
=== lukas is now known as Guest46313
=== Guest46313 is now known as Mckbrother
LehthanisHey all.  Is it ok to upgrade to 11.10 through the update manager or will it break the Ubuntu Studio specific things?23:33
astraljavaLehthanis: It shouldn't break anything, but sometimes something weird happens when dist-upgrading. But generally, you should be good to go.23:37
astraljavaLehthanis: What I'm trying to say, is do backups.23:38
Lehthanisgotcha...also...I'm getting random freezes...lockups that require hard reboot.  Any way to trouble shoot those?23:39
LehthanisI'm currently watching a tail -f of my kernel.log23:39
Lehthaniskern.log I mean...also Xorg.0.log23:39

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