniphubx: you can even get thunderbird 11 if you feel brave23:10
x999ActionParsnip that video won't show up because there is some flash application that didn't work for me.  I will worry about that after I can get my users hooked up to the account data as brontosaurusrex pointed out.23:10
hubxActionParsnip, yes, but that was not my question, why is it possible to package and push it into universe(?) for libreoffice within one day, but not mozilla products?23:10
moystardActionParsnip: I just don't like having stuffs I don't use on my hard drive :)23:10
ActionParsniphubx: could report a bug I guess23:12
brontosaurusrexhubx, only guessing, but my limited comunications with mozilla ppl was very paintfull and  took forever to fix23:12
JGANbrontosaurusrex got my problem fixed on #bash23:12
JGANthanks :)23:12
ActionParsnipmoystard: I guess but if it could remove other packages, I'd let it sit. There may be guides around. I'll have a sniff23:13
robin0800_moystard, hard drives are so big nowadays what dose it matter?23:13
brontosaurusrexJGAN, great23:13
BarbarianI feel so productive today :D helping people is awesome.23:13
Untitled_onlyyes it is23:13
SnoStormActionParsnip: Would MediaTomb work?23:13
ActionParsnipSnoStorm: sure, or xbmc23:13
gunztunzinit: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused23:14
zykotick9SnoStorm, it's not actually a Samba server you need, but a UPNP server (which MediaTomb is one)23:14
gunztunzwhy is that?23:14
Untitled_onlyhas anyone been having problems23:14
idefixwhat was the alternative again to program 'top'?23:14
bugweedhi, need aid. it is regarding AWN. why cant i set again the number of rows of notification tray on ubuntu 11.1023:14
Untitled_onlywith vnc connection23:15
brontosaurusrexidefix, htop23:15
SnoStormzykotic9: Thanks I will give that a try23:15
zykotick9!tab > SnoStorm23:15
ubottuSnoStorm, please see my private message23:15
fellayaboycan somebody tell me how i can switch to gnome23:16
namejoni need hep getting my wireless modem working?23:16
Barbarian!nounity | fellayaboy23:16
ubottufellayaboy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:16
ActionParsnipmoystard: could run:  dpkg -l | grep unity        and remove the unity packages I guess, keep an eye on what else will be removed23:16
namejoni ran the propiertatr driver wizard to no avail23:16
idefixhow do you wrongly close firefox if you want to start it up and your computer says it's running in the background?23:17
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: you are already using gnome if you are usig Ubuntu23:17
nightwalkerkgHi all,i have Diamond ATI radeon 9550 and ubuntu 11.10,i have only 2 resolutions available to select,but i need the bigger one.How can i enable more resolutions? I have only open source drivers installed.23:17
zykotick9idefix, "killall firefox-bin" perhaps?23:17
Barbarianidefix, Do "ps aux | grep firefox". Thatll give you a PID (a number)23:17
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Barbarianidefix, then just "kill [PID number]23:17
ActionParsnipidefix: if you run:  ps -ef | grep -i firefox | grep -v grep      is anything output?23:17
zykotick9Barbarian, killall is easier then kill for many people23:18
lcbhow can i prevent NOUVEAU from loading and use VESA instead? just blacklist it?23:18
Barbarianzykotick9, I like to be exact with my killing :P23:18
spitziThanks, Barbarian :-)23:18
namejonanyone help me get my modem working?23:18
Barbarianspitzi, You're very welcoe23:18
spitziSee ya'll gaters later.23:19
Untitled_onlynamejon what kind of modem is it?23:19
zykotick9Barbarian, in this particular case, killall actually makes more sense (assuming there could be more then one firefox process, though unlikely)23:19
namejonbroadcom i believe23:19
Barbarianzykotick9, True. Will have to remember that one23:19
Untitled_onlywhat seems to be the problem with it?23:19
phenriquewhat is a good antivirus to scan files in windows partition?23:19
tanathi just updated my 11.04 server and now i'm locked out! >_<23:20
zykotick9!info clamav23:20
genii-aroundlcb: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nouveau.modeset=0"   in /etc/default/grub , sudo update-grub      ... will usually prevent it from loading23:20
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97.3+dfsg-1ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 124 kB, installed size 604 kB23:20
Barbarianphenrique, antivirus? What is this "anti-virus"?? :P23:20
ScuniziActionParsnip: Any idea why Ctrl+Alt+9 doesn't put a window in the upper right of the screen like Ctrl+Alt+3 or 1 will put a window in the appropriate corner?23:20
idefixthanks all23:20
lcbgenii-around, thanks a lot :)23:20
tanathwhen i try to log in it quickly blinks "Module is unknown" and goes back to user selection23:21
x999My Ubuntu ll.l0 dumpt so I reloaded it, erasing the bad 11.10 for a new functional 11.10.  Does anyone know how to reconnect user data to login?  I like to be exact as well, Barbarian.23:21
namejonuntitled_only do you know how i can probe for it?23:21
JZApplesAfter an upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 i'm getting some update errors.  Can http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa/ubuntu oneric main and http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa/ubuntu main (source code) be removed from Software Sources > Other Software tab?23:21
namejoni looked in system info but couldnt find anything at aal23:21
Untitled_onlynamejon give me a sec23:21
Barbarianx999, by user data to login, you mean the lightbox login page?23:21
ActionParsnipScunizi: is the grid plugin enabled and stuff?23:21
lcbgenii-around, thanks, indeed. i'm having problems with a faulty GPU and the only way of having graphics is by using VESA. i asked twice here and now you gave me the hint.23:22
ActionParsnipJZApples: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/   The PPA doesn't have an Oneiric folder23:23
ScuniziActionParsnip: will if 3, 1 & 7 work the behavoir of 9 just isn't consistant.. pretty sure the plugin is enabled.23:23
zykotick9x999, i'd recommend you move the current /home/ folders to new names (assuming you want to create users with the same names), then create the new users - then move the files to the new folders and change the ownership to the new usernames23:23
brontosaurusrexx999, probably a combo of adduser and chown23:23
ActionParsnipJZApples: I suggest you remove the PPA23:23
brontosaurusrexsorry "useradd"23:23
JZApplesActionParsnip, The URI points to http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa/ubuntu for both.23:23
bugweedhi, need some help. how to change notification tray awn "number in a row" settings on ubuntu 11.1023:24
zykotick9brontosaurusrex, adduser is MUCH easier to use then useradd23:24
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brontosaurusrexzykotick9, ok, then i meant that one ;)23:24
ScuniziActionParsnip: yep.. grid is on.23:24
Untitled_onlynamejon - go to system settings \ hardware\ additional  drivers\23:25
x999Barbarian; I don't know what a lightbox login page is.  I am talking about a reloaded OS booting to the new login/password and would like to get the other (pre-reloaded) accounts visible.23:25
JZApplesActionParsnip, thanks.23:25
Untitled_onlymake sure you have it connected correctly23:25
ScuniziActionParsnip: seems 8 & 9 are identical.. however when looking at the bindings they appear appropriate.23:26
Barbarianx999, While logged in, do they show up in home when you do "sudo nautilus"?23:26
bugweedcan i edit number in a row setting awn using cli. how?23:26
ActionParsnipScunizi: could ask in #compiz   I always turn that off so aren't much help23:27
namejonuntitled_only did that already23:27
Barbarianx999, Oh! now I get what you mean, you are talking about lightbox, thats the login page23:27
x999i will check, but they already show up in the gui folder23:27
ScuniziActionParsnip: thaks.23:27
ActionParsnipScunizi: could try setting it to something else, then set it back23:27
tanathi just upgraded the kernel on my 11.04 box and now i'm locked out. when i try to log in it quickly blinks "Module is unknown" and goes back to user selection. >_<23:27
Barbarianx999, ok, digging around for ya23:27
Untitled_onlystill nothing?23:27
ActionParsnipBarbarian: gksudo for nautilus23:27
namejonya nothing23:27
Untitled_onlylet me check the forums... brb23:28
BarbarianAsking generally, could x999's issue be something to do with folder ownership?23:29
bhermztanath, can you ctrl+alt to a terminal and do an update? I had the same issue I think.. though I never made it to the user selection...23:29
WyCKyDanyone know a fix for the mouse and keyboard freezing, besides going out to buy another keyboard and mouse? both keyboard and mouse are usb. issue never happened in any previous release of ubuntu/kubuntu prior to 11.04. since 11.04 and now even in 11.10 after a couple of minutes, the keyboard and mouse both freeze and am unable to do anything23:29
ksbalajiWhile upgrading, earlier I had to reinstall many packages manually. Has it changed? Do I have to reinstall again all those packages if I opt to upgrade? If so, how can I compile a list of apps I have to manually install?23:29
x999Barbarian: only the new user folder shows up in sudo nautilus23:29
tanathbhermz, i am up to date. hence the problem23:29
genii-aroundlcb: You might also then want to specify in the same file a line like: GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480  or possibly a GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="VGA=###" directive if you know the ### code for the mode you want by default23:30
Barbariantry "sudo chown root /home/[USERNAME]"23:30
Untitled_onlynamejon are you using a desktop?23:30
bhermzah ok, there was just a lightdm update I thought maybe you still needed that23:30
bluefox83ok, so i'm on my wife's college campus (i attend another one that this campus is affiliated with) i've used my laptop here before, the wifi connected almost immediately. BUT I can't get it to view any sites, download updates, or anything like that. it's almost as though I have no connection.23:30
lcbgenii-around, it's working now. Before i had to go trough Recovery Mode and then Resume (this seems to run the system in VESA mode)23:31
Barbarianbluefox83, same laptop you're talking to us from?23:31
Barbarianx999, try "sudo chown root /home/[USERNAME]"23:31
bluefox83Barbarian: no, i'm using a campus computer23:31
genii-aroundlcb: Glad to have been of assistance23:31
namejonunitled_omly no a lapytop w/lubuntu23:32
bluefox83Barbarian: ordinarily i would just use this machine, but i need mine for development in C++ and this campus does not have machines that can do any of the things i need them to do23:32
bloopletechhow does the 32-bit on 64-bit systems stuff work in oneiric? I've got an adobe air installation, and it's depending on a 32-bit version of libgtk-x11-2.0.so23:32
lcbgenii-around, indeed you did the trick. matter of fact i were reading again grub conf parameters but i thought blacklisting it would be enough23:32
x999WyCKyD:  I have fixed the USB mouse issue by adding a USB device, removing the mouse and reconnecting the mouse - interrupt/PnP.  but that was an older OS fix, it is easy to try is only reason I suggest23:33
tanathbooting to recovery mode i have video input out of range23:33
yaboobloopletech, you can install the 32bit package to get around it23:33
bloopletechyaboo: how? :)23:33
Untitled_onlyok. check the forum link is-http://ubuntuforums.org/tags.php?tag=lubuntu23:34
arubislanderbuenas cpuser23:34
WyCKyDx999: thanks for the response. I will try that23:34
Barbarianbluefox83, try these troubleshooting steps: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html23:35
arubislandercomo estas hoy?23:35
nightwalkerkghow do i create a file in etc/X11/ ?23:35
namejonnothing works23:35
genii-around tanath: Have you tried yet adding to the boot line: VGA23:36
brontosaurusrexnightwalkerkg, touch /etc/x11/file with sudo in front ?23:36
genii-around!xorgconf | nightwalkerkg23:36
ubottunightwalkerkg: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to  pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://goo.gl/UQyq0  ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://goo.gl/3pThV NVidia ( nvidia driver  )specific: http://goo.gl/iprqH man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.23:36
bloopletechso how do I install 32bit versions of packages in oneiric?23:37
x999Barbarian: Thank you and here I go...(going)23:37
RoastedAnybody running Ubuntu 11.10 in an environment with Meru backend wireless gear? I'm having an issue where Ubuntu doesn't show wireless networks in Unity. In Gnome Shell, IF they pop up, they show up as "unknown"23:37
tanathgenii-around, i had to remove it from regular boot line to get working VTs... but when i removed it from recovery mode i still have the problem23:37
yaboobloopletech, apt-get install app.i386 I believe23:37
genii-aroundtanath: Alternately you could try different VGA=### parameters ... there is a small chart here: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/vga-boot-modes-to-set-screen-resolution/23:38
ksbalajiFriends! I intend upgrading from 10.4 LTS to 11.x - Earlier while upgrading I had to reinstall many packages manually. It was horrible I did not even have a list of what I had to do manually. Upgrades are nightmares for me. I want to compile a list of manual installations. How can I compile a list of apps I have to manually install?23:38
zykotick9tanath, FYI vga= is a deprecated kernel option these days23:38
genii-around!it | x99923:39
ubottux999: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:39
Barbarianksbalaji, If you really dislike upgrades, wait until 12.04 for the next long term support version :P23:39
genii-aroundx999: Ah, nevermind, was just gibberish ;)23:39
lapionksbalaji, when upgrading thru the updater you should not allow the upgrader to delete obsolete packages..23:39
bloopletechyaboo: I think it's : not ., but then I get http://pastie.org/286969823:39
bloopletechI'm not sure why it's saying I'm holdi ng broken packages, I'm not sure what if any packages I've held23:40
yaboobloopletech, can do a ldd on the exe, see the libs it wants23:40
tanathzykotick9, that's why i removed it23:40
yabooeither ln -s from /lib to /lib64 I believe also23:40
ksbalajiBarbarian, Yes - this is an option. lapion - how to disallow upgrader from deleting packages?23:40
tanathzykotick9, fixed my VT problem for regular boot, but not recovery mode23:41
ActionParsnip!upgrade | ksbalaji23:41
ubottuksbalaji: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:41
fellayaboy im using gnome classic no effect..is it possible to push it back to the previous versions of gnome like in 11.04 -23:41
bloopletechyaboo: so the exe itself doesn't have any interesting deps, but libCore.so in the dir does, http://pastie.org/286971023:41
bluefox83Barbarian: those links do me no good, I was just connected here last week! I AM connected, I just can't seem to get anything outside the network!23:42
ksbalajithanks ActionParsnip23:42
lapionksbalaji, after you finished the upgrade.. you simply restart, reactivate the deactivated depositories and update again..23:42
zykotick9yaboo, bloopletech can we call it a "binary" or "bin" - exe is a microsoft term23:42
Barbarianbluefox83, but you can get machines on the network?23:43
tanathi just upgraded the kernel and libpam stuff on my 11.04 box and got locked out. when i tried to log in it quickly blinked "Module is unknown" and went back to user selection. this fixed it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80133323:43
ksbalajilapion, -Thanks. I shall check up.23:43
lapionat the end of the upgrade the upgrader asks if you want to remove obsolete programs.. you can simply tell it not to23:43
Aric-I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on iMac Late 2006 and I only have Ethernet (no Wireless)... it recommended a Broadcom driver which did not work so I tried to remove it and still no Wireless with or without it... I am all Updated23:43
bloopletechzykotick9: I'm aware of that, but that is in the to 0.5% most pedantic things you can say23:43
lapionjust do not use the dvd/cd to upgrade but the updater23:43
tanathalthough now i get keyring complaints. :-/23:43
bluefox83Barbarian: the network is not viewable currently...why?23:43
fellayaboyis their anyway to change the gnome panel to the old way it was in previous versions of ubuntu???23:43
lapionat the end of the upgrade the upgrader asks if you want to remove obsolete programs.. you can simply tell it not to23:44
tanathfellayaboy, try gnome fallback23:44
Barbarianbluefox83, I have absolutely no idea.23:44
bugweedhi, how do i run ubuntu-software-center from the commandline23:44
fellayaboywhere in software center?23:44
Barbarianbugweed, If you want the terminal-only version, it's "aptitude"23:45
lapionbugweed, while X is running or one of the virtual consoles ?23:45
bugweedBarbarian: i want to run the gui version using CLI23:45
bugweedlapion: the what?23:45
Aric-Ubuntu 11.10 on iMac Late 2006 - no wireless, tried recommended broadcom sta and without, rebooted, all up to date... please help23:46
lapionthe ctrl-alt-f1 /f2 /f3 /f4 /f5 or f623:46
ksbalajilapion, Is there a way to compile a list of apps installed outside depositories (installed from downloaded packages)?23:46
lapionksbalaji, usually those should still be installed..23:47
x999Barbarian: fng is telling me something about a new home directory, this is going to take a while. thanks.  delay 45 min expected23:47
zykotick9bugweed, try "ubuntu<TAB><TAB>" in cli to see if it's called ubuntu-software-center (or similar).  If that fails, try "software<TAB><TAB>".23:47
fellayaboytanath how do i switch to gnome fallback23:47
avinashhmHi , i am trying to ssh to a ubuntu machine ... but it is giving "connect to host port 22: Connection refused" .. any idea on what needs to be fixed ..23:47
zykotick9fellayaboy, 11.10?23:47
fellayaboyyes im on 11.10 zykotic923:47
zykotick9!notunity | fellayaboy23:47
ubottufellayaboy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:47
yabooavinashhm, ssh services running23:48
bugweedzykotick9: its software-center. thanx!23:48
yabooavinashhm, is ssh server installed23:48
ksbalajilapion, that was the exact problem earlier. I lost many packages. I did not have a list. I would not even revert back. So, I tried to remember packages and reinstall them.23:48
lapionksbalaji, if you use aptitude there is a special section of "Obsolete and locally created packages"23:48
Aric-Is there  a fix for wireless not working?23:48
avinashhmyaboo, no i guess .. i ll check for ssh server23:48
ksbalajilapion, great. I shall verify.23:48
=== swissland is now known as swissland_boy
yabooavinashhm, no firewall also blocking port 2223:49
lapionprobably did not keep the packages at the end of the upgrade..23:49
ActionParsnipAric-: what is the issue?23:49
Aric-Ubuntu 11.10 on iMac Late 2006 - no wireless, tried recommended broadcom sta and without, rebooted, all up to date... please help23:49
BarbarianRight ladies and gentlemen, had a fun evening doing my small bit bugfixing for the masses. Have a good night everyone o/23:49
avinashhmyaboo, sorry .. is it firewall blocking or No firewall blocking23:49
lapionksbalaji, what method of upgrading did you us ? CD/DVD or the updater ?23:49
yaboofirewall blocking avinashhm23:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:50
Aric-this is a fresh install... first thing i did was run all updates but no wireless before them as well23:50
ActionParsnipAric-: the guide above, should help23:50
avinashhmyaboo, thanks .. so i guess i should unblock by taking help from local it guys right .. (registering device or anything)23:51
lapionfor people with driver problems allways try to install linux firmware and linux-firmware-nonfree23:51
yabooavinashhm, I guess so23:51
tearranAnyone know how to stop gnome panel from loading. Want to load awn instead found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aFFi3clHT4 and 5 or 6 more none seem to work the settings told to change dont exist or are unset23:51
avinashhmavinashhm, ok thanks very much yaboo ..23:51
yabooavinashhm, your welcome23:52
Aric-This documentation only says up to 11.04 should I assume it just hasn't been updated for 11.10?23:52
ksbalajilapion, I used updater. Now, I am unable to get obsolete packages list in aptitude. Please help.23:53
antnashis there somewhere i can find package lists for the distros?23:53
rodhashHi guys, is there any way to use the same settings from guake to yakuake?? I don't know why but in guake it looks pretty smoth the fonts...23:54
ksbalajiantnash, ubuntu help centre - the last one in applications dropdown list.23:54
ksbalajiantnash, sorry - ubuntu sofware centre.23:55
antnashksbalaji, I mean somewhere online23:55
bloopletechthis multiarch stuff looks pretty broken to me; apt-get keeps telling my I'm holding broken packages, but aptitude search ~ahold returns nothing23:56
ksbalajiantnash, You mean what apps are available outside ubuntu software centre?23:56
antnashNope. I mean what packages are included on the install cd23:57
antnashI'm having no luck making my own custom live cd, so I'm just gonna write a script that sorts my system out exactly as I want it and stick everything I need on a usb stick23:58
ActionParsnipAric-: same difference23:58
|Anthony|the live usb's are editable23:59
ActionParsniprodhash: the apps are fairly basic, what settings would you be moving over?23:59
StijnHHello. In an attempt to learn more about Ubuntu and its packages, I want to remove all non-essential packages, so I can install what I need and know what they do. I'm using the commands "dpkg --clear-selections" and "apt-get dselect-upgrade" for this. Is this ok, or is this bad? If it's ok, what do I do with the large list of packages with "deinstall" status in dpkg?23:59

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